Bar Snacks: Pickled Hot Dogs

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[Music] hello and welcome back to my kitchen today I'm not cooking either from the elder scrolls cookbook or the fallout cookbook but I'm gonna be sharing one of my own personal recipes for pickled hot dogs they are primarily found down in the sets other own States I believe don't really remember seeing them above the mason-dixon line typically they are found in bars or convenience stores well sometimes sell them but to get started we need to make our pickling brine and what I'm going to start with is four cups of white vinegar I'm also going to add in just one cup of water and I've got two cups of hot sauce I think this is Frank's hot sauce that you can use any hot sauce that you like as long as it's a hot sauce and not like a wing sauce that won't work for this the next thing we're going to need is two tablespoons of pickling spices and those are going to go in and there are there's like mustard seed allspice broken-up bay leaves I believe some coriander and some of them even have clove I think one of mine in here has just a little bit of clove actually I think I'm going to add I'm gonna actually add another tablespoon to this three whole tablespoons I've got half of a tablespoon of mixed peppercorns and one whole tablespoon of red pepper flakes that I'm gonna add in this is gonna sit here and simmer for a little but I'm gonna bring it up to a boil and then let it simmer for probably just about five minutes it doesn't take very long I'm not adding any sugar to mine but you certainly could add anywhere from 1/4 of a cup to a half a cup of sugar if you want a sweeter pickling brine but for this I don't I want the spicy I'm also gonna add in just a pinch of kosher salt I don't want to add too much because the hot dogs have their own salt level in them and I don't want to make this over salty but I do want just a little bit so while this is coming up to heat I'm going to take you over to my other counter and we'll start getting the jars ready and one other note when you are doing this make sure you're using your ventilation hood if you have one the the vinegar and the hot sauce can take your breath away if you stand over it or if you get a big whiff of it so it's good to use a well-ventilated kitchen to do this all right guys give me just one minute and I'll get you moved over all right we are over on my other counter and we are going to start assembling our hot dogs now what I'm using today are one large package of little Smokies and I've also got two three pound or six pounds of just plain regular hot dogs I find that the cheaper the cut of hot dog that you buy the better this works I think the fillers in that four hot dogs soak up the spice and the pickling brine much better than like an all-beef hot dog but you can offset you can use those you can also use kielbasa or Bologna or any other precooked meat like salami or something like that I've never tried it with the salami or summer sausage I hear it's really good but yeah this is what I most generally use when I do this so let me move these kind of to the side I also have one Vidalia onion and one purple onion that I've sliced up I have several jalapenos I think there's like six or seven jalapenos that I pulled out of my garden that I've just sliced into rings and then I have 12 cloves of garlic that I've sliced and I'm gonna assemble these in half-gallon mason jars and you want to make sure when you seal these you seal them with a plastic lid and not the metal rings that come with the jars so I'm gonna start with two of them and the first thing I'm going to do I'm just gonna lay your some of my onions in to both jars and some of the garlic and this one really it's all just about assembling all this and of course my jalapenos which I think I can get him in there without getting them everywhere okay maybe there we go movies out of my way all right say for this one I'm just going to put in some of the hot dogs and you just kind of want to keep layering this while I'm doing this let me remind you of the community-driven playlists that jay pakka death and i have going on in our channels if you would like to be a part of that all you have to do is go out and make a cooking video post it to your channel and then once you've done that just let either jpg or I know down in the comment section of our latest cooking videos or if you're a part of his discord server you can let us know over there as well all right let's keep just keep filling this up until it gets up towards the top you can kind of push them down a little bit to try and fill up any any air pockets or where they don't they get in there sideways and then I'm gonna do the same with this one but I'm just gonna put the little Smokies in first and then if I have any more room which I probably will I'll put the hotdogs on top of these and it's totally fine to mix these up which is how I generally do it alright guys I have brought you back over to my stove so you couldn't see what I mean by just letting it some are a little bit whoo you just want to be really careful that you don't breathe the steam in because it will make you sneeze and it will make your lungs heart so this has been going for about 10 minutes now the spices that I put in are starting to become really fragrant so at this point I'm just gonna turn my heat off and let this start cooling down a little bit before we put it in the jar so I will bring you guys back when it's time for that alright guys our brine has cooled down and I've already started filling my jars up I'm gonna keep filling this middle one I will this first one up here and you want to go all the way until your hotdogs are completely covered with your brine that should be about the end of that one and then I'll just move this over and we can finish filling up this last one what there we go actually probably just let this pour in and again you just want to bring this all the way up to the top I'm gonna spread some of those spices out between the jars because you do want this in there they're going to help flavor the brine as it sits in marinades there we go [Music] and this one [Music] just gonna even out my brine a little bit make sure you push it down a little and that'll help bring it up over alright guys so here is my six pounds of hot dogs and the two-pound package of cocktail wieners that I put in here the amount of brine that I made was the perfect amount to fill up all three jars and to make sure that they are filled all the way up over top of the hot dogs these are gonna go out of my refrigerator where they're gonna sit and soak up all the brine and the seasonings for about two to three weeks before we start enjoying them the longer you let these sit in your refrigerator the better they get they will last up to about five to six months but in our house they go much faster because they get eaten up fairly quickly I hope you guys have enjoyed this video remember to check out the gamers and geeks playlist as well as my elder scrolls and fallout playlist and I will leave links down in the description to them but for now I've been ball girl thank you for joining me and I hope I see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: vaultgirl145
Views: 98,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vaultgirl145, Japic o'Death, Gamers and Geeks playlist, bar snacks, pickled hot dogs, pickling brine, brine for pickled hot dogs, bar snacks pickled hot dogs, pickled hot dogs bar snacks, hot dogs, pickled, cocktail wieners, pickled cocktail wieners, how to
Id: pEEAoTeXbck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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