Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry !

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Gandhi said the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others and after watching these clips we have no doubt you're going to agree with him come on boy come here up boy birth when you're working away from home there's no better birthday gift than a surprise visit from all your kids to you happy birthday [Music] dear she couldn't wait to see her granddaughter's wedding dress but was blown away when it turned out to be hers if your birthday balloons are on the driveway then there simply must be a reason for it you're getting a new driveway Le St it's already it's it's already done it's just a matter of when you want it done if it's this week or next week sweetie happy birthday what do you buy for the mom and dad who have everything the gifts they couldn't get when they were [Music] kids fishing for cats is an unusual hobby but when you need to rescue a frightened kitten you've got to do whatever [Music] works okay okay on his wedding day this groom paid tribute to his late Mom by walking down the aisle with her [Music] portrait this 80 1-year-old woman had already shoveled her backyard by the time this kindly FedEx driver saw her and offered to help I don't know if the truck turned itself around or what but it was on my heart to help her so I turned around and I went back and I helped her finish shoveling the snow this woman helped the supposedly starving man out with all she could spare one of her avocados but no kind deed goes unrewarded over [Music] yeah oh my yeah night her sisters brushed her hair when they were younger some things never change with the passage of time care of another huh yeah that's all right yeah let's get these let's get her bangs like she wears them things we take for granted in the Western World can mean the entire world to some people if you like reaction videos then check this one out she's just found out her daughter's got a scholarship to law school oh [Music] c [Music] dis you're clown when it comes to acts of kind there can't be many that are as tear-jerking as watching a little girl get two new [Music] legs every year he gives his local trash collectors a crate of beer proving it doesn't take much to put a positive spin on someone's day as you can see sometimes there's nothing as strong as brotherly [Music] [Music] love what this woman worked as a maid for 30 years to pay for her son studies to become a pilot and this is her son [Music] today this grandfather had always wanted a puppy but was convinced he was now too old after buying him a toy puppy to go in his truck The Next Step was the real thing [Music] if you're celebrating your birthday in style then you just need to get a photo for your friends well unless your friends are already there of [Music] course as a kid there was one toy he could only dream of and all these years later his daughter surprised him with [Music] it after 7 years these siblings were finally reunited with their mom and older [Music] brother get your cleanex ready because this young man is singing to his beloved mom at her [Music] graveside her big brother can't see but his little sister gives him the strength and confidence to take on new things and enjoy [Music] life [Music] this little girl is about to see things clearly for the very first [Music] time hi what are you can you see so well when your daughter becomes best friends with your best [Music] friend this young man had never made a wish or blown out candles on his very own cake and the love shown by his new family was almost too much to take yes it [Music] [Applause] is c h are you ready are you ready 3 2 1 y y [Music] yay surprise after their grandpa passed away these kids decided to surprise their grandma with a family [Music] sleepover some reunions can both heal the soul and break your [Music] heart [Music] only the very best of best friends would make a surprise 9-hour drive to help you celebrate your engagement oh my God yo dead ass I was recording and she popped up I was like when you see someone stuck in the snow owning a husky really starts to pay [Music] off [Music] after the challenges of online learning these students wanted to show their Professor how much they appreciated him oh you guys no you're going to make me cry I'm reading each one yeah don't be scared I will not be scared yeah okay take everything that is there a wonderful Act of Charity and a good way to overcome your fear of spiders oh my that is your oh my dear God oh my dear Lord yeah that is yours this is ex are you de serious I'm serious real money that is yours that's real money this is extra oh my god oh he hadn't seen his son in two years so that was the last person he expected to see standing behind [Music] him sometimes a little bit of human warmth pays off in ways you wouldn't ever [Music] expect in a world where it's hard to trust strangers people like this reaffirm your faith in humanity everybody deserves a bit of festive [Music] cheer when she saw her neighbors having a lockdown wedding she decided to add to their special day in her own unique way [Music] you're never too old to shake your funky [Music] stuff after offering to in a homeless man's guitar this kind stranger found himself involved in an impromptu jam [Music] session [Applause] sh receiving a new prosthetic limb is always going to be special but especially when it's Advanced as [Music] this [Music] this man has many health issues which leave him in physical pain but he still helped push this car to safety when he spotted it broken [Music] down after they arranged a much earlier ride home than her original pickup time this lady couldn't have been more grateful to her local dental surgery I can't believe you I can't believe you Take Care by there are many kinds of sportsmanship and some are more inspiring than others This World War II veteran is in Holland visiting his old friend's grave for the very first time even teenage boys can be moved by a random flower for me yeah oh yeah have a nice day me too wait what's your name Ethan Ethan nice it's an emotional moment when you meet your new nephew and even more so when you find out he's been named after you you swear you're dead serious no not for you bro no are you serious you want me to take [Laughter] him learned sign language just so he could talk to her and 5 years later they're [Music] engaged hey I got something for you the act of paying for somebody's groceries is certainly random and certainly kind so I have a bunch of friends on Tik Tok and what I do is we raise money for random people so we're going to do little random act of kindness 200 bucks for you guys wow all right very welcome enjoy all right these complete strangers decided to help a local farmer clear these bales of hay which had spilled from his truck in the middle of an [Music] intersection there are generous tips and then there are these kinds of tips we want to give you this is $500 yeah is that okay for you for me for you yes why because you're too too much no you're on the front lines another random flower gift although this one's a little bit more difficult to deliver the US Coast Guard are always there to save people in need and it's no different for dogs in need [Music] either just a big brother doing big brother things this flight crew decided to change runways just so these plan spotting live streamers could get a better view Ro towns are doing something extremely rare it's heading to the South Side what they are heading to the south side what a surprise if you don't know what's happening right now so that 747 every single time heads to the north for departure look what's happening today it's heading south it's his first ever catch and he's seriously happy about it and so is Dad good job boy good job man there you go if you're not going to contribute to their grocery bill then the least you can do is help Dad with the unpacking here's a cheeky way for any Barber to brighten up their day and [Music] yours I just want to let you guys know coming out is difficult especially if you're in the public eye but luckily for this Irish TV presenter he was surrounded by supportive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] colleagues apparently even fish get trapped wind I don't want to perforate your stomach there we go there we go we got him there he goes all right yeah you see the air coming out yeah there he goes woo it was his birthday so they sent him out to buy soda and this is what he came back [Music] to after being in a coma for 10 days and hospitalized for 3 months this was the first time he saw his [Music] baby no matter how old you might be you can always find that inner [Music] child when this tired mom fell asleep on the train her little Guardian Angel sprung into [Music] action law enforcement day is the day people show their appreciation to Cops for all they do and this lady really went the extra mile I'm starving too can I go yeah could a parent be any more proud of a child when they do something like [Music] this being stuck on a train is a good time to make a connection with a stranger although this method is more original than [Music] most and this was the year that Grandpa won Christmas car it's grandet out it's granded jet when you work hard in intense heat then a gesture like this can mean [Music] everything the street vendor didn't have change so he just decided to give him $100 and a bag of food instead for he was confused when he unwrapped the smug but as it heats up it reveals pictures in this case pictures of him and his beloved [Music] wife yeah me [Music] you're about to see an organ donor meet the recipient of her kidney and the emotion of the moment is pretty intense [Music] another surprise sleep over here and Grandma and Grandpa are never not happy to see their [Music] [Applause] grandkids this little dog knows her friend has cancer and this is her way of sending him off with [Music] love this guy has nothing to do with the musician he just decided to show a little kindness and shelter her from the rain you are [Music] my myi and I will call it's exciting enough to meet sha never mind getting a pretty sweet Christmas present from him give him my hug thank you happy holidays it h we're going to say that this cat has been there before his first time seeing through color blind glasses and the reaction is priceless let's see look at your shirt can you see what wow what do you see everything's more oh wow umbrellas are made to be shared no matter what the age difference [Music] wait if you love our videos be sure to check out retrocast and if retrocast isn't your thing don't worry we have another akimbo video for [Music] you
Channel: Akimbo
Views: 177,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akimbo, random acts of kindness, faith in humanity restored, real life heroes, Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry, random acts of kindness that will make you cry, acts of kindness compilation, camera, caught on camera, real life superheroes, saving people, real superheroes, superhero, saving lives, caught on tape, top 10, top 5, Faith In Humanity Restored, Acts of Kindness, kindness, act of kindness, acts of kindness
Id: NDlZs0a4MZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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