Man Loses His Hand In A Shark Attack (EXTENDED CLIP)

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i thought paddling towards the way because someone's trying to someone's trying to stop me get away so i tried to yank my arm back and then i just got yeah pulled under the water and shook around it was an event that took place five kilometers away that made much bigger news a navy diver is believed to have lost his hand in this morning's shark attack in sydney harbour from the navy they were doing an [Music] exercise a diver has been mauled just a few kilometers from bondi we're just glad it wasn't here i mentioned we had a shark attack oh i say that mentally with large scores of fish in the bay grey skies and now an attack nearby lifeguards increase their vigilance probably sharks out there all the time can be pretty tough to see any other at the back of the break danny and bacon encounter another large school of salmon i remember the birds usually means there's a few fish around oh with so many fish there's an even chance sharks will be on the prowl but it's impossible to tell seagulls left when there's a shark around i didn't see any sharks there was a few big splashes but the fish were big so they know what was making the splashes lifeguards are uneasy as the day draws to a close terry does a final scan of the surf little does he know but in under an hour one of these surfers will be attacked by a shark [Music] less than an hour after lifeguards have packed up for the day a surfer has been attacked by a shark at bondi beach the man is 33 year old glenn augies a local surfer his left hand has nearly been severed it's the most serious shark attack on bondi beach in decades approximately 20 surfers were in the break at south bondi when glenn was attacked some bravely rushed to his aid sort of boiling out of the water around him and one of the guys saw him in and said that he yelled something like shark a bunch of us like about 10 of us all just put him on a put him on a softboard and then they carried him up the beach and uh you know just waiting for the ambulance pretty heavy number one scan hopefully he'll be okay like these random guys come up and said look are you guys lifeguards and mentors said yeah they said someone's been attacked by a shaft kind of bondi north bondi circle i've hit the shark alarm so i come out from dinner and headed across and then everyone was running down saying a gentleman's been bitten by a shark it's been one of those summers i think boys that they've been around and uh with a shark attack in the harbor a couple days ago it was just only a matter of time i think two french surfers were among the first to help glenn when it actually bought him where did he put his hand was cut at this level and there is just just the skin his arm was like that and his hand was like that and um there is a big cut all around his arm we saw all the muscles of the bones did he actually talk about the shark to you he didn't say it was too quick when you when you have a guy like that who who has a who lost his hand you don't want to speak it about the shark he just we just don't want to speak about it i think he don't want to hear something about this shark because he he saw this hand and uh yeah at the beginning he saw his hand and so he just tell him to don't look at the don't look at his hand and just look at us and just speak like speak speak speak everything within minutes the news of a shark attack at australia's most famous beach has been around the world felt something hit him in the surf he just caught a wave and he was going to paddle back out when he realized that he had suffered some injury he wasn't sure what the cause of the injury was that he signaled to other surfers nearby that he needed help and he was brought back to the beach i think summer's over for now especially a lot of people asking the sharks and now that there's been a shark attack hasn't been shark attack since 80 years so people are pretty scared small and big dramas regularly play out on bondi stage last year saw one of the biggest in bondi's history an amazing tale of survival a year after being attacked by a shark glenn returns to bondi there you go okay how are you sorry bacon thank you tom tom hello good morning how are you good to meet you this just works off the muscles in my arms so it's just um yeah it's pretty cool it's like the latest technology yeah it's pretty good like can hold a cup of coffee cup and you know you can do that pinch some suburbs talking there like that it's pretty cool yeah but when you look down what was your whole arm was still there it was a big chunk taken out oh the hand was just hanging off it was hanging off without that much bit of skin and bone was poking out and that was all did you like did you feel like in a party were you pretty calm yeah i screamed obviously yeah that was kind of first thing happened and then i just you know you just do your best in that situation to get in so the shark attack on glenn or just took place a year ago and the details are still vivid i got home late from work probably went surfing a bit later than i usually would so it's about 7 30 when i got in the water the attack was never caught on camera but cctv footage taken at the same time shows a grey and overcast evening just as i was paddling back out after i'd um caught a wave yeah i just uh i got um grabbed by something i've actually thought it was another surfer and this split instance that happened i thought paddling towards the way because someone's trying to someone's trying to stop me get away so i tried to yank my arm back and then i just got um yeah pulled under the water and shook around it took a while to realise what happened um but got back onto the board bits where i was in the water you know paddling back in i don't really like talking about that you know what went through my mind and felt like forever but it wasn't i've just been sort of over the surface that one guy that he's uh hand seeking off when i got to the beach is when the you know the community at bondi really came together and to really help me out a couple of frenchmen who were surfing nearby and a couple of local surfers ran up the beach and helped me out of the water and put a tourniquet on my arm and that saved my life i think if someone we was brave tonight is him you can believe me when you see this guy he was very very brave glenn lost almost a third of the blood in his body donated blood from the red cross first kept him alive he then received 75 liters of transfusions as surgeons tried to save his hand [Music] his story convinces bondi's lifeguards to donate blood themselves yeah i've done it like a lot actually you get your own little card it's pretty cool get some lollies at the end of it you get a mars bar you definitely do get a miles bar and you know that you're helping people out there as well all the hospitals and staff are blood all the time that's good
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 720,698
Rating: 4.9542165 out of 5
Keywords: shark attacks surfer, shark attacks surfer video, shark attacks, shark attacks compilation, latest shark attacks, shark almost attacks surfer, shark attack video, shark sightings, shark sydney, shark sydney beach, shark videos, bondi shark, bondi shark alarm, bondi shark attack, bondi shark drone, bondi shark rescue, bondi shark sighting, bondi beach, bondi rescue, shark week, bondi shark attacks, shark attack, shark alarm, Glenn Orgais, Glenn Orgais shark attack
Id: Mg0pqlsLSJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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