Pickled Eggs and Pickled Wieners - Traditional Newfoundland - Bonita's Kitchen

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I welcome to burn in his kitchen and thank you for joining us what I'm going to be making for you today is pickled eggs and pickled wieners before I get started I'll talk a little bit about where this idea came from this one is from me this time this is a recipe that I remember well as a child my dad getting ready for Christmas making pickled eggs and wieners for when we have company mummers or family guests to come in through Christmas visiting and this is a big tradition so what I'm going to do I'm going to start it off by showing you the way that my dad used to make it and then a little bit the way that I've incorporated my spin on it when you're making pickled eggs or pickled wieners you start off with a vinegar mixture and that's what we will put over and I'm going to explain what that is but I've picked up these two really nice fancy mason jars and I wanted to do this because what what you would do is put this out on your counter when you're expecting guests they can serve yourself when they want big legs or pickled wieners so and what we'll do now is explain a few of the ingredients that we're going to use to put in us or a vinegar mixture I'm going to give you the mixture with both of them together but I'm going to have two separate recipes on Bonnie this kitchen in under this video so that you'll have it separate just in case you only want to make the pickled eggs and not the wieners so basically it's a medium onion chopped into just slices or rings and you'll put that into the pot half of the onion if you're only doing the wieners or half of onion if you're only doing the eggs I'll get a full celery and I'm going to put that in with the onions we're going to be putting two teaspoon full of spices pickling spice and we're going to be putting in about four or five bay leaves so you put that right into your pot and then you just scoop up a nice outing so that was a tablespoon full there but I was two teaspoonfuls and we're going to be doing a half a teaspoon full of sugar for each bottle so I'm going to be putting into full teaspoon full of sugar because remember I'm doing both together and I'm going to make the sauce and then I'll separate each one as we pour it into the bottles I'm going to be using about a couple of inches of salt sea salt is what I'm using 2 cups of water warm water out water it'll just feed off your boiling time on on this and I'm going to be doing because again because I'm making both I'm going to be putting in a cup and a half vinegar for each bottle which I'm going to be putting in there and our three colors because I'm going to boil it all down and anyone that it's not sure if I could pickling spices you can get that in your grocery store and if you're not certain just a gross anyone that's working there and they'll pick it off for you and you use that in any anything that you're pickling it's got a really nice flavor and it's got peppercorns and all sorts of delicious things so what we're going to do now we're going to put this over on our stove and start the ball on it and probably only be about 10 minutes I just want it for it to be all and corporate together so that we can infuse those flavors I'm going to be putting this vinegar mixture now over onto our stovetop meeting heat for about 10 minutes just until it starts to ball team fuels infuse all of those flavors from everything we've incorporated and then I'm going to reach for my and we instead of pre-boiled and I will talk a little bit about that as well okay so I got my boiled eggs and my wieners I've cut these in half because they were you know quite large so what we're going to do now and it'll look better in the bottom instead of having you know you make more room for more we need to peel our eggs I had about 15 minutes like is if you add the water boiling in events then put the eggs into it it'll be quicker to for it to boil because you do need our boil eggs for this so pretty much what I did is drain off the hot water and I put it into cold water just to kind of just to cool it down a little I still want the eggs to be quite often inside because they're ELPS seal and bottle it a lot better so again into the water just to make sure there's no shells you want to leave any shells on at all and to full egg put into the bottle so you keep doing that until it's full and I'll show you now as well with the wieners okay so I'm going to start putting things in there mitt they'll fit nice what it wants to cut in half and it's up to you what kind you like if you don't like the beef all beef or beef and pork you can do chicken or if you don't even like wieners at all you can do sausages I've seen sausages people and you can use the same pickling motion that we're doing the sauce what we're making for that as well it's up to you what would you choose okay so you fill it right to the top continue peeling all of those eggs I wanted to to show you a little bit about it before I I could have had it all done in advance I didn't I didn't want to but so you just continue peeling them all if you don't need them all well then you can make egg salad sandwich of course or you can do another vowel but while we're waiting for our pickling mixture to boil I'll talk a little bit about this about what this dish means pretty much all nofa matters because I'm sure everybody have added at one time another at Christmas time at their place I remember my dad making this approach my mom would make it but I could remember mostly about my dad because he would take quite a lot of pride in pickle innings the eggs and the winners because you know when you get company come this would be one of the the biggest treats because again it's an old Newfoundland tradition I'm finished peeling these eggs now so what I'm going to do is get them all put into this jar and rich for my pickling sauce our pickling spice and then we'll get started okay I'm gonna see if I can squeeze some more of these wieners into this bottle so you only need to keep this in the water for about 15 minutes just until it starts to boil and lift to the top because you'll see that the grease and the salt and stuff is starting to come at it the these wieners because you don't need that in there you're creating your own flavors by infusing the onions and celery and the pickling season seasoning into so what I'm going to do now is reach for that and we'll start pouring it into each jar okay now I'm going to reach for my vinegar pickling mixture and we'll get started on filling off those bottles so like I said just leave it there for about 10-15 minutes until as you can see it's starting to boil and then you know you're ready to go okay so now let's start putting in some onions and a couple of the bay leaves into each one now you don't necessarily have to put everything in here this is really all - like I was saying - to build those flavors I'm going to push that into that one now in a second I just want to get a couple of more onions to put into this one and I'm going to put one of the salary in with the egg I'm not going to put it in with Dubliners so you're going to just scoop up equal amounts and you'll also see the pickling spices there you want that to go down over all of the egg and all of the wieners okay so I'm going to just push this bunion down to the side so I'm going to continue on with the vinegar mixture and like I was saying equal portions it doesn't matter if you've got any left over just as long as you got enough to go over all of it like I said this is a little dish that I loved as a kid and I'm making every Christmas for our family because this is a tradition of course that I don't want to let go because it's so delicious it I think you and your guests would love it so definitely take time to to make this disc rispa so your family and friends I'm going to reach for a bay leaf to go in there that one as well looking beautiful they look and you can see all the pickling spices just floating in there and put about 1 or 2 bay leaves in with each one I mean you can put celery in with this one as well but I didn't I just wanted in with the eggs and I remember my dad putting the onion but I've incorporated the celery because it got such nice flavors in it and it it's really nice you'll find it it helps it pickle really nice I'm just going to wipe some of the vinegar off each jar so basically just put your lid on and make sure it's all the ways down this is a different sort of mason jar you're going to store this in your fridge because these air if you've got jars like this don't have that popping sound that you will hear in a regular mason jar and you can use those I just picked these because they they're a little nice and and I'm going to decorate you know put some Christmas things on it just to make it look Christmassy um so again fill it right to the top make sure you get equal amounts of spices in each one because again that's what's going to help pickle each one what I'm going to do and I do suggest for you as well to put the date and of course your notes pickled eggs but it's nice there that I'm there so that it gives you an idea when you and if you which I never do have any left over after Christmas but if you do you could use your pickled eggs on your lawn I'm going to decorate it with a little bit of ribbon and this is just to make make it look a little more like Christmas for when I put it out on the counter very poorly tied because I'm not a decorative type girl but this just give you an idea if you got any more wonderful ideas you can do with to jazz up the bottles just keep this out at room temperature until it's totally cooled down and then place it into your fridge put the label on the windows as well so remember to keep it to keep it at room temperature until it's totally cold and put it into your fridge this recipe is a really good recipe for pickling and again if you don't like avid onion and celery in there you don't need to put it in there but certainly try it you won't be disappointed and of course you can eat everything that's in there so this is what they look like absolutely delicious and I can't wait until they're pickled so as we can add them it takes a bit a week for this to be pickled so like you said if you can keep it there that I'm making it now you definitely have it nice for Christmas and please try it this was my pick today I wanted to share what you able to make pickled eggs and pickled wieners because it means so much to me to make it for Christmas I just want for you guys to try it as well thank you for joining us today for this episode of pickled eggs and legally ah please try this recipe shared with your family and friends when you view it also don't forget to subscribe to bat in this kitchen it's up at the top right hand corner just click it and it'll show you a phone link and you can visit us as well as a www.hsn.com I would like to take this opportunity now to thank everybody for joining us over this past year for money this kitchen and watching sharing and making all of our videos we really appreciate it so from us a red line in this kitchen and Merry Christmas do you like your family [Music] you
Channel: Bonita's Kitchen
Views: 231,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newfoundland cooking, newfoundland meals, newfoundland recipes, newfoundland cooks, newfoundland chefs newfie cooking, newfie meals, newfie recipes, newfie cooks, newfie chefs, maritime cooking, maritime meals, maritime recipes, maritime cooks, maritime chefs, traditional cooking, traditional meals, traditional recipes, east coast cooking, east coast meals, east coast recipes, east coast cooks, east coast chefs, bonitas kitchen
Id: Pk0XNKf77eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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