Will It Run After 50 Years? | Forgotten 1962 American AMC Rambler | Buried & Locked Up | RESTORED

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so me and dad picked up this old amc rambler amongst a bunch of other old cars that were just setting out up in the woods for years it's pretty evidence that this thing hasn't been on the road for a long time now so we're just going to try to dig into it see if we can maybe get this thing up and running see if we can move it under its own power heck maybe even make a block or two with it i guess we'll try to go ahead and well that metal is hot yeah try to get this thing open i know the hood hinges are rusty on it because i couldn't get it to open up out there be careful because they made something they rode in with you so don't want to bend the hood up grab it back over in there stupid latch keeps hanging yes if we can get it open enough to spray some oh wow i can't tell a whole lot but it looks like it's gonna be a good one let's get some spray and spray in there i think i can spray it i can't see now we could probably go ahead and just take the hood off i guess yeah yeah that would wouldn't have to worry it would be better if we could that way it's i've hit my head on every time it looks like about a half inch or 9 16. i'll grab some ratchets rather just get it off and then we can soak down them hinges and let it you know just a hair okay that's it got it probably just set it up here on the roof okay it's hot yes it is oh my gosh that's a lot rougher than it looked through the crack yeah yeah i think that's the busiest mouse home i've ever seen in my life up underneath the hood here you can see a little dent or something there huh big hole right here i don't know if it's something that's crawled through that or good news the oil filters oh yeah easy access wow that's about the only thing i mean carburetors at least up out of it but yeah well where'd he start on something like this probably should have looked up underneath here before we shot the intro of it running under its own power yeah but a lot of these that look this rough we've been able to get them going somehow i guess we'll go get some trash cans and start frozen yeah i know as tight as that stuff's packed in there we'll have to dig it out by hand at first then get a vacuum or water hose or air or something and spray it out i guess this is my side with the den or yeah of course go grab some gloves and some cans and see what we can dig through it i'll poke this thing down in there and see make something run out man that is thick in there yes it is got you a little break i don't know if it'll do any good or not but makes you wonder how long it takes something to do that much you can't see a spark plug wire distributor or anything i'm wondering are they bringing it in a leaf at a time i mean because you'd have to bring it in by the mouth full yeah it didn't make any kind of time that was good i found the top of the distributor you wouldn't believe the wires are actually untouched it looks like look at that covered them up before they got a chance to jump with some kind of a rubber boot they pulled in there too but good girl i found that the exhaust not a lot of sticks and stuff huh just not just mainly leaves a bunch of little leaves dirt i think i'm getting a little braver than what i need to that's why i just thought i'm just going to reach in and grab they starting to see some fresh air around it i got a hole over here i'm able to push a lot of mine and let it drop down to the bottom and oh yeah hopefully it's going all the way to the ground i see the generator i think we're missing cool here cool as well a cool bracket who knows why this thing was parked right please see the outline of an inline six cylinder we might be able to go get that blower once we kind of get it yeah it's a lot of mine like i said there's not a lot of stick it's just packed full of everything else i'm really amazed though that a lot of this wiring on it is still there it's not completely gone fuel pump well i had all the goodies on my side i just i still hadn't even found a dipstick yet so it must be on your side too is there a belt running to that water pump on there i just wonder if the thing would turn over by hand or not yeah there's a belt there oh boy it's packed down there for sure really yeah let me go get that they had a spot where they could get it in between two things and really let me go get that blower it feels like it looks it looks like we've dug this out of the ground looks like we dug it and found the treasure never did find a dipstick on my side i don't know enough about these to know exactly where it would have been spark plugs look rough i'm gonna go grab that blower and just try to blow a lot of this stuff big ol clump of turds right there well the side of this block is rusty try to get it on your side yeah apparently they had some moisture yeah that thing's got some see any battery cables yet or not yet i see a battery tray right there's a there's a ground i say it's ground now that goes distorted i ain't gonna have no brakes which i just knew that but mastercard one of the dipsticks in the filler neck right there yup that does not look good does it well at least there is a little oil on it very rusty ain't it yeah all right now i get this thing's got to be locked up try to get a little bit more over here i think that's got a good now there's a such thing well do we want to try to pull these plugs or i guess we could get a i think and we're gonna have to get a ground wire though to even see if the starters in account so you say it runs straight down to the starter starters right here so the solenoid is just right on the side of the starter yep right on top of it so we've just about got this engine compartment cleaned up uh the best it's going to be in the amount of time that we've spent on it so far you can at least see the shape of the block now and we found the distributor we found the fuel pump down low and a bunch of other stuff we're going to need to mess with on here this by far has to be the worst engine i've ever seen just covered up with mouse debris or whatever rodent brought all this stuff in a bunch of little small stuff so that had to take a lot of time what our goal is right now is obviously get this car running but we want to see if the motor is going to turn over or not so we're going to try to get a battery on it see if the starter works pull these plugs out we may have to just turn it over by hand but all in all that's the goal is just to see if we can get the motor to turn over anyways and then we'll move further on from there [Music] at least the battery tray does look like it'll hold a battery kinda yeah i'm gonna go ahead and pull these plugs out or attempt to goodness there we go [Music] there we go yeah oh god full of rust all the way packed in there that ain't a good sign no it's not what do you think will it turn over i don't know i would have said the way our luck's been on them probably so but within plugs looking like that i'm like wow that's that's pretty a pretty good indication that it shouldn't i'm going to try to spray as much of this wd-40 down in here as i can get so i think this thing is actually a little a 195 like a 3.2 liter or something any luck yeah i just can't hardly get my fingers to operate with me i can see it if you can get it on the wire that runs off the ignition switch you can always connect up here on the battery on the other one i've got it on both of them got them yep so we'll make sure it's out of gear in case we luck out and those need some oil too galley inside is about the same as underneath the hood about a foot deep over there in the passenger seat i think it's in neutral but i can't get the i can't get the shifter to move much so we're gonna see we'll find out real quick i'm gonna touch it so we're gonna find out if anything but no sparking huh i don't see no smoke anywhere i don't think it's even gonna try but we're gonna have to persuade that starter to do some work again ready yeah nothing so i'm sure you've got it down there on the starter good man let me get a little hammer we can tap that starter with ugh there it is try a little bit ain't it yep and what oh it's gonna be that i bet it's gonna be that cable there so they sending no current down there too we can see if we can find another uh cable and try that and worst case scenario we'll pull the charger off i guess so right now we're just getting a very little click down there at the starter on the solenoid we had to run the new ground cable which all we had was a hot cable to run that with but it'll do the job done the same so what i think now is we need to go ahead and replace our positive cable here so we'll have to look around see if we have another one see if we're just not getting the juice down to the starter the way we need to then worst case scenario if that doesn't work we'll just pull the starter off where we can mark on it externally out here get it spinning over and then see if the motor will spin over after that i'm gonna go ahead and put a little transmission fluid down in these cylinders as well getting at that well hopefully it'll do something more than what it was and hook down there up here i just hook up there that way we know for sure it's ready yeah that's sign huh yep [Music] out here doing nothing now right here just look lightly i i can feel it it's warm huh well i had to clean it pull it off and try to clean it up and say see how it does out there we still don't even know i mean we could i'd say we tried to turn it over by hand but you can't get to it you can't really get in there it'd be a lot easier to see if it'll turn over with the starter right so we went ahead and just took the starter off this car so we could clean it up a little bit got it going on the outside so now we got it back on the car hopefully we can once we get everything hooked back up at least to try to turn over a little bit more than what it was and we'll know whether or not this motor is locked up if it is and we're going to have to you know wait it out get on that crank which will mean pulling out the radiator and stuff like that but hopefully we'll just see what it does now and maybe it'll turn over for us i'm gonna get out of the way in case it shoots all that transmission fluid trying she locked up ain't she's locked up yeah now we're gonna have to pull that loose to get on that crank yep not trying no i just need to let that stuff set overnight yeah yeah we're starting to have problems with shadows and stuff hard to see film-wise i'm sure anything right so i think what we're going to go ahead and do and we've made a little bit of headway today we've got the engine compartment cleaned out where you can actually tell what's up underneath the hood of this car we got the starter it is working it doesn't sound like it is but that's because the motor is locked up so there was a lot of rust on them most spark plugs in there so there's going to be a lot of rust in them cylinders as well sometimes you can let it sit overnight sometimes it takes a week sometimes a month but i think tomorrow we'll pick up pulling this radiator out where we can get on that crank a little better let it set overnight maybe we can get it going to turn over then then we'll move on to the next problem there's a little bit of water in it it's going to come out uh i actually smell anti-freeze too it's not just straight water let me get it flipped down here and then we can bring it out at the last once this other one there we go it's not pretty antifreeze all right i'll set it off to the side here i guess we'll see what it does i'll try it or may i give it a try nothing tightened just a hair but try back the other way if you want to let me try it man let me go ahead and make sure because it whenever i moved at that time i could feel it tighten just right here and i hate for it to automatically be right on the verger maybe we can help to use a starter to help us you know when we get it to move hopefully it's turning where it's clockwise let me give it a whirl just for the fun you got to tighten it up a little bit you know it's got two extra bolts here we might end up having to make a a plate that will allow us to go backwards without it loosening off that bolt see if i have a better kawami to win i don't want to break it off that's for sure my concern did it feel like it could or like because i just feel like it's just still tightening it i mean it was it was still tightening but it just felt like i don't want to break it off going to bump it yeah you can try well you may need to pull that valve cover off too and just kind of see what everything looks like up underneath it i don't know i feel like it just still keeps turning and it's not the it's not the crank it's just the boat right now that we've got everything pulled loose off the front of this car we are able to get down there on the crank boat uh but it's not real big just a three-quarter inch size head on it so we're able to the bolts tightening in the inside the crank there more or it'll loosen off but the actual crank is not turning over at all so we're kind of afraid we're going to break this bolt off and if we do that we're really in a mess so there's actually two other boats on each side of the middle of that crank boat we might be able to make a little plate to help us to get more torque on it and not have to worry about bolts breaking off we may also try to pull this valve cover off real quick and just see what it looks like up in there very well could have been fighting some stuck uh valves on it as well so i think we're just going to tear that off right now let's see what it looks like up underneath there there it goes yeah kind of rusty ain't it kind of dry one thing about it though it's not real grimy no do you ever see how many miles was on this thing i do not even remember seeing it 22 000 on my odometer i'm just going to leave the push rod tubes just leave them in there for right now yeah we've got some stuck stuck valves for sure at least one i'll support spray them all down with that one right there you see it's still stuck open yeah looks like those two back ones may be also let's just try it with starter just save a little energy right now i know it ain't gonna do nothing but yes it is it's gonna turn over at least ready everything's cleared let me get down on there again i feel like it's a little bit more persuaded to to go i ain't gonna put a lot on it though cause i'm i'm afraid that thing's gonna break all right now i think i think we're going to have to make some kind of a bracket to go down there on that crank because something you can get some actual oil foam but maybe if we just take a piece of metal with three holes in it and then we can weld a nut or something on where we can get on that nut that way it's it's grabbing in three spots on that rather than just that one middle bolt because if we strip that out or break it off then then what do we do let's go do that or we can get these pulled out and then we can decide what what kind of bracket where the holes need to be maybe that'll work so what we got going on here is we made just a simple adapter plate that's going to mount to the crank pulley down here it actually had three bolts running through it so what we're running into is we only had this small little three quarter inch bolt and as much torque as we were having to put on it felt like the head was going to break off on it or the threads strip out on it so we just took a piece of quarter inch plate drilled a couple holes that will mount up in them two bolt holes on the crankshaft pulley her welded the biggest nut we could find on there so we're just going to bolt it onto that pulley now see if we can get a bigger ratchet on there and just try to work it forward back and forth in see if he'll hopefully move then if it don't move then i don't know what we're going to do i think it was a ratchet yeah the motor mounts are shot ain't they yeah that's hurting us too because they're pulling the whole motor up hmm trying to go back that way again or i was just trying to get a little bit better right yeah that stance is that right something broke on the hole yeah i don't know pull your ratchet base that does not look good you know it looks like the whole harmonic balancer broke didn't it i think it did i say well that ain't no count well strangely i had more pressure on it while ago than i did then i can't tell what happened oh it looks like the uh the ear on the air on that harmonic balancer looks like it'll almost come off down right out don't it can we try to pull it off i don't see that we've got much other choice i mean if i can pull it off by hand that would be great because we can at least see what's or put a new one on it check that out that's no good no that's not good at all right there where the now the pin was right there trying to make sure i don't lose it let me see if i can't get some pliers got anything i can grab that with some needle nose or something else grab some so our little uh bracket was definitely strong enough to try to uh turn this over but maybe just a little bit too strong it actually shattered the back side of our harmonic balancer here which this is just cast cast iron metal here that stuff's real easy to break and it's it's not really repairable once that happens so we're going to try to get the piece that's still stuck on the crankshaft off there maybe see if we can get a new harmonic balancer but this this thing is stuck good i mean it's been locked up for a while apparently so we're going to try to get that out and just make a game plan from there what we need to do next i guess so after doing a little searching surprisingly enough we were able to track down a new harmonic balancer on this car but being that the fact that we broke the original one we know this thing is locked up tight so we're not about to try to put this back on right yet and just break this brand new part i mean this was right at 200 bucks for that so what we got going on now is we're just going to come around here we've actually went ahead and broke down all the brakes because they were locked up tight when we drug this off the trailer so now we got our brakes free we just got this big old ratchet here on the axle nut we're going to try to turn it over from there once i put it in gear and maybe that'll allow the motor to turn over that way so i'm going to throw it in gear dad's going to put a little weight on it and see if she moves you want to make sure that thing will spin over i guess make sure it is oh yeah we're neutral moving yeah all right you think first or yeah i think first would be best ready should be it rocking the motor [Music] pretty stiff huh yeah i don't want to put too much and break something back here in this room yeah that's all we need is that rear end or transmission to snap for some reason give it another little they don't even look like it's trying any up here it says rocking which is kind of not good because we're losing all of our movement in the motor you know on the mounts yeah yeah it's just the mounts are bad because that looks like it's going clockwise i guess we could try to go back the other way try it and see we may have to get on the other side i bet it loosens off that nut there should be good [Applause] maybe it going backwards might help yeah we're flexing the other way nothing though huh not really looks like i can feel it like something really bad real quick i mean you can feel it it's flexing pretty [Applause] i don't know what's gonna uh oh i heard something it moved son something moved a little bit i heard something moved but i put a mark on that and i didn't move enough to tell don't know it could have been the could have been the clutch to me that's where it sounded like this the sound come from it's further at the back i'll try it on a little bit more like i said i don't want to break something i don't that driveshaft's pretty wimpy in itself but i guess if this we'll have to pull that head off i guess right see what it looks like like down in those cylinders maybe it'll give for them come on there's got to be a pretty significant amount of rust in these cylinders are down on that crank [Music] and we may have to that exhaust was longer than i thought it was yeah i can't really tell on those cylinders yet huh not really good grief uh i'm just going to take it from here okay okay got it yep okay oh gosh it's a little way heavier than i thought it'd be man that was back that second cylinder from the back is rough how's it look there we have to get that out ain't we well there's some oh well he has a crud in them let me uh this one is full of it looks like it's wow that's the one you said was this front one here i mean this very back one is i never expected those pistons to be shaped like that i didn't either that's what i thought let me turn that compressor on and we'll suck this fluid out of here where we can see it a little better so we've got the head tour off of it now i notice on the back side of the head there's a lot of rust on the second cylinder from the back of the motor there we're going to sight or we're going to suck out all this transmission fluid and the diesel and everything we've tried to get this thing to unstick get it pulled out of there but we can actually see what kind of debris we can tell there's a lot of trash and dirt in it but once we get that sucked out we'll know a little better and go from there i guess [Music] kind of working makes you wonder though how did it get so bad they're pissing in this one yeah they're great it's all the way down on it got a bunch of nasty in it too yeah yeah see now if we did that when we pulled that off or i don't maybe that's why it got water down in there maybe if that was allowed in a head gasket had a bad spot was left that one that was being ain't upwards so yeah just to show you guys that is not supposed to be down in your cylinders so i don't know how or why i got this bad of shape in there but that was probably a lot of the reason why this thing's not turning over just hopefully it's not the same way down in the block on the crank and stuff so just got to get this all cleaned out and start at it again and it's every one of them that's full of it i mean it's yeah it's not just one i'm gonna go ahead and pull this head gasket [Applause] [Applause] yeah that's getting some of it ain't it yeah at least we get that cleaned out we can let some more stuff soak down in there because it looks like that was blocking all of it it's pretty nasty stuff down in there like i said at least it is all soft and not the the walls don't look real uh you know we want to be sure we get it cleaned out pretty good before we get it turning over too much [Music] that way up working out yeah that's a lot better than what it's got at least where we can see pistons not sludge it's been a couple hours now that we've had this pb blaster sitting in all these cylinders uh it doesn't look like any of it is actually leaked down into the block but we're hoping that it still got into those rings just enough to kind of loosen them up just a little bit so what we're going to do now is just try to get back there on that rear axle work it back and forth we might try to bump it with the starter two just to see what it does but hopefully she tries to move for us nothing nothing i got my full weight on it i ain't seeing anything move can you kind of tap on those things maybe just a little bit and i'll keep some pressure on it wow that's crazy yeah i'm scared i can see the tension come off the engine when you get off of it but try that starter out i guess not that i would feel like that'd be any stronger no i wouldn't think it would make any difference in the world i mean that you had quite a bit of a vinyl oh moved it i think i seen a move yo yeah how come is it moving we've hit another spot though yeah i wonder if i can go back and make it go backwards is a motor it's rocking this way right yeah it's coming back this oh it should be it should be going that way hey well praise god at least it didn't move so we're having to leave one side of the car on the rear end on the ground otherwise if we have both sides up they'll just just sit there and span with this uh way this rear end set up so on this side we can get the motor to turn clockwise where on the other side we're turning it counterclockwise so we're not getting a whole lot of headway on that way so we're gonna try it on this side and see if maybe we can get it to break loose that point [Music] i guess i'm still in gear yeah well that was too easy [Music] it's turning but i don't know why is it moving because i'm sure moving out here i can't tell if this it's not moving if it's not then i'm it's real easy out here i can't tell that i am but you own it yeah [Music] i'm gonna i think we need to put that thing back on at the harmonic balancer at this point we ain't got much choice we're just if we're spinning out there but we're not moving up here that's doing no good so we'll just get that harmonic balancer on there now that we can't put a lot of hump on it but just find that back and forth spot and keep working it see what it does yeah i'll go grab the boats for that let's get that thing put back on there well guys unfortunately at this time we're really not sure what it's going to take to move forward with this motor we've got the inside cylinders they are moving just a little bit but the two outside cylinders on the front and the back of the motor they're all the way down and they're just locked up solid so we did switch and put some different wheels on here where we could put the car in gear rock it back and forth nothing seems to be helping on that as well we've got our harmonic balancer on there it's still not turning it over we've even pulled the pan off the bottom of the engine where we could check out the crank see if anything's been on the rods unfortunately the problem is you just really can't get at anything with the cross member right there so at this point i guess we're just going to pull this motor out see if we can get it on the engine stand flip it upside down see what the issue may be maybe something's bent maybe something seized from heat or maybe we'll be able to actually get this thing to unlock and move forward with it can you come forward just a hair okay up okay now back back towards you just a little bit okay that's good straight up look good so far we're clear we're clear things getting smaller and smaller ain't it yeah i guess i'll go grab that engine stand or we can put it on something to look it up everything up underneath here i said i hope we ain't got a bent rod and go grab that and we'll get it on the stand okay well i have to say that this has to be one of the hardest will it runs that me and dad have ever tried to get going here uh we've got the block here on the engine stand now we've got the pan off where you guys can see the crank up underneath here now the reasoning behind this is we could not get these outside cylinders to move so we basically wanted to examine everything make sure none of our uh rods were bent which they look fine i just don't know if these pistons maybe didn't seize up from it getting hot or something like that then rings just seize in the cylinders because they're stuck solid if i get on the crank right here it moves very very little there so i think what we're going to try to do at first is just go ahead and hit it on this crank with the board as i put a little pressure on it maybe that'll break free if not we're going to pull off these end caps on these rods and just try to drive those cylinders back up or those pistons back up through the cylinder i mean at this point we have nothing to lose so i guess that's what we'll do now nope i said i don't know if we just go ahead and pull those pull those and pull those loose and there's nothing that'll hold the the the cylinder then you know it should shoot you know hammer it back out through the thing once it's free and at least oh that one's actually so you know it's not seized up at the crank there the raw bearing that one now is solid let's pull them loose and see eliminate what we can yeah see i don't know if it's both of them or just that one it might be stuck a little hammer or something i can tap that right there's this big hammer just tap it on the side maybe come off there got it yep remember how it goes back on there stupid fly well that bearing don't look yeah it looks like it's it's had a little rough life all right and this card up a little bit come out of there yeah that one moved something moved let me try it again a little over a quarter inch of the end of the piston showing yep yes it's moving yep so that's fine it's okay as far as we know i mean as far as what we're looking for one good thing is now we can soak down the bottom sides of the pistons where before we were only getting [Music] never getting anything try this one shame to go through this much work to to get it to move but if it works it works kind of at that point where i don't know what else to do guys that one came off that easy [Applause] now that one's a little bit more scarred up yep there's no time she may not run well if she does ever run again there you go it's um i see the whole boat sliding down let's start i thought it moved but i wouldn't have thought those were you can tell they are made to come out though yeah i guess i'll go ahead and take it out and then maybe we can just get that board or something you think yeah it'd be something more solid to hit whoo that thing there is stuck you just take this other one out so we can always work it back and forth i guess i could just leave it like that even if i wanted to ah maybe i felt like maybe but let me get back on this side again so we can just alternate it back and forth it's just gonna be that one is just froze up yeah and it's in the very worst position it could possibly yeah because we we were if it was the other way we could have hammered it from the top side but it's really nothing no way of getting down in there very good [Applause] oh man it's forming like a where this penetrating our wd-40 is this looks like a little rust like it's at least doing something [Applause] i gotta you know spray it down a good again so i've got this side yeah he did yep let it set a little longer that's all i know to do let's let it just set a little bit longer now that the penetrating oil can go down that way and sit there from the other side come back but that's definitely going to be our problem it doesn't look like everything anything is bent or otherwise messed up i think if we can get that one to free it might run again once again i don't know how well but we'll come back in a little bit and see what it does so this is one we're absolutely not making any headway on uh we've waited about an hour with plenty of penetrating fluid around that piston right there uh that thing is just locked up solid we try to hit on it some more i mean it's just like hitting concrete wall there but we did notice upon further examination we actually have a crack in this in this rear piston right here so that could be why it's stuck so bad that could be why they parked it i don't know but one thing that i do know is even once we get this brake to break free if we are able to get it to break free we're not going to be able to run this motor with this piston so unfortunately i hate to be defeated on anything like this but we may try to get this piston out it may come out eventually but really this thing's going to need to be rebuilt to run right again anyway so you never know until you dig into these things and unfortunately sometimes this is just what happens with them i don't see why we don't just go ahead and keep keep trying to get it on out i mean try i mean it's not like we're going to destroy that piston anywhere no maybe now's the time to figure out that this is the easiest way to get it out [Music] nope busted it on out the piston though but keep going i guess and then just it's not even moving not even moving a little bit just yeah about say it may break in half pretty soon that piece got broke off let me uh let me try something real quick i hate doing it like this but i do too regardless it's gotta come out it needs to come out let's get on there [Music] man i don't know we're going to stick that hard hasn't moved and moved to smidgen unless it's come up yeah [Music] bigger hammer if all else fails grab a bigger hammer go ahead if you need to no i almost bounced back and hit me in my face that's solid mm-hmm you're gonna try it can you get on the other side of the rod that rod will flex this way if you need [Music] i don't know if that's moving some or not try [Applause] it was not going to come out no yeah it's moving it is moving it is destroyed but it's moving well that's good yeah there we go well you can see it was yeah pretty bad huh yep rusted up in there and rings though ain't even sticking out that's what's crazy oh it's all ate out right there i guess it's rusted so bad well we got the uh we got the problem out but it does not look pretty at all when we noticed that there was a crack on the piston anyways we just decided that we would hit it with a little bit more force so that ended up with a hole in the center of it but hey we've got it out so that means that this crank actually should be able to make a revolution now what we're going to do is go ahead and flip the motor over we see the rings here this whole piston is just in terrible shape but we want to check the cylinder walls out to see if it's even salvageable at all once we get it over we can check that cylinder out and then see if we can make a revolution with this crank anyway so get it flipped over and see how that works well the back cylinder doesn't look near as bad as what it should right as stuck as that thing was i think it's salvageable maybe hone it a little bit and hone it out a little bit i've seen worse than people go with it so there we go it's still got a little bit of a stiff spot in it but right i think it probably ain't been turned over in 40 50 years we'll just run it with five cylinders i guess yeah we may have to it's a cup holder yeah we want to try to find a piston at this point we're this far into it i mean i know it's not a complete rebuild but i mean it's a it's just we're just trying to get it going [Applause] we'll see if we can find one i guess maybe fun hopefully it ain't as expensive as the harmonic balancer true all right give her a few more turns here good to see you a victory move finally yeah all right let's see what we can't find make a decision from there i guess works for me well after we did quite a bit of searching we were able to find someone that would sell us a single piston on this thing we've got it put in place there we've got everything connected on the rod ends and stuff i even got the oil pan put back in it the thing about it is now we do have a working motor so everything is turning over really smooth the way it should uh now is this the correct way of fixing this motor no not at all will it allow this one to run we're hoping so but at the point we were at we really had nothing to lose and just basically everything to gain here so the plan is just to get it put back in the car now put the head back on it make sure everything is turning over with the starter pour some gas down in it and hopefully she'll pop off for us wow things quick and smooth real smooth [Applause] that's good yeah a lot better than where we were just earlier huh yeah bigger complete opposite is where we started i'm really shocked it's actually that smooth i'm glad i'm not hearing any clunks or anything like that so that was my concern well we want to go ahead and grab that head and start bolting it on there i think so go ahead and get this thing wrapped up put a new put a new head gasket i got a new head gasket for it just because like i said i don't know what's gonna come of this but we're right here at it might as well so i'll grab that and get it bolted on there i'm gonna go ahead and take this boat out here okay we have to be sure we don't miss that gasket up thanks here we go i need to do go back i've got issues right here i've got okay exhaust there we go it looked like that set down pretty good yeah i think so [Music] oh i did them for sure i think that was it i think so start bolting there together just trying to get these a little closer right yeah there's a there's a sequence you got to do to tighten these up so i guess i'll pull it up and see well so we've got this head reinstalled back on the car there was a certain pattern that you had to tighten down these head bolts on we've got the new head gasket on there we went ahead and cleaned up there around the valves on the on the bottom side of the head as well as we've already oiled up these valve springs and valve guides all right there so hopefully none of these valves are going to be sticking once we put the rocker arm back on there we'll probably go ahead and smack them with the hammer real quick just to make sure they're moving install that rocker arm on there and then turn it over and see how it turns over with the head the springs the valves opening and all that good stuff getting really close to putting that carburetor on there dumping a little feel through it see if she tries to bust off i think that should do it so we'll turn it over and see what it does i just want to bump it just to make sure everything that one's moving so it ain't stuck okay i think they're all moving you probably give it a spin those were the only two i was kind of concerned with here we go go ahead [Music] that one feels a little weak how's stuck ain't it this one ain't working it's stuck down uh let me see if there's any other ones [Applause] go ahead and bump it again [Applause] that one's stuck i think it's the only one though yeah man i'm wondering if it's just not in the in the hole there good or if it is stuck it looks like nice stuck down well i don't know it is down but you would think that it'd be loose in there yeah i don't know yep yeah come up so why is that one not yeah do this so it doesn't get bumped or anything while we're doing that i don't know why that one's not i hate to pull this thing loose again right but [Music] i think we missed it missed it i think you got it now it looked like it dropped yeah i think so we're probably right up on the top edge of it all right so if we get on go back down that one didn't feel like it had a lot of compression glad you caught it one good thing is it's super oily up here now well that's once again another 180 completely different than what it was when we opened it up yeah now let's see what we got okay we ready yeah oh yeah yeah oh working now ain't that let me go through here and check them again [Applause] yeah we'd have been running a little rough if we had not seen that i watched it moving up and down this time where a while ago it was yeah we must just call right on the top of the lifter thank you edge of it all right so now that we've got this rocker arm on there all the valves are opening and closing uh we have one issue where we missed the lifter just a hair luckily we didn't bend that push rod or anything so i kind of jumped the gun earlier and said put some gas in the carburetor see if she busts off but we still got to get this thing firing so we went ahead and ordered some new points and condenser and coal and everything on the fire on the ignitions part of this car we've got new we've already wrestled enough stuff with it we didn't want to wrestle that as well so we'll go ahead and pull this distributor apart start putting those points cool condenser all that stuff get some spark and we're getting a lot closer to see what this thing's going to do or not do or if we've wasted all of our time i guess let's see if we're getting any fire to them plugs real quick i'm getting spark here so that's good ready yeah yeah this yeah yeah i saw it that time cool i really want to try to put a little gas down in it i think so i don't know if we can fill up that float there or not probably gonna have to pull that carburetor off and clean it up me do it or some i can't imagine it working out too well but never know taking it taking something make sure that float it's going to try to stick on it if it's not stuck maybe the only thing that hadn't been stuck surely that's good i don't think so i mean i put quite a bit in there probably put a little bit down i'm going to pull this loose here or something well all right well i guess let's see what it does i don't come on girl lease putter try [Music] as long as we've got the firing order right [Applause] oh [Music] could be all that old that was down in those cylinders too though when we were trying to get it to work loose yep [Applause] oh battery's a little low sounding ouch you're pumping oil oh yeah that's good [Applause] you're not there [Applause] [Applause] i'm gonna get that starter too hot right i may have to actually get some gas like i said we can pull this carburetor off i'm sure it's probably is i'm hoping that you can move that there you go oh there it goes i'm here squirting now try it again [Laughter] can you are you gonna do it right there okay [Applause] [Applause] i think it's might have gotten too much i just hit it too soon [Applause] [Music] yet smoking like crazy that's crazy don't want to idle huh not yet but i mean i wouldn't idle very good setting that line i don't know if the smoke will ever let up but it does run didn't clatter or nothing did it no i think it'd be clattering and yeah yeah you had actually i was more of a knock knock knock knock yeah i was hoping it wouldn't well i don't want to chance it too much normally i already had let's go ahead and get a radio radiator put on here and get some a fuel tank run into it they said we may have to clean that up but it started squirting there yeah i bet we get that on there we can get it out landing it might just move that's crazy yep pretty cool i never thought it all right so we've got the radiator put back on the car i went ahead and just installed the old water pump on it it was stuck so we wasn't sure if it was going to work but we got a belt on it it's actually circulating water pretty good we've got our old faithful fuel tank here hooked up on it of course just a little inline electric fuel pump here so i've got it where i can just hook it up right there on the inside of the car uh probably hard to see but there's about a foot's worth of just rat poop all in the floor and a ton of carpet we did get a ignition switch put in here this car has no brakes at all so i'll be able to kill the car leave it in gear and maybe try to slow down but i just want to show you guys something amazing here so hit the key look at that sitting there idling not the greatest idol but still we're gonna go ahead and try to make it down to the other shop if i can make it in here before it dies see if we can call this a victory all right here goes nothing no clutch is jumping she's moving how about that i think our tires are a little big up front rubbing some but that's crazy definitely need to pull that carburetor off and a lot of the problem is the chokes just not working quite right you know normally when i drive stuff and say it has no brakes i might have a little bit of an emergency brake or something but i have nothing there's nothing on that thing but the road about the brake drums tires are rubbing good second gear wow now if i can just stop it there we go ready to kill it oh yeah coaster on in [Laughter] we made it get out of this rat's nest well guys who would have thought after the first time we opened up this hood and saw what was underneath that i would actually be making a block or two in this car we fought pretty much everything possible on this thing once we were able to dig it out and see what we even had to work with we ended up having a locked up motor that was locked up tight for years obviously we ended up having to pull the motor out we were able to knock the piston with a hole in it out from the bottom side just replaced one piston got her all put back together she's purring like a kitten now if you guys seem to enjoy content like this be sure that you check out our channel a little deeper we have a lot of will it run videos as well as a lot of rescues on the different vehicles we've bought over time i believe christian has got the guts up to go ahead and clean this old girl out so be sure you check out her channel which will be in the link in the description so this is pretty much going to wrap this video up be sure to hit that subscribe button ring that bell and we'll see you on the next one [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 1,127,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, collection, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, custom, bogata, lance bush, restoration, wyatt bush, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, will it run, neglected, honey hole, woods, saved, buried, parked, found, lost, uncovered, rusty, memories, graveyard, forgotten, be restored, jungle, vgg, vice grip, rat infested, clean up, AMC, Rambler, Amc Rambler, first start, American, seized, opel, opel gt, locked up, revival, viral
Id: K6USieJNEx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 45sec (4605 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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