How to Make Old Fashion Pickled Bologna

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you know growing up in a small community they had like little jot them down stores little country stores like the one right there of course you'll see that's my mom and my granny up church going into it one of her relatives joel rich and julie owned it and they always had pickled bologna heard of pickled eggs and other stuff like that with this pickled balloon and a lot of times only the little country stores had it now some of the big box stores these days they do carry it every once in a while but i haven't seen in a long time but there's nothing like eating pickle baloney and crackers you know you can go in there and get you some take them home take them fishing you know just sit on the porch and eat them but since they're hard to find these days i'm going to show you how to make them so stay tuned i think you're going to like it [Music] all right let's get started one gallon this is glass i like glass blast that's a lot better than plastic these right here are the field southern style dinner freaks just regular hot dogs and then you can use the big chunks but then you got to slice them up so these look what they call cracker bologna from fields delicious so let's uh let's get started on it it's very very simple we're going to go ahead and start off with the pack of the hot dogs and you just throw them in there all right now we're going to go ahead and do some blowing just for the form of it of course once you're doing the blown you like that just go ahead and take the wrapper off of it well he's too good there we go like so then just slice it up however thick you want now look at that i remember going into the store wanting a sandwich and you never know once one side will be thick other side of these hands see look at there that's perfect so we'll put those in here of course i'll go ahead and finish cutting these things up and get them in here and then we'll go to the next step all right as you see we finished that now the next step is you're going to have to add a cup of water no matter what so let's just pour that in there right now then you're going to add two tablespoons of salt one there's two and what i like to do is ball makes this pickle crisp granular it's just spicy we're gonna add two of those not like kids making you know dill pickles or anything like that that wasn't exactly so add just a little bit more to that now some people add jalapenos red peppers black peppers whatever but or not i really don't like hot spicy foods but i do love pickle balloon that brings back so many memories so let's just pour this in here there we go so right now it don't look like much but about six to ten days i'll just go ahead and mix it up so there you go all we got to do is wait six to ten days of course i'll be checking and tasting problems start tasting until about probably the sixth day just to make sure but we'll check back then then we'll let you know how it works stay tuned oh yeah one more thing this right here is a mixed tickling spicy by bob now how much you use honestly about as much as you want so that's what we're gonna do all right so now all we're going to do is watch and wait wait [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now it's time we waited 10 days to see if this tastes like this here we go that is good takes me back to those old days can't get no better now so yeah it takes 10 days to make this don't be in a big hurry uh good thing about it is after you use it you can dump more bologna in here or hot dog and keep using it every once while you might want to try to refresh it but like i always say tell people about us tell your friends tell everybody else subscribe hit the like leave a comment a nice comment ring the bell and do a little dance for me scout hunter and everybody else this jeff tennessee buck outdoors and thanks for watching
Channel: Tennesseebuck Outdoors
Views: 31,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 15R7EEzT4kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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