We Filmed The ENTIRE BIRTH Of Our Daughter!

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warning the following video contains medical related images and video footage in telling our story we found this to be necessary but certain audiences may be sensitive to this content viewer discretion is advised [Music] your whole perspective on life is different because you're not just living for yourself you're you know living for this little human that is a piece of you and a piece of both of us i feel so whole yeah and i just never thought that i would feel that way you don't need to search for anything as soon as you have a kid because you're whole you become whole [Music] all right we're in the hospital they put us in the maternity ward in the baby delivering area so this is going down according to the people that work here anyway why is there anybody in here i have no idea it's kind of like super empty it is late at night but wow i thought there would be people all around [Music] beautiful yes [Music] [Applause] okay what's up everybody so in the studio shed in the backyard i'm printing up the hats that we sold the camo snapbacks coffee before claims so yeah i know it has been it's going to be like two or three weeks before we put out our second podcast in between we wanted to do one every week but with everything going on with the baby coming we're not able to do as many as we would like to but after in the fall when it starts getting a little cooler out we'll be able to utilize the studio and even the backyard space right out there for more podcasting and hopefully we'll be able to get on a better schedule but for now we're just dealing with day to day uh just waiting for finn to come and i don't know what sammy's gonna film maybe some stuff inside today i don't know i'm not gonna think like i'm not gonna encourage her to film if she doesn't feel up to it but her mucus plug all right guys and gals so i officially lost my mucus plug this morning and it wasn't anything crazy i was peeing and i looked in the toilet it was literally like a little bloody plug i had no idea what this was until sammy got pregnant i never even heard of it before but it's basically i'm not going to even try to explain what it is but when that comes out then that means the next step is basically the water come breaking and the baby coming so actually at this point it probably could happen like any minute but also i've heard that people had their mucus plug come out and then they had to wait they waited like two weeks or something until the baby actually came i don't really know but i'm just chilling we're just waiting for it i'm getting some work done here and i don't know if you guys saw these but we also have what are called basically dad hats gopro is actually just glitching out dad hats so we have like 10 of those made and ready to ship if anyone's interested in those they're up on the site and these are the ones that people's bought the most of are the army camo ones and so i'm printing up a whole bunch of those so i can ship them out and i got these boxes so if anyone ever wanted to ship a hat for instance they sell these on ebay and other sites but they're really thin seven by seven by seven boxes perfect for a hat and you can put two hats or in there or you could even put a hat and a t-shirt uh so they fit whatever you want to ship hat wise these are the best boxes [Music] look at this girl right now she is so cute she's just so when we had got rue one of our viewers our friend murph got this for her and we used to bring her around in it but then she grew up she a big girl now but butters is literally sleeping in the top because this is like a little sack and she is the cutest oh but she loves her life here she's so lucky we got her and so are we too this boy um [Music] is and then i'll just film you like with a close-up lens to your face and then you just like tell us how you're feeling right now yeah you can but jesus these cramps are not we're already filming but i really can't pop up made something's going on are you agree he does the way he's just like you're supposed to be loving on me not your daddy he sleeps with me all night long he does this is that crazy yeah not really so i have crabs right above my pubic belly yes that's what it's called um this one huh i don't know there's just the one josh flagged the guy it was i was watching my but this is better it just stopped and then mj sat on the remote and then this game i mean we in reality we probably saw this episode before oh these two wanted to come up come here okay everybody wants to hang with their mama but look at me [Music] the t's coming it's coming that's nice he knows something's going on here it's like how am i supposed to know what a contraption is if it's not like a crazy one you know it's like everybody getting contractions i'm like i don't know i don't think so do you know what it is it feels like well like yeah and now because like there's different types of contractions like i guess when you're going into labor they're like gnarly but the ones that i get not consistently aren't like anything to write home about i don't think because i would assume that because i have a low tolerance for pain that i'd be like tripping out if they were serious contractions but i haven't been having any it's just like the it's just the menstrual cramps like it feels like menstrual cramps oh mj then stop flicking your tail you're literally flicking it in her face she got it she got it good she's just looking at mj oh no she's chewing on it [Laughter] baby you gotta see this ah not the big toe [Laughter] what do you think the chances of finn coming today are well i did lose my mucus plug this morning in the toilet it was literally just like a little red plug of mucus i guess um and i don't know everybody's different so like some people could go into labor 30 minutes from losing their mucous plug maybe three hours or 24 hours or weeks but my due date is in eight days so i had a feeling she would come early but i could be wrong i don't know i've never been you know never done this before all right here we go so this showed up on our porch [Music] and it's seeming so very intriguing that it looks like we're gonna have to open it right now it says from donny dirty south woodworking all right here we go says it's from donny dirty south woodworking we're gonna pop this sucker open wow all right let's get to it all right packed up like super well oh man what could this be i gotta get sammy j out here because i'm feeling like this is gonna be something really really cool all right under suspicions that this is something really cool the box is taller it really is your size [Music] [Music] yeah i think i know exactly what it is do you no you don't you're not feeling what it is wow it's i need nice or something what do you mean what is it let me pull it out of there right yeah should i just close my eyes yeah you could get them do you want to give the blindfold or you just get it out of here let's get it out of here and i'll just close my eyes get a blindfold get a blindfold no i don't need a bipod yeah all right we're actually i'll just be in front of the camera and i'll show you guys that i can't see it just don't hit me with that box is it on uh um what is or not to it yet all right wow actually my eye did kind of creak the right eyeballs [Music] can i turn around all right check it out no way no doc susie this is literally so cool diane had me make this reference no dirty south woodworking wow oh my god so someone that watches us made this thank you oh my god this is literally so freaking cool wow how oh my god it came they came and they didn't wreck it the uh the fedex guy or was ups no it's good thankfully i literally like tearing up this is so crazy that is legit we have no dresser like no bookshelf or anything for the books now we do wow thank you so much it's like crazy i'm tripping are you in labor now uh i've lost my mucus plug today i've been leaking like pink fluid so i have cramps like they feel like period cramps but so i'm just literally waiting for my water to break or contractions so this is this is a good gift this is insanely cool i love this it's nice wow it's fine though wow let's bring this baby in right yeah we should right yeah bring it in and just put the books on it right yeah so here it is this is who made the bookshelf dirty south woodworking wow it's really cool thank you look at this masterpiece this is going right into her room basically right now all right so it's like 6 30 and i woke up from a nap just short nap turner's still napping pop-up is following me around the house and we came in here because i'm about to grab the laundry out of the dryer out of everything i could be doing right now i'm grabbing the laundry out of the dryer to fold it because it's bothering me that it's still in there but mj came in to help i guess didn't you playing with butt butts toy so we're just waiting before you chilling on it does it taste good don't play girl cause i'll get you a stroller we'll get a doubler and we could bring your fin fin around hey can i have a large strawberry frosty strawberry flossy anything else and then a medium one too strawberry okay and that was a small and a medium range yeah and then oh can i have a large in a medium i'm sorry and then what is a spicy chicken sandwich is that what you want and then one spicy chicken sandwich that's the sandwich i'll get the uh yeah just a sandwich okay and then one small french fry too sure anything else for you tonight that's it so dinners are more expensive here it was still rolling it's still rolling yeah [Music] hey you're gonna hold me [Music] [Music] they put us in the maternity ward in the baby delivering area so this is going down according to the people that work here anyway why is there anybody in here it's kind of like super empty it is late at night but wow i thought there would be people all around and like nurses and doctors nobody here all right here's the deal give us a rundown of what from the beginning like this morning so this morning i peed and i looked in the toilet and there's a little like red chunk mucus plug it was my amigas plug i think i don't know i'm just assuming nobody has confirmed it was amuco's military a lot but um that was that and then after that i started thinking like pink fluid it wasn't like discharging it wasn't a solid it was just fluid so i've been changing out pads like all day literally um and i just i thought that that was normal i don't know so we went to breakfast earthly cafe here we go sammy j are we claiming this is a full term pregnancy not yet i'm 38 weeks and three or four days but at 39 we'll be free full dan mama looking hot for for a full pregnancy we're good together gotta eat your bucky yeah damn got the local smoke show out here baby we came back and then i'm still leaking this fluid changing out pads but i started getting what felt like menstrual cramps but like way crazier and they weren't happening like consistently but they started happening consistently and they started getting you know a little gnarlier and gnarlier every time that i had them and they're between like five and six minutes just these cramps so i don't know if their contraction my contractions are like i thought actually like you know here for china so i don't know no one's really like answered me about anything i just listen to what they say and that's it so i don't know i ended up calling i didn't call my doctor originally because i was like i don't want to be like annoying and be like a false alarm you know but eventually it was at 11 when i called i caved in because i was like these are crazy because they were getting unbearable to the point where like it's like hard for me to breathe kind of i mean i still breathe but they're just really painful um so i called and my doctor dr morgan was like it sounds like your water broke so you might get to the hospital like pronto yeah and here we are here we are and finn's hooked up to a monitor that's monitoring the contractions and one that's monitoring her heart this is a crazy operation right [Music] 80s or something [Music] yeah the shower in there i don't know all right little update she's in labor three centimeters trace she would have been giving birth at the house if we didn't come here so i was it was frog shirt since 9 30 this morning basically she's that's good though because i went out to breakfast you were like just cruising around like let's go chill that's why at breakfast too she was like i can't sit up and she was eating there's stuff that had her plate on her lap like this it was eaten we should have known better you bet that's true though you couldn't even like this is like the craziest thing ever the pain of my mind you got it these are contractions so that i'm planning on having an expert but if i did now i know that the cramps that i was feeling that feeling menstrual cramps are contractions so i just i didn't know you look so cute in labor i look cute right now yeah look at you know my stress balls that i bought for turner i opened them up all right cruising through the hallways got sammy's bag so we're in it we're in here for the actual birth at this point so it's going down this place is crazy though are these the elevators i came from so we're in the thick of it now everybody i'm just trying to film as much as i can before it gets too crazy i'm thinking this is the way to go through here all right sammy j just went full gnar dog and just got the epidural it wasn't even making it a big deal are you feeling better now i don't really feel any different it's just i can't feel my contractions i would definitely recommend that they said 98 of people get it yeah it was either like morphine like painkillers they said morphine um i guess i was like well which one works at the epidural right and we got our sweet wristbands so we are matching wristbands and for the baby [Music] from his baby i would keep it forever oh she's going to be so small like papa you're not doing any tech talks yet [Laughter] without [Music] delicious the only place okay so what they give you this is just to hydrate me it's liquid so we got her hooked up to this whole thing here liquid a bunch of other stuff and then this is the little area for the baby the panda warmer it's like a warming compartment oh it's getting real serious now all right taking my first snack break here at the hospital we got a nature valley biscuits with peanut butter she brought this for me all right the lady came in and she said this is actually a bed let's say oh no i don't know if i want the bed it's a little weird [Music] like it's a pull out you think i should pull it out is that a good call [Music] we thought we were getting carried away with the birth bags and stuff but she said people bring their own tvs big flat screen tvs and full gaming setups with like headphones and everything and the husband was in here like gaming gnarly on his 55-inch tv that he brought for himself and his own playstation [Laughter] i still don't understand how that works like all right here's what we're working with now full bed pull out shouts why did you put that cushion back up there yeah so i can put my head on it where people sit there shouts to the people who ever had this in their hospital room when they when their wife was giving birth did anyone have that luxury i thought i was gonna have just one chair i thought you were going to chair that just that the chair [Laughter] no you did it yeah this is literally worse than when it was folded up i mean i'm not going to sit here and complain because clearly what you're doing is a lot crazier but this is the most uncomfortable piece i've ever seen [Laughter] all right here we go fresh morning so this is going to be officially finn's birthday hopefully today so technically sammy's like pretty far into labor of time but she's at like five centimeters dilated so she needs to get to 10. and she's got this ball she's in between her legs but for me personally i've heard other men complain about the situations in the hospital for them which it's not really catered to the husband obviously because they're not the one really doing anything so i get that the situation wouldn't be that great but this this this is nice this is really nice so time for me to get some coffee what do you think a little hospital cafe you know you're so lucky lucky yeah that's what you dug you get to eat snacks and me and fred are hungry too but we can just watch you eat and drink coffee and live through it so i'm getting yeah i'm getting these like the reason she gave me this balls because i'm getting like these uh it's just pressure on my left like [Music] well this helps open my pelvis pretty insane in here though look how big it is this is her area that's all the area for me to sleep i could put that back up into the couch and do some editing even if i need to a little sink so this is pretty much for us and the medical staff bathroom over here and then they brought this table out which is new it's never seen that before so i guess finn's gonna go in here first and then she'll be like sponged off not really sure of the procedure but that's what i'm guessing so let's adventure down what's funny is i put this hat in here because i was like probably just forget a hat in the heat of the moment say i have this one do that outside and i really didn't bring one i forgot all right the one thing that's pretty crazy is like it's so dead in this wing of the hospital there's nobody around so in my head which i guess sometimes it gets crazy in my head i was thinking of like something i've seen from a movie where there's like doctors and nurses all rushing around uh this is so much different it's so calm and just chill and relaxing there's like nobody around but i'm adventuring to the coffee area see look nobody nobody around okay i was expecting like a coffee machine vending machine that would just make it kind of like this but actually they have a whole coffee bar here it looks like all right like i said there was like a little cafe type of deal uh over there so they just had fresh bird coffee so i'm gonna have to say the current situation in here is a plus for the dads of the the birthing process in here let's take a sip we'll just look at this little courtyard thing it's like in the middle of the hospital and there's just like a pile of rocks it's kind of weird actually first set let's say that's actually pretty good i can't keep it about that one but not under the name um this baby's about to come any minute so now i'm 7 7 years so he just went in there i all right so this is official as official gets for having a baby sammy jace up in this hospital i think i can see our room from where the car is parked which is right over here across the street uh it's so hot outside but they keep the air on in the hospital so i'm wearing long sleeve sweatshirt sweatpants but yeah her room our room i should say is up on the third floor right on right here so the maternity ward no i didn't just do that i think i just came down here without the k i'm about to just all right so we're full blown in the home stretch now sammy's up on the third floor which one she in the one that is half open half closed i don't know one of the rooms up there it's getting real this is really real as real as it gets uh i was thinking about it too and just thinking about how much better my life has become in the last year two years three years and how fortunate i am to have found somebody like sammy who is now the mother of my daughter by the end of today hopefully surreal to say i'm just going to be ranting i don't even know if any of this is going to make sense but i feel like the kid having a kid is like the ultimate excuse to just be self-centered and pay attention to you and your family over going out and doing stuff that's like not beneficial to you i guess basically if someone's like you want to go here you want to do this it's always just like you have the excuse of no why do i want to do that i have my kid that i'd rather be spending time with so i guess it's just like solidifying bringing everything down the earth and just concentrating on what's actually important which is sammy my daughter our house our cats our youtube channel myself my health her health the baby's health and it just makes it so much easier it's just like all right all the other can just get sliced cut right out of my life and i can concentrate now on and i think that's a pretty powerful thing and a wake-up call but it's like a wake-up call that you're grateful for it's not like oh you need to get your together it's like you're having a baby it's game time this is about to get serious concentrate on what's important if that makes any sense but i came down to get the last bag it's back there and then i'll show you guys what sammy packed for finley uh for the hospital i'll give a little run down because we still have about two or three hours probably until she's in like full blown birthing mode because she's seven centimeters right now and the nurse said that at this point she'll probably go a centimeter an hour bigger so she needs to go from seven to ten and now she has the epidural in but she's feeling a lot more pain basically all night from like two o'clock to like six or seven this morning it was pretty good uh now she's in a lot of pain and i can tell so just some thoughts all right here we are it's going down sammy j seven centimeters right now this baby is on its way welcome to the world finley grace finley magic is on the way you look cute you look cute in labor though is that weird i know it's hard to think about but when you get to a point of pushing and you start pushing against that pressure and discomfort that you feel it's actually going to feel better but it's going to make you feel a little bit better because you're doing something about it instead of just laying here trying to get better all right is that what's what you need popping is your eyelashes for this oh i'm crying a lot so they're getting in my eyeball i need to use that as a mirror very funny oh my god see that one's about to fall off well what she needs to fall off there i told you gray there's something wrong with this eye all right guys i'm gonna go out and get a few more things okay hit the button if you need me i'm great out there just kind of crossing my teeth down my eyes that kind of stuff yeah so am i like how many seven liters you're like you gotta get the ten so you're so close you're on the home stretch all right all right [Music] i think she moved her head oh good you guys heard it nine and a half centimeters handling it like a champ sammy j with the eyelash claim [Laughter] either they put it in there like every once in a while they'll add a disk see you don't even see what they were doing no i can't they were giving you drugs through that thing and also to the iba no they're giving me they're my epidural they were then but she took that and she's supposed to feed it through the iv when you need it he said does it think she did no because she knows you didn't need it sammy j at nine and a half centimeters about to give birth literally any second now finn decided to have her head like sitting on some crazy nerve so like my groin i haven't been able to like rest at all three hours prior to being nine seven meters or nine and a half current situation nine centimeters with the ball we're out here this is how you do it we're out here [Music] now i'm scared what is that day i have no that idea not right all right here we go sammy j handling this like a total champ total champ she's literally about to give birth any second [Music] would you agree nine and a half centimeters how are they gonna take this catheter this is what they're going to do why you have two bands you have two bands i only have one because i'm the patient if it has one too at least i'm scared all right we're busting into the hospital bag now just busted out the suave for men look at that get my armpits all juiced oh this is weird chaos i've been saying i haven't used one of these in a bad law i've been getting into the organic ones so this one will definitely work on me 48 hours sweat and odor protection just what i needed today it does have aluminum in it but now i smell good all right sammy j is pushing through this this is getting really gnarly right now most intense thing that ever happened to us this is literally in labor right now fully total insane come on come on [Music] good job you're [Music] beautiful at this point sammy had been pushing for hours and to protect the privacy of the staff involved we decided to show as little of the actual birth as possible but at the same time properly documenting the birth of our beautiful daughter please be considerate of the entire situation thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] yes [Music] that's your baby [Laughter] yeah let me kind of wipe [Music] yeah it's a little molded but that's all right she was hanging down there for a little bit she looks great did it girlfriend she is gorgeous [Music] okay [Music] came from us how did you get her i pushed her out i think you're the one who's thinking her butt don't smell then it's definitely mine all right this is how we doing that fan she looks so much cuter in real life than on the video day one out here we already breastfeeding it up in the first like three hours but she's in the hospital she's fine recovering nicely tiny little crack in her pelvis all right we got the finley socks and the hat so this is the stuff we didn't show in the other video but we had it packed the whole time fits for fun we got blankies we got little diapers and then mom's got her stuff so that's it let me see the princess the outfits right this one yeah so i like the moon and the stars all right that's what we'll send her with yeah and she has what happened to her hat they keep taking thinking her brand new baby hat sure baby it's all bloody but we're going to keep that one for sure we'll keep it yet because i can put it in a little collection yeah i have white hats though i know and socks yeah a little pink hat yeah and then pink socks and that's perfect perfect and that's a jewelry a blessing from above she's dead so am i there's brady thank you you're tired you're tired all right i can tell cause i was like um so i was having like a really gnarly pain in my the left side of my groin at some point and it was just lasting forever and that is like the screams that i've seen in like movies i was making those screams and it was like i was like disturbing myself because like it's just like a instinct like i just did i thought it was gonna make me feel better screaming like that but they didn't he came she got out from all your hard work she you pushed her out that was the probably single hardest thing you've ever done i thought that i have just didn't think that it was going to end me neither at a certain point because like once she got to a certain point she wasn't moving out anymore until the actual doctor came like i couldn't even like look at you at one point i was literally just closing my eyes the way i knew it was so long is cause like i had the camera rolling and i had like multiple times i had like an hour long clip on there and i was like what do you mean she's only been doing it for an hour and 15 i was like there's four videos on my phone and they're all 40 minutes long like tensing up your body and contracting for that long that's what makes you tired congrats babe you're one bad ass girl to do that one bad ass woman to push that baby out i'd do it for the fan i had so much fluid in my stomach too it was literally a gallon of gallons they were saying the doctor and the nurses were like this it's a lot of fluid so i guess that's why my belly was literally so big because when i was pushing all of this stuff was just coming out i mean it happens with every birth but you did a crinkle face like your mama did she say she was like because i was going to come later and they said oh four o'clock oh she started crying she heard my mom's voice sammy congratulations thank you you look beautiful thanks oh my gosh the pictures don't do her justice she's beautiful she is a good looking baby she looks like sammy that was a rough ride huh yeah that's bad yours was bad it was bad i was two hours and 20 minutes pushing how are you three hours and 20 minutes honestly i would say five they were trying to downplay it but that would make me not less stressed well here's the thing they do let you push when it's your first baby mom as long as they know the baby's okay yeah but then when they started talking about like she said other about sammy i was like this is getting carried away but i said to turner if the baby's in distress you have to go the other route because you can't rest the baby well that's the thing she was she was doing good thank thinking yeah that's why they let you go that's the only reason they let you go was she latching on at all or you didn't try it we tried but she's like she wasn't having it she just was crying so she was like she's not gonna latch on if she's not in like the mood and i don't think they need to eat when they first come out no that's what the doctor said she was like they don't need i don't probably don't need to eat for the first six to twelve hours yeah that's what the doctor is saying that okay it's all about the lashes i was brushing the lashes but she has turners she's absolutely beautiful all right woke up this morning not a dad ended off the day as a proud father [Music] oh i can't use that i'm going to go to the cafeteria see what kind of food they have because i only had a cup of coffee today because i was so nervous i couldn't eat earlier and sammy just ate a sandwich she hasn't eaten since like she hasn't eaten since yesterday last night she got a wendy's chicken sandwich that was the last thing she ate gave birth and then she just ate a turkey sandwich but i'm gonna get something from the cafeteria let's say floor two we'll see what it looks like could be good all right i'm gonna get what are we gonna do orange yellow gatorade and we'll do what are we gonna do here turkey and cheese that looks pretty good a little salad wow this is here we go peanut butter and jelly sandwich check peanut butter and jelly sandwich brownie maybe for her gatorade and doritos not fancy but we're not fancy so that's how we do it hospital meal is better than expected i mean i guess literally everything was better than expected is this the way i came okay yeah through here i just had to do this real quick because i thought it was so epic this is the hospital food pancakes that's a lie these are french toast this is looking good though coffee little itty bitty one two syrups i got a yo play what is this yo plate sammy's got her deal she's got some bacon and this will be our first family meal together finn's been drinking off the teeth a little bit but she's just been chilling and sleeping in here it's pretty much the cutest thing i've ever seen obviously i think that is my baby but i had [Music] okay so everything was going good at the hospital i came back home to check on the cats and feed them because we didn't we kind of rushed in a hurry and went to the hospital so the cats may not have gotten fully fed but that was only a day so we're very good but this is what we're going to do i'm going to take a video we only have the kitten ones but it should do of me giving them weddies so i can choose sammy all right what do we got what do we got i don't even know what day it is but we got weddies hey hey hey this is this is butters weddies first off and all the rest of you are getting some because you're [Music] here at that [Music] so [Music] so uh see bugaboo mj who's not eating weddings for some reason and then we got the two youngest girls and then we got sis but also we got lockster i don't know if you can even see her in there it's okay lucky [Music] look at this princess look at this little baby she's ready to get wrapped all right so this is day day official first full day of parenthood so sammy's got jacked up from the whole situation yeah i'm in pain serious pain like i can't sit but this is what we scored today they gave me both sausage and bacon so you can have that i got a little pancake oh this little dixie cup oh coffee oh that's like black gold in there and then we got the fence there little baby thank you do you open your eyes for the camera good girl so this is the first time first-time parent first-time parent first-time parent we're winging this everything's good so far but we literally have no idea what we're doing but we're doing it and it's awesome you're pretty good do you like sausage or the hospital it's turkey sausage my ice pack that's just leaking all it for me too bad she's already gone i didn't see you was that useless she's gone where is she for the day oh i thought i had the wrong room wait she's going where they told her okay so that was you standing there i didn't i don't know my glasses on so i didn't know it was sand that's how spaced out but weren't you in 360 for yesterday yeah but that's the delivery room okay dad is downstairs they only went one up at a time i told him to come up because he didn't see her yet yeah but why wouldn't you just come up and not even talk about that they don't like you what do you mean how do i get them up i would have just went through it all right so i guess they have a bit of a policy here where they only allow one visitor one visitor at a time in the hospital so my mom's up there now because she got the visitor pass but check this out i now have the visited pass so i'm going to try to just go get my dad and bring him up because that's just crazy and then sammy's aunt as well is here so we didn't know we had no idea it was a one-person thing there he is big grandfather got here i'm not anything i'm freaking not good at this stuff how you're here yeah they said only one person which is kind of weird well i was about to pull a fast one and bring you up but i can't do that no let that lady go and bring bring her up no let her go and then let that lady go that's what i'm saying if you come tomorrow then like i don't want to say this on you all right here we go are you ready to see this baby sure you wanted to come see her now yeah you're saying it like the house thing are you ready to see your fix up or whatever they say before and after yeah well this is right this is just after i didn't have anything to do with before if you saw before you wouldn't be happy no or should i say dooring it's this way you can pee first if you want everything's blown out that's what it is give it look yeah hi no no don't do that don't do what we're gonna cry it's gonna crash he's gonna he's gonna cry of joy no that kid's gonna just cry for nothing she literally came in she doesn't cry i cry once and when she cries she stops like three seconds later you just gotta laugh at her say hi kinky she looks fake right yeah she just sits there right little update because i didn't do any yesterday uh last night was the first legitimate baby night where she cried on and off but that's what babies do i guess and she's basically not basically she is finley magic the most perfect baby ever i won't turn the light on but it's pretty it's kind of dark in here but she is so cute you're hockey she is kind of bratty but so yesterday a lot happened yesterday started basically breastfeeding oh and that's a whole thing in itself i thought you would just latch right on doesn't work like that no i mean i've been breastfeeding since we've been here but like the colostrum comes out that's the first stuff that comes out but like i have to like pinch my nips so yeah it's again it's just i think when we're at home in our own environment it'll be a lot easier to get everything going because it's just a lot here but we've been going on and off like from uh breastfeeding to formula so she literally just wanted [Applause] she's like 36 [Music] she's like 40 hours she's like 40 hours old we got to deal with this though but i just want to do a quick update we're about to go get some coffee and then they're discharging us so look at this this is real though this is real life so stinky yeah yeah a lot to get used to but we're out here family unit now there's gonna be some perfect times happy times ahead for our life this is the greatest thing that ever happened to us okay we made it back home baby finley made it to her house i think we're not gonna really film anything else and just let her settle in uh it's nice because we have the catio out back so all four of the big cat big grown cats are out back lucky obviously is in and out because she lives in the back room and the only one that's in the house is butters and she's good she ran into the baby room but after that we put her out and finley's in her bassinet uh everything went well i would say four me on a personal level that was the heaviest most intense weekend scare most emotional weekend i should say of my entire life um from excited scared terrified happy uh and all of these are the most extreme i felt like when she was in bert in labor i was just at that last like two hours of it that literally lasted like four hours the last like two hours of it i was losing it um wow she's here and somebody came by i'm gonna have to look at the ring camera to see who did it but they left a heart right there and then they said the world is yours and then they put welcome home then which i think her name is finley like spelt f i n l e y but i think we're going to do like her nickname as f i n n that's what sammy wants anyway so if she just writes it out like hell i would write talk instead of tucker even though that's not my actual name i don't know if people knew that or not we would instead of finley she'd write finn but if she wants to write it fin that's her her deal but yeah everything's good we got that car seat that worked perfectly put her in it for the first time aunt maria sammy's aunt got us these flowers and she said she got me a cigar too which i'll probably smoke today these are my two girls and that's me in the middle so sammy and finn i thought that was really sweet she got us a balloon as well i'm gonna just unload all this stuff bring it in do the laundry and go from there but that was the birth of our first and possibly only child daughter the birth of our daughter finley magic grave so i hope you guys enjoyed the edit i don't know if i'll be putting more footage in here but i do want to say we posted some pictures on facebook instagram some videos and we got the biggest most supportive crew of people maybe in the whole world behind us here on youtube and on our other social media stuff uh the facebook post alone got like a thousand comments and like three or four thousand likes uh so yeah that doesn't seem like you know a famous person would get that every day on a post but the reality is all these people that commented and everything and sent us messages and emails uh they literally support us so much that it's like i don't know how we got to this level because all we did was just start recording our life in our lives together and you know when we met i was already recording videos but it just turned from like i was just messing around making some videos to like just recording literally our whole lives and so many people fell in love with like just how real it is because like we just film real life it's not really that exciting it's just normal stuff and it's just it's insane how many people were shown support and love so thank you all it means a lot and it might not seem like it and honestly it's so many comments and stuff i can't even respond to all of them so i apologize if somebody feels like we didn't respond we didn't mean to do that uh it's just overwhelming with everything going on but don't know when we're gonna upload again this was a big one though this is the most emotional heaviest video i've ever made like i've ever edited obviously i didn't make it sammy was the one doing all the work basically but this is the most important video we've ever produced and put out so thank you guys hit that thumbs up button please and we'll see you in the next one i'm like shaking because i don't know whether to be like scared happy or i don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 92,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stunts, nubtv, tuckerfupper, fails
Id: 9D9yEsrWXso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 41sec (4901 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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