LOCKED-ON STABILISATION Effect in Davinci Resolve 16

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hey guys how's it going welcome back to another video today we're jumping back into DaVinci Resolve doing another tutorial because you guys seem to absolutely love them and we're taking a look at how to create that locked on stabilization effect that you see in those beats commercials this one was actually recommended by one of the viewers of the channel Brian Meade so thanks for reaching out again if there is anything you guys want to learn specifically DaVinci Resolve please leave comments in the videos I'd do my very best to bring them to you because I feel like there's no point me just bringing useless videos out I want to actually bring value to you guys even if it means only one person values from it so Brian thanks for reaching out this one's for you so the effect I'm talking about is when basically you track an object in the frame and then you stabilize the clip around that object it's a very creative technique to draw attention to specific objects in the scene that's why they use it in the beats commercials that draws your attention to the beats headphones and it's a pretty artsy way to do it and best of all it's really easy to actually accomplish so let's just jump into DaVinci Resolve alright guys so to accomplish this effect you'll be surprised at how easy it actually is so what we're gonna do is jump into DaVinci Resolve and here I have this clip just to stop a little footage of a girl walking she's got some headphones in and there's a little bit of camera movement as well so it should be pretty easy now the good thing about this shot as well is that the subject is quite centered and the frame is also quite wide and that is definitely key when trying to accomplish this effect because we do end up shrinking that frame down a fair bit so the wider the shot the better because then you can frame the subject more centered anyway so with the playhead over the footage you want to accomplish this effect we jump over the diffusion alright so I'm just gonna quickly rename the footage to headphone I do that just because it's smart to keep everything organized yeah select the median node shift space and type in track us we're going to add a track art to the scene and we're gonna position this tracker make sure you're at the start of the composition I'm gonna position the tracker over the headphone now for some reason DaVinci Resolve is glitching on at the moment so I'm going to use the window over and the inspector to position my tracker and I'm just going to position it more or less centered on the air pod there and just resize it to include the whole air pot in the frame and just resize that like so scroll up and track forward alright so now that that's finished tracking we want to head on over to an inspector in the tracker go to the operations menu and this is what we generally do when we use a tracker anyway and change it to match move now here's where things get a little bit different so the way the tracker works is it's similar to a merge node in the sense that it has a background a foreground also has a mask input and then output exact same as a merge node and you can see here under the operation we have the function of how it works as a merge node currently it's set to foreground over background what that means is anything plugged into the foreground so the green arrow of the tracker will utilize the operation of the tracker who were to say drag a text node down and plug it into the foreground and type something straight away it's going to match the motion of the headphones all right so because we are plugging it into the foreground of the tracker and the way it currently set is foreground or the background but you'll notice there's a drop-down box and we drop that down we can change it so we can do foreground only background only background or foreground if we do background only anything plugged into the yellow triangle so the input or the background will match the movement of the tracker now currently the footage is plugged into the background so naturally if we go background only all of a sudden if we click off and we hit play now the footage although it looks a little bit weird at the moment it is following the movement of the tracker now obviously we do have a little bit of an arrow here and this is what we're talking about at the start is that because we are zooming in and punching in and moving around this media clip we have a lot of this gray area alright so we want to cover that up quite easy to do that all we want to do is select the tracker hit ship space and add a transform node and we're literally all you want to do now is scrub through your footage and find the point where the majority of the clip you know is out of the frame like so and we're gonna do is with the transform node is we're going to resize and reposition it like so and keep it centered and basically we're going to play back until we have a useable clip and you know this is where you want to play through so you don't want to zoom in too much so you just go back and zoom out and that looks pretty good something across to the Edit Page now we have our locked on stabilization to the head of that girl and this works for any object in a scene like I said really easy to accomplish so there you go guys another tutorial done and dusted told you it was gonna be super easy hopefully you followed along alright and you can accomplish this effect on your own now if fusion is something that you're really interested in I do have a course as well as some free templates that you can download at in myself I saw so the link for that is in the top line of the description so check that out it also supports me and you know helps me create more free content for you guys like this video here hit that thumbs up button if this video was helpful and leave a comment down below make sure you know if there is anything even if you think it is so specific that no one will do it leave a comment and I'll try my very best to bring my that video to you for example a few months ago someone asked if I could create that Ben Tek transition only one person asked me to make that video and I went out of my way and I made that video specifically for that person and a lot of you guys really enjoyed it and that's the goal here with this channel is to bring value to guys specifically so reach out contact me hey if you don't want to drop a comment you can DM me on Instagram and you know I have been known to just answer questions like that so you know do that as well we will have a few more videos dropping this week one of them is going to be a bit more on organization creating folders individual results you can organize the templates and all that sort of stuff so subscribe if you want to see videos like that and until next one guys see ya
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 206,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locked-on stabilisation Davinci Resolve, locked on stabilization effect tutorial in Davinci Resolve 16, how to stabilise a clip around an object in Davinci Resolve 16, locked-on stabilisation davinci resolve, locked-on stabilisation, beats by Dre stabilisation in Davinci Resolve, beats by Dre effect in Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve 16 tutorial, Davinci Resolve tutorial, Davinci Resolve fusion tutorial, Davinci Resolve color grading tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, Resolve
Id: GC00484WyWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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