Hot, Sweet & Spicy Pickled "Hot Dogs & Onions!"

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everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide Scout interpreter and country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila behind the camera back there hi Shelly alright you got to bear with me a little bit I got a little bit of laryngitis but we're going to work through it anyway because today we're going to make pickled hot dogs now every other recipe that I see on the internet they call them pickled sausage that's fine if you want to call hot dog sausage people over in Germany that make all the great or Polish people that make the great polish and brats and all that stuff to me this is sausage and I wouldn't pickle this because it already has all the spices and flavor within itself hot dogs are just kind of almost the same thing as Bologna where they're run through a machine and mixed with a little bit of corn syrup and a little bit of garlic but mostly a paste like that squeezed into a into casing and then it's sprayed with liquid smoke then it's cooked and they peel the casing off and you've got these little strips of what a lot of people call sausage but I'm not going to call them sausage I'm going to call them hot dogs we're going to make some pickled hot dogs and they're really great what we're going to start with in our little pot here is four cups of white vinegar I want to get that part out of the way so I could have you come up closer and I'll show you what we're going to put in here like I said we're going to make pickled hot dogs now these are Franks here but here's the best part these things are only a dollar a package if you buy ten packages over here at Kroger's they're normally a buck and a half a package or ten for ten dollars that's all and these are one-pound so that's only a dollar a pound for what's inside of here and I'm thinking in a future show I'm going to take ten pounds of these run them through a meat grinder on course mix in a bunch of other goodies put them in a hamburger press and cook them out on the grill because now you're cooking and set at three ninety-nine a pound for hamburger you're paying a dollar a pound for this meat now you're going to need a couple of quart jars and you're only going to need two packages of these hot dogs but what I'm going to do first is I'm going to put my goodies in this brine I got my four cups of vinegar in there we're going to put in a lot of spices here in this little dish and I didn't want to put them in one of the time so I thought I'd just mix them all together there's a half a teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of cumin one and a half tablespoons of pickling spice and one teaspoon of red pepper flakes and don't worry I'll put all the ingredients in the description below so you can just copy and paste it and we're going to dump all those in our white vinegar and we're also going to put in about Oh kind of a good cereal spoonful of minced garlic in there but I'm also going to put garlic in the jars in just a little bit and speaking of garlic while this is heating up I need to get my garlic cloves peeled so I'll do what my Uncle Bob does dumps all this garlic break up them big cloves and he puts it in the fruit jar now we're going to shake the fire out of this for about 22 seconds watch this all right I didn't want you to have to watch me shake that but look at this this is so cool just throw your garlic in a fruit jar shake it and all your garlic basically peels itself and that that didn't come off it just pops right out because it's so beat up so that's how I do that now here's an update first of all I need to add 1/2 a cup of sugar to my brine over here I forgot to put that in now you can put in a quarter cup or you can put in no sugar at all and eat them real vinegary little hotdog things like they used to serve in a bar but I don't care for that but I'm going to just put in 1/2 a cup of sugar in this brine give it a little bit of stir here because it's getting pretty hot and I want it to dissolve good now I want to also tell you for those that see me put pickling spice in there remember pickling spice already has a lot of goodies in it let me read some stuff on the back here it's got mustard seeds cinnamon ginger bay leaves red pepper even though we added extra red pepper for this caraway allspice black pepper carry on door closed all kinds of goodies you can buy this in the store so a lot of people send me a post and they'll say what kind of pickling spice what are the ingredients in pickling spice don't worry about it just go to the store and buy one of these little metal cans or one of these plastic bottles it says pickling spice right on there and that's what you want to use now it's time for our secret ingredient one cup of Frank's hot sauce we're going to pour that in our brine over here I know I got this off-camera because I'm getting ready to work on the next thing and that's these hot dogs and again you can say that we're pickling sausage and theoretically it is a sausage but it's really just hot dogs to me and I like the best bite size to fit in the jar and to use for crackers later on and I'll show you why is I take these hot dogs and I cut them in half to start with so and then I cut the halves in half so they're a perfect little bite size that big okay and you'll need one package for each quart jar because we're also going to put some onions in there all right let's see here I'll put in a little bit of them and a little bit of onion and in there don't fight you know and it should hold one package hook your Packer down in there and looky there you got a widemouth jar and a widemouth cook to go with it I know what you're thinking Sheila alright see and that's one jar so we're all set but we're out of onion so I'm going to cut one up here quick for this other jar and how I do that I just chop off each side and then I'm going to cut her in half and pull off this out cap on each one they come right off when you cut it up like this and I want these to be bigger chunks so when they come out of the brine so you have hot dogs and onions eat pickled I'm not going to dice them and I'm not even going to cut them I'm only going to make like two cuts that way they're a bigger chunk of onion in there and I'll show you what I'm talking about I always cut down away from my hand and see how they break up kind of long and nice that'll be just perfect for that jar there's always one tries to get away like I said I'm fighting a little bit of laryngitis today so you got to bear with me now I'm going to transfer this over to a bowl so I can cut up my second batch of hot dogs and I guess I could do all this off-camera now I'm not really sure where the edit happened because our battery went dead and she was it hold on the battery went dead so let's cut up this other half now that we got a new battery remember we're going to cut our hotdogs in half and then we're going to cut the halves in half so basically cut them in four chunks that's just about perfect for our our little ingredient here one thing I got to tell you when the camera was off I took some garlic and I put it in this jar over here because I forgot to do that so let me get a little bit of onions in this one remember I cut them long like that left them long you chuck him in here and then I'm going to go ahead and just dump all the garlic in these big chunks of garlic I like to leave them in big chunks because I like pickled garlic along with the rest of them hot dogs and some more hot dogs here and a little more onion and some more hot dogs pack them down in there good they say you should leave a little space you get juice around them but you trust me it's good enough because I've already made several sample batches all right there we go now all right there we go now now let me show you why I cut them the length that I do here's a jar that's already done it's been in the frigerator for about four or five days oh they're so good now I gotta admit I wouldn't have thought just you know pickling up some hot dogs what's that going to do but they are really to die for and when you take a little hot dog out that's the length of what we cut and you just cut it in half it fits perfect on a Ritz cracker looky there man oh man I'm gonna pick this up and take a bite and we're going to have to turn the camera off why smack but we'll see in a little bit I'm telling you on a Ritz cracker that stuff is just fantastic there's one other secret ingredient in here you'll notice that we've been cooking with a lot of it lately shotgun Reds touch a sweet wine I'm going to just put in just about a couple tablespoons in that brine I'm going to let it simmer for a while so it cooks the alcohol away but the flavor is fantastic it's available right now in Tennessee but it will soon be available all across the country and we'll have a button there that tells you where the store locator is and how to order it at shotgun red wine dot-com all right this brine has just cooled off enough to where the simmer bubbles have kind of disappeared so it's still pretty hot but I'm going to take this Pyrex cup that I had that Frank's hot sauce in and I'm going to dip some of this out of here because I want to put it in here why it's still hot a little bit more out of there let these sit in the fridge for three to five days and they're good they're good for up to I don't know they don't last very long anyway so what are you gonna do alright there we go now I told you I was going to do a another modification and I'm going to tell you what that is in just a second snug that down pretty good let me turn it upside down that's how we're going to set that there and let it cool like that it's got a nice vinegary bite with a touch of sweetness to it one more little dab here and I like to have right about there and I like to have four cups of vinegar to start with just to do this and what it allows me to do now I'm going to know that this is the sweet one we'll turn that up there and here's my backup plan you see that right there I always chop up another onion and I throw it in there so I can take the rest of this brine that's in this pot I know it's blocking the camera shot but I hate to throw that brine away so I take the rest of it and it's about a half a quart leftover throw some onions in there you can put in some hard-boiled eggs you can do all kinds of stuff with this and it really doesn't waste the rest of that and I'll just set this off to the side for right now do a little housecleaning and there you have it they're cooling down and we'll be back when they're cool enough to turn over and there you have it hot and sweet and spicy pickled hot dogs don't pickle bratwurst or Polish sausages they already got plenty of good seasoning in them they don't need it but take some of those cheap dollar of packaged hotdogs from the store cut them up mix up all these ingredients make you some brine pour it over there and you're going to have a great treat and there's the finished product right there after three days this stuff is really good out of the refrigerator mine's about 1/3 empty because Sheila brought me some Ritz crackers and I eat about 1/3 on before we even taped the show and whatever you do don't waste the rest of the brine that's left over after you pour it over these two quarts of hot dogs and onions pour it over some onions or some hard-boiled eggs or whatever and I just love that little dab'll do you that's leftover don't waste it pour it on something if you like our recipes like these hot and sweet and spicy pickled hot dogs just click on our subscribe button right there and you'll be the first to know when we come out with something new Sheila's already waving her hand back there don't forget to tell him about a little shotgun red doll they can get them for the kids at shotgun red comm and he can join you in your kitchen well I hope this has been kind of a fun recipe to take cheap dollar a package hot dogs and turn them into an incredible little snack we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red and pop these in a refrigerator for about three days and then boy they're going to be good I almost forgot are these the best hot and sweet and spicy little pickled hot dogs you ever ate in your life if they they ought to be we'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 380,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hot, Sweet, Spicy, Pickled, Onions!, Pickled Hot Dogs, Pickled Onions, Pickles, Hot Dogs, Sausage, Pickled Sausage, Ritz Crackers, Ritz
Id: yCrc8s0nQZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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