WE BOUGHT AN ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT FOR $142 - Treasure Found Inside SILVER Flute & GOLD Jewelry!

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but we bought a storage unit on an online auction yesterday but here we are let's see what it is the amount of jewelry that's in this box 14 karat gold yeah that's a score whoa whoa come ops oh god sorry that just kind of slipped [Music] like someone was trying to crawl their way out of here that's what it looked like oh indiana let's see what it is whoa whoa you gotta check this out what what is it it's a flute it's a freaking is it silver yeah i won't lie in this world when you need school what you saw is what you reap the price of evil making it you know it's not cheap check check checking to see that it's true is that your shawl no it's from the simpsons but yeah it's a real song you about to get these furs you're about to get these sweaters mink test it out see good how about you great cool i just got bit by the creepiest yellow bug oh boy i wasn't wanting to kill her last night where's your hub you had inside what's up brother how are you dude great man you don't got your blueberry head on today not bad today i think it's cool is that a locker [Music] [Applause] you get a big one you got four of them we got a small one but he said there's some mink furs in there so hopefully it's good yeah we'll see you over there though all right wait for me [Applause] oh i didn't know i thought you were going to talk here i was all right where is this we're in here we got our unit we ended up paying 144 at 142 28. he's going in deep in here that's not bad though he doesn't know where it is but there's a little more i thought i was gonna get the unit for 100 but once you guys see what's in here how much was it once you guys see what's in here you'll see why because it's a mystery but there's two things i think it'll pay for the unit and then some i don't know if he even knows where it is all right what's up guys here we are welcome to another beautiful day in paradise as you can see the sun is shining but we bought a storage unit on an online auction yesterday ended up paying 140 to 28 for the unit and we're gonna go check it out see what we find we got our trailer today for the trash and the bed of the truck which i accidentally left a whole bunch of recycling in but my fault and here it is in this little little spot here i guess we're gonna just check it out see what we found um there's a lot more stuff in it we actually already got it open because the guy opened it for us a lot more stuff in it than we thought it's actually like deep it goes deep but here we are let's see what it is big dog unit so originally i snagged up this unit this looks pretty good i snagged up this unit because i thought that this was a real fur in the picture turns out it's not but it still has the tag on it it was 60 bucks so a bunch of nice woman's clothes well that's a lie what is that that's some men's clothes either way we're gonna get into it so let's see what we find today i'm excited me too all right here we are sammy's propping the door open and there is a possibility at one point that we might switch over to a head camera a head mount because i don't know if anyone's ever tried to pick and film a lot of other youtubers obviously have but it's not an easy task and we are sorry sometimes when you know it can get a little bit shaky on camera so here it is first piece of clothing coming out looks like it's wool not really sure um yeah some women's golf clubs those separate this will probably sell pretty easy that's it i'm just looking at them as junk so those are probably 25 bucks just without looking at looking into them at all if there's any specific ones in there that are more collectible it could be more money looks like we got a whole shelf of stuff here some knickknacks and candle holders it's a little desk here so yeah we're just gonna get into this really i wanted to oh i see some some nfl branded uh suitcase up there this might just be trash yeah that one's not very good yeah we got the light a bunch of purses they look almost new we got a little snowman thing a lamp i know what too we're gonna do with some of this stuff it's kind of like a donation but our friend ed he lives in summer's point where we live but he's from haiti originally although he hasn't lived there in like 14 or 18 years i can't remember but what he does is i'm gonna wait for the plane to pass all right what i was gonna say our friend ed he puts shipping containers together he'll put a car in it or a box truck he wants to do next and he'll fill the box truck with merchandise ship it over to haiti and then he sells the truck to sell the truck again he probably makes back what he spent and then everything inside of the truck is stuff that he sells and ends up in haiti but that's what we'll do we'll deal with some of this this stuff that's not really that sellable yeah and then we'll definitely throw out some of it the craziest collection of bugs in here like what is that maybe what we should do is put like the furniture and bigger stuff in that we're gonna try to sell again in the front of the trailer and then the actual trash on the back and then we'll dump it push it off and then go back to the house with the other stuff yeah that's part of the ac unit i can't put it out here right or right next to it all right women's clubs huh yeah all right so we got a head mount head mount slash this light this is cute for like outside of your house wow yeah i just totally blew my idea i was going to put the blanket down first dust line this is a sellable piece here not for much but it's an old desk it's kind of creepy but i definitely think someone will be into redoing this not too bad and here's the other desk but you know what that like piece goes on top of this i think this is legit a school desk there's nothing oh yes the pencil guys here legit you might be able to use that for your like if i paint it that's not bad or is that weird no you won't like it i don't think it'll fit over me though no i mean yeah i could easily this is like this desk that we had when i was in school though at the colts school not bad it's made out of like that wood that you see there they are they're so gnarly they're so heavy they have all that stuff in their car now and they got four more units here yeah yes they're straight up gnarly that's what i would consider to the trash box oh dude the amount of jewelry that's in this box i don't know this is a halloweeny halloween and then this is just a box of gold oh my god this is actually a flagstone let's check this i have no idea if it's actually gold but looks like costume that's some come-ups right there i'll put it up here right 14 karat gold this is legit gold in here [Music] so yeah i don't know this is a fact but this box this thing here 50. this box here could have paid for the whole unit probably did i mean even just that little bit of gold right there because it's real isn't crazy amount but any of this stuff could be gold look at these old pieces yeah that thing's and that was a discount obviously this stuff has worked because it's gonna sit in here but what is this ring watch that's what i'm saying though you never know until you start looking it up what it's worth do you wait i would just put this jewelry collection in the truck under the seat for now well this thing's trash but it's all wrapped together good sign that there could be some really really good stuff in the unit because a lot of times when people come back and take stuff they would probably take the jewelry even if they didn't know if it was worth anything or they knew exactly what they had and that's just all trash creepy yeah i saw that like baby hand friends put upside down right yeah 100 really weird like someone was trying to crawl their way out of here that's what it looked like straight up that's the top pieces my idea was to post this up for pretty cheap just now and then just leave it in the trailer and hopefully it sells in the next couple days oh yeah like just put it up for a nice piece for somebody just put it up for like 20 or whatever 25 and just hopefully it sells quick because it's cheap that's my plan because i don't want to store this because like storm this it's more burning than it's worth whoa i mean they were storing it in here for years so obviously they loved it worked in the back that's why let's see what it should we get is this mask yeah yeah i would what do we got i really wanted to keep that but like not the picture not the picture just throw it in there i i want the picture i mean that's the actual frame this is cool that's cool maybe tool little drill that's not a good brand but maybe five bucks these are broken i was gonna say these are cool oh they're not broken those are super sick those are cool what is that trash uh yeah i'm just like brain farts i'm hungry trash trash trash trash this kind of goes with it i don't know this is pretty cool trash jewelry box don milk jug kind of cool this is something we could probably use i mean i used two of them already cooked so far this is our trash pile here just open up these just in case nothing that's a nice helmet good thing we went deep in this one yeah that's a score check this out whoa wow that's it right there i would just get rid of the cloth it's creepy put that let it air out right yeah now yeah this is nice dude this is a woman's helmet apparently but whoa come ops harley davidson what is it let's see what's in here [Music] i thought it was a pair of shoes got some hair for you guys this is cool though i like these things i know you did 16 for this that's crazy this isn't actually cool this goes with that oh it's cypress which is a good scent what's in here though there might be grandma's pearls though and this little baby boy here you never know what this stuff could be these are going in with the jewelry this is atlantic thing yeah not that that's really that great you're like trash trash trash this whole thing's cooked right ugh nasty hair little pen knife see any of this that like this could be gold oh that's decent damn coming up though honestly dude i'm stoking about this any of these little medallions that are worth keeping until we look at them deeper i mean honestly all this change is kind of worth keeping but it's hard to even pick it all up these are plastic beads [Music] that's it right all right so this camera is really good in low lighting wow like really good look at this i can see better looking through the camera than i can way better we could dropbox this stuff maybe i mean i don't want those clothes aren't looking like very easily to sell ed maybe though he took clothes the other day fierce purses this one looks like it could be something cool what's this brand you're thinking it looks like uh no it looks like something of quality that's what i'm claiming or there's something in it maybe that's why i'm feeling this way um ew i need gloves no uh that's blood dude is it yeah i mean it's dried blood for like six years it's like that could affect me that's a betsy johnson yeah that's nice it's always cool to see old ones because they're like they make so many of them too it's sometimes just make the same ones you know what i mean it's like hard to find it probably yeah i mean betsy johnson isn't like yeah but it's that like quirky cool it's cool she makes really interesting stuff i'm stoked about that arizona state that might be not worth a lot but that's a 10 shirt this stuff is packed on here that dude like unmoved for a while this this one's just that's just trash but i don't know what's in here this candle is not one i would use this book nothing this al though it's pretty cool let's hope for something good in here what's in here open those up [Music] peace on earth that's cool though not great but it's cool it's just empty but there's another box right there that might have something nothing just pulled this thing out of there it's a from home goods but made in italy it's like a dessert dish brand new this is definitely celebrate that's cool or just i mean gift life i don't know sellable though you're right all right so this is the unit i think it's only five by ten but whoever placed this stuff in here did it extremely well can't even see in there but it's all it's there's a lot there is a lot these shelves alone are probably gonna fetch a decent amount each all purses all new purses this is just bizarre this is insane i don't understand what the point of it is these are just like ceramics i think these are all part of a set he had 12 what it's unused looks like lampshade it's torn that'll be trash i don't know what this is like moss fake moss weird it's cool though i have used it before it's just a little weird to have purse another purse it looks like it's like rotting away in here pat box doesn't feel like there's a hat in it but there could be no hat i kind of like this laner it's kind of cool that's not bad right i mean we could just work on getting everything out here the fact that i decided to wear sweatpants i mean i always wear long pants in these situations it's just sad i mean it's not that hot but all right we got this copper pot i don't know if it's old or not that seahorse thing was 15 originally these are both pretty cool cool enough to keep i think for selling this is far formalities by baum brothers blue quilt collection that might be keepable i might look that up i'm not sure are you getting deep yeah those are kind of birds these are like home good stuff right yes let me just look at that's moldy a little bit well now these are done i think in my book cooked right yeah maybe so they're supposed to look like that obviously if they clean them off this is trash all right look that is ready box out right guys and guys this is a goodie box these fake books are always good yeah not this time that's actually real leather though silver plated heart frame that's from like the 80s maybe not maybe not [Music] pier one our local pier one is going out of business though all right you guys i mean italy that's gotta look to it but it's correct i know it's not that's just how it was made it's pretty cool i could see this in like an italian restaurant though this might be kind of legit though these are from like coals yeah those are junk junkie junk right here's this boy though well here it is the top to this and the top to this we got some kind of calculator i'm gonna search that before i do anything with it this is like party supplies flags and stuff bird cage back there that could sell pretty easily and we got a monkey it's not crow's monkey but it's a monkey that's a cool monkey though reminds me of like some mardi gras style monkey now we got this hanging plate cheaply made metal thing that's probably trash or scrap oh yeah this shelf is almost done let me just i'm going to set this camera right here for a second i know it's probably not good lighting but i'm going to bring down these two these everything off this shelf actually all right this is the stuff i just brought down off that shelf to me that's useless this stuff this basket's cool but other than that i don't know and this i was trying to figure out what these are they go on top here like a like a terrarium set up kind of thing that's actually really cool i like that but i don't know if it has any value a little flashlight lots of glassware we'd be jamming lots of trash actually mixed in which is fine this is cool 1980 avon that's probably keepable anything in here yeah really cool this is broken this is kind of cool blue one goes with another one and i don't know what that is maybe this goes with it too the shelf these are nice rolling metal shells these will probably fetch anywhere from like 40 to 40 dollars each cry i think this might be a big enough pot to actually be worth keeping this is magnetic i don't know this is all home good stuff that's the problem it's not antiques or anything like that [Music] halloween costumes halloweeny this is a not a good sweatshirt how's this oh yeah redskins that's a come up they're changing the name so definitely i thought this purse was cool get it out of here fifty-eight dollars yeah yeah that's what he claims get out of here before it's too late boys all right this ring said 25 bucks looks like it's probably sterling that's a pretty cool one this is the maybe pile here so far and then i'm not really sure what that is some kind of a mat oh you know what it is yeah it goes on the shelf oh yeah that was like a separator thing those are like 14. all right we got another one of these or like two or three of them and then this is a what i would call a decent i guess the top's not attached decent little bird cage it's elbow and then this whatever this thing is yeah it's probably trash what's in here this thing is not coming home this thing's cooked let's see what's in here all close it's all like new toys this is savage dropbox these i mean some of them might be worth money on them they all seem like different drops what is this that's actually kind of cool it's like a tray that goes in there i mean it's gross so normal [Music] lucky lotus i don't know about these i don't understand these are you feeling about this wardrobe watch you think it's good stuff no no oh god sorry that just kind of slipped i saw that or did it throw itself that was actually probably worth bank that doll too porcelain dial like that chop its head off that was really savage of you savage no had to be dawn over it down i've had porcelain balls way nicer than that impossible to sell but on his first thought it was good what is that is it cats what is the scale on top of this i mean this isn't that terrible we forgot a tripod we're just using this bird cage [Music] all right this is what i'm doing this is my technique oh i perfected it be careful brand new brand new redskins tailgate cooler bag wow can't get these anymore nope not with that logo on them anyway and then what else do we have a big this is not maybe not a big come up but check this out it's like a crazy amount of like beads to like one person that's using stuff like this didn't see this as a big jewelry unit but it totally is dude wow this box is pretty similar froggies those are cool but you would like this boogie i mean we could take five all right we could clean up and take this stuff to the down i don't know if there's anything in here but i thought it was just for sure she said there's something in here oh they packed it full of other garbage i thought this is cool it's ruined but it's cool bare salt anyone i'm not gonna lie this is definitely weird but i opened this card and there's a mother's day scratch off in here and a free appetizer to the longhorn steakhouse which is expired there was also an uncashed 30 check which obviously it's not cashable dream catcher and then if we scratch this what if we won five thousand dollars clearly we wouldn't no you can't cast the check that's wild but if there's a 30 in there there's no reason not to keep it that's true okay we're back at the unit we got rid of mostly all the stuff we were planning on throwing out and gonna put the two metal shelves in here and then fill the rest with the remaining boxes of stuff and then we're gonna head back to the house and i'll do some sorting there probably more trash and then just see what what we got for selling check this out brand new wait a second let's try to switch this battery up that's a clean that is falling off there this is like a really set up though that's kind of nice for what perfect this lady has cats who's a cat lady masterful cassette tape collection here meatloaf not the greatest but some of them are cool all right this guy got really gray that's cool and made in china could but some stuff made in china back in the day was was good quality so this is the second half and i would say just off offhand but most of this stuff is trash okay yeah that's what i was getting at i think that we're gonna make our money on just jewelry off this unit and probably not anything very expensive but costume jewelry and maybe just ebay ebay costume jewelry lots or watch lots whatever but this is pretty wild and there's another one there's another one of those under here it's like a bracelet it's so cool but some of the other jewelry in the first one was real though some of it not sure the extent of it but i mean watch lots just put them up on auction and let people decide this is pretty cool though it's like a kangaroo river stuff like this though maybe flea market but probably just trash that was like what is this some crazy unicorn seahorse seahorse thing sea horses for days uh where this theme and that sea horses that was cool let's put that in here that's stirring like so where it looks like it is but where is damn this was nice and open on it too it's probably part of it in there oh looks like a lot of sterling in there yeah you can tell by the way it's like sorry these are freaking weird like definitely not good wax to be mountain henry what is it this shelf here is there a lot of sterling right i mean these ones just caught my eye because these are actually cool just this one definitely the way it's wearing and tearing it looks like sterling yeah tomorrow too but here hold this for a second the other um do you guys see what i see [Applause] here's the tt life bad buggies very big bad buggy [Applause] how do you want to get it just lean it down right but you don't [Music] this is nice actually steppy buggy so i'm gonna try and get all the way up perfect made in the usa all right that's a wrap that buggy is that gonna fall out yeah but i can put them in after i'm gonna throw out everything that's it watch out well maybe i can just take pictures of the empty unit i don't know if he has to come here or not he probably has to come look at it but that was so much stuff they fit in there just in that little unit all right that's a wrap so we're going to go get our deposit money back because you put 100 down on a deposit sometimes it's 200 if it's a huge unit and then you go back and tell them that you're done and they give you your money back if you don't clean it out you don't get your money back but a lot of trash today in the unit i will say more trash than expected but at the same time we got a lot of decent stuff jewelry mostly jewelry and then like a few pieces of nice furniture we could sell easily we already have one sold we just got to meet the lady our friends reckon charlie bought four units here today so wish them luck on cleaning them out they go hard they kill it but she messaged me now and said great to see you too they're awesome we should have gotten more footage of them but we were in the zad all right we're back at the house obviously and see as you can see this is all dirty but the print itself looks to be in fine condition this is a thomas kincaid bridge of faith probably needs to be reframed i still think it's probably worth around 50 bucks because people have them up online for 200 more even needs to be cleaned off obviously or reframed but i'm going to go in here show you guys so we got the golf clubs showed that already this is like cheapy ornaments maybe trash straight up candle holders i guess garfield comics those are funny what's in here looks like a little tea set that could be sellable i would say the rest of this looks some buttons look beat beat street and then there is i believe a couple containers it we did not look in i opened this one just now and there's a clock which i don't know there's not much value in that specifically this was 43 dollars originally still in the box i think we didn't look in here cheapy little candle holder power cord a little candle holder shade thing that's definitely trash plates cheap plates the ceramics like the grip that's actually really nice clay see so you never know what's mixed in with the junk oh wow that's cool that's nice that was 28 bucks definitely probably worth 28 bucks that's cool hopefully this is more clay handmade stuff nope junk that's to me that's trash i'm not interested in that that's nothing glass hot so that was not bad looking in there we walked away with these two clay pieces i like those those are nice really nice these are the the cassettes here's another piece here [Music] this is a jewelry organizer some of these they're only a dollar but they're actually kind of cool another one of these sammy liked the other one so maybe we'll keep these i mean it was 35 dollars which is crazy and then wood footstool is kind of cool to be honest this might be worth something probably not but people collect very interesting things these would be worth opening up and going through because they had really good stuff mixed in christmas those are just candle holders these wreaths are straight trash yeah and that's pretty much it so yeah didn't really score huge on this unit but it's really if you break everything down and sell it it's hard to lose money on these kind of units i mean i think we could triple what we put into it pretty easily and you never know there could always be that one really big score waiting around the next turn i'm still going to sift through this stuff more so that i know guaranteed that i didn't miss anything but yeah successful day thank you guys for watching here's another container that i opened just to see if i saw anything real quick that is a cool pill but it's ruined it's done done maybe scrap what is this woodwinds peddler elkhart indiana let's see what it is whoa whoa what is this is this a clarinet dude this could use some wow this could use some definite research won't be hard to find i'm sure that was overlooked candle holders i might do a lot of the candles because there's so many [Music] silver plated this is a birdhouse maybe not is it looks like it might be i might just do like this is gonna this is gonna require some some deeper research this might be worth money i don't know that's probably an ebay piece you gotta check this out what is it sorry pop pop look at this where's the chicken nugget what what is it it's a flute it's a freaking is it silver yeah fully it is dude the devil went down to georgia and got smoked by a silver flute plane dude like all the babies came to see they came and they come outside that's a big come up dude wow i don't know what it is yet but that's insane all right once again we're uncovering items that we missed so you gotta really go into this stuff it's like what is this that's like gotta be old this one looks oh like weird it's like potpourri silver plated 8.99 at boss gobs in like 94. this is the top to something these are old though this one is a vintage vintage stuff crystal not really into the crystal so much but depending on what it is i could get excited about it that one's that one's got to be trash that one's done salt and pepper shaker all right now that's pretty cool qvc express 1991. that's pretty funny avon crystal all right we're getting into it again never know what could be in one of these dreamcatcher tile see that's cool some kind of rolodex that's nothing all right i think we're in there this one i didn't go through yet i'm gonna do a lot of research probably before i even put this video out but if anyone knows what that actually is it's a clarinet i guess is it silver or brass i don't know pleated silver but i wanted to say thank you all so much for watching and if you enjoyed the video please subscribe to our youtube channel i haven't really been saying this really often but because i always forget about it but if you subscribe to our channel then there's also a post notification button so if you do enjoy our videos and you want to get notified when a new one drops please go to our main page go to where it says subscribe and right next to it there's a little bell hit the bell please hit the bell also you know give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it always going to be making more so we'll see you guys in the next one keep pushing everyone it's that gonna go wrap this up and go inside and take a shower so check it out it's almost seven at night so the end to another beautiful day okay i know i ended the video yesterday but i've been doing some sorting and i wanted to give you guys an update on what is going on with the unit so far so this is the next day after we bought it i found this federal express necklace and charm that is both 14 karat gold i thought that was really awesome i think that don't quote me on this that they would have given this to an employee of federal express for like a christmas bonus or something of that sort i'm not sure if that's true but so far one gold piece out of this box this is marked 14 karat gold but i don't know for sure if it is all this jewelry still has to be sorted through most of its junk jewelry but that's fine these right here are some sort of i think club like some mason they're not mason cufflinks but they're something similar to that i think so those might be worth a few bucks junk jewelry lots always do good on i'm taking this inside because i like this necklace i think it's really cool when i first saw it i was pretty sure it was gold and then i unwound it took me like 15 minutes to get it out of it we also have four unsorted boxes of various jewelry probably a lot of it's trash but if i found one more thing like this it's worth sorting through so we have that collection of beer mugs i think i'm gonna ask 20 bucks for those on facebook should be able to get it what's left in the trailer earlier this morning we sold both of the metal racks to a guy and he put one on top of his car he couldn't get it taken apart he took one apart put one on top of his car i'll show you that footage right now it's pretty funny he was a cool dude to put it on the top of the car yeah i bring it all the way from barnegan he broke it's gonna go on top of the car right it's looking good it's perfect right i bought both these racks off of us putting one on top because he couldn't get it apart so you got to do it samford and son and he's off he's gonna turn around for us to give it a good look but yeah so he wanted to buy the two shelves couldn't get one apart so he put it on top of his car my kind of guy you and we also have sold the white desk so so far we're back to another ten dollars and we have paid off what we put into the unit so everything else from here on is going to be profit almost so this necklace the silver flute the beer mogs all the stuff i was talking about is going to be profit and yeah i think we did want uh did well on this one i'm happy about it really happy about it and it was fun to go through the items it's like a modern day treasure hunt so one more thing and then the video will be over i want to show you what sammy's been working on what's up guys and gals all right so i've been doing these um tie dye and bleach dye crew neck hoodies um these are the dark brown ones just finished stitching this one up so there's three of these ones up on my big cartel so it's sammy it's www.sammyj.bigcartel and put it right here um but there's three of these and they're size 3xl so this is a 3xl and there's a picture of me in this one or one of them but it's a 3xl on the actual website so you see how it kind of like is oversized on me and then so there's three of those ones this one i still have to post this is actually a champion hoodie this one has a hood it's a size 2xl yeah usa 2xl so this one's a little bit more subtle pretty cool i still it i'm gonna post that literally when i'm done doing this and then this one's up here up there too i only have one of these ones this one's a large and then did i even put the red one on there yeah the red one's on there too this one is a size 4xl and i'm doing all uh oversized sweatshirts like they're all going to be in the excels except for maybe one that's an xl but that one's not even done yet so if you're in between like a large and a 3xl they're perfect and honestly this is a 4xl but i i would wear this too so and this is the green one nobody bought this one yet that's my favorite one this one came out really cool um when i went to go get the hoodies they i wanted to get a bunch of white ones because the black tie-dye comes out really cool on them but they didn't have any um so that's why i ended up going with black because that's like one of the only colors that they had a massive amount of and that weren't just smalls so this one's a medium so if you're small or an extra small or medium this one's a decent size this one's a little bit thicker than the other ones so go check them out um if you want one or if you're interested in just seeing what they look like and yeah thank you is this going to be on the video from yesterday or my video yesterday all right yeah and i will be posting a video on my youtube channel on bambi cat so stay tuned for that on how i actually like do them where i got the sweatshirts from and the whole process [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 32,693
Rating: 4.7076206 out of 5
Keywords: we, bought, an, abandoned, storage, unit, for, $142, treasure, found, inside, silver, flute, gold, jewelry, silver and gold, storage auction, storage unit, auction, making claims, treasure hunting, gold jewelry, gold necklace, finding, tuck and sammie, Sammie J., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, south jersey, egg harbor township, eht, beach, dump trailer, trash to cash, trailer, hauling, clean out
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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