Only One Way (2014) | Full Movie | Josiah David Warren | Michael Maponga | Suzee Rodetis

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who hey yo Johnny as he said up the Christmas tree it's only September there's just me man do you really like professor Johnson I mean yeah he's cool why not he's so boring or just too picky I'm the picky one whatever I gotta go hey don't be late for Bible studies night sorry I'm late oh don't worry about it someone think you know what I should get mom for Christmas Christmas think about Christmas already send you have plenty of time for that besides your mom just want you to serve God anyways I'm a serving God my whole life dead no no yes and we're proud of you for that it's time for Bible study I'm coming you guys don't need to wait for me you know what's your turn to give the message right um let's go to Jeremiah 29:13 um the word says seek God and you'll find it there's just a lot of meaning in that for me that's our God he'll never forsake us so many people who stopped serving God son they just need prayer Paul maybe you should start a Bible study at your college excuse me I just really like classical music great we've been looking for a van in this really does that mean y'all have an opening yeah you find your sign know about get your wiener all right sounds great [Music] hey need some help um yeah I don't know how to change it tired can you help yeah let me look at it okay yeah do you have um you have a spare um okay yeah looks like you got everything here tell me about it so how was Friday night it was so awesome really what happened so many people got saved by Christ I mean they were just running up to the altar it was crazy oh that sounds amazing I'll have to be there next yes definitely okay yeah all right thank you I'm Oni by the way Paul hey so if I ever have another problem I could I could call you okay sure right [Music] okay yeah right back [Music] hey Tim hey man dude you're late I know had to help this girl she got a flat tire so you hope there yeah you're a turbo man better get beat [Music] so I saw his girl on the side of the road tire she just seen her eyes she just looks so helpless you helped her right oh yeah of course you're going to change a tire when you were about was eight really that young huh looking the best that's true mark the blameless meant and observed the upright in the future that man is peace hello [Music] so what did you want to meet so after this I have dance practice you should come watch me yeah I really should go actually oh come on please you must be Paul hey yeah Melanie is my daughter she told me you'd be here oh she talks about you all the time thank you for helping her out the other day she always talks about you yeah that's no problem she needs a good man like you don't you like the way I dance aren't I pretty tell me how pretty I am oh hey guys um say hi to my new boyfriend boyfriend I wonder what happened to the last one Melanie so anyway this is my goal and Gina and Stephen I'm Paul guys well what high school are you go to high school um max in college now so please cool I got a low start statement oh me too yeah we'll be joining you pretty soon of course we will because high school sucks huh you know what Paul why don't you tell Gina fun high school is why would I wouldn't know I I was home-schooled yeah I mean that bad I graduated first in my class no but really yeah who is few students there's my brother hey what are you doing let me hold your hand I'm driving everybody wants to be my boyfriend okay who is your boyfriend you hey hey what are you doing here I came to see my new boyfriend um you must spell a lot come on okay let me help stop I got it my high school's ranked like number one in the nation you don't need to be cocky alright come on just let me do my work and get a D or C and barely pass to be happy okay hey are you hungry yeah kitty okay give me just a minute okay everyone looks down at me why do you say that they make fun of me because I was home-schooled don't let that bother you hey hey what you doing we're doing my friends list requesting and adding these people cool why do you need so many friends huh I want the world to know how popular right [Music] hey guys can't get free off stir coffee black okay and for you to meet you kind of it but you I really missed you I can't wait to have you please round please huh and my parents might have dinner this I [Music] have plans come on please hey mom I'm sorry something came up at school I'm not gonna be able to make it yeah but if I if I miss this class it's gonna count against my grade and I I can't do it you guys have a lovely house oh thank you thank you my daddy is a very successful businessman Bobby Rose your mama is the most beautiful man Laurel I thought I was you know I am with you to stop so Paula are you living on campus right now I'm I'm actually living at home with my parents really Wow you know you're not a real man until you move out of your parents house I agree yeah [Music] what do they mean real man slapping the thing about getting my own place about time I grew up and became a real man I suppose all right tell me something fall what is a having your own place have to do with being a real man everything you don't think it's gonna be hard I mean you're gonna have to go to school and when you get off your you have to go to work and then you got to pay your bills I gotta try okay Paul let's get back to our run yeah sure thank you sweetie probably God we thank you for this great meal that roses made for us tonight we ask that you watch over us and bless it and Jesus name we pray amen you're quiet tonight something bothering you no you know it's making my own place I think it's time so where do you want to move to somewhere close to school don't make things easy you're leaving us no well I'm I'm not leaving you yes you are [Music] he's 20 years old so we need to let him go why he's only a college [Music] hey man what are you doing here I'm looking for you cool who is she no Amy no no you've been going here two years you don't know who she is all I know is she's new [Music] well when I see you I'll give you a big hit yeah I'll be there at 7:30 hey so um great I'm gonna cook you dinner yeah what's wrong hold on um gotta go okay go ahead eat hey why not did you have your own place hell we can have their own party I don't party time yeah oh I don't drink MIT what you guys yeah oh these are the table for us yeah for me for me and you he's gonna be lovely yeah [Music] yeah mom was there after the prodigal son left his father's house and I Lord Savior Jesus he began to party every night he drink he was so lost in this world we have so many people's like practice practice on any product with them they are so lost next open to Luke chapter 15 verse 12 and 13 so how is school going it's all right a lot of homework I really have much free time how's lady she's good it's hard to be a manly man when you're walking around campus with the poodle in your hand but I still get the chicks I don't you need to bring her by for a visit yeah look I know she's your dog but we love her too yeah I'll bring her as long as a brother you're off its Melanie man we're supposed to have this nice wonderful dinner and she brought all her friends over and I is this your dog yeah she's so cute thank you yeah what are you doing out here shouldn't you be in score something I'm just thinking think it uh it's pretty deep is a dog where's what happened oh he died in a car accident sorry so I live beautiful right oh yeah yeah oh hey by the way my homecoming is coming up okay that's cool I might you never go to homecoming huh I guess it's not my thing wait on it it's so much fun mm-hmm I think you should take me really you don't think I'm too old what no oh hey what time is it my parents are waiting for us we're gonna be late for dinner thank you sweetie no do you want some wine oh no no thank you I'll have some I usually don't drink but tonight yes you do and you say like it shut up you brat okay it's okay you don't have to drink behind our backs I love my parents so how do you like having your own place I mean it's all right yes can I see your place if you want so here you go to church yeah yeah yeah I need to go to church mom when I was young you went to church oh how boring I want to go to church you wouldn't even like it yes I would I we have company normally like this I'm sorry about that [Music] oh did you guys pay the electric bill I think the lights are out in the whole neighborhood let me just go grab a candle sweetie don't talk like that we're not poor okay you all right sweetie do you need help you sure and we have like no third be like so what made you stop going to church well because he found me so you would've charged flying girls no I don't think that works yeah we're not poor come on sweetie I'm sorry mom I'm not gonna be able to make it I just have a lot of homework [Music] all you have to do just drop out of school and I could stay home always I just don't know we'll make you happy [Music] No give it back girl it's my last chicken who's good chicken so where do you live Roman I'm not telling you I just mean you should really go home I don't want to go home I don't want to see her she's trying to marry my dad try no I think I'm good kappa dis is take [Music] yeah [Music] and don't be a coward just take it just get the tape what try it uh okay okay [Music] [Music] go read my Bible Paul are you okay mm um it's just homework all night you sound kind of thick do you feel okay yeah I'm sick oh no I'm fine I'm fine are you hungover you serious come on it's the craziest thing I've ever heard okay see you at church that's right it's Sunday yeah okay you forgot Church no I'll be there hey lady you're still asleep mm-hmm what are you doing here I can't defeat you it's such a headache that's normal for a newbie no how do people drink because they like it no thank you come on get up let's go do something what time is it about 10:30 I gotta go to church now you don't you don't understand my parents will kill me if I don't go to church you're 20 years old do what you want be a man my parents let me do whatever I want I love my parents [Music] [Music] hey that what is this oh it's a new hobby I've been I've been collecting cans so I can refund them and give them to charity what is that smell I probably lady she used to bathroom somewhere she's been eating the weeds I don't know hey what do you what do you guys do do you by the way you guys are you checking for anything actually I got class in a minute so you guys should probably go okay just wanted to say hi oh hi mom hi dad BYE MOM bye dad [Music] [Music] Hey Oh watch it stop walking this way in [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on what are you guys doing here put it down Hey nothing dad what are you guys doing here seriously again what your mother thought you needed some groceries so we went and got you some groceries what's happened to you nothing okay I just I'm trying to be my own man okay I take care of my son this is not real man take care of himself [Music] okay hey listen I don't I don't need your help I don't eat your groceries just go ahead just take [Music] [Applause] [Music] I apologize I didn't see you there it's okay um I'm Paul by the way Kathleen I'll be right there I gotta go hey how are you doing y'all good so you'll never get home hey she's right I am a loser I only have a hundred and sixty friends hey what are you doing here I brought dinner I thought we could eat together tonight I have to go no since I'm here you're gonna stay here with me but it's an interview really right now this Li I'm also teaching this kid how to play drums forget it come on right now so much fun there goes that child Hey been a while where you been he's been busy doing what oh I have a new mom it's cool what she's not my real mom what happened to your room she died I'm really sorry [Music] we should sell my daughter I'm sure you have another dog someday Oh calm down all right Tommy what are you saying hey have you been using are you accusing me need you're away from this girl brother shame right for you Melanie yeah that's the one besides she's only 18 years old she's 19 [Music] [Music] that's Nonie's dead who's that as well know who she is she that's Melanie's probably right there what do you mean by that you know exactly what I mean that's I don't know should see me hey you're pretty good thanks how long you been playing oh trying three or four years now really I've actually always wanted to learn how to play she teach me um yeah hold on one second hello are you ready alright okay I'll be right there bye hey my friends are gonna go hang out you want to come with us I'm sorry hey I know thank you all right I'll see you later by you you are one dynamite thank you you girls the only learn to cook like your mother I'm gonna have my own personal chef everything my mom makes my dad says it's delicious thank you it is delicious my goodness you guys stop thank you don't they you really are wonderful you know that my parents love each other so much you really think so yeah they've been red for like 20 years yeah no she didn't go away you little brat she gave me the eyes there I really should go though why no stain okay I'm gonna go right believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved you and your household Jesus help my son what did I do wrong you're a good mother I feel like there's something I didn't do right you did everything you could my son [Music] he'll be back soon the Lord is with them let's go ahead father God in heaven I will be done bring back our son soon it safe and protect him from all evil okay what's the noise what bring my house oh stop it are you trying to tell me what the two to seven minutes alright oh don't give me that talk to her like that first time I got this I got this no you want to talk to somebody talk to me oh cool you know what my bad let's have fun right I'm here to have fun that's it need a beer life isn't about parties alright who's talking [Music] [Music] it's not right you want what do one do try it again oh okay I got sorry I gotta go just a few more minutes back five minutes sorry come on just a few more just get it right I got things to do I'm sorry Johnny he'll be back I know you keep saying that we do have God's promise sometimes I just feel like my prayers are weak you know a mother's prayers are very powerful in fact I think your prayers more powerful than my prayers just can't believe he's living this way [Music] tonight is for me yeah um I'm always happy when you're happy you know we're your parents by the way oh I don't know what's our first Christmas Eve together yeah it's been four months I think my data stays why aren't you surprised by that how's your mom fine I think she went to Florida with my sister so promising vitamins yeah you've been talking about problems since I met you yeah well it's every girl's dream yes I'm calling about your job do you still have an opening I have a lot of experience I'm kind of still in college it just kind of yeah [Music] we're looking for someone who can start immediately how soon can you start anytime anytime you need we try to make our customers feel like hmm yeah that's tough no problem for me [Music] hey yo are you [Music] oh hey [Music] alright widows hold on thank you [Music] are you okay no that's right and my dad filed her divorce I'm really I'm really sorry to hear that people promise me you'll never leave me yeah promise when I was young my parents told me that they would never get a divorce things happen well it should've never happened I'm sorry [Music] where are you come on I'll be graduating soon [Music] take good care of my daughter wait where are you going nowhere how's Chloe is that a French oh I'm really sorry I'm just you know you don't need to tell me anything I want you to know that Hey long time no see stranger yeah let me say hi you've been busy a lot lately what's going on oh I got a job I missed hearing you play the drums thank you I think everyone misses you playing drums it's really kinda I miss your violin well I mean I just want to say hi I know I know there's no food right now we'll get better soon surprise [Music] [Music] goodnight oh okay you guys order a chicken yes yeah sorry yeah actually I actually don't have these 15 sorry you have a good day this used to be Paul's favorite verse really caring Matthew 7:14 enter by the narrow gate oh yeah that's that's a scripture he used to read to his cousins I had a dream about him last night it's okay I believe it will come back to God by this Christmas you all need to turn this music down net excuse me sir the music was not that bad you better [ __ ] zoom it down now I'm holding no skip I didn't ask you to be scared I have to be respectable [Music] today my dad is down I'm really sorry let's just let's just have fun okay hey don't know it's not my talent in this department yeah it's my birthday we're just they're gonna get you some IDs now [Music] no IDs now alright go ahead and put your hands on top of your head bring down to smaller back Oh [Music] where've you been hmm you don't want to know it's not like you with the gel or anything right wait seriously did you go to jail right man I need some help right yeah I think it's the girl okay like she's messing with your head and her whole family's messing with your head she wants me to marry her you know you sound crazy right I thought that family is cool this is you in the wall yeah [Music] hello we're having a party at Michael's house you should come are you crazy come on we can't lay low at least for a couple of weeks are you joking no I am serious I won't do that no that's what we need to do okay you are never there for me don't always you always turning it into that I mean seriously you missed my homecoming prom everything else [Music] come on baby different [Music] I can't believe I haven't watched her she's not that bad then why don't you watch her and don't leave I understand don't talk about it I told you not to because he betrayed us no he did it oh yeah then where is he exactly I saw her kissing Michael wait what he kisses Michael she kisses Steven she kisses ad like she kisses everybody are you coming or not can't I'm working after work you should come join us okay who's gonna be there if you want to know then you can come and check it out all right bye what's up man hey where's your happiness oh you know my mom is with her new boyfriend sorry Gina oh my god no [Music] do we need to call 9-1-1 no just fine are you sure he's got such a spy [Music] yeah anything were to have to okay [Music] are you sure she's fine okay okay I'm really glad you're okay are you stupid do you wanna go to jail again no you think yes you didn't know I know relax whose side are you on anyway huh never silly they're always backing him up don't get on my facebook did you want to be some meal my mom stopped try me go ahead a train you know when I've been this perfect why don't you go ahead and tell my secret tell him everything he doesn't know her voice was young she was my girl and that's why she's having my baby oh no it was an accident an accident really what about the last abortion well we were it was a mistake we were just drinking and we were drunk and we didn't know what we were doing you're having his baby right now [Music] [Music] hey Paulie oh hey um I'm sorry I've been I've been really busy I've been praying for you I could probably use it you look so lost Thanks you know if you need anybody to talk to you up here I wish I could just tell you everything you know I'll see you I'm gonna change man Wow I'm sorry I must be hearing things what you heard me fine what happened man Melanie she's are pregnant what it's not my baby Paul she's only 19 yeah we both know her parents created that monster I guess hey guess who I saw at the grocery store yesterday your parents how how's my mom they're good your mom said something about they're planning a winter vacation down south I don't know that's good yeah I really need this job I know everybody need to stop we're actually bankrupt nothing we can do bankrupt as of today banks closed everything's done I don't know what I'm gonna do [Music] huh every Stroh's and Peter forgot education right now we see the message after the beep and we'll call you when we get back in town thanks and God bless you [Music] who don't either huh [Music] who [Music] in PEI they see [Music] when we respond to you [Music] you [Music] I really need this job well I have one opening it's an eight to five would that work I'm a full-time student [Music] I'm sorry this that's all I have all those openings have been filmed okay thank you all right good luck hey I'm looking for job daddy more well you should come live with us I need to find a painter really well what are you doing this ready this Friday what do you have in mind well you should at least come practice with us yeah maybe how's everything here it's pretty good [Music] [Music] you've been late with your payment for two months I know I just lost my job and I'm a full-time student we would like to help and I'm sorry but with recent complaints and your missed payments is there anything you can do just give me a little more time and I can come up with the money I know I can fine I'll give you two Monday 1800 if not we'll take action yeah I can do that hello what do you want I don't I don't want to talk to you what do you mean you're outside what do you want I want to talk to you I don't want to talk to you how clear can I be huh and what is this what about the baby why are you drinking huh I lost the baby you lost the baby Anna what happened it was an accident there's always an accident with you [Music] I'm trying to figure out the truth and what's the truth [Music] [Music] I'm doing relate immediately what are you doing here this so drunk last night that I could even drive so I just left on the couch you should go sometimes don't hear it I just want you to know that you're a man I'm like you're the only guy who never tried sleeping with me and generally use me just for sex [Music] when I get older I want to home-school what do you say that now who all honestly pleasurable in high school especially missing but she's she said you had so much fun in high school are you pretending right now [Music] I'm not gonna finish food man I'm not hungry what's up man I got a lot on my mind I'm moving back to Colorado okay why there's this doctor there I guess my mom goes in season you know he he says she has cancer really sorry I need to go help out with my little brother you know be the man yeah yeah I'm sorry Paul you need to go back home you know the Bible says we should honor our parents just not ready [Music] [Music] we're gonna do hello hey Paul so let's party out here place tonight I don't have right now what happened [Applause] hey lady where are you penny hey Ben hey what are you doing out here just pertain to have a picnic oh really now when my mom was alive we would always come here for a picnic you really miss your mom huh I miss her so much sometimes I want to fall asleep so I can see you in my dreams it's not work yeah whenever I dream we're always here having a picnic and then I wake up and she's not here and I get sad so hey lady you want some sandwich [Music] [Music] oh you must be really hungry do you want some um sure Oh your picnic and everything yeah it's really good thanks you look really happy today yeah I don't have to go to school really yeah my stepmoms homeschooling me now that's pretty cool and that makes you happy yeah it's what my real mom used to do all right Ben I'm gonna go all right yeah I'll see you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so man hey you I saw you from over there you look kind of hungry um no I'm good sure yeah you know what I'll be right back [Music] oh thank you Grubman god bless okay thank you [Music] [Music] Hey what are you doing here I came here to practice drums nice quiet everyone went home for Christmas yeah it's nice have you done your Christmas shopping um you know we can still use you on the drums I'm sorry I've been really busy I mean the least you can do is help me decorate the tree yeah sure of course how are you doing here yeah let me did that be you have someone sounds hungry no no come on let's go eat really yeah come on let's go boy just it's okay let's leave all right let's go something's different like what I don't know it's nothing we're gonna have a good Christmas thanks for this yeah no problem good here these make you fat no yes they do but they're so good they're addicting me my brother we'd go get him all the time really yeah yeah I mean basically the best friends what he didn't have his own friends well we were homeschooled so all we had was each other really you were homeschooled yeah we were I don't know that you liked it I loved it I mean me my brother got to spend a lot of time together and grow really close and I mean I'm glad my mom homeschooled me I love it so uh why don't we go finish the Christmas trees come on yeah to work hit don't move stay right there now you look like a Christmas tree and you look like a name - I'm sorry that's really cheesy yes so what are your plans this Christmas Eve I don't know what are you what are you doing me and the band are gonna go down to the homeless shelter and play some music really this sounds really great do you want to come yes I'm sorry maybe you know every Christmas my brother would just stare the Christmas gifts under the tree and one year my father told me not to forget the real meaning of Christmas so before we can open any of the presents I would remind everybody Sochi we need a Christmas of wire Lord Jesus we drink [Music] [Music] boy [Music] [Music] Hey Hey these past couple of days they've been great I don't think I've had so much fun in a long time realizing more and more of what's important seriously thank you for being a good friend oh hey hey baby guess what I actually remembered you look good I know it's a couple days old but it's good right okay we're about to go to a homeless shelter all right I know we're technically homeless too but we nice to help somebody hello can you come see me Paul I want to kill myself no don't say that you know where I am okay I'm only right now okay Oh God all right I think he's gonna come [Music] honey never shuts up about you we really miss you remember last Christmas we were all together yeah man chipping up - bro you seemed fine to me I rushed over here come on it's Christmas Eve I miss you I don't know why he's acting like that I don't know how you guys do it I I have things to do it somehow you guys always pull me back in and come on man Melanie wants you here in the wings all right I have plans oh really what are those don't feed the homeless you mean go feed yourself yeah man I heard you lost your place by the way what happened so the mama's boy goes back home wait just wait a second man we're just having fun over here what you just stay with it for a little bit huh what are you just started Wow tough guy hella be a real man about it okay you know what's your problem problem you think you're better than all of us wait were you doing me talk to you [Music] back off hey stop come back inside have a drink [Music] could be that easy to come inside have a drink go back to everything yeah [Music] this isn't who are supposed to live you know what since we want to be all preach like lunchtime now won't you let us know what exactly what we need to do [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hey mom I want to come home where are you I'm at a homeless shelter the homeless shelter are you okay I'm feeding the homeless I love you I've been praying for you everyday I love you too your prayers work bye moe [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,039,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailers, Only One Way Full Movie, Jesus, only one way, full movie, God, Movie, christian, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Josiah David Warren, Michael Maponga, Suzee Rodetis, Only One Way Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: B5ckRza93g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 50sec (5750 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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