Inmates rush from cells to save deputy's life | Humankind

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Having worked at a prison as a guard... that guard and those inmates are good people... this was heart warming.

Prisons can have some horrible people in them.. on both sides of the bars. Bravo to these inmates and the guard who treats them like humans.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KnowerOfSomeThings 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 đź—«︎ replies
- He was breathing heavily, he wasn't moving the way he normally moves and their biggest indicator is they said he took off his hat, Deputy Hobbs always wears a hat and he took his hat off and he was really sweating and he was fanning himself with his hat so the inmates already had an idea that Deputy Hobbs wasn't feeling well. So Smalls is assigned to a downstairs room and he was the only one who could see what was happening to Deputy Hobbs initially, he saw Deputy Hobbs at the desk and he saw him fall and hit the floor. So he was banging on his door, so he was the one who really sounded the alarm eventually the whole unit was banging on their doors. They were all banging calling the deputy's name repeatedly and Deputy Hobbs later told me he didn't realize he had passed out, he had no idea that he had suffered an emergency and he could hear, "Deputy deputy, deputy Hobbs, deputy, deputy." And that's actually what woke him to the point that he was semi-conscious and I think he looked up and he saw the inmates in 617, who had a direct line of vision with him now that they were in their window looking down at his desk and he popped their door open. - [Inmate] Officer needs help - [Dispatcher] Central RT - [Inmate] Three mic, three mic officer needs help. (phone beeping) - [Inmate] Medical in route, deputy needs assistance. - [Dispatcher] What is the problem with Deputy Hobbs? - [Woman] Head injury. - [Dispatcher] What type of injury? Signal four has been requested in route. - So I have great respect for law enforcement and the job that they do so for me I had to save the guy I couldn't just watch the man die. - Same goes for me the guard's very respectful he comes in the unit every night and he respects every guys in here and every guy respects him back. - And so we didn't do anything for Deputy Hobbs that he would not have did for us and there's not a doubt mind he's a wonderful man, a good officer and we're thankful for him and we can't wait for him to get back to work. - This story beautifully illustrates that anyone is capable of greatness and it also is a great reminder that it's not the uniform that makes the hero, it's the person wearing the uniform. These three inmates have very beautifully illustrated that anyone can be a hero and we're deeply appreciative of them.
Channel: USA TODAY
Views: 25,391,025
Rating: 4.9614286 out of 5
Keywords: usa today, usa today news, humankind, humankind usa today, humankind stories, acts of kindness, kindness, inmates save guard, inmates save deputy, prisoners, inamtes, prisoners save guard, prisoners save guard's life, gwinnett county jail, gwinnett county sheriff, incredible acts of kindness, heartwarming, positive news, good people, kind people, hero in real life, people are amazing, good deed, random act of kindness, acts of kindness caught on camera, hknd, HKAUG20
Id: WYW1g6u9M5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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