Try Not To Laugh Challenge #33 w/ WWE’s New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Xavier was so good in this, lol.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/walterdog12 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
our driver deliver these packages huh [Applause] [Music] you guys know it's tryouts lab but today we've got a very very special guest we've got new day Kofi and ours is it comfy you are the world heavyweight you know when we do it we got to do with enthusiasm and you might be afraid to put your hand up with a hand up hand down [Music] [Applause] I'm ready to get into it my youtube channel [ __ ] down oh please thank you no no no this can't be my kid these can't be my baby no no definitely not my baby no it's not my baby I'm like five nine five tenets of goodness babies like a foot taller than my baby got your nose all right class we will begin the day by taking roll Kyle Brundle Minh here a cool Bethenny Sanchez world heavyweight champion the Kingston I'm sorry that was [Applause] now return to what's on it 1:00 p.m. on a Tuesday on ESPN it's not my kid this new kids not mine either I don't care what you saying let me know she's got your eyes she's got your nose she's got everything about you it's just it's just like you yes she has my button mine comes up - I don't know Neal I don't know if we should do this come on if the Bible says that if as long as we don't touch it's okay okay [Music] uh-oh looks like someone misspelled a word on Twitter let me correct them it's their asterisks any of the Internet's thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] got very good friends they've just ordered you a fully internal body massage [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] did you did you have anything planned for this uh like mildly but I was like I don't know I'm gonna get out there and just sort of like maybe take his order or something but then he laughs it was like save that whole taking his order gold for a later day it was just too much the process you have the Shrek head and the dominoes and I don't even know what this is you know Wizard of Oz when the witch gets cold yeah I have like a bunch of things point in olive garden my favorite by the way I'm trying to cut down the carbs so if there's bread I cannot have any we'll just turn it away okay I become an absolute fiend for it bread for the table anyway so I was talking to sharing the other day I start at CVS typical Sharon you know five mouths all right got the batteries set up in this thing energizer no guru so it's on TV I've seen that one already but I think it'll be good let's let's go let's go I wash again in the arms too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Vito are no more leather pride that's right the place off then where for myself because I got stabbed by Blackbeard technically I'm black all right Mike can help me I've been trying to hold up all day I just can't seem to could you just alright okay this is my character the Nicholas Sparks character who cannot read hey you're Kelly the new girl right cool um I'm chase I'm on the basketball team yeah um listen I you know I was wondering if I could walk you to wherever you're heading if you want oh the the library oh cool yeah I don't really spend too much time there because um anyways I should probably get going guess who I am this is my cosplay guess who I'm supposed to be I'm the main character from Bridge to Terabithia I got you twice you spot on me I don't want it [Music] behold I just kind of knew it this my [Music] name's Peter playing for the role of Shrek donkey get out of my swamp donkey we have to get the princess okay that didn't work sorry alright so uh uh Peter 5:7 try out for the role of donkey sure we have to beat the princess sure [Music] [Applause] all of that goes great I kept like having little spurts cuz I'm like I don't want to fit 10 but I can't not laugh and now I feel like I have a headache from trying this takes a toll five seven try out for the role of penny wise Shrek Thank You princess oh no donkey we must stop Lord Farquaad [Music] [Music] our job deliver these packages on now son you're all do ride age you need to start dating one found him real nice girl for you so uh stay right here she's almost here [Music] no idea dolls or yopo saw mama naka endangered car owned a guy Sheamus Tito crew mo mo mo naku onegaishimasu Dozo yo so standard deal I figured like what happens if the Google translation is like I don't know I'd like no I am have come on like hang on oh come on black Beamer I all right all right that's not nice that's not nice all right just gonna tell you who I am I'm Crocodile Dundee I have fallen on hard times I'm just what is this run extra my what is money to this man don't understand it's like Phil alright I am reading for some douchebag but Lord Farquaad we can't do that because I am trapped I came home early from space I've brought you a little something I know how much you hate parrots so [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] Captain America your favorite superhero yeah yeah yeah my best friend killed our man's parents but a kayfabe yeah yeah yeah I got ahold of my seal but that's okay superstitious all right mr. Stevens thanks for meeting me for this parent-teacher conference your son Eric is an incredible second grader he's obviously you you know growing at a different rate than the other second graders which is fine it's fine there are some issues at you know recess playing around the other day he did throw another child into the Sun completely into the Sun we're astounded at the inertia the force we do believe the child might be not alive considering they caught fire leaving the stress Oh who's the best here you are a frickin killer at this game yeah it's uh everything comes to me in a panic comedy baby yeah that was that was this episode try not to laugh Thank You new day for coming anything you guys need a plug yes down down that YouTube channel subscribe to it it's called up up down down subscribe punch that [ __ ] it lets you drop on USA 8 p.m. Eastern 7:00 Pacific or 5 whatever you know the time and then watch smackdown on Fox 8 p.m. Eastern look up the time yeah look it up google it also follow your boys on Twitter and Instagram Xavier witch PhD my dance are open thank you so much and thank you guys for watching we'll see you next time well a big thanks to new day for being super funny and buffer than all of us hey click over here to watch Cortney and I talked about the crushes that got away and how I got friend-zoned super hard in middle school
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 3,921,278
Rating: 4.9492178 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, wwe new day, xavier woods, kofi kingston, try not to laugh, smosh try not to laugh challenge, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #33 w/ WWE’s New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston), ian hecox, shayne topp, damien haas, mari takahashi
Id: G8M1Md6c_sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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