Neighborhood Wars: Most Viewed Animal Moments | A&E

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now to Toronto Canada where a man is doing the dishes when his attention is drawn to Neighbors in another building yo they're looking for the cat a ginger tom cat has strayed onto a neighboring balcony and is now stuck no no yo the is he doing no his neighbor opposite is risking his own life to rescue his cat one misstep and he could plunge 80 feet to his death now for the return if the cat struggles they could both be [Music] unbalanced thankfully the cat is Placid and miraculously this neighbor's Reckless and ill-advised rescue effort doesn't end in disaster we're in Milwaukee Wisconsin where a resident security camera records a neighbor out walking her dog as any responsible dog owner will tell you there's a right way to deal with this situation and a wrong way this woman chooses to walk away without picking up to our frustrated neighbors plan a surprise and when the dog walker returns 2 Days Later they're waiting stop letting your dog on our lawn clean up your dog poop excuse me ma'am hey you clean up your dog poop stop letting your dog poop on my lawn I have you on video come pick up this nice pilot that your dog left in my yard I've been waiting for you for two days you disgusting disgusting look at it I have children here that's your dog please pick it up this will be every day I will watch you every day I have you on video Pick Up After Your Dog please Pick Up After Your Dog are please pick up after your dog thank you for picking up the feces from my yard I appreciate it greatly greatly appreciate it please leave my yard you're trespassing get off my yard you and your dog thank you thank you very much thank you very much thank you for being a courteous [Music] neighbor Houston Texas a quiet Sunday evening in the suburbs is suddenly gripped by Panic a mom can't believe what she is seeing all these cars just waiting because there is a freaking Bingle tiger boom in this yard neighbors are feverishly messaging each other to ask where the tiger comes from or who it belongs to it seems to have appeared out of nowhere and this dude needs to be careful holy cow with their children locked behind doors the woman dials 911 then she recognizes one Fearless neighbor as an off-duty sheriff's deputy he is attempting to hold back the Maneater at gunpoint oh my gosh he's going to shoot it he's going to shoot it but the tiger keeps on coming the heck why is there a tiger suddenly a man appears out of frame and he's attracting the Tiger's attention he's claiming to be the Tiger's owner back inside I don't know who the fu this is get the fu back inside to the neighbor's relief the man claiming to be the Tiger's owner is able to lure it into his vehicle and drive away police catch up with him he reveals the animal is 9 months old named India and being kept illegally right under neighbors noses just two doors down from the mom who filmed this video oh my gosh India is given a new home at an animal sanctuary em merch in Texas called Black Beauty Ranch it is run by the Humane Society of the United States which is lobbying for legislation that would prohibit big cats from being kept as pets it's an afternoon like any other in the Sleepy castal community of Little Egg Harbor New Jersey homeowner Michael necastro has known many days just like it I've lived here about 7even years and you know it's pretty quiet neighborhood very close with my neighbors that are right around me and we all stick together and look out each other but this seemingly idealic slice of Suburbia is not without his problems the neighbor down the street has these three large dogs that get loose all the time they have bitten multiple people at least uh three that I know of they actually bit a kid and the mother that tried to get him off of her child then they also bit a fireman in the leg cops have been there but they really hadn't taken the dogs away or did anything about it as far as we know the dogs continue to be a nuisance around around the neighborhood over the next year then one day things take a turn for the worst we got back from the store we heard some screaming on the other block um that's when we went around to see what was going on and seen the dogs biting a lady that's when the dogs came up near our house the pull responsible owner is nowhere in sight and his dogs seem totally untrained surrounded and outnumbered Michael swings a piece of pipe to hold them off you know the adrenaline was kicking in my heart was racing and I was uh just doing my best to uh keep them away from me I owned many of dogs um I love dogs but um these dogs were the most aggressive dogs I ever encountered in my life I didn't want her to get bit so I just tried to hold them off the best I could until she can get in the house I think it was only uh 25 seconds and at a time the police had pulled up and as they pulled up the dogs turned and uh ran that way law enforcement are finally able to gain control of the dogs and get everyone in the neighborhood inside to safety the animal rescue showed up they got him into a van and took him away I don't know where the dogss are now um but the owner had just received a sentence of 30 days in jail and $1,000 fine in total five people in the neighborhood were bitten that day but thanks to Michael's actions there wasn't a sixth my immediate neighbors we all get along we're like family um we always together all weekend long A lot of people are saying I was basically a hero but I don't look at it like that we always watch out for each other show you what it's like to carry out the trash here even with the 6ot privacy fence nice little quiet backyard that we never really use and you're about to see why I'm going to show you just how fun it is to make a little Trash run oh one at a time we have a dog on the left here we have three on the right over there then we have a dog over here who will literally if you can hear me bite the fence yes that dog is chewing his way he would chew his way through a chain link fence three over here got these three here wonderful neighborhood great neighbors quiet backyard oh no not quiet backyard and that's what it's like to carry out the trash Belair California is known for being one of the fanciest parts of LA and its many mansions and large plots of land serve as an ideal way to have some privacy from Neighbors enough privacy for Midday skinny dipping in a secluded backyard pool the only problem this naked man doesn't live at this house he's a total stranger now inside the house the naked Intruder moves from room to room at one point even cedering a pair of shoes luckily the homeowner is out but she's been alerted to the man's presence via the security app on her phone shocked and scared she immediately calls her husband and he's upstairs inside the house inside whose house I of the camera on the driveway where where where someone inside our house the homeowner checks outside for any signs of trouble but little does he know the trouble is about to find him [Music] hey what are you doing here at my house what are you doing here I'm call the police right now I'm going call the police right now help get out of the house concerned that the Intruder May attack him the homeowner takes off by climbing over his bedroom balcony and onto his car he leaves the property and dials 911 the naked Intruder is still at the house when police arrive in a shocking twist they discovered that he killed two of the family's pet birds he is identified as a 34-year-old homeless man living on the streets nearby he is charged with four felony counts one count of first-degree residential burglary with a person present vandalism and two counts of Cruelty to an animal he is still awaiting [Music] trial the average American produces about 4 and2 pounds of garbage a day and in Brownstown Township Michigan on a fall day like any other this homeowner is taking his share of trash to the curb but bounding across the street comes an unexpected visitor his neighbors's fully grown great DNE the man doesn't know the dog and takes off to avoid what he thinks could be a potential mauling but Scooby-Doo's cousin isn't interested in biting he just wants to play The Man in the dark shirt is one of the dog's owners he's trying to get it under control but that's no easy feat this fun-loving Pooch weighs around 170 [Music] lbs finally he and the other owner are able to get a hold of the dog much to the neighbor's relief the man said that he first thought the dog was a deer but he went on to have a good laugh about the incident with his neighbors and no charges were [Music] filed Atlanta Georgia the woman filming our next clip has just made a shocking Discovery at our apartment complex there yeah thumb tacks on the ground everywhere they're in a flower bed close to the pool and the dog park let's just take a look so we got thumbtacks hidden everywhere around here in my dog stepped on one you're everywhere the woman filming doesn't think this is an accident or some stupid prank she believes the thumbtacks have been put there by a neighbor in a cruel attempt to stop dogs from pooping on these flower beds this dumped an entire thing of thumbtacks everywhere the property management company doesn't know who is responsible for the tax but it does have a $100 fine for anyone not picking up after their dog so thank you for hurting the dogs here thankfully the woman's dog is not badly hurt but fearing more injuries to children as well as pets Neighbors come together to pick up all the taxs they're shocked to discover almost 500 of them scattered throughout these flower beds it's a quiet afternoon in the subdivision of Las Vegas this homeowner and her neighbors have just noticed a dog walking off leash in the street I got him she calls the wondering Pitbull over and he seems friendly enough it's not mine her smaller dog named Max comes out to say hello with a customary dog butt sniff without warning the pit bull snaps and tries to bite down on Max the homeowner desperately tries to keep max out of the pit bull's Jaws even putting herself at risk of being bitten Maxes less than half the attacking dog size a single bite could prove to be fatal suddenly a hero appears get that get in house no a packaged delivery driver puts herself between the attacker and its victims giving them an opening to run safely inside no no thanks to this delivery driver Max and his owner escape with only minor cuts and scratches proving that and not all friendly neighborhood Heroes wear capes some wear delivery vests you're bad when it comes to wandering pets good leashes make good neighbors sometimes it's not our neighbors we have problems with at all but they're pets whether stealing packages from doorsteps or leaving packages on doorsteps some pets just can't be trusted Meet Phoenix an orange tabby that looks innocent but is actually one of this B neighborhood's most notorious cat burglars my cat has stolen 14 pairs of gloves and someone's reading glasses judging by the amount of stuff it's only a matter of time before this klepto cat got caught now what's happened is we've had a neighbor contact us because they're missing their gloves and with mounting evidence Phoenix's punishment is Swift a neighbor saw you we're going to have to go apologize you've been busted better hope they don't press charges Phoenix acts indifferent but when she gets to the neighbor's house she is in no mood to apologize I know I know but you're going to have to the neighbors accept Phoenix's apology and end up claiming three of the 14 pairs of stolen gloves and although she has a long road of redemption ahead Phoenix should be fine after all cats always land on their feet in Salem Virginia neighbors are troubled by a nightly occurrence a 100 lb bear is repeatedly raiding their trash cans and leaving a mess even when $100 anti- bear locks are are not working so one particularly crafty neighbor decides to place a $25 creepy Halloween clown on the side of the trash can to deter the thief unfortunately it's a fail the furry scavenger ignores the new addition but then just as he tips over the bin the motion detector clown is activated and the Furry Thief flees in Terror so now for just $25 all the neighbors can scare away the four-legged dumpster diver even if it does become the freakiest neighborhood in [Applause] America New Zealander Sasha PMA has a problem after returning home from work the last few days she finds dog poop in her driveway and it's not from her dogs so for like the last 3 days I've been coming home from work and there's like dogs all over my driveway my dogs are in their kenno during the day when I'm at work or on the other side of the house like they don't roam they're not roaming dogs to solve the mystery Sasha sets up a camera to catch the culprit in action I set my iPad up to take a video of what's been happening during to day and it soon becomes apparent that bad neighbors come in all shapes sizes and ages I am pissed the AAC of this whole this lady from next door comes with a on her shovel and she's throwing it on my driveway what's even more aggravating for Sasha is that she takes pride in being a responsible dog owner herself oh look my dog's taking a I'm about to pick it up I don't even walk past your house I go the other way and I use freaking doggy bags man there are other dogs in this neighborhood lady I have a plan instead of confronting her elderly neighbor Sasha takes the high road and writes the woman a wellth thought out letter she informs her neighbor that she's been caught on camera and that the police will soon be notified Sasha's also sending along a little gift with a letter to return the favor it's like the middle of the night and I've clipped this note to like four bags of that I picked up from her and I'm going out into the dark put them in in her mailbox I'm so scared yeah you can't see anything but I just put it in her mailbox I can't believe I did that that is not me but I am so offended with the parcel now delivered the following morning Sasha's Revenge plan begins to unfold I'm going to see if she's got the dog fot out of her mailbox yet okay it's not in there oh my God I'm going to go check my camera here she is so she goes to the mailbox and she picks everything up she like what the hell Sasha's scheme has worked but just as she begins to fill out trespassing complaint forms given to her by the police there's one last surprise in this neighborhood war I'm going to fill it out and's here holy crap she's at my [Music] door hello can you spare a moment yeah sure I am so sorry that but I mean I quite sick and horrible after yeah so well you can imagine how I felt coming home I was like who's doing this to me I haven't done anything in an unexpected twist the neighbor gives Sasha the best of gifts an apology turns out the woman mistakenly thought Sasha's dogs were the ones relieving themselves on her property really do apologize oh thank you very much I honestly really appreciate that maybe Sasha's on to something and the pen is truly mightier than the sword when it comes to settling neighborhood squabbles we always hear about legitimately feuding neighbors here on neighborhood Wars you're tring property lot but some Wars between neighbors are actually all in good fun now you're recording okay like this neighbor who was thinking out of the box by getting into the box as he waits for his neighbor to appear luckily the shock Factor doesn't seem to dampen their neighborly spirit and then there's this neighbor who looks as if she's on her way to a costume party she even has the Elvis moves but in fact her friends next door are away and she's just feeding their dog after that this Joker or her husband come dressed up in different costumes every day knowing that their neighbors will enjoy seeing it on their doorbell camera until the final day when the husband appears to Tire of the gag and turns up in his regular [Music] clothes but when he leaves this new risque look proves that a neighbor can feed a dog and learn new [Music] tricks when your neighbor has dogs it's reasonable to expect expect the clamorous canines to bark from time to time but in Oregon a man obscured in his footage by trees is confronting his neighbors at their property line all because their dog is barking in the middle of the day are you going to do about it man according to the woman recording just prior to her capturing this moment the neighbor came out of the woods and started throwing rocks at the dog from the fence line and now he's looking to intensify the confrontation was for you man do going crazy I was worried you might have an intruder over there sparking at you throwing at us deep in the woods the dog owner has approached her neighbor by the fence line but she's keeping her distance because of his threatening language do you understand don't throw rock do you understand oh what the are you going to do about it the neighbor continues the HL at the dog owners only getting more and more aggressive do you think your neighbors want to listen to your fcking dog suddenly his Furious threats take a scary turn I'm willing to do the to K your say it again hey hey hey other than throwing rocks this neighbor is all bark and no bite as he Retreats into the woods and heads home without further incident and even though the homeowners haven't heard from the man since they do their best to keep their dog from barking to avoid any further snarling encounters with their neighbor do you [Applause] understand waterfoul are one of the most common Wildlife neighbors but just like the humans living on our streets there's always that one Goose or Gander who is the foulest of them all oh yeah he always he's going to get a burden look War just moments earlier the person recording this video spotted a woman who dropped her bag after she was attacked by a male goose and when a fellow neighbor sees the bag on the ground he tries to retrieve it for her unfortunately though the goose seem seems to have already claimed it for himself and the neighborhood War ensues while the gander has the clear aerial advantage in this battle the human controls the ground war neutralizing his opponent's attacks with the morning newspaper round one to the human but this angry foul isn't giving up both the goose and the neighbor get in some good shots in round two and the judges call it a draw after thwarting a flying attack to his head and returning the bag to his neighbor the human is declared Victorious this Gander though isn't just a neighborhood bully he's a poor sport too it's the middle of the night in Bay City Michigan where the neighbors have called police on a drunk woman causing a ruckus in her neighborhood and for doing much worse hi what's going on some little kittens why yeah I just I want to be the kittens I ain't throw my gently around this little box sa why would you do that cuz I live here oh you don't want them the woman does appear to be intoxicated and is admitting to what the neighbors said when they called 911 that she was throwing kittens out of her window I don't know someone called us and said that you were throwing no no no no no ma'am hey he talk to us talk to us I don't what's going on what's the problem what's the problem I'm drunk at home no the suspect provides few answers so the officer finds some neighbors to get a clearer picture who can give me some information cuz I'm not getting a whole lot while the other officer tries to calm the inebriated suspect you pleas just calm down all right okay this is what happened she got mad I don't know what the whole story but she got mad okay she started whipping the kittens okay whipping them throwing them yeah just like you know how you throw baseball like just come over here Lacy I didn't do she grabbed the mom and just walked across the street no we're fine right here hi I'm a stripper okay you want to see my double te cuz I'm at home I friend and his boys he told his boys to go get a box and put them in there okay the officer makes her way to some kids across the street who have gathered the kittens and put them in a box for safety hi kiddos what's going on nothing making friends with the cats Tyler they need their mom yeah their mom ran off in the bushes oh these little guys are too young they need their mommy with statements from multiple neighbors the officers placed the woman under arrest Lacy stand up want your arrest yeah put your hands behind your back right now you're under arrest for animal kosi I didn't even do anything leaving them with one last incredibly important job hi M reuniting mama cat with her kittens 34-year-old Lacy Williams pleads guilty to abandonment or cruelty to animals and drunk or disorderly conduct in public she has sentenced the 15 months probation in ordered not to own animals in the future but this story does have a happy ending the mother cat and her kittens are taken by City Animal Control and all quickly adopted into loving homes where they don't have to fear being thrown out of a window Los Angeles California it's the middle of the covid-19 pandemic and like many Americans Derek Downey is stuck at home luckily he has a back porch where he can relax and connect with nature I live close to the woods there a lot of Wildlife surrounding my neighborhood so he decides to connect with a different kind of neighbor I have two neighbors their names are Richard and Matt scene and they just happen to be squirrels Richard there you go wash it down with some water but like any neighborhood relationship this nutty friendship doesn't develop overnight I got to go get you some food how are you with Richard I saw this squirrel looking at me I was like what's up buddy I had some nuts he grabbed my hand and took the nuts out of my hand and from there that's how the trust was buil with a few nuts in a conversation you doing good today I know it's a little cloudy but Maxine isn't so quick to trust her human neighbor I know we not that familiar but listen you can trust me on this come and get the nut I had to sit down and have that conversation like hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you you got trust issues who hurt you I w't hurt you it took a few weeks but she eventually came around there we go I told you I ain't here to hurt you before long Derek and his squirrly neighbors are spending every day together and in a show of neighborly Goodwill Derek decides to surprise his new neighbors with their very own house up in there like oh what is this I got a fridge a stove a think Oh Derek went all out for me Richard and Maxine's daily hings have amassed millions of views and more than 800,000 followers on social media to anyone who thinks this neighborly relationship is on the squirly side Derek thinks differently Richard and Matt scine are just like human neighbors they come together and sometimes they have arguments stop stop stop stop mm- I promise you there's neighborhood Wars and animal neighborhoods as well and just like many neighborhoods this one is getting bigger all the signs are pointing to M scine being pregnant am I excited to have a new neighbor absolutely I can't wait to welcome the new neighbors into the neighborhood look right there no not me I ain't got no look at the camera okay let me get you something hold on Chicago Illinois is a dog eat dog kind of city and nobody knows that better than homeowner and electric engineer Matt Micah who's called Chicago home his entire life my neighborhood is uh pretty population dense very family oriented it's a nice neighborhood we have a lot of Runners families nannies with kids unfortunately as nice as my neighborhood here is there's a ton of carjackings shootings and uh robberies that's why I have so many cameras while working from his shop at home Matt is able to keep an eye on his entire neighborhood one thing he familiarizes himself with is his neighbor and her very large dog every time I went out I was very careful and I'm like all right this lady ain't going to be able to control that dog and that dog decides to go that way one day while Matt is working at home he notices in one of his camera feeds his neighbor taking her dog out for a walk and a jogger heading right towards them the runner was 20 ft away from the dog running toward the dog and you can clearly see that the neighbor could not control that dog he's running toward the dog and the dog is already bucking like a bull suddenly the neighbor's dog manages to get off leash and immediately goes after the runner that's a small girl the dog weighs more than the girl does that dog's going to go boom and come right out and go after the person the disorderly dog tries to bite the runner over and over and when it becomes evident the neighbor isn't going to gain control of the dog the runner makes a quick and desperate move I think his decision for jumping on the fence was probably the best bet one thing that a lot of people don't think about is that dogs do not give up unless they're incapacitated the outcome could have been pretty bad if he decided to take the dog on but just because the runner's safe doesn't mean the rest of the neighborhood is unable to reach the runner the dog sets its sights on an older C I was sort of scared that the dog was going to go and attack the lady and the guy getting out of the car and then after that yet again go after the guy that was carrying like a grocery bag finally the girl you know got him under control and I was just like man I've been telling this girl forever about this dog you know this day was going to come and here it was Matt heads outside to check on the runner who thankfully only has a few scratches I saw the guy and uh you know told him to come down and stay in my yard and just do whatever he has to do I basically just went back to work few hours later the police showed up after getting the full picture the police write Matt's neighbor a ticket for having the dog off leash and everyone goes their separate ways even though they all escaped the incident without serious injuries Matt still thinks his camera footage contains a valuable lesson should a neighbor find themselves in a similar situation it could have been completely avoided if the runner just would have paid attention cuz if he would have just slowed down let the dog calm down he could have walked past the dog and just kept on running the whole situation could have been avoided [Music]
Channel: A&E
Views: 52,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, clips, neighborhood wars, neighborhood wars full episode, full episode, full episodes, neighborhood wars full episodes, neighborhood wars a&e, neighborhood wars fights, neighbor confronts, neighbor confrontation, man confronts neighbor, Most Viewed Animal Moments, funny animals, animals, viral animal videos, viral videos, animal funny moments, funny animal moments, best of neighborhood wars
Id: FnUuOq60EfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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