Prodigal Girl (2018) | Full Movie | Jessica Rothe | Willie Garson | Ana Ortiz

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[Music] i got the taste of tin on my lips held by the clatter of wood on your wrist mama i like the way that you are [Music] you're in the kitchen the morning comes softly you won't wake me up but i smell your coffee and you take our dollars and change them to you never forget what you promised me [Music] wherever you go i will love you first [Music] um [Music] [Music] get too [Music] [Music] i'm surprised you're up oh oh my we're gonna see your dad today very little ciao [Music] i didn't know [Music] hey joe hey reese how's the book almost finished gonna want mine signed [Music] when did you get back yesterday uh louise just called she pulled some things for me to see before she puts them out for the charity event you should come with me and helped you pick something out oh no it's okay i'm meeting up with dad you sure i haven't seen him yeah you go on tall non-fat half-calf sugar-free extra hot vanilla latte you know me how was it it was perfect and who is he how do you do that don't tell my father you know how he gets oh is he here his appointment ran late he'll be here soon he's anxious to see you wait in his office [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] your father just arrived he'd be up in a minute can i get you anything unless you have a key what was that all right nothing [Music] hi daddy how are you oh i missed you [Music] sorry you had to wait it's okay so how was it oh it was amazing i can't wait to go back and i want to hear all about it but uh that's not what i wanted to see it's not we need to talk about what you're gonna be doing chad come on can we please do this later i am so jet-lagged sweetheart the bank calling about your account has become a routine i know it's so annoying it's time you start thinking about a job well what about the advance on my book do you really think that can sustain you no but reese i'm making deposits into your checking account every month where's the money going i don't know that's why you need a budget dad sweetheart even when i have disagreed with your decisions i have been supportive you know that but this clearly isn't working wait dad when you were my age did you have everything figured out when i was your age i didn't live in the most expensive part of the city so what are you saying you want me to give up my loft no i'm saying i want you to consider other options such as moving home while you work and save up some of your money dad that's not fair i don't think you appreciate how hard i've been trying just we have a job opening here no i can't dad i can't do that honey you still have plenty of time to do your writing daddy i am so close yes you're 11 o'clock waiting in the conference room thank you gloria will you please make two copies of this and leave them on my desk i've got to get to my next appointment how about you come by after work i'll take you out to dinner and tell me all about your trip and we can finish our conversation i already have plans [Music] let me know when you have time [Music] so [Music] [Music] audrey and raised on you 10 million dollars [Music] bye have a good day [Music] taxi look i don't know what you saw but until he brings it up there's nothing that we can do mom wanted us to have it well maybe he's saving it as a wedding gift so what am i supposed to do just wait what i don't know do you want to go to dad and say by the way i was pilfering through your desk the other day why are you trying to make it sound like i did something wrong because you were going through his desk looking for money it's not like i was looking for a spare change you know what forget it uh she hung up on me what it's just like she thinks that she is entitled to anything i don't know why your dad wants her there anyway we don't need the drama no i wouldn't worry i should be desperate to take that job [Music] [Music] how's your dad oh he's really good why didn't you let him publish i don't know he said maybe i just wanted to prove that someone else liked my work someone with a different last name you don't have to prove that your work is good it is you think so yes i do i rarely sign a book deal without a completed manuscript um actually i was wondering is it possible for me to get another tiny advance sure as soon as you get me the rest um yeah of course it's almost done i have a million things to do this afternoon but this was nice will you please say hi to your father for me of course it's been way too long thanks for squeezing me in anytime no no tonight is is great seven o'clock all right see you then i love you [Music] he made reservations for two i shouldn't be here i also need you here nothing ali good to see you good to see you oh i am wondering how i got so lucky is to have two beautiful women here at dinner thank you that was italy it was amazing yeah well i'm glad that you enjoyed the workshop it is one of the best in the world and ally what are you up to these days i'm still at the same place i'm hoping something will open up in the marketing department soon i'm sure something will seem to know what you'll want i do have you thought about the job offer well actually dad um there was something i wanted to talk about with you first all right it's about mom what about your mother [Music] i mean you know how her foundation's name is on pretty much every charity events donor list for like the next century i don't know it just seems strange that she didn't leave audrey and me any money as generous as your mother was it was more important to her that you know who you are and money can't help you with that [Music] excuse me i need to use the restroom ellie you need to go too right now gosh i just need to think think about what okay i need to talk to my dad about something but i know something that he doesn't know that i know i have to go now i think your dad has a good point you should take the job i would jump at it you're not gonna believe what i ordered us for dessert i'll take the job [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] good luck on your new job see well who's sam a guy a guy that sends you flowers at work evidently well i don't remember you mentioning it there's not really anything to mention well who is he what does he do he's still at school where hollywood no wonder you're not interested oh don't screw it up okay what good job i just didn't choose any of this oh you mean work oh i mean my life don't let audrey get to you it's not just hurts i don't know it's just girl you need to forget about him oh sexy italian guy i'd rather think about him than audrey yeah i can see why oh that makes me want gelato i'm gonna get gelato looks like you're working hard my computer's not working call i.t i did you won't come yet oh just use mine we're leaving thanks [Music] huh lock the door on your way out yep [Music] i don't think she was ready for this give her some time i didn't need time you have always been a doer and get things done rhys is a dreamer a visionary and you'll see someday you'll need each other [Music] do you have any idea how much of your work i have been doing i've been doing this you haven't touched one of these files okay i'm carrying what is this [Music] somehow i saw this going very differently i don't see how what you know when they were kids they grown women now yeah well i wish they would act like it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on i'm leaving i'm going to italy reese how much do you actually know about this guy it's not about him then why are you leaving this is just something i have to do [Music] [Music] so [Music] the bank called back and they confirmed the transaction i don't understand her daddy you want to see her as this innocent child but she's not we'll find her we'll get the money back we're not tracking your sister down like she's some kind of criminal [Music] i was [Music] i [Music] am i need you to help me find my sister [Music] are you with anyone no it's just me and you don't know where your sister is if i knew would i be talking to you right now [Music] are you gonna help me or not when i find your sister i just need to know what she's doing okay [Music] [Music] [Music] you can just pay when you're ready [Music] hey grayson it's jerry how's it going what's going on with reese what did you hear something well audrey called the office and uh made an appointment with one of the guys but he got busy so she told you everything not exactly remember that time when you handed me your car keys you thought i was the valet hey wow i'm a lot more careful who i give my keys to now seriously grayson whatever you need i'm here i appreciate that chair oh and uh tell audrey that um next time lunch is on me oh remember my old college roommate jerry peters no he's a private investigator well that's very interesting audrey why did you go behind my back and meet him just now because i don't understand how you can just stand by and do nothing sweetheart you are going to have to trust me on this [Music] oh please come dancing with us tonight uh i see you have the perfect dress for it roberto what are you doing tonight no i i can't i already have kids i have plans what plans [Music] [Music] oh my gosh it smells amazing everybody this is rhys [Music] gosh you must have cooked all day you don't like to cook come come come yeah papa milo benvenuti welcome to my house thank you so reese where are you from uh chicago chicago you know the marinos the bianchi papa so your family what kind of business are they in reese's writer fabuloso your mother must be proud oh no no it's fine my mother passed away when i was 16. how an accident me this piace okay salute emilio you know diamonds can betray i told you i know what i'm doing what do you want do you want to end up in a box with your american girlfriend get into off with this [Music] what were you and your dad talking about papa wants to know if we'd like him on the next deal i think we should you know anything about investing would i invest never mind it's probably nothing peace you say it what's wrong no milo's being kind of distant he's not telling me where he's going or who he's meeting with oh no i'm probably just being really paranoid or incredibly stupid talk little slow i gave him all of my money no please these numbers they just don't add up what do you mean don't add up with investments you get returns but it doesn't make sense that it would be this much when you think cause you're in italy everyone's a crook no that's not what i said okay okay you give him some money how much you'd rather not say then it's a lot what were you thinking this is italy you know i just wanted to help him help him what what if he's doing something illegal what are we gonna do we no no no we no we no i no one in on this no no but i'm i'm not in on it it's just my money that makes you in my maybe it's a another girl believe me rhys this would be better no but you have to know see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you cannot say a word about this to anyone go upstairs pack your bag go back to familia i can't see lis see you can and you have to but maybe it's not what it looks like i don't think you know milo like you think you do me this piace okay be careful ciao has it somewhere where have you been hey hey hey hey i was working i saw you you followed me what did you do with the money milo you don't trust me he's not gone we invested it why didn't you just tell me i was trying to protect you protect me from what why would you leave huh you think you're better than this than me no that's not what i was saying have you forgotten where the money came from [Music] my mother wanted me to have that money you didn't tell your dad you were leaving [Music] you wouldn't understand why you took the money why you wanted to be with me [Music] hmm [Music] how much longer in a couple of hours around midnight i will be sitting in the corner you were joining me i will tell you when to bring it over you know what i'm actually not feeling well i think i'm gonna go light him he's nervous have a drink i'll see you later [Music] excuse me can you tell me how long till the next stop uh five minutes thank you [Music] listen you stop [Music] grace it's me terry peters what are you doing here your father thought you might be in over your head you can't tell him he just wants to know you're safe let's figure out where we are let's get you out of this ring come on came a long way to spy on me you remind me of your mother i do your dad and i were friends all through college and when he met your mother everything changed what do you mean love changes people she couldn't get anyone to look at her work because she was a first-time author so your dad said if no one will publish her i will and he started a small publishing company with my mom no it was your dad who went to the bank and took out the loan i guess i just always thought they started the company together it was still small and struggling when they got married they were quite a team i checked out your friend milo he's not i know and you're supposed to take me home only if that's what you want [Music] can i use your phone [Music] [Music] [Music] daddy it's me [Music] can i come home [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay you're okay you're home everything mom wanted me to have i lost it you're home that's all that matters i don't know why i did it i'm so sorry i promise i'll never i know i feel really awful about meredith i wouldn't feel too badly she's doing just fine you talked to her oh yeah she discovered this new author mary bridges have you heard of her she called me as soon as she read your manuscript she knew it was you what did you think well i'm prejudiced but it is really good i knew you could do it i don't think she was ready for the party yet i told her two places would be set and the door was always up [Music] i'm glad you're back i have so much to tell you oh my gosh i was so afraid you were gonna hate me i just missed you that's all [Music] sam what have you been doing after you graduate i'll be taking the bar exam this summer and then where will you be working well eventually i'd like to start my own practice i'd like to be able to work for those who really need legal help not just those that can afford it give me i think you'll do very well meredith i am so so sorry oh i'm just glad that you sent it to me it's doing really well how did you know it was me it's nothing like what i've sent you before i kept my eye on every piece that came in and whether you want to call yourself miss donahue or miss bridges i know your work [Music] is there something going on here your father and i have been i can say that are you working on a new book hey you know what let's not talk about publishing just for tonight okay but i want to talk soon can i come back to work wow i didn't give you a cubicle away first thing monday morning be early [Music] am i listen i understand why you didn't come to the party i mean i probably wouldn't be there but um but can we talk about it i'm busy audrey i'm really sorry i know that what i did was wrong morning my beautiful girls morning dad i'm really excited to get back to work good audrey please try to be nice i am i'm sorry don't worry about it meeting in my office in 15 minutes we have a lot of catching up to do and just give her some time she'll come around i would like to propose that we start a program for new writers i really think that we can make the submission process easier you know less scary if we support and encourage them we could find a fresh voice that new talent that otherwise might be lost in the slush pile all right i think that wraps up everything for this week anyway thank you everyone have a great weekend hey thank you for sharing some of your ideas i was really impressed with all the work you've been doing i thought your sister had some good ideas you could have given her a few minutes of your attention well the entire time that she was gone i was working so forgive me if i don't share in your enthusiasm she's trying why aren't you oh bad day he has done everything but throw her a parade what are you talking about she steals from the company runs away with her boyfriend and and when she decides to come home just gives her a pat on the head i don't think that she's even getting a promotion wait reese actually stole from the company how much well she said she only took what mom left us but it doesn't matter he covered for her like he always does when your dad retires who's he going to leave the company when rhys decides to actually make another withdrawal that's that's less for us she wouldn't do that why wouldn't she if there's nothing to stop her why is it never chocolate we're not here for the food i know we are here to smile and give them a check so let's get it over i'll do it [Music] so how's everything since reece got back is everything okay it's fine we could hardly believe it i mean your poor father i don't know what you're talking about we ran into jonathan at the club yesterday and he mentioned it he didn't want to but when we asked if he had set a date yet he said that there were family issues sounds truly awful excuse me [Music] oh sorry excuse me what's wrong you're leaving jon come on in have a seat stephen tells me that you are concerned about some bookkeeping matters uh where might be a better word i uh i i only told him to keep his eyes open there have been some problems in the past we wouldn't want to deal with again oh i'm sorry i was unaware that you had to deal with with anything i realized you took care of it but i'm not sure it was the most appropriate action since it did nothing to ensure it won't happen again there should have been uh retribution you've done nothing to take control of the situation and that affects us all i'm i'm simply trying to look out for your business which you seem to have forgotten about letting reece just waltz back in after everything [Music] why would you feel that it was your place to talk to bridget and learn about my family i can't even open my mouth do you mind i can't hear they're dancing there's nothing here i told you dad wanted to keep that inside apparently i'm not part of the inner circle oh you're being dramatic i'm just saying there's more that he's hiding more more than you know or maybe you do do you mind you don't really think that you i'm just saying it's it's the behavior of somebody who has something to hide why don't you just forget that i told you anything i have some good news for you dad fired jonathan there's an opening in marketing you'd be perfect do you think i should call your dad um my dad loves you that would be amazing i don't even know what audrey sees in him anyway tough to say what one person might see in someone someone else can completely ignore why didn't you and tim ever get together maybe it's because how every time i see him he asks how my friend rhys is doing really call him you know what i'm gonna text him that way i won't seem anxious i think you're safe oh gosh we were just kids everybody has their first crush of camp remember yours evan mcmillan okay okay um you should come seriously [Music] yeah what can i get you um you know what actually i think that ally was going to get her coffee to go yeah i've got a thing what would you like oh just a coffee please [Music] this was a nice surprise no text yeah well i mean ally and i were just having sushi i'm glad you did you want to go for a walk [Music] [Music] so i'm gonna be uh studying for the bar exam but after that i'd like to take you on a real day if you ever need a study break or some caffeine you can call me hey what's going on what does it look like why because of jonathan because of you it is your fault that dad fired him dad can't fire my fiance i mean have you talked to dad jonathan told me everything it's your fault dad always takes your side are you leaving what do you want me to do jonathan left him no choice oh really your father can't stand by and watch him rip the company and the family apart you are not a part of this family you are nothing like my mother neither are you [Music] thank you [Music] when you said you planned dinner i wanted it to be something you wouldn't forget yeah well it's perfect you know that summer my parents sent me to camp i really didn't want to go you know i wanted to stay in london with my friends it ended up being my favorite summer mine too so long ago i'm still the same girl you don't know that well your eyes are still blue and favorite color red your favorite dessert is anything chocolate your favorite book junior charlotte bronte but she didn't use her real name like you like charlotte tell me something else about you i uh i passed my bar exam sam oh my goodness that's so amazing congratulations um and the law firm where i've been working they have an office in london and they've offered me a job there that's wonderful that is well yeah i mean isn't that what you want i don't know i've been wondering if there wasn't a reason to stay here it just i know it seems like a really good opportunity there are all kinds of opportunities you just have to choose what you want and what's worth waiting for oh there's something about you you gave me a chance there's something about a rainbow and a pot of gold or a legend so often told you all of this food and we drove out into a field [Music] that's not my brother did you do it i did you won i win [Music] it's good [Music] go dance with her [Music] and i see your heart shine through everything that you do and you don't even [Music] cause i get carried yeah i get carried away so embarrassing i should have kept you longer i'm fine gray it's not what the doctor said i cried okay he wouldn't let me go home if i wasn't it's just embarrassing are you sure you don't want me to call the girls i do not want you to tell them promise me you won't you don't need to worry i'll be fine i just need a few days don't you care or not i mean you're a wrong one i'm here this better be important please sit down i've decided to sell donahue publishing and audrey i would like you to come back and run the company until i find a buyer you can't just up and leave i bought a little place up on the lake and it's beautiful this time of year what if i don't want to come back sweetheart i can't think of anyone that i would trust more with this responsibility than you you took my office just wait what do you think do you think it's weird i mean he's here one day and who's gone the next no i feel so different without him here so what are we gonna release your book audrey we're not releasing it i'm i'm staying with meredith you're what she took a chance on me i don't know i just i really feel like it's the right thing to do you know that she was just trying to start something up with dad and that's the reason you got that deal you don't owe her anything why do you care i guess it's good it's really good i saw it on the desk and i read it and i think it'd be really good for us and we have fallen away from a young adult audience you know what but i sit in on the marketing meeting see how you feel i think you're gonna love what we can do with it [Music] audrey dad's not here but i'm surprised you didn't know that i was talking with reese about the progress on her book there wasn't a contract there was a verbal agreement well she changed her mind that's fine but she's a talented writer and i would hate you don't think that i am capable of handling this i think the goal is to reach the largest number of people quickly i'm not sure it's your audience well that can change you really want to take that chance on your sister's book it has so much potential i've got this thank you [Music] [Music] hey you and meredith came by yesterday yeah and how did it go she thinks that she knows everything so audrey i know that you don't like her but she's really smart she knows this business so well i think if you just she doesn't like me have you given her a chance a chance to what to take over to take dab audrey she's not taking anything where are you going uh i'm meeting someone where's your ring ah look i don't want to talk about it is that what you're wearing what is wrong with this why don't you come over to the house okay maybe i could pick out something fun you know you can loosen up a little bit this is who i am and if he doesn't like it no i'm sorry that i came out wrong i just i just thought maybe you'd want to put something more comfortable on that's all no i'm fine okay um have fun tonight okay see you later ah [Music] i didn't mean to frighten you what are you doing here it was not the great team i expected when the felicia couldn't find the diamonds i knew where you left you saved me where are they where what the dying i don't have them but you took them no i didn't i didn't take anything you took the statue [Music] the surgery you gave me where is it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i have a buyer [Music] it's more than i'd hoped for [Music] [Music] no no i want to forget i ever had anything to do with that how can you say that you you have no idea what you're giving out yet i don't care it doesn't matter of course it matters no not if you get caught i won't how can you be sure if i got caught all the evidence leads right back to you i tried to protect you [Music] don't make a big deal out of it just find me something to wear [Applause] [Music] [Music] what did he do did he hurt you i had millions of dollars worth of diamonds and like what where is he [Music] on his way back to me okay did you call the police so after everything that he's done you're still protecting him [Music] but if he gets caught all of the evidence leads back to me and he told you that i mean it's true it was my money and then i smuggled the diamonds in and i was hiding them this whole time no one has to know what i did you're a bad judge of character and you make some bad decisions but you're not a thief [Music] but if i don't call the police that everything they've said about me is true [Music] do you ever wonder what it would be like if mom was still here amy would we be sitting in a police station i don't know how i got here i haven't done much that she'd be proud of either what are you talking about you've accomplished so much it doesn't mean anything i think that i'm the reason that dad lived that's not true think about it why would he just drop everything i mean he loves his work yes thank you sergeant well they picked him up they found the diamonds just like you said what's gonna happen to him he's gonna go back to italy he'll be charged there and what about reece there's nothing no evidence against you you'll have to come in and sign some reports but after that you're free to go thank you charlie you're welcome [Music] you always got to push the button i know because i'm better at it than you you always got the wrong floor oh hey listen i called meredith i'm going to bring her on as a consultant wait did i miss something it's the only way if you want to keep my ball okay but if she tries taking over she good morning ellie [Music] stop worrying i think you're doing great thank you your dad would be proud thank you okay you leaving early yeah i'm taking a long weekend will you will you tell him that we miss him yes i will what's your deal no deal i'm not leaving what's going on nothing okay listen i know that you think that you're helping but you're really not you should just call him you're both miserable you talk to him he's going to london i don't know why i ever let you talk me into anything ellie ally i'm sorry thank you so much for coming well that was quite a turnout it was worth it why don't you just call him i don't know what to say well i don't know either but the worst thing you can say is nothing i don't know i just thought that maybe he would come say goodbye before he left she's right call him just tell him you miss him and you want to talk you think yes but what if he doesn't want to talk to me what if he does all of the [Music] i stories told couldn't prepare me for my own i am a history you were my perfect second chance but i give you up for so much [Music] i take it back [Music] to be [Music] ladies your dad calls the papers are ready to sign and i'll be here on friday thank you i was hoping that you wouldn't find a buyer yet i'm sure he knows what's best i'm gonna miss you gloria well if you don't want me to show up at your door you better come and see me you think just because we're not working together you're gonna get rid of me okay [Music] so as charlie explain what this is all about we were waiting for you so who's the buyer well it's more of a merger wait you're not selling i realize that i'm not ready to retire i i just needed a partner so meredith and i have been in discussions and we recognize that our respective businesses have their own strengths but they would be better together rather than apart and we got married the last time she came out to visit i know it sounds crazy but we we couldn't think of a good reason to wait we've been friends for so long and i really love her so we are so happy for you thank you thank you both so now when you were little girls your mother and i put some stock in your respective names we just need your signatures and charlie will do all the paperwork what if we wanted to stay and work with you in meredith are you sure yeah charlie my girls want to stay in the family business will you please convert their old stock into new yes sir we have one last bit of business which is your mother's will charlie will you please read the part that pertains to audrey and rhys i and donahue with sound mind bequest 10 million dollars to be divided equally among my two daughters audrey and rhys donahue i'll leave their father grayson donahue with absolute discretion as to when audrey and rhys are of an appropriate age and should receive the money that has been placed in the trust for them charlie i think they're ready done there's been a mistake no charlie didn't make a mistake nobody's touched your trust what how could it be this much compound interest is an amazing thing isn't it charlie certainly is i love you both our house tonight we're celebrating [Music] there i was not feeling good not bad walking around not happy but not sad every day hey look how beautiful you are do you mind if i couldn't not at all see you later she's good for you i like her no one told me that's so good i just wanna like squeak [Music] you told me you'd hold me show me where life is unable to see beyond herself her desires her past clung to her dragging her to a place that was cold and unknown awakening beside the one she left he whispered softly come away with me you read my book [Music] you're not over him no it's everything else forget everything else forget the past what do you want you remember summer camp that's someone we met i still feel like that 13 year old boy trying to get your attention i'm sorry you know how i feel about you every time i think i should give up on you you give me just enough hope that i can't let go and i don't want that anymore you're on let's go i just wanted to start off by thanking all of you for coming here tonight to celebrate my dad and his new wife meredith i've been really lucky to learn what love is from my father [Music] the way that he loved my mom and the way he loves my sister and me and now the way that he loves meredith [Music] do you really wouldn't think it would take me so long to figure out what love looked like sam i love you please don't give up on me i think what she was going to say was to daddy and meredith [Music] i'm so sorry i pushed you away what i was trying to say earlier we've known each other a long time and although we've not dated long i have loved you half of my life [Music] i turned down the job in london i'm staying here [Music] marry [Music] so me it's my grandmother's she thought you had the perfect hand for it [Music] i do you don't know how you changed my life the moment but you're so quick to change your ideas when things get hard [Music] is it too late is it too late okay baby you're driving me crazy you're driving me crazy with thoughts [Music] if me in [Music] won't you let me in again [Music] by the time you get this i pray every time we hear our songs [Music] [Music] who freaks out as much as i baby you're driving me crazy you're driving me crazy with thoughts inside your head baby [Music] what's right in front [Music] you're driving me [Music] i've been there too and we can work it through [Music]
Channel: ACI On The Go
Views: 880,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Cinema International, ACI, Flims, Movies, TV, Entertainment, Full Movies, Romance, Drama, full Movie, Official movie, Jessica Rothe, Willie Garson, Ana Ortiz, Isaac Alongi, Sandra L. Martin, drama movie, Prodigal Girl 2018 movie, Prodigal Girl movie, Prodigal Girl full movie, Prodigal Girl 2018 full movie, Trust Fund movie, Trust Fund full movie, Trust Fund 2018 full movie
Id: nh4XiCHsohw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 30sec (5250 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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