Tracking Objects In DaVinci Resolve 16 | Using Tracking Markers

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[Music] [Music] [Music] is up YouTube we are back at it yet again we're here it's Wednesday it's a tutorial today on DaVinci Resolve and I'm super pumped to bring you guys this tutorial we're going over how to track objects to things or just track things in general with in DaVinci which means we're getting in diffusion and we're gonna be using the free version of DaVinci so we don't have the camera tracker what we're gonna be using is the planar tracker and step number one if you have the ability to not you don't always have this opportunity but on my left hand which we tracked the logo to I created tracking marker and there's black X tracking markers make tracking so much easier and it makes you it's almost like a sure way of knowing you're gonna get a good track if you have the ability to use a tracking marker which can be actual markers like me it can be tape it can be a sticker anything that's gonna cause a high amount contrast it allows the planar tracker to read that much easier so for me I had black marker laying on my desk sod to scribble on my hand a little X made it much easier to track and get that data but in the event that you can't do so all you just trying to find something high in contrast within your frame and and you can track of that but we'll get it all into that once we get into da Vinci first thing is I want to thank everybody for subscribing a phone or long and commenting and liking all my videos and giving me feedback I appreciate you all and if you're not subscribed make sure you guys are subscribing because we're dropping three videos a week fridays and me photoshop fridays wednesdays our tutorials in da vinci and mondays are gonna be known my previous video said like creative videos but they're literally gonna be anything that could be a tech review it could be a creative vlog i'm going on a cruise on saturday so i'm gonna vlog all of that so you guys will be getting a vlog on day coming up sometime soon it can be anything anything you guys want put it in the description or put it in the comments not the description that's my job put it in the comments below and I will make sure I make things that you guys want on mondays as well so without delaying this anymore let's just get into da Vinci let's get into fusion and let's start tracking things alright guys now that we are back here in da Vinci as you guys can see in my timeline down here I had the DaVinci Resolve logo already inputted into the timeline along with a little part of the clip where my hand has the black X on there for my tracking marker so the first thing you want to do before going in to Fusion is you're gonna want to color grade your clip and get it to the look that you want it to look like right away because when you go into fusion and combine these two Clips then when you apply a color grade it will then apply that set that color grade to the differential resolve logo as well so in order to not color get the DaVinci Resolve logo and only color grade the background clip or the original clip you want to do that before we go into fusion so what we want to do is highlight both of these clips and you're gonna right click on them and your new new fusion clip and when you have that done as you can see that the logo goes away and everything like that that combines them into one clip make sure that your playhead is over the fusion clip and you can come right down here and we're go into fusion now when we are in fusion we have your media one your media to your merge node and your media out media oh I'm gonna if you push the number two we'll bring it up into this viewer and I'm gonna just see what media one is that's gonna be my background layer it's gonna be me and then my foreground layer will be the DaVinci Resolve logo which I is now the second viewer so we're gonna put media out which is our final product back in the final viewer right here and we want to make sure that we have our two Clips laid out properly I'm gonna rename these I'm going to rename this to I'm clip and already named this one too logo just so we can stay organized alright so what we want to do is we want to track this X on the background clip we want to track that and get the data of how that moves on the screen so what we want to do is you're gonna click on your back or the Sam clip you're gonna push shift spacebar and that's gonna bring up your select tools you just want to type in planar tracker just like that click it and add and it instantly adds it in to your the line of the nodes here so if it's not in there and it's like this all you have to do is select your planar tracker node hit shift and get it so that those lines light up and let go and it'll come right in there alright once you've got the planar tracker node in line with the Sam clip and connect it to the merge node what you want to do is go to make sure your planar tracker node is selected come over to the tracker data here and we want to push hybrid point slash area and then for motion type this all is going to depend on what you are doing within your clip what you all want tracked so there is perspective there's translation and translation rotation translation rotation scale and then there is a fine so which is TRS and shear for this all we need is translation oh that's going to do is track the motion of my hand and they like whether it goes up down left or right I thought what's going forward or is going backward and I wanted that image to scale backwards and forwards with everything I would have to select translation rotation and scale or if I was rotating in any kind of point you would want translation and rotation but for me right now translation is good enough now the output we could have all these different could have a mask mask over a background but for us right now we just want a background and what's your channel you want to track I'm gonna do luma right now but sometimes it is more effective to use the blue green or red depending on the color grade and depending on what in your image there's more of so sometimes if there's like a lot of like blues in my image I might select the blue channel because you'll just get a better track that way but for right now because it's a high contrasted area with the black X in my hand I'm gonna do luma so once we have our settings all set we're gonna come back to the very first frame or whichever frame you want to start tracking by I'm gonna hold ctrl or command on Mac I'm going to zoom in and with the planar tracker selected I'm just gonna create a little circle around the area that I want track I'm gonna come up here you're gonna set your preference time and now you have all of these options right here so if you select this one that's gonna track one frame forward and only one friend and as you can see right here all these little green dots that's telling you that's what is being tracked but we don't want to just do one track or one frame at a time what we're gonna do you hit this one this is gonna track to end so it's going to track this whole entire clip so you sort of come here select it and it's going to move forward and it's just tracking that clip so now you guys can see the importance of having the X or any kind of tracking marker or without that tracking marker there I would have never got as good of a track or maybe even a track at all from my hand I might have had to track like my bracelets or my wedding ring or something like that so anytime there's like a high contrasted area it's gonna track really really nicely if it's not it was just my hand it would definitely be a struggle because the planar tracker works best with high contrasted areas but anyways now that we got the track what we want to do is come down here which is create planar transform and once you click that you'll notice here down over in the node graph and this planar transform node is created what we want to do this is all the data this is like the tracking data from my hand you want to hold shift when you have that selected and put it under the logo right there and as you can see it's already moved a little bit on our final output and if we play it back it'll follow my hand like so but that's not exactly where we want it we want it right over my hand we maybe want to blend it a little better or however you know we want to move it so in order to get that to be moved directly over my hand the size we want it let's create a transform node turn hit shift spacebar type in transform hit add alright so once you have the transform node added in here to your nut graph what you want to do is come over to here to the right once you have the transform node selected and you'll notice you can control your center your pivot your size your aspect your angle you can flip it up down left right you can do a bunch of different things within this transform node but all we want to do right now is get it over my hand and maybe make it a little bit smaller so you want to come over here you can select these little arrows and you want to just drag them right on over your hit my hand and bring down the size maybe just a little bit and I kind of moved it on us so we just move it right on back all right so once you have the item that you're trying to track resize and position perfectly however you want it positioned we'll come back to the Edit Page and we will see how this plays through alright so now that it's all rendered this is what the end product will look like alright guys so that is how you track things within DaVinci Resolve using the planar tracker and this can work for so many different things whether it's tracking an object to a wall tracking object to your hand like me tracking you know skies to your background or like you know getting them to the background to the foreground so they move the same way and I'll actually linked up here a video for that my sky replacement showing you guys how to use a tracker for that thank you guys again though for always showing love and subscribing and following along I love putting out these YouTube videos like literally some of the most fun I've ever had doing videos is making these YouTube tutorials for you guys so I'm super pumped to be bringing you guys more if you yet want to see anything in particular put put it in the comments below I have a gimbal tutorial coming out yet I got to go home because of some friends that are gonna help me film that and then I got some other tutorials on glitch transitions that I'm trying to perfect for you guys that's all coming yet and presets will be coming with those glitch transitions I'm gonna come up with some lux here soon so it's gonna be a busy month I'm excited to blog it do some videos do some Photoshop tutorials and keep coming with the DaVinci rhetoric to toriel's so thank you guys for falling along and I'm going to catch you in the next one
Channel: Sam The Camera Man
Views: 217,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tracking Objects In DaVinci Resolve 16 | Why You Should Use Tracking Markers, Tracking Objects In DaVinci Resolve 16, Tracking Objects In DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve 16, tracking davinci resolve 16, motion tracking davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve effects tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 15, tracking in fusion, davinci resolve, planar tracking davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion effects, tracking in Davinci, tracking
Id: cM7XqjL_eCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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