We Drilled a WELL and WE weren't EXPECTING THIS!!! Building Our OFF-GRID Tiny House in the WOODS

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good morning modern stutters we're up here at the off-road property and today is the big day they're gonna be coming up here to drill the well oh i'm so pumped to be having this part coming it's been four to six months i have to ask gina that we've scheduled this for a lot of stuff right now is way booked out so before we even had like anything else finalized up here for the off-road property with the tiny house build we had already started planning the well just because we knew that kind of stuff was backlogged so it's nice for it to finally be coming the nervous pod is now is wells are expensive and you don't know how deep it's going to be the deeper you go the more money it costs so in our area the average well is 300 feet they can drill and hit water at a hundred feet oh look at that sun coming through those trees that's beautiful or sometimes they have to go for 500 feet and sometimes they have to hydrofrac now i'm not 100 sure what hydro fracking is if we have to do it here i'll find out more but if you know what it is leave it in the comments down below i'm hoping we don't have to do that here today the quicker they're in and out the more money we get to keep in our pockets which is always a good thing deer one there and one there there they go i didn't see any antlers on any of them i think they're both just two nice sized does all right i hear him coming up the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need to dig them a trench because they need a place for all of their well drillings to go [Music] [Music] so i was just talking they said the last well had to go 500 feet and get hydro crack it was a well before that they had to go 800 feet so i'm hoping that's not the case today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] i think they hit our first boulder [Music] so so [Music] i was talking to the weld drillers and the well they just drilled the other day they had to go 500 feet from hydro cracks the one before that was like 342 feet and the one before that was 800 feet right how deep do you think we're going to have to go what is drama around here average is 300. he said they have hit water at a hundred feet before in this area i think um 450. i'm hoping for a hundred but realistically i'm going to say 400. what's your guess leave it in the comments down below it's kind of almost like gambling it seems like it is what it is it is yeah you have no idea they give you okay this is the average this is what it's gonna cost if it's that but it could be more it could be less here's the price per foot so you don't have any other option that's all we have to do so so i was just talking to the weld driller and we're about 25 feet deep right now they were either in a big old boulder or we're in bedrock if we're in bedrock that'd be nice because we got to go 10 feet in bedrock with well casing and then after that you don't need any more casing and that's one of the expensive parts of weld drilling is if you're not in a rock or the bedrock you got to put this like metal pipe over it in it he was just saying you got to go 10 feet into the bedrock with the casing so if we're at bedrock already 25 feet that means 35 feet worth of casing that wouldn't be bad so maybe that's a good thing let's go wait to find out if it's bedrock if it's just a boulder no they gotta keep they gotta go 10 feet into bedrock because he said a boulder is usually not that big that far down so [Music] so so so so [Applause] [Applause] so i was just talking with the weld driller again and they're about 80 feet down right now and they're all in play they haven't hit bedrock yet so that's why it's kind of taking a little bit longer right now because clay does not drill the best he was saying and kind of if you go too fast it caves in and you get suctiony and i know what it's like to walk in muddy place i get that so once they get through the correct clay and into like 10 feet of bedrock then they'll pull out what they're drilling for the bits and everything put the casing in and then they use a hammer drill bit because it goes faster we have no idea what that old baby said so it's just a wait and see game at this point there like i said it's like 80 feet in so i'm hoping within the next 20 feet with my bedrock it's great but it can go a lot easier oh yeah but it would just be nice to hit bedrock first and get some casings shoot she [Music] change we're getting into some rock hopefully soon we'll be switching over to putting our casing in and then we can start hammer drilling is what it sounds like the next step is it's hard to hear over there when you're talking to them so i keep getting a little bit more information as we go i've been learning a ton today about drilling a well i knew you had to drill it i didn't know all the different steps and phases so it's pretty interesting i love learning new things and i love learning new stuff about a house site built it's nice to know everything that goes into it homestead we have now has a well i grew up in massachusetts and we always had town water the first house me and gina ever owned had pound water so wells are kind of new to me so it's very interesting to learn all of this it's kind of neat they've screened out some of that sediment coming out post it down they can see what they had for rock that's just all the ground up material that they're drilling through right now so i'm hoping we're gonna be switching over soon [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so well we went 130 feet we hit bedrock at the end plan is is to drill 10 more feet into bedrock tomorrow then we'll pull everything back up out of the ground put the casing in and then put the rock drilling bit on and drilled through the bedrock until we hit hot water and who knows how deep we're gonna have to go at that point that all just depends on how many gallons per minute we get and how deep down we hit the vein so right now they just had to take everything a pot and strip it out they call it because if they leave everything in the ground overnight and that hole collapses that drill bit can get stuck in the ground so they had to pull everything back out so that way sitting overnight they don't worry about the hole falling in and then tomorrow morning we're gonna do all that right over again drill out 10 more feet which he said will probably take about an hour and a half to drill out that last 10 feet because the bedrock is slow drilling with the bit we have on right now once we get the casing in and you can start basically like jackhammer drilling it it goes to work a lot quicker is what he told me we're going to find out more tomorrow this was a nine hour day today of drilling for 130 feet so hopefully tomorrow we finish it up and we get the flow we need see you guys back here in the morning this is another nice early morning up here at the off-grid property day two of well drilling the well drillers aren't here yet but they should be here shortly i'll tell you what i didn't do much myself yesterday but i slept like a baby last night i was exhausted when i get home this well drilling work is hard work i don't know why but man i was tired ah day two and i'm hoping the last day of well drilling that's one big deep hole holy moly i don't know why but this rig makes me think of a carnival ride at a fair i think it's just the tall mast and all the mechanical parts on it but that's what i think of when i see all that running yesterday especially from afar man i can't get over this look at this thing this is a beast my guess is this is the first piece of casing to go in is it's kind of like an edge on it so that'll push through everything and they'll screw all the other pieces into that one [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that they're in good solid bedrock it's taking about 10 minutes to drill 20 feet hopefully by the end of the day today will have hit water [Music] it's the end of day two of drilling our well no water yet they are 400 feet deep i shouldn't say that they have very little water i wouldn't even think it's a gallon a minute so hopefully tomorrow we strike water that's the goal so see you guys back here in the morning look at that sun setting it is beautiful it's day three of well drilling yesterday they got to 400 feet and very little water it'll be interesting to see how deep we have to go today before we hit water or if we have the hydrofrac i learned what hydro fracking is is basically they got to take all the drilling pipes out and they put a rubber stopper in is what it sounds like i'm not 100 sure there plug off the pipe and they put 3 500 pounds of water pressure in there cleaning up all the little cracks in the rock and the bedrock hoping to get water to come out of them because all those cracks are veins and they have water coming through them and sometimes if there's not a lot of water coming through them they get plugged up so if they can unplug them they'll get water flowing that's how i understand it if they have to do it i'll get some more information but that's the little bit i got it's a little hard talking here when the well machine is going because it is loud don't know if you can see how foggy it is this morning it is 36 degrees out winter is gonna be here before you know it but the concrete work is done the earth anchors are in the ground for the solar array the well is getting dr the wells getting drilled so we're going in the right direction what you're guessing how deep they're gonna have to go i'm hoping we hit water soon and i'm hoping we hit a lot of it [Music] [Music] i was just talking with the well drillers and the well did make water overnight so it's 400 feet worth of drilling done and the water level was 40 feet from the top so we had 360 feet worth of water so i think he figured that was 500 gallons that's in there i could be wrong i forget what he said i think it was around 500 gallons which isn't enough to meet the requirement if the weld's only produced in a gallon a minute which is probably what he was thinking it was flat doing last night that's not enough water for the minimum requirement we'll have to go at least 500 feet deep if the well doesn't stop producing more gallons per minute so that being said they're going to drill about 40 more feet check it to see how much water per minute is coming out and we'll make a determination from there but i'm happy i feel a little relieved that there's water in the well we're not just drilling a dry hole [Music] [Music] we're getting about a gallon and a half of water a minute we're gonna put one more stick in and that'll bring us to 520. [Music] we're 520 feet deep with our well and 40 feet low is our static pressure and then you got to go 20 feet up with your pump so it's 460 feet worth of storage that we can use so that's 690 gallons of water storage we have in that hole and we are producing what they said is one and a half gallons per minute by my timing it on the camera i got two almost two gallons per minute so i think they're being conservative and then also what he was telling me at the end is the air pressure that they are pumping or the air that they are pumping into the well is that 208 or 280 i couldn't tell what he said so it's heating up the water and vaporizing some of it so when i'm recording you can see all that steam that's because the air temperature they're putting into the well is so warm so that's going to vaporize some of the water so that's going to mess up the flow so conservatively we have one and a half gallons per minute that that well is producing and that's over 20 no that's not 28 so that would be like 2100 gallons a day of water that that well will make on the conservative side i'm thinking more like 3 000 gallons per minute a day that that well is going to make [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so thank you all right just like that they are gone i shouldn't say just like that two and a half days later we got ourselves a nice well drilled here now we gotta get the pump installers out here i gotta dig a trench back to the pipe we had already started to dig and they'll come in they'll install the line the pump and the wiring we're just not going to install the stuff in the tiny house whatever you want to call it for now until we get that framed up if we can get all the trench work and the pump put in before winter comes we'll be in good shape well we ended up having to go a little bit deeper than what we were planning on with the well the estimate we got for drilling the well was on 300 feet and then i believe they estimated around 100 feet worth of casing we ended up having to go 170 feet worth of well casing before we hit bedrock and then the rest of it was all in bedrock so we didn't need any well casing so i'm glad the well's done it's a little bit deeper than we planned on so it'll be interesting to see what the bill is when we get that in thanks for coming along on our homesteading journey you guys are a huge blessing to us in our homestead if you liked the video give it a thumbs up share it it really helps and we'll see you right back here in the next video at alumna acres bye you
Channel: Lumnah Acres
Views: 821,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, DIY, Gardening, Raising, Animals, self-sufficiency, modern homesteading, do it yourself, simple, life, living, homestead, Growing season, Modern Steader, Lumnah Acres, CoopsNMore, backyard, goats, New England, New Hampshire, Homestead Vlog, Farm Vlog, land, off grid, 500 acres, building, husband and wife build, farming, off-grid, fishing, hunting, tiny house, build
Id: druEnEwwx6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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