The Worlds BEST Pickled Eggs | Step By Step Recipe

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look smooth as a baby's face not mine hey yeah welcome to Stivers homestead I'm Zach I'm Jim and today is pickled egg day hey so Jen made this other day well Wow what it was we just ate them all up we eat we ate one live on live and all of you all were like we've got to know that recipe because it's unlike a regular yeah it's not like your regular pickled egg that you buy at the store right it's different and it lasts longer it can last up to six months maybe new year in your fridge so that's awesome yeah and these things are addictive the best thing I can compare to is that you want a mama yeah that you get at the gas station you know that guilty pleasure is that really not good for you yeah and then you like take one bite it yeah well this gets rid of that feeling after you eat and you like this is absolutely fantastic yeah so it is time to get at it yeah but the first thing you got to do hard boy you're a hard boy you're a so we have fresh eggs obviously we have our own little Easter eggs that we don't have to paint this year but we did a heart bold 24 which I think turned out 23 cuz one busted the best advice I can give you for hard boiling fresh eggs like if you have your own chickens or if you buy eggs from a neighbor who has thrown chickens is put about a teaspoon of salt into your eggs when you boil them put the eggs in the pot cover them with water at least two inches coverage bring it to a rolling boil and then turn it off put the lid on with that salt in there and then let them sit you'll on sit for 10 minutes with the top on and then you put them into cold cold water and then I usually let mine sit for a little bit a few minutes I usually get busy doing something else and then you come back and you try your best to peel them and on the strip fingers girls right yeah all right let's get on pillow what why can't I do the egg no so I just get to sit here apparently I'm not ready apparently I'm not very good at peeling eggs very delicate process exactly bull in the china shop right I'm telling you what there's one thing that can ruin your day or at least mine y'all may be even more patient than I am but this process can go one or two ways I can start destroying the eggs because the shells aren't coming off and it will literally ruin my night and it determines how the rest of the day goes but if they do well which they're doing so far then it's a whole different story only won't be here all night anyway for a jungle see this video in a month let me be one watch what it on film doesn't want me no more anger see Adi I already did a round hell yeah the salt is the trick you got to put the salt in there before it boils and then the cold water this is going better than last time buddy and it was early it's so worth it though my goodness they're so good yeah I'm gonna get the membrane just oh no no that's also another thing about fresh eggs there's a membrane and if you can break that membrane and take it with you while you peel it changes the whole process if you don't break that membrane and you're fighting with it the whole time then they're gonna come out terrible so this is what I do I don't intentionally try to break the membrane because eventually it will break itself a great day so if I try to force break it why don't going well good kid so part 2 down 22 to go first thing that's the mood I'm really nervous oh look at that beautiful see I'm moving really slow and kind of endure bad egg cuz I'm scared that the first time I did deviled eggs for Easter was our fresh eggs I had no clue what I was getting myself into and I swore I would never do it again because it was such a traumatizing experience I think I've killed it eggs for like four hours that day and I had everything else good what nothing more you missed that left you're gonna get hopefully I got your hardware here for you that's what it was do it oh you son-of again it's okay it's okay everything's fine oh yeah okay perfect yeah perfect so you're focusing maybe the baby's not mine mine is not smooth as a baby's butt but I did one show just eat this one an hour nope still big lemon mm-hmm yeah all right we are not going to make you sit through 24 eggs and meat butcher no because I think this is the only one I get to do so we'll see y'all in a month okay we got everything peeled she got everything peeled I did the one and fell miserably so right now she is getting all of the ingredients ready and we'll go over exactly how to perfect the most perfect pickled egg pickled egg okay so I'm doing two dozen eggs so I'm using a half gallon jar if you're just doing a dozen you can use a regular quart sized are so we're gonna make our bran first our eggs are harmful they're just sitting and waiting rinse them so they're good to go so we're gonna make our bran and we're gonna heat it until it's hot we're not going to boil it just heat it until it's hot so we're gonna do four cups of apple cider vinegar I feel like this is a staple you should have in your kitchen I talked about it so many times but ACB you need it on hand and we're actually running low so that's not good but we've used it for so much stuff so I mean it's fire cider it's everything we use it for chicken water everybody's water so yeah it safely should have in your kitchen so we're gonna do 4 cups of that and we're gonna put it in our pot and then we're gonna put in 1 cup of water it's just regular water and we're gonna do 1/2 a cup of canning and pickling salt so we're going to put that in and then we're gonna turn it on and let it get hot again not to a boil just hot so we're gonna whisk it together and let it heat up okay so our brand is heating up we're going to go ahead and put this stuff in the jar that it hasn't happened doesn't have to be heated in the bride so we're gonna do two cloves of garlic you're gonna put them straight in the jar we're going to do about a half a teaspoon of turmeric that wasn't a full half so I'm just gonna sprinkle this all I got left running out of things here and a half a teaspoon of cayenne or chili powder so I don't have cayenne again another thing that we ran out of that I didn't think just stocked up on we're growing up this year that we are who decided to put the camera so low so we had to talk like this there buddy okay it was me I did it and a half a teaspoon of I'm using chili powder but you can use Thai and/or chili powder whatever you have on hand it's just for a little bit of heat and then we're gonna wait on the rest of our bride to get hot and pour it in yeah I mean like that's like nothing you're proud of the main tenets though Terry do you rest for your ingredients let me put our eggs straight in the jar so I think it ended up being 23 and it's okay if they're not perfect and have little blemishes but you don't want them to be like completely torn apart because they just won't set well so try to make them as pretty as possible use the tricks and I will be good I've done this before and they all turned out terrible and I just ended up putting in the fridge and eating them and not pickling them so see there you go now we'll wait on our bread I'll tell you one thing with these you're gonna stare at them every single day in the fridge you me like I want these well I want to eat one so bad you've got to resist as long as you can it's gotta soak into that egg and the longer it soaks into it better and it is absolutely fantastic I promise you those pink beet color two eggs that are pickled you'll never go back home after you try this because it's so absolutely fantastic and this is the fun stuff that you all should definitely be experimenting in and trying different things fermenting pickling all that good stuff definitely be doing some of the things because you know it takes a while it takes Co three weeks four weeks two weeks whatever it is they actually get to try to enjoy it cuz you get a lit simmer for a while so that would be I trying your hand in everything like this so this pickled eggs is one of them sauerkraut's a good one gin yeah yeah yes right way to do a video on sauerkraut try your hand at sauerkraut start pickling other things you can't you know not just a if you like this flavor I mean I would assume you can fo use the same Braun on different things green beans banana peppers it's all that kind of different stuff because it's all about Seyfried they should all about how long any sit kind of thing so it's a fun stuff to do and it's quite the treat with no one want to leave your house agree and then I guess we can't even we can barely give them away so you gotta try different things out use them which you can water glass on and due to the video on that as well but you can't water glass um and preserve one but it's fun to these eggs in different ways I get toner and eggs like a peanut you know there's how many ways peanut that's ending with an egg there's so many things turn into Forrest Gump and Bubba overcome by shrimp that's same thing with eggs and if ways that you can do with those really exciting bronze almost ready I'm dead tired ok so the brown got hot and we mix it all together and now we're gonna pour it into our eggs using a funnel to try to reduce miss we've got our lid on you don't want to use a regular metal band because of the apple cider vinegar it just doesn't react well so if you can use a plastic band or a ferment lid something along those lines or you can put a coffee filter or a cheesecloth in between your metal band if that's all you have so we got that on and we're gonna shake it up now make sure all the spices get in beautiful color really change no yep beautiful look at that hot look at that so pretty so now actually I'm gonna put a little bit more on top I had some leftover some of the eggs aren't covered up but now you're gonna put it into the fridge and you're gonna let it set for that two weeks don't try them early they will not be good let em sit for the full two weeks and then try them and then you can leave them in your fridge for six months to a year but I promise you will because they're so good that you'll eat them up very quickly and if you love them then just keep having a batch on hand kind of like you with fire cider an elderberry syrup and yeah it's really really good yummy I wish I had one to show you but unfortunately we ate them all so we hope you enjoyed gins amazing non beat colored pickled eggs they says they are absolutely fantastic and I think the only thing that we didn't say was to just wake up at least myself because the seasonings settle in the bottom of the jar so but every day just turn it over turn it back down you'll have to shake it you just turn it over turn by down just to get it stirred by cup again that way all the eggs are getting all the flavors yes and it even if you have like uh I don't know the right word if you have a stigma about pickled eggs if you hate it in when you were little try this because they're so good it's different and I promise you will love it we've made everybody try them and not one person that said they don't like them so yeah yeah it's actually amazing if you like a hard-boiled egg this just takes it to the next absolute level yeah but you didn't know that even existed which we have got to go do right now we're dairy farmers nowadays and we've got to go they go yeah all right you all tell them they're telling what you want to say we love y'all until the next one if you liked the video don't forget to hit the subscribe you gotta remember [Music] you
Channel: Stivers Homestead
Views: 290,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stivers Homestead, Pickled Eggs, eggs, pickling, pickled, fermenting, fermenting foods, Hard boiled eggs, hard boiled egg hack, hard boiled egg peeling trick, Prepping, preserving, adding to our pantry, how to stock up, pantry stock, pantry goals, homestead pantry, pickled snack, homemade snacks, homemade, recipe, step by step, homestead, homesteading, trending on youtube, viral youtube, farmstead, farming, life worth living, lifeworthliving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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