Jeep Crashes Hard Into A Ditch!

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but that was a wild ride so we got a call for a van that is stuck in the mud up by rockville so we're gonna head up there and see if we can get it out yeah everybody is dark it's raining not too bad but uh if we're stuck in the mud we'll get it done we'll get them out so we got rudy back there he's gonna help with the recovery and then we're gonna be picking up randy from his house in a minute what are you trying to do i'm gonna fix my blower motor those look like the right tools go inside it's cold out here [Music] hello we're coming to get a stuck rig you guys aren't stuck are you uh we are stuck oh you are stuck did you call for winter towing we we did in fact okay so you're who we're coming to get then yes all right so what happened let's get your story um well we pulled over on the side of the road um we're about right here and we realized we tried to back up we realized hey we can't get out we thought yeah you know maybe if we try to scoot forward a little bit and then try to back out that would work uh it did not and we tried that a couple more times keep getting further we realized hey we should probably not keep doing this and that's where we are now this will be easy where are you from uh we're from los angeles los angeles all right well welcome to southern utah all right let's use this here yeah come to this end i'm gonna put rudy in there [Music] [Music] today's been a learning experience let's just say uh for the rest of the trip and makes it an adventure now right exactly and you know thankfully you know obviously i wish we hadn't gotten stuck but you know thankfully when we did get stuck we uh weren't too far away from things and we were able to get uh you guys to come and uh get us out pretty easily so thank you so much that one was really simple what size of shirt do you want um so we got up there got them located and pulled back on the road wasn't too big of a deal wasn't it yeah it's pretty easy there's a big low man stuck and anyway uh yank them roped in and you did a good job so we got a call today for a jeep that has slid off the road on smith's mesa um we'll be going up from the colab side and then down because i think that's a faster way to get to him we've got ed with us today yeah hi everybody clear sky cold and windy and we'll get them out yup we've also got randy swinging the camera and lizzie to help with the recovery after we fuel up we'll head up there and uh we'll get him out i just got mud in my eyeball can't see so i've been coming for as long as i can remember um [Music] i've had a lot of trucks get stuck and stuff just because it's rough and i had my brother struck got stuck because this four-wheel drive broke but dropped photos in the video of when he got stuck just to show you how bad it is we haven't found nearly the amount of mud we were expecting and we didn't find the jeep yet so we're looking around so we've driven quite far in we haven't really come across any mud and we haven't come across any jeeps either i'm going to take this right now okay okay so we've been looking in the wrong spot because we were given incorrect information to begin with they're not on the smiths mesa road they're at the hop valley trailhead which is probably probably like five miles up the road um then yeah anyway so we'll go there and look for them hopefully they're there oh my gosh wow that's about where we pulled the subaru out yeah how'd you find out where they were in if it swings around it can dig out yeah yeah i'll let you you decide that i'll probably i'll just hook on to it and uh yeah just pull it out backwards so all right let me look at it really quick [Music] how in the world do they just drive off the road we'll find out now won't we hiding [Music] earlier when it was nice out here but you got it in a good mess a little bit bad i don't care all right uh if as long as you don't run it over so you were forcing around on ice and slid off the road oh there yeah go i bet that was a wild ride i actually went down there pretty slow i didn't go down there real fast this is the steepest one 40 degrees oh really yeah it feels like it yeah it's a look i'll just go ahead and start it and uh put it in reverse i think our next highest is the silverado at 36. perfect good job lizzy nice job pretty easy it does all right yeah thank you evidently he doesn't do good enough yeah i think this one might be blamed on the driver maybe [Music] you guys got everything you need from me already uh yeah but you got to get one more thing from us oh okay i gotta have it let's get it large yeah thank you i appreciate that you guys are awesome thank you yeah it wasn't too bad i mean it was bad but it came out it looked like yeah it came out a lot easier though but uh here's your shirt so i made a call yeah yeah somebody else raised the call and i had to back them up awesome thanks guys thanks guys appreciate it randy see you later man it's good to see you man just down and visiting us huh yep time to be a good little weekend trip so all right take care [Music] how do you think that went ed well i went better than i thought it was pretty easy surprising soft side of the road like that in the snow and we got them out and it's a little cloudy still windy and thanks for watching
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 587,158
Rating: 4.9668875 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, how to recover, vehicle rescue, sandstorm, most difficult rescue, matts off road recovery, off road recovery, off road fails, off road rescue, jeep recovery, off road towing, jeep fails, jeep cherokee, snow off roading, jeep cherokee stuck
Id: dZzQpm33uHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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