Pickled Hot Dogs!!! Pub Style Pickled Eggs & Pickled Hot Dogs. Frank's Red Hot Sauce Recipe.

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hey guys sammy here with blue feather homestead welcome back to my kitchen today we are making pickled eggs and we're going to make some pickled hot dogs you heard it right pickled hot dogs and they are delicious stay tuned first step is going to be to hard boil some eggs i do have fresh eggs and if you do if you bought fresh eggs from somebody and they're not store bought they are a little dif different to hard boil and peel sometimes they can be difficult to peel but i do have a method a no fill method on how to easy peel hard-boiled eggs and i'll put that link down at the bottom in the description but i have probably about a dozen and a half here so that's what we start with okay and they're peeled and ready to go i'm gonna go ahead and start off with the brine and that is four cups of white vinegar i'm just gonna pour it all in this one pan here okay four cups of white vinegar now um this recipe you'll need a quart or probably two quart sized jars and two packages of hot dogs i will put the recipe down in the description i'm just to kind of wing it because i'm also going to do eggs with this brine so now i've got some spices in here i've got um salt cumin pickling spice pepper flakes um all in here i just thought i'd mix it all together rather than do it you know show you that way so i'm just going to dump it in like i said the recipe will be down in the description and then we're going to do a tablespoon of minced garlic just toss that in there it takes one cup of frank's red hot original um i had just almost a cup and that's what it requires is a cup so i had to put some of this in here i just grabbed whatever hot sauce i had and topped off my cup right here pour that in let me use my spurtle here have you seen the spurgle television commercial they really are great they say throw away your other utensils and just use your spurtles you know and it comes with like four different ones you can strain your noodles and things like that but they truly are handy you can just scrape with them okay this isn't a spurtle commercial i'm just saying they're really good now this also calls for sugar if you like your um pickled eggs and pickled hot dogs kind of uh you know like well i guess bar style really vinegary then you know you don't need to add sugar you can put a half a cup to a cup of sugar in it and that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put a that was about a half a cup maybe a little over i'm just going to dump it all that was about it was a little over half a cup i'm going to stir this up i'm going to go put this on the fire and get it warmed up i'm not going to boil it i'm just going to get it warm we're going to cut up some onion i'm going to put these this will go in my freezer for my broth and things like that we're just going to cut up this onion into strips we're going to put the strips of onions in here directly we're not going to put them into the brine i'm just going to cut these up you guys these hot dogs are so good i mean the eggs are delicious too i love pickled eggs i've made all sorts of different flavors of pickled eggs but these pickled hot dogs are just one of a kind flavor just so good um and these onions you can put you know you put those hot dogs like on a ritz cracker or something like that when you pull them out of the jar and you can just eat these onions too they'll be pickled with an excellent flavor all right so now we'll cut up some hot dogs that brine smells so good oh my goodness i'm just going to lay all these out here and cut them at the same time and i am going to start well actually i'll do like four at a time here i'm going to cut down the middle and then i'm going to cut down that middle just like that so these will be you know bite-sized pieces and then when you have it on a cracker you can just cut it sideways slice it and have it on your cracker like that now i don't know about you but i mean i grew up on hot dog sandwiches you know we used to take a hot dog and split it down the middle we'd fry it up in a pan and put that on bread with mayonnaise and ketchup and that's how we ate it and we thought it was just the best thing since sliced bread so good i'm going to start off with the hot dogs i'm going to put it in this jar here i didn't have a quart wide mouth i love these in between jars so pretty so let's just do some layers here we're gonna put some onions in the bottom and if you would like to have garlic you know have a little bit more garlicky then just you know get you some cloves and put a couple of clothes down there however many you want to do or some jalapenos if you want to do that that would work um i just left out the garlic because i put like garlic salt i'm sorry minced garlic in there in the brine already so i think that's probably good enough this brine is so good oh i don't know if they're all going to fit in here you can cram them down in there that brine will get in there maybe just a little bit more onion here and then i am just going to set this oh squish it i'm just going to set this off to the side and then we'll start with our eggs get our eggs going here onions these are regular you know leftover jars these are going to be in the refrigerator you don't have to seal them one of my chickies are laying little bitty eggs and i think those are just perfect for this some of these eggs turned out pretty and some of them turned out pretty ugly so we're gonna put a few in there more onion those are so cute onion just layering the eggs and the onions okay i'm gonna if we don't have enough room i'll probably just eat that ugly one with some salt put bacons and some small ones in here okay we're gonna call those good so we've got two things of eggs and we have some hot dogs here i'm gonna use this to scoop up my brine i want the brine to be a little bit warm also i didn't boil this brine but i did bring it up to so close to a boil if i would have let it go longer it would have been boiling but this is warm i'm just gonna fill this baby up i'm using this cup to kind of i want to scoop out all the spices kind of get it even in each jar i'm trying to this smells so good you guys i know i already said that but it does they are so good i posted a picture years ago when i did the hot dogs and i mean i think people are going gross ooh like don't knock it till you try it it's good good stuff so i have a tiny bit of brine left here i'm really filling those up to the top guys okay i don't know how much i have i might be able to use that i'm not going to waste it i do have some ugly eggs over here and i think that i will just put those in a smaller jar yeah that's what i'm going to do found another jar here we'll put the ugly eggs in there it's not going to fill it up all the way no big deal we'll see how this goes oh i love when that happens it's absolutely perfect amount i'm gonna get those spices out of there yeah i'm not gonna waste this stuff it's too good sorry to have that pan facing you like that oh perfect guys so now we're just going to lid these up well that's not the same one no big deal i didn't match them up perfectly let's see for this one what could i use these these jars i buy i bought off of amazon oh they're so handy just to put on tops and you know once jars that aren't you aren't going to seal so that is it guys look at the finished jar of hot dog bites is that pretty or what so good and then there's the pickled eggs if you guys like pickled eggs like we do this recipe will just knock your socks off it is just really good and i will post this recipe down in the description below these do stay in the refrigerator i don't you know can these so they'll stay in the fridge probably for about three months or so maybe longer it does just have a lot you know it's just full of vinegar so it might last longer than that but it doesn't last that long in our fridge i hope you guys give this a try you will not be disappointed um you guys have a great weekend thank you for watching and god bless oh please don't forget to hit that subscribe button y'all enjoy your weekend bye bye i'm crying over here goodness pickled hot dogs [Music]
Channel: Blue Feather Homestead
Views: 14,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #samanthagrist, homestead, homesteadingfamily, bluefeatherhomestead, countrykids, farm, farmanimals
Id: Jv_Q2oOp24w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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