Trust (2018) | Full Movie | Suzan Marie | Danny Elacci | Chelsea Bennett

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(bright guitar music) (bright inspirational music) - [Daniel] Whats going on with the water? - Dad, the neighbors are putting in the pool, so we have no water. - Thanks for waking me up, guys. - Wake yourself. - Dad, when are we getting a pool? - Well, if I get this contract, maybe. What? This is a big contract, honey. - They're all big contracts. - Yeah, but I got a good feeling about this one. - Jonah, go get your rugby jersey. - [Jonah] Yes, Mum. - Are you wearing that? - What's wrong with this? (soft music) (toys clattering) - (laughs) Cool. - Jonah. - Coming. - You're banned, remember? - You know it's daylight savings. - Are we ahead or behind? (Daniel groans) - Will you take that cup out? - What cup? - Bye, Mom. - Bye, Jonah. - Dad, there's gonna be a big storm. - Jonah, I can't deal with this right now, mate. You can't believe everything that weather app says. Just tell your teacher, you'll be fine. - But- - Jonah, I need you to be strong for me. I'll buy you ice cream. - Dad, that's just your excuse to get yourself one so Mom won't find out. - We'll both have one. - After rugby practice? - I'll be there. - Promise? - Promise. (soft music continues) - God, you gotta help me today. No traffic, please. Come on. (Daniel groans) Thanks for nothing. Come on. (school bell dings) - I don't want you dating. - It's not dating. - You know what I mean. - Why not? - Because you're 14 years old. - 15 in three months. - I don't care. No, you can't. (doorbell rings) - Sarah? - Oh. Am I- - Daylight savings. - [Sarah] Oh. (laughs) So... - Hour early. - Ah, sorry. Should I come back later? - No, it's fine. I just made some coffee. I got it imported from this bio-organic sustainable farm in Columbia. - Oh. (laughs) I just buy mine from the supermarket. - Come through. Would you like to try some? - [Sarah] I'd love to. - Hey, Jonah. - Hey. - You all right? - Yeah. - Footy training starts today. Sign up, yeah? - Yeah. - Awesome. Team needs you, buddy. - Have you seen Matt in the science room? - Oh my gosh. - When he set that thing on fire, like, he has to pay for it. - I can't believe he did that. - I know. - Hey. - What? - Stevo's having another party again, soon. - Cool. - You gonna go? - Maybe, I don't know. - You should. I think he likes you. - Don't be stupid. (printer rattling) - [Daniel] Come on. - Hello, mate. Oh, you're early. - You need to do this. (printer humming) How much coffee have you drunk today? - Not enough. - [Jimmy] Donut? - Jimmy, did you have to give me the jam filled donut? - Aren't you supposed to be on a diet anyway? - Daniel. You're up. - Take it. - It's gonna be off the hook, mate. Bali's gonna be amazing. Yeah, that was epic. Hey, John, I better call you back, mate. I'll see you next week. Dano. - Macca, wheres all the clients? Probably thought it was daylight savings, maybe they didn't. - Daniel, take a seat. (elevator dings) (soft music) (low key jazz music) - Daniel, wait. What happened? - Closing down the animation firm. - Oh what? - Yup, I suppose it's easier to outsource things over seas now. - Did you throw something at Macca? - Maybe. - Yeah, cool. - You'll get your severance package. - No, Nick, I was freelance. - Oh, of course, sorry. - Hey, something will work out. It always does. - You know what, I'm gonna pray for you. - A lot of good that would do. Why don't you pray he wouldn't lose his job? - You know, sometimes when God closes a door- - Hey, thanks. You guys better get back in there. - Yeah. You'll be fine, mate. - Um, what about the jacket? - Ah, keep it, for your next job interview. - Thanks, I'll be fine. Hey. I was just texting you. - I was just getting some takeaway. - Oh cool. Uh, kids are in bed. - Ah. This daylight savings thing's really thrown me out. - Yeah. - I'll get some plates. - Okay. (soft tense music) Hey, um, Sarah, there's just something I need to tell you first. Hey, it's not that bad. It's just that, um- - I cheated on you. - What? - With Blake. - Who? - My client. I've been redesigning his house. - Blake? - I'm sorry. That's why I was late. - You were late because you were cheating on me? - No, I was trying to put an end to it. - I don't understand. - I'm so sorry. - I was gonna tell you I lost my job. But I suppose your news is more important. (somber ambient music) (door slams) This is not happening. This is not happening. No! (somber orchestral music) - [Nick] How are you doing? - I can't believe she's done this to me. - Women. It's true. That's why I'm a bachelor for life. Welcome to the club. - Daniel, Sarah stopped seeing this guy, right? - What? You're taking her side? - I'm just saying, it doesn't have to be over. - [Jimmy] Are you serious? - You don't have to throw your marriage away. - She's the one who's thrown it away. - What Sarah did was really hurtful and really unfair. But you've got a choice, you can forgive her and make it work. I promise you that even in all of this, God's got a plan. - Come on, enough with the God stuff already. Daniel, you can move in with me and you can be my wing man. I've got it all worked out. You can be the guy that wife just cheated on him and then- - [Daniel] I don't know. I don't know, Jimmy. - Time to move on. - I promise you, the best thing that you'll do is forgive her and make it work. (somber orchestral music) - Is it okay if I stay? - Yeah, man! - Yeah, yeah, you can crash on the couch. - Great. Nice place, Jimmy. What's up with the Christmas decorations? You're a bit early. - Yeah, well I figured there's no point in taking them down and putting them up every year so I just left them up. Hey, got you sorted for a new shirt. (laughs) Welcome to Jimmy town. Population two bachelors. (upbeat rock music) (audience cheering on TV) Welcome to freedom, my wing man. Don't worry about it. (phone vibrating) We're bachelors now. Okay, big fella. Big job interview today, you need a big breakfast. Bacon. (Jimmy humming) This is how bachelors eat. - That's how bachelors die. - (laughs) Good one. (Jimmy humming) (phone vibrating) (dramatic music) - Ah, thanks for seeing me today, guys. Wasn't exactly easy to find this place. Look, I feel I'd be great for the position. - Mate, that doesn't look good. - I'd go see a doctor. - I'd just drive straight to hospital. - It's not that bad, is it? - Just, um, just go. (gentle music) - I'm no dermatologist, but, that does look like a very nasty rash. - Oh. - [Doctor] Uh, have you been stressed lately? - Yeah, you can say that. - (sniffing) Oh. Have you been exposed to raw sewage? - Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I need a shower, I need a shower. Hey, hey, hey that's my car! Stop towing my car. Mate, mate, what are you doing? - Late payments. - What? (somber orchestral music) What do you mean my payments are behind? Are you sure? Oh yeah, that's right. Really? Ah, no, the bus! - How you going, mate? You all right? - Yeah, I'm all right. - No, you're not. - No, no I'm not. - That's a nice cup. (gentle music) - Nice dropping the ball, Jonah. You cost us another game. - Thanks, loser. - Jonah. - What happened to your face? - Ah, long story. - I thought you were going to come to rugby practice. - I know, I'm sorry. - You never come. - How was it? - [Jonah] Bad. Where's the car? - Another long story. It's all good though. I'm sorting it out. - Really? - Yeah. - Ice cream? - Ice cream, yeah. - Uh, strawberry and vanilla. - And, uh, I'll just get the bubblegum. - Declined. - What? - Card declined. - [Daniel] You sure that's right? (cashier sighing) - Definitely declined. - Ah. Um, well... What about, uh, no, not this one. Hey, uh, do you have any... - Uh, nah, no. - Yeah, sorry. I'm sorry, Jonah. - It's okay. - I'll make it up to you, I promise. - Why haven't you been home lately? - Just been sorting some things out. - Mom's been crying a lot. - Has she? - Is she sick? - No. It's just that... You know when you and Mathew weren't getting along and you were fighting a lot, so you stopped hanging out? - Yeah, but we're friends now. - Are you? - Yeah, we sorted it out. - That's good. - I hope you sort it out with Mom soon. (phone ringing) - Jimmy. My phone's bad. I need a lift. Can you come and pick me up? (gentle music) So, um, how did you guys meet? - Gena delivers the coffee at work. - Yeah, well we just kind of got chatting and realized how much we had in common. - Both like food. - Yeah, and cars. - Oh, that's good. - TV. - TV, we love TV. (laughs) - Here. See ya, Jonah. - See ya, Jimmy. - Whoa, what happened to your face? Are you sunburned? - No, it's nothing. - Um, I hate to do this but, uh, any chance you could stay somewhere else? - Just for tonight? - Well, it's a small apartment. - Yeah. I understand, um, I'll sort something out. - Oh thanks, mate, chin up. Nice cup. See ya Daniel. (gentle music) - Hi. - Hi. - [Sarah] I've been trying to call you. - Yeah, been pretty busy. - [Sarah] What happened to your face? - It's nothing. Just stress. - It's just that you're really late. - [Daniel] Yeah, sorry. - Problems with the car? - Yeah, you could say that. What's this? You're selling our place? - It's one of the 100 calls I've made to you. You haven't made a payment on the mortgage in months. - Can't you just cover for now? - I've had to quit my job, Daniel. We're moving in with Aunt Ruth. - What? Why? - Because we have no income. - Yeah, but I'm working on it. - You've been working on it for a long time now. You took the job with MCA Media as a freelancer and you said it would make us more money. You haven't earned a cent in 12 months. - Yeah, but I've been working on it- - Aunt Ruth says you can call her. She knows people, she can help you. - I'm not gonna be calling anyone. I can't believe you're selling our place. - We have to. It's in my name. - It's in your name. Well that works out well for you then. - What do you mean? - You and Blake. - It's over, Daniel. I made a terrible mistake. One that I regret more than anything. - See ya. - What, what, what do you want me to do? Where have you been? - You took my phone away so I couldn't call you. - You're grounded. - I hate you! - Aren't you going to say anything to her? - Stop fighting! - This is all your fault. I think we should get a divorce. I love this place. (somber orchestral music) (dramatic orchestral music) (gentle music) - Why didn't he call me? I could have got a job for him. - Remember he did that when we first got married? It didn't work out. - The most important thing now is that the children are okay. - They'll be fine. - Remember, you can stay as long as you like. - Thanks, Aunt Ruth. - Auntie Ruth! - [Ruth] Jonah and the whale. - Why are we packing all these boxes? - Well, we're gonna go stay with your Aunt Ruth for awhile. - She's selling the house, dummy. - [Jonah] What? - Leah, where are you going? - [Jonah] You're selling the house? - Yes, well, we have to. - Jonah, how about we go and buy some ice cream? - No, I hate ice cream. - Do you want me to? - It's all right. - [Ruth] You don't have to do this, you know. - It's what he wants. Leah! Leah! Leah! (light ambient music) (thunder rumbling) Oh, she has no phone. Daniel. (soft orchestral music) This is all your fault. - Daniel Rainwater? - Okay, Nicky, I gotta go. See ya mate, bye. - Hi. - Hi. - So, what kind of work are you looking for? - Um, upper management, marketing, ad agency kind of thing. - Yeah, love it. Let's see what we have for you. I think I have something for you. - Really? - Have you ever heard of Yellow Band Sporting? - Yeah, they're a huge company. - [Centerlink Worker] They have a cleaning position available in their warehouse. - Right. Sign me up then. - Yeah, this is your day. This is my day. Gah, what a day. I'll just get the paperwork, yeah? - Thanks for this, Nick. - My pleasure. Hey, where'd you sleep last night? I've been trying to get a hold of you. - I barely slept at all last night. - Ah, well, I may have found a solution for you. - I'm not going to sleep on your couch. I already did that with Jimmy. - No, not my couch. I found you your own place. - You're kidding. - No. - That's great, Nick. Thanks. (gentle music) - Okay, it's not great. - That's an understatement. - Well it's either here or my couch. And my place is smaller than Jimmy's, but the couch is yours if you want it. Or, there is a third option. - This is great, thanks. - So what do you reckon? - Oh, yeah, yeah, this is great. - It's not much, but it does the trick. - Daniel, this is Gary, my uncle. - Daniel. - Gary. - Daniel. Well, if you need anything, give us a hoy. Um, I can take you to church on Sunday if you want. - Gary and I go to the same church. - Oh, cool. - You should come. - Yeah, I'll think about it. - Look mate, I'm gonna go and see this missionary talk about their time in China. You should come. - I'm good. Um, how much is it? - [Gary] Don't worry about it, we'll work something out. - Thanks again. - Remember, it's all part of the plan. (soft orchestral music) (gentle music) - [Sarah] Now you've done it. - [Daniel] What do you mean? - [Sarah] That black mess there. Where do you go from there? - [Daniel] Well, I don't know. It's all part of the journey. - [Sarah] It could be a disaster. - Nothing you can't help me with. - [Mover] Is there anything else? - Um, no that's all of it. (light guitar music) ♪ Like a bird on a tree ♪ ♪ I'm just sitting here ♪ ♪ I got time ♪ ♪ It's clear to see ♪ ♪ From up here ♪ ♪ The world seems small ♪ ♪ We can sit together ♪ ♪ It's so beautiful ♪ ♪ You and me ♪ ♪ We're meant to be ♪ ♪ In the great outdoors ♪ ♪ Forever free ♪ - Where are you going all dressed up? - To see my wife. - You going to need a car. So what do you think? - Well, she's great. - She's a beauty, ain't she? Nice little run about. - Oh yeah, she's good. - Just bring it back in one piece. ♪ To see the truth around you ♪ ♪ From distance you can tell ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ ♪ You and me ♪ ♪ Meant to be ♪ (tires screeching) (metal crashing) (horn honking) (gentle music) - I hope this is what you want. (car door beeping) (tense music) (car engine revs) (dramatic ambient music) (sirens wailing) - Sir, sir can you hear me? Just give my hand a squeeze if you can hear me, sir. - Hello Daniel, what have you done to yourself? I'm your doctor, I'll be looking after you today. Uh, we're just gonna put you to sleep. - [Anesthesiologist] I just need you to take a couple of deep... (machines beeping) (gentle music) - How are you feeling? You've been in an induced coma for a few days now, to protect your brain. - Hello Daniel, how are you feeling? Any pain? It's a miracle to see you still alive. Somehow head injuries were prevented. There has been some swelling of the brain, but no bleeding. The coma was just a precaution. That's the good news. Your leg's another story, you got totally busted up. You almost lost it. But then again, someone's looking out for you Daniel, as we were able to save it. And with time, and some physical therapy, it should be pretty much back to normal. But it will take time. I'll come back and check on you later again. Thanks, nurse. - Your family've been by, and they dropped a few things off. And I've given them a call, so they're on their way soon. And, Gary dropped off some mail for you. Look, if you need anything I'll be back soon, and just give me a buzz. - [Sarah] Up here, up here, come on. - Do you think he'll like my picture? - Yes, yes. - Which way? - Where do we go? - Um, it's this further round up here. Just take a left up here. - A left. You were in a coma! - Yeah, mate. It's all right though, it's gonna be all right. - Yeah sorry. That was just bad timing. - [Daniel] It's okay. It's gotta get done. - I made this for you to draw your cartoons. - Thanks, mate. - Can I get you some coffee? - No, I'm okay. - I'll get some anyway. (soft music) - Anything I can do for you? - I'm okay. - No, you're not. - No, I'm not. - What's going on? - It's a long story. But... My husband's saved. It's a miracle. - But? - I made a terrible mistake. - You know, forgiveness is not always about forgiving those that do us wrong. Sometimes it starts with forgiving ourselves. God forgives us, but still we hold on to the guilt. And when we do that, we can't move forward. God is doing in you, a thing in your life. You won't see it if you're not looking for it. But if you do, you'll stop looking back and start moving forward. (soft music continues) - Hi. - Hi mate, how are you? Well, these lollies are from Mom. And, get well soon. - Jonah, Leah, I think we should let Dad get some rest. - See you, Dad. - See you, mate. - Sorry guys, visiting hours are over. - Sorry. - Hey mate, how are you going? - Yeah, good. All part of God's plan, right? - Come on Nick. Let's get going. - Get well soon mate, I'm praying for you. (light ambient music) (light ambient music continues) - So much for bringing it back in one piece. - Yeah, sorry about that. - You know, I reckon I can get it running again. Come on, let's get you home. Yeah, your mate Jimmy wanted to spruce the place up a bit. Uh, not really sure what he was getting at. (insects chirping) (gentle acoustic music) (commentator chattering) - Hey. Was gonna take you to physio but... Thought that was coming off? - Last week. - So? - What's the rush? God's plan, right? - [Nick] Yeah, it is. - You're kidding. How on Earth is this God's plan? - Daniel, I think you're going through a Job-like test. - [Daniel] Awesome. - I know, it's hard. - How can you even begin to imagine what this is like? - I know. Trust me, I know. But it does get easier. - You know, I really don't think so. Thanks for the fruit, but I'm gonna get some rest now. - All right mate, well... Jimmy says hi, yeah? (gentle acoustic music continues) (insects chirping) - Hey Dad, our team got into the finals. - [Daniel] That's great, Jonah. - Leah's been invited to a party but Mom wouldn't let her go. - Shut up, Jonah. - Listen to your mother. Sorry guys, it's these pain meds I'm on, they make me a bit spacey. But it's um, it's good about the= (car honking) - Mom's here. - See you, Dad. - Okay well, see you later. - By the way Dad, I think you need to take a shower, you stink. - How's he going? - Bad. - [Sarah] Really? - He looks homeless. - What? Should I go in? - Yeah. - No. Not now, Mom. (gentle music) (insects chirping) - Dad drew this. - I can tell. - Do you think he'll ever be okay? - Yeah, of course. - I wish things were back the way they used to be. - Me too. - Do you think they ever will? - I hope so. - Dear God, I know Dad's in a weird place right now because he's in pain of his leg. But can you help him bring him home? So I can have Mom and Dad again. And can you help me score try in the finals? Amen. (somber music) - Why did you have to cheat on Dad? - It's a small house. - Oh, sorry. We'll try and keep it down. - That's not what I meant. It's my polite way of saying I've heard what's been going on, since you don't tell your aunt much anymore. Her name was Nancy. And your uncle worked with her the first year we were married, well, into the first year. It wasn't easy. - Nancy? Uncle Gram? - He wasn't proud of it. - But you were like, the perfect couple. - There's no such thing as a perfect couple. Everyone has to press through the pain and work it out. - So, how did you? - I didn't want to, but I still loved him. And so he didn't give up on me. So we did whatever it took to work it out. And we both had hope. Hope in each other, and hope in our marriage. So never give up on hope. (soft ambient music) - This was supposed to be off weeks ago. - Yeah I was kind of busy. - Okay, let's do this. (nurse coughing) It stinks. Oh, that's bad. What are you doing? - Standing. - You can't, you need physio first, at least six weeks or more. - [Daniel] Ah, should be all right. (thudding) - [Nurse] I told you so. - [Daniel] You said you were gonna get this fixed? - I meant we. We were gonna fix it. - We? - When you're ready. - Almost got my leg amputated, Gary. - I know. But, this old thing, still got some life in it, yeah? - Talking about me or the car? - [Gary] When you're ready. - That's not even a good car anyway. (tense ambient music) There's no plan. (knocking on door) - Hey. Time for physio. - Later. - No, now. They're waiting for you. - Shouldn't you be at work? - Got some days off. Look, you either come with me now, or you go with Gena and Jimmy later. - You don't get it, do you? - What? - You don't know how I feel. You're just some happy, clappy Christian with no clue. I read the book of Job, fun read. Made me even more depressed. This is why I got out of church. Because it's full of people like you. (Nick laughs) I just insulted you, and you smile even more. You're nuts. - Did you read the whole thing? - [Daniel] Eh? - The book of Job, did you read it? - No. - Well if you had, you'd have seen that he gets it all back at the end, even more than he had in the first place. And you know how that happens? - He wins the lotto? - (laughs) No. Because he begins to thank God for his life. - Yeah, well I don't have much to thank God for right now. - You know what Daniel, at some point in all of our lives we have to drink from the cup. - Eh? (gentle piano music) - You know the story of Christ, before he went to the cross, he prayed to God, "If you're willing, take this cup from me." In 2013, my wife discovered a lump on her chest. Six months later she was gone. Just like that. - I'm sorry. I had no idea. - For 12 months I was pretty much where you are now. I had prayed every day that God would heal her but she died. I was mad at God. I was angry at the world, I was angry at those couples whose wives didn't die, who had families, whereas I had nothing. And I reached a crossroad in my life where I realized I had to choose, I could keep going that way, or I could change direction. Take this cup from me! No. I had to drink from it. You have to drink from it, like Christ had to drink from it. Job thanked God, he didn't complain. He thanked God. I realized that I had to look for the small good things in my life. And they were there. I wrote down all the ways that God had blessed me. I called it the list. I had to dig deep from inside my pain to find them. Even those good times with my wife. You see, we get so caught up in the things that we don't have, the things that go wrong, the things that didn't work out, that we miss the small stuff. And that small stuff is actually the big stuff. Yes, everyone suffers in this life, and some people more than others. But that's life. That's what makes life what it is. And even in that pain and suffering, there are good moments. And if you let them slip by, then you're letting life slip by. You need to learn to thank God. Even for the trials and tribulations. Even for this. Because this, yeah, even this, is part of the plan. Come on Daniel, another step, another step. Really good, come on, come on, keep going, keep going. That's it, come on. Excellent, excellent work. All right come on, another one. Nearly at the end, come on, come on, come on quick, come on. One more step, come on. And another one. And another one. Look, you're almost... Yes, fantastic. (upbeat guitar music) ♪ Your love is a flood ♪ ♪ And I swim deep when the tide is up ♪ - Better, keep going. - Left, right, left. - And another. - Right. - Sensational. - Left, right. ♪ This is my deliverance ♪ ♪ Hands held high, 'cause you deliver it ♪ ♪ Oh you have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ My feet on the ground, my heart in heaven ♪ ♪ I am great, made without the living ♪ ♪ Oh, you have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ I lay in the sand ♪ ♪ The sweet forgiveness in my hand ♪ ♪ Oh as a gift from you ♪ ♪ Your love floods my brain ♪ ♪ This great cranium won't be the same ♪ ♪ Oh where I've been won't do ♪ ♪ This is my deliverance ♪ ♪ Hands held high 'cause you deliver it ♪ ♪ Oh you have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ My feet on the ground, my heart in heaven ♪ ♪ I am great, made without the living ♪ ♪ Oh you have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ You have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ You have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ And I won't go ♪ - Come on Dad. - You got it, you got it. - Almost there, almost there. - Nearly there. ♪ You have saved me ♪ ♪ In heavenly debt ♪ ♪ This is my deliverance ♪ ♪ Hands held high 'cause you deliver it ♪ ♪ Oh you have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ My feet on the ground, my heart in heaven ♪ ♪ I am great made without the living ♪ ♪ Oh you have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ You have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ You have made me a child of God ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ You have made me a child of God ♪ - [Jonah] Thought you might want this. - Oh, thank you. - It was Mom's idea. - Oh. Tell her I said thanks. - Why don't you tell her yourself? She wants to see if you want to come over for dinner tomorrow. - Yeah, let me think about it. So, how are you two going on? - Good. But Leah has a boyfriend. - [Daniel] You have a boyfriend? - No. - [Daniel] Oh. Well, you are still pretty young. - How old do I have to be? - 40. (Jonah laughs) Who's hungry? - Me. It's not pizza. - Hey, wait a minute. Let's say grace. Thank you God for Jonah and Leah. For being such great kids through all this. And thank you for my leg, and although it's broken, it's getting better. Thank you for this unit with the no air conditioning and the TV that needs a stick to operate it. And thank you God, that even though sometimes I have no idea what's going on, you have a plan and that plan is awesome. Amen. - Amen. - Amen. - Well, I hope the roast is good. The oven's a bit temperamental, so I had to use Gary's oven and it's not much better. What? - Are you on painkillers? - [Daniel] No. Don't need them. Pain free. - You seem weird. - [Daniel] What? - Thank God for the TV that needs a stick? - Oh, sorry. It's this whole Job thing. I thank God no matter what, instead of just thanking God for the good things and the good times, I thank Him for all the things. Good, bad, small, big. I put it down in that notepad you gave me. I call it the list. - Thank God I lost my job? - Thank God my leg was broken in five places? - This is all bad things, Dad. - No, there's good things as well. - Thank God for Jonah, for getting braver every day. - Thank God for Leah, for her spirit and tenacity. Mom says I have too much of that. - Well, you probably do. And I'm sure you drive your mother crazy, but God's gonna use that one day. - It's like a super power, right? It's used for evil. - Shut up. - (laughs) All right, eat up. I have ice cream for dessert. - Yes! It's not soy like Grampa's one? - No. It's full of fat and sugar, so don't tell your mom. - It's really nice, Dad. - Really nice. Mom would like it. - Yeah, I'm sure she would. - Just adding this dinner to the list. (gentle music) - Hey. - [Sarah] Oh, hi. I'm, um... - Sarah. - [Sarah] Yeah. You must be Gary? - Gary. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - You're not going in? - Oh, no. I'm just here to pick up the kids. Is that... - Yep. - [Sarah] How on Earth did you get it running? - Oh, a bit of hard work, a bit of patience, a bit of faith can fix most broken things. - That's encouraging to hear. - Well, Daniel helped too. - Really? - Mm-hmm. - Hey, Gary. - Hey, bud. - Hi. - Dad cooked a roast. - He fixed a car and cooked a roast? Impressive. - And we had full fat ice cream. - Jonah! - Sorry, wasn't supposed to say that part. - That's good to hear. (light orchestral music) - Jonah. Mate, it's okay to be scared. I often get scared. Trust God, even when the clouds are dark and stormy. And praise Him, even when you feel weak and afraid. And this time, drink from the cup. - [Jonah] What cup? - I meant, even though you feel afraid, trust God in your weakness because He can do amazing things. - Really? - Really. - Jonah, come over here. We can do this. I know you can do it, we've been training for this, right? Jonah, you ready? On one, I want Blue Tongues. Ready? Three, two, one. - [All] Blue Tongues! - Yeah, let's go boys. (light piano music) (whistle screeching) (upbeat rock music) ♪ Unaware of the tear ♪ ♪ In the galaxies and me ♪ ♪ I was scared, unprepared ♪ ♪ I was learning how to be ♪ ♪ And you could eat my heart out ♪ - Run, run, run! Run! (all cheering) - Go, Jonah! - Jonah, come on! Go, yes! (all cheering) - Hey. - The kids had a good night with you the other night. - Yeah, it was nice. - Cooked a roast? - Yeah, I've cooked them before. - That's not what I meant. I just meant that- - Hey, I gotta go. - Oh. - Yeah, I'm starting back at my old job. - Oh, MCA Media? - No. Yellow Band Sporting Goods. I clean the warehouse on one of those ride-on cleaners. - That's good. - Yeah. Praise God I got a job, right? So I assume you'll take Jonah? - Of course. - Thanks. - You need a lift? - No, I'm good. - It was nice seeing you again. (soft guitar music) - What are we doing here? - I need to get something. - Mom, you can't. The house is sold. It's called trespassing. - I know. I just need to get something. Honk the horn if anyone comes. (gentle music) (car honking) - [Jonah] Sorry, false alarm. - What's going on? - Did you find it? - What's going on? - I'm sure it will be around somewhere. - Never give up hope. - What are you doing? - [Sarah] Saving my marriage. - Let's go. (light ambient music) - [Sarah] Where do you go from there? - [Daniel] Well, I don't know. It's all part of the journey. - [Sarah] It could be a disaster. - [Daniel] Maybe you can help me then? (gentle music) - [Factory Employee] Hey, Dan. Could you give me a hand with this? - Yeah, sure. - Felix Media? Optimo Sydney. - Yeah. It's an urgent order for this new American client. Thanks, mate. - [Daniel] Uh, hey, Beth. - What? - Uh, could I use the computer for a second? Come on. - Once this is finished you're done. - Yeah. - Oh, nuts. - Come on. - Time's up. Come on, you cheeky rat-bag. - Ow. When's the third of October? - Tomorrow. - What? - [Gary] Here we go mate. - Thanks Gary. - For you. - Uh, so does that get internet? - Sure does. - All right. - I'll go get the scanner. - Right. - Found that on the side of the road. - Oh. - (laughs) Don't worry, we'll make it work. - Thanks for coming, guys. I think I need your help. - What is it? Oh, they're the one that makes those cool movies. - Yeah, and they've got an open pitch interview tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. - What are you gonna pitch to them? - I don't know. - What about this? - I was thinking of a big fat chubby koala that's eaten too much eucalyptus. - (laughs) Cool. How old is that? - I think I've got it to work. - Great. I was hoping this would look hip, cool, and professional. - Got you a suit. 20 bucks from Vinnie's. - [Daniel] Thanks a lot. Hey, where's Gina? - Oh, she dumped me. - [Daniel] I'm sorry, mate. - So Jimmy's coming to China with me. - China? - It's a mission trip. - That's what he calls it, but it's really a holiday. - There's a little orphanage that Samantha and I wanted to check out so we're gonna go and help out. - Hey. That's really good. - And MCA is closed down. - Yeah. Mark stuffed it up with the clients and said it was done. - You're kidding. God's plan, right? - Yes, God's plan. - Oh, come on. - You'll see. - I can hardly wait. - [Daniel] Hey, this is great. - Ah, hey. - Morning, mate. - Looks good, Dad. - Thanks for your help then. - You'll get the job. - Yeah. - And then you can get the pool. - [Daniel] Yeah, maybe. Your mom will be here in half an hour to pick you up, huh? - Uh-huh. Bye, Dad. - Bye. - Looking good, mate. - Thanks. - Need a car? - [Daniel] Yeah. - Oi. (gentle acoustic music) - Hey, Dan! - Okay, let's get this done already. - Wow, old school. - Yeah. (laughs) - You can plug it in here. - Yeah, actually that's a good idea. Come on. - Nothing? - Nah. - It's done. - What? - Yeah, I used to fix these. They stopped selling them years ago because the motherboard froze up. The batteries were too hot. - You can still get information off though, yeah? - No, it's dead. You backed it up, right? - No. - Oh. Look, sorry man. Kinda stinks. - Yeah, I'll just get the drawings from home. (Daniel groans) (thunder rumbles) Thanks for nothing. What's the point? There's no plan. It's over! (gentle music) Hi. Um, I'm here for the pitch meeting. - You're a bit late. Daylight savings. - Ah. - Sir, sir! The pitch session is over, sir. Sir. You can't go in there. - Uh, hi. Um, I'm here to pitch. - Sorry. He just took off. - Sorry, the pitch meeting is over. - Please, just, just give me a few minutes of your time. - Sure. - Yeah. My laptop's dead, so, um... - [Tom] Uh, what's your name sorry? - Daniel. Daniel Rainwater. - Daniel, look we're in the middle of business meeting. - [Daniel] Yeah, sorry. - Maybe just tell us your pitch. - Yeah, yeah. Um, so, uh, it's this, uh, big, fat, chubby koala and, um. Well, yeah, he's really fat, uh. Yeah, he's, um... Yeah, look, um... Sorry, um, I've wasted your time, um... - So, that's it? You're done? - No, no. Uh, not yet. Look. Um, see it's this story based on Job. You know, from the Bible? Uh, it's a cartoon series and it's about an everyday family but, uh, all these Job-like calamities happen to the dad, um, every day that seem to set him back but he remains optimistic and he fights through. Lessons learned, that kind of thing. Yeah. - So, based on your life? - [Daniel] Yeah. Um, that's the plan. - Cool. Can I keep this? - Sure. - [Receptionist] Sorry Tom, the LA conference call is on now. - Thanks. Well, gotta go. I like your tenacity, but I'll be honest with you, we had a lot of great pitches today. - Yeah. - But yours was the most heartfelt. - Praise God. Praise God. - Dan. - Oh, hey. - Thought I saw you before. - Yeah, sorry. - They ordered the wrong basketball hoops. - Hey, you don't know how to break into a car do you? - (laughs) Come on. (dramatic ambient music) - Okay, God. I'm starting to get it. It's all part of your plan. (phone beeping) (phone ringing) - Do you still mean this? Do you still love me? - Yeah. I got rid of the divorce papers. - Really? I thought that's what you wanted? - No. I thought that's what you wanted. - No, I never did. - I supposed communication isn't our strong point. - But we can work on it? - Yeah, we can work on it. (phone ringing) - Oh, my timing is terrible. (laughs) It's Leah. Leah? Where are you? - So, who's this guy anyway that she's seeing? - I don't know. She's not supposed to be seeing anyone. She's been grounded for weeks. She should be at home looking after Jonah. (loud electronic music) - Hey. Get out of my house, old man. (Daniel grunting) You're crazy. (soft guitar music) - Thanks, Dad. - It's okay. - I'm sorry. - It's all good. Praise God. - [Sarah] There he is. (phone ringing) - Hello, Daniel speaking. Who? - Tom from Felix Media. - [Daniel] Oh, yeah, hi. - Yeah, I get it. - Get it? - The Job test. Been through it myself. Battled bankruptcy and leukemia all at the same time. It wasn't fun, but I realized I had to keep going, you know, because even like Job's life, there is a happy ending. - Yeah. - Great. See you here Monday. 9:00 am. - Uh, really? - And Daniel? - Yes? - Try not to turn up soaking wet. - (laughs) Well, I can't promise you anything, but I'll be there. See you. (upbeat instrumental music) - Dad, come on. - You okay? - Yeah. I think we're all gonna be okay. - Okay. - What's this? - It's just a little something. I was missing that old cup rattling around. (Sarah laughs) (smooth electronic music) ♪ In the midnight hour ♪ ♪ You came riding through ♪ ♪ Fighting for my heart ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ I never have to fear ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ You are always with me ♪ ♪ Hope has won the battle ♪ ♪ Truth has overcome ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ The enemy's defeated ♪ ♪ Death is overcome ♪ ♪ Now these chains are broken ♪ ♪ Jesus You have won ♪ ♪ So we raise our white flag ♪ ♪ This is victory ♪ ♪ Living in surrender ♪ ♪ You have made me free ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ I never have to fear ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ You are always with me ♪ ♪ Hope has won the battle ♪ ♪ Truth has overcome ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ I never have to fear ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ You are always with me ♪ ♪ Hope has won the battle ♪ ♪ Truth has overcome ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ Your love has won ♪ ♪ God pour Your spirit out ♪ ♪ God let Your fire fall down ♪ ♪ Until they all come home ♪ ♪ For every lonely heart ♪ ♪ For every broken dream ♪ ♪ Until they all come home ♪ ♪ God pour Your spirit out ♪ ♪ God let Your fire fall down ♪ ♪ Until they all come home ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ We will pray ♪ ♪ We will go ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Imaginations turning to Jesus ♪ ♪ Turning to Jesus ♪
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 4,620,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EncourageTV, Movie, trailers, movies, God, Jesus, christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Danny Elacci, Chelsea Bennett, Angus Benfield, Trust Full Movie, Trust Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: 1tborKHw0bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 34sec (5554 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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