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wow there he is what do you say tucker i say i'm a dad now i can see that and that's a proud mommy that's it right there living the dream living a dream how are you well i'll be okay i want to maybe want you to make some money i got some uh junk some metal okay some a whole bunch of weed whackers i've got a great big compressor tank like a 50 gallon it's all metal i got other stuff over there at any time you would what do you want to do sell it or scrap it not me you that's what i'm saying together do anything you want we'll do it as a team right no it's your money [Applause] yeah can you even believe that's real i why can't i have three children [Laughter] that's what i'm sad but i wish that both of you the most happiness and i've done that from for the first time i've met you okay you're happy you know what they say in town what do they say in town benny is a legend they do say that y'all don't complain to me now i didn't do nothing here all right i'm getting out of here now talking if you want to you know sometime like when you're out running around now if you want to just drive by to see what i have i'll get this stuff out there okay actually why don't i come right now come right now yeah all right what's up everybody welcome back to another video so it's it's a hot day out we were just sitting inside i was actually about to go get some breakfast for us and the lawnmower man stopped by so we have this local legend in the neighborhood he lives about two blocks away and we call him the lawnmower man because what he does for his hobby is he goes around in the trash and all around he comes to me comes to us and he picks up broken lawn mowers weed whackers uh edgers blowers almost anything little golf cart things and electric cars electric bikes all kinds of stuff and he tries to fix them well he does fix them he fixes basically all of them and sometimes he likes to get rid of stuff but he doesn't scrap and he doesn't sell stuff on facebook or anything like that he doesn't feel like dealing with it uh so he comes over here when he wants to clean up and he gave us a whole bunch of bikes like a year ago and we actually ended up selling them which it was like 40 bikes and we sold them for like 200 um which is cool but i just think that that's a really low price for all those bikes either way he said he has like 50 weed whackers that he wants to get rid of uh so we're either gonna go sell them and or just scrap them either way so i think that his whole deal is he just likes to get rid of this he just wants to get rid of this stuff and for us it's just kind of like we could make money but at the same time it's kind of fun too so let's go see what he's got we're going to go to his house all right we're pulling up i see it now him and his wife are legends he's got all this stuff actually his stuff looks cleaned up compared to what it used to look like hey thank you so much yeah you got to come see her though he got a peek yeah we got so many so yeah you want to just put the stuff all here and then i can get it and then if you're home good if not it doesn't matter yeah i won't be here you'll be here though you're always here right yeah come on it does look a little more cleaned up though you've been working on it what just organizing cleaning up getting rid of stuff trying to yeah it's always a battle right yeah you like that there's a lot of magic there going on what's wrong with these they look fine i know you know they've just been sitting that's it but i mean do what you want with them perfect okay so we got that logo over there uh please oh it's a leafer a little leafer and it works wow i love it you do but where do the leaves go from there well there's a great big bag hooks down there comes back up and hooks here yeah oh look for the bag you can't have it no you want it no because my my my lawnmower picked them off too that's true but this is smart it's cool it is not nothing like people don't buy these anymore right they're not available they sell everything now you know you need something gas powered or something and there it is the only thing wrong with it is it had wooden wheels on here and they just rusted off it didn't rust they fell off and crumbled right yeah well they would they rotted we'll use the right word they were they rusted all right so that's it this pile here which might actually be smart to take a picture of now but him and his wife coolest people ever stoked to have him as not neighbors but close neighbor close enough all right we're going to do a little story time right here right now so i feel like one of the most important things that i wish i would have done even more of and that a lot of people and hopefully you know some younger people watch our channel i know that the main age group is older literally like our parents age which i actually like because i feel like i can relate to people like that a lot more than people younger than me i was gonna say for anybody of any age really because it's never too late to invest in yourself that you should invest back into yourself um and that's the way that eventually we would all hope to have some kind of freedom from like some kind of financial freedom i guess at some point in life that's like one of the main goals of humans at this point in history but back in the day never even told this story i don't think this was 2016 my brother and me got casted into a tv show called the idiots and it was literally what the title says the idiots it was like mythbusters meets pranks and all sorts of stunts and crazy stuff but you would basically come up with an idea and go out and see if it it would work it was a really crazy show either way we shot a pilot episode and actually mtv was the one who paid to have it made and they made the whole pilot and they spent like crazy amounts of money uh with this production company called b17 and the pilot was made and then mtv bought like 10 episodes from the production company and so they were getting ready to like get the show going and actually move us from where we lived me and ben and cal to california from new jersey into an apartment so that we would be close to the set like the studio and everything um and then later on it just ended up like an executive got fired and then like someone else came in and just canceled the whole idea but some kind of like severance pay i guess you would call it we got like 27 000 i think it ended up being after like taxes and all that and i went i bought this with some of that money the dump trailer and it was about fifty five hundred dollars at the time it was the best investment of my entire life is what i'm saying and if i would have just spent that money in a different way i wouldn't be the same person that i am today because literally it's crazy to think about a material item like that but the dump trailer has did you see lucky she just crossed provided so many opportunities and so much cool into our lives um and we still use it to this day and i plan on using it until it just rusts nothing but my main point here was if you invest in yourself rather than take that five grand and go spend it somewhere else say like the shed that we bought and built this and always camera equipment always camera equipment we spend money every time we get paid from youtube uh to buy at least one piece of camera equipment um pretty much all the time i just had to buy a new gopro 10 and i got like all the mods and everything so it'll be even better than uh the other one but today i'm going to be taking all this trash to the dump and get it out of here and then so we can get to lawnmower man's house tomorrow and get all that scrap which i'll probably just toss in there so that's the claim investment into your own dream i did make a little video like why it was going in my head because i made a video of building the shed from like start to finish and added clips in and put it on instagram as like a real it's called so it's a one and a half minute video that's all that they let you do for the time limit um and it kind of just brought me back thinking like how much time money we put into our shed and it's a mess back here right now but i'll just show you guys and now we have this epic yard which isn't done yet and the shed the podcast shed all set up ready to go and i think we're supposed to be filming a podcast with a new guest on monday coming up all right something i've learned over the last couple years which a lot of people probably know already but for those of you who don't when covering a trailer or a truck covering it this way mostly try to cover the whole thing is what i would do so originally i was like okay i'll just use a tarp like this blue tarp right here but the only thing about that is once you have it all tied down where is the air gonna go once it gets under it this is gonna blow it up and unless it's tied severely strong it's just a burden to deal with on the road so then later on i got this from a neighbor who was throwing away a trampoline and this works so good because it has air flow through it and it also has tight knitted mesh because you can bounce on it look at just look at that it's almost the same it's stronger but almost the same consistency as like a tarp in the way that it won't let stuff through it and then third option which is actually probably the best option for what i use it for this is a pool cover tarp from uh a clean out this guy that bought a barn and the guy used to do pools there so i got it there it was brand new actually this fits on the trailer almost perfectly and this lets all the wind through so it doesn't blow up at all and it just sits there and i think it's actually similar size to the actual trailer look i think it's eight feet wide by as long as the trailer if not more so just a tip from somebody who doesn't you know i didn't buy the tarp the pool cover or the trampoline top but they all work and two of them work really well so just a tip from somebody who likes to cut costs on buying stuff that you don't have to buy when you can just find it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's not the prettiest setup ever but it works it keeps everything in there and all the air can blow through so when the air gets in it doesn't stay in i'll put another one on there actually all right actually just gonna go into the 7-eleven just for the nostalgia of it 7-eleven is not really a big thing around where we live there's actually only one there used to be one closer to where we live but this is the other one and it's basically in northfield on the border of pleasantville check this place out the classic 7-eleven thing about the 7-elevens is if it you walk in there it almost feels like the same as if you walked into a 7-eleven in florida that's what's weird about it some of them not all of them all right i'm going to have to say they're not all the same the ones in florida are way better i'd have to admit that and there's a reason why there's not 7-elevens everywhere not like that one anyway but i got my drinks ready to go to the dump all right this is where all the trash from the whole county goes on trash day from everywhere in atlanta county and there's a landfill out back but right now we're in the transfer station and it is so gnarly that people work in here i can't even believe it's real check this out there's so much weight from the sand you can kind of see the trailer wobbling back and forth like it can handle it but it it doesn't like it look at it all the sands coming out now though all right that's what it looks like all the way up so she did her duties today it literally smells so bad in here so bad i'm about to pull back make sure all this comes out but you don't want to be leaving here with trash that you brought coming back home with you guys ready to open up the new gopro fan you want to open it we're ready and then we'll go get some breakfast yeah all right let me get this thing opened up so this is the first gopro we ever got with the uh all the mods like the audio and everything but this is a gopro 10. and we're about to start filming with it today right now yeah get it out girl that's what we yeah the other tripod broken this one ready to go good good we got the hero 10. and then we got the audio mod media mod wow wow back on top back on top whatever this is oh that's just [Music] man we did it this time girl went in we got it all this time girl let's take this baby out of the packaging now still scratching her face there's no i can't cut her nails any shorter than this all right so the gopro in my opinion the hero 10 hero 9 i don't know about the eight i had a seven before but the ten and the nine are in my opinion the best cameras that you could possibly use for like vlogging like we do but also for like action sports going in the water with going on the beach surfing they're pretty much just the most easy to use pick up good audio so we use gopros every day recently we haven't but in the last like five days but damn that's it right there it smells now the dream smells very the amount of these gopros that they put out that was absolutely aligned because they were like on the site it was like a thousand ordered in the last hour like it tells you how many that's crazy some of these people are just ordering for us a lot of people just buy them for like vacations and stuff though to just go on like a trip or something a lot of people just buy them and don't use them that's what i'm saying like they'll use them for like a couple clips but then they'll just you know maybe they don't want to break their phone or something so they just get one battery new battery the old the batteries over time get like bulging stuff you know it's a new one let's see this little dreamer though never had a gopro mount this good from gopro the other ones we used were not from gopro doing a fuzzy on your chin girl helping you out baby helping you out this is garlic [Music] like that i guess that's actually good right no it's really good wait we never had this do we no how did i think that you said it was the same oh you can put this on the side and then plug this in and then you can use the tripod to record okay this is the legit setup oh it did come in there that's what that was sd card i don't know if the battery is charged what battery goes in camera turns on all right and here we go first test the first test check it out now we're going into the gopro first shot of the day finn fan being a princess perfect angel look at her i know my sister nailed it with that headband because honestly we got headbands but that one's like the coolest one and it's so comfy for it everything about her is so perfect and i thought she made that do you know that i set her up with her hogwarts outfit on a gryffindor she's not a slytherin like her dad that's debatable well she's gotta get old enough so she can actually take the test but um i think she can decide on her right no no well yeah usually you do decide on your own anyway when it comes down to it the test means nothing but i'm gryffindor turn your slytherin remember she could be a slytherin she has a fire sign it's the choices she's a leo she's my little lion i call her my little lion bean i've been calling her bean bean bean cause like she literally just beans out she does she beans it up she beans out look at this do you want to go get some breakfast and go to the park yeah all right let's do it let's go no way what because it it's on the stick i can record with it but it also keeps it juiced it's a battery pack no way yeah so we're going let's do it recharged all right so she was just being real bratty a minute ago later down here and look at her now just like i just like laying on daddy's chest uh-uh you see her with the neck gang she's getting too strong for me to handle her i know look at her chicken head look at this guy he's been outside for like three days straight on the deck and he just no he wasn't why are you lying because he was what do you mean he likes it out there and then he came back in here and reclaimed the whole couch look at this guy look at buddy ow ow [Laughter] that's a big boy right there oh he's mad cause there's nothing in the window anymore yeah he's mad all right she is in there ready finn ready to go to the park all right so i'm in the car with finley and we ordered some breakfast from a really good uh it's like a vegan restaurant but everything they sell there is really healthy it's called earthly cafe you guys have seen it on other videos it's right on this block right here but sammy just went to go pick it up um it's probably up there maybe the healthiest restaurant in the town that we live in at least close to it if not the the healthiest um all their ingredients and their coffee is organic it's really really good coffee locally roasted but she's about to come out here and then we're gonna head to the park finn cinfan and then later when i get back um i'm gonna go over and finish and and pick up all that stuff from the lawnmower man uh that he was telling me about yesterday you guys saw that already but he's got like a pile of weed whackers that he wants to scrap or get rid of and then a couple bikes like maybe five or six bikes that actually look pretty good the bikes might definitely be sellable the best this is the best coffee around town now she's gonna get rocked awake and then she's gonna start again start being a princess that is wow look how calm it is out there fam we could be out there on a jet ski like zoom zoom like a little baby jet ski one day or one of those remote control boats we could put her in and then i could steer it from the shore you think she's good all right we'll show you guys you guys everybody's probably seen this place before but check it out waffle waffle clam damn i didn't bring water or anything and breakfast ball [Music] all right down here at the john f kennedy park jfk on the water erin summers point coffee good healthy breakfast from earthly cafe wifey baby fan chicken it doesn't get any better than this peanut look at her that's my bean she's my plump little bean she's so good she's tooting that was a toothpaste all right today's thursday saturday she'll be a month old yeah how do you feel about the month old i think yeah the month old finn is doing really really good um it is tiring but we're we're doing it she gained a lot of weight since we got her so i mean every every day i feel less uh nervous about her because in the beginning i was freaking out every minute the thing about like babies is that even if they're like good sometimes they just cry because they want to be held or they want you know to be close to your heart so that they can hear your heart beat at least at this young and then if they're like bored like babies are smart they pick up on that i guess like she knows when she cries like one of us is going to come running or we're already there so it's a lot but as long as she's good we're good all right it looks so refreshing out here that i might have to go for a dip are you going to follow me down there no because i think there's boys behind me down there poison ivy fam what do you think she said she said just don't touch me when you get out she said you're tiring dad she's been sleeping this whole time she's really really good girl all right let's check this out let's try and find the best way to get down there what do you think it is through this little patch here of poison oak yeah i mean i personally would not go through there yeah he wouldn't no only because i know how much poison ivy is down there where there's not all this brush of bay down over there there's a lot over here i didn't see any cause you can't see down there let's just go look all right i'm scared for you knocking on look there's a trail it's cool right here [Music] though [Music] i made it down no poison ivy [Music] nah this is the kind of area where you would use how you say creek shoes [Music] so [Music] it's not the ocean but it's still refreshing all right now to get up here without hurting my piggies now people don't really swim in there usually no no no i'm just glad that there's not uh here i'll show you i'll show you in a second actually because it's not even loaded why do you want to go swimming fan the point i'm paying nah you know what time it is when that coffee hits that milk hits and you got to take a poop you leave the park or you go down in there and do a sea dump only you do sea dumps that's not okay shout out in the comments if you do see dumps okay so here we go about to go see that go get i'm about to go get all the bikes from the lawnmower man in the truck i did i did actually clear out the trailer thinking that i was gonna use it uh but to be honest i don't even think i think it's a little bit unnecessary honestly at this point so here's what we're gonna do take all the stuff out and again what i was saying before this works perfect this worked perfectly nothing fell out made it there perfectly you know it's a good good tarp to use we got some we got some we got some cardboard in the back but that's fine trailers coming off it's uh overkill to even use the trailer so i'm gonna go get the bikes bring them back unload them and then actually i gotta pick up something from cbs and then come back and then go get the rest of this stuff like the weed whackers and all that because i know that him and his wife just want this stuff off the property basically so i'm not gonna wait on it even though it's like four o'clock in the afternoon and i i thought i would be able to do it a lot sooner in the day i'm not gonna make him and his wife wait until tomorrow because i like them and i can sell the bikes and benefit from it and he just wants the stuff off his office property he just wants to you know get rid of it gotta figure this out though all right we're back at mr lawnmower man's house him and his wife diane and this is all the stuff they're getting right up bam this pile here all this and all these bikes so i'm gonna take the bikes first these are nice though actually let's do this there he is the og legend himself these ones right yeah how we living today big dog good i decided i'm gonna take the bikes now okay take them home take them out okay and then i'll come back for the other stuff okay because i don't need the trailer it's too much yeah okay no problem i got these though unless you want to help sure i want to help that's your oh wow look at this one these are all pretty nice though right oh you're gonna get the two uh maybe all right there he goes benny long lost legend all right so is it all you know something else that i have also i have some pressure washers that are electric and they all work really yeah you want them throw them up there maybe i mean yeah why not if you don't if you're getting rid of them yeah oh yeah i mean everything with them and off and they work they work tucker but they're you know they're not gas yeah i have an electric one it works pretty good well some do but i mean it still isn't i'm used to you know look at this one 2100 psi there yeah how about this beast is this is what is this a snow blower an overlook from like oldest can 1919 but i'll tell you works beautiful works like a dream well yeah you're going to say what kind of dream nightmare it depends what kind all right okay it's a nightmare still a dream that's what i did [Music] have you ever heard of what people do called a podcast you don't know what that is yeah it's like a video slash audio recording basically and they just like tell stories and talk but we have one on our on our youtube right yeah and just like tell stories but i wanted i wanted you on there but you won't right yeah huh yeah a lot of them not all of them not every total one i have we still have something to do to see what to see the gold right gold roadside treasure that's how we do it yeah that's nice see that's what happens when you live old and you drive around and you fix stuff up because there isn't one thing here that i bought right that's zero nothing yeah no money parts and supplies and your time's worth money ben always is that's the most valuable thing ever yeah well all right guys it's time all the fun i had with them you know i'm glad you still got something to work with yeah i sure do all right i'll be back okay thank you all right thank you so no podcast no not not today i'll get you in one uh i can turn around all right so just picked up the bikes and uh a bunch of pressure washers that i didn't know about but he's just like me he goes around he's not just like me obviously because he fixes all that stuff but he goes around and uh picks up stuff off the curb just like us and then he fixes it but he doesn't sell it it's just a hobby for him but he's been doing it for so long that he accumulated all that stuff at his house and all those weed whackers are probably just ones he took parts from in one way or another to use for other weed whackers i don't know why he fixed all of those pressure washers and then just let them sit i mean they could definitely be used i just don't know the market for you know a 10 year old eight-year-old pressure washer that works but it's a plug-in one definitely people like the gas-powered ones better but we'll see i'm going to try to sell them the only thing is too like even if i tried i have tried even if i tried to sell the stuff and then give him the money or even half the money he wouldn't take it anyway so he does it all for the love of it which i can respect and it is fun so curbside picking is literally the best i asked benny about if he knew what a podcast was and he said he doesn't but i'm sure he has he definitely goes online because i helped him with his computer before a couple times and he goes on youtube i know that he was watching the world series of little league baseball that's what he was doing right now total legend uh but the most favorited person probably in all of our videos over the history of the channel for the last five years probably now i think i've known him for like six or seven years is benny probably and him on a podcast would be so freaking cool i just don't think he'll ever do it because i just he doesn't have any interest in it i don't think but wow would that ever be a total i i honestly i'm just going to keep asking him until he says yeah or doesn't say yeah but i'm just going to keep asking him in forever all right so here's the spoils of benny's horde that he was getting rid of five pressure washers and six bicycles [Music] this guy is such a legend i thought he was just going to hang out and watch his little league tournament while i picked up all the stuff but he's got everything out here [Music] everything out here already this is insane this guy is a legend what'd you go you went and brought everything out yes i did i was going to get it all how are you recycle you got the rope on this tank how heavy is it yeah not real heavy no no you don't think no not for you you get up there no you you get up in the truck i mean you are the amazing lawn mower ready yeah that was the technique right there baby yeah i know i knew this stuff that was 80 years old that was how many years of prep okay a couple years three four years of doing this if you put in there sideways you'll feel a little better and it won't roll how many years of this like three months that works yeah this is real good that's ryoga well if you like electric blowers uh i like battery-powered ones because they're easier yeah all right now that's not bad though there you go what's that go to oh you can see it's a motor oh wow yeah that's from a compressor okay now here this is good that works yeah backpack blower make sure if you put going to start it that's too strong motor oil kind of mix the oil into this yeah okay this is actually kind of nice well in a day it was yeah i'm just saying like the the weight because i have one of those and it's weight it's like a lot bigger [Music] yeah here we go living the dream baby that's how we do it out here what are those babies now [Music] like you are i mean you're there you gotta have a little bit of equipment too well i mean the stuff is fine in the junk keep that crazy you find everything in the trash what do you mean i know everything i know so why are we doing this podcast get out of here not today maybe next weekend right we'll think about it right did you notice how though you you're going to back up words yeah just because it gives you the low deck like that yeah actually now that you say that every time i do this you do it i hurt my knees too then i'm like oh my knees hurt now so i couldn't imagine after doing it for as long as you've been doing it work smart not hard you know what else i also didn't want to block them i don't know how your neighbors are no they're nice yeah oh good all know me oh cool how about these people back here what they're cool right all right we got this benny i don't have to answer that question yeah damn this guy's got the freaking best cherry tree in the whole block or the whole city which one i got one it's not like that though yeah no you you helped that woman you know and i know how much you helped her actually remember how i met you yeah i did because you helped me to put my uh weed whacker together no my uh chainsaw yeah yeah you didn't know how to start i never used one before that i know isn't that crazy yeah it wasn't a crazy that i came over here just a little benny nobody isn't it crazy that uh she sucks a roast beef and coleslaw on it we call it a roast beef special dinner it's so good right well on it right wow you got you she makes that here yeah oh man i don't eat meat though isn't that crazy no that's good for you that is good for you very good yeah it's hard now you gotta see if you live as long as me i don't think anybody would be that legendary all right we're gonna we're gonna have to bring we're gonna have to walk over with the baby one in a couple days and then she so you guys can see her we're going to take care of it we're working on that all right we're working on that we'll be over okay yeah okay because i want a diane to meet her too yeah all right well thank you and uh if you ever need anything else you know where to find me you can hunt me down so once again blown away by how legendary the londoner man actually is he just was saying that they're going to have did he just say roast beef sandwich i'm pretty sure that's what he said i don't know now i'm bugging but he's going to have dinner with his wife homemade dinner at the house and they literally just got a dvd delivered to them in the mail from fedex [Music] uh that they're about to do a movie night and dinner together uh 80 something years old fully living the dream not nothing fancy not fancy cars not a fancy house they live modestly but they are some of the richest people i've ever met or ever seen in my entire life uh they don't need anything because they have each other and it's so freaking awesome i love that and they said that that i was encouraging him to come by and meet finley so i hope him and his wife do that soon because he got to see her but she never dead yet you don't have to have material items to be rich proof i mean they're doing they're doing fine like they live a normal life but i'm just saying they don't have like a benz or a you know what i mean like a fancy house on the water or anything like that and they're living the dream a little sleepyhead or bratty think you already think i can see how long that middle finger is a very long nail yeah good for scratching herself stop it finn why's she got the pucker gun is she doing it for the people i'm watching she's trying to show how cute she is all right we're out here at the lowe's i'd say lowe's is more of a family type store than home depot it's for like people who do diys so like fam didn't know i was gonna be one of those people that what went to lowe's and had a baby and a husband and a diy person in your jean little shirt that's some crazy right there the thing that's crazy is like nobody ever thought that they were gonna be the person that they become i like that that means if somebody breaks into your car they freaking film it see the cameras over there all over the lot they don't have that everywhere damn these are cheap actually for the rockers wow look they have all the halloween stuff out i got to get a cart there right oh should i go get one yeah the one that's in the car it's zero i have a zero onesie that i'm really excited to wear we have to get you a little onesie for halloween that actually fits you for right now because she has a lot of halloween stuff but a lot of it's uh a little bit too big for right now but super excited for when she can actually fit in a lot of them because they are really really cool a lot of the ones you guys sent us the werewolf wow those came up this year these they have way more it's so expensive but like damn these decorations are cool that's a blue mold this is halloween wow they went in yeah i think it's just nightmare before christmas and you have an ugly boogie costume that somebody want you but it doesn't fit her i was just saying that like um i was telling them that she has a bunch of halloween costumes that people sent us but she's too small for them right now i think they went like solid at home deep i did a lot of halloween stuff and then they just started yeah or they always did i don't remember we never go here look at how cool the zero is really good oh it's just stuffy it's like durable though so you can hang it probably right freeing up this is the mayor is so cool do you remember like how they were acting like they were shunning the nightmare before christmas and now look at how much they were making off of it yeah that's true it was shawn like disney released it under a different one of their different labels because they got scared because they were nervous they had never put something out like the nightmare before christmas that's a little bit more darker not as as disney this is true family style out here looking for a dish tray just got a paint sprayer for underneath the house and looking at concrete paint for the porch so this is full-blown like dad mom life i want finley you got her we got her all right we're doing it toilet brush and all the cleaning supplies the tray everything we're going big this time never had any of that what else what else she's going she's grabbing everything she can hold in her arms he's not wrong i'm just going in because like they have a very big selection here at lowe's to clean your house with and i never had a it's called a maid caddy so like all of our cleaning supplies for the past five years have just been scattered all over the house and we've never really had to buy cleaning stuff because when we were doing house cleanouts we just take you know the leftover cleaning stuff and and there was always a lot of always a lot of it every house clean out we did that people just leave cleaning products new half used whatever tons of them every house all right here we go the truck full of supplies now let the projects begin wow look at the sky it's literally sepia tone in real life it is gnarly out right now look at that it's like yellow on my face that's crazy so we got all the projects going down we just spent like beaucoup bucks at at the lowe's but well worth it so i think i mentioned this before but i planning on painting the underneath of the house with the mold blocking paint just to secure the situation down there because it's it's a musty dank pit down in there but i got this because painting it by hand with a brush was my original thought but we're going in for this for real for real so paint and stain sprayer i do have a brush so far this is all i could find but i'm going to have to go get a gallon but i can start with the court two quarts i do have a roller so that's for that job also i did a mask and i got a bunch of tyvek suits so that's gonna be one project we did end up just picking up an ac unit for the shed uh it's been too humid and hot to really do anything in the shed podcast wise but we're playing it on monday we're going to have our first guest on the show and he's going to be chilled down it's going to be cold so what we can do basically is well we can put this in the window all right put it in you know this window or that window and then cool down the shed and if the ac unit is still too loud when we're filming we'll just cool it down for like an hour before turn it off film go from there so that's the plan shed gang and then what was the other project oh the skate ramp on the side of the house that that concrete thing that's outside of the lucky's room uh we got to finish that oh and this so this is all i had to really buy for this five inch bolts so these will be run up through here and then through that live edge piece across here creating a shelf to then put stuff on like cameras and different things but yeah a bunch of projects going down that's going to be it for the video today uh really really stoked about the new gopro that we've filmed with it has like this stick thing attached to it that actually is a battery pack so it allows us to film for longer than we would normally be able to but we just want to say thank you guys for keeping along our journey here it's been rough putting out um it's been amazing but it's been hard to put out content consistently uh in this first month of finn being here with us uh but we do plan on getting back on like a legit schedule and putting out like two three videos a week when we can but uh oh yeah i was gonna say check out our podcast channel i'll leave it in the link in the description but if you haven't subscribed to it it would help us out we're trying to get to 10 000 subscribers on there by the end of the year that was one of our goals so here is the channel bam and also our facebook page which can be found in the link in the description but till then see you guys in the next one wow [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 42,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: is, this, my, future, scrap metal, family, vlog, baby, newborn, cash, trash picking, trash to cash, invest, invest in yourself, real life, reality, tv show, reality tv, story, fun, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, Finley magic, infant, family vlog, funny, laughing, friends, truck, load, scrapping, laugh, park, swimming, bay, new jersey, south jersey, beach, breakfast, picnic
Id: divGJo_44fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 28sec (3748 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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