Camping on the Most Remote and Unforgettable Beach Trail in California - Lost Coast Trail 4K

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tucked away in northern california lies a true bucket list hike a trail that hugs a 25-mile stretch of coastline in the king range wilderness filled with incredible ocean vistas wildlife and constant reminders of the power of the ocean [Laughter] [Music] i'm robbie these are my cousins brian and andrew and this is our childhood friend thomas and his dog sierra after road tripping across the country it was time for the capstone of this adventure the lost coast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay this is brian and andrew right now this is their flight we'll be here in 49 minutes so we'll head out to get the car in a second it's gonna be super weird it felt strange that we are finally meeting up with brian and andrew after road tripping without them for nearly two weeks [Music] it was good cool well i mean it was a flight thomas is the only person i know right now seeing you guys actually existing this is wrong we're not some like fake persona you made to talk with online how's everybody feeling i feel great my mind has not degraded as much yet pretty good getting up early is going to suck thomas has completely lost it at this point sierra is like she's like why why are we still in another hotel okay well i'm getting in bed all right good luck to everyone else let's do this [Music] it was 6 13 in the morning we got up at 5 30. we have a four and a half hour drive and the weather looks clear i think we're good to go that's ready yep yep let's do it we now headed out in two cars to make the drive from oakland california to shelter cove [Music] we made it out of the city and into wine country the sun cast a golden glow over the landscape as it continued to rise [Music] as we drove the morning mist hung above the hills thomas and andrew fell behind so we stopped to get gas just as brian was waking up from a nap so far the drive has been amazing have you experienced any of it i have actually i was surprised to see the redwood trees i don't think we'll be hiking among them at all but we are less than an hour away from the trailhead so we will wait here for a few minutes at least and see if they pass by yeah there's no way they could have passed us we would have seen them by now we took in the smell of fresh air and while we waited for the others to show up we talked about some important pre-hiking notes how's your bathroom situation it's a normal systems functioning as normal and then we saw the others pull into the gas station how's the drive i would say we're 45 minutes away from shelter yeah we'll follow you this time okay they're gonna follow us we were now on our way again driving on a road that cut through a massive redwood forest eventually we could see the ocean as we made our way down a steep winding road finally we saw black sands beach as we made it to the end of the trail where we would leave one car for the end of our hike after driving all day we were finally able to stretch our legs and take in the incredible view wow wow [Music] this came out of nowhere then we discussed who should drive the other car back to the start of the trail and who should watch sierra someone's got to be in the back with sierra i'd rather drive than take care of the dog plus i'd rather as we drove we passed by stunning scenery but the road was incredibly windy and bumpy and the drive was nearly two hours long she's ready to go hiking i think i think she's like the rest of us just trying to keep it all in eventually the road smoothed out a bit we passed through some incredibly scenic hills and meadows before finally arriving at the matol trailhead it was great to be back out of the car and we weren't the only ones happy about it oh man it's like so good to be out here like i feel like this is the first time i've exhaled in like four hours all things considered we made it out here incredibly smoothly yeah like no hiccups whatsoever look how happy that dog is a dopey looking creature in the fresh open air we stretched our legs out before the hike we approached the trail and reviewed our plans our hike was fairly straightforward we were hiking from here to the black sands trailhead to the south camping three nights along the way but it was complicated by the fact that there are several zones that are impassable during certain times of the day due to the high ocean tides we would have to go through these impassable zones when the tide was three feet or less and being out here really feels like you're on an alien planet and the plants are also super unfamiliar but there's a few i recognize there's some really bright shiny yellow flowers growing and those are california poppies you can kind of see how they resemble a poppy flower and there's also these shrubs all around this tall grass that have these pea pods again i don't know exactly what the species is but even without the pea pods you can kind of tell from the leaves that it's in that pea family and generally plants in that family are edible or at least non-toxic so even in a different environment you can learn certain things about the plants around you one thing that i love about places like this is that it reminds you that the world is more interesting than you think it is spending a lot of time you know just in whatever suburb or city like the world's boring like not just where you are is boring the trail led us up a sandy hill from the top of the hill we could see the vibrant blue ocean stretching across the horizon we decided to hike out towards the beach and check out the coast no matter which direction we looked we were met with absolutely stunning scenery this is without a doubt one of the most incredible things i've ever seen in my life this is magnificent it was here on the edge of the pacific ocean that our journey truly began for the next three nights these oceanfront sands would be our home [Music] we started walking down the beach finding plenty of interesting things lying around in the sand so this is called bulk help it's a type of seaweed and i honestly don't know why it looks this disgusting but i think this is actually edible and i honestly know very little about seaweed but i've always suspected this was called bowl kelp because it looks like a bowl whip but if we uh cut it open let's see what it looks like it has this like distinctive bulbous part hollow yeah so it's almost like a funnel it actually i mean it kind of just smells like seaweed from the restaurant but let me cut this open it's just hollow all the way down see you later [Music] we were all thrilled to be hiking out here especially the dog i think sierra is just taking it all in [Music] as we continued along the beach we saw a huge tree stump jutting out from the sand this is really weird yeah was there a tree here or does this stuff get put here what if it's like literally the biggest piece of driftwood it's kind of that's what doesn't sit here so you're kind of used to seeing all this like bleach driftwood on the beach but i found something that is not driftwood it's a bone of some sort i feel like it's not like a bird or something you'd think you would find on a beach yeah something bigger yeah as we hiked along the beach we saw an unexpected site a dune buggy and we could see why it might be helpful on this type of terrain it's funny when you're walking on sand you kind of have to look for the best places to walk like wet sand is definitely going to be more firm the dry sand some rocky bits are usually going to be firmer and then if there's vegetation you're usually in luck you're always looking for these ideal spots to step i imagine by the end of this trip we're gonna be pretty tired of walking on sand yeah right now it's a nice change of pace at least [Music] as we walked we stared out at powerful ocean waves crashing against smooth weathered boulders we watched as grass billowed atop verdant hills just inland from us swaying in the pungent ocean wind [Music] seagull sword on the coast around us we continued taking in the sights and shared our thoughts on the journey so far i think i'm still in shock after the car ride like my body is just like oh wait what's going on here usually when you drive a long distance somewhere you see that gradual change of terrain but the ocean is still just so like shockingly different from anything we saw driving in yeah you get a time zone change and like just a really bizarre change in scenery you know how you feeling thomas i'm great i'm a little nervous for her just because i'm always nervous wherever i take my dog but i just can't believe all right it's like you're on the beach that's the trail this is a very surreal landscape yeah we've been to places like this but the enormity of the ocean is not to be reckoned with we've said it so many times but it really is like so so surreal out of this world and in the sand we found some shells i don't know what exact species of mollusks these belong to but something really cool about shells like these is the tinge of purple at the edge and sometimes you see clamshells that have a really brilliant purple and i know that some indigenous people make jewelry from that part of the shell because it's just this like brilliant purple you don't really see anywhere else in nature and it's on this hard substance that you can already like carve into jewelry but some of them are like even more purple than the other shells this one even has some of that kind of pearlescent machine to it sarah let's go as we continued along the beach brian found yet another interesting ocean artifact so i found the shell on the beach and i want to say it belongs to like a sea urchin maybe it's got this really cool algae green color and this really awesome pattern on its shell it's really cool find that is freaking cool this one has the purple spine still wow that's crazy dead i take it yeah yeah there's nothing here yeah look at look at sierra trying to find out what it is it's got a really brilliant color yeah like your favorite color yeah we quickly realized that these were not an uncommon sight on this beach a little further ahead we passed by a trickling freshwater stream so as near as we can tell one kind of nice thing about this trail is that there's plenty of watering spots so we don't need to carry a ton of water we can lighten our weight a little bit in fact my backpack feels super light is well yours is probably pretty heavy it's really heavy he's got a dog to take care of but me brian and andrew our packs are all pretty light for this trip for once we continued hiking and found all sorts of natural material strewn across the beach including this rock with barnacles attached to it we also saw a strange-looking dried-up thing i think this is like a bony piece of a fish do you have any idea what this is oh you know what let's look it's the same piece in here oh yeah this might be some sort of like abalone or something like it kind of looks like a piece of muscle here right and then as it turns out these were remnants of a creature called a giant pacific titan along with that we also saw some more wildlife flying around us yeah these seagulls just flew up over the hill had something in his beak and dropped it look it over to see what's going on there's a ton of them yeah this is where we're gonna see some tide pools when the tide comes up it fills all these rocks with water and creatures and whatnot and when the tide rescinds all the creatures there's left in those little pools we ended up not finding much in the tide pools but we saw these limpet shells the spiral shaped shell and this husk of a tiny crab we continued hiking on the windy beach verdant hills to our left and a bright blue ocean to our right and at our feet were lavender colored shells and sea urchins strewn across the rippled sand although we're all experienced hikers walking on the beach made us feel like kids on their first family vacation it's like someone opened up the aquarium and you can go in all the exhibits for as long as you want with your dog because i was just walking over there i'm like oh there's a sand dollar there are sea urchins look at all these like mollusks and everything crab shell right there i think oh yeah the environment that i'm the least accustomed to is probably these ocean environments seeing mountains and stuff is not that weird for some reason but this big expanse of salty water that is very unusual for where i'm from the more we hiked the more interesting things we saw washed up on the shore including this deer carcass [Music] although the beach was scattered with the remains of different sea creatures and other detritus it was also teeming with life above us seagulls soared on the clear blue sky [Music] flowers and shrubs flourished atop the verdant hillsides to the east and in the ocean we caught our first glimpse of a seal floating between the waves we continued hiking nearing an important point on the trail that point up there is our first impassable zone and we are currently in a receding tide we pick the perfect timing so if we get there in an hour we have just enough time to get across that point without going to overland route [Music] before continuing on we decided to take a quick break atop a large sun-bleached log all the other groups so far have passed without a problem we've seen them all go by so we're gonna book it a little bit make sure we get across there then we can take our time the rest of the day [Music] just off the trail there was an old driftwood fence and some flowering ice plants a non-native succulent with edible fruits and leaves we also saw the start of the overland trail which can be used when the tide is too high for this first impassable zone but of course we opted to continue hiking on the beautiful beach [Music] in the sky we saw a pair of pelicans soaring above the grassy slopes and we saw a harbor seal resting in the sand waiting for the tide to carry it back out to sea [Music] the hills were covered in colorful flowers watered by freshwater streams and the dark rock beneath sometimes had small caves carved out of it [Music] cool yeah [Music] [Music] we continued on nearing the impassable point just as a strong ocean gust picked up some strong wind here yeah this is the impassable point so now that we're beyond this we're good for the rest of the day wow it's very very windy that was windy yes still a little windy the sun now shimmered off the turbulent ocean waves in the distance we saw a cormorant perched on a large rock all right we got a nice little overland route now i cannot tell you how good it feels to walk on solid ground the sand is fun but it's very difficult to hike in wanting to avoid ticks and tall grass i continued on the sand while the others hiked on the overland trail the wind rushed through the grass as we hiked from this vantage point we saw the landscape in a new light with the vibrant green grass complementing the deep ocean blue it was such an indescribably beautiful landscape that it left us speechless we might have a new contender for one of my favorite places i've ever been yeah this is uh pretty unbelievable this is giving me the same sort of feelings that i've had before when you go to amazing places for the first time and you're like i didn't know this existed yeah this is amazing to the left there's an entirely different landscape than to the right yeah they're both amazing and in the grass we saw a bright red flower you should ask me if i know what that plant is because i have a feeling that it's indian paintbrush it is it is this was like one of the first wild edibles i think we learned about from survivorman and i remember uh hiking out in the tetons and seeing it for the first time it's so exciting have we ever tried it i think maybe once or twice it kind of tastes like paper so instead of dry nothing it's dry paper right looks like we took a different route than thomas and brian man solid ground feels so good oh that's why i came up here i was like oh dude this feels great when i see those two trudging in the sand i just keep hearing that tattooing music where they're walking in the sand dunes and it's like [Music] okay so up ahead is that the lighthouse yeah i think so if i remember from my research correctly there's actually a bunch of old houses and stuff before this became public land uh some of the people were just holdouts and they decided to keep their land so there's some private property up ahead as we hiked forward we saw more of the distant lighthouse and when we rounded the corner we saw one of the houses that was still standing along the coast along with a shack retrofitted with solar panels we passed by some seagulls and saw some huge weathered tree stumps then we crossed over another freshwater stream [Music] there was a strong wind when i crossed after that we headed back inland onto solid ground unfortunately that also meant dealing with ticks which eagerly latched onto sierra [Music] just from a short jaunt in the grass i ended up pulling off over a dozen ticks from sierra it was time for a change of plans as nice as the firm ground was up there we're staying on the beach now because we don't want to pull off like 80 more ticks from the sierra i just don't understand like we were at the edge of the land okay any farther and they would have to swim and yet they still followed us all the way out here what if like the wind was so powerful that they were like flying at you back on the beach we saw more interesting shells look sir droids you can see the inside of the mouth of the sea urchin from here whoa it's crazy each of these teeth or whatever is so intricate and it kind of looks like a flower or something this is one of my favorite points in the trip where you get far enough in that there's no turning back and there's no choice in the matter anymore yeah if you're just you're out there nobody's coming to get you you got to get out on your own especially on a trip this long you really get that sense yeah we continued hiking and just ahead brian and thomas spotted something exciting among the rocks were several seals soaking up the sun [Music] [Music] along with the many plump fuzzy seals we saw this big pearlescent abalone shell we can now see punta gorda lighthouse which as it turns out was under active construction [Music] thomas also spotted something else in the distance those aren't rocks up ahead oh my goodness i didn't even see them yet lying near a large rusted cylinder were several large seals we also noticed the beach was covered in sea urchin husks as we moved in for a closer look at the seals i'm surprised by how big they are those are big guys yeah i was trying to think are these elephant seals i mean they are massive i i don't know but i think elephant seals have almost something that resembles a small trunk i thought i saw one of them that had that if you look i think there's like a mixture of the regular seals and then the larger elephant so like the darker ones are elephant seals i guess so maybe so hard to tell and those over there are massive they literally just look like blobs yeah they're very difficult to see in the environment they just look like rocks we also saw a seal with letters and numbers died into its fur presumably for research though it was hard to tell from a distance it looks like one of them has like letters carved into its skin or something so weird that they like to nap a lot of times it feels like humans are unique in so many ways but we're really not i think if we had the option we would do to be doing exactly that so just to guess but that looks like a burnt down portion of the lighthouse over there that's just been rusted over so maybe that used to belong to the original white house and maybe just kind of over time been blown there i could be just totally wrong too they're definitely doing something man we also noticed some of the seals were shedding flaps of fur along the sand there were pieces of seal fur scattered about i bet you they probably come up here too to lay that in the sun and when they're just moving around the fur just gets rubbed off because there's just a lot of little bits and pieces here but no signs of blood or anything like that as it turns out these seals were molting a regular process where their old fur is replaced with new silver fur i might be excessive but i really don't want my dog to get ticks and i really don't want to pick ticks off my dog up ahead we came across a large freshwater creek this right here is the first of three creeks be one more up ahead and then at the third one it's sea lion gulch that's hopefully where we're gonna be camping but there's a fair number of people out here so hopefully they've left us a campsite or two you guys getting tired if anything it's like mentally exhausting to hike in the sand yeah look there's an old propeller here whoa zeiss patent fulton and and there were even more oddities to be found ahead i've seen a bunch of tiny sea urchins but look how huge this one is by comparison what i'm wondering is if this is an entirely different species or is it just one that got really big that's kind of crazy the trail now wound back onto the grassy hills it stretched on for a while so we didn't have much of a choice but to walk with it and deal with the ticks as we went thankfully sierra had a treatment to protect her from the ticks this is the second of the three streams the third one's gonna have our campsite from our current vantage point we could see distant rocks covered in something white some seals were lounging on top of them as the sun started setting it cast the sea in a warm sparkling glow strewn on the rocks below was some old rusty machinery finally as we crested the next hill we were close to the day's end we are just about to the campsite we can see it up ahead there's a little butte yeah and then we can also see the impassable zone that we'll have to do tomorrow when the tide has receded it's already too late now to do that part hopefully we have at least one nice campsite that we can use and that not all the good spots are already taken so occasionally as we're hiking i feel like i smell this kind of sweet fragrance and down here there's these mint plants and if you rub the leaves there's this kind of like floral fragrant smell i don't know exactly what species it is but it's uh got all the telltale characteristics of like a mint plant what are these yellow guys so these are something in the aster family i don't know exactly what but it's the same family as like sunflowers and daisies and things like that there's like so much color growing in here and actually down here there's a plant called yarrow it's got these distinctive white flowers and these really lacy looking leaves and there's varieties of this plant where you can dry up the leaves and use them as a medicine that will coagulate blood if you have like a open cut also on this rock there's all these little succulent plants just growing out of the cracks like so the same kind that you could uh grow in a pot and i think you could pull the little nubs off of those and propagate them into another plant as we approached our campsite we saw seagulls flying above [Music] we were surrounded by the most vibrant colors which added to the dreamlike scenery that surrounded us before long we had reached our destination [Music] well we reached the butte where the campsites are it looks like private thomas already up there yeah i guess there must be a ton of campsites because there's a lot of people and i don't see most of them now so probably everybody else is on more prime real estate we ascended a hill before heading through a wooden area then ascending another ridge where we saw thomas waiting for us from up here we peered out into the vast ocean around us [Music] so brian's out looking for a better campsite but the girls down there said uh there really wasn't a better one available so i'm holding this one while brian goes and sees if that's true or not he's already back wave at brian and see what he does uh that that looked like a no basically it is like full up there there's some like empty spaces in some of the campsites that have already been taken that wouldn't be any better than this and it's crowded are they nice campsites like maybe one of them was a nice one but i already got claimed so all right yeah this looks this is fine mean we can make it we've done do with we've done do ourselves yeah we don't did worse we have three tenths so it's like a bit of a hassle but i can volunteer for the ticket bath over there not being fully satisfied with our current campsite brian backtracked a bit to see if there was anything that we had missed all right so we just came from there and brian has confirmed that that is a better campsite than where we're at now i'm gonna head over yo yo yo this is definitely better oh yeah good find you can fit two tents right here and then one here perfect having found this better campsite we called the others over we now set up camp then got ready to eat our food i got the beef pasta marinara from bruce p got the pad thai got the butternut doll yeah this one's from ron mueller that's from ching chan thank you all so much thank you this actually is super i'm looking forward to this that one robbie's got is a new one right oh wow hmm when you guys were kids did you go to the ocean yeah sometimes once a while actually yeah south carolina i feel like was where we went usually about you no i went to the ocean once when i was in fifth grade and then i didn't go again until i was like in my 20s it's funny how the ocean is like a sought out resort type vacation destination but it can also be such a harsh environment i'll tell you one thing though you cannot beat that view it's true i just can't believe how many seals we're seeing yeah yeah i thought that would be like if we're lucky we might see one yeah that's why we freaked out at the first we saw i bet you if you're a seal or a sea lion you got so much fat you can sleep anywhere well i got my lasagna right here last time that was our highest rated meal let's see i might be a little premature in eating this premature or it's good both after eating we watched the golden sun set behind the swirling ocean [Music] in a remote part of the world like this we are left with little else besides the raw wilderness and our own thoughts humans are social by nature and we are inexorably connected to everything around us like the flowers and plants with the pollinators or all the life teaming in and around the vast ocean everything depends on everything else [Music] at the same time we as humans are individuals with our own bodies our own identities and our own lives when we lose sight of that we can attach ourselves to others and start using other people or things as a crutch in life [Music] all sorts of twists and turns can happen in life if we want to be truly free sometimes we have to let go of our desire to control things to let go of the things we want to attach to the most sometimes we have to turn inward and focus on loving ourselves [Music] when we do that we can be better prepared to face whatever comes in life and even to help others get through their own twists and turns the wilderness is a good place to introspect to reflect on what it fundamentally means to be human to be alive to learn how to better love ourselves and to love others [Music] [Music] as the sun set we eagerly got ready to fall asleep i feel like this is the moment we've been waiting for since we woke up this morning this will be the moment we wait for every day oh man why do i feel like this is an exhaustion i've never felt like i'm not tired tired but there's something else about it i am tired how is uh sierra and you thomas we're doing all right sierra's asleep and uh i'm enjoying my wicked fast 5g you got 5g no oh i'm going directly to sleep i will see you all in the morning someone farted already was that you wait you didn't fart no thomas's fart is so powerful it walked into our tent [Laughter] all right good night all right good night it's 5 30 in the morning birds are up sun is up tide is down we gotta get up and start moving waking up kind of sucks at the break of dawn we swiftly packed up all our gear and broke camp while we tore down our tents we shared how our nights went was it just me or did it feel like you guys got no sleep whatsoever it was over at an instant in an instant we went to bed at nine o'clock got up at 5 30 that's a solid eight and a half hours and i i don't feel a little bit rested it was a quiet and windy morning as we broke camp and watered the dog before getting the day started we took a moment to enjoy the peaceful vista in front of us then andrew and i crossed over to the other ridge and headed over to grab our bear canisters now it was time to sort through all of our food for today pulling out what we were planning on eating and packing the rest of our snacks and meals away after that it was time to hike out from our campsite the trail led us over another ridge then took us along more campsites from there we reached another wooded galley the trail declined steeply leading us over some rocks and into a stream [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we left the lush hills and returned again to the beach all right i think this is what most of the impassable zone is going to look like lots of wet rocks i feel like this could be worse than sand wow [Music] the rocks were definitely tough to hike on though there was the occasional reprieve oh here you go nice little trail back here [Music] but eventually the trail faded and the rocks seemed to stretch on for miles [Music] but although the rocks created an uneven terrain they at least provided solid and stable footing as we hiked it's funny how much we hated hiking on those rocks in savage golf but how much better this is than hiking on sand although it's hard to say which is slower sand or this [Music] we now pass through some large boulders where andrew saw something interesting on this rock are a bunch of shells and these are limpets these are the conical shells we saw the other day and they're really just glued to the rock but sometimes people will harvest these to eat them i mean they'll probably get bigger ones but you'd have to really slam them off the rock to get them to let go because they're just suctioned on there so strongly along with shells we also saw flocks of cormorants roosting on a distant boulder [Music] and above us a daylight moon loomed pulling back the tide as it sank lower to the horizon everything about these black sand beaches was absolutely unreal and it was made all the more uncanny by the early dawn atmosphere [Music] that is hat rock and apparently it's always impassable no matter the tide level so there's an overland route that we got to take and it looks like some other people are already doing it doesn't look too bad just a little bit uphill [Music] we scrambled past more weathered rocks past these boulders the trail started winding up [Music] [Music] the trail took us further up the hillside exposed jagged rocks that had escaped the ocean's waves added even more character to the grassy landscape [Music] agave plants glowing in the soil were silhouetted against the backdrop of the ocean we enjoyed the view from this nice solid dirt path this is a nice reprieve this is beautiful some sort of uh dilapidated structure up ahead it was an old house or something i'm sure this was a very beautiful place to live but this had to be so impractical [Music] the trail now led us through another wooded ravine [Music] then it emerged back onto a grassy ridge where we could see the ocean and the rocky coastline below [Music] okay in five minutes the tide is going to be at its lowest point today looks like we're about to go back down to the beach before heading back to the beach we stopped and rested at a small campsite along the trail here robbie pointed out an interesting mushroom that i almost overlooked it looks like there's a huge puffball here i'm not exactly sure what species and it looks like it's kind of already starting to get past its prime on the inside it's turned all brown and that's where all the spores release from if you find a puffball like this and it's completely white inside it's going to be an edible species it's like as big as my hand i thought it was a rock at first this was calvadia buniana or the western giant puffball now back on the beach we saw some raccoon prints in the sand and the exposed layers of rock created an interesting pattern during this portion of the hike thin layers of lighter colored rocks contrasted with darker stone creating a striped pattern we couldn't say it enough but this landscape really made it feel like we were in a completely different plane of existence i can't tell if this looks like heaven or purgatory because i just don't see the end just like the coast keeps going and going until the fog takes it away yeah so if you love to hike on rocks it's your heaven i'm not sure what terrain i dislike more sand or rocks this is basically the walking equivalent of the drive we did yesterday oh it's so mentally taxing to find every rock that you got to step on i kind of love it but you would away with you take your dog with you lying on the ground we saw a fish head yeah and just ahead were dark smooth stones covered in green algae and we saw more interesting layers of exposed rock nearby it's interesting because as the waves have kind of worn away at this cliffside over time you can start to see how like the the earth and the rocks and the stratas have bent over time because of tectonic plating so this almost looks like a full on arch here and up here you can see how it's pushed the rocks up this way over time and how the water and the waves have kind of carved away from that after a brief rest we continued on we could see the sunlight just starting to break out from behind the hills all around us we were now approaching cusky creek where the sun created an ethereal glow i think we have the answer to your heaven or purgatory question thomas [Music] golden light poured out from the valley in front of us as magical as hiking at dawn had been it was great to see the bright early morning sunshine not a huge fan of getting up early but wow there are definitely some perks this is like uh i don't know what it's like but it's amazing here there was a pool of fresh water we paused to take a quick break and enjoy the scenery [Music] so [Music] after chatting with some other hikers we continued on the round stones black sand exposed bedrock and distant verdant hills almost made it feel like we were in iceland rather than in northern california the sun had now risen high enough to cast more of the beach in sunlight it was an arduous trudge through sand and stone but the scenery was absolutely breathtaking [Music] we once again rounded a corner in the coastline past the bend we saw a vista full of sunlight and mist the way that the mist and the hills just like fade into the mist and the sunlight so awesome it really does feel like we're on some journey to the afterlife it doubly has that feel because there's other people on the trail it's kind of like you're making the journey with them this is like our second chance for the kalalau trail yeah yeah it's amazing to see such a weird landscape right in california we continued on making our way towards the hazy horizon [Music] all the rocks and rubble and tide pools made it feel almost like we were at an exhibit it's like if you've gone to an aquarium and they've built parts of the aquarium to look like the ocean this is what it looks like [Music] we took a moment to sit and rest near a small waterfall though the trail had been flat hiking across all the sand and rock was physically and mentally exhausting then we continued on okay we are less than a mile away from the end of this impassable zone the tide has definitely started to rise just looking at it we can basically see the end and we've got plenty of room to hike so we're sitting pretty pretty we enjoyed the incredible scenery around us and when we weren't looking at that we were finding strange things on the beach we saw some old rusty machinery part of what looked like an octopus tentacle and these these are some weird-looking alien creatures these are actually barnacles specifically a gooseneck barnacle and if you look on the underside you can see how they have this fleshy neck and then this like hard bony shelly part that's got all these scales on it these are growing on a piece of bulk help and actually people will harvest these and boil them and eat them just like any other shellfish the sun was now high up in the sky illuminating the foliage and water below the terrain was also changing and it seemed like we were getting some reprieve in our hike there's like legitimate trail here now it's really nice oh yeah fairly positive that corner is the end of our far one yep hopefully the rest of it is like this the solid trail felt great on our feet and creeping among the rocks we saw a lizard we saw more trickling waterfalls running down the striated rocky bluffs as we hiked eventually we came to another outcropping in the coastline earlier i thought this was the end of the tide zone there's still slightly more to go when we get out of here i am legitimately contemplating taking a quick nap yeah i think it's just a little past this rock i do wonder are we hiking up on that ridge and up ahead we saw some more interesting things there's also a canoe up here or something it's like a whole raft if this wasn't the ocean i would totally be down for testing that out i wonder if this is a kayak that got lost at sea it's just funny how perfectly it is there yeah i think what's interesting is how because of the waves it just eats at the base of it you think that's just bird poop that stained it oh actually probably salt honestly oh salt yeah yeah that might be it although i bet the top probably has a lot of bird poop yeah [Music] i bet some seals have rested on here at some point this would be a nice place to sunbathe [Music] getting closer the ocean is just constantly in motion it's so weird that it never rests you know if you were getting late in the day on this hike and that tide was coming up that would be quite alarming [Music] we were all feeling a bit drained but then we came across another bend in the trail finally we had reached the end of the second impassable zone cool freshwater streams trickled through the sand and the yellow green valley glowed in the sunlight other hikers were resting about we found a large log to sit against and eagerly join the others in resting [Music] while we rested we chatted about our time so far i feel great as long as i don't have to get up from this position i'm feeling so good right now sitting on the ground like this is the way to go oh doing my hair creates a natural pillow oh yeah oh i wish i brought a hat i can't believe i forgot a hat can confirm hat is nice see you all on the other side the reason i specifically angled myself this way who's got sunscreen on this stuff thomas yeah can i get your sunscreen yeah after i'm done i'll use sunscreen yep good for you [Laughter] this is what the sea lions must have felt like they probably are really tired swimming in that ocean well also like having to scoot on the land so inefficiently why don't i have legs they're probably like man i really wanna go sit on the beach it's gonna be a lot of effort now we continued on the trail let up onto the grassy hill we saw a beautiful farewell to spring flower and an oregon gum plant which secretes a thick white foam from the budding flowers and ahead there was something else that thomas spotted rattlesnake okay if you come up here it's in the grass just move really quickly don't try and get close okay it's right up there quickly real quickly let's know what's on the trail it was a rattlesnake it was in the bushes for them and then i tried to start walking and it crossed the trail right as i was about to pass it so let's walk past this area quickly all right [Music] there's getting the royal treatment despite the scare with the rattlesnake it was hard not to feel at peace surrounded by this vibrant sun-soaked landscape as we hiked we saw some morning glories popping out from the grass and the view of the ocean below was stunning [Music] [Applause] [Music] from a high point the trail started descending into a flat open expanse the spanish flats [Music] yo not only is this fantastic as far as visually this ground is perfectly flat and solid this is such a nice change of pace you can classify this trail in multiple parts it's like hell purgatory heaven it is hard to like put into words just how blissful this feels right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] we continued hiking through the open meadows birds soared above the bald grassy hills eventually we came across a campsite adjacent to the trail yeah this is a nice campsite i feel like we can only go up from our campsite yesterday and andrew saw some interesting shrubs so it's funny because as we're walking we're keeping an eye out for rattlesnakes but uh every time we brush against these pea plants these have this like rattle sound so it's always like instilling paranoia because there's all these dry seeds in the pea pods that are taken and then these brilliant purple flowers each flower has four petals which means it's in the mustard family and actually this is called a wild radish like all mustard plants these flowers are completely edible the trail again descended into another vast open section with the sunlight shining brightly the colors of the grass and the wildflowers contrasted with the vibrant blue ocean and the breeze in the air it really felt like we were in paradise [Music] [Applause] [Music] amid the grass we saw a flowering succulent and andrew saw some other plants growing in the goalie ahead so over this valley there's a creek and there's a plant growing it that kind of looks like reeds this is called horsetail earlier we saw it near our campsite and it was like really bristly and fluffy if you look here there's actually some that have these longer fluffier parts coming out and then others are just like growing without that you always see these around water because they love water but i feel like these are a really prehistoric looking plant like it looks like something out of the age of dinosaurs now are those at all related to bamboo uh no but at ikea they have a picture of these and the caption says bamboo furniture [Music] we now approach camp wolfman which was situated by the ocean nearby we saw a crow relaxing on an old log and we were ready to relax ourselves oh how i would love to just stop man how's your hunger levels hunger levels are fine just my motivation levels motivation levels are dropping i'm starting to feel the fatigue now after waking up that early i think the trail is almost too easy when the trail's too easy it just feels like i should just stop it's like when you're driving on a very straight road and you just start feeling tired because there's nothing to pay attention to we hiked on passing by a junction with another trail leading up one of the hilly ridges soon we approached an area that was even flatter and more expansive [Music] we hiked lazily along the trail to our left some of the hills were covered in dense woods look at this intensely dark green sprawl of pines i know we say this a lot but it makes me think of a video game and there was a reason for all the dense vegetation as we hiked ahead the trail led us to spanish creek just as we were running out of water the path wound through patches of shrubs we passed by a few hikers who were camping in the shade of the bushes then we came to the creek itself which was surrounded by deciduous trees here we filled up on water and took a break [Music] after our quick break we hoisted our bags onto our shoulders once again and headed out from here it was about a 1.4 mile hike to the next campsite at kinsey creek as we hiked on we pass by another section of private property there's a little sign on the ground here that points this way indicating that it's a private road further down the way we see a little house so i think that's one of the holdouts of private property what would you do with this i don't know like the amount of effort it would take to get out here it would certainly be nice to have a vacation home out here but we were glad most of the land was available to the public to enjoy in the distance we saw the private house at the base of the hills now the trail turned back onto the beach we weren't too eager to hike on the sand again so we took another short break [Music] then we continued on thankfully there was another solid dirt path we could walk on though thomas and sierra stayed on the beach to avoid ticks the scenery around us was absolutely stunning dark green foliage covered distant hills which seemed to melt into the brilliant blue ocean clumps of california poppies added an extra burst of color to the meadows [Music] up ahead we came to another wooded stream oat creek time for another prolonged break i'm down [Music] we crossed the stream taking in the drastically different biome that surrounded it before emerging back onto the open grasslands we saw even more yellow california poppies and magenta colored farewell to spring flowers scattered among the grass the trail then crested another hill revealing the vast ocean [Music] in the ocean we saw some pelicans floating on the water and another cormorant roosting on a rock thomas had hiked ahead on the beach where a large metal cylinder had been left resting on the sand we hiked through the grasslands to catch up with thomas as we hiked we saw another rusted cylinder lying in the grass i have two thoughts on what that rusty bucket could be it looks vaguely nautical to me but i also wonder if it's like a an old septic tank or something i always think in nautical 2 just because it's got those rivets yeah yeah and like that's a very boat thing but i'm the last person you should ever consult on anything nautical okay up ahead we can see brian he's just about to reach kinsey creek we can see a tent already at the campsite so the question is do we stay at kinsey or do we hike 1.6 miles after that to the next campsite i don't know yet i guess we'll have to see how we feel when we get there i think it's early enough in the day that if we rested a while at kinsey we could make to the next but i am also very tired we spotted a deer frolicking in the grass as we hiked further up we realized we hadn't seen a tent in the distance but something else all together what's going on here i wasn't sure if you guys got lost so i decided i'd use my body as a beacon and reflect light like the lighthouse should now it was time to decide where we would be camping okay i've made my decision i would like to stay at kinsey what do you guys think apartment creek 1.5 1.6 it is currently 246. you already know what i'm going to say so i'm not going to say it for those of you first-time viewers he's saying we should keep going depending on how this rest goes i can keep going because it's so early in the day but my legs are ready to stop moving i do feel capable of flying a big creek part of me thinks big creek doesn't make sense but i don't see why you can't just take some time here and let it see what the fates decide so we're thinking big creek is totally doable after a nice rest that's only 1.6 more miles but i have a feeling that a lot of people are going to be there the one we're at might not be crowded so we're going to have thomas check if this one's not crowded i feel like we should do the bird in the hand instead of the stone in the bush you know what i'm saying so yeah we sent thomas to go check kinsey creek but the truth is we just wanted to take his chair i'm just going to lie in the sand this tick infested sand the sun has baked all brain cells out of our minds honestly the longer we take a break here the more likely it is we are saying that's true like taking a break is not going to energize us it's going to be like yeah just go ahead so kinsey does look nice and has beach access i think how many people i only see 110 right now this is a done deal thomas is going to come back and lie and be like it's so crowded guys and then when we're passing by hey what's that over there in the ocean look look keep walking but keep looking oh man i'm a dusty boy now i didn't trust thomas to give me an accurate reading of the campsite so i quickly walked over to check it out myself and then came back what'd you find there's one that's right next to the creek that'll only fit one tent i just saw you running up did you see others down you see that one right there in between the gaps from the trees that one is excellent but um i headed back to the others while robbie went on to the potential campsite the site had a nice shady spot and fire pit a perfect place to stay if there were no other options we caught up with robbie and inspected the campsite this is pretty damn good now it was time to sit in the shade and debate whether to stay here or keep hiking to the next campsite the difference really is between 1.6 miles today or in the morning if i knew it was guaranteed we could get a campsite like this at bay creek i'd say let's do big creek but personally i don't see any reason to go to big creek if we are not guaranteed a campsite that extra 1.6 miles is not going to make any difference as long as you don't think it'll make a difference for the tide zone because today we started at the tide zone pretty much yeah but tomorrow we have a lot to hike to get today yeah i will go to big creek if i can hear a strong argument for it i don't hear a strong argument for it okay so i think we've decided that we're gonna stay here it would basically mean hiking an extra 1.6 miles on sunday and since sunday shouldn't be a problem regardless we could always get up earlier if we need to and we don't want to get back to the town too late so we're doing it now that we had decided to stay here we started pitching our tents and setting up camp it felt great to be able to dry out our feet and rest with plenty of time to kill we set up in the shade to escape the sun and relaxed while we prepared our dehydrated meal chicken homo style chicken and rice i think that's what i have is that like the circular carrots and the rice and the chicken i think i actually oh really good i've got some good taste oh it's got a lot more flavor than i thought it did no the carrots actually are pretty good yeah what'd you get bread fettuccine yeah how's it i've been wanting to eat this since you had it in big band with dinner done we milled about the rest of the evening as the sun slowly set on a wilderness journey like this the importance of preparation in the face of anything you might encounter becomes especially clear whether looking at the rocks beaten by crashing waves or the hills scorched by wildfires it becomes apparent that even a paradise like this can pose challenges to hikers just as in life you never know what turn of events will happen or where fate will lead you often times we turn to material themes or external validation to carry us through life but it's important to be able to depend on yourself when the going gets hard to develop the kind of love for and confidence in oneself that allows you to navigate life without a dependency on other things part of getting to this point requires a lot of introspection and honest self-reflection that's in part why we love hiking through the wilderness so much it provides the perfect backdrop for soul searching the rougher moments of hikes can teach us about ourselves and the quiet solitude enables us to truthfully listen to our own thoughts [Music] and at the end of the day when you searched and hiked for hours you can lie down and drift off into a relaxing sleep [Music] ryan timothy it was another far too early morning the next day we tiredly rose out of our tents and talked about the blustery night we had had not super windy like even with us in there i could feel the tent moving yeah you guys are very lucky that you staked your temp down because i didn't stake mine down and then the rain fly came undone and i was flipping and flopping like crazy i thought i heard yours making a lot of noise so much noise like both doors i feel like i woke up a lot more this time around which in a way was kind of nice because it made the night feel longer but i still don't feel that rested at all i went to bed at seven o'clock but as tired as we were sierra was fully awake and ready to get moving gosh not right now [Music] once again we set out before the break of dawn hiking out in the brisk early morning air the trail led us onto a section of flat open grasslands the moon hovered in the pastel colored sky above and in the distance the hills were obscured by a hazy blue mist we passed by some other campers and a hillside that had been scorched by a wildfire [Music] a bit further ahead we also saw another house on a small plot of private land but our gaze was fixed on the misty horizon eventually the trail led us back onto the beach while we were hiking i spotted some interesting tracks that had been left in the sand some sort of paw print here doesn't obviously not a dog unless it's a really really big dog small bear maybe gotta be right whoa holy crap i'm not the best at gauging how old tracks are these look somewhat fresh but some of the tracks have been washed away over here so it was before the water came this high and then these tracks have some debris that has landed in them if that debris was like squished down that means that the tracks are fresher but since they've blown into them that means they're a little bit older they were definitely here within the last 12 hours yeah yeah i would say so something like that probably like right before the tide rose up on top of everything else we had seen it was incredible to have found fresh bear tracks in the sand so we're not yet in the final impassable zone but just looking at the watermark i don't know how you would get through this area if it wasn't low tide maybe you could get up on the land but the water clearly looks like it's all the way up to the edge thankfully the tide was low but the landscape itself looked foreboding especially in the umbral lighting of dawn [Music] as we hiked along the coast we spotted a starfish the remnants of a bone and a crab shell further along the beach we again saw more bear tracks we also came across the remains of a translucent jellyfish [Applause] [Music] so this is big creek camp this is where we would have went last night we got here in about an hour or so i think yeah [Applause] [Music] then we came across another creek [Music] we could see the first glimpses of sunlight peeking through the valley as we figured out a way across the creek after crossing the stream we continued along the foggy beach the hazy mist diffused the dim morning light and all of the wet stones on the beach had a subdued sheen to them that added to the surreal feeling of the landscape [Music] eventually the path led us off the beach the trail goes much farther inland we can probably hug the coast but just in case we'll get back on the main trail now we hiked up grassy hills ahead of us we could see a sun-soaked spot far in the distance the trail led into a more wooded area where andrew smelled some interesting flowers so this is a flower called blue blossom uh i don't know too much about it but it's super fragrant here give it a whiff it smells like uh that old zebra bubble gum yeah it is really fragrant very floral then as we made our way through the shrubs we reached the crest of a hill where we scouted out the path ahead the trail now wound downhill past some sheer cliffs right next to the beach and entered another flat open section as we gazed out into the ocean we could see more and more sunlight illuminating the landscape around us [Music] we hiked up another grassy hillside when we reached the top of the hill we were amazed at the view that greeted us at this moment we were sure that if there was a heaven we had found a part of it that had fallen to earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we made our way across the idyllic meadow we saw some deer browsing in the grass in the same way that a rougher journey can teach you about yourself sublime moments like this can give us a newfound appreciation of life a new perspective that helps us prioritize what's important in our lives and new motivation to improve yourself that's the irony of discovering yourself out in nature when turning inward and focusing on who we are as an individual we are still inevitably influenced by the environment around us we made our way across a wide dirt road as we hiked the morning mist was slowly dissipating away under the bright sun before long we approached another holdout of private land somebody has a house up here and of all the houses that we've seen so far i feel like this is a spot where i can really understand it i'm like okay i can understand the efforts to get out here to live in a place like this is this one of the most beautiful places we've ever seen i think so we were just talking about how it's easy to see how different myths and beliefs were formed if most of the world looked like this and you were traveling around but then we came across this shrine crop circle what's a maze do i have to walk oh yeah there's some like seashells and stuff this is the point in the video game where i would give you like a that is cool i could easily see that being some sort of like path to trick monsters and demons like they go through it and then they get stuck there you know yeah yeah now we approached the front of the house which had a nice sitting area set up for passers-by complete with some fascinating artifacts it's a whale bone whoa it's nice that the owner has like a little oasis here for hikers yeah [Music] [Applause] now we continued on the trail turned towards the coast again as we made our way over we saw herds of deer roaming around [Music] [Applause] [Music] we decided to take a brief rest on a large fallen log before continuing on the misty hills in the distance never ceased to look amazing as we hiked to our left a couple of crows were perched on some dead standing trees [Music] we now pass through a shrubby part of the meadow before finding our way briefly back on the sand here we saw another creek which we each found our own way across [Music] how did you get across there were a few rocks and then when my feet went underwater the path now led us from the sand back onto more solid ground here and there we saw more rusty wreckage on the ground and to our left we saw another herd of deer including two bucks grazing beneath a jolly roger flag [Music] before long we had reached the end of the flats we had hiked nearly five miles but we still had a good bit left to hike okay looks like we're about to start the impassable zone we have three and a half hours to get through it if we make it all the way through [Music] [Applause] [Music] the trail led us to a steep rocky descent back onto the beach now back on sand our footing wasn't quite as solid as before but the views remain just as stunning as ever hiking on the rocky beach we couldn't help but notice the sheer bluffs to our left and thinking about what this would be like at a different time of day so i guess at high tide this is completely submerged this would definitely not be a place you'd want to get caught in like you would just be smashed up against these rocks yeah it's amazing how much lower the tide goes it is way out there comes all the way up to here but you can tell that it comes up here especially because look how jagged these rocks are but at the bottom they're all worn down by the ocean oh yep in a nearby tide pool we also saw some brightly colored starfish clinging to algae-covered rocks occasionally we pass by trickles of fresh water surrounded by drooping clumps of grass we had hiked a couple of miles into the impassable zone now and near the next campsite at buck creek situated with an impassable zone on some high ground we had wanted to make it all the way through the impassable zone but we were running out of time and we were all exhausted after a long day's hike we noticed other hikers had stopped to stay here as well there's actually someone here huh surprising i think we should just stay here what yeah it gains us an extra 1.6 miles which we can knock out 45 minutes yeah and we've been hiking for like five straight i need to eat i need a break we're not doing anything else for the rest of the day we know that yeah there's people up there we've got a second chance at uh around three or four o'clock there's another receding tide we can do then we're hiking on rocks after this it looks like to gain just a 1.6 miles i'm not going to argue with you guys good after convincing thomas we made our way up a small trail and found a nice campsite all right so we're gonna tent right here there's a lot of people camping here already but there's a nice shady spot where we think we're gonna go relax and eat we made our way down some thick vegetation into a shady grove to escape the sun and have a snack wow i have not been this worn out and hungry in a long time it wasn't strenuous in terms of like uphill cardio stuff but just constant wear and tear on your legs there's something that's like weirdly masochistically enjoyable about like starving and being worn out as long as you know you have a place like this to come to afterwards hiking on rocks and sand are two very difficult things and it's like you get one after the other yeah how's everyone feeling very good i'm sitting and eating food you know my little snack is thing that's brian's right yeah yeah would you like some of brian's snack would you like some of your own snacks yeah i just think like we would have probably had to take some sort of a break here refill on water i definitely need water i don't think we could have kept going and not too good about it would have been pretty close yeah 1.72 feet right now all right me and thomas have both saved coffee for the perfect moment it's the steeped kind from joan thank you joan once again oh man it smells so good oh my god come on yo guys we've been transported to grandma's house on christmas morning oh i burned my nostrils brown too coffee's such a mood booster man happy yet thomas like i'm not going to be happy until we get to the car i'm not going to be happy until i get to my car and sierra and i'm the only ones the toilet two extra weeks of traveling yeah now the problem is they're just like purposely under eating on this trip which makes me very angry nearby i saw some oyster mushrooms growing but not enough to satiate our hanger then we all did a quick tick check since we had hiked through so much tall grass okay the tide is now at 3.06 feet i'm very curious what it looks like now that it's past what is typically thought of as hikable you know it would definitely be hikable at three feet but that would be a little nerve-wracking you'd really want to hug the coastline and the water encroaching on you would be very disconcerting you basically up against the edge huh not to mention it'd be intimidating as hell yeah like you can't see any sand anymore it's all just rocks now yeah you'd do it in a pinch but you would not want to do that after inspecting the coast we filled up on some water from the nearby stream [Music] then we milled about for the rest of the day enjoying the time we had to waste we killed a little time by playing heads up when the shade got too chilly we made our way back up into the sun to check on our drawing socks then brian and i decided to cook our dehydrated meals we could no longer deal with the hanger as was evidenced by our conversation the incredulity that thomas expressed when we said we're gonna stay at this campsite was unbelievable i think we should just stay here what it's like you're telling me we have to stop hiking through these rough rocks and we have to relax by the way anyways the reason we're bringing this up is because we're all so hungry thomas's bear box is filled entirely let me hold on we're pretty low on snacks right we still have five miles to hike tomorrow yeah i don't think any of us are getting the necessary calories that we need right now even with these meals but sierra i think has eaten two bags of food so far one two three four five and a little dental snack here it could have been trail mix we gotta as the water boiled we prepared our sleeping quarters how is it in here when the breeze blows it's really nice no different than being out in the actual sun with the water heated robbie prepared his meal and i got some much needed suntan [Music] several more minutes passed by and it was time for robbie to enjoy his dinner okay i got the boar bacon stew let me smell that oh i'll let you lick there's that knee slap my friends tomorrow will be a good day or if i mix that kibble with enough wild forageable vegetables it would become palatable use the leftover spices from the pouch i was going to say i was going to be like andrew you want to smell this but then i was like that's a little cruel and he was like well let me do that for you anyways i got the green curry let me smell that again so brian had a really good idea we split this meal in half and then later we split the lasagna in half so that way we're kind of having two meals oh man that's so good i gotta make sure i eat slowly savor the flavor so if you're ever out hiking and you either end up in a survival situation or when you're hiking buddies packs five bags of dog food and you're really hungry there's a couple plants you can eat out here growing all along this fire pit are sheep sorrels and there's some nice plum juicy ones but if you eat those as many of you know already it has a nice tart appley taste and then all of these yellow flowers growing in this area i don't know exactly the species but it's a plant in the mustard family there's only four petals on each flower and the stem has these little seed pods kind of coming off of them mildly bitter but kind of cruciferous tasting after that we return to our shady grove to pass more time but our hunger was all we could think about in our famished state we started sharing pictures of food we had taken on our phones with each other i figured out how to do a tick tock of food it's just endless scrolling look at this food we had on the first day of new york congee look at this shark glittery you know oh look at this brunch i cooked oh that was our legendary pictured rocks pizza here's these here are these hot dogs that you're talking about oh so you do like the chicago style i love chicago the tide was now rising even higher so i again wandered down to the shore to see how high the water levels were the tide is currently at 4.8 feet i feel like the three feet recommendation they give is a pretty good margin for safety because you could probably walk at the current tide level but it would be really scary and you would probably get wet and it's gonna get higher too actually later tonight it'll probably get up to six point something feet we definitely made the right decision to stay at this campground instead of the other one and honestly more than anything it was really nice to just have a relaxing afternoon for one now thomas and andrew cooked their meals rare that we have this much time to kill at a campsite yeah feels good minus the no food part yeah although if we did have food we'd just be eating so much out of boredom and entertainment would have no food tomorrow either way if you think about it you don't need to eat anything tomorrow you can get all the way back to the trailheads yeah yeah well you have two granola bars you have two granola bars one each still got that kibble you got kebab i mean you want cinnamon or clif bar man this is so good is it going to satisfy or is it going to just make you wish that you had more a little bit both i got to make sure i chew slowly so i savor it we relaxed for the rest of the day after dinner as evening fell the sun's light grew warmer in color sparkling on the ocean's surface [Music] around 7 p.m we started heading to bed to sleep we had one last early morning before hiking the rest of the last coast trail this is the third night out here it's hard to believe i know it really has flown by this has been an amazing amazing trail but it's also been some rough terrain at first i was expecting a pretty chill beach hike it just feels like this trip has had a lot of little difficulties yeah hiking in the sand is really tough hiking on rocks is really tough trying to find decent campsites dealing with the sun dealing with the tides dealing with wildlife the highest highs and the lowest lows yeah like you really work for the views out here yeah it's been nice today to just kind of take a day and really relax this is the perfect time for the trip to end like when we hike out tomorrow i think all of us are going to be ready to to get back to normalcy yeah [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it was another mystical early morning when we woke up the next day [Music] we let ourselves take some time packing away our gear [Music] after we packed away most of our things we talked about how the night went yeah i actually feel like i slept the best this night i woke up like right before 5 30 and i was like god i hope it's not 5 30 yet although i will say when i was falling asleep all i could think about was food i was like huh i should cook this when i get home i should cook that we grabbed our packs and headed back out to the stoney beach [Laughter] [Music] we hiked along the quiet peaceful beach watching the waves churning over the rocky coast [Music] the tide is currently at 1.68 feet it is going to be receding for the next two hours and it'll get as low as negative 0.81 feet so i think we're good to walk on the sand it's not too bad it doesn't look intimidating like it did yesterday afternoon just a straight shot all the way to shelter cove to our car as we walked we talked about the campsite we had stayed at so one of the reasons we decided to stay at bus creek campsite because we thought everybody who had hiked past us would have gotten through the impassable zone and would have been a glitch or even done so we were very surprised to find that buck creek was actually pretty crowded it ended up being pretty good but it was just really surprising what was doubly surprising is that somebody arrived like at seven o'clock and we're like what are you doing here ahead brian spotted some animal tracks looks like we got some tracks here not fair tracks obviously but you can actually compare it to sierra's tracks some sort of like fox maybe or something yeah from this point on the beach seemed to flatten out much of the sand was compressed and solid to walk on we watched the foamy ocean water rolling in and out and cherished these last five miles of our height the lost coast had truly been an incredible journey no matter where you end up going escaping to nature can always be a therapeutic experience smaller johnson to the wilderness can provide a much needed escape but bigger trips like this can act as a personal milestone or a catalyst for a greater personal challenge in life the universe is in constant flux life can sometimes make us feel like a cork floating in the ocean desperately trying to control things one of the few things we do have some control over is how we grow as a person as we made our way out we arrived at gitchell creek the last campsite on the trail and the end of the final impassable zone we took a break here to enjoy the scenery and to reflect on the journey so far [Music] i know for like a long time brian you've been saying you want to just hike on a coast and just keep going yeah so is this does this meet your expectations i think this is about as close as it's going to get yeah this is kind of one of those trails that you don't realize could actually exist in real life the fact that you're just along the ocean the entire time is so incredible before we came here i was reading about the trail and people called this a bucket list hike while we were driving in i was kind of worried i was like is this actually going to be worth it the amount of effort and time that we put in to actually get here totally worth it yeah yeah and getting up at you know 5 30 in the morning to hike it sounds terrible but once you're used to it it's like the best time to hike amazing like the weather is perfect and you just and the scenery right now with the morning miss like it's been so awesome to see that every morning um and thank you to catherine yeah we wouldn't actually be here we wouldn't even have thought about coming here yeah yeah yeah thank you anyway as much as this has been great i'm also looking forward to still sitting by the ocean but maybe with some dry shoes and some food and maybe a cold beer or something indeed i'm down all right sir are you ready that's a yes let's go [Music] hiking through a landscape so vastly different from everyday life a place so profoundly beautiful but also challenging to experience will teach you a lot about yourself when you face difficulty in life sometimes it's best to turn inward and focus on yourself that doesn't mean trying to become better than others or controlling what other people do or how they act focusing on yourself doesn't mean ignoring the world around you developing yourself often goes hand in hand with learning to treat the world around you with kindness and openness when you experience a setback or a disappointment in life we can use these experiences to learn things about ourselves to look inside and to think about how we can grow all of the knowledge we gain from life is ultimately self-knowledge which we can use to improve ourselves our lives and the communities around us [Music] thank you so much for watching if you enjoy our videos please consider joining our patreon community at adventure patrons get early access to the videos special live streams commentaries and bloopers and patrons at the hiker tier can even get their names in the credits if you enjoyed the music rewrote for the episode you can find all of it at finally we have t-shirts for sale which you can find at slash adventure shirts thank you very much for watching and we'll see in the next one [Music] whoa it's the whole steam writing [Music] we are so close we can see the parking lot and yet we're still so far [Music] well this is a lovely arrangement that budakake snack mix was awesome i just had to get that on the record you uh struggling there yes all right enjoy the wait we'll be back in two hours maybe three that's like fun well actually it is going to be a solid three hours so prepare yourself right now wow that is crazy i'm not looking forward to this [Music] just gonna exist for the next three hours it's like we uh get to camp a whole another night just you and me thomas as it was always never meant to be [Music] never say never but i think this is probably the last time we'll ever see this place again soak it in so we have to drive to them which will probably take another like an hour and a half and then where are we going from there four hours down to oakland all right okay it takes three hours to go from indianapolis to columbus we have now driven halfway to indianapolis to columbus we will now do the other half goodbye lost coast [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was the drive it was so long we just kept turning and turning and turning and turning food next yep food next yes and we're off he broke who there is a sharpness [Music] we are at the peg house are you ready to get full i am ready i'm ready to get so full all right peg house are you guys ready to get pegged [Music] we gotta eat the dessert first i think yeah we're gonna think that we just sent thomas away but he just does this to himself i keep hearing other people's name order names and i'm just like what if robbie just put the name in for the order and under someone else's name like when he called sarah i was like oh what if they put the order in that sierra it's like oh that's our order oh good man so simple yet so delicious that's just like lingenberries or something it's blackberries this is like environment atmosphere-wise one of the best places we've had a post type meal this is fantastic i'm glad all three of us are here thomas can't wait to leave our presence [Music] what kind of drunk are you are you a happy drunk i feel like you're the same when you're talking i'm a happy drunk potato i don't know or banana peppers [Music] i got the mediterranean chicken sandwich okay very good good music goodbye come on man this is what i live for this is top five best post cycle easily yeah [Applause] how's that potato sound we got bumper stickers heading out i think i'm heading out here all right you have a good trip i had a great trip how are you i had a good trip probably got enough from robbie you don't want to see him again i think i'll see you in september actually september yes oh yeah yeah all right all right see you man have a safe drive back driving away when we got it when i came out here he was like all right i'm done waiting all right what'd you get for him which is for us i got a brownie it was for everybody but okay i guess it's just for us more sugar than any human would ever need [Music] my name is douglas jackson i work the late nights as a bouncer at a nightclub which means i usually sleep from morning to the afternoon [Music] but these days i haven't been getting any sleep during the daytime i've been lifting weights recently i hate lifting it only really makes sense to do if you're depressed or you've been dumped my first date with mary some cabbage was on april fool's day i was always a little suspicious about how things would turn out because of that but before long we were pretty serious we went on a small road trip together on our third date after that on every friday i waited for her at this bus stop the sanwar won bus stop when she got off work we would walk home together old habits die hard i guess but i don't think she's gonna show up today one month ago she got on a plane to fly out to oregon and got engaged to a man named charlie jo how should i get over her [Music] my fitness coach says the only way to get over a girl is to find another maybe i'll try that hey sarah it's douglas want to go out for a drink you're in bed already this early all right never mind have a good night hello is this shruti guess who yeah that's right uh listen do you want to go out for a drink tonight jasper kraparota you're married when did that happen you met at expedition research llc got it got it no you're happy that's that's great that's great all right [Music] talk [Music] [Music] all right i must have the wrong number sorry bye love is a bit like lifting weights sometimes the burden's just more than it's worth and you need to take a day or two to rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] brian and asiyamagada want to give a shout out to all the conservationists out there fighting to keep our earth as healthy and beautiful as possible we couldn't agree more salvador gonzalez you're on the last curve your brother's behind nah andre romundo there's no way my brother would lose come on dan i'm going for it dan what are you doing i've never seen this before huh he's actually doing it it's like sue and tom all over again you're dressing way too hard no i gotta do it damn no you're crazy he's going into overdrift as always want to give a big thank you to tim s tim hess wants to give a shout out to his wonderful wife nikki and his amazing son liam also tim s wants to give a thank you and we want to give a thank you to uh jacob peterson of beach and tactical and exodus knife and tool as well as kevin t johnson of midwest woodcraft with the generosity of tim s he reached out to these two craftspeople and we're excited to share some of the tools and um toys that tim has sent us so thank you so much timothy thank you so much to those folks as well [Music] hey it's robbie welcome back to the vlog i've got some people to thank first up james rukitsky but actually first up i'm gonna eat something all right let's see what we got here you know what i actually want to thank william garnett too but have you ever thought about stuff and how it affects your life man stuff i know it's been a few days since the last vlog but that's because i've been so busy editing the latest episode but first i also want to give thanks to jon scott and elaine r anthony now let's get back to editing that episode alright so lately there's this show i've been watching and it clicks all of my buttons you guys have to watch it found it on youtube it's called adventure archives i don't know what it is about it but something about it just it vibes with me [Music] but you know what else i've got to get shout out to gavin ryan and equia gsari thank you so much [Music] well the editing is done for today but now i'm gonna go for a run [Music] boom that was a good run but it's really hot and it's really humid it's time to eat again the last person we gotta give a shout out to is jason bourgeois he just wants to give a happy birthday to carrie with love from your favorite west coast eagles fan love jason isn't that right [Music] anyways that's gonna do it for today's vlog thank you so much for tuning in this time and i will see you tomorrow i want to give a big thanks to richard frangiamoria as well uh who wants to give a shout out to adam and ben from the greatest generation podcast it's a cool star trek podcast so make sure you check it out and um friends of desoto who are still dropping bangers six years in thank you so much richard lou and leon lin want to give a special shout out to tom and sue kozlowski lou and leon say it was great finally meeting you su and tom and hoping to see you more in the future also sue and tom thank you so much for everything that you do you're wonderful people brian and katie strong would like to give a shout out to brian thomas robbie and andrew especially for the music that we write for the episodes thank you very much huh [Music] master chief madeleine hawley good to see you what's your name christina alvarez ma'am alvarez what's the situation there's an elite somewhere inside david and jennifer dickerson already went inside looking for sanjay and huang i haven't heard from any of them since i'm gonna need your weapon and your helmet take my weapon you'll need it head back to base report to i'll take care of this [Music] oh master chief are you two david and jennifer dickerson i'm only spec ops morgan ariel weinrich and this is spec ops taylor pearson ma'am what are you gonna do finish this fight mine
Channel: AdventureArchives
Views: 766,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, backpacking, hiking, camping, wilderness, survival, outdoors, travel, outdoor recreation, prepping, nature, 4k, wild, survival skills, ray mears, les stroud
Id: 1_MJaaVkorI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 3sec (7023 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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