Gabbie Hanna | A History of Scandals & Controversies

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I need to shake this out can't talk in this video I kind of just want to lay out chronologically more or less a history of Gabi Hanna's controversies as sort of a cautionary tale about problematic behavior toxic relationships and mental illness but first if you're a person who's watching this and you're not me hello and thank you so much if you're one of my friends or loved ones and even bigger thank you um and embarrass you can probably click off now because it's about to get weird for us I'm kidding it means a lot to me I find a lot of the controversy around Gabi Hanna to be interesting because she's problematic in a way that's different from most of the youtubers i watch I would say most youtubers experience a scandal at some point typically they learn from it apologize grow and they're redeemed by the audience more or less that's kind of the redemption arc that most youtubers go through at some point in their career on the other hand you have certain problematic youtubers like Trisha Paytas Tana mojo as a couple of examples they're there the train wrecks of YouTube and they find themselves immersed in this drama but youtubers like them recognize that this is part of who they are they're often apologizing they're often attributing problems to their own behavior and it's kind of a just a slower process for them I will say that I have more respect for youtubers like that that will at least own up to their problems even if they are slow to learn but with Gaby Hanna it just seems to be different different in that anytime something comes up it seems that she is still a good person and she is just a victim something seems a little off here so I kind of want to lay out not all the facts but just what I have compiled over the past couple of days so to give you the standard rundown Gaby Hanna is a popular Viner turned youtuber yada yada yada she's known for her videos around story times comedy great her music career awesome but she really makes herself out to seem like some sort of mental health advocate and an advocate for therapy so that makes things interesting so when it comes to cabbies earlier controversies around like 2011 2015 and she had a couple of scandals mostly on Twitter that revolved around joke stealing and some controversial remarks that I find disgusting as would most decent people as would all decent people she was called out for stealing jokes from certain comedians Bo Burnham Louie CK Mitch Hedberg there might have been another one it's kind of boring it's very old old T but it's worth noting that this is something that she's done she has very blatantly told jokes passing it off as her own content that very clearly belong to other comedians and she's kind of tried to defend herself saying like oh I don't remember those jokes they were up in my brain and somehow they came out and I must have thought that it was an original thought yeah I don't know if I buy it she hasn't seemed to do it since the way she talks about these comedians that she just loved so much especially Bo Burnham I find it hard to believe that she can pull a line from one of their acts and just not remember I love comedy as well stand-up love it for the most part if I am reciting a line I remember who that came from if not the show if not the context I'll remember which comedian said that maybe I'm different she also tweeted something very inappropriate about children she very recently I guess because she was under a lot of fire kind of apologized for these seven eight years later citing that she was younger and was you know that was back in 2011 I was there in 2011 I was also young I again distasteful disgusting disgraceful Gabby went to a party that was kind of like a youtuber la party she saw rice come there which I guess it had some sort of previous beef rice gum is known for making diss tracks rapping on YouTube so at this party Gabby approaches rice gum she's got her phone in her hand and is actively posting videos to snapchat so in the video you can kind of see I'll put a clip here in the video you see that rice gum is not interested in engaging in some sort of rap battle she makes a jab at him for having a ghostwriter it makes sense that he wouldn't want to engage I [Music] don't want to say that I don't believe Gabby at all that he hit her he twisted her arm he bruised her legs he left scratch marks on her and shattered her phone it's a lot I will say it's hard to believe all of it but I find it odd that she says that he shattered the display as well as her back camera which a lot of people have pointed out that she took photos of her legs that had to have been taken with her back camera because her flashlight was on it's very strange what I find a little more strange is just how composed she is she does she keeps saying if I look like I'm crying she she doesn't and I'm a little skeptical as well because as far as I know nobody from that party has corroborated her story but one person did corroborate his story now that that one person was Romeo Lacoste so take that with as many grains of salt as you need to from his account this wasn't a situation where rice gum hit or assaulted Gabby but rather they had kind of a tug-of-war back and forth with her phone because he did not want her to post these videos and then at that point he grabbed the phone out of her hand and smashed it which everybody agrees he should not have done it is illegal it was just a scummy move but I'm not totally convinced I'm speculating when I first heard that story I was a fan of Gabby's and I believed I believe what she said she she said somebody hit her why wouldn't I believe that and that's where I think things start to get a little bit hairy because if what she's saying is not entirely true those are some pretty big claims that is also pretty cold tea but again it's it's worth noting I'm talking about the vlog scored obviously and that's something that I wanted to like talk about for a long time in terms of the vlog squad fallout fallout however you want to call it prior to 2018 she was in a lot of David's vlogs the vlog squad members she seemed very tight with and then suddenly she wasn't recording with most of them for the for the most part and so she kind of came out with a video called something like things I'm leaving behind in 2018 where she said but that's interesting because there were some tweets again it's all about Twitter with her or maybe not her there was a user by the name of Jeanette Riot J a and et te and somehow this Jeanette Riot person knew all about the david dobrik and liza Koshi breakup before it was announced so that really looks odd and the thread reads well I have some news my source in blog squad messages me this morning is saying to be quiet about this I'm going to say it David and Liza are broken up why's that David are still figuring things out how to be friends once they get comfortable they will announce a breakup it be very friendly again the two are going to be friends that I decided they are not together what David set with him trying really hard to avoid abating the break-up amidst all the speculation they're so broken up those says so unless you hear them both say it in then get ready for them to officially announce a breakup sad Petra people were kind of trying to figure out who this kind of vlog squad Insider was people found that Gaby's real name is Gabrielle Jeannette Hannah slight difference in the spelling but it's too close of a coincidence especially for somebody who's in with the vlog squad if they're in with the vlog squad way I don't know maybe they didn't know Gabby's middle name I don't buy it and it's funny because when I was looking for these tweets on Jeannette riots Twitter page I found that this account in 2018 was engaging a lot with YouTube audiences and kind of leading these little breadcrumbs of gossip and drama while gabby is claiming that she was still friends with the log squatting nothing happened I saw a reply I'm gonna read it here so there was a reply to a Trisha Paytas tweet which has been deleted but the reply is spill it or I will and I was curious I wanted to see in the comments if I could get the context for what she's talking about and towards the end someone says do it time to expose the vlog squad so I thought oh this has something to do with Trisha Paytas exposing the vlog squad are threatening to most likely and Gabi trainee oh I'm sorry not Gabi jennette chiming in and saying do it or I will so it's a little odd if this is Gabi that yeah you're so tempted to you know spill the tea on the vlog squad and speaking of Trisha Paytas which I'm gonna talk more about towards the end of this video in kind of the recent drama that's gone on Trish's alluded to some of what happened between Gabi and the vlog squad stuff that we haven't heard about or we haven't gotten details around David over in the Box like David's in Vallejo oil and honey got me started together right basically find a crowbar surprise like to be kept at David like as a friend you have to be something evil yes Russia became controversial things the guy may discover yeah traffic she gave us enough information if we're to believe her that there was a falling out and that it probably had something at least something to do with Gabi being a less than stellar friend but then again nothing happened December 2018 it's another controversy scandal of whatever that I just don't find to be that salacious or interesting just to quickly recap Gabi did a genius an interview where she's saying she talked about and sang her song monster during the interview she sings part of her song and then because of technical issues her voice cracks or she blows the mic or something like that long story short there's a second there where she sounds awful and as such she became a meme I don't know if I love referring to her as a meme I guess technically nothing viral but it looked like there was a small community of people that were poking fun at this whole situation so I found it interesting when Gabi posted a video called Gabi Hanna reacts to months der meme and in it she talks about how one of her life goals was to become a meme some day and she's a meme now and she watched all of these and reacted to them and she was just so awkwardly cracking up throughout the whole video and I kind of reek of desperation I think really the scandal here is that she capitalized off of one of the memes and made merch out of it I personally don't find anything wrong with that if people are going to make fun of you and you're gonna decide to capitalize off of that I think that's the best revenge I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that from a moral standpoint but what I find interesting is that now when Gabi refers to that time she talks about being really depressed and really rushed over the situation and so that time was like really painful and people were judging my character and saying that things I just like simply weren't true about me so I just like I'd back off click look at YouTube couldn't open the internet click look at twitter facebook Instagram and through that I found myself again because I was forced to be touched for me but at the time she acted like it was hilarious and she was going along with it as she kind of does with everything that goes down anytime that something bad happens she seems to act like nothing on the Internet can bring her down which was it you know is it this hilarious thing and you're so honored to now be a meme or was it really mean and traumatizing my speculation is that Gabby can act as if things don't bring her down but if you criticize her singing that is the end of her I don't think that she is able to even pretend to hold it together if you criticize her singing but she claimed that she sang the song so well she hit that note perfectly was really just genius as equipment and whoever was operating it they they failed not Gabby so if people are making fun of your singing but your singing was totally fine again why is this bothering you so much so somewhere towards the end of 2018 Gabby took a brand deal with a company called Kenz of cosmetics she was promoting these brushes is giving away to makeup brushes for free from 2018 while supplies last annotated it's free for you guys I use shipping there's no 2018 files that are trying to get rid of it to make room for 2019 I love these ones these ones yes so a lot of people jumped on that $80 sounds like high-end brushes and with the beauty community blowing up everyone wants to be a makeup artist young people and those that don't have a lot of disposable income getting these high-quality brushes and only paying for shipping it's a no-brainer especially when they're being endorsed by somebody that you trust however it later came out that this was all just kind of a scan a lot of people were not receiving their brushes and those that did receive them found them to be very very very cheap and quality in fact some people found these exact same brushes on Aliexpress for less than five dollars a set Gaby addressed this and then get ready with me where she didn't apologize for her part and all this she didn't say hey guys this was an oversight or I didn't do my homework nothing like that nothing instead she told her fans to manage your expectations and that because they paid ten dollars for the set they should expect a ten dollar quality set they're very comfortable to ask brushes which are between one and six dollar range but the bottom line here and I think this is obvious is that when you work with the brand you represent that company moreover with YouTube creators they're speaking to a very tailored audience through parasocial interactions which gabby loves to talk about I think people don't often recognize the nature of a pair social relationship where they feel like they know you their fan of you but here they are a stranger these people trusted you they trusted you when you said that something was of a certain quality they trusted that is the quality that you were selling them I'm not sure what quality keeper we're expecting so Gabi Hannah you lied and Gabi Hannah does not care about her fans and that was pretty much it I think for the most part until this whole thing involving Trisha Paytas Gabi DiMartino Jessi smiles lots of people this just got so nasty right around November December of 2019 and really what drives me kind of nuts when I think about this is that if you take a step back and you just look who got involved how what was said more importantly the damage caused you will see that gabby is responsible for just about all of the problems with in this huge saga going back to November 20 19 Trisha Paytas collabed with Gabby DiMartino on some sort of project where supposedly they had a great time it was a big success blah blah blah Gabby Hannah who is friends with Gabby DiMartino found out about this and sent Gabby D a text message something along the lines of you were with Trisha last week did she say anything about me - which Gabby replied something along the lines of no she just said that she thinks you don't like her which I think I think a lot of girls have been told that or have said that before which was a lie because we found out from Trisha later that Trisha actually said I don't trust Gabby I don't like Gabby she didn't go into why she just said I'm not a fan essentially which apparently made Gabby Hannah livid so she reaches out to Trisha she's texting Trisha and blowin her up and from what I understand that escalated to the point that Trisha was just demanding - Gabby Hannah you need to leave me alone stop messaging me at which point you know the enraged infuriated Trisha Paytas posted a video called why I don't trust Gabby Hannah I mean I gotta story was wrong what is she with captain Hannah one of the scummiest lowest things that has ever happened to me and she's never once applauded she needs it totally fine I don't know this girl this is my issue with her when you find anything a video call it youtuber that hooked up with she by the clues got Graham something up with Jason I like she's next Jason and she told Jason or I guess energy attacks ever slow in person but basically she told him hey be careful treshots rep even you're speaking with Erin blah blah blah in an attempt to get Gabi to stop and I don't really blame her honestly like Trisha can put too much out there but but this was interesting because the way that Trisha put it out there was to say hey you think I'm always talking about you you think everyone's always talking about you and everything's about you when in fact I'm not talking about you I've probably talked about you three times or with three different people or something like that here's the reason back at the end of 2017 when uh Trisha started hooking up with Jason Nash Gaby reached out to Jason and said hey by the way I've heard that Trisha has an incurable disease so you might want to get checked out which turned out not to be true but more importantly is not Gaby's business so the whole point of this video was basically to say here's the reason I don't like you at which she's told Gaby in the past but to say very clearly this is why I don't like you this is why I don't trust you now leave me alone it's aired out I'm not talking about you behind your back here it is so then Gaby goes on to I would say a rant on her into stories but I think she really tried to save like compose and not bothered but then if you're not bothered why are you been doing this in the first place going on and on in her insta stories about how justified she was in doing this in reaching out to Jason her friend that she cares so much about pulling her fans asking like hey was this messed up or was this just me being a good friend and of course overwhelmingly her fans are like now you're being a good friend you get wrong with you to say hey just so you know I've heard this don't know if it's true but this person told me talking a night after night because here's the thing like Trisha and Jason or two consenting adults in this arrangement and it is between them to talk these things out and you can claim that you're just being a good friend and looking for your friends but one we find out that Jason never responded to Gabby show me the taxi never responded Gabby daddy would constantly talk to him he doesn't respond for a very specific reason I said none of that people ever do if my friend were just making a kind gesture and looking out for me and I thought if that person as a friend I would respond in some former fashion I think most of us would but it was totally out of line it was not her place and and what I mean what what do you do from there do you just become the person who police's all of your friends sexual health no what was interesting too in this kind of series of Instagram stories gabby goes on and on about how she doesn't need this because she's got such an amazing life and boyfriend and a house and music career and friends and essentially I'm a happy person I'm not miserable like you and we hear this spiel a lot in fact it's almost becoming like a running joke in the commentary community around Gabby it almost seems like a two-pronged approach where on one side she's saying all these things to say you must be jealous of her but also she's a happy person so why would she want to engage in this drama and somehow she always ends up at the center of it happy people don't hurt a base okay guys and while all this was going on another Viner turned youtuber by the name of Jesse smiles went on Twitter sub tweeted something about character and it was it was clearly about Gabby and in the comments there was a fan of Jesse's and a former fan of Gabby's that pointed out something along the lines of hey guys let's not forget that Gabby is somebody that publicly supported Jesse's rapist back when all of this happened with Curtis Lepore which I'll get into so that got pretty messy when Gabby proceeded to DM this fan to defend herself and her name but then she proceeded to divulge a bunch of her personal information there were some kind of underhanded remarks about employment but also about her mental health and medication just stuff that is not her business to share with anyone and that just went too far but then she did it again with another fan who was 15 years old I think within a span of like 24 hours this obviously was getting out of hand Jesse posted a video more or less saying like hey I started out by subtweeting at Gabby and now this has come to this and it needs to stop so the Curtis Lepore situation Jessie and Curtis were in a relationship I guessed from their vine days and sometime I think in 2013 Curtis allegedly assaulted Jessie in her sleep and was charged with assault sexual assault if I'm not mistaken I believe he got off by making some sort of statement that confessed to what he'd done and then this is where the timing gets pretty confusing because Jesse and Gabby became friends somewhere towards the end of 2013 after this had happened but then they'd had a falling out at the beginning of 2014 beginning of 2014 is when the story broke about Curtis and Jesse via TMZ that's how Gabby learned about the situation and then somehow they were friends again it's confusing but apparently Gabby and Jesse had another falling-out because quite frankly Gabby was being a bad friend once again and she's not owning up to that either more or less Gabby felt that Jesse was holding her back from networking opportunities and because she had to take her friend's side she was alienating herself and not able to make connections and be friends and hang out with the people she wanted to and kind of the the most shocking vine that came out of all of this mess was when Jesse told us she said Jesse Curtis his friends didn't rape you kind of defending herself in hanging out with Curtis and his friends where she says that she wasn't hanging out with Curtis he was there but she was hanging out with his friends and his friends didn't do that to you so why do you care so fast forward to present day more less when Gabi is going on and on in these fans DMS she's claiming that she never tweeted at him except for something like once in 2013 before she knew anything about this story but she says that she's never taken his side and there are no tweets anywhere that could support this however people did find her seeds and if I can find any of those I'll put them up here I'm gonna get some clarity on that you and that more or less brings us up to date though she's been just generally kind of annoying since all that happened and a lot of people on the platform are just fed up with her it's only a matter of time before something else comes up it's just funny that there are certain things that I hear coming out of Gabby time and time and time again that I don't hear from anybody else particularly any other YouTube creators but really anybody else things like oh I'm just so happy I'm happy I'm happy I'm happy this amazing house and boyfriend and friends and music career I'm so happy why would I need to get involved in that I'm so happy I'm so happy you must be jealous it's just I'm afraid of my life but I'm so [ __ ] happy like I have great people in my life like my friendships my love life like my house my career everything is great and I'm so secure in myself I can record and perform and focus so much on that and I'm so happy gentlemen good plays I have three amazing friends I hang out with don't talk about anybody I'm in my [ __ ] house wait am i right she often points out how she's such a good person and such an amazing friend and she's nothing but caring and supportive with the people in her life anybody in her life I am so kind to people in my life did it I never would try to hurt somebody I never try to say something to somebody to hurt their feelings I never got my way to like hate something but also telling us that good people don't need to tell you that they're good people and if somebody's telling you that they're a good person they probably aren't people with a heart still need to remind you they have good hearts I am so kind other people don't need to convince you they're honest the loudest people usually have the most high the only other thing I can't sheriff yet whatever a scandal breaks and we want her to apologize for her part in something she often will say if the Internet has decided they hate you there's nothing you can do there's nothing you can say to change that you can't really defend yourself because most people decide that you are going to be whatever scam artists like no matter what you say it's just a part of integration of course getting no this is a big jam and you may think the daddy's referring to you because the cosmetics scandal here nope and that came directly after talking about the monster meme and how much she was getting after her genius interview and that is just simply not true yes cancel culture is a real thing but most of us with rational minds want to see you learn grow apologize and really go through that Redemption arc essentially we want to see you recognize your part in whatever drama or controversy it goes down and just stop being problematic especially people like me who are fans of her work I like watching her I relate to a lot of things that she says she goes through so I really do I want to see this from her and it really just at the end of the day it makes a bad name for those of us that do have mental illnesses are advocating for mental health awareness aren't advocating for therapy and working on oneself and it makes those of us look bad you're you're representing people like me and you make us look bad by not just being a mess but not owning up to your crap that that's what this is all about this is all about accountability and just as I expect the people that see me and my behavior on a regular basis to hold me accountable to good behavior that's what we're doing to Gabby she's not having that anyway I went off on a little tangent there I was actually talking about things that Gabby often says another thing I hear often say is that people feel entitled to her explanations honestly it's an apology that most of us want or some sort of symbol of growth remorse something thank you right here they aren't offended are you not entitled and when she says this she's essentially explaining that it is not something that she owes to anyone sure I can agree with that to an extent but expect that that's going to affect your career that's going to affect your audience that's going to enrage certain people because you are an influencer you do have a young audience you have people that are looking up to you that are modeling their behavior after yours some people are gonna be a little pissed some fans are gonna feel betrayed especially when you go back to things like the whole cans of cosmetics scandal and now here you are saying that if your fans would like for you to address something important that they're entitled and you know titled once again Gabby Hanna does not care about her fans and then of course something we often hear Gabi say and I'm a second bad person because no matter what I do I'm always the bad person does not why do you talk to people I don't like you I would another so he's a blob hiding something always a person for second game I always pray reach out for you so why you feel the need coffee but I thought meet some people I don't like it was so beyond me I still think people inside of each and I'm so sick of being that person Saturday all the time and kind of here recently Gabby tweeted something about criticism and it seemed to be aimed at the commentary community do you feel like there's ever been jhana channel do that came out and bad Jess criticism I didn't really watch them because I just okay I was going to this Matt control and it hurts me too much about myself and she said something along the lines of people are making what they call constructive criticism but if it's not constructive it's just criticism and if you do that you're being an effing beat which tells us that Gabby cannot handle criticism in any form which just blows my mind and if you want to talk about entitlement that is a person who thinks that they are entitled to not be criticized ever constructively or otherwise when I'm sorry but almost all of us existing in society are subject to criticism every day in some way whether that be in our personal lives or at work or even where those two might cross over many many many many maybe most people could get in a lot of trouble at work for posting something so vile and inappropriate about children and in general just crappy behavior online in the public all of us would fall privy to some criticism but no somehow Gabby's different she is the victim she is being singled out she is constantly under fire and being misrepresented and the rest of us just need to back off and stop criticizing her are you now entitled but as an entitled person I want to see change I want to see growth I want Gabby to grow up learn from her mistakes and own up to her role in these matters I want her to go through the process of a Redemption arc so that I can get behind her and support her and support her work I said as I enjoy it so I can sleep at night I guess you can say I'm entitled to that are you know titled but we don't have that so I'm gonna do my best to try to sleep tonight without having that peace of mind wish me luck to the one person who's watching That's not me thank you again until next time manage your expectations you
Channel: helloleesh
Views: 254,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gabbie hanna, gabbie hanna lies, gabbie hanna controversy, gabbie hanna trisha paytas, gabbie hanna ricegum, gabbie hanna jesi smiles, gabbie hanna scam, gabbie hanna drama, kenza cosmetics, gabbie hanna cancelled, gabbie hanna canceled, trisha paytas, ricegum, drama, commentary, gabbie hanna tweets, gabbie hanna scandal, gabbie hanna vlog squad, vlog squad drama, vlog squad gossip, david liza breakup, mental health, therapy, helloleesh, hello leesh, leesh
Id: 1okoRihPAKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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