ATTACH OBJECTS TO WALLS AND GROUND (Tracking) - Davinci Resolve Fusion Tutorial

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Just the thing I like to learn, great!

But seriously, why the 22 seconds of intro after already 1 minute of talking about what you are going to do? Dropping your instagram tag in the example at the start was a much better way to get me to read your name.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Charming_Yellow 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

Interesting - I didn't know you could do this stuff in Davinci. I've been thinking about making the switch from Premiere Pro to Davinci but was worried that I'd lose the functionality/convenience of After Effects and Audition. I'm mainly interested in the color matching, ACES workflow capabilities, and it's alleged ability to take advatange of a good GPU/6xCore+ CPU

For those of you who are Davinci users for your entire editing workflow - do you feel like you are missing the functionality of After Effects and Audition? Or can you do most of the same basic stuff?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dietdoom 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

What would it cost me to have you label some buildings on a 2 minute video?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mzarif 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
have you ever wanted to maybe add some text in a clip of yours that we'll be tracking maybe your finger or maybe you see a billboard that needs to be replaced with an image or even a video maybe you have a scene where a car is driving by or a car is in your shot and you need to blur the license plate well today I'm going to show you how to do all of those things inside DaVinci Resolve I'm going to show you some of my own personal motion tracking techniques so you guys can accomplish all of the above my name's Jamie Fenn I love making videos I make tutorials on cool transitions visual effects and today we're gonna cover motion tracking and attaching objects to the ground walls and even moving objects let's jump into DaVinci Resolve and get the ball rolling [Music] dragging a clip that you want to apply the motion tracking to I'm going to come down here and click on the clip I'm going to right click and start a new Fusion clip I'm going to bring the cursor back over here I'm going to go into fusion the first thing I'm going to do is apply some tracking to some area over to the left where I am pointing with my left hand I'm gonna come over here and click on median one I'm gonna hold down shift spacebar and type in planner tracker I'm going to select plant our tracker and it should automatically default land and connect between the in and outputs so the first thing I want to do is find where I want to start tracking some point and in this specific scene I'm going to use the perspective motion type and so I'm gonna just do what I did kind of in the beginning of this video and I'm going to select these points right here it doesn't necessarily have to be a square it can be a triangle you could do a specific portion of the scene but for right now I'm just gonna select a square you can even drag and move these points and modify them once you click on them and so usually anything that has a good contrast will have some good tracking data I'm going to start tracking actually right before I point at this area I'm gonna highlight these points and just kind of move this over and see what happens okay I'm going to set the tracking frame and tracking time in this clip right there I'm going to select Hybrid Point area like I said I'm going to leave this on perspective if you actually come and click on this button right here it will track forward and I'm going to track forward until basically I'm happy with it and then I'll push a stop so I'm gonna go ahead and do that and as you can see the tracking is doing really well my computer is doing pretty well considering that I'm screen recording and so now pretty much that will be out of the scene I'm just gonna push stop here and as you can see between these points that I selected there are a ton of tracking data points that da Vinci recorded now I'm gonna bring in something just like the Instagram logo okay I'm gonna drag and drop it into here you can either have it in your media pool already or you can have it like in your downloads folder or maybe on your desktop drag it in here I'm just gonna rename it real quick put igu logo so then I'm just gonna come down here I'm gonna click on the tracker I'm gonna go to the beginning of the scene where I want the logo to be and I'm actually gonna come up here instead of operation mode I'm gonna click corner pin and what this does by default is it gives you a square box two corner pin something for example like a cell phone screen or in this case a wall I'm gonna come in here and select a proportionate sized rectangle and what's nice about these brick walls right here is that if you zoom in you can kind of get like an accurate line with the way the grid of the bricks has been built into the wall and so I'm gonna just click here let's see maybe I mean that should be good for the time being okay then I'm gonna drag the IG logo on top and now as you can see where the tracking data points start which if you click on the tracking node you can see with the data points that have been created and now the logo is on the wall and it will stay corner pinned to the specific points right here that you selected isn't that pretty cool okay just a real quick thing just to make this look a little bit more realistic I'm going to come in here and add a drop shadow you can actually change the direction of the angle and how much it is affected and then the light is actually coming from behind me I kind of want to maybe put it like that just to kind of match the other shadows in the scene and you can increase the shadow strength the drop distance how far it is you can make it really look like it's far away from the wall for the beginning of this tutorial I kind of have like a automated popup type of effect when I point and the way I did that is I actually came in here and I clicked on either IG logo or drop shadow but I'm gonna click on the drop shadow hold shift to space bar type in transform and with this transform node you can adjust the size the aspect and so what I actually did is I went to the point right where I pointed and that's full size I'm gonna keyframe and then go backwards and keyframe again and select 0 so that way when I point it pops up boom there you go so now you can see in real time that my computer is actually handling this pretty well I'm on a MacBook Pro this is all back in real time one more time and it looks like I just you know make something up here on the wall instead of dragging in the logo that I dragged in you could drag in a photo you could drag in a video you could drag in pretty much anything a 3d object and basically just apply the same technique to what I just showed you to any one of your clips any one of your videos and you can achieve the same effect now when you do the tracking there are different options here for motion types and you're gonna want to select the best one for the scene that you're trying to track if you guys like these kinds of videos please like and subscribe comment below what you think and see the next one [Music]
Channel: Jamie Fenn
Views: 210,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorials, davinci, resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve fusion effects, tracking in davinci, tracking in davinci resolve, tracking in davinci resolve 16, attach objects to wall and ground davinci resolve, planar tracking davinci resolve, planar tracking, jamie fenn
Id: E12L2bVPAbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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