Making Pickled Eggs - The really simple method

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hello good morning good afternoon good evening whatever it is where you are and welcome back to another episode on the annoy dad channel in today's episode as you've probably worked out by the title and the icon we are going to be making some pickled eggs this is a video i've never ever done before and i can't quite work out why i've never done the pickled egg making video the eggs i like to make they are just the super simple really really dead easy way of doing it you can do it with four eggs you can do it with 12 eggs you can do it with however many eggs you've got you can see here i got two and a half trays worth of eggs and we are going to be using these today the one main important thing that you want to make sure with your eggs is that they are more than a week old the reason becomes clear when you peel them if you peel a fresh egg a brand new egg that's just come out of the chicken's bum and then you boil it up and then you peel it you'll find that half of it falls away and you end up with just like a little bit of a yolk in the middle and a little bit of white stuff around it if you use an egg which is more than a week old and you boil up that and then you peel it it looks like a it looks like a proper boiled egg ought to actually look so don't use the freshest eggs use some of your older eggs these are older eggs and these are eggs that we were saving up and then their eggs that we pulled out because they're a little bit grubby and they need to be cleaned up what we're going to do first is we are going to boil the eggs and i'm actually doing this one evening and then i'm going to leave them overnight to cool down so what we're going to do is we're going to place them all into the saucepan just here there's already a small amount of water in there that's just clean cold water straight out of the tap so i'm going to clean some of these up i'm going to place them in there i'm going to turn it on let it come up to the boil once it's boiling i like to leave it for roughly 10 minutes then i'll turn it off and we will go from there i was just explaining that because i once turned around to people and i said everybody knows how to boil the deck don't they and there was somebody who said no i don't know how to boil an egg and they were being serious so i'm just explaining it all to you now so right i'm going to clean up some of these eggs get them in there and then we'll crack on with boiling them so one of the reasons why we're doing this is we're doing this to actually preserve these eggs because if we just left them in the fridge they wouldn't be very good and the the time of recording this it's the start of february 2021 so we've just we are still within the lockdown for covid and because we're in that not a lot of people are going out to our honesty box um there's not a lot of traffic up there which means we've got eggs which are being left over which is why these ones are being stored up under normal times where we would sell our eggs we would then also keep some back um the odd shaped ones the really really dirty ones that you want to clean up um it doesn't matter if a few bits of grass get in there uh but yeah you would keep back the odd shaped ones dirty ones the ones you don't really want to sell and you just use them for pickling so there we go i think we're just about full there within this saucepan i'll add a little bit of water but i think i'm going to take two out because i like my eggs to be covered i know that some people do it where they're not covered take out the bits of straw make sure all the eggs are covered that's fine i can do a second load in a minute and we'll turn these on let them boil for 10 minutes well we'll bring it up to the boil and then once it's boiling we'll leave it to boil for 10 minutes right now the eggs are boiling away we will start a 10 minute timer and we'll let them boil away like that for 10 minutes right so these guys have been boiling away now for 10 minutes and uh you can see that the water's got a nice vigorous boil to it there going the reason why i bought them for 10 minutes is because i like to make sure that the egg is really hard boiled i don't want a runny yolk whatsoever i want to make sure that that whole leg is hard boiled because then when it goes into the pickling process it comes out and it tastes a lot better right next step is straight over to the sink with it place them in the sink put the coal tap on and turn it on see that got one egg that split open split open like a kitty's toy like a little soldier egg so what we're going to do now is we're just going to leave these overnight uh let them cool down 100 all the way through to the middle making sure that they are totally cool and then in the morning we go on to the next step okay then so we have now moved on to the following day and you can see i've got in front of us here five jars um i was hoping that was going to be enough but i might need to dig out some more these have actually been sat in a sterilizing liquid um then they've had a rinse off and now they're going into the oven the only reason why i've got them in the sterilizing liquid is because i was making some mead at the same time so it just sort of like made sense and the jars i don't buy jars because we buy hot dogs this brand of hot dogs you can get in most uk supermarkets i think you you're able to get them around the world as well and the jars are perfect for doing the eggs in so um the oven's turned on the oven's up to uh 100 i'm just going to stick the jars in there for maybe 10 minutes just to dry them out to get rid of all the water in there um and just to sterilize them a little bit further basically but in the meantime i've got to start peeling all of these eggs okay so here we are with all of the eggs peeled and everything i was going to film it but i'm sure that you've seen people peel eggs before some of the eggs as you can see they peeled up and they came out all right others ones of them there's little bits and pieces but it's only for my eating so i don't really mind it doesn't bother to me um so yeah we squeezed uh rough like that one in there you can see there's a part of that one there that's come out but that doesn't matter it just means that all of the vinegar is going to be able to get in closer to the egg and get nearer to the middle to give it more flavor into these jars we've been able to squeeze roughly 12 eggs it varies depending on the eggs there are obviously large eggs and small eggs and it all depends on what you do as to how many you can squeeze in so the next step comes the vinegar and we're using sarson's pickling vinegar we picked this up from sainsbury's and it costs 1 pound 80 for a jar like this now i have had a look at doing other things like white wine vinegar and other things like that but i've never been able to work out if they are the right sort of thing to be using for the pickling and this is what i've always used for pickling so we're going to do with this is going to pour into the jar so it comes up and it's going to cover the eggs so you want your eggs to be covered to make sure that oxygen's not going to be able to get to your eggs that's going to be all of that jar there gone the good thing about these jars is that they are a nice big size that you're able to use them again if you want to do eggs but the head on them the hole is actually smaller than the hot dog jar hole now this jar is a bit of a dribbler all right last one so all you do now is just give them a little bit of a tap and a bit of a shake so as if there is any oxygen bubbles left within there you'd hope that they're floating up to the top once you've done that take your lids and apply your lids you can grab one if you want to i've got my son here with me my youngest so he can help i i don't have four hands honestly the other trick you can do is you can warm up your vinegar prior to placing it in there if you warm it up first and then put it in there um as it cools down it will actually pull down the top of the lid for the seal even though it is going to be sealed anyway um they are sealed they are air tight and nothing's getting in there right so all that's left to do now is to apply the labels so we got annoyed pickled eggs it's not actually the third today i got that wrong but um these you want to leave them for about a month about a month gives enough time for it to start allowing all of the flavor to go through into the eggs and you can leave them for anything up to six eight months i've left them in the past oh you need to get on there straight it needs to be perfect if it's going in my cupboard i can't get the label off the backing right okay so there we go that is the last label might have only taken five seconds on the video but it's actually taken us about 20 minutes trying to get the labels off the backing i made these on larger labels and then i cut them down and i thought yeah that'd be fine and then the pair of us have studies like that trying to get it off and yeah it just wasn't working so yeah these are going to be placed into the cupboard they will be kept cool they will be somewhere out of direct sunlight and yeah we'll just leave them for a month and then we'll come back and we'll enjoy them and to really confuse our international viewers we will then enjoy them with either a packet of crisps or we might have them with a portion of chips two totally separate things but obviously in other countries they mean the same thing so anyway yeah thank you so much for watching if you have not already done so please do scroll down and hit that subscribe button we don't just spend time in our kitchen making pickled eggs out of eggs that look like they've been peeled by five-year-olds we do actually do real things with birds and until the next video bye-bye
Channel: Annoy Dad
Views: 20,027
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Id: CEepZVtcrmY
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Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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