Courageous Love (2017) | Full Movie | Jared Withrow | Jessica Koloian | Kristina Kaylen

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[Music] you [Music] okay ready awesome oh one more for Alex okay [Music] everyone's waiting with your parents tragic passing you and your sister Julie each own 50% a Shelby engineering Alex according to your father's will you are the new CEO they'll each have to sign these documents so you can take a position in the corporation clay is the vice president of operations and I'm staying on as vice president finance and Jenny who was your dad's executive secretary is now yours you've worked for my father for a long time do you think I can run this company it depends are you willing to lead what do you mean to lead you have to make tough decisions be willing to set the agenda to confront uncomfortable to have no experience Alex leadership is a decision you just have to decide to lead God will give you the courage I'll give you the pen [Music] [Music] puts on table great don't spill [Music] I'm sorry someone left three trays of salmon back at the restaurant I have to go back well who's in Hell me with the salads Clark what do you know who that is yeah that's the guy that I just spilled all the punch on where is my brother oh it's okay I'm sure he's gonna be here here let me help you with that have you ever made a sound before these are the hands of an artist how hard could it be what I do again just kidding okay be careful good evening and welcome to the annual medium for Shelby engineering for those of you who are new tonight I'm John Graham vice president of finance it's been a rough last couple of months here at Shelby engineering even though our founder Norman Shelby and his lovely wife Susan were tragically killed we know that they would want us to carry on Norma and I put together a video well a couple years back and let's take a look on the big screens join me so this is our story we started Shelby Engineering a number of years ago is this Alexander Shelby I was sure hoping to meet him tonight I don't know do you even know what he looks like because I've been online to look for his picture and I can't find anything but I heard that he's cute and now he's rich and he's in need of a family um where's my strawberry hello I don't have one you can have mine okay thank you know if we could actually pull it off turns out I've made a lot of friends and a lot of discipline so we did it it must be difficult for him after his parents died so tragically remember how hard it was for us now you know our small projects are multi-million dollar high-rises here you go miss you're supposed to be giving a speech if I was giving a speech you want to get yourself we built our main office in upstate New York near our ranch then so we began to pick up more contracts in Manhattan we rented office space in New York City since the main office is only about three hours away from the Manhattan office I can divide my time between both places though I still prefer to work out of the hometown space I've always wanted to build things build buildings build a company build the future well I know you're all excited to meet our new president aleck Shelby but unfortunately pressing responsibilities have kept him away tonight when I started at Shelby engineering 28 years ago Alexander Taylor Shelby what is going on here don't worry I can explain this Jeff you have been a bad influence since high school any more of this and you won't be catering our no Julie wait I ran into a server with punch before the event you should have come out after this salad I know I know but it would have been awkward not as awkward as you not showing up for the annual banquet I can't believe this we drove for three hours and here you are out here drinking again I told you it's a dog and pony show in there I don't want to be in what about spending some time with me with our son he's fine what are you talking about he's not fine look at what kind of example you're setting for him I'll bring two bowls of them this is no life for him what's that son he's my son too you are not taking it easy buddy easy think you've had too much to drink are you okay I'll be a detective Kato and this has nothing to do with you I'm not so reminded right now let me grab you a cab so you want to be a hero trouble seems to be finding you all night maybe we need to rewrite our professional workplace guidelines next time just stay away from the guy with the punch bowl I really don't want to get up there and give that speech anyways I don't know how to lead a company how to pick up where Dad left off Justin Kayla I have a few things I've been meaning to tell you I've got all the time you need today's actually my last day here at Shelby engineering and I recommended you for the open management position I have to take this okay hey babe how you doing babe Justin are you serious no hold on one second okay the metro is still open okay Justin Justin [Music] did you hear Shelby got in a fight last night in the parking lot they're not talking about it but they say he was drunk he never came in and Jan and accounting said this company's in big trouble there's nothing after the green building ladies look at this what is this contract okay guys here's the latest Manning's got us down to a bare-bones proposal you got a score with the contract that's on the table look Alex we talked about this kind of thing already just bid low we'll make up the difference [Music] take a look around do you think I built this company by taking on impossible deals just trying to get your business Alex your bid is 10% over your material cost now you're either not going to be able to build it or you got a plan to stick me with a ton of extra costs in order to get it done no no that's not it at all well we can make this work I only do business with reputable firms [Music] he didn't think I can do it people don't respect me [Music] so Manning said no hey did you shoot him you mean take his picture no yeah sometimes having the right barriers will work they will respect that you mean like making people call me sir absolutely you got to get control this before it gets out of hand I know people don't respect me hey I got an idea you could try trapping them well you mean like something illegal just remember why don't you get them you got a barium and legal paperwork no just dig a big hole in your backyard and bury them all there what clay hey I gotta call you back yeah mice in his apartment I was trying to tell you about my personal problems people don't respect me you just proved my point Alex people will respect you it takes time you've got to earn their respect well how am I gonna do that with no experience [Music] [Music] [Music] you see Bowman has a bid out no I did it yeah well we need this one hey Bowman always goes for the lowest bid so skim but he won't oh we've got to keep this company running somehow not this way at least send a reasonable bid first we need to have room to negotiate your father built one building for Bowman and he said he'd never do it again be careful Alex Bowman is a tough businessman with his own financial concerns and he doesn't like to lose [Music] he'll leave you sittin bankrupt if you let him [Music] good afternoon welcome to time for horse company spectacular so you are regretting that wardrobe choice right now when you said surprise I didn't realize we were taking a three hour train ride to upstate New York you needed to change the scenery and guests up at least a change of clothes hey I tried to warn you but Hey so you remember when we were little kids and we got those horseback riding lessons and we also believed in fairytale dreams Michelle that was so long ago listen just because things didn't work out with Justin doesn't mean your life has to stop come here it's okay Michelle I love you I love you too [Music] a visa breeders [Music] [Applause] this is what Bowman just sent back it's a good deal we'll make money on it the late fees are huge apartments are done they're gonna have the footings poured steel on-site in three weeks I advise against signing I think we should keep negotiate until we can work out a reasonable late penalty [Music] this came for you sorry I don't believe this you sent this to me at work stop the gambling huh now that's real mature you owe me and you owe me I'll do it I need a hundred grand now in the hologram winning job okay how did this happen well c-shell long or the wrong structural team at least we counted before you used any of those beams well we used one of the first week okay what are you saying these things are fortunately kind of over-engineered you know so it'll be okay for this one thank goodness you sure about that yeah we're all right yeah it better be [Music] let's see what you have here Candace it's for my mom is really good okay folks it's time to get started I've asked miss Donovan who had some experience in art too [Music] it appears shorter but it doesn't really happen in real life does it sim for me Ron I think you'll find all the inspiration you need you realize how much God loves you Ron I think your mom would really like this Thanks good job [Music] are you looking for hope no I'm looking for my sister Michelle so there's an issue at work hey I want you to get me copies of the Bowman purchase order for miss long and our New York office okay yeah I'll email Michelle as Miss long you ever done any unsatisfactory work before Michelle no she's meticulous she's never made a mistake yeah hey do you know about this yeah you know Michelle when somebody makes a gross error it's probably best that they just leave what are you talking about I'm talking about the mistake you made on this purchase or Darrin I didn't make a mistake the order was changed after I sign it another mistake like this I won't ask you to leave oh please I have to fix this now please just go just go thank you I don't know I just I really thought Darrin would stand behind me on this one yeah just long enough to push you over a cliff I so do not trust guys are you sure you didn't make a mistake I mean you do forget things when have I forgotten things remember our favorite black sweater Kayla I was seven do you still have the original purchase order on your computer no somehow it was changed [Music] what you gonna do about Michelle I've got a fire this is unacceptable now hold on a minute she's never made a mistake like this before this is more than a mistake in a purchase order I mean she could drown us in late fees this could put us out of business well let me at least to have Jason take a look at it I just don't know what to do you'll figure something out [Music] [Music] after being in New York for two weeks I'm done with Darren goodnight [Music] [Music] money we need to check everything nothing can be trusted you need to find out how this happens so it doesn't happen again you're gonna have to hang out at the downtown office and live at your apartment for a while daddy we're almost there oh you're gonna call her quietly while I work right yeah thank you baby sitting on the job she's my neighbor her mom went to the ER this morning [Music] I know you you're the caterer from the banquet and the only reason I remember that is because I wanted to meet you after that guy hit me yeah Wow that was really brave by the way it was amazing I'm sure anyone else would have done the same thing they probably would have ducked twice though ha ha ha I need to sign an against I'm sorry she can't go back there Darrin will be furious it's only for a few hours she's really well behaved very quiet well she may be well behaved but Darrin isn't your Michelle long that's correct and you are Alex Alex Taylor it's nice to meet you Alex Taylor well if you're looking for another catering job I can talk to Jenny she runs the place really no not really but she is the executive secretary of mr. Shelby yeah no I don't really do catering anymore so what are you doing there I I actually work here now so okay well then we'll see you around can you say goodbye to mr. [Music] I'm in a little bit of trouble here Michelle doesn't sound like you fired her look she remembered me as the caterer and one thing led to another you told her what this is a crazy idea but what if I was hired in as a graphic artist at this location you're right this is crazy no I can't explain it but I really don't think she's guilty I get that part but it's easy to be deceived look bill Jennings works there Darren the guy who decked you it's gonna be pretty dicey for the company of either one of them recognizes you Darren was drunk he won't remember me it's still risky remember the part about me being the boss how I'm learning to make decisions yeah well I may have been a little wrong about that a little bit Michelle's best chance is if I can get to the bottom of this you're supposed to be protecting the company and right now firing the right person is the most important thing for the company I don't know about this Alex there's a widespread rumor that you secretly run this company that's not a rumor my dear boy [Music] artists he looks a little bit like a heavy what are you doing in my office I'm the new graphic artists from the main office I don't need an artist I need someone who can follow orders wait a man who looked familiar where do I know you from kid Darrin you really need to talk Jenny's not right now come back later Jenny the secretary she said she emailed to you this is des town on the left in purchasing do what I tell you you'll be looking for work I'll be watching you [Music] here's what needs to be done in the new Bircher okay yeah that right away okay we need that done by Thursday at 3:00 she's so not your type hey is she seeing anyone she's not seeing you if that's what you're asking oh really hey Michelle do you have any plans for lunch Ron how are you I'm doing okay when did you eat I went over to the soup kitchen you told me about last night come on [Music] how did she know his name shells always picking up strays like you thank you very much [Music] hey hey so I hear that you are the purchasing person here at Shelby okay I need you to verify all the graphics on pages three okay all the way through nine all right thanks well I hear that something went wrong with the Bowman order Wow even then you PI heard about that Alex I want you to meet bill from PR hi Bill Jennings haha Alex the new guy alright see you later I'm in Jason how you doing did you find something that could have changed the order no the change came from Michelle Long's computer at 9:30 that morning so there's no question she sabotage the project well probably but I couldn't access most of the code because a lot of it was encrypted shopping for baseballs it must be a full-time job for you monitoring me your work is putting this company out of business I need you to stay focused you want to stay in business find something more productive to do than watching me Shelby is this close to firing you quit what stay focused [Music] how does Darrin know everything that we're doing put a camera so he can watch us oh and he set up his computer to monitor everyone else that's so I guess personal emails are out I encrypt everything he spies on everyone and you told me you told me that this whole thing was over engineered you're sure the laser check with Zach yeah and the whole eye beam is gonna have to be replaced I mean what were you thinking look I don't want anyone hurt pull everyone off until we get this fixed you understand that'll put us four more days behind we're pushing that deadline I'll keep everybody on the jab we keep this to ourselves it's the only way we're gonna make it [Music] let me help prove you didn't make a mistake how all I need is access to your computer it's like it's your whole life right oh well if someone's trying to make it look like you made a mistake the evidence is gonna be on your computer I really like you but I've only known you for a short time I really like you too if it's a matter of trust my password is Alex five to one I trust man we can't have another error okay two weeks three days behind well it's this for find out what's on her computer [Music] [Music] [Music] in early and now working late my my aren't you the model worker all I try yeah except for now you're at Michelle's computer and I thought earlier I saw you coming out of her office what a coincidence yeah I was I was thinking of leaving her a note it seems someone's trying to keep us apart got any suggestions I'm willing to try just about anything you know one day we're gonna laugh about all this no we won't really halfway there why is that I like you see I actually like the way that you protect your sister misguided of course that's the other half that will never happen we could hug now and be friends yeah like so Hey okay you wanna connait always pay the boss expects you to be here for eight hours oh is that how that works it's all words what you got there the baseball I ordered online the other day okay I have something special for you today run this is a game ball from the 1994 World Series when you pitched how did you know it's not important what is important though is that you know who you are people who come into your life and they tell you you're great they tell you you're the best and you believe them and then those same people come back and they tell you you're a loser and you're worthless and you should quit you know what you believe them then - I'm not that person anymore you've just forgotten what your name means it means nothing that's the beautiful thing though the truth will set you free but you have to make a decision to believe it hey Alex you've been in and out a lot lately I'm so touched that you noticed I think we're really beginning to bond here Shelby engineering expects you to actually work you know you and Darrin that would make an excellent team you guys thanks so much you like Darrin and I don't think anything alike oh well you could have fooled me I promise I'll have it done okay you better hello hey glad you can make it thank you for the invitation no problem nice place you have here thank you it's a work in progress huh yeah that's my drawing Wow so do you ride or just draw well I ride and draw Oh kind of helps to have a art background when you're an artist who would have thought hmm horses kept me sane when I was growing up my father was an alcoholic and we never had any money but somehow one summer my mom managed to buy me five riding lessons [Music] must have been a special summer for you it was I'll never forget what they taught me a horse and it's rider must learn to navigate the difficult areas on a trail that's good there's always difficult trails on a journey [Music] Alex I really appreciate you helping me work through all this thank you yeah of course although I don't think Kayla would see it that way she researched you you know really yeah I'll do home from work one day talk to all your neighbors got your employee file from Darren in case you hadn't noticed kay was a little paranoid yeah I would say so do you trust me no ugly secrets what only two yeah I can't I can't dance and I hate public speaking well if you're interested I might be able to help you with the first one how so so many lonely prayer nothing here to show when the finally comes my way are you my dream come true Jesus want to tell me what this means could love be fragile as I see I just can't believe cuz I believe blow it gotta believe in you my love if you're out there waiting before I dance I'm so lost without you but for my chance where are you [Music] my dream come true [Music] you [Music] my dream come true you've been spending a lot of time with Alex lately I don't see what the problem is he's not who he says he is what a pleasant surprise maybe not so pleasant what's up we're not gonna finish on time without a costing us overtime and we don't have the cash until Bowens first payment and the bank isn't gonna give us any more credit no matter how hard I try this whole thing is crashing have you uh talked to Michelle to tell her now which is complicate everything you're gonna have to tell her there's something I need to tell you it's not I knew about that compromise beam weeks before I told you and you let construction continue I know I shouldn't have but I did so a good name is impossible for me now Alex the future is always gonna be uncertain you're never gonna know exactly what to do but you're always gonna have a choice and if you have the courage to do the right thing then others will too that's real leadership well Alex I'll do the loan against your house and land okay okay well great only to the extent that you understand that if you lose the company you'll also lose your house I understand [Music] [Applause] I think you'll find all the inspiration you realize how much God will set you free but you have to make a decision [Applause] [Applause] aren't you so thoughtful okay what does everybody get this many flowers for their birthday no one except for Michelle it's like everybody in the city sends her flowers really why I guess she touches a lot of people's lives oh come on now don't be jealous never [Music] you enjoying yourself I'm just trying to see who the competition is on this guy does he think he's Tennyson or something this is the important one [Music] I'm not gonna top that but these are the flowers I got you I'm most interested in the card Kayla what are you doing come on you know every time a letter from Justin surfaces you're sad for days I am requesting your permission help dear Justin you hurt my precious sister thank you Wow you took that really well what's wrong I should I hope you take this well too dear Alex do not hurt my precious sister come on Alex and I are really similar I mean other than the catering thing but I can cook so it counts right okay so you like the things he likes you enjoy doing what he does you love his eye Michelle I've been there and I've done that he's your Justin why can't you just see the best in people he really have just been hurt one too many times [Music] [Music] crying it's good to see you you remember my friend Alex huh Alex hey you didn't expect to see me here just good to see you again good to see you too hey how's that baseball picture coming about as good as ever Michelle you did an amazing thing with wrong I really worked in his life because of you you know you know the story Alex and this isn't over yet [Music] there's no way that building will be completed in that time now the Michelle gets layered yes yeah yeah get rid of her and get her to sign that document I gave you don't worry about that you just made sure that last payment gets transferred to my account I'll take care of the rest how's it going oh I'm good how'd that keystroke tracker work this is a copy of her hard drive find something that proves she didn't make a mistake how about I just find out what happened I works to same thing right no we don't know you're biased anyway huh well you know she's got a system that's I've been trying to put in a good word for you well that's nice yeah yeah this girl she's she's a tough nut to crack but I know you like a challenge I started looking into the problem and the files they've access to are all encrypted so there's not a whole lot I can do this is beyond normal IT responsibilities and a require a significant amount of computer hacking I don't normally do that type of work it's not officially mm-hmm what's our options well you could close the branch down have a trained team of computer professionals go in and do a sweep or you could interview the suspect now is there any chance that someone else could have done this using her computer well it's not likely they would have had to have known her password and have done it while she was there Michele you're fired I need your ID badge and your company cellphone so that's it we can't afford the kind of mistakes you bend and I haven't told you the mistakes see that's the problem you won't face reality and see your inadequacies generati I'm so sorry Michelle [Music] we're not gonna finish in time are we close we're still days away I just turn this in now how are you tell Alex I need to know if this encrypted drive can be cracked that's gonna depend on your budget make it a priority Nick this one's gonna require an expert it's about time I have some paperwork here that I want you to give to Michelle you'll have here saying this if you know what's good for you to sign also here's everything from your office that I thought you'd want you I'm not signing this the first one says I quit of my own free will not true the second one says that I made a mistake that caused the building project to be delayed how can all of this be happening to you you know faith is difficult but that doesn't mean that's not true [Music] one let's get something to eat hungry no way I want to take you guys to your favorite restaurant he's right over here thank you hey yeah we better sit down for this I came as soon as I could Bowman's lawyers are suing us for the late fees can't we can test the late fees if it's beyond our control all the evidence points to michelle purpose than causing the delay but you don't think she did it no no and if I don't prove that someone sabotage this project our lawyers are advising that we declare bankruptcy so you either have to accuse Michelle or lose the company yeah yeah pretty much isn't that he has a girlfriend and he's took her to my favorite restaurant what he loser you know when you told me all that stuff Michelle I just thought it was all one big misunderstanding but looks like I was wrong about a lot of things Michelle know you've impacted people's lives all over the city because of your trust in them you mean because of my trust in God [Music] were you able to crack the encryption yeah we search the drive couldn't find any communication between miss long or mr. Bowman that's good now that purchase order I told you about could that have been changed by someone else Nick there could have been something hidden on this drive but we would have to search for it and depending on your budget I'm sure we can make it work he's got to pay me somehow okay let's do it it's not over please understand seasons will change but the story goes on I'm asking right now will you trust me come on Michelle where are you [Music] [Music] you [Music] today [Music] and it never [Music] this feels wrong here pass me the camera why I know I've seen that guy somewhere before the guy in the suit New York is full of guys in suits what are you doing I want to go see what he's doing with Allen hey slow down hurry and I look ridiculous can I at least put my collar no we said we were going down and why did you wear heels you told me to wear out black going stealth remember yep but not heels what did you want me to do wear flip-flops so uh boy that's your badge there you really got into this didn't you yeah I had to I'm gonna contend to the bottom of this like you said suspects I download the pictures we took last night and of course you did that guy we saw with Alex he's John Graham be John Graham as in VP of Finance that shall be engineering John Graham yeah I thought I recognized him what was he doing with Alex Michelle what you need to come over here and look at this what is it like now Your Honor we'd like to call Alexander Shelby to the stand please raise your right hand do solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do please take a seat you have no right story I hope you tell us the truth please tell the court what was found on miss Long's computer well we found that the purchase order had been changed before it was sent so it's clear that Michelle Wong wilfully delayed the building No don't you mean yes no I mean no I believe somebody got onto Michelle's computer and sabotage the order but I do not believe it was Michelle I'm sorry courts in session you're too late Alice was the last to testify it's over yeah and Alex or should I say mr. Shelby just gave a truly inspiring performance telling the court how you sabotage opponent project I don't believe you you're calling me a liar hmm let's a glim in this for a minute did Alex tell you he was mr. Shelby no he deceived you did Alex tell you face to face that you were fired no again and did helots try to get up to have you sign documents admitting your guilt yes and you think I'm lying right Michelle go home just go [Music] [Music] [Music] I checked around Darin fired Michelle she have the authority to do that to fire Michelle no one has the authority to do that that's not what I mean can he fire a worker on his own authority no he has to check in with personnel do some paperwork none of that happened that's what I figured thank you I need to see you in my office can you still work here with all what's going on it of course I can that's what I like about you we are alike mr. chambers we are nothing alike well I don't know an unstable sister and lowlife deceitful employer doesn't seem to faze you Michelle is one of the most stable people I have ever known well I'm hoping criminal action is brought against her for sabotaging the Bowman Pratt she how did not sabotage the Bowman project and you know it wait a minute maybe you're unstable to like your sister they say these things run in families I have work to do [Music] [Music] mr. Shelby it's good to see you Darren you're fired your company's finished anyway you'll be out of business by the end of the week yeah I'll need your company cellphone computer and your ID badge you can take your personal effects but company property will stay here yeah whatever [Music] Kaylah [Music] what's wrong I've been so long Michelle hey it's okay whatever it is I'm here for you I know you always have been I thought you threw this out years ago no I kept what's going on this is a list of all the reasons for why I wouldn't believe in God but there outweighed by this I can't argue with your life [Music] hey how was your day well I've managed to bankrupt dad's company in a few short months and lose an amazing woman on top of it so well that's not how I see it you did the right thing and Michelle is a fortunate woman to have someone lose everything for her yeah well I lost her and your inheritance just because I'm about to become my doctor doesn't mean you don't tell me what do you mean I've started an email for you dear Michelle so an email that is exactly what boys do they mess with our minds and then they give us mixed signals just to confuse us Alex wasn't like that we need to go deep into show-me engineering and find out exactly what Darren and Alex were up to are you listening to yourself I really don't think that's a good idea we could get into a lot of trouble Kayla the facts are not gonna find themselves we need to go but what if it's Alex what if he's in trouble either he is in trouble or he should be in trouble now let's go well I still work here oh my goodness it's open a blessing I thought we would have to pick the lock like that would have worked yeah what do you think this means Darrin get fired so this computer is should connect to Darrin spy camera network and if he got fired suddenly then he wouldn't have had time to delete the DVR history you're right we need access to Darrin's computer yeah but how it's it's locked we have to call someone okay who do we call John Graham John Graham Michelle is 1:00 in the morning and he doesn't even know us yeah but he knows Darren all right I'm calling unless you want to no you go ahead but I don't speakerphone to I want to hear this bully here it is all right there's this phone number [Music] Darrin you better have a good reason for calling mr. Graham actually this is Michele long calling yeah how can I help you listen we need permission to access Darren's computer um we think the real cause of the Bowman problem might be there let me think yeah I can help you with that I can get access I have to get Jace on our tech guy on it thank you thank you so much [Music] oh here it is how about you take it hello yes Darren's past what if you did not change it greet you win a 7 1 1 we're in thank you thank you so much my pleasure ok ok check before work on the 17th [Music] wait a second look over there Hey look at that yeah wait wait slow down a little bit I think that's something right over there is mr. Stormin in no if you tell him Michelle long is here to see him I think he'll see me no appointment no way come on Michelle so we are not going to stop until we have a winning strategy and we have several items we need to discuss Rita I'm in a meeting oh yes Rita please send her right in who are you this proves the computer was being tampered with when the purchase order was changed he purposely sabotage the company and held you responsible for the mistake I want to know if Darren chambers ever accepted money from mr. Bowman Rita I need you back in here please Reeta clear my schedule so I'll give this to Curtis and having meet with Markman you're giving Curtis the Markman case absolutely clear my schedule now Michelle I'll contact you as soon as I get something Thank You mr. Stroehmann I understand you're filing a motion to set aside the judgment and Bowman vs. Shelby for discovery fraud yes I am I have evidence of fraud and discovery here's my brief that supports the motion did you have any knowledge of this I had no knowledge of fraud your honor will still be filing a counter lawsuit for damages did you find anything else on the drive we did find a virus that changed the purchase order at 9:30 in the morning thank you that should do it too bad you'd be keeping us in business well I hope you'll be keeping me in business take care of gentlemen and this is it after today we lose the building for dad's company you can start over if it comes to that [Music] what's going on they know you risk losing their company to protect Michelle that type of leadership means everything to them they're here to tell you that they respect that Alex we do thank you people want to follow courageously there's that care about them did you tell them I have no money to pay them they know they all decided to work until the company gets back on its feet Alex enjoy this they respect you and nobody's talking about it IGN and accounting says Darren fired Michelle really I always wondered about Darren he's got devious eyes back to work good afternoon how's it going how you doing all right here is the bankruptcy petition that we worked out with the creditors so that's it not exactly I just got a hundred page brief from the law firm of storm and Curtis and Hill and they filed this with the courts and they got the Bowman ruling rescinded how did they get involved I don't know but I'm now working with Stormin we know there was fraud in Discovery but we need more evidence for a countersuit give them this I found a virus that changed the purchase order on Michelle's computer wonderful you're making a big mistake but I'm done suing you I'm gonna own your company mr. Bowman did you pay Darin chambers to delay your building that's outrageous Shelby will do anything to save his skin Your Honor may approach a witness yes mr. Bowman do you recognize these bank records yeah do those bank records indicate that you made two payments of $100,000 to mr. chambers yeah but so what mr. chambers I'd like to remind you sir that you are under oath do you recognize this this was found in your office sir were you paid by mr. Bowman to program that drive to change the order on miss Long's computer [Music] yes I was all rise [Music] you didn't do your job I didn't pay chambers now they're gonna get my building well maybe I'll work for them Alex you you saved the company you are booked a year in advance so how did you come to rescue my company turns out you have friends in high places who we shall long I'm not sure I understand Michelle helps people in a five-block area in my building you may know my brother run the baseball player I do yeah when Michelle came to me I I just couldn't turn it out what are we gonna do we could stand real still and act like a mannequin or you could take a deep breath before you feet she's coming okay hi I'm Julie Alex's sister sister and you miss Mikayla yes we should go in um we tried to but the guard won't let us in come with me these are two of our executive level employees we're not exactly executive level employees and Michelle did get fired I own 50% show me and if I see your executive level then you are unless you're turning down my offer [Music] why is she avoiding me if I had to guess I would say it's probably because you've been deceiving her for weeks about who you really are fired her and then finally you testified against her in court about the Bowman project oh and it didn't help that we saw you with Julie either you're only right about the first part but nothing else yeah well we talked with Darren I'm gonna testify against later I would have told her everything yeah but well see falling in love kind of complicated things he said what he's trying to say yeah well your plan to deceive her did not simplify anything yeah well I didn't know I was gonna fall in love with you are you okay I assume but if I never just you never has to end her to trust I'm clay Dorsett by the way and you are her sister who's right there times char you should have tested me if I would have known you loved me I would have told you everything you didn't know I do now hey I need some advice she avoids me twice what does that mean it means you have a chance yeah you know Ron growing up I always looked up to you but I never took the time to say how proud I am to be your brother I'm proud of you Ronnie I always have [Music] [Music] [Music] right okay let's go okay now that we've received the final payment from bullying do we have the funds to finish the building when we're scheduled for final inspection in ten days even with it finished without a buyer for the building you know we still have serious cashflow problems I know a businessman who would buy the building if we can structure the deal right I think we can structure a deal he'll like this time like I say where you're gone it was funny another Chase for power kind of makes you miss a lot of things and Guerrero's this time no more add-ons [Music] ready hi Alex the Manning company of New York is the proud new owner of a building going on my galaxy and michelle michaud can't hearing is about to cut the ribbon is organized construction with the Shelby power [Music] I'd like to congratulate Alex Shelley in your leadership which quite frankly has led us through the most difficult time at Shelby engineering your dad would be very proud good job for the first time in my life I want to give a speech so here goes if leadership is about making the right decisions then success is about being surrounded by good people you are those people I want to thank John for his encouragement these last few months have been challenging but they've been some of the greatest months of my life so thank you all and Michelle this is for you [Music] how could you have painted this I kept my picture too [Music] I've got you [Music] in Austin this mom [Music] these years I've wondered when we'd find our chance to start again waiting to kingdom come [Music] rejoicing of appraising [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 895,495
Rating: 4.7655044 out of 5
Keywords: Courageous Love Full Movie, Jared Withrow, Jessica Koloian, Kristina Kaylen, Daniel Knudsen, Mark A. Knudsen, Christian Movies, Courageous Love Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies, Courageous Love - Full Movie, Patricia Mauceri, Tim Kaiser, Holly Houk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 17sec (6017 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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