Pregnant Woman Tries WEIRD Pregnancy Cravings

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mayo cheese and bagels on my mouth i feel ridiculously good looking eating this bob you know what's sad what i haven't had any pregnancy cravings yet well like weird pregnancy cravings like things that i would eat that that i wouldn't normally eat no you've had none so far so if you're wondering why all this food is here oh were you were you wondering where this come from yeah i know this is this is just here because being that i haven't had my own pregnancy cravings i thought i would try other people's weird pregnancy cravings so that i don't know maybe it would like awaken something in me like maybe one of these is actually really good when you think of pregnancy cravings what do you think of what's the main pickles i don't know why yes pickles there's gonna be lots of pickles we have three different types of pickles meat meat i don't know just weird stuff we're gonna try a bunch that i found on the internet the internet you found them on the internet where else would i have found them you know what are you pretending so yeah i picked my favorites or ones that just sounded interesting and i i needed to know what they tasted like i mean individually all this looks great really because i think it looks really bad as com like thinking about so at first i was just gonna try these but because i'm pregnant i figured i might think that they're delicious when they're really not maybe there's just something going on with pregnant women's brains that make them think things are delicious when they're not so you're like the control group like in a scientific experiment so if you think it's delicious then it might be delicious to other people that's why you're here also just so i don't have to eat these gross things by myself i'm important okay so i thought the first easiest one we could do was i saw a photo of s'mores but instead of using graham crackers they used wavy lay's potato chips sounds good the only thing is i don't know how to melt marsh like i don't know how to make s'mores without a campfire and you're not supposed to use the gas don't ever burn a marshmallow i see people that burn marshmallows over like those like glass fires with like the gas that's coming out i'm just like what are you doing no the gas goes into the marshmallow and then you eat it it's not good i might just try to microwave them which also might be a terrible idea but i wrote it i read online that you could do it for like 15 seconds yeah it would be 10. all right so we're gonna compile it first so open this i haven't eaten like god they're huge i haven't had like regular potato chips and so wow would you forget these are huge yeah all right so we got marshmallows giant chips what happens when you microwave potato chips you turn back into a potato uh well then this isn't gonna work why are you so big why did you buy everything you sent me a list and you said chop hershey's chocolate i'm like i don't think it's focusing but it's trust me it's a s'mores it's so big it's a s'mores but with potato chips instead of graham crackers i feel like this is gonna be good give me yours i will microwave both oh no it's fine yours came out really good naturally this looks good i'm excited yours looks better show yours you're too pretty the camera keeps focusing on you fast the chocolate didn't fully melt but the marshmallow i didn't want to explode three two one pretty good do you like it it's excellent oh my god do you have anything on my mouth i feel ridiculously good looking eating this this is so good i knew it was that's why i started a soft good it's only going to go downhill from here i like those better than regular s'mores there you go i want more of that yeah i would eat that what's next ritz crackers okay with cream cheese and pickles so i would suggest the bread and butter that's what i'm gonna go with okay yeah they weren't specific in these recipes of what pickle they just said pickle pickles so many types of pickles uh so we're making another little sandwich so we're making another little sandwich like open face so look you just do like that's probably too much cream cheese too much oh god pickles are weird well you're gonna have a really rough day today there's a lot of recipes that call for pickles that we're trying ugh i love them even before being pregnant though i love picking oh yeah i think i like pickles a lot but just this is not this does not look that bad okay ready cheers oh my god i really like that i'm gonna make another one it's not bad we're doing one bite once everything starts mixing together it's really good but the first bite wasn't great yeah the ending of that is nicer much much better as well okay so this next one i'm really scared for what's next mashed potatoes pickles no not good that sounds good good i don't know if this is any better but and caramel sauce oh that's gonna be great i actually don't think it'll be that bad that's why i chose it but question do i put the caramel sauce on after i make it after okay hundred percent all right i think i'm just getting crazy let me get that then we're just being crazy what if this is really good it might be i'm going to go eat the potatoes i'm going to eat all the crackers and just get full we have lots of delicious food i won't go crazy with it drizzle it on oh god looks like gravy it does look like gravy just think of it sweet gravy sweet sweet gravy i'm excited i see that this is the one thing i was the least excited about and you're the most excited about it it's like oatmeal oh it's grossed me out okay it's just it's ice cream it's ice cream enjoy that's pretty good okay he's kind of like just like a sweet potato casserole or something yeah oh my god he's adding more i don't know if it's my favorite it might be not good even more than the s'more yeah wow this might be third it's not bad it's just i like the other two things more so far well it gets bobby's seal of approval found my new uh mashed potato topping hershey's syrup okay so i gave you the rest of the mashed potatoes if you'd like to eat them i'm gonna move on to the next thing what do we got it's gonna be really gross so far everything's been good the pickle one was a little weird at first well then you're probably not gonna like this one actually there's two back to back you're probably not gonna like peanut butter ugh pickles pickles and potato chips ah on a sandwich for a sandwich okay what do you mean okay should be good this is gonna not be good peanut butter with pickles but there's a lot of stuff that's working together in this image it says peanut butter on one slice oh and then like chips on the other yeah and pickles on this one too so pickles wait and then chips on top if you want to follow the image exactly why though i feel like somebody just did this as a joke and we were like oh this is a normal pregnancy craving pickles are weird i also read that like some women wanted to eat chalk yeah i've heard that and cigarette butts so at least i'm not making you do that all right bobby next we're going to be eating cigarettes that have been sitting outside this doesn't even seem appetizing oh yeah crunch crunch crunch crunch here you go not excited i'm not excited for this either all right just think of all the times you weren't excited so far and it came out good cheers i don't even think i want any more of it well i don't want more this is such a waste take the pickles off just chips and peanut butter chips peanut butter very good nope i hated that that's ranked lowest i hated it whoever made that burn in hell not good not good all right so this next sandwich is only slightly different but i think i'm gonna like it more involve pickles yes why i told you pregnant women really like pickles i don't know why all right so this one is mayo nice good spread i thought that was too much mayo but i don't realize anymore i don't like things like gooping off my family i like the goop goop it cheese all right and then we need cheese american cheese you're gonna say pickles is it weird to have a cheese and mayo sandwich is that it no there's there's other stuff but i'm just asking because i used to ask for that when i was in school and my mom would make me cheese and mayo sandwiches and people used to make fun of me you know what it was when my mom would buy ham i'm just not a big i'm still not a big ham person so i'd be like all right well just give me the cheese and the mayo you couldn't ask for a different meat if we only had ham what was i going to make sometimes ham was on sale i don't know or dim's on sale you're eating ham mayo cheese and just say it pickles pickles no this is gonna taste good though what would you call this sandwich not goopy ready cheers i think i like this more it's dripping even without the pickles how did i used to eat this as a kid literally it tastes like a sandwich where the meat fell out it's all pickle like when you're pregnant you have an excuse heat worse than you normally do why would you choose this that's the newest nexus flaming hot cheetos i've never had one so i should probably eat one by itself first yeah never have one no they're spicy aren't they i don't like spicy so this probably gonna be terrible you've been looking forward to these and i've been dreading these the whole time you're not gonna like these i know i'm not oh i hate it oh my god why do people eat these they're good they're pain okay maybe i do need water i didn't think they were that spicy okay well i did see eating flaming hot cheetos with pickles are you serious and then also with cream cheese i feel like cream cheese would be good that creams is good which why pickles which one you want just give me the pickle let's get it over with ah she just called this the pickle video all your favorite foods there's a little one with pickles cheers this is the worst one i think i started i should have put the good ones in between the bad ones it was all good now it's all bad oh you like it it's not bad oh my god our poor kid it's probably like what are you eating yeah wait you didn't do the treatment oh yeah more here let's just try to get not the cheeto dust in the cream juice look at that that can't be good for you it's not good for you every flaming hot cheeto combination i don't like i already don't like this oh nice sodium diacetate what's that i don't know oh yeah that's good the cream cheese is definitely the best option with that just to muffle the spiciness hated those ugh both of the last things we're supposed to eat are pickles there really was a lot of pickle things i didn't do it i just you did i looked up the i mean what would you rather there was other thing cottage cheese with mustard somebody did donuts with mustard oreos with mustard no mustard will make me throw up we tried it remember with christmas i put mustard in your chocolate bear and i ate it and i almost threw up yeah there's absolutely nothing wrong with it prove it to me you eat it first oh god what is that memories all right mac and cheese has been made and there's only a little bit in this bowl because i don't want to ruin all the mac cheese because i really want to eat it we're going to eat mac and cheese two ways you want to guess the two ways no flaming hot cheeto mac and cheese which you'll probably like yay with what and pickle mac and cheese great i don't know how to feel about this oh you're just gonna there we go my little pickle chips got some mac and cheese i feel like somebody made this up and we're just getting duped it's not horrible i'm never gonna like pickles again after this i think it's good well not good good as a stretch see i think this is tolerable and i'm gonna hate that this is what people do even when they're not pregnant though i've been seeing like flaming hot cheetos there's flaming hot cheeto macaroni i saw that that's a little buy at the store or you could just do this you don't even go wait for me i mean i'm gonna hate it so it doesn't matter oh yeah oh my god holy crap it's really good not spicy it's still spicy at the end it just comes later i would say it's top three for me oh that just keeps that just keeps coming what is this peppers do i use just flaming hot seasoning it's a mystery which can't be good chemicals and other things you shouldn't eat this has been one thing i've been craving more than normal i think i've lost my appetite good i'll eat all the mac juice oh wait one more thing though we have the ice cream no okay so lastly i have some dessert i don't know what it is it's ice cream it's and pickles whenever i looked up an article about weird food cravings it was always ice cream with pickles in it so i figured we had to save that last and we had to do it but they always show like the full little pickles that look like gherkins so i'm going with gherkins oh it doesn't matter just put them in i'm just gonna i'll break it into two i love gherkins i just put one in i separated it it's gonna be gross i mean they're both sweet though no gherkins are sweet no you want me to try first no come on you made it this far okay i'm gonna talk you through this because that was a weird experience first i couldn't taste the pickle i was like oh this is nice it's just vanilla ice cream yep and then the pickle came through and it made it like sour tasting yup which is not good with milk because when milk tastes sour tasting it tastes rancid and your brain is just like oh this is not good that was horrible and the pickle texture in ice cream no no no no that's the worst what was your favorite thing my favorite is anything with the flaming hot cheetos i know the mashed potato mashed potatoes was probably i said i don't know s'mores is really good favorites is s'mores i'm cool with that oh and the ritz cracker with the cream cheese and the pickle yeah and i like the mac and cheese by itself that's it what was your least favorite thing mine was probably this the ice cream or anything with the flaming hot cheese this was the worst hands down i can't imagine like craving that i'm sure it wasn't that women were putting it in their ice cream but maybe they were eating ice cream and then also eating pickles but still that flavor combination no no not a good combo also the peanut butter with the pickles was not good i hated most of this well the first two i loved and we just went downhill from there so pregnant women what are you doing why can't people crave things like oreos with ice cream on top i do it's just not weird so people aren't like oats crazy they want to eat oreos well if you guys like this video make sure to leave a like and toward the end of my pregnancy i was thinking of maybe going through my pregnancy cravings which might not be weird but i've been trying to write down whenever i concoct something that's really good just randomly i have two on my list so i'm hoping i get more and then by the end of the pregnancy we can revisit them yeah as long as there's no pickles it's been weird things it's been like i've been really into lemonade or like icing but not weird combinations like this icing i just i straight up icing and lemonade we'll revisit that in a different video but if anything make sure to leave a like so that i know you want to see that any other final thoughts subscribe do it check out the videos that are popping up i don't don't eat the majority of what we ate today don't do it pickles are bad also flaming hot cheetos are gross and i don't understand you i don't understand you internet why do you like them so much because they're good they smell bad the bag the bags because it's poison
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,186,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, trying weird pregnancy cravings, weird, weirdest, pregnant, pregnancy, cravings, food combinations, flamin hot cheetos, pickles, i tried, couple
Id: DRtB33b--TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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