Will It Run? Abandoned 11 years ago. DR Field and Brush Mower

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hey guys and how's it going about two weeks ago i went to an estate sale that a woman's husband had passed prior about 11 years prior to the having the sale and she's uh going to be selling the house and was getting rid of all the power equipment that was in the garage i grabbed four pieces this is one of them is a dr field in brush mower uh it has been sitting since uh he passed in 2009 so the latest it's been is 11 years ago or the earliest it's been it's been 11 years ago looks like it was service in 07 the last time i know nothing about them i have no history on any of them there was nobody to ask so i bought all the different pieces pretty much as is and we are going to wing it whether they are good or not i would suspect that there should not be too many issues but you never know so i paid accordingly uh those four pieces there was a mower a uh john deere tractor which is probably the nicest piece this piece right here the dr field and brush mower and a zero turn 500 for this 400 for the zero turn 750 for the tractor and 150 for the mower we'll see how far we get along we may do individual videos or we may try to bunch a couple of them up if they run decent and come back to life had a couple of blades that were sitting there that looked like they were sharpened then just not put back on that were laying on the side i do see it looks like it has leaked a bunch of oil i don't know how it's showing up in the light right here but it's all kind of wet on the back side and even where i parked it over in the corner it had a couple of drips on the floor so i suspect that possibly we have a leak all around here it might be just a little quick fill with a little quick drain that is leaking but you see all that being wet all up inside there being wet weather had gas in it when it was put away it could also be an issue and it looks like it does we have some carb issues and the battery is drunk of course because it's been sitting again 11 years in an unheated garage so that has gone kapuy that was the only thing i was waiting on to start working on the videos so i ordered a new one it was 35 bucks on amazon and it came in then um the woman stopped she had my address she was trying to find me some manuals for the machines she stopped by and said there was a new one in the box that he had gotten whether that's any good or not i do not know but a new one showed up in the box that is that one right there so i have two then there was the one i ordered and then a youtuber uh donated one also so i now have three batteries that are odd size for this machine that worked that good and i thank them for hooking me up with that stuff what do you say we get started we see if this thing will come back to life and operate like it should if not we'll make it come back to life and operate like it should we can just sit up in the stand and let's start wrenching i guess we'll start to see if there's any oil left in it yeah i couldn't even pull it over because it doesn't have a pull start well it still looks decent [Applause] yeah it's got oil in it the oil smells like gas so the reason why that has oil in it because the oil is half gas generally when that happens it means that the float stuck or got corroded in the carburetor the carburetor then allows the fuel to just go right through it and it fills up the bottom of the engine and runs past the rings into the crankcase so that's our first issue uh i kind of want to just shove a screwdriver or something in there and see if we can just kind of make sure that the motor still turns let's go do that and hopefully not good [Music] it feels kind of tight though it's got a lot of drag on it more than it might have a break that might be what's going on kind of like a lawnmower but it does turn that's a good sign let's go pop the air cleaner off take a look at that ball of the carb see if we need to soak that carb and we do that while we're working on other stuff mice come running out of it that's pretty good smell bad let's we got two three four screws get this plastic cover out of our way curved heater let's get that nut off the bottom of the bowl we'll take a quick peek see what it looks like a inside bit of a stretch this thing's a little bit longer than a regular lawnmower what do you think we're gonna get i'm gonna say brown not white i'm going to go with brown cruddies rust [Music] definitely needed to come apart let's we should probably take that whole thing right off of there and soak it what we got to do i don't there's a linkage on you you can't see it there's a choke and a throttle on this side i'm gonna take a better peek see if we can get that without having to take the plastic cover off if not we'll dig how about we trade spots i'll zoom in a little bit it's using a fuel pump a little pulse pump that might have an issue too again they don't like sitting with fuel in them the [Music] we can sneak those linkages out of there that one's off sometimes you get if you get it right off you can work the linkage should be a little spring on there too i've seen a lot worse let's go bring it over on the bench yes you get that float out i think my punch might be a little too big see if we can uh work it the rest of the way with some pliers that's where you fling it across the room too bad it doesn't look like you didn't much damage to the carb itself just a little bit of corrosion that was down inside it that screwdriver is not going to work come on crack don't goo out on me i think that's what's happening we got here and see if we pop that emulsion tube out that may or may not come out there it goes moving sometimes you can just give her a who's your daddy there it goes what that allows you is to get to all those ports which do not look terrible this wouldn't have run but i'd like to get all cleaned up wouldn't it run just because of the fact of all the rust that was sitting in the bottom of the bowl fuel is drawn up essentially right about an eighth inch up in the air actually it's right there and right in the center is uh drawn up through there and they have a tendency as soon as you run it even if it does run a little bit this little bit of crap that's floating around inside here will be in mixed in with the fuel goes into that hole and then the metering jet the main jet that hole right there will get blocked so even brandon would have ran for a minute or two and then crapped out we should be able to get uh this may be an air fuel mix for the idle or main i'm not sure and it has a stop on it there's a camera if it shows up there's a cam going around that it only allows you to turn probably about 180 degrees from there to there and that's for emissions they don't want you to run it crappy not sure how that one comes apart i'm gonna go give that a tug and then we should be unthread that in this whole thing after i wash off the heavy crap that's on the outside of it we'll put the ultrasonic cleaning and let that clean up a little bit and we'll go back to the machine uh one and a quarter out one quarter in so we gotta turn it one and a quarter out and we're done start from there and then she have her spring spring washer i don't miss a little tiny jet that stays in gave it a though rinse i should have hit it with an air gun too wouldn't hurt just to knock all the heavy crap off and the reason is the uh ultrasonic cleaner has what's called everybody ass i have berryman's indoor gunk carb dip they come in one gallon cans and it works a long time but the more you contaminate it the worse it gets so you don't want to try to enter you know you try to knock off as much dirt as you can and you want to keep the temperature from getting carried away because it is flammable so you don't want to like 100 degrees 120 degrees something like that i'm gonna go set this for 30 minutes we're going to let her buzz [Applause] shake all the little heebie-jeebies loose from it got the rod knock we'll let that go do its thing or we work on other stuff that's what's inside it not an endorsement people keep asking so that's what it is let's go see what the gas tank has to offer it is pretty empty there's like a sludgy a bit of sludginess on the bottom a little bit of a i don't know what that is right there that brown so let's say it ran out probably whatever was in it i do see it has a shut off and that is in whatever position that would be straight down i don't know if that's on or off or what let's get the oil out of it let's see what that looks like that's a weird valve on it so you can get a hose over that shove that in the pail and it looks like a just a pet valve of some sort let's see or gas oil i suspect gas oil to come out of it let's go nothing goes up let me open that up a little bit okay there we go yeah i would say it wasn't changed in a while in the fact that the it has gas in it even dilutes it even more i do not have an oil filter for it what we'll do is we'll just pop the filter off we'll let it drain out we'll put it back in it hasn't run with the fill with the gas oil mix in it so i'm not afraid of the system the pump part of it being contaminated it's just going to be what is sitting in the oil pan of the engine definitely needs some love i've had a what was i i just serviced oh the fj cruiser had a uh about an fj cruiser for my wife i used one about six eight months ago and it has a transmission shutter and then with the paperwork came that i guess a year prior they did a transmission uh flush and filter change those transmissions do not have a dipstick up top you got to do it from the bottom well anyway the drain and the fill plug were never taken out of it so my confidence in dealers doing what they said they're supposed to be doing and what they're actually doing so this says the oil was changed on a certain date you know that of the uh the magic marker on the oil filter was changed on a certain day because it seems pretty dark even though it sat for a long period of time generally there it's not that dirty for the amount of period that it ran and the yard that it came from i don't see this being used all that much so i'm suspect on that yeah it looks like the original oil all right let's give that purge out of there and uh would go jump on something else i thought there's any gas in there it's on the tank but whatever there is we'll let piss out i want to change that filter out anyway probably wouldn't be a bad idea take an airline and blow the fuel out through too yeah here get one there you go yeah nothing i'm gonna uh put an air gun in there see if it blows back into the tank if not i'll open that valve i'm not sure which way is which and we'll make sure that's purged and we gotta go clean the inside of that tank out you should be able to hear a blow through up there yeah it's clear i don't want to i'm not going to put right up against that i don't want to load a diaphragm out in the fuel pump if it's still good liar it's lying [Music] no dirty but there's no uh signs of bad oil or worn out plug clean them up put them back in let's go pop that belt dry off i don't see any or smell any mouse piss which is a good sign that garage is pretty sealed up it was a decent garage wasn't like it was a barn but there we go see where it goes running that looks decent yeah i think you make different attachments for the front of this you can pull this pin right here pull that collar in the whole front after you take the belt off pretty much just comes out of the way it might make a sickle bar maybe a snow blower not sure i need it for its intended purposes teaming a jungle i have another one of these the first version when they first came out it has like wagon wheels on it nowhere near as fancy as this works awesome i'll leave it at the cabin i have to camp in the woods unfortunately you can't leave anything good at the cabin because it gets stolen like you couldn't leave this here well the other one would not start to spring and essentially the grass has not been cut yet so you can imagine it's going to need some and maybe bring that one back and revive it too but we'll give this one a shot over there yes you can get a urine sample [Applause] i'm going to check upstairs possibly i have one i don't think so though can't be that lucky now you can't change it later we'll flush it again later just about the dirtiness of this thought it was close said kawasaki but the same thing with the id these different size yeah we're just gonna go put that one right back on there because at the moment i have a choice i could wait till monday i'm impatient how are we doing over here we done i think we're done i fill it with oil and i say we'll go put a jumper pack on it we'll spin it sound the plugs are still out of it so it shouldn't fight us too much i don't know if we have any safeties the trans is in neutral i don't know if it has anything that's gonna stop it from spinning but i guess we're gonna go find out right about now i'm gonna go hot on there i'm just using a jumper pack for now and i'm gonna try ground into a bolt and it should should spin [Music] i'm going to turn the key to on and throw a plug in it whatever we do with those let's go check for spark how that looks don't hold it put your tongue on that i do this dance every single time you guys are watching me i mean you're typing right now to put something somewhere i'll tell you where to put it you see we're looking right up there should we get nothing we have no spark throttle is up it has operator press gotta this might be an issue what's going on with that there's another wire it's hanging down hand down below there go figure that out why we don't want spark [Music] well power right to the battery we'll turn it with the key and see if that makes a difference it shouldn't everything i've ever dealt with before really hasn't been an issue never know see if it work the key works too we got no spark these are disconnected i'm not going to connect them i don't know i would think open would be having spark let's go jump those across see if it makes a difference nope we have issues the machine's got issues too all right we gotta dig i'm gonna go check the other side real quick let's plug in the other side see what we get all right we got spark on this side no spark on the other we're gonna go double check one more time on the other side [Music] and nothing on this side i'm gonna go swap those plugs from side to side and see if it makes a difference if the problem moves all right swap the plugs see if it makes any difference no spark on this side someone was uh complaining about the price i offered on the machines said that uh i took advantage yeah well the reason why you offer what you offer on stuff that doesn't run for reasons just like this because you know what you're going to get into how much money it's going to cost you let's go pop that cover off click a quick look at that coil and see if there's anything we could see that possibly is an issue pop screws out of there let's get that i think i got them all do i have to take those off too i'm going to sneak it by that's answering my question now isn't it maybe we can get by taking just a couple so two separate coils [Music] and this is not the one we have an issue let's go take a peek on the other side so generally the wire going to the coil it's just a kill you ground it out and it makes it so spark does not happen we're gonna just go take that right off of there because there could be certain there could be i don't suspect it because i would think that if there was a wire ground issue it would it would ground out both of them not just one let's just go see that off of there sparking return nope we got nothing on that coil let's go spin that around i want to go just take a quick look at the air gap which looks pretty good we have a bad coil unfortunately i threw the spark plug back in the other side let's go dump a little bit of gas in this side let's see if we'll fire on one side i just want to listen to it i'm going to listen to make sure i don't have any loud clacking noises it sounds pretty good with the plugs out just that before i spend any more money on it so i want to make sure that we have a viable candidate let's see all right let's see if that will go doesn't need a carburetor it should run rev and die see what happens that's a little clanky uh it could be clutch or something that's in there it's got oil oils filled and i spun it long enough to have oil pressure let's just double check real quick make sure we're good on the stick it's in the marks i'm going to do that again and give it a quick listen guy probably kept putting that's why i had so many blades it was probably running on one cylinder for a long time is my guess i'm just summizing if it was running on one cylinder and uh i cut my crap and bogging down to kept buying new blades and sharpening blades let's just say yes so something kind of i think how he's kind of known for having coil issues there's a manufacturer's date on this too it's a 403 so it's 17 years old it doesn't give me a vote of confidence i'll let's put it that way all right we're going to go continue we go put that car back together we'll put that on fill the fuel system we can still chase the rest of it and if it is uh if it is a terminal and it just is what it is yeah let's see how this stuff's doing it always puts out i think it's water that kind of goes to the top of the lid i'm gonna go rinse the stuff with water water and put it back together we'll put that on there throw that card back on there it's easy without the air cleaner in the way a couple things i did notice though is there was a couple of a couple of nuts floating around there's a piece of one all right there and there's a whole one i saw somewhere else and there's a couple little bits and pieces down inside there so they do they have a couple of critters and the other thing is too it's all the way at idle and it has a governor inside the engine but generally the throttle is not so pronounced like that it does not usually affect it with that much at an idle resistance that's that's full throttle right there that would be idle again when it fires up the the governor kind of pushes back i do not see anything a foul like anybody adjusted any linkages everything looks pretty normal i do see a decent amount of oil especially right around where the uh governor shaft comes out of the engine and this might be all indicative of stuff that i had there's more shell right there more indicative of some issues it may have had in its past and we're just not aware of it we're finding it right now there's more right there we're gonna go find out i'm gonna go i don't know if i want to clean the fuel system out or we just maybe we'll fill that float ball up with uh yeah let's go back feed that float ball up we'll put a couple nuts on the car we'll fire it up see what it does and give it a quick listen let it run just a little bit longer and have a better idea of maybe what's happening let's go put some fuel in that float and fill that and again somebody could have a monkey a one cylinder it's going to run like crap and i could see someone trying to get a piece of fuel line get a piece of fuel line on there let's go throw some fuel in it let's read more than enough it's up to this it's drop until it feels to float it'll stop let's try it with no choke chief it'll go i also want to make sure that's going to stop because it did have an issue before where all the gas went into the ain't taking them down to the oil kept going all right let's just give it anyway if you're over red i'll just turn the key off [Music] kind of hard to tell [Music] it is idling now that's why i used up all the gas now it's a little clunky i could be valve adjustment too but it sounds like bottom endy or it could be just part of the drivetrain i haven't even looked underneath to see what we have i wish i had a coil that we could throw on there and you know button it up i think the one of the other pieces had a coil on let's go take a quick peek and see if we could steal one off of the other cowie motors that one's a caller actually i think this one was this the cowboy or cold i don't remember gotta watch john deere hoods we got cowie look who has a coil for us well i guess we're getting an early start on the john deere video it only has one nut and it looks pretty clean inside there let's go steal that coil out of there and go try it on the other machine hopefully that has spark and then we can move on with that one yeah a little different style it may work this is the one that was on it i see any cracks or anything in it so we want to go just like that well you have something at the house too is the correct one anyway we're gonna move forward with uh what we got see if it sparks for us i like i don't know four pieces of paper stuff in there and i tightened it down on the magnet that out of the way i just trying to make an air gap just eyeball it real quick looks decent all right let's go see if we get spark oh yeah good let's go put that in fire it up again with gas and see if it sounds any better the gas i'm putting in there has a ton of two-stroke oil in it it's like 20 to 1 or another project so if it smokes nothing concerned about the smoke i do want to make sure that that fuels right there going down when the float fills it should shut off i may solve a problem with that yet too it's holding there we go we're good all right let's go fire it up again take a quick listen hopefully our clanking goes away nice good it's like whatever's in the bottom end kind of clacking around drivewise whether there's a clutch or something down below seems to be what the noise is probably going on on the belt yeah i was concerned a little bit so we're going to go ahead just leave that coil on there and i'll order one but we can continue to move forward so let's go what do you want to do button it up we could probably uh put all the covers back on the engine part of it that looks decent oil's changed carb seems to be set up you have to still kind of fine tune the idle it didn't sound bad i put it back where it was that's that air fuel mix i believe it's for idle not mean and flush the fuel tank i'm actually probably just gonna take some carb cleaner and put it in there or maybe some gas and just swish it around i'm gonna take a rag and just kind of clean it up just a little bit of sludges on the bottom and throw a new fuel filter on it but before i pull that fuel line off and make him mess out the rest of it let's just run it for a second let it burn that off and i want to screw with the safety wires on the other side and see if that shuts it off the dead man that's over there there we go that's all gas oil that pushed out of the exhaust uh that deadman probably does not work until you put it into drive it's my guess so it's got to drive for the mower deck to engage in a mower deck and i have a feeling that's the only time when the dead man needs it to be worked you know let's go with that a little bit later all right let me go finish up what i was just talking about turn the fan on here air it out a little bit continue on sorry about fan noise got to be able to breathe though i just went shove a rag in there with brake clean soaked in brake clean see what we get oh yeah give her a little more get it doctors orders i can do that for a little bit so i look in there and she looks pretty decent then we'll fill her up put a fuel filter on it we'll pull her up let it run some gas out of the line a little purge to clean the line out then we'll put a fuel filter on it we'll put that together we'll see if the fuel pump works put gas in it let's go see if we get some clean fuel coming out there is a pet let's open that up see if you can there we go a little yellow for a second i guess i wanted just to flush that line out a little you know it's not terrible but that first little that little first little jug a little bit of crap in it go uh put a fuel filter in it we'll hook that up turn that on and we'll see if we get fuel coming out of the fuel pump it might fire will we idle hopefully yeah go crank her over and see if we get some fuel coming out of the fuel pump nice and we cleaned all that out too you know the crap that was sitting how does that look it had some dirt in it so we got rid of the crap that was in the fuel pump too in the line they're butting up on top let's go look we're up here we got going on bottom side see that blade looks different than the ones that came with it let me get you actually let me grab a light picture out of stan we'll take a peek maybe those blades are not for that we'll take a quick look at it looks pretty decent the edges are good looking right there that's where all the work is being done is right on that tippy corner and that seems fine doesn't even need to sharpen the edge is pretty razor anything underneath on the deck needs to be addressed i don't see any cracks anywhere well it looks pretty good i know what we can see about the gearbox hey can we even get to it we should probably it will pop that belt off we'll spin the pulleys and make sure they're not gravely let's go do that i think the chances are we can just walk that right off of there and yeah let me grab some pliers by scripture every occasion let's get some pinch off that belt probably that's a quick release underneath and i don't even know what all right let's get hmm so nothing touches yet i just want to get a quick listen little bit of noise we'll leave that alone let's go see what the idlers like idler's quiet it does have a grease fitting on it so i'm going to go put some grease down inside there and uh we'll just monitor that it doesn't sound terrible when you spin it around and it starts growling when i say broccoli before when it's growling that's when the bearings are no good i think that would be just fine and i think up front it's just going to be a probably i don't know it's a mechanical pto of some sort we'll take a peek at that and i'm gonna go put this back together put some grease in there we'll pop that cover on take it come on now there it goes not the top the sound effects help it work [Music] what's your guess i'm going to say 2 psi that's ten on the gauge right there one who guessed one i'm gonna put in about about ten most tractors and all between 10 and 15. there's no blowers that's 10 right there i'm gonna do the same on both sides yeah i would definitely say that these are not the blades for that they're about two inches or four inches altogether shorter on both sides so i'm not quite sure what they're two it might be for one of the other pieces of equipment but it's not for this one just running around the bench you can get a look what's going on under the back side see a cable coming down yeah it looks like a mechanical clutch that you engage possibly has a break on it too so i see another belt going from here to that one with a gear reduction one of those is going to be the gearbox here so that's the gearbox for the wheels going down the back one with the gear reduction that one and then it looks like it just has a let a mechanical pto to engage and disengage the mower deck that chain's pretty dry that's gonna use some use some love not sure if that's a differential inside there probably also just be a solid axle right now so you got probably a break on the transmission for the wheels kind of like a tractor does yeah right there that wheel that disc right there i'll have a little brake pads just the same as the ryden mower does i'm gonna shift it's kinda like a transmission that would be in a uh little rear engine like errands i need to throw some lube on that the gearbox is probably just gear oil and or just grease i mean i'm gonna have anything the spring look okay that's the that's the engagement lever the belt i don't see any cracking on the belt there must be a little bit of a fun one to change huh front one looked okay yeah we'll give a little wash we're gonna lube that belt let's throw a little bit on those bushings for the axle where they go through throw the battery in it and then we'll give her a little bit of a bath with the pressure washer outside and clean her up before we get it nice and dirty and right there that switch i also get a neutral safety switch i don't know if this were going to be for starting it it won't start in gear or if you let go of the dead man and it kind of knows that it's in gear not sure i would guess under this coverage just the top of the chain coming off the uh gearbox let's go find out might be a tensioner or something in there not sure mice crap yeah we can go check those guys out that one is not turning very well gonna need a little bit of lube that let's watch right up let's go pop let's go see if we can pop some of this assembly off of here clean them up there it goes it's going to go washes in the parts washer and that chain definitely definitely needs some lube i'm at a chain lube i do have fluid film i'll give that a good dousing i want to get up on the inside of it you think overkill we'll make it just fine good for another thousand miles everything's lubed looks good let's go fire it up on a bench and i don't pop her in gear see what happens what can go wrong right [Applause] first second [Applause] you didn't have a differential it would be hard to uh make swings with it go for reverse let's go pop it in here turn the mower deck on [Applause] sounds pretty quiet stick your hand in there a little bit of smoke should clear up [Applause] yeah i know what the last clankin is whether it's something in the clutch brake assembly may have a decompression valve on the inside that on the cam that goes clacking a little bit i'm not going to adjust the valves if i see it has an issue in the future i will right now i'm going to leave them alone i said we're pretty good i think uh function test seems like it's all right i think now it needs a bath i'll put the covers back on and uh worser so [Music] [Music] oh so so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] yeah now how's that for a lawnmower huh it's got some balls to it have to worry about hitting something and spinning the flywheel key or taking out the blade it's uh a tank it's heavier than the other one i have i have one of the original ones i'll show you that in a minute but uh it definitely does what it's supposed to that one being heavier the pluses it has reversed the other machine does not have reverse it's got forward drive but other than that you have to back it out of trouble for this one when you get it down in the water you just hit it reverse and climb back out again i had to stop because uh to the right i don't see some stuff flying around or not but i disturbed the beast nest and they picked up some logs and threw them over on the fireplace so they're not happy so that's why i am over here i did exactly what it should it is functioning quite well i don't see any issues with it i think it's surprisingly fine other than just needing a good maintenance in that coil that went bad it's definitely a tank that's my heck of a machine this guy get a oil filter for it they're buzzing slowly kind of if i run screaming like a girl you know what let's go take the little one out that doesn't run new school old school this one's enamel too it does everything that that one does just does not i wouldn't say it probably looks the part as much the wheels are much thinner it's much lighter to move around only has one forward gear manual pull start to tighten the belt it actually takes the whole mower deck and slides it forward and back with this rod where the other one has a clutch on it it is a it drives both wheels but it's not a lock differential it'll actually click when you you're rolling it one-handed yeah so it'll drive both wheels but it can still articulate you don't have to uh push when you're trying to make a turn i would say this one's probably 1970 plus or minus i don't know if that's the original motor or not it's an eight horse i believe i think it's an eight and that needs to come back and get some love again i don't clean it up unfortunately this is uh camp is off the beaten path if i leave this here it'll disappear this it doesn't look like it runs nobody seems to bother with it so we'll get this one running back up and leave this one here for cutting the grass and this one's going home got homework to do all right guys with that i'm gonna go shut it down when i think oh you guys for hanging out with me and have a little fun bring some yard sale finds back to life value of it it's hard to say again i i'm probably in it for a safe 550 including the coil coil i already ordered it should be here in a few days would probably just put that in the other machine i'll see again it's just seems like they all supersede each other as far as the part numbers i got just 96 degrees out i'm gonna go turn around at the end of that dock kick out some lily pads go for a swim until the next one i'll see you thanks for hanging out oh [Applause] you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 811,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, will it run mustie1, will it run lawn mower, dr field and brush mower, dr power equipment, dr brush mower, brush hog, field and brush mower, walk behind brush cutter, dr mowers, field mower, dr mower, barn find
Id: aGD1c92SZWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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