Free Busted up Chinese pit Bike, Will It Run?

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hey guys how's it going we're at a gentleman's house named carl carl contacted me because uh he went on a pick and uh he is into honda's kawasaki's and that's pretty much about it right yeah so would you would you grab your grab a kawasaki there was a lot of bikes the guy had uh kdx80 kx80 kx 125 frame with forks and he had these two uh china clones whatever they are uh pit bikes and uh i got them all for pretty cheap money so he said you want them you got to take them all and these chinese bikes come with it kind of thing or he initially started bargaining i thought it was going to be a price for all of it and he said i was going to say 800 or something they said 500. okay see you tomorrow so we have two and a half two hours away so two hour trip each way i got on saturday the kx80 was was trashed i didn't want it i put it on whatever facebook flipped it five minutes it was good oh that's cool so he contacted me and he said i have these chinese pit bikes that uh have definitely uh sheena a ride or two apparently and do you want them to see if you can bring it back to life and i said sure so we're gonna go grab these throw these in the truck uh very nice of carl to hook us up with them and hopefully we can possibly make one hour out of the two of their own or get both of them to run who knows it's funny that they're different manufacturers but they look so similar well yeah it's the same honda clone motor yeah on both of them so like i said this one has a battery so i suspect that it's electric start at some point it had electric start maybe that's an electric start and there's a button on this very loose there's also like a light switch is someone stuck in there i don't know if that kind of doubt that's original who knows it doesn't even have a kick start yeah one yeah it's i guess okay the bolt is uh loose on it so we're just gonna strip so i didn't wanna but i put it in here and moved it back and forth and it seemed to move it does chug over awesome this has a uh one of these is off uh yeah it's all small yeah well thank you sir appreciate it and uh hopefully you'll see him on the big screen all right all right guys we're gonna go load them up in the truck and go have some fun let's do a little walk around get ourselves kind of acclimated or familiar with what we are dealing with so it probably looks to me like a 15 year old china copy honda clone engine uh pit bike anything is what they're called a quick look you've seen some hardware missing from a cover here no heat shield on the exhaust no carburetor on it uh no muffler seats trash back tires flat feel free to point out anything if you see it definitely looks like the handlebars have taken a hit that one's bent way up where that one looks kind of normal i don't think that's factory for the lever skid plate's got no hardware in it in the front it definitely looks like a honda clone motor uh i think he said with 110 cc's i might even say it on it somewhere i'm not sure it's going to say in english but i think it is a clutch model yes it's got a clutch going to it so that's kind of cool i actually kind of like that better than the ones that just have an automatic clutch you pop them here and gas and go looks like it's missing something back here too like would have continued on hard to say right but i think we our attempt is just going to try to be to put it back together so you can get it to run and trail ride and just make it a beater again there's no real value in them nothing i'm aware of anyway so whatever we're gonna do we're gonna try to do on the cheap all right so let's get uh a jack underneath the uh skid plate and we'll lift it up a little bit we'll start spinning stuff see how the rims are and you know if you go pop it in gear make sure we have gears and that kind of stuff and see what happens either we're gonna go make it bring it back to life or we're gonna find out what it died for let's get set up that's a little better room's not terrible let's go see what we got for any kind of chug chug watch it start out all right cool we know that's good let's go and bump it in gears and see if we have all the gears or any years i should say i think they're all up one let's get the uh plug out of it and we'll kind of spin it over with that and maybe we can actually go check for spark too i apologize from jumping side to side but nature nature of it what do you think our chances are we're gonna have spark i'm gonna say no i would think that's probably what it failed for my guess but who knows looks decent i do not it's got a kill button so let's go give her a couple of actually it's just the plug wire is all melted against the exhaust too i'm sure that's not going to help things let's hold it something like that i'm not seeing anything nope no i saw one it's got light spark and i'm sure the fact that half of it has burned through it's not helping things neither we do have the other bike too we can always steal parts off of that need be let's go i'm going to flip over the other side again we'll go pop it in gear try to spin the tire and just kind of listen to the transmission see if we hear any kind of you know skipping a tooth or anything just trying to assess if there's anything really cost prohibitive let's go forth here should be able to turn it seems pretty good it's gonna it's gonna fight me more here all right just because while we're back there let's go see if that back tire will take any air place your bats if it was written on the flat that tubes can be shot and it's like flat flat compared to just flat i guess uh i don't know i guess they know i'm gonna say it's not gonna pop up i think i won that one yeah that's done so we know that's an issue so that's probably what happened if i wrote it on a flat and then either rip the valve stem right out of it or the rim just tore up the tube that was in there i would exactly say that was a win i'll definitely look at it right all right uh i'd say we still kind of focus around the engine car but we'll see what we need to go and get that running i say we go clean that plug wire up we'll go check for fluids make sure it's got fluids in it and maybe we can dribble a little bit of fuel down see if we'll just get it to go uh kick off and fire if that's the case we'll start uh we've got carburetors with it they're in them somewhere in a plastic jug somewhere if they're for i'm not sure but that's going to be the next step it's already got one screw removed get that cover off see if there's any capacity to uh put a drill on it with a socket to spin it what we got in there no it's just the looks like the clutch setup give that a couple squeezes here we go yeah that's just clutch there's a cam pushing on the pin that's pushing on the plates it's looking for a side glass for oil to see it's got oil on it sometimes in the case somewhere there'll be a clear plastic circle you can see the oil going across here's the fill it may have a dip stick on it but it's got a bunch of crap on it and someone's broken off the the top like lip that comes out of this you can get some pliers on that and get that to twist off of there i would think it's threaded right it could be just like a plug let's try to have a dipstick yes it does i don't see much in it though i also don't see what would you call the fill right there's no do you think that's broke off like what would be the mark there's nothing saying you know empty full okay go take a look at the other bike real quick see if it's got to stick something like this but first let's go stick our tallywhacker in there and just see if there's anything yeah just about it's not very much so that that went down to there right so that's not even on it you think that's broke off you think that's the way it is how to tell right worst case we just dump some oil and call it a win and totally different the other one was up there wasn't it let's go see what we got it's probably a little a little stubby one yeah that's what i would expect to see something like that you know the little uh crisscross pattern on it all right we're gonna go just throw a little bit of oil in that for now just so i know that the the crank is protected that's all i'm concerned about i'd say we throw a little yard sale and oil in the earth just to be on the safe side we're gonna be changing that out later anyway just so there's something in it a little 2050 mobile it's got horsepower in it too super horsepower i wonder if we could like look up what like a honda a honda 90 or something takes yet because it's not really registering on that i think that's broken off judging by the the quality of the top of it too but at least there's something in it all right let's go dribble a little bit of fuel in the intake we'll give her a couple kicks sometimes it'll go without a carburetor sometimes not we're gonna find out now all right good that worked much better than expected cool let's go dig in carburetors and see what we got it's a little our little pail of joy here let's see if any of these there's two of them i think the carbs off the other machine too that looks really big i don't think that's gonna be it this is probably more or speed it does not have to slide in it there's the slide that's essentially the throttle should have a pin the spring there's two pins i would say the larger ones for the larger carburetor and what else we got look at that that that there's like a little hold down plate i don't know if that's part of the throttle and there's the nut that holds everything down with the cable is that broken off on top kind of looks it huh and then a couple of intake gaskets no isolator keeps heat from transferring i think is their purpose here's one looks like that one's the same thing right a little larger opening no do the same that one's got it they both got o-rings on it so that would go to the block let's look on the bike and we'll see what we got for our end of the throttle cable yeah so it would be something like which piece would go into here all right see that went on there that would have went through maybe there it goes that's that part of it you see so we got that that and then it would be like that and what it has to do is have to has to hook through you got to feed it there's a notch down inside you got to get that cable to lean in something like that and then the spring holds tension to get it a lot of times there's a little plate that's in there that holds the pin the pencil has to go in yet we didn't do that let's go find it yeah so the pin would drop down and then there'd be like a little washer that holds it maybe that's why they tapered that spring to hold it let's see if that holds it now it's missing something we're missing a little i guess we could make one have a washer or something right it holds that from falling up so this when you pull on the throttle this allows air to come through this allows fuel to come through and you pull up on it evenly a lot of times there's like little uh yeah there is on this one too a little there's a snap ring that you can adjust the height of it so you can adjust the air fuel mix by raising and lowering this pin in reference to how much air comes in all right let's go see if i can find a little bit more pieces for that i should grab the other bigger carb out of there and actually think that might be the one that goes on it and that still has this on and maybe the guts are in it that will be a benefits a benefit to us let's see what we got slide does not have that little keeper that we talked about i have a feeling everyone's riding it either stole it for another bike or just plain uh actually let's get that bigger pin so this is the pin that should be in here i think it's going to be the same scenario i have a of course i do i have a stash upstairs i have a bunch of carburetors so let's go quick look up there and see if we can go find any of them problem is that when you take a carburetor off this usually stays on the throttle cable not on the carburetor so now let's go find out so here's our stash i was talking about yeah looks like a bunch of lawnmower cars i got one that's near here you're looking in the wrong pile that might be promising let's go bring that one down see what i mean most of them are missing looks like it's just like jam that one in there looks like the same carburetor right those two that one measures four carburetors from like a like a cb 550 or something i like to try to find some like a little like that one with the nut on top not seeing it possibly do we have a yes it does pay to be a hoarder wait a minute we got more i see more looks like something off of a boat if we find a cable i might find one on the end of a cable all right well i'm gonna go poke around and i'll bring you back if i find something decent i've dragged a couple down let's go see if that's already loose any of those have what we need there's no spring in this one yeah there is it's all contained though and is that about the same size it looks about the same size we were able to gut this one how does that come out of there how do you take this one apart and thread that get a better grip on it before we launch it yeah i think so okay more we're doing anything so we want to get hmm something has to come apart did you get that out of there i'm gonna go work on that can you make me nervous would you believe it has a little cotter pin up top holding the pin to the post and then it all comes out i've looked down inside unfortunately it does not have the retainer it has a spring that has a weird tip on it let's see if we can get this out and maybe we could use a spring in the other one and that'll hold the pin down yeah any any more convoluted than this we're just gonna try grinding a washer or something let's go get that there we go now we're in so this has this well it has this weird thing instead of um usually this looks like a flat washer so without mixing up totally on parts this is the one that we want to put together and is that going to fit down inside there probably not as i launch it across the room no all right let's start separating some of this stuff we got one more do we have one more car to look in yeah this one let's go look in this one too all right so let's go make a pile [Applause] and then we'll go from there so these are the ones for the little carburetor this is the one we just took apart right this is the one that we are trying to put together next victim that's kind of what we're looking for something that looks like that that one's kind of nasty looking though let's throw some these parts that go through that future you never know so possibly we can use this i'm not sure what's going on with different slots but you need something like i said that holds that pin down holds that pin from lifting up which would be that as long as it's gonna fit going across right [Music] and we need room to get that throttle cable so if we break off this thing we don't need it and it'll make it small enough to fit in there i'm going to do it with a cotton wheel and then we'll just use that as the washer to hold that down i think we got it i want that cardboard to be totally no good so you can get rid of that all right so we need that to hold that down hopefully [Laughter] that should not fit on the pin that's good i can just go grind some of those tits off so that that that'll fit down inside the the board fifth time's the charm right so the pins got to go in first and then that to retain it there you go and then the spring will hold that and once this collapse that should hold the pin good i think we got it now we just got to find out the carburetor is any good right we have to pull the float off of that let me just make sure that everything fits together like it should there's a location that slide has to drop all the way down and then that'll go so it'll be cast you guys should put the cap back on it now and it should just be spring-loaded when we pull up on the cable it'll pull up on that slide and that needle good that's your idle speed that opens and closes it a little bit let's get that float bowl off of there and hopefully there's parts in there it comments a lot of times about once you just buy a new carburetor you can get one for 30 bucks whatever a couple reasons one is trying to make videos showing how stuff works and the other is i'd have to wait a week for something like that to arrive and then you kind of lose steam on making videos or even just working on a project in general you know you kind of just want to keep going every time you stop and then try to start up again what do you think we have stuff in there i'm hoping you gotta float that's good doesn't look there's the clip no hold on you see it that is funny oh no know what that is that's the clip for the for the uh needle and seat so you can get that out of there i thought that was a clip for the top that right there which is you see it wedged in there hopefully you don't lose it i watched where it went hold on yeah that's for the hold the needle to the float now hopefully there is a needle and they float in here and that would wrap around the end of that needle what that does it pulls down on pulls down on when the float drops down it's got a lot of corrosion on it you see it that tip is kind of said peened over or is that not dirt okay so we'll do our best to clean that up there's nothing to do with it and we'll grab something to go take this main jet out do we have a little screwdriver out yet no let me get some tools all right let's get that jet out of there that's what that looks like not terrible there's the other end of that needle let's get that out of there because we're going to soak it anyway so that so fuel's getting drawn up through here and here's that needle that you were seeing so when it's all the way down there's really no fuel being able to get drawn up and then it get it comes out around the side of that needle as you you rev the throttle that opens up you open up a couple of things first you open up these pores ports and then if you'll notice right around it the opening gets larger so you can actually see you know here's extreme right there full throttle you can see how much of a gap there is that's all the fuel that can kind of come in and in conjunction with that it's the same with the air this is doing the same thing yeah like that so this is doing the same thing at as the needle's raising up allowing more fuel to come in this is raising up allowing more air to come in and your adjustment is that that ring right there to tweak you also have on a carburetor some you'll have an air fuel mix on what this one does this does has an enrichment for a choke so it does not have a choke a regular uh butterfly for a choke like let's see if we can show you one and these have it now maybe i won't show you all right uh we want to go and get right there there's air fuel mix or idle that might be um find out in a second when i take it out and your battery is flashing hold on one second can we change your battery that's better sometimes what happens is if the camera shuts off with the uh with the battery you lose that one little segment that you're filming it's corrupted it's a little gummy generally this would just be idle and it's idle mixture and how i kind of know that instead of it being jet is because it has a spring behind it spring behind it holds tension on it so as you adjust it uh it keeps the screw from backing if that was a jet first of all it would have like holes in it there would be holes in it and you would just run it right in it would bottom out you wouldn't be having that adjustment on there all right i think we can fire up the ultrasonic cleaner and i should probably take the choke lever off uh fire we'll fire up the overture sonic cleaner and let this soak we can go to dealing with other items on the bike i think about that oil too the amount of oil that is or is not in it i wonder if um we could drain the oil from the other bike this should be the same engine if we drain the oil from the other bike and see what that volume is and we just put that same volume back in this one then we kind of find out where it is on the stick or not on the stick and we can make an adjustment from there all this out of here i just don't want the fluid in the ultrasonic cleaner to do damage to it it's just a plunger opens and closes the circuit we'll lay that down here the rubber components this is uh so there's a needle and seat this is the seat there is no ceiling in there it's just solid brass so it's not going to get hurt if the pin if that pin didn't have that rubber tip on it that would mean there would be a seal generally in there and then you want to remove that so the ultrasonic doesn't beat it up all right i'm going to go get rid of some of these other carburetors so i'm not mixing stuff up and let's get her soaking i got that warming up i got to deal with all that corrosion that is on the needle and i have a brass wire wheel drill i'm going to go try and just use that see if we just kind of buff those surfaces up and get rid of the corrosion the edges will find the good part it doesn't hurt your fingers and doesn't really take anything off it doesn't remove any material because this is just aluminum doesn't remove any material then adjust the crotch that's on it so i'm going to work on that for a little bit it should be pretty good it's got some staining on it but at least got the crud off of it and then we're gonna have to uh i'm gonna go look underneath the the scope and see if there's any damage on that we'll find out right away whether it seals or not about halfway warmed up and we got the ball i took the gasket off the ball not to expand it like i did on the last machine and there was another jet idle jet circuit right next to it with a little screw in the center took that out also we'll wash the slide and the main as long as that doesn't fall through we'll let all that set up the other pieces i think will be okay i really don't want to just um have them be successful think of what i want to say and 30 minutes let them vibrate it is people keep asking over and over again it is the berryman's stuff that i use i'll show you it is actually gunk on this one same idea that's what's in there and it's probably been i've probably been using these for a couple years now all right let's go get this this seat and gas tank off here we're trying to get to the tank i want to uh wash it out pretty good so we're not going to push any more contaminants right back into the clean carburetor looks like just one screw hand tight i think it's just holding the seat and then there's probably more hardware once that's out yes no we're closer got more to go something right here something's the whole on the other side i also got 12 mil right in the center to get rid of i don't think anything's in the tank shaking around nothing really seems to be happening but let's go see if anything comes out dirt's coming from the offset outside of the tank a little bit i'm going to go take parts washing fluid from the parts washer and we'll go rinse that through and we'll see if the pet works actually is it missing it looks like it's missing a little barrel that the fuel line goes on yep the plot thickens well i guess that would go to show that the other carburetor was the one that was on there because there it is stuck in it we're gonna continue moving forward with the one that we got that we're putting together though who knows if they again both of them were off and owned both bikes so that might have been then just swapping stuff back and forth especially with the on the fuel line looks like it's kind of hammered on there this is my parts washer i use i think it's safety clean you bind it by five gallon drum a lot of people use kerosene i think too i'm gonna throw a bunch of this in there we're gonna go slosh that around and then we'll open and close that valve see if that valve's any good that should be enough it might be open now who knows yeah that's it so it's peeing out of the valve it was [Music] okay so which is the on off and a reserve it's gonna be working fine which way's off i think that is off right there so hopefully it stops it does good let's go i'll blow that over there try to get whatever look little uh remains are in remains that are in out plastic usually does pretty good though it's not like they get in the steel tank steel tanks it just makes a mess of everything yeah plastic ones don't seem to have deal with as much of the the fuel turning and then just really roaching everything on the inside of it sludging everything up judging by the fact that the valve worked too that's pretty a pretty good sign too that's usually the first area where things kind of clog up not pass through a little plastic has more there's that parts washing right now i'm going to take a little bit of time while we're waiting just kind of clean up that frame get off some of the crud off of it i see that's a little better she's presentable anyway all right let's go grab that card and put those pieces together that is a tad warm i'm gonna go rinse that off with water and then we'll get back to the bench and we'll do a quickie assembly hopefully that will run let's look at everything washed up pretty good i'm just gonna go start putting her back together uh here is my little baby baby screwdriver this is the idol chair the idle jet or the enrichment jet for the choke means yet that is all cleaned out those little holes i run a piece of wire brush just kind of stab at each one of them but i also take a just carp cleaner and shoot through and just look at the pattern and make sure the pattern is good on everything so that has this is actually part that meters it's got a number on it that's how meters how much fuel it can suck up from the focal so that's another adjustment on top of that pin that we were talking about earlier that you can change with the little c-clip all right we got should probably have gotten something to set this on for us filming get the air fuel mix which was where was that was that there i think so right yeah i should probably unplug my air gun that is slowly leaking behind us because what's going to happen is the compressor is going to kick on right in the middle of this and make a racket i'm going to run that screw in until it touches that's one two ish two two and a half yeah i know it's gonna go crazy okay uh we need a float a needle and then it had that little clip that was sitting in the bottom of the bowl which is supposed to lock the float to the i'm not needle sure what the orientation was because i definitely did not take it apart but it should be something like that um which way is our float go so looking like that i think so let's see that's enough so we're going to go slide that little clip on there sometimes you'll see a little round circle on them too it'll give a witness mark to how it was fell apart that might have been why it fell off in the first place it might need a little bit of crushing to stay on the pin that seems pretty good try that again is that backwards contain a second i'm just going to off camera not going to be so i'm going to blow in on here and i should not be able to blow through it and i'm going to flip it over and i should be able to blow air through it nope yep that's functioning i did end up this gasket was really glued on the bowl but i uh peeled it off so i didn't destroy it with the chemicals i actually believe that is everything that is on the inside and we go something unlike this we have the choke enrichment i should just say enrichment we're missing a screw the enrichment that where are you that acts as a joke i believe it just adds more fuel it doesn't choke off air instead like a regular choke chokes off air makes the air fuel mix richer for when something is cold where an enrichment i think does the opposite it leaves the same amount of air coming in but just adds more fuel give basically the same idea so when i put my magnetic tray down i had the enrichment lever in all its bits and pieces let me just double check it again good my setup over here stuck to the bottom of the tray and all the pieces went everywhere so i'm not quite sure about the orientation of all the little clips and metal because it all got destroyed so i'm gonna go pick away at that and get that on there off camera and then we'll continue with getting the slide set up for the uh throttle cable actually you think i got lucky i had it all set up right yes i think that's right we'll find out if it runs into anything all right so we just got a seal for there and i think that is it for the car like i said we still have to do this into the throttle cable which i pretty much think i showed already how the orientation all that stuff goes so i'm just going to go assemble that pop it on so got it together this is the card off the other bike more and more that you work on it became more apparent uh this is an elbow that was in it would have been threaded into the the cap of the other bike but uh the diameter is different from the two different carburetors so i i kind of just i didn't want to damage any of the components because i wanted if i that both works we can switch it back fuel line allowed me to have to take up that gap and then have some adjustment in there and that seems like it's working just fine so we're gonna go pop that on there that's a little mickey mouse but that's how i roll all right let's guess her up get a piece of clear hose and see what's going on we're going to fill up that float pole and then hopefully the fuel should stop flowing if you see it in the fuel line that would make it so that the float the needle and seat are shutting off if it keeps taking gas that's an issue i think we're good the fuel fuel level is right there it's still dropping let me give it a minute i'm gonna tap on that float ball yeah it's dropping it might be sticking still creeping nope she's dripping not a good sign so that's coming out the overflow you see it right there there's an overflow up inside that it's not shutting off oh well let's uh see if we can go fire it up see if it'll run anyway but you do have issues slight chance i have the float on upside down i don't think so i think it's probably i should take a q-tip and uh put in a drill polished up with a the needle went into the seat see if we'll get it to run it might have already flooded itself out but the fourth gear right now [Music] running out of gas at least it runs and i ran it through the gears anything any clanking that's a good sign all right one more time actually i think it's still in gear there you go so so she's a pissed oil is that a bad time go see what's happening there you know what i think it is that breather hose right there it's not connected to the breather and i bet you the oil level was okay that's brittle's glass i bet you the oil level that i made is too high now i thought there was a hole in the block for a second i couldn't leave it like that take it back off we'll go crack it back open and see where my misfortune happened do you think that float is on upside down no because it's got the little puck that stops it but the clip is off to fall in the bowl again the clip for the uh [Music] so that would jam it up there it is yeah so i think that's probably our culprit like i said in the first time i probably should have gave her a little bit of a squeeze so it fits tighter how does that feel you could be diving the right one for it you know like i said somebody's already been in here before us so overdone it the other thing too it's gonna make sure that that's not hitting so one more thing we're gonna do that i didn't do on the first time which i probably should have done is uh we're gonna go take a q-tip we're gonna pop it in the drill we're gonna take a little rubbing like valve lapping compound or rubbing compound we're gonna go in there we're gonna go try to polish that surface so that when the taper of that needle goes in that the seat all the way around it is smooth that there's no debris or scratches or contamination on it that's my guess what was happening but again that pin that clip fell off so sorry about the noise in the background that's the exhaust fan all right that's the area we're trying to go clean the very bottom of the seat and sometimes the needle too the the tip of the needle just gets so destroyed or gets a scratch across it it just can't shut that fuel completely off we're gonna go give her a quick look underneath the scope see if i see any damage on it we'll put it back together try it again putting it back together i got the hose on i'm just kind of blowing through it to see what i got and i'm pushing down on it fairly good and i still can kind of blow air around it even if i i draw on it it's still leaking around it so i have a feeling possibly that is not where it's leaking that we had a good seal there that maybe the o-ring around the seat itself is leaking let's go get that see if that'll come out of there and hopefully not crush it or damage it or scratch it there we go yep so there's your problem it's got corrosion around it and that o-ring is not pinching off like a shitty i don't know if you can see it yeah so that cavity right there is where it was not sealing so i get for not taking it apart right yeah so the needle and seat was good it's just the uh the underpinnings i'm gonna go try to clean that up we'll put it back together try it again and see if that goes away yeah that old one just was brittle and hard as a rock it just kind of cracked into pieces i got another one and i put it back in the socket and it was just floating around in there so that's definitely where i think her issue was so i have another one hopefully we can get that to see just put a little bit of oil or something around it it's a tad probably oversized compared to the other one uh i just need something skinny enough to get around the body of it come from this side i want to push level on it too there we go that might do it did i shear off some of it i think i did let me go try it now i'm going to clamp it down put it back together try it one more time we'll blow through it see if it uh blocks off the the passage that's got it all right let's go try this again it's been a couple of minutes and it is holding fuel right there so that's good we got her now let's go fire it up so you can just go get it to put and then we'll uh play with the idle speed a little bit i don't think we can get to that air fuel mix where was that i think it was straight up wasn't it that might be a little difficult to access anyway let's go fire it up see we get yeah she actually does this one [Music] it doesn't take long is that that's not very much fuel that's in there the problem too you can't really adjust the carburetor because as the fuel is running out and then the float level starts changing it changes the air fuel mix on that i think we got it we're not dripping it'll idle decently there is an air fuel mix like i said we got to go tweak on that a little bit and there goes the compressor right on cue i guess i think we had a good jumping off point here i would have liked gotten further along than what we did but you know it is what it is when stuff fights you but we got it she's not leaking fuel anymore out of the car a lot of stuff to get dialed in doesn't have an air cleaner on it yet that kind of affects the air fuel mix and i think on the next video we can chase you know see what we have for brakes they're hydraulic i don't think they're working we have the handlebars are all kitty wompus and bent to one side and work on that all the missing hardware there's no muffler on it just we'll chase all that on the second one hopefully be able to get at the trail ride and beat on it a little bit and you know deal with busted tubes and that kind of thing for this one i think we're gonna go call it i want to thank you all for hanging out with me doing a bit of ranching a little bit of fun and uh thanks to carl for hooking us up with the bikes and maybe we'll get in that other one pretty soon too if this one plays out well enough for us yeah reese's all right guys until the next one i'll see you bye is a 1936 harley davidson knucklehead it's the rarest your knucklehead and that's in part because it is the worst year knucklehead so you'll notice there's a poster for 37 for 38 and for 39 there's no poster for 36 or at least for the 36 knucklehead because if it existed we would have it in fact the reason that they made this bike well they didn't advertise it is because they were really afraid to release it so in 1930 harley had brought out their very first all-new motorcycles since about 19 16 or 17 and it was pretty reliable after they recalled the first 2 000 or so engines right at the beginning of the depression now you can imagine that's quite an expensive mistake and thing to fix so when they're coming out with their next all brand new motorcycle in 1936 the knucklehead they were again very nervous about the prospect of releasing a brand new motorcycle so they basically decided okay we're just not really going to advertise this thing and we'll use the 36 buyers as test dummies give you an example they had their own monthly publication where you know it's hardly basically magazine and it wasn't until march that they even mentioned that this motorcycle existed and it wasn't like they wrote an article about it they listed off race results and somebody had happened to win a race on one of these motorcycles so you would have basically either had to find one that was already on the showroom floor or ask the guy off the dealership what's the el what's on them when you see the little order form on it but i'll walk you through how we would start these things and this one modified uh not a stock paint job a stock 36 knucklehead would be looking a lot like that one there this is a good example of what like a pre-war custom would have looked like if you did up your bike just to the tops in the late 30s it looks something like this so we're going to turn the gas on on it first step on any motorcycle you won't go far without it next thing we're going to do i'm not even going to worry about the ignition just yet i'm going to put the choke on and i'm going to kick it about three times to get some gas in the cylinders so we're going to go one two three now i'm going to turn the choke off ignition on you got to set your ignition timing remember it's the 1930s so nothing is easy and we're going to give it the kick to read it right now it's not gonna work that well so the 36 knucklehead they used the 36 buyers as test dummies they only made 1700 or so of them the very first year and the knucklehead for 36 is covered in one year only parts because they replaced about everything that was prone to breaking on these motorcycles so the 36 knucklehead has a one year only transmission it's got one year only oil lines got a one year on the air filter i could keep going but you think you guys are starting to get the idea so they replaced all this stuff on it and so if you find a 36 you know chances are it's got something replaced on it something that's out of whack so a true 36 knucklehead all the bits correct quite a rare bike these days there's a saying in our community the old bike community is set you're restoring a 36 and you find the transmission that's really good news because now all you gotta do is find the whole rest of the bike but if y'all have any questions about this bike or any other bike in here let us know and i will talk to you till one of us is blue in the face about these things awesome thank you call this one the clown bike for a couple reasons if you don't get it start well nice red and white paint job but if you don't get it start in about two or three kicks it'll turn you into an absolute clown
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 300,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: LkB3ZhGcl3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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