Lost Heart (2020) | Full Movie | Melissa Anschutz | Don Most | Victoria Jackson

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(birds chirping) (peaceful music) - [Man] The Coast Guard picked up on some unusual activity a few weeks back. You know that scanner in my office? - [Man 2] Yeah. - [Man 1] It picked up on it too. - [Man 2] Huh. - The feds, they're denying anything unusual, as usual. God, let tonight be the night. Come on. Where are you? Uh! Oh, it's hot. - Hmm, coincidence? - You sound like Chip. - Smart kid. - Yeah, he's smart and stubborn too. - You taught him a lot. - Well, I hope it's enough. I don't exactly have the best track record, you know. - Never too late. - Well, aren't you the subtle preacher, Milo? - Guilty. - Now, what's that trash you're readin' anyway? - This trash was in your car. You gonna reach out? - The old ticker won't let me procrastinate forever. - Yeah, well, tomorrow is never promised. And always isn't truly forever. - Oh, how poetic. - That was pretty good. Sermon material. Never promised. - Did you tell anybody you were comin' out here tonight? - No. Why? - Just curious what your Sunday club would say. (chuckles) - Don't get salty, now. Churchgoers are just tryin' to knit their faith together, like you. - You know what? You gotta admit though, a lot of these stories in the Bible, they sound just like "Close Encounters." You got people turnin' into pillars of salt, giants the size of trees. And then you got dragons and lakes of fire. (Milo chuckles) I mean, is that any harder to believe than some crazy little light in the sky? And then there's, oh, who's that guy? Enoch? - Elijah. - Elijah, okay, yeah. Goes to heaven alive. Okay? How does he get there? In a flaming chariot. So what's that sound like to you? - I know there are a lot of unexplained things in the Bible, a lot more than most people want to accept. I'll give you that. - I would just like to see that thing one more time. I mean, a real close encounter. - You've got two close encounters left on your bucket list. - Yeah, the UFO's a want to. My daughter is a need to. - To your close encounters. (light music) - Milo, that's it right there! That. What are you gonna do, write it down? Get your camera! - [Milo] Yeah, right. Okay. All right. Turn on, turn on. You stupid camera! - Milo! - Harris! Oh, no. No, hang in there, buddy. Hang in there. Harris. Come on, fight, buddy, fight. Fight for your daughter. (gentle music) - So your fans know about the Hannah Sweet who sells out stadiums and has sold millions of records. But who's the woman behind the star? - Does anybody really care? - We really do. What was it like where you grew up? - I was a girl from a little town in Northern Michigan. And nothin' ever really happened there. That's why I left. - [Interviewer] Tell us about your parents. - Mama was a folk singer. She even told me she played Woodstock, but I never saw any pictures or footage. Daddy was an ex-soldier. He was... (slow country music) - Hannah. What did your father do? Hannah? - He drank. You wanna hear the truth about how Miss Hannah Sweet became America's sweetheart? I mean this, this is a tell-all, behind the scenes music piece, right? My father was a horrible drunk. He was abusive to me and Mama. And it got so bad, she went crazy and up left us, left me. (sniffles) But that's how I got strong. And that's how I found the strength to be able to face bottom-feeders like you who are tryin' to break a story. - Okay, we're done. - [Hannah] Well, here you go! - No, no, it's okay. I got this. - Turn 'em off! - Wait. Why? They want the details. I got the stories. - Can we have the stage, please? Now! - What? - Tell me you can still perform tonight. - You think I can't? Please. In my sleep. Don't you touch me! - Get hair and makeup back in here. And I'll get you some strong coffee. - I don't need any coffee! And I ain't doin' any more interviews! Get the cameras outta here! No one, no one comes near me! - Marty, she can't afford to do this again. She's burned every bridge in Hollywood. This is her last second chance in Nashville. - Just hang on. We've been through this before. - I've got Trace Atkins on the phone. - I know, just give us 20 minutes. (Marty sighs) - The fathers eat the sour grapes. The children are set on it. Don't! - I was just tryin- - To save your golden goose? - I thought you were better than this. - I am. So don't you dare talk down to me. - You've got 20 minutes to get to rehearsal, or they're pulling you! - Huh, I'm not playin' tonight. The setup is all wrong! The hired musicians are awful. Nothin' I asked for happened. - You don't get it! You can't keep callin' the shots anymore, after you walked off your TV show, canceled the Grammys, cursed at Dolly! But if you screw this one up, we're both done. - I'm just your job security? Figures. - I've given you 20 years of my life! I can't do this anymore! - What are you going to do, huh? You gonna go find some other starry-eyed wannabe hussy singer to spew your Nashville nonsense? - That's it. It's over! - Well, you can't quit, 'cause you're fired. Now get out! Get out! (crying) Please, just make it stop. (phone ringing) - This is Martin. W-What? - I should've never gone to the crossroads. - [Martin] Hannah? - Am I on? I can sing, I can. - No, you got a call from Verna in Michigan. Your father passed. She wants you to go for the services. I'll have a driver take you back to the hotel. Go home, Hannah. (upbeat country music) - Don't talk to the press. Oh, and stop callin' me Miss Sweet. It makes me feel old. All right? So listen, did Martin call? Okay, I'm almost to Lost Heart, and I have no idea what the reception's gonna be like there. So just tell him a few days. I'll try you back in a few days. ♪ I'm barely holdin' on ♪ ♪ Jordan, can't you hear me ♪ ♪ Take my faith and bring me home ♪ ♪ Take my faith and bring me home ♪ - Looks about the same. - Miss? You aint from around here, are you? - No. But don't be touchin' the car. (dark music) - So this is the thanks I get, workin' myself to death while you're out here makin' smoky eyes at the tourists. - Not true. Your sister gave me this job because she knows we need the money. - Are you sayin' I can't take care of my family? - [Hannah] Mama. - Hey, hey, let her go, you drunk. - Drunk? That bottle is the only thing that gives me love around here. - No, Daddy, I love you. - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Sorry is for sinners. - [Boy] Miss, are you all right? - Shouldn't you be lookin' for your mama? Excuse me. - Mr. Potter, eggs'll be right up. - [Hannah] Excuse me. - It worked. - What? - I mean, you're here. - Yeah, I'm lookin' for Verna. - Right. I'm sorry. I just can't believe that you're here right now. - I'm her niece, and I- - Oh, I know who you are. Everybody knows who you are, but. - And you are? - I'm Elsie, Verna's daughter. I'm your cousin. - So is she here? - Oh, yeah. Mom's out back, buying morels. I can go get her for you. I'm really glad that you made it home. And I'm really sorry to hear about your daddy passing. We all really loved pops. I'll be right back. (gentle music) - No. - I can't believe Harris left him the car. - Listen, I saw Milo's picture. This is strange stuff. - Here comes Mr. UFO right now. - Or is that Minister UFO? (man chuckles) Take us to your leader, Milo. - Did you get the probe? - Show some respect, fellas. Harris went to meet his maker that night. He's not even in the ground yet. - Yeah, too soon. - Too soon. - Too soon. We're all very sorry about losin' old Harris. - I think it's groovy, Milo. The UFO, not Harris passing. Oh, hey, Ann wanted me to talk to you about shirts for the upcoming season at the gift shop. She said we could do postcards, stickers, pens, baby jumpers. You know, what have you, with the UFO picture on of course, yeah. - We'll see. - Half the proceeds go back to the church. It's win-win. - Shut up, Jim. - Win-win. - That beautiful car out there must belong to you. - Figure that out all by yourself, did ya? - Fancy car, fancy lady. Welcome to Lost Heart. - Welcome back, actually. - Milo! Um, Hannah's here. - Yes, I know, we met, sort of. I'm Pastor Williams. Milo. I sure have heard a lot about you. - Mm, that's usually the line I hear right before my lawyer has to take out a restraining order. - I think you're safe. - Uh, Mom left. You just missed her. She's at the house getting ready for tomorrow. - You know, I'm heading over there after my coffee. You want to just follow me? - I think I'll just head out now. - Wait a minute. Do you remember where the old Lewis house was? - Yeah. - Elsie, can I get that coffee to go? Because that's where she lives now. - Hmm. - I got it. - Hannah. Hannah, wait up. That's my boyfriend, Sterling. - Mm. - Sterling, sir, how's the fishing been? - (laughs) I'm not comin' Sunday, Milo. Buck fifty. - I didn't invite ya. Keep the change. - Oh, my gosh. Oh, I can't believe she's here. - I don't see what the big deal is. - I'm gonna be famous, a singer just like her. - I don't think just like her is a good thing. - Morning, gents. My name is Niles Cass. I'm with UFO Worldwide. I was hopin' I could ask you guys a few questions. - No, I need a replacement car like now! Three days? You know what, just nevermind. I'll just get this one fixed. - Classic, ain't she? Belonged to your father. (slow country music) - Great. - Oh, dear. You have a spare? - No, I don't. Makes me so, God! Sorry, it's just pretty obvious God hates me. - Is it? - Oh, that's right, you're one of those so-called experts. - Certainly no expert. Just a simple preacher of a simple church, but I used to be... - So God. Again, sorry. - I think it's odd that we're so quick to invoke his damnation anytime we do something clumsy or stupid. Maybe we should damn ourselves for our own lack of judgment and mistakes. - Well, that's pretty cold for a priest or pastor, whatever you are. - I wonder why we're not as quick to give him credit for the good things that happen to us. - Hey! Can I still catch that ride? - Sure, hop in. - Can you pop the trunk? - Oh yeah, sure, if I can find the latch. - Okay. Can we go? - Yes, we can. (upbeat music) Chippy, how you gettin' by today? - Getting by good. This is an enhanced 12-foot net. One-inch mesh, strong! - Allow me to introduce you to- - It's okay, man. I got this. You have dark lipstick. - You have Down syndrome. - I like her. You can call me Chip, Chippy or Big C Daddy. Oops. Sorry. I was makin' a batch of my secret Bigfoot bait, using honey and cat food. - If you just told me the ingredients, is it still a secret? - You have a trusting face. - Hey, Chippy. You do know who this is, right? - Of course. If I didn't, people'd think I was retarded. (both chuckle) (gentle music) Hannah Elaine Howard, better known as Hannah Sweet. You're my world-famous stepsister that I've never met. Auntie Verna's inside. Go on in. - [Milo] Thanks, Chippy. - Thanks, Chip. Big C. Daddy. - If you need to take a moment, I'll go see where Verna is. (soft music) ♪ I'm always chasing rainbows ♪ ♪ Watching- ♪ - Hannah! What are you doing out here, huh? - I was- - No chores done. - I know. - No dinner! - I was practicing. I was gonna get to it, I promise. I promise. - Singin' is for angels. (dramatic music) And you ain't one. - Uh! (spits) - Didn't mean to sneak up on you. I'm normally pretty good. - Excuse me. Excuse me, please. (crying) - What happened? - Spit happened. Why would she do that? - She never knew the Harris we knew. - A clone? - No, not exactly. Before a man has faith, he's like a ship lost on the big lake without a lighthouse to guide it. That's pretty good. Wait, wait, ship, lighthouse. - The lighthouse represents love. - That's right. - Just because I have Down syndrome doesn't mean I don't understand allegory. Oh, no! - What? - Was that Hannah? Not the welcome home I was expecting. Oh, no. I quit a long time ago. Not soon enough. - I shouldn't have come. - Well, I was prepared to disagree with you. - I'm sorry. (gentle music) I didn't think it would all come back so quickly. I wasn't ready. - 30 years, still not ready to visit your favorite aunt? (laughs) There's that smile. Sweet Tart. - Oh, you know, I always hated that name. - Sweet Tart. You must not have hated it that much, Miss Hannah Sweet. - I came back to see you and Mama but not him. - Well, I'm just thrilled you're here. - Is she still spitting? - No. - I don't want her to spit on me. - Is everything okay? - Yeah, it's good. - Good. I was trying to wipe Pop's face off after pbbt. Well, now Pops looks like a crying clown. - Oh, no. It's all right. Let's go see what we can do. - You'll be okay here? Tell Verna I'm going back into town. - Sure. Oh, and my car? - Heading to the shop as we speak. I told 'em to get it fixed. It might be pretty expensive, but I figured you could afford it. - That's fine. And thanks. (light music) - Good morning. My name's Niles Cass. I'm a journalist. - Oh, a journalist. - I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about Harris Howard. I heard that you were married to him before. - Yeah, um hmm. - But I must say, you look much too young to have been married to a man his age. - Oh, well, thank you. Won't you please come in, Mr. Cass. - Don't mind if I do. - Well, thanks to a little makeup, I got Harris lookin' a little better. - Why is he in the house and not at a church or a funeral home? - He wanted it like his great grandfather Pike's parlor funeral. Who, incidentally, got up after two days, so. So it was creepy in the late 1800s, and it's even creepier now. You don't trust me with the preppin'. - No. - You know, Mama used to do that. - Just not sure all that highfalutin' living you've been doin' has affected your culinary skills. - She still doin' all right? - She is strong as an ox. You know, she said she sent you hundreds of letters. Hundreds. - Are these even safe to eat? - She's been eatin' 'em for years. - Well, that explains a lot. Is she comin' tomorrow? - I don't know. - She hasn't forgiven him. - I think it's more the not the socializing sort than the forgiving. - So has she? - Baby, you should go see her. - One, two, three. Yes! (easygoing music) Keep practicing. - Too much makeup. It covers your natural beauty. (sniffling) (gentle music) - Mama. - Not one for letters, huh? Too much fan mail, I suppose. - I'm sorry. - I thought I'd never see you again. (crying) - I'm here. - What's this? - [Hannah] Your groceries. - My smokes! - From Aunt Verna. Your place, it's... - It's a charming dump. (Hannah laughs) Come on, let's walk, baby. - You smoke pot now? - Oh, yeah. It's legal in Michigan. - Yeah, I'm not really sure that's true. - And as I give you the green plants, so I give you everything. Genesis, in the Bible. No law is higher than God's law. Plus, it's good for my cancer. - Wait, what, you have cancer? - That's what they say. Six months to live. - Oh, Mama, no. - That was 6 1/2 years ago. I feel great. By God's grace and with my Geritol cush, I'm not goin' anywhere soon. Want some? - No, thanks. So what happened here? The park, and... - Oh, it's splendid, isn't it? It was all thickets and thorns. - You aren't seriously thinkin' about bein' buried next to him, are you? - (sighs) Come sit. - I feel like I'm back to the future with his name everywhere. What are you gonna tell me next they have a statue of him in the town square or somethin'? - He won a good amount of money in the lottery scratch off, and he bought Verna the old Lewis house and fixed it up. And he started a conservation club and the park and a few other things, and they gave him a statue in front of the library. - You gotta be kiddin' me. That drunk got lucky? - He hadn't touched a drop in 25 years. Actually, he was trying to make me stop drinking for the last 10 years or so. And we probably would've moved in together again except he said that he didn't wanna live with a drunk. He already done that long enough. And after the institution, I don't go anywhere. So he would bring takeout over, and he'd fix up the dining room all fancy. And we'd play music and dance. He brought people over, and we played bingo and even prizes and everything. - How, how did this happen? - Jesus calls it repentance. - Are you drunk? I mean like right now? - No. I put this in my letters. - I spent my entire life hating that man. And I'm mad. - Good. Let it out! - I'm not at you for leaving us! How could you do that? - He threatened to kill me if I took you away. And that's why he committed me to that awful place. I, I didn't, I was young and naive, and I was so scared. - You were young and scared? I was a child! - I know. - That's it. That's all you have to say? (melancholy music) - Be patient. - No, stop it, Daddy, please! Please don't! Those were Mama's! - And you are gonna end up just as crazy as her if you don't knock this off! - She ain't crazy! - Don't you dare. - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry. - Sorry is for sinners. And only God can forgive 'em. (upbeat music) - Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello, is anybody here? - Can I help you? - Yeah, that's my car. - You're very blessed. - But obviously not very lucky. Why is it takin' so long to fix a flat? - Oh, well it ain't just a flat. - If I could see the mechanic, maybe I could talk to him and we could get- - You're talkin' to her. - I'm sorry. I'm just havin' really bad day. - I know, I saw your viral video. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone I'm workin' on Hannah Sweet's car. Mechanic's code. (laughs) So, uh, that rock dented your rim, and those kind aren't available around here. So we had to send out for it. Be another day or so, but I'll let Milo know as soon as it's done. - Okay. - Hey, you know, there's a reason for all this. I mean, I'm just a poor girl from Detroit, couldn't afford my dream, so I learned the trade, but here I am. I got a chance to meet you here in my garage. (gentle music) Blessed is better than lucky. - Thanks again. (machine beeping) (light music) - Interesting. (upbeat country music) - [Elsie] Hannah, Hannah. Do you need a ride? - There, there, you got the shots? You got 'em? Thanks. I wasn't expectin' a pack of hick paparazzi. - See? Fame. - Hey, can I have one of those? - No. - Why not? - Because they aren't good for you. - You smoke them. - Yeah, well, I do a lot of things that aren't good for me. - Yeah, well, at least you get to do what you love. Go to exotic places and meet famous people and sing. You know, I sing too. - Is that right? - Yeah, I wrote this one song, and they might play it on the radio. I could sing it for you. - Sure. ♪ Northern lights are burnin' stronger ♪ ♪ Fills the space between the rain ♪ ♪ I can't stay here any longer ♪ ♪ I miss the pines beyond the lake ♪ ♪ I'm goin' back to where I come from ♪ - Hey, babe. That's really nice. - Do you think that I could ever make it? - Make what? - In the music business, like you? - You don't want to be anything like me. But you do have talent. - So where am I droppin' you? - At the motel. - (scoffs) Nonsense. Mom wouldn't have it. She's comin' with me to Aunt Alma's for dinner. - Uh. - Mom, guess what? Hannah says I have talent. Maybe enough to make it. - Well, we already knew that, sweetie. - Um hmm, glad she made it. Come on in. - This stew is gonna be delicious tonight. These mushrooms are from my garden. - Speaking of mushrooms, I had some reporter from "UFO Worldwide" stop by the tavern this morning. - Handsome adventure-looking type? Yes, he was here too. - Why would he come here? Oh, she doesn't know? - [Hannah] Know what? - Um. Harris died watching a UFO. (twangy music) - Chip calls it a UFA. - A what? - An unidentified flying angel. - I thought you said Harris quit drinkin'. - Not a drop. - Milo was there. He caught some pictures. - Y'all have been stuck in Lost Heart way too long. - Harris was very well respected in the UFO community. - Not so much in the church community. - Yeah, but that's mostly on account of his occasional swearing during church services. - Yeah. (bass music) - Must be Milo. - What is that tune from again, "Closed Encounters?" - "Closing Encounters of the Third Kind." Hey, you ever seen a UFO or? - No, no, I haven't. I just need to get some air. Excuse me. - I mean UFAs, angels, not objects. I still can't believe that she's here. - We meet again. - Yeah. And here I thought you'd be out lookin' for a little green man. - Heard about that, did you? - UFOs. - UFAs, unidentified flying- - Angels. Yeah, yeah, I heard all about it. And you accept that? I mean, as a minister? - Well, it's a valid a guess as any, I suppose. - Is it? - Mankind has been staring at lights in the sky for millennia, trying to make sense of things that are beyond our capacity to know. Who's to say how God reveals himself? Like Elijah saw the angels. (slow country music) Wait, wait, oh yeah, wait a minute. Like Elijah saw the angels. The army of angels in the mountains. And nobody else saw them. Yeah. Yeah. (chuckles) - Are you still here? I'll do anything to leave this place! I'll give you my life! I just wanna sing from the bottom of my heart. Please save me. (crying) I want. (slow country music) - What are you up to, Hannah Sweet? - Hannah's back. This is prime time Bigfoot sighting hours. - Okay, well, I'll be careful. - I'm gonna walk the perimeter, check my beat. - Cookies and milk. - Bigfoot and Santa Claus have nothin' in common. - [Hannah] (chuckles) He's quite a character, huh? - He's come a long way. He had a rough childhood. Chip was abused, physically, by his father, until one 4th of July. Chip's dad was... He liked to party. Things got out of hand, and his dad put an ax through his uncle's heart. Tried to kill Chip as well. Chip ran off. (somber music) His dad was sent off to prison for life. No one wanted to take Chip in, so they put him in the state home where Harris used to help out. Harris started giving him odd jobs around his house. Chip just kept coming over. Eventually, Harris took him in and adopted him. - Stepsister. - I think he understood the demons that plagued Chip's father. Maybe it was his own atonement. - So where will he go now? - Verna gets custody. Hey, Sterling. - Evenin'. Elsie inside? - Yeah, I think so. - All right then. (Hannah scoffs) - He's a bit unfriendly. - I think he's just worried about Elsie. I'm gonna go check on Chip. - Creepy, ain't it? - [Hannah] Yeah, that's what I thought. - Well, two more days, it'll be all over. - Couldn't be soon enough. - [Milo] Hey, Chip. How goes it? - Slow. - Something smells. - That's me. The bait. - I see. - Question. Devil's Crossroads, do you know it? - I know some kids got into trouble bridge jumping when that Chapin kid broke his leg. - Not jumping, selling souls. - Like the Ralph Macchio movie with guitars? - Kids in town was talking about it. Told me to trade my soul to not be Down syndrome. - What did you say? - I told them to stop being retarded. I don't want to trade with the devil, but I did get thinking maybe Bigfoot would hang out at the crossroads. - With the devil? Why? Who do they serve? - Those are questions I plan to ask upon meeting one, providing communication could be established. (Milo chuckles) - Come on, let's get you cleaned up. - Yes. I had to pee for a half an hour. - (chuckles) Let's go then. - I just don't think I can do this tomorrow. Sit there and watch a bunch of people grievin' and celebratin' a man who isn't even worth rememberin'. - You know it's not all about you, right? He wasn't only your dad. He was my brother. (melancholy music) He was like Chip's father. He was Milo's best friend Around here, he was a lot of people's favorite pops. So I'm sorry what happened to you, but those of us who knew him after he changed deserve a chance to remember him well. We're so glad you're back, Hannah. Baby, I'm so glad you're back. I am. But is it right to deprive us of grievin' in order to protect your past? - [Sterling] So you're just gonna forget about the life that we had? Our plans, the shop? (Hannah gasps) - [Chip] Prepare your noses. I'm coming in! - [Elsie] I don't want to own a sports store! - [Sterling] Since when? - Sterling, I don't like fishing or hunting. - Don't say somethin' that you can't take back! - I am not going to be a waitress for the rest of my life! - Babe. - I'm gonna sing. - It's not just fishing stuff! It's custom-made rods and hand-painted lures. It's high art. Somethin' stinks. Oh, oh, he's turnin'. You better get some Febreze up in here. He's startin' to stink! Ah! Thanks a lot, miss country music star Hannah Sweet, for comin' back here and ruinin' my life! - [Milo] Sterling, what's going on? - [Sterling] Your preachin' won't fix this, Milo. - Come on, baby, let's go inside. Okay, let's get you all cleaned up. Ugh! Why does the bait stink so bad? - I bury my cat food in a zip lock bag for two weeks before using it. - Well, that explains it. - Elsie is gonna ruin this. - Isn't he a little old for her? - How old was that young country singin' hunk you were with a few years back? I don't think he could even grow a beard. - I don't know what's gotten into him lately. It's like he thinks this place is heaven or something. - Well, what has gotten into you? - Woo! I feel women talk comin'. I'm out of here. - He really loves you, you know. - Do you love him? - Of course I love him. But this town, Michigan. I'm never gonna have a chance at a real music career here. - Well, all the success in the world isn't gonna mean a thing unless you got somebody to share it with. Excuse me, y'all. (melancholy music) - She's pretty great, Harris. Edgy, but great. - What's the matter? - I'm going to miss Pops. (crying) - Yeah. I wanted to apologize again about the whole spittin' thing. - I understand. And I accept your apology. He was the best pops I ever knew, followed closely by Milo. (gentle music) - What are you gonna miss about him? - Fishing. We would go fishing all the time. Most of the times he caught more, but sometimes I would. He would never yell at me. My dad yelled a lot and he'd call me things. Pops used to tell me that my dad was just a loving soul trapped in a hateful man. - Yeah, well, I can certainly relate to that. - Pops must be very happy in heaven. - Yeah, why is that? - Because you came back. - We have a really big day tomorrow. So you need to get some sleep, okay? - I will. - Good night, brother. - You too. Aw, you called me brother. - Well, of course. That is what you are. - I thought you answered my prayers by bringing Hannah back. But what if it wasn't you that gave her that life? I'm confused. I love Sterling, but how could I ever make something of myself here? (sighs) Chip, you scared me. - Who are you talking to? - God, or so I thought. (gentle music) - I'm sure he heard you. I was makin' sure you're okay after Sterling. - I'm fine. It was just a fight. - He didn't hit you, did he? - No, never. He's a big teddy bear. - Good. I like teddy bears. - Chip do you know Oak Crossing? - Over the old wood bridge? The place kids call Devil's Crossroads? - They say you can sell your soul there for whatever your heart desires. - Who would want to do that? - Me. I haven't. But I want to be famous, like Hannah. Only I think Hannah did it. I don't know. I saw her at the crossroads tonight, and... - Milo and I were just talking about that place. Maybe he can help. - No, don't tell anyone. I'll figure it out. Just forget I said anything. Okay? Promise? - Okay. (peaceful music) - Morning, Milo. - [Milo] Morning, Alma. - Do you know Niles? - Oh, yes. May I have a word with you, Mr. Cass? - Sure, sure. Why don't you go on ahead, and I'll catch up to you. - Okay. - Before you say anything, she invited me. - There's no story here. None. - Come on, it's famous UFO hunter Harris Howard's wake, and his daughter just happens to be the country music star Hannah Sweet. Right, no story here. - I told you, I would think about letting you publish the photo. - Yeah, and you should. It's a fitting tribute to a fine man. Lookit, I'm gonna get the guest perspective on Harris. Betcha they got a lotta interesting stories to tell. - [Harris] What did I tell you about wearing all that whory makeup? - [Hannah Voiceover] I'm playin' with the Tavern. - You ain't never gonna be no country singer. (dramatic music) You hear me? - Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Sorry's for sinners! - I know! Only God can forgive him. Only God can forgive him. - I keep telling you, beauty like yours don't need no fancyin' up. - I thought you weren't comin' to this. - Well, I wasn't. But today is about letting go. - I let go of him a long time ago. - No, not of him, of myself. I, I don't go out, because I'm afraid of what everyone says. And I hate that it's all true. But I let it define me for too long. - And, suddenly, you don't? - I can't change the past, and I can't control what people say. I'm just happy my daughter's home. And I'll take anything I can get. If you can be here, I can be here. And I made a cucumber salad and a fudge assortment. (Hannah laughs) So there's people are here, so come on, finish up. - Maybe just a little bit of gloss. - Okay, if I could get everyone's attention, we can begin. I want to thank you all for coming out this morning. You've gathered here today to celebrate the life of Harrison Howard. Harris was one of a kind. Like many of us, he had his struggles, but he showed that love can transform anyone. And he became quite a passionate resident of Lost Heart, a conservationist, an outdoorsman, who spent many a day with his son Chip, dropping a line or watching the skies for all sorts of- - UFAs! (people chuckle) - Yes, but Harris now finds himself on a new adventure. All his pain, sorrows and sins of the past forever washed away, as he walks hand in hand with his creator. The family has elected to just have a moment of silence to begin. (melancholy music) Thank you. Thank you. Say your final goodbyes to Harrison's earthly shell. Rejoice in his new life in the hereafter. (people talking) - Mind if I join you? - Please. - Thanks. - So that Sterling, he doesn't like me, not one little bit. - It's not you. - It's not. 'Cause it feels like it's me. I mean, he did say that I ruined his life, and he is glaring at me right now. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's me. - He hates that Elsie wants to change her life to be like yours, even more so now that you're here. She wants to get out of Michigan into the fast life. Sterling wants nothing more than to stay right here, where he's full and content. But she's- - Like me, yeah. Speaking of that, I did want to talk to you about something personal- - Oh. I'm sorry. Excuse me just, just a moment. - Okay. I just happened to have sold my soul to the devil as a girl, but no big deal. It can wait. - (sighs) For better or worse, Harris. Maybe on the other side, we can dance without stepping on each other's toes. (Alma crying) ♪ In the region where the roses always bloom ♪ ♪ Breathing out upon the air their sweet perfume ♪ ♪ There's a dusky maid ♪ ♪ I long to call my own ♪ ♪ For I know my love for her ♪ ♪ Will never, never, ever die ♪ (gentle music) - Do you think Hannah's gonna be okay? - We'll see. - Yeah. - Men! - Don't worry about it. Men can be like that. - It's not just that. Have you ever wanted something so badly you'd give up almost anything to have it? I have to tell you something, a secret. Do you know Devil's Crossroads, down by the old bridge? (tense music) I sold my soul to the devil to become like you. - What? - I just, I wanted so badly to get out of Lost Heart. I wanted to sing, to be a country star like you. - No, no, no, Elsie, no. - [Elsie] Should I not do it? I mean, does it even work? Is there a way to reverse it? Hannah, what should I do? - Oh, no. We'll talk about it later. We'll figure it out. - Well, is it permanent? - Hey! - Hannah! - [Paparazzi] Hannah! Hannah! - [Niles] How about a little bit of respect here? - How 'bout some pictures? - One picture. - Get outta here right now before I take your cameras! (dramatic music) (people cheering) Thank you. - [Man] That was good. - Wake on. Sorry about the disturbance. Ms. Howard, you all right? I don't think we've been properly introduced. - Yeah, I know who you are. - [Niles] You do? - Here to make a quick 10 grand, diggin' up a story on my estranged UFO-chasin' daddy. - Uh, no. Really $10,000? - Just leave. - [Niles] Hey, I didn't come here for you. - You came as a guest of my folk-hippie mama. Keep diggin', and maybe the tabloid'll pay you 20,000. - You don't know me. Why are you judgin' me? Didn't you see me chase off that low-life paparazzi back there? That was me. - I know a media hound when I see one. - You know, as much as I should be flattered by the fact that you consider me media, I'm not a tabloid reporter. I'm a scientific journalist. (Hannah scoffs) I just happen to study some topics that are on the fringe. - (chuckles) Fringe topics? - [Niles] Yeah. - You mean made up nonsense? - Like selling your soul at the crossroads? Hmm? - That's not any of- - Listen, I've documented everything. Bigfoot sightings, ghost hauntings, moth men, and, yes, UFAs. Pretty sure the devil's not real, but Chip seems to think there's some connection between the two, so. - Okay, but Chip is ret- - Whoa. Chip is honest, right? That's what you were gonna say. You know what? It's real nice meetin' you, and I'm very sorry for your family's loss. (slow country music) - Real charming, Hannah, real charming. - Love the suit. - Mr. Cass, I assume you are unaware of a UFA landing site in the woods. - Yeah. Um, yeah, I'm not aware of that. - I could show you, if you bring your camera. Meet me at the old road. - Yeah, I'll bring my camera. What road are you talking about? (Chip gasps) - Business card. I'll contact you. (light music) - Listen, I'm sorry for your loss. - [Hannah] Hey, Chip, you good? - I would say better than good. - Well, what were you and Mr. Cass talkin' about? - Stuff, I guess, just stuff. I want some watermelon. - Okay. Oh, sorry, I, I didn't think anyone was still here. - Oh, I heard from the shop. Your wheel came in, and they're fixing it. So you can pick it up at the garage in the morning. - That's great. Thanks for taking care of that. Uh, listen, I did wanna talk to you about something spiritual, but- - Oh, yeah, I remember. Sorry I got pulled away earlier. - It's okay. First of all, it's personal. This, this stays just between you and me, okay? - That comes with the job. - Let's say someone wanted something so bad they would do just about anything to get it. - Like things they're ashamed of to get ahead in the, whatever industry one might find themselves in, like using their body to- - No! No. Like sellin' their soul to the devil at the crossroads. - (scoffs) That's what you did? - Um, look, it's Elsie, okay? She just wants to be so much like me. We just need you to reverse it. - I don't mean to laugh. It's just sounds a bit farfetched. - What, you don't believe in the devil? - No, I believe he exists, but I just don't think that- - Okay, we just, we need you to nullify it or do one of those exorcisms or somethin'. - Selling your soul is a cautionary tale to scare kids from bad decisions and keep them saying their prayers. But if one chooses- - Okay, I cried my prayers to God every single night. I prayed for my mama to come back and for my daddy to be sober. But you know what? He never answered. So I went elsewhere. - But your mama is back. Harris did get sober and turned his life around. - Never mind, you just don't get it. - I don't think you get it, Hannah. He answered you. - What? With lights in the sky? You know what, just forget it. I'll just do it myself. - Wait. Went elsewhere? (gentle music) - [Harris] You ain't never gonna make it as a singer - Stay away from me! - You dump my stash, I break your strings. - You don't need it. - You don't know what I need! I needed your mama, but she left us because a you! - Well now I'm leavin' because of you! - Hannah. Hannah, wait, don't go! Hannah, I'm sorry. - Sorry's for sinners, Dad. I wonder if God will forgive you. - Hannah. Hannah! (melancholy music) - Ooh! (dramatic music) - Hannah. (Hannah gasps) Oh, careful now. You all right? (Hannah panting) - Yeah. Yeah, I think so. - All right, well, you did a little Eval Knievel stunt on your bike there, but I don't see any blood or broken bones. - What are you doin' here? - I told ya, I'm a scientist. There's some interesting energy readings around here. Some odd weather patterns too. What are you doin' out here? - Uh, nothin', nothin'. - Nothin'. Okay, well, how about you let me give you a ride home, 'cause your bike doesn't look like it's goin' anywhere. - Um. No, but can you give me a lift back to town? - Sure, I can do that. Come on. (gentle music) - [Hannah] Oh. - I'll get your bike. Not a problem. Uh, part of your bike. - [Hannah] Can I ask you somethin'? - [Niles] Let me guess, what us two normal, good-lookin' people are doing in Lost Heart? - [Hannah] How can you believe in all these mystical conspiracies? - Well, I like to believe that maybe it's more. You know, maybe it's supernatural. See this? 20 years ago, I was embedded with a jungle tribe overseas as a journalist. Well, there was another tribe more powerful, and they wanted to wipe 'em out, simply because of religious differences. Of course, I find myself stuck in the middle of this. We're surrounded, we're outgunned, and I'm thinkin' this is about the end of old Niles Cass, right? So anyways, the entire village goes to this little hut that they use for a church. And they get down on their knees in the dirt, and they start praying. I mean really praying Not like anything I've ever seen before. And I know you're gonna think I'm making this part up, but I'm not. All of a sudden, out of the clear blue comes a storm. I'm talkin' about lightning. I'm talkin' about hurricane winds and torrential rains and everything, but not over our village, all around it. Then we look up, and in the sky, there's a circle of light. And the villagers called it the hand of God. All I know is when we went outside, that other tribe was nowhere to be found. I mean, they'd been completely wiped out. It's like some Old Testament stuff, for sure. - Wow. - I don't know. It was the strangest thing I ever saw. - Is that why he chase this stuff? - Well, after that experience, it's my purpose to sift through all the crap and try to find the truth. And you know what the truth is, Hannah? (dramatic music) I have to hit the head. So I'll be right back. Hey, Sterling, how about hittin' us with a couple of your best IPAs and whatever Nashville there wants to drink. - Let me guess, splash of cranberry with vodka. - You know, I never claimed to be a role model. And up until 48 hours ago, I didn't even know who Elsie was. But I sure wouldn't want her to follow in my footsteps. So I'll tell you what. Why don't you just relax, go get me my drink, and then you'll never have to see me again. (soft music) - You're not going to go to the funeral? - Why would I? - 'Cause your family needs you. Elsie. Elsie adores you, and you don't give up on family. - You really care about what Elsie wants? - (scoffs) You kiddin' me? I love her. She's special. You know? She's beautiful. God, is she beautiful. She's funny. Her laugh. And she can sing. I'm just scared to death of losin' her. She's destined for far greater things than my simple life. I'm so stubborn. And I owe you an apology. You caught the business end of both of my barrels, and I'm sorry. - Hey, Sterling. How 'bout we get some grass-fed beef to go with those IPAs? - [Sterling] Yeah. - I know the kitchen's closed, but I'll cook and clean up. - [Sterling] Right back this way. - Just show me where the stuff is in the freezer, and I'll cook for you. - Hannah ♪ Brakeman take me from my sorrows ♪ - What if you stayed? ♪ Help me find the light in me ♪ (gentle music) ♪ Southern sun slowly rises ♪ ♪ A lonely hum calls my name ♪ ♪ Hang my head in times of trouble ♪ ♪ Careful how I spend my days ♪ ♪ I'm goin' back ♪ ♪ To where I come from ♪ ♪ Where my roots are buried deep ♪ - She came in late last night. - She wouldn't say goodbye? - I can't believe she left. ♪ Help me find the light in me ♪ - Thanks. - You really not stayin'? - There's nothin' for me here. - Girl, I've heard your songs, and it sounds like everything you need is here. - [Man] I saw a UFO last night. - Well, UFA for Harris. - Oh, that's right, angel, not object. ♪ I can't stay here any longer. ♪ ♪ I miss the pines beyond the lake ♪ ♪ I'm goin' back to where I come from ♪ ♪ Where my roots are buried deep ♪ ♪ Brakeman take me from my sorrow ♪ ♪ Help me find the light in me ♪ ♪ Like a child left to wander ♪ ♪ I feel my way into the world ♪ - What, you ask? Doesn't the son pay for his father's sins? No. The one who sins is the one who dies. The son shall not be punished for his father's sins, nor the father for his son's. But, if a wicked person turns away from all his sins and begins to obey my laws and do what's just and right, he shall surely live in my house. - You came. - I forgot my makeup. - All his past sins may be forgotten, and he shall live in the house of his goodness. Amen. - [Mourners] Amen. ♪ Help me find the light in me ♪ ♪ Help me find ♪ ♪ The light in me ♪ - Are you all right? I heard about your fall. I'm really sorry about what I said. Sometimes I struggle with the deep stuff. But I wanna help you. - It's too late for me. But not for Elsie. There's gotta be somethin' you can do. I mean, that is what you're sellin', right? Salvation. Church has to be more than just bad jokes and bake sales. I need. We need action. - Do you believe he'll forgive you? I mean Elsie? If she repents, will God forgive her? - Well, of course. She's just a kid. Desperate, starved for attention. He forgives worse than that, right? I mean, everybody's talkin' about how he changed Daddy. How could he do that? (gentle music) (Hannah crying) - Mr. Cass. Chip Howard. - Yes, I remember. - Meet me at the river park tonight at 11 o'clock sharp. Bring your gear. - All right, done deal. I'll be there. - Cool. Yeah! - Excuse me. Hannah. Hey, Hannah. I'm glad you came back. - I can't let you make my mistakes. We're gonna meet Milo at the crossroads tonight. Hey, it's gonna be okay. He'll forgive you. - Can we go now? I hate polyester! - Yes, we can go. (sighs) Oh, please forgive me. - [Hannah] Hey, you want a ride? - Thank you so much. - [Hannah] You too, Mama. And I'm even gonna let you drive. - What? Na ah. - Uh huh. - [Alma] What? - [Hannah] Come on. - Thank you, thank you. I'm Hannah Sweet, and this is my fancy car. (all laughing) - [Verna] Get in. - Oh, I don't know how. - Oh no. - It'll come back to ya. Just like ridin' a bike. - [Hannah] Now push your clutch in. - Oh, where's the clutch? - [Hannah] Oh, boy. - Woo! - All right! (upbeat music) - Oh, I'm Hannah, I'm Hannah. I wish you could've known him before he got himself hooked on the devil's drink. - You know, our father used to beat him when he drank. Never touched me. But I think he beat the lovin' out of poor Harris. - Oh, Hannah, he was the sweetest loving boy. I'll spare you the mushy details. - Ironically, losing you is what triggered the change. (peaceful music) - (sighs) I wish I coulda seen that. - I know. - He lived a lotta good years as a better man, but, the way he treated you, he carried the shame of that every day. - It's not easy to live that way. - And he stopped going to church, because he said, "My sins dirty up a beautiful place." - And he had the occasional cussing outbursts, so. - Oh yeah, there was that. - Do y'all think that he thought that God forgave him? - Yeah, I think so. And I think that's how he learned to love again. - Oh, yeah. And then that UFA came. And he went home. (light music) - Now, Bigfoot bait. - I don't want to give up everything to make my dreams come true. I just want to help people, even if it's not through singing. - Elsie, I've been thinking, Goliath, the one that David fought was a Bigfoot. - No, he wasn't. - People don't believe. Really tall? Check. Really mean? Check. Big feet? Check. - Hey, what are you doing? - You'll see. - I'll take her out there, read these verses, and tell Satan to get behind me. I'll anoint her with this oil, she'll repent, and we'll be good to go. Hmm? (dog howls) - The hunt is on! - [Elsie] Mom's sleeping. - [Hannah] That's good. - [Elsie] Hannah, I'm scared. - No, no, it's gonna be okay. Just stay together. - This is crazy. I guess UFO and Bigfoot hunting was crazy too, but the Devil's Crossroads? We need you to overcome. (gentle music) - Right behind the graveyard, out towards the wood bridge. - Yeah, I've been out this way. - You didn't see the devil, did you? Or Bigfoot? - Can't say I saw either of them. How much further to this landing site? - [Elsie] Milo. - Oh! - You scared me half to death. - Hey, I'm really sorry about all of this, and I really appreciate your help here. - Oh, of course. Happy to help. Okay. Let's walk on down over there. (suspenseful music) - What's that? - Anointing oil. It's for the undoing. - Are you sure that's gonna work? - Of course. - [Niles] Did you hear something? - [Chip] Kind of. - It smells like death. Wait a minute. What is that? - I think this might do the trick. - [Niles] What the heck is that? - Almighty God in heaven, we bring your daughter before you in humility and ask that you release any hold the devil may have over. - You first? - Hannah. And as she commits to you a life in repentance- (animal roars) (oil container clatters) Uh oh. - Quick, finish. (animal roaring) - That scared the heck out of me. What was that? - A manufactured growl that is likely to represent an actual Bigfoot. - What is that? - Aged cat food and honey. (dramatic music) - Well, it stinks. Ugh! Gah! - That's a... - Can we get outta here? - Wait, we have to do Elsie. - I didn't do it, okay? - What? - It was for you. I did it for you. (beast growling) - Let's get outta here. - You hear that hollering? - There was no landing site, was there? - That's a negative. But you could capture the first really good Bigfoot picture. Come on. (beast growling) - [Milo] Lock the doors! - So you didn't trade your soul to the devil? - No. But you did, right? I prayed for you to come home. (beast growling) - Roll up the window. - Start the car. - I can't find the keys. Lord, protect us. - I repent! Oh, God, forgive me. (beast growling) - [Niles] Turn it off! Turn it off! - Hey, everybody. - Chip. - [Sterling] Elsie. - Milo, what's going on? - Niles! - Sterling. - Can somebody tell me what's goin' on? - I pretended to sell my soul to the devil to become like Hannah, so she could tell me how to reverse it, so I could reverse it for her. Because years ago, she did sell her soul to the devil to become famous. And then Milo came along, and he tried to help me get my soul back. And then we dropped the anointing oil when we heard the devil. And then we saw the light. - This devil? (beast growling) - Turn that off! It's not the devil. It's Bigfoot. - What, what smells like? - Him. - You know you're all out of your mind, right? I mean, I'm the only one who can see this. - No. But I really did come here as a kid, and I prayed Dear Lord anything to take me out of here. I'll give you anything to leave this place. I'll give you my life! Please! I need you to save me. And I remember a light. - What light? - I don't know. A UFA? - (laughs) That's crazy. Don't you... (peaceful music) - Oh, ah. - Hannah. Hannah, sweetheart, please! Hannah, don't go! Hannah, sweetheart. - [Hannah] Lord, please help me. - What is that? Hannah! - What's that? Lord. - [Harris] Hannah! - No! - That's what we saw. - A UFA. - What Harris was always chasing. - The light. He answered me. - The last time he saw you. - That's why he always loved those things. - But what about your soul? - Did you get it back? - The devil can't take what we don't give him. Not by chance, spells, but by our life. It's about who we serve now in each moment. We show which God we follow by how we live, by what we do. How we love others. - That's a, that's a sermon, Milo. - [Announcer] Good evening, Nashville. All the way from Northern Michigan. Let's give a warm welcome for Elsie Howard! (audience applauding) ♪ I'm goin back to where I come from ♪ ♪ Where my roots ♪ - Mankind has been starin' at the lights in the sky for millennia, tryin' to make sense of things beyond our capacity to know. Who's to say how God reveals himself to us. Like Elijah and the serpent, whose eyes were opened to see the angels when no one else could. When someone sees somethin' of the supernatural, they usually try to define it rationally. Things of the spiritual cannot be defined in the mind. They only have meaning in the heart. That's what Harris, my daddy, loved about the search, a hint of the supernatural. A reminder that God does exist beyond our understanding, beyond our fears, and beyond our failures. And, still, most of you won't believe it (beast growling) until you see it. (upbeat country music) ♪ I've been to the river ♪ ♪ To watch those sinners bathe ♪ ♪ I have been forgiven ♪ ♪ And still I've lost my way ♪ ♪ Jordan won't you save me ♪ ♪ I'm barely holdin' on ♪ ♪ Jordan, can't you hear me ♪ ♪ Take my faith and bring me home ♪ ♪ Take my faith and bring me home ♪ ♪ Bring me home ♪ ♪ Home ♪ ♪ Bring me home ♪ ♪ Home ♪ ♪ Jordan, won't you save me ♪ ♪ I'm barely holdin' on ♪ ♪ Jordan, can't you hear me ♪ ♪ Take my faith and bring me home ♪ ♪ Take my faith and bring me home ♪ ♪ Take my faith and bring me home ♪
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 828,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bridgestone Multimedia, BMG, Movies, Films, Christian Movies, God, Jesus, Feature Film, Full Movie, music, Nashville, family, Melissa Anschutz, Don Most, Victoria Jackson, Lost Heart movie, Lost Heart feature film, Lost Heart full movie, Lost Heart, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: 59HHubgggRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 26sec (5906 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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