Top 7 Good Samaritans | Neighborhood Wars | A&E

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we're in Miami Florida it's 1:00 a.m. and at a downtown apartment complex security cameras record a man wandering around the parking lot he's carrying what looks like a gas can one of the building's tenants Miguel Cano is outside getting some air he doesn't recognize the man living there 5 years I did know every single one of the neighbors he walked by and I just knew something was up the stranger walks off but minutes later he's back this time outside the door of an apartment he unscrews his can pours a contents on the doorm and then sets it a light and then runs away inside the apartment asleep is Susie Rios and her two young young granddaughters who she's babysitting for the night I'm one of those people that when I go to sleep I hear nothing as Susie's door starts to burn it triggers the smoke alarm I never even thought it was the fire alarm as I'm walking down the stairs all of a sudden I see the downstairs full of smoke there was no rear exit so my thoughts were okay what do I do how do I get the girls out I mean it was just like all hell literally broke loose God willing there's a neighbor out there someone's out there Susie's prayers are answered her neighbor Miguel Cano has seen the flames and rushes to her door my first thought is I have to pull this fire away enough from the door so that I can get to the door and bang on the door ring the doorbell to wake everybody in that unit up and then my next thought was of course let's go get him incredibly having just saved his neighbors Miguel then chases down the arsonist he can hear my footsteps and you see the fear in him when he hears me coming cuz I'm coming in Fast and I'm a big locomotive coming towards him so when he turns around I see his eyes get real big and he's just like why and from there is when I jump on top of him and I know I'm not going to hurt him too bad but I'm definitely going to do enough enough so that he knows he's not going to go anywhere Miguel uses his college wrestling skills to restrain the man so I put his arm behind his back and you know kept my arm around his neck not enough to choke him out but enough to have control yo I finally get the door open and Miguel starts screaming at me call 911 he set the fire call 911 it's fire him is it him y all the police yeah I did the away I think time slowed down for me in that moment it felt like forever for them to get there but when I looked back it was within minutes so they handcuffed him and then you know took him away and just kind of shook my hand and he did a good job here as far as a weapon I didn't think about it I just knew I wanted to get him and bring him to Justice no motive was ever given for his actions but 23-year-old Luis Menendez was charged with arson in attempted murder he was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years ever since the terrifying incident Susie and her family can't than their Good Samaritan neighbor enough my first reaction was that I need to have a statue erected to Miguel I need to have a Halo placed on his head he was our godsend he is our Angel and I look back on the footage I'm just like amazed that we're here I'm here most importantly that my two baby granddaughters are here there's nothing in this world that could repay him for what he did for me and my [Music] family sorry just give me a [Music] second there's not enough words to say thank you really I want to be a good neighbor I want to know my neighbors and I want them to know as different as we are cuz God we are different we want the same things you never know when you're going to need each other they could need you you could need them and I just want them to know who I am and then I got their backs and what's great is I know they have my back next up we're in Orlando Florida a man staggers to his neighbor's door gasping for breath he's Middle School teacher Billy Bass alone working from home and he needs help fast I thought to myself you know my only hope is to run to my neighbors Billy's neighbor and friend of 14 years is Karen Aranda luckily she's at home with her family I've known Karen and junor for just a long time kids went to school together we were sitting around the table and we heard this pounding knock on the door it was actually scary and when I opened the door and I saw Billy's face face immediately I knew that there was something wrong with him what you're joking it was just like a an instinct I turned him around I wrapped my arms around him when I pushed into his stomach the first [Music] time nothing happened so I squeezed them for the second time didn't come out yeah it came out it came out and a big old piece of meat I mean it was a good size of meat it flew out like a quk out of a bottle about 3 or four feet in the grass get water bring water 911 no no no I get Karen has cleared the blockage by performing abdominal thrusts also known as a heik maneuver the relief of just having air was something you take for granted like I could breathe my son said oh you know it came out and then he turned around I that he was okay like his blood started flowing and he started breathing oh my God we hugged each other and I I was just like very very emotional cuz I couldn't imagine what could have happened if I wouldn't have opened the door my life at that moment you think wow you know I could have died you know somebody that was trained in CPR first aid makes all difference in the world cly the the Latino Wonder Woman but she was so strong I'm in the dental field I'm an office manager and you have to be um CPR certified meat damn after his ordeal Billy resolves to take a first aid course himself I am y Ser by train now I want to make sure that I'm prepared as well to help my neighbor and it's made the neighbors even better friends as they promote first aid awareness together I barred beer from her before I Bor tools but this time she saved my life so was the ultimate you know neighbor you know gratitude she's my angel it's a quiet afternoon in a subdivision of Las Vegas this homeowner and her neighbors have just noticed a dog walking off leash in the street hi him she calls the wondering Pitbull over and he seems friendly enough it's not mine her smaller dog named Max comes out to say hello with a customary dog butt sniff without warning the pit snap snaps and tries to bite down on Max the homeowner desperately tries to keep max out of the pit bull's Jaws even putting herself at risk of being bitten Max is less than half the attacking dog size a single bite could prove to be fatal suddenly a hero appears get that get him out out no a package delivery d driver puts herself between the attacker and its victims giving them an opening to run safely inside no no thanks to this delivery driver Max and his owner escape with only minor cuts and scratches proving that not all friendly neighborhood Heroes wear capes somewhere delivery vest you're B now to Toronto Canada where a man is doing the dishes when his attention is drawn to Neighbors in another building yo they're looking for the cat a ginger tom cat has strayed onto a neighboring balcony and is now stuck no no yo the f is he doing no his neighbor opposite is risking his own life to rescue his cat one misstep and he could PL 80 ft to his death now for the return if the cat struggles they could both be unbalanced thankfully the cat is Placid and miraculously this neighbor's Reckless and ill-advised rescue effort doesn't end in disaster this next Story shows just how far some neighbors will go to help one another at any cost Fresno California it's the middle of the day and an electrical fire has engulfed this house in a matter of minutes neighbors turn their garden hoses on the blaze but it has no effect as a witness films that terrifying ordeal on her cell phone and with the fire department still minutes away the already dire situation suddenly becomes drastically worse your dad is still in there your dad is in there 911 is everybody no there's a man in there an explosion from inside the house send concerned neighbors running from the deadly Inferno with an elderly man still trapped inside is everybody El no there's a man inside as the Flames grow higher and the smoke thickens it looks as if all hope is lost just po oh my god get but keep an eye on the man in the blue baseball hat he's about to do something you won't believe we got to get her the dad out of there suddenly the hero in the blue baseball hat emerges carrying the man who was trapped in the house over his shoulder oh thank God is everybody out oh thank God everybody here he is is this him right everybody okay oh my God where's the fire department I called [Music] 91 but as quickly as he appears the hat wearing Good Samaritan is suddenly Gone without a trace neighbors eventually learn it is one of their own Tom araga who performed this miraculous rescue I was on my way to go do a side job and have seen an apartment complex that was on fire a lady screaming that their dad was in the building people were yelling for help so I stopped and help oh thank God everybody's out here he is is this him right here when I got him out and I put him down yeah he's he was struggling a little bit to breathe and at that time I just told the girl your dad's here and I left after saving his neighbor Tom left the scene because he didn't want to be lauded as a hero the events of that day still have an effect on him well that day after I came home from doing the side work I never told my wife never told none of my family uh my brother called us called us up that night and uh that's when he told my wife and told told told my kids that the Fresno fire department arrived and eventually put out the fire and the man who'd been trapped inside was taken to a nearby hospital and treated for smoke inhalation before being released I don't think I'm a hero I just you know I'll help out people yeah that's that's in my heart I just did what was quick Instinct for a normal person to have the courage to do that oh my wife just said how come I didn't say nothing and I go I didn't want all the Fain I didn't want to be on camera we could all use a few more Neighbors like Tom araga Woodland Hills Los Angeles resident 54-year-old Russell wolf is driving to brunch and at first he doesn't think anything of the guy in the white shirt walking his dog but then he's shocked by what he Witnesses a neighbor he's never seen before vandalizes a local Fruit Stand so he goes after the aggressor to investigate what are you that's an illegal business in my neighborhood I told them repeatedly get the out of my neighborhood you call the police I did they didn't do anything they're selling stolen fruit what's your name my two days later when Russell is buying fruit from the stand with another local named Leslie The Irate neighbor returns so Russell starts recording again I think the strawberries look you know what they might be beautiful but they're stolen they not stolen yeah they are they're not stolen it has to have seeds to prove that they're not stolen That's the Law he has no business permit let me let me finish if my kid wants to put a lemonade stand here are you going to do call them na You're a bully you're an idiot Russell has seen a fruit stand on this corner for the last 6 months and he's not sure whether the owner has a legal Street vending permit but he is concerned by the aggressive attitude of his neighbor tomorrow I'm going to spray WD40 over all the oh come on who are you this is our neighborhood it's my neighborhood and I'm not going to tolerate this you don't know what the you're talking about and I'm not talking to you you're calling me what I'm calling you a you're fool what are you going to do about it I'm telling you I'm talking to him where are the receipts where's your business permit by now this neighbor rer is attracting attention but this seems to incense him even more you know what if we put up with this next thing you know you're going to have a TI wh be the church did you really going to have a f dealer I'm that street corner okay it's called broken windows you are you're absolutely a racist you're a fool realizing he is not winning anyone over the neighbor in purple decides to retreat but not before he threatens to call the police so call the police get to the police and then show us you the law I to show you anything do your oh I did and I know who you are and soon the neighborhood learns not only who he is but where he lives and couple of weeks later Russell Leslie and dozens of other neighbors surprise him with a protest rally outside his house you're acting like a child and he reacts poorly here spraying people with a hose is considered to be a criminal offense so the police arrive and he's arrested and charged with battery despite all the local support the fruit seller tamas decides to move to another neighborhood where he's selling his Goods hassle free kinmore is a quiet residential community on the North shore of Lake Washington and it's where High School football standout and Champion wrestler Hunter gford lives with his parents it's a nice neighborhood it's also very close net we always know each other and who our neighbors are I'm certainly happy with um who I have surrounding me but just because the community is filled with good neighbors doesn't mean they don't have an occasional Grinch Hunter is in the driveway with his friend Pat when he notices a strange man walk up to his neighbor Justin's house across the street I knew they didn't live there and they didn't own those packages that they were taking so immediately I was suspicious without hesitation Hunter takes off after the thief on foot with his friend Pat following behind in a vehicle he immediately started running I knew the guy had to be stopped I was worried that he could get away or that if I were to hurt him too bad I could go to jail at one point I actually chased him through a chicken cou and the chase ended three blocks away from my house when I was able to trip him and shove him into a drainage ditch I was dragging the package the up to where he said the package is worth the alleged porch pirate is taken into custody and charged with theft later when his neighbor Justin arrives home he realizes that the entire incident has been captured on a security camera I had to admit when I was watching the video and watching Hunter Chase this guy up and down the street I had a giant smile on my face it was amazing to watch this play out it was like an old western and it only happened because Hunter took a chance and and he was Brave to go out there and chase this guy down thank you Justin I knew You' do the same for me as well you know I hope so [Music] yeah
Channel: A&E
Views: 382,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, clips, neighborhood wars, watch neighborhood wars, neighborhood wars full episodes, neighborhood wars scenes, neighborhood wars episodes, neighborhood wars episode clips, a&e neighborhood wars, a and e neighborhood wars, neighbor wars, warring neighbors, neighborhood watch, neighborhood drama, road rage, neighbor gets angry, snow rage, angry driver, argument, Top 7 Good Samaritans, fight, drama
Id: 0T1kNgG8WDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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