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[Music] excuse me excuse me my name is Nicole Alpern and I'm fighting storm start I rivers for custody of our son and I need a lawyer I used to have one but apparently my case has become unwinnable because he's a hero and I'm a nobody or maybe really because he's rich and I'm broke down this he's I'm respectable I'm hard-working and nothing matters more to me than my son so if one of you lawyers has the balls to take all his police thanks for listening [Music] [Music] oh hello 34c you wish are you just think my party press I'm jealous I left my no home I think half a starting lineups here from be away team thinks they might buy you a drink better than nothing what makes that is so much better than us besides the fact they're dating the pink of her starting lineup yeah and that Hurst is bird I saw it at home it's like $7,000 she's with the point guard Johnson and that six million dollars over three years I'm sure his wife has the same bag in red I get one that's close I mean it's not exactly Chanel but it's a good read so VIP section huh champagne tastes better over there honey everything tastes better over there becoming thanks she used her finger like she was gonna catch something oh I love this song [Music] what do you think Nicole what are you doing what he's here away team players get traded like he'll ever play for the storm take care now you see you want my number sure once you write it down for me I mean you be back in March right I don't know maybe you want to hang out or something write it down girl you have to explain it name no Nicole [Music] [Music] what did you do to my friend Nicole do you like I'm a little scared for the basketball players some dress new credit card it's an investment a call right you're scaring me now come on looks like a dancer this bag [Music] in there a better dancer [Music] sorry totally embarrassed and looking for a hole to crawl into but fine things you gone for an eight-second violation you don't think I can get to make bull I think eight seconds is gonna turn into 24 pretty soon I can take the shot can you modeling must have done a lot of magazine covers by now oh yeah it's how it's gotta be like five oh and then there was so roughly none none how some rages most beautiful girl in the room not to mention the attitude sonken we never met before because you've been on the team about three weeks girl falls our basketball and because the home team usually hangs out in the VIP section with the homegirl thank you but I don't know their natural girl-next-door looks hey hi this is my friend Maya Maya this is ty rivers hey Maya how you doing good thanks nice to meet you too oh sorry remember that guy friend a couple of weeks ago the hockey player the one I went home with yeah yeah well he's here and he's kind of drunk and I don't want to run into him so can we go Maya do you see who I'm with I mean I've got a real chance here some of the guy sees you you'll be okay right sure look you're gonna get going okay thanks so you want to check out that we got these sections in the other side of the world actually I got go my friends wow you really don't have to do this how's my pleasure it's really nice meeting you we're different Thanks you know what I mean night man yeah I can't believe this I thought he was gonna ask for my number oh you see him again whatever our he's probably married which one of you is Nicole me what is it he's number sort of it's a ticket [Applause] [Applause] it's not much I just want to see where you live oh I guess when they say last notice they really mean it we can deal with lights later [Music] No [Music] yeah [Music] basketball was huge in Arizona even in a small town like mine it's far back as I can remember I decided I wanted to be a player basketball player yeah basketballs played every day worked hard the only way you can get anywhere in this life right yeah lucky look good nothing to do with it you're lucky you knew what you wanted I'm still trying to figure that out most of the girls over at the high school with or on their second marriage expecting their third kid which this beats so little I'll figure it out mmm my life I mean anyway [Music] well I wish you'd brought the new boyfriend I like to meet him he's kind of busy your stepmom makes Thanksgiving dinner and he's kind of busy see for yourself number 37 go Vancouver are you kidding me number 37 yeah Thai rivers we've been dating a couple months that him yeah what are you sure know how to pick up yeah dad Ashley I do Thai smart he's funny and he do a lot of charitable work I think I read about that yeah well I know what I read I know what people say about basketball plants Wow dad way to live up to the trailer park stereo so why don't you tell me about dating your basketball player then he taking you out to restaurants you meet each other's families we're in love you're in love well then he's got you right where he wants you Darryl oh sweet little girl to visit when he wants get what he wants and it's right back home to the wife and kids not true I'm something special - don't be stupid Nicole guys like ya guys pro athletes they sleep around he married we love each other you don't understand anything [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies are just but years employed real variable men's Cooper's [Applause] [Music] I can't believe you got this expectation thank you one of the girls gonna make it you're one of the girls wives are over there except his wife she stays in Phoenix lucky for you whatever I was thinking of trying out with the charities one I think it'd be such a fun way to in pregnant edit three home pregnancy tests all positive does he know I can't tell them they lost eight in a row Nicole get real I'm 23 I'm pregnant and he's married I'm pretty up close and personal is real right now do you ever miss your little girls yeah of course I do how old are they again go why are you asking this I'm pregnant [Music] I thought you were on the pill turns out the pills got a one percent failure rate and I'm one of the lucky one percent there's a way to fail find it hey maybe this isn't bad news nothing in my lifes really felt solid before you know and having a baby no I just feel like I could be good at being a mom like he was basketball don't go comparing an accident something I've worked my whole life for no we can be happy ty this is our baby I know that this kind of thing happens all the time you're all trying to trap herself a meal ticket that's not it you're look at a man's salary think about how my life can change you are crazy if you think I'm leaving my family no ty you [Music] I could see from the start how this was gonna go what about your basketball star bet I know what he wants you to do about him well not anymore it's not he knocked you up and moved on he might come back oh come on Nicole he might and if he doesn't it doesn't matter I've already decided you've decided what that this is what you want for yourself you want to be another single mom on welfare look sweetheart now I know it feels thrilling and all that but being a parent is hard it is hard hard work all day every day you nobody's gonna hand you a trophy at the end of it and say well done you know having this baby's not gonna bring him back you don't think I can do it is that it that is not what I'm saying well do you I'm doing this for me okay and I'm gonna be a good mom I'll send you a postcard with the babies [Music] it's like I know forget it let's just take a break you probably want to get going huh you should come Maya look at me I'm not going anywhere ever again go go it's fine go yeah fun okay you'll be right yeah I'll be fine [Music] [Music] thanks for coming dad [Music] one of the cam locks broke I'll pick one up for you tomorrow thanks dad [Music] he's still sending you money yeah he helps out really still won't admit he's the father you talk to him he calls every once in a while see how I'm doing what do you tell him at all I'm fine oh I I'm scared to death [Music] hey it's me so I'm back home 24 hours later with this perfect little boy he's got all his fingers and all his toes and he's anyway he's healthy and his name's Noah and I said I'd let you know so now you know hey it's Nicole I guess he would have figured that out you'd hope so [Music] Hey you doing all right yeah yeah good training camp started that way you're here I should have believed you yeah must have been pretty tricky explaining those DNA results to your wife I needed to know he was my son he's four months old hi and you're showing up now sorry that's all I wanted to say doesn't see him hey how you doing I think it looks like me yeah I do Hey No it's a good name he's perfect he's perfect Superboy I'd like to say that but he's pretty good isn't he yeah it looks good on you well there Thanks made a nice home Thanks what Missy you know no hey I'm not saying anything I'm just sayin miss me - no [Music] I just wanted curly hair when I was little yeah we still have all those black folks trying to kill the king spend all that money processing it out hey what's so good about straight hair it's not the hair so much BAE that's what it represents is here my goal liner as might even go blue but as long as he's got the kink we're all gonna see black and make the judgments people aren't gonna discriminate against him because of his hair no people are gonna discriminate against him because he's black relax what they're gonna see hi exaggerating wish I was so that's why you shave so close oh no no no see I'm strictly about the arrow name are you sure oh I'm a handsome man you see all out here we'll just put me over the top yellow it's nothing no it's fine no everything's good here no it's fine yeah [Music] okay this is the last message I swear just give me a call and let me know what's going on okay I promise I won't freak out just call me okay useless message number 12 that's Raisa convinced myself this time would be different it's not like I was the first girl for him you know this goes back to Beverly no that's hard on you love about me once you know I don't know is he gonna stop the support payments will help you out honey as much as we can thanks money it's just I know he loves Noah has to be a way we can work this out you just said he always goes back to the wife I mean him being Noah's dad I think that's the best I can hope for [Music] [Music] thanks for coming you've asked appreciate your back with her voice gotta be she's put up with a lot i don't you break my heart again you don't even care is something to be his dad what's that supposed to mean see him then support you it's called child support I yeah I've been thinking about that wants your custody like you get him half the time we're both his parents he needs a mom and don't mean your wife okay that's what's fair and of course it's gonna work tight are you gonna move to Vancouver you and Bev and the girls custody you taking care of him right and you're getting your money it's about Noah I want sure cuz yeah well I want a pony look I'm sorry how this all played out what he's my son that's a fact why are you doing this now why my lawyer will be in touch with you or your lawyer however you want to play this out it's not a game legal-aid said you might be able to help and I know being the mom and the only one who takes care of knowin all that counts but theis got a lot of money don't worry you Nicole money can't change the law in fact the law entitles you to at least double the support he's offered we'll work to set up a support payment schedule and some procedures for visitation you mean he gets nowhere right away he's not getting no but there will have to be some overnight visit John's never spent a night away from me we want to establish that you are being cooperative while we wait for our court date it's important to maintain a sense of fairness this just feels like I'm giving up already no no no not at all by granting him visitation we established precedent for you as the custodial parent now mr. Rivers will have overnight visits once every two weeks for our day visits once a week but we have to be aboveboard about this Nicole you can't deny him access [Music] hello he won't come on miss Alpern I'm Beverly rivers where's ty Tyrone will bring Noah back in the morning I assume he knows your address it could be anyone I'm just gonna hand my baby over to you I suppose so but as it turns out I'm the wife I packed some diapers and bottles in his favorite bedtime Lucas insight pocket he's not used to strangers we won't be strangers though [Music] I'm gonna go visit daddy okay sister remember I told you about your sisters being hello No [Music] in case you want to see tonight's game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this request is within the guidelines your honor it's double the amount my client agreed to I'm sorry your honor but I can't support no on that amount I thought we clarified this last time we were here Your Honor my client has spent a year waiting for the joint custody hearing and only wishes to resolve the issue of support in advance once again as you note we are within the guidelines your honor we would agree to the difference being put in escrow so I'm supposed to subsidize your life stuff treating this baby like your personal lottery ticket I please still acting like he's some big basketball hero I wish they could see him and his lawyer stall we can't stop our court dates in a month know how many more times do we have to come back on every little point I mean this Esper thing they always get their way yes gross nothing will get that money when we win I have to how do you think this book maxi's will be just fine even covering this story for your paper but what you don't know is his legal team keeps stalling and throwing up roadblocks he figures he could just outspend me and I'll give up and I take it that's not gonna happen ever but it's hard when every news report is about what a great guy ty is and how much he does for the community and no one ever hears my story do you ever think that this custody battle is just another game Tim I hope it's not this is a child's life we're talking about I know ty cares about Noah but I'm his mother I'm the one who's cared for him since day one when ty never even wanted to see him your lawyer said that you are asking for eight thousand seven hundred dollars a month but seem to have a lot of money I'm only trying to do what's right for Noah people can do what they want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're quitting my case you made a hell of a mess I just wanted people to understand my point of view it's not only clients who need to trust their lawyers I need to trust you and I can't you're a loose cannon I can pay you more the money in escrow is nearly $35,000 doesn't get that money if you win okay so do you think he's the big hero - huh I'm sure your sorry your W weeks before my court day because you're suddenly worried about losing your not sorry thanks for everything [Music] [Music] [Music] here you lost your lawyer sympathy call it's great thanks for stopping by the talking on reporter wasn't the smartest idea yeah I found that out and Evan the girls got real upset when they saw that story and when Noah grows up he's gonna see the kind of stuff as the mother said about his father is not your custody day okay if you came to gloat figured out would you this is that that commendation for mother of the year I'm going for sole custody you're joking right I love it I can provide from in ways you never get you having more money doesn't give you the right to take him away from me I have a wife who knows how to be a mother we know how to be fun and I are family I'm doing what I think's best I can't do this tie [Music] you haven't either the custodial parents since he was born well right now most of the money is in escrow and then afterwards yeah but I understand it's a lot of favors the custodial parent so Nicole okay thanks you haven't finished this room five minutes we're behind schedule I want it [Music] [Music] excuse me excuse me my name is Nicole Alpern and I'm fighting storm start I rivers for custody of our son and I need a lawyer uh I used to have one but apparently my case has become unwinnable because he's a hero and I'm a nobody or maybe really because he's rich and I broke it so nice he's I'm respectable hard-working and nothing matters more to me than my son so if one of you lawyers has the balls to take on this case I would really appreciate it and I will find some way to pay you I'll call the police thanks for listening hey hey excuse me you gold-digging [ __ ] he wants to rob model system basketball star beside guilty it's the same gold-digging [ __ ] who needs a lawyer right yeah I've been following your story what's that well I think what's happening he was wrong coincidentally I think what's happening to me is wrong what's happening to you no one knows what a great lawyer right now but they will after this case come on maybe I should hurt you how about I I don't charge you pro bono it means I do it for free done you can bet they're gonna use the Sports Group he thinks against you what's your social life like now I don't have one seriously whenever I guess I'm gonna take care of no I'm busy doing something for the case all right there was a while after Ty and I after he dumped me that you know I went out and stopped sleeping with gars hey slow down you just met her sometimes basketball players not exclusively I know I hope neither you I don't do it anymore better not our first fight yeah I'd fire you except I need the cash you're working right always good cops a case of you're working Oh who's being a full-time mom isn't work well you know what I don't write the rules I just exploit them as ruthlessly as possible court proceedings begin tomorrow in the rivers Alperin custody battle some commentators see the case as a contest between the haves and the have-nots but ty rivers wife Beverly sees it another way all we want is what's best for Noah and our strong black family is best able to do that we can help him when people start discriminating against him and trust me they will like she knows anything what I'm sure she knows something Noah's mixed race but to most people he looks black you're gonna have to deal with that too I do yeah you do if ignoring the little looks is dealing with it if ignoring every time someone says oh what a cute little baby is he yours is dealing with it in riverbeds hafsat you're colorblind and your color deaf oh do you think they should get him no of course not but nicole wake up okay I mean racism is his reality and you're gonna have to deal with it it's grandstanding it's irrelevant the judge is gonna make a decision based on a point of law Nicole race has nothing to do with it whoa tiger okay we only had sex twice but you were at her apartment more than twice we watched a few movies together just friendly what were your impressions of Miss Ellen she's a nice girl but she's young and obviously looking for something in her life for a while there I guess she thought it was me were you in love with her I felt sorry for her acting on that wasn't the smartest decision but I have learned from my mistake my family means more to me than anything and Noah is part of my family mr. rivers how many affairs have you had since you've been married objection exhibits 14 a and 14 B Your Honor two affidavits from women who had affairs with mr. rivers prior to his relationship with myself affairs is a prejudicial term your honor extramarital liaisons adulteries you can't testify for ty side I've been subpoena I have to do just because you saw me leave with some guy doesn't mean anything happened this isn't even gonna be about that Yeah right they want you to testify about what a great mother I am well Peter says that the courts don't take sexual history into consideration you should put it in a scrapbook for window I gets older my mom the basketball goofy I'm sure it's gonna be fine it's not your name getting dragged through the mud okay it's whole thing is such a mess no no no no don't ever run away from mommy ever [Music] it was a big adjustment I was used to doing what I like when I liked and then suddenly there was this little person you know he needs all your lovin attention some days were are really hard do you have any support oh yeah yeah my dad I'm stepmother helped a lot my friend Maya they just loved Noah as to you he's everything to me still you probably get a little lonely at times as a single mother sure would you like to meet someone wouldn't everyone I mean as long as they're not married yep that wasn't a day sorry so sometimes when you go out you hope to meet someone not really I'm talking about after Noah was born you're you're still a young woman your social life doesn't end because you're a mother yeah I guess so sometimes when you would go out for the evening with a friend you would occasionally meet someone and have sexual relations a couple times and where was Noah during those times with my dad and step one he loves going over there so they knew you were going out and they saw nothing wrong with it No and on the rare occasion when you met someone would you bring him to your home no never you do drugs no are you a drinker I've been drunk twice in my life I don't like it after a night out where you've been intimate with a man you are able to take care of Noah yes that's what I thought and further questions your honor [Music] Nicole you are missing the point it was going to come up this way we controlled it you said they would put my character on trial not you not my uncle Tai's team knew about this they were gonna use it against you do you enjoy having sex with strange men miss Albert do you always have an orgasm you know my dad was sitting right there you should have seen his face you were honest and vulnerable and we showed that there's been no negative repercussions for Noah I don't think he's ever gonna talk to me again he'll get over it you got over the illegitimate baby didn't it's not funny I know what I'm doing okay don't surprise me like that again agreed [Music] I get it don't let the gas buildup not like that you're supposed to like this from underneath it's on it worked what's the matter with you think next time sorry I'm sorry dad you having to hear that in court when your mom and I split you wouldn't remember this you were small [Music] I had lady friends friends yeah I was good-looking once I know people get lonely I don't think was about being lonely I wanted attention I wanted something special like I wasn't enough you know good news is I got all the attention I could ever want now he thinks I'm enough that's how I am [Music] okay so don't forget ties gonna pick them up tonight laughing with Daddy okay fine thanks [Music] Nicole how do you feel about winning I couldn't be happier the courts acknowledge that I've always been a good parent to Noah and now we can finally start planning our lives a little it's been a really tough time but that was worth it mr. Rivers declined to comment but the court's decision to award Nicole Alper and sole custody has caused a lot of peda klein to come in you think mr. rivers is a sore loser thank you be used to it playing for the storm finding no bear thank you hey what's wrong tie is appealing that's making is it but the the decision I mean he said he's appealing the decision here I know I get it he's taking us back to court you don't seem surprised he plays to win so on what grounds and find out but but look the Court of Appeals is added bad as a co appellant since that they'll be applying for custody as a couple over that interview she gave about being a strong black family do you think maybe about that it occurred to me that there's no basis for the Court of Appeals to overturn this ruling I'm answering a question look at you counsel they can't appeal based on your parenting race is what's left I don't understand this appeal case the child needs his mother you're saying that because you know Nicole look lots of kids have no fathers but it doesn't matter if you've got them but the thing is the rivers are a couple Nicole is a single mom the appeal would not have gone through if the court wasn't thinking about that that's not what it's about it's about the thing we're not supposed to talk about come on color doesn't matter dude come on how can you even say that you're smarter than any managers ever walked in here where's your promotion well are you saying that Nicole got her promotion the front desk because she's white it's different if you're black always will be do you think he'd be better with time go you know I love you but there's things that family can help him with that you can't just the way it is [Music] [Music] they hate me they don't know you they know what they want to know we know that the court must determine in the best interests of the child in this case the best parents are those who understand the child's position in society as a minority parents who understand it because they have experienced it themselves the best interests of the child will be served by awarding sole custody to this couple [Music] [Music] I know you're a good mother but he needs us anyway you can't understand [Music] I'm sure you are gonna mother - you're not his mother the Court of Appeals can't award custody to Tai rivers just because his wife happens to be a good mother Nicole Alfred has been raising her son on her own for over two years she's an excellent mother there is no basis to this appeal the rumors say you can't help him face racist stereotype you Nicole what do you say to that well I don't think that's the issue I mean where's your experience in dealing with racial prejudice mr. rivers and his counsel who continually brought up the issue of race okay enjoy your stay hello yes this is Nicole a burn I'm sorry could you repeat that Nicole [Music] okay thanks what what is it hey one by one where are the rivers trade it to New Orleans but they're coming from Phoenix then one of them's gonna be on their way to Vancouver to pick him up over my dead body no I like your attitude but what would work better is a court order to stay while we figure out what we're gonna do you know kids need their mothers okay don't go fit around me Nicole I'll beat her there I'm dumb just in Calgary I'm an hour away there at least three well if you don't Peter what happens then they pick up Noah they will take him to the States Thomas day to get you custody presents but that suddenly becomes an international case and cares grind slowly Nicole Peter just hurry up Airport [Music] Nicole hey it's me again where are you call me [Music] Hey I filed the state we need to be in court tomorrow they're not going something out maybe I already have how are you appreciate everything you've done so much I'm sorry [Music] hi okay where you headed probably best I don't tell you this is your life honey it's not some episode of a fugitive okay if I were old I'd get that reference oh you're making jokes now gotta get a last couple in there Cole don't do this you know it scares me I mean aside from everything maybe the rivers are right maybe I'm not the best mother for him Nicky I make mistakes all the time and I worry am i hurting him because of Who I am who I'm not but you know what so be it I love him and I want to keep him with me and I'm selfish enough that I don't care whether I'm the best mother for him or not Oh with the human cannonball just about not your old grandpa over I have to keep my eye on you you've grown up Nicky little man here's had a lot to do with that now it's not the time to throw in the towel now is the time to fight you really think I deserve to be his mom I don't see anybody better Wow Congrats dad now you're in the minority [Music] move to a joint custody arrangement of two week visits on a temporary basis mr. Markuson you need to decide on a course of action we're exploring options now m'lady let me get this straight so now Noah is gonna fly to Arizona every two weeks that's right we're doing a proposal in a month mr. Markuson this case is dragged on long enough appeals court made the wrong decision it's gonna be overruled yeah well you let me know who's gonna do that we can tie them up in paperwork for a while but it is a game the Corp won't support for long it's it can't in here Peter I don't know who's Gibson right there's no one who can overrule this the Supreme Court so let's go to the atom huh you're cute no I'm not we're not quitting now Peter the Supreme Court almost never hears custody cases but isn't too keen on the provincial court saying precedent which is what happened here on the race issue it might give us some leverage English please look the provincial court didn't just give custody to Ty I mean they set a precedent for all custody decisions so now another case can come along and say my daughter looks more like me than she does her mother so you should give her to me you mean now we're appealing the race issue in a way more against it than on it there was this case I just read about where the Supreme Court ruled against a white couple who'd adopted some native kids it's not this case but it's similar right the court put those kids with some distant relatives because they share the same ethnicity it's completely different you're the birth mother those kids were dragged away from their parents kicking and screaming the court is not gonna turn the whole way to make a statement on race but they've done it before so this is our only chance okay so whatever you need me to to research filing writing letters you name it you sure this is the longest of long shots just tell me where to start [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he needs to sleep don't tell me what he needs he developed an ear infection after the flight not the first time and we're to blame is that it so you're the one who just had to take my son for me so yeah you look like a pretty good candidate did you ever think we might be able to offer him war did you ever think about how you have to explain to him that you took him away from his mother his eardrum burst the pain was pretty bad so the doctor put in a shunt to relieve the pressure what about his hearing apparently at this age the eardrum repairs itself but he won't be able to fly for 3 or 4 weeks thank God for buses and trains where is his father he had to leave earlier than we expected for Italy assignment the team over there so Noah's visiting you and his sisters they love him so do I I'm sorry this isn't easy [Music] look Emily I'm really sorry about ty we're here now and we're connected whether we like it or not because of something I did I'm sorry for any pain I must have caused you [Music] you didn't do it alone he's a good father I know but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stand by and let Noah go we're just doing what we think is right so why mmm baby I'm right here hi oh honey you know I'm going New York I'm not going anywhere missed you so much [Music] hey driver - The Supremes we're going for Valley we're gonna be Supreme Court baby [Music] hi welcome to Ottawa I'm Marcia Barclay I'm your filing agent the Supreme Court is my bailiwick and I got to tell you this one has been a blast so far you would not believe the breath the final writs were filed yesterday I saw mr. rivers agent filing while I was there they have three intervenors coming in now those are the people testifying on their behalf right there's the African Canadian legal council the association of black social workers and the Jamaican Canadian Association a lot of us about this case courtroom is gonna be filled tomorrow I didn't see all nine of them none of what just because the Supreme Court doesn't mean that all nine justices show up when they do it's because they're setting a precedent you got it [Music] this offered do you really think you can bring back full custody what do you tell Noah when someone uses racist language with them how do you prepare him for a world like that you know it's not just the color of his skin and that's what I want to teach him teach him where's your experience I don't mean direct experience of racism to be able to talk to Noah the world's gonna see kid who looks black and that's how they're gonna treat him Heaney phlearn we is and where he's from who better teach him that than me no comment at this time we will have a statement after the proceedings thank you [Music] those are his clerks his partners and those are the lawyers for the interpreters they will present first it's very impressive it's scary don't sweat it it's cool show all rise six seven eight nine precedent but for hell as much as we would like to believe that we are beyond race that we are no longer influenced by race it is simply not true we cannot legislate tolerance we cannot legislate racial harmony so we must consider fiercely consider how best to serve a child whose very existence will be defined by the color of his skin no Albert is a mixed-race child but he is also a child who most closely resembles his black father his white mother no matter how loving cannot foster in him a sense of belonging the the necessary sense of pride in his culture in the same way that mr. rivers and his wife can they have experienced racism directly and they will be able to help Noah when he does because he will in custody decisions the court must consider first and foremost the best interests of the child in this case no al burns best interests are served by considering who fosters that sense of belonging that sense of well-being that every child needs the rivers are a family they've raised two daughters together they weathered marital storms and come through stronger they are well-to-do upstanding citizens who also devote a large part of their time to charitable work all of which makes them eminently suitable to parent Noah beyond this however they can offer something else that Miss Alper simply cannot a sense of racial pride and community they can help Noah navigate the world as a young black man and MS Alper will never be able to help him do that on this first day of the trial I was watching me I've seen it six times already black kid belongs with black parents bla bla bla he's biracial his father's black his mother's white he looked like I don't know you told me Evan do you think he's got my dad's eyes Thank You kid exactly vodka soda well the vodka that would be your drink you know how many cases the Supreme Court hears each year 85 90 cases a year out of the 60,000 lawyers in Canada I'm here me is he that good Gibson you made some good points he did some really good points when I met ty I was interested in him because of what he did I'm because he was famous sports groupie mentality right if he can't be a star sleep with one time-honored tradition he was so clear about what he wanted I mean he'd worked his whole life for this dream and he was so focused and competitive I love that about him so when I got pregnant I told him that maybe this baby was my dream the way basketball was his hey Betty like that yeah love that an accidental pregnancy could be anything like what he'd achieved in his life then who could blame him and then it turns out it memory because I've never worked harder in my life and for the right to be know his mother I was the first person who showed me you have to fight for your dreams yeah a second Nicole yeah you're a SAP it sounds like you got a great day plan no bear I wish I could be there too I really do well honey mommy has something to do here something really important I'll tell you all about it one day okay okay well sometimes mommies and daddies have to go away honey sometimes for a lot longer than they want to but even when I'm not with you I'm loving you as much as I can then I'll never change okay okay I miss you no bear call you tonight okay okay hi in the best interests of the child that is how we determine where the child belongs in the first case we established that Nicole Alpern is an excellent mother who the court found to be a better parent than mr. rivers but an appeals court decided that racial identity should be a significant factor in assigning child custody wanted to make a political point and added Beverly rivers to the appeal are you suggesting there should be no consideration of racial identity no not at all but granting an advantage to a parent who looks the same ignores the reality that Noah is a mixed-race child he's half white half black and to suggest that it's only white people who would respond negatively is is a fantasy the black community has a long list of names it gives mixed-race children the same way the white community does what would the court like to hear them perhaps you could provide us with a list okay I meant later mr. Markuson right right okay the trial court took Noah's mixed-race heritage into consideration but found miss out burn to be the best parent the appeals court didn't take his mixed-race into consideration instead it said what you see is what you get which is a kind of racism in itself Noah will face racism in his life we all know that but because of his mother he will know that he is loved and cherished just as he is there is no greater defense against any difficulties than that from his last visit when you went to not to very farm that's the one he looks like he was having the best time he was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nodded off about 20 minutes ago how you doing good to be home what's Peters say he looked at his own horn but he did get I hope it's out of our hands now we won't hear for months what do the experts say well let it's important the decision I can take a debt that the rivers seem like more responsible parents better able to provide for no I guess that's true our somebody else looking at them looking at me huh it's weird I finally figure out your life and then you're not in charge of it anymore I'm really proud as we are [Music] [Music] [Applause] a gold-digger Hey ambulance chaser I got a fax from Ottawa you did it thank you [Music] to me it doesn't have to change things if you don't want it to I've been thinking about this a lot and while we've been fighting and figuring things out no one's had a different experience entirely he got to know his dad and you and his sisters and I know the court awarded me sole custody but if you entire okay with it things don't have to change completely because with all of us in his life he can do anything don't you think [Music] yeah yeah I do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 2,883,567
Rating: 4.7198911 out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG, legal, lawyer, court, courtroom, custody, family
Id: fidgEZ2CuWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 12sec (5352 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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