***Trouble on CRY BABY***

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so we just got a call for a truck and the camp trailer that is stuck on crybaby hill and we headed out there to see if we can get them figured out he he sent me some pictures and he's crossed up pretty bad and he's blocking the road so we had to come in the long way and that's what we're doing right now I've got Rudy gonna be doing a little filming and helping today he's got a drone so we're gonna see if we can get some more footage today we're kind of on a learning curve [Music] [Music] [Music] we're right on this cliff here [Music] hey Rudy [Music] it was a little bit of a challenge to keep this straight back and down this hill because the trailer was really heavy and there wasn't the greatest traction so I understand why he got in trouble in the first place you the the real problem there was every time he'd move the truck it was sliding closer and closer to the hitch on the trailer which was a problem so we put the Jeep in a good position so that we could put pressure up hill while Rudi backed it up that worked really good then we got him turned around and hooked back up straightened out back down the hill and it was a good day they were happy and I'm happy there's a pretty good traffic jam when we got there so there's about 10 people happy everything to say what do you want to tell the world [Music] being a good person about the job Wow about the job well the drone almost ran out of batteries I had 48 seconds to land it landed so this is how my dog beat the heat cooler blowing in the shop and they just lay here all day [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 633,485
Rating: 4.943522 out of 5
Keywords: Nissan, Xj, Crybaby, Camper, Stuck
Id: ca4mmxTjzz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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