Track Text to ANYTHING! in Davinci Resolve 16 FAST!

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what is going on guys nick here back with another tutorial for davinci resolve and today we're going to take a look at how to track text to anything inside of davinci resolve so any bit of footage that you have we're going to learn how to quickly and easily track that to an object i realized looking back on the channel that i haven't actually done tutorial like this so let's do it so what we're going to do let's delete that and start from scratch we're going to drag our footage in obviously whatever your footage is will be a bit different and for argument's sake i'm just going to trim this down so that we don't have as much footage to work with and i'll just bring it forward a little bit trim that down and for this sake i don't need the audio so i'm just going to delete that too so what i'm going to do is i'm going to highlight the footage with my playhead and then jump into fusion and then that's going to bring the clip in to fusion i'm just going to close some things down make a bit of space all right so here we have the fusion layout with the footage first things first i like to keep everything nice and organized so i'm going to rename my media in node so we can select that right click and go rename or you can see you can do function f2 and i'm just going to call that traffic clip and that's just so you can keep track of things in larger fusion compositions good habit to get into all right so when tracking an object you want to look for quite a few different things contrast being the main ones you want to look for points of movement if you're tracking a moving object with a lot of contrast so we're going to look through this clip obviously we've got a lot of cards got some black ones there i like the look of these ones here because they've got a really nice dark sunroof on a white car that's moving cleanly through the clip and we're going to do that so what we're going to do is move to the start of this clip and then in your node section select your media clip and then i want you to hit shift space on your keyboard it's going to bring up your tool selector and then in here we're going to type tracker and you see we've got three different options we've got a camera tracker that's designed for 3d movement we've got a planar tracker which we could use in this instance but we're not going to we're going to use the bottom one which is a single point tracker so we're going to add that to the node tree and there you go we have our tracker now with the tracker selected if we head on over to the right hand side under the inspector now if you don't have that open it can just be controlled by clicking this button here yours also might look a bit different by dropping it down but here we go we've got the tracker over here instantly it's added this tracker to our scene as listed here tracker one and if we hover over it's quite hard to see here but you can see we've got two squares we've got this hard green line square and then a dotted green line square out there basically everything in this solid square that's what we're going to track and then everything inside the dotted square is what it's going to look for so with the playhead at the start of the clip we're going to grab this little corner here you can see it kind of highlights when you grab it and we're going to grab it and move it over that car here so this one here all right and we're going to just move the clip over and now what we can actually do is resize these squares in the viewer so if you don't click so this one will control the movement of that square every other corner all right if you click them controls the size so we're going to just sort of make that box over the car and if you look in your inspected we actually get a black and white representation of what that point is so we're going to just hover over it until we get a nice good representation now the bigger the dotted square is the longer it's going to take to track because it's going to be searching a larger area for the object in this particular scene there is a car right behind it that looks identical and so having a large box probably not going to be a good thing because the track might jump around think that that's the right thing so what we're going to do is actually make this box pretty small and this is going to depend on whether or not your point has enough contrast and all that sort of stuff here we've got a very defined object that we're tracking so we don't need a large area for it to search for awesome once you've done that over in your inspector pretty much we're going to use the default settings and all we're going to do is hit this one here which is track forward from current time so click that and let davinci resolve do its thing you see here it's tracking the cars working pretty quick your computer may vary perfect done and as we see here we can scrub through we've got a really nice clean track on that car all right so now that we have that object tracked we just need to tell the tracker what we're doing so currently all we have is tracking data but it's not doing anything right it's not telling fusion this is what this data is for so what we're going to do in the inspector is we're going to head on over to the next tab so we have the tracking tab and then we've got the operation tab the operation tab is going to tell the tracker what to be used for basically you know currently it's used for nothing so if we hit that drop down we've got match move corner positioning and percep perspective positioning we want to do match moves and basically this operation controls whatever gets plugged into this tracker so what we're going to do is do match moves so what we want is whatever we plug into that tracker is going to match the movement right of the tracking data so we do do that perfect and we've got a few extra options here so we've got the merge so foreground over background so the background is going to be the traffic clip as it's plugged into here which is the input or the background and that's how we pretty much want this set up we can also do different screen modes and applying and all that sort of stuff default should work perfectly fine next thing we'll do is want to add text to the scene so we can just do that by dragging a text node down like so or we can hit shift space and type in text there's a few different options i'm going to chuck the text node in drag the output of that to the green arrow on the tracker and now we're going to type so we can just type in traffic because there's some bad traffic and you can fiddle around with whatever you want you can change the color it's not super important do whatever you want to do in this we can move it around in the scene all right so let's line it up with that car which is just over here and if we play this scene through straight away it's already tracked to the car now because whatever's tracked whatever's plugged into the foreground of the tracker is matching the movement of the tracking information we can still move this around it's going to match the movement of that you know of the car so it doesn't matter where we have it we can have it anywhere in the scene we want and it's going to match the movement which is really really really cool now the best cool thing about this is we can actually delete that text node say we wanted to bring in an image so if i open this up i've got my davinci resolve logo all right and i can plug that into the foreground and if i wanted to move that what we'll do is gonna i'm gonna add a quick transform node just to move it up here and now if i press play you can see i've got my temperature resolved logo tracking to that object so anything plugged into the tracker is going to match the movement and and that is the simplest way to track text to an object inside of davinci resolve really simple hopefully you found this tutorial helpful if you did make sure you hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel for more content we're going to try and do a few more easy tutorials a few hard ones see how we go and yeah until the next one guys see ya
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 27,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to track text to a moving object in Davinci Resolve 16, track text to anything in Davinci Resolve, how to track a moving object in Davinci Resolve 16, text tracking in Davinci Resolve 16, easy tracking tutorial for Davinci Resolve 16, text tracking for beginner Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve 16 how to, Davinci Resolve tutorial, how to track text in fusion Davinci Resolve 16, fastest way to track an object in Davinci Resolve
Id: tb4DDPxwSco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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