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alright guys so now we're driving around trying to see if there's any yard sale leftovers out this community sale near me they had theirs today but I did not make it to this because I was at a different community sale so now I'm driving by to see what we have out for free I did this a little earlier but I have my daughter with me and she was being a little bit of a pain in the butt so he couldn't film anything so now I'm trying to just get out and see what's at this stop looks like you have a picture babycakes cake pop maker it's got like the sticks and everything all right all right I can work with that all right not really seeing anything in there ooh something moving around back there that I didn't get out earlier you think someone else is doing the same thing I see this other guy these other guys driving around I think he's doing the same thing I'm doing all right let's see what we have here the same thing just some wooden boxes I guess and this is like a TV wall mount one of all the pieces are here oh maybe that's like a floating glass shelf oh so that would go on I should try to take some of this stuff to the flea market maybe that might not be a bad deal to take something like that to the flea market all right let's see whoo look we got people picking down here already holy moly get out see what I can find you have anything good here you're taking the metal okay okay it's just this that's all never know what he's yep that's right that's right I know I had my daughter with me earlier and I was doing this and I was like what are you doing can you light this box [Music] [Applause] take that still keeping some metal in here lots of shelves oh yeah I feel like they're metal - crap we're ready all right I'll see it the next one yeah you should've not gonna have much room in the car all right you want to use this planter looks like it's got some writing on this side what if you just turn it over to that side there you go Jesus I should have mounted this GoPro having issues today this is kind of fun I wish I lived there more communities like I need more junk right looks like this guy's picking up some stuff right here picking up all the metal I don't think I stopped there because looks like he's kind of got dibs on that stuff I say see if we can see anything in this box it looks like it might be a crock-pot which I don't need I don't need a crock-pot or a toaster back in the color see what we have over here looks like we got a couple things over here can't quit what it is well it's just a piece of luggage that looks a little beat-up so let's keep rolling here let's keep rolling all right this is nice because this community is so local to me that it's easy to just pop right on over here all right we have another pile here I think I think I've already been to this one though I think I might have stopped here already I'm not sure you know what I'm gonna get out and check yes I have been here I was here earlier and I picked a couple of things out so yeah let's just move on to the next all right here we go here we go this is a nice pile right here nice pile mm-hmm if there's anything good here though but let's see what we have here Lazer's know what that is this is broken there's some chairs that I don't have a room for looks like we had some clothes here some men's clothes really doesn't like to be in that great of shape though to be fine I stood yet so we'll be passing this looks like risers for a bed yeah those are nice chairs you I don't know how far away you live but you should go get your truck oh yeah you're right that's true you might pick up this glove this feels like a nice glove yeah they are nice they probably swivel I bet no they don't do they yeah maybe they do maybe this is against this yeah I think they are supposed to swivel well good luck I hope you I don't know you might fit a couple in hey go get my truck I know all right let's go check this one out check this one out right here this movie creator is like a baby game some Bob the Builder all right I can work with Bob the Builder I don't know if this is leak worth any more than $1 it's free there's some NASCAR I don't know I don't know about that maybe I'll just grab it because I'm here and it's free open the car here just kind of throw this stuff in the back I think I need all this jump right decorative maybe it's so good a percolator or something I'll leave that for the guide it's kind of cool Three Stooges pick that up throw that in there naari [Music] some more I'm driving on the wrong side of the road but what are you gonna do let's see what we have here that's a nice table it's got a leaf in it it looks like it's curled up at the one end but it's not horrible here's a punch set which I'm definitely not picking up I did today this looks like it's still so and they might want to display their pieces grab this so read holder once again I have to unlock my door don't look at this filthy mess that is my vehicle right now I practically live out of this thing not really like not you don't really live out of my car but I'm in my car a lot especially during yard sale season and it gets pretty bad and I also haven't cleaned it since since winter time so all right off we go I should have turned around because to be honest I think this is the street I initially went down when I came in here is it No maybe not maybe it isn't maybe it isn't so we'll go down take a little spin through here there's a couple other side roads oh let's see what do we have here I don't know I don't know what that is so I'm gonna get out and if I know some LED recessed lighting kits I mean they look look brand-new they do they look brand-new so so guess who's gonna take them me I don't know what I'm gonna be able to do with these maybe I'll be able to sell them I'm not sure how they do online and that's primarily where I sell but maybe I will go the flea market one day you try to stack these up with one hand here one hand guy is one hand trying to do this and film at the same filling up he was down at the other one so I might I might go down there next since he's gone he's really got the scrap holy mackerel you leave a table over there I saw that earlier it looks like we have a couple things here we have a couple things over there too okay it's a little banged up but this this looks like my type of thing should probably just I'll take a Dollar Tree ICO Linux did you really you oh yeah you did sweet trunk open a little bit but that's right yeah now I see this other guy scrap did you just see him yeah the big it's like I know you're coming back yeah you're right you're absolutely right it what a big no no no I have to go check it out it looks like they're still set up to those [Music] put that back the way I found it my mom likes both angels and Jesus let's see oh I forgot I wanted to look over here I hope I'm probably not doing a great job of filming this but I really don't know let me see what we have here looks like I don't know no gas can I'm gonna keep going I don't think that stuff is really free over there but I really don't know but I definitely think with the with the dog running around out front I'm gonna pass on that I love dogs don't get me wrong but I'm not gonna just try to take some free stuff with with a dog sitting there all right I'm gonna back up and check this stuff out real quick looks like we have a whole pile here some Christmas turkeys didn't usually do too well either Gibson you lose this is a shower curtain it's pretty nice think I'll take that that's nice mmm it's like a piece of country decor it's just not really sure if there's something missing from it we have here santa baby i don't really need that one so many loves alright so let's see here I think those are pretty basic though I don't think I'm gonna grab those don't take the Hershey's mug after I just said I have enough mugs and then I'm taking the Hershey's mug put this one back in the box if some Legos looks like more Christmas stuff so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna mess with anything else just gonna throw this in the back was that stuff out when I looked I don't think it was did I miss this I feel like I missed that I'm gonna go check that out let's see what do we have here this is this is kind of nice it also feels really fragile there's some you put that over there that's definitely broken this is some some southwestern stuff would pick these up might do okay really sure if I'm feeling that either but maybe I should grab it maybe I'll just grab it I picked up something earlier when I was through here that was very similar let me just buckle back up here now that I'm not hopping out anymore and I'm gonna head home all right so just to recap what I bought real quick before I pull in again don't mind my filthy car I picked this up this mizuno glove don't know if it's gonna be worth anything but I'm gonna try to sell it this right here this black lab on it it's like a cheese cheese board plate type thing look this was originally $19.99 or two for 35 I mean someone might want that for like 10 bucks whatever I can't sell I will take and donate at one of my local thrift stores this up this is super cool this is like a yarn needle point type thing but really digging that really digging that that's gonna go on Etsy oops picked up these LED LED recessed lighting kits they were there picked up this flat where some of it might be okay some of it might not be but that'll be this might even sell for like a crafting a lot all right so let me move some of these lighting kits some of these are really large all right then we got the the Bob the Builder and the wiggles got the baby cake cake pop maker got the Lenox mug mat and 11 alright so my GoPro died I'm not sure where I really was here but so here we have an ornament some markers I'll give to my kids that Prestone crap came out of my daughter's car this here for the the thread I believe the Three Stooges thing there's some Taco Bell food wrappers down there in case here's another Hershey's coffee mug it's got something just nuts on it now from being in my filthy car with looking french fries this is what this is what happens when you let your kids ride in your car but unfortunately there's no public transportation I'm just playing guys I'm just playing alright so let's check alright so then I grab this then we have this bird alright so that's gonna wrap it up thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up I had a lot of fun filming this and a lot of fun picking up some some free stuff because I love free so yeah lots of fun also if you haven't done so already please consider subscribing to my channel and hit that little Bell button so you get notifications every time I upload til next time bye
Channel: GeminiThrifts
Views: 137,878
Rating: 4.6121674 out of 5
Keywords: Ebay, Trash picking, garbage picking
Id: qIDjoZ5Gwog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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