Neighborhood Wars: Most Viewed Moments of 2023 | A&E

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Woodland Hills Los Angeles resident 54-year-old Russell wolf is driving to brunch and at first he doesn't think anything of the guy in the white shirt walking his dog but then he's shocked by what he Witnesses a neighbor he's never seen before vandalizes a local Fruit Stand so he goes after the aggressor to investigate what do you want that's an illegal business in my neighborhood I told them repeat get the out of my neighborhood police I did they didn't do anything they're selling stolen fruit what's your name my 2 days later when Russell is buying fruit from the stand with another local named Leslie The Irate neighbor returns so Russell starts recording again I think the strawberries look beautiful you know what they might be beautiful but they're stolen noten yeah they are they're not stol it has to have receipts to prove that they're not stolen That's the Law he has no if my let meish if my kid wants to put a lemonade stand here are you going to do call them Nam that's different you're a bully no you you're an idiot Russell has seen a fruit stand on this corner for the last 6 months and he's not sure whether the owner has a legal Street vending permit but he is concerned by the aggressive attitude of his neighbor tomorrow I'm going to spray WD40 over all the oh come on who are you this is our neighborhood it's my neighborhood and I'm not going to tolerate this you don't know what the talking about and I'm not talking to you you're calling me what I'm calling you a you're a fo what are you going to do about it I'm telling you I'm talking to him where are the receipt no where's your business permit by now this neighbor rager is attracting attention but this seems to incense him even more you know what if we put up with this next thing you know you're going to have a t po be the church did you really over you're going to have a Fen dealer on that street corner okay it's called broken windows you are you're absolutely a racist you're a fool realizing he is not winning anyone over the neighbor in purple decides to retreat but not before he threatens to call the police so call the police get to the police and then show us through the law show you anything do your oh I did and I know who you are and soon the neighborhood learns not only who he is but where he lives and a couple of weeks later Russell Leslie and dozens of other neighbors surprise him with a protest rally outside his house you're acting like a child and he reacts poorly right here spraying people with a hose is considered to be a criminal offense so the police arrive and he's arrested and charged with battery despite all the local support the fruit seller tamas decides to move to another neighborhood where he's selling his Goods hasslefree I have a question when y'all got out of the car the other day and my old man was right here why was y'all being rude because that right there made him cry all night rude about what laughing at him about what I don't know y'all were s your old lady was sitting right here staring at him and so were y'all's friends and y'all were cracking up when you came out you oh no we just got back don't answer no stupid question that's not stupid I'm just I I promise you that every day I come out here from now on I'm going to make fun of you I don't care just like I'm going to do you I don't care if you sit over there and cry yourself to sleep every night you don't have to but if you don't break your over there I want you to put me out I want you to do it he can't put you in jail hell you son get the hell out of this yard you put me out you going to you do something if it's not already painfully obvious these neighbors have a long history of dislike for each other get the out of the yard get the out of here put your hands on me come on come having failed to talk his neighbor off his property the homeowner tries a different approach don't don't babe stop stop please stop stop oh my God please stop babe please come here just stop oh really get the out everybody's going go while it's not clear what started this particular fight or what happened after one thing is certain this altercation could have been avoided if they had a nice big fence between their [Music] yards it's a quiet afternoon in the subdivision of Las Vegas this homeowner inter neighbors have just noticed a dog walking off leash in the street I got him she calls the wondering Pitbull over and he seems friendly enough it's not mine her smaller dog named Max comes out to say hello with a customary dog butt sniff without warning the pit bull snaps and tries to bite down on Max the homeowner desperately tries to keep max out of the pit bull's Jaws even putting herself at risk of being bitten Max is less than half the attacking dog size a single bite could prove to be fatal suddenly a hero appears get get no a packaged delivery driver puts herself between the attacker and its victims giving them an opening to run safely inside no no thanks to this delivery driver Max and his owner escape with only minor cuts and scratches proving that not all friendly neighborhood Heroes wear capes somewhere delivery vests you're B I'm sorry what are you trying to say I can't throw away the trash you can't throw away your trash and our PS yes I can no you can yes I can the man filming is African-American and he's lived in this development in verl Beach Florida for the past 6 months caring for his elderly parents he just wants to deposit his trash in the community bins but his neighbor is having none of it what's your name and what are you doing please you're excused man you're harassing me wow this is Florida folks got a racist lady here that's a big mistake on your part oh okay why do you don't think I live here because of the way I look I was president of the homeowners association and to my knowledge I know everybody who lives here okay you knew every single person in 42 buildings where do you live huh do you know every single person in 42 buildings man thank you very much I arrest my case I mean we had this happen all the time you I feel sorry for you don't worry about it oh you have a good day racist people are the best look at her she's trying to get in the way she won't even let me go my gosh what is wrong with you are you serious I can't even throw away my trash without getting harassed by you seriously I have to go I can't even believe this oh my gosh what are you doing you're not leaving I'm not leaving till I what fess up about what throwing away the trash the astonished man looks for another way to exit but there is none and he has to Circle back I cannot believe this but this neighbor nightmare isn't over yet ma'am can you call the police for me please do you live here can you call the police for me please do you live here are you another one yes I do you do here don't worry about it I don't need to prove to you guys that I live here actually please no you don't I'm serious is where do you live I don't need to prove to you where I live where do you live why did you I guess what I'm please ask her Ma'am why does he not think I live here you guys are ganging up on me because I'm dark skinned in the neighborhood and you don't know who I am and I you know what I think thank you so much man I got to say if if that's your only reason for you didn't recognize him that's not a good reason thank you come in here all the time she's obstructing the highway I know I saw this is her last opportunity or else I will forego my day and press charges on you um okay let's get this de escalated I am sorry thank you my gosh after this incident is reported to the homeowners association board the woman is asked to step down and the man's dad is invited to join as Vero Beach strives to make all its residents feel at home Oh Henry grow is a computer support adviser who sees his neighbors more than most since he works from home the apartment complex I live in here is in downtown forville I've lived here for about 5 years and I've know my neighbors pretty well Henry's apartment is next to the common Courtyard on the left so he and his security cameras see more activity than other apartments set further back you know October of 2019 we got two gentlemen that moved into the middle of apartment right next door for the first few months Henry's relationship with his neighbors goes well until the night of December 17th I'm sitting at home one evening and I'm noticing some activity outside in the security camera there's no other way to describe it in any cleaner form but it looked like he was kind of playing with himself in a way it made me very uneasy I felt kind of like I didn't have any privacy all of a sudden he just totally took away my freedom at that point because I kept having to go check the windows for 6 nights after the incident things are quiet until December 23rd at 7:00 p.m. when things escalate I thought hm I wonder what's going on out there the neighbor is working in the courtyard Garden right outside Henry's window this time Henry confronts them I went outside and I'm like hey thank you very much but if you could just leave it alone it's kind of creeping me out when there's somebody out here at all hours of the night I came back inside I noticed he was still out there and I said wow this guy's not going to stop if it takes for you to leave my window Alone by pulling out last plan I'll pull him out Henry decides the only way to keep his neighbors out of his garden is to have no Garden at all you know what get out of here what are we doing I after that our relationship was started to deteriorate in a way that was quite shocking the more Henry tries to avoid both neighbors the the more they continue to harass him including pounding his windows at random times throughout the day once they started getting aggressive where they were banging at that point I felt okay we got to call the police breaking and entering but it's the middle of the pandemic the police are not readily available and Henry's two neighbors are getting more and more aggressive it's scary as heck because we didn't have a help it got to the point that I was actually afraid to stay here at night now feeling trapped in his own home Henry fears the rising tension with his neighbors could lead to a serious altercation or something much worse I know why did you keep doing that it got worse to the point that I was actually afraid to stay here at night having have these cameras running 24/7 going back to the footage of the cameras get away from this property get away from this property by Spring it looks like Henry's luck is changing we noticed that they started to pack up their things and leave we were really excited I was sitting here texting the neighbors hey guess who's moving out but Henry may have begun celebrating too soon it took him probably a couple of days to move out and then on their very last day you can see them cutting the cable from one of the corners of the cameras you see them throwing paint glass bottles at the door with the neighbors gone Henry could finally let his guard down after they finally moved out then I started to like feel a little bit more at ease so I said all right well I'm going to go ahead and take down the camera system so we left the one camera facing the courtyard after I got everything down and every and felt everything was safe the older gentleman showed up again one night he started the banging on the windows again he actually broke it cut his hands so bad that he was like dripping blood he comes over to the door and he starts putting all his blood on the door from that point forward after that night pulled the cameras back out put them back up and I've kept them there pretty much to this day as you can see they're still [Music] running and has a message for his old neighbors if they should ever return I want them to know that I'm watching the neighbors know what they look like the police has a trespass warning on you we're not going to allow anyone to come and terrorize us again I'm the one banging on your why do you keep doing that why do you keep doing that I'm living in this really peaceful neighborhood my house is incredibly special to me especially having grown up very low income to be able to get to the point where I was able to buy a home on my own look my cat after five happy years a neighbor moves in all I'm really noticing is that he's home all the time if I was to describe him I'd say he's just like a really rough looking Average Joe he had like a buzz cut the only thing dividing property was a fence line that belonged to the neighbor I mean I would see him in his backyard and he would see me in mine but I'm a fairly private person up until everything started getting weird I don't even know if I said more than two words to this guy however one day Serena sees something strange in her backyard and from that day on she starts making videos and sharing them online for support so I'm a little concerned right now in fact like I'm like shaking I look out my window and I see this and I'm like I couldn't believe it put up this fence like he cut the wire and put this other one in that has access to my yard why I'm legitimately like scared why did he do this Serena is not exactly sure where her property line is as she doesn't have her own fence however she decides not to confront the new neighbor as she's worried how he may react but soon things get even more creepy okay I haven't been outside since I recorded that video hours ago um I did hear the neighbor outside earlier I did not look outside and Gates wide open a roll of toilet paper what I'm documenting this gate being open I'm closing it and I'm going to see if I have a lock with the gate being open with that toilet paper roll there and I knew he must have come on to my property this was definitely very purposely opened cuz that didn't not just magically fall open I do have and have a lock so here we go I'm trying not to overreact but at the same time I am concerned with the gate locked Serena feels more secure but later that night she becomes aware of something outside on her back porch and the only way onto her porch is through her backyard I don't keep my porch lights on there's like no other lights on in the house I'm in my room and all of a sudden I hear my wind chimes it was not a windy night Breezy nothing they're very deliberately being like wrong which scares me like my heart starts pounding cuz I just don't know what is going on or what to expect Serena goes to the door terrified of what may be outside all those thoughts go through my head of like I could be opening this to someone with a knife a gun I don't know what I'm opening this up to so she grabs her gun for safety and goes to the door gripped with fear what are you doing on my porch get off my porch really get off my porch you opened the gate onto my property it's my gate you put a lock on my property goes to your fence line I'm not going to shoot you get off my property right now get off my property get off my property right now you look like you you already did stay off my property I did feel good about the fact that I could get him off my property and that he left but it was very short-lived because I knew this fight wasn't over in the next few weeks Serena's neighbor continues to trespass on her property will you please get off my property you're not supposed to be over here don't ever come on my property again Serena installs an a 8ot high fence so her neighbor can't invade or even see into her backyard I has a fence but there's a gap in the fence between their properties that her neighbor is exploiting my crazy neighbor was coming through that Gap and that's how he was accessing my backyard so easily still why are you on my property please get off my property you've already had an official warning from the police so I put up a barrier to protect that he kicked over that barrier Serena is terrified as her neighbor is carrying a stick that's when I called the police and he got an actual trespass charge and the next night he kicked in my front door in the middle of the night this time the neighbor goes round the front of the house and kicks sirena's front door until it's damaged Serena is sleeping so she doesn't record the vandalism in only wakes up to see him running away however her mother who is staying with Serena to make her daughter feel safer films the aftermath there's no way to even lock it now no oh great that was probably the scariest thing 240 in the morning and all of a sudden you just hear this shattering sound after this incident the neighbor is arrested and charg with criminal mischief and assaults he's currently awaiting trial Serena takes out a restraining order against her neighbor so she's more confident he will not trespass again my neighbor apparently thought that I would make an easy victim and an easy target but he definitely chose incorrectly and to make doubly sure she fixes the gaps in the fence I am a badass woman I'm not going to lose what I have worked for for so many years to someone like him who doesn't love coming home to find a delivery van with porch piracy On The Rise the only way to ensure your package is safely delivered maybe if it's handed to you by the driver [Music] themselves but looks can be deceiving the delivery driver assumes the woman who just pulled into the driveway Liv lives at this address but it turns out this stranger is just posing as the [Music] homeowner and once the delivery van is out of sight she abcon with the [Music] package porch Pirates shadowing delivery trucks is a growing problem in neighborhoods throughout the country thieves will follow the trucks hanging back until delivery is made and then swooping in for the steel this porch pirate who's still at large skips the porch all together and just lets the package come to her Security Experts suggest having packages sent to a neighbor's house or a work location if you can't be home during delivery times that way your package will find its way to you rather than someone pretending to be you when this local Firehouse is loading up groceries a neighbor comes up not to commend their fearlessness but to complain about how his taxes are spent I know you guys cannot do anything about the fire tax I have to pay extra yes sir you drive all the way down here why don't you guys shot there at the bcal store we do the firemen awkwardly load their groceries as the neighbor scolds them for taking their truck to an outof Town Supermarket I'm going to go in front of board supervisors and make a complaint the man looks over to another neighbor recording for some support I'm glad glad you're taking pictures yeah because I definitely don't support you but the man recording is backing the firefighters you ought to just leave them be because they're just trying to make a living and trying to get their food but I'm paying for to be down here on the clock that's okay with me and I pay taxes too the firemen pay for their own groceries and have to stretch their dollar to buy food for the whole Firehouse why do they drive all the way downtown they can shop there at the local store right around the corner why would you want to play double the store around the corner from the station is a for a market with higher prices why would you want to pay double well why do I want to pay for the fuel the maintenance on this vehicle and everything else it's ridiculous for the taxpayers sir we have to go is there anything else we can you're wasting our time right now not do anything else before the firemen leave the neighbor makes sure to document everyone and everything I take a picture of your vehicle right now go right ahead sir you you have a nice day there's nothing else we can do I got you I got you I got you got you sir there is a form at our headquarters station LIC to where you can file a citizen's complaint I will file a citizen's complaint and I hope you put this on the news too it doesn't make the news but the clip does get posted online where it goes viral racking up more than a million views this is totally ridiculous I understand I understand if there's anything else we can do for you please let us know no thank you all right hope you enjoy your day sir as for the disgruntled neighbor he reportedly has yet to file a complaint at the fire station leading neighbors to believe he's found something else to complain about so I got you too you and I got you too it's early evening in Atlanta Georgia and a delivery man named CeCe is making his last stop of the day he's eager to get home to relax when he's approached by a woman whose mail he just delivered and he immediately starts recording I am not happy I'm tempted to check your pockets in fact I'm calling the police you can call who you like to call manam but I got to go no you're not going anywhere the woman claims that when she got her package it was already open and it doesn't take long for what appears to be one of her family members to intervene you know this lady got already okay well I didn't take the pack anywhere you stole my M don't hit me ma'am don't you hit me you stole my mom malas are necklaces like the one she is wearing often used in meditation it's said they can help the wearer find a calm mind and a sense of Peace you stole my jewelry out of this package I am not happy empty your pockets I'm not emptying nothing not a thing empty your pockets I'm not emptying anything ma'am come on you're being recording come on you sure are the woman's apparent family family member steps in to diffuse the situation and CCE heads for the exit but the woman isn't done with CCE [Music] yet exactly thank you thank you thank you man I appreciate it why would I give you an empty package if I steal It Cece is finally able to head home but that's not the last he hears from the enraged neighbor according to him she shows up at his job the following day and demands that the person who stole Hera be fired but cce's employer reiterates that it was simply a case of the package being damaged CC's route has since been changed to another location in the neighborhood and he no longer makes deliveries to the building but he hopes she finds a replacement Mala to bring her some peace empty your pockets I'm not empty anything ma'am verl Beach Florida boasts an exclusive Waterfront neighborhood with expensive homes and today one of the homeowners has taken issue with a local man who is Wade fishing in front of her house should I call the cops too no yeah yeah that's not that's good now you're harassing me the neighbor is threatening to call the police as she claims the man is trespassing on her property so he starts recording you don't own the water you own that you own that what you think I own from that telephone pole all the way down all this water is yours impossible I'm not going to hurt while the neighbor may not wish to engage in a war of words she's not backing down exactly get mad get mad I'm going to make you famous and if he's going to make her famous she's going to make him wet look at you you're bored you must be a bored woman but then be rich good but you're miserable okay you're rich but you're miserable and now the neighbor goes from verbal taunts to physical threats here that's fine can't wait till he gets here that's fine that's fine you'll go to jail he'll go to jail now now that's a threat and I have it recorded thank you I don't have time yeah go inside get something to eat get something to eat in jail the fisherman leaves but later he asked the local sheriff to check the property deeds and the sheriff confirms that the neighbor only owns 5 ft of Shoreline so anyone is entitled to fish there without the threat of an unwanted shower and the territorial neighbor is not off the hook to her surprise the next week members of the local fishing Community organize a fishing trip right in front of her house to prove that the Indian River is for everyone to use deal Illinois it's 2: a.m. a man who appears to be drunk leaves a neighborhood restaurant and is now in his car about to drive home with a woman in the front passenger seat I don't know but I'm going to record this in case it's drunk he is drunk as you can tell just by looking at him just moments earlier the man recording this video who lives next door to the restaurant claims he witnessed neighbors unsuccessfully try to stop the driver from getting into his SUV oh hell no hell no man yeah this dude's piss ass drunk look he can't even get out the parking lot despite having difficulty getting out of the parking lot the reckless driver turns onto the street and speeds off oh my God concerned neighbors rush to the scene of the accident to help the victims of the crash you stupid drunk I got that on camera too you drunk piece of you're scumbag you hey come on man are you okay my bad here record this just just stand back and record this the man recording this video hands off his camera to another concerned neighbor so he can help the driver who was struck head on I think you're okay I think you're just a little shook up you okay here get out of the car yeah get out of the car come on come on come on thankfully the woman is wearing her seat belt and the car's airbags deployed here step by the car I I don't want it to catch up fire or anything like that I think you're okay you okay here step over here lucky to be alive as are all those involved in this crash my bad bro after getting her to safety the neighbor confronts the drunk driver and is concerned for the condition of the woman passenger who remains inside the car bad bro no you're idiot you're I hope you jail you're stb are you okay ma'am are you okay get out of way need to move so I can see if she's okay get get back you're making me nervous are you okay you get out of the car can you can you climb across hey did you call the police okay I think she needs an ambulance where do you live right here I heard it from inside my house this bro okay sitting there you're not going to move all right I guess she's all right yeah oh here's the police record I'm good no you ain't good you're going jail good is my girl good I guess that's really really weird that you would question that now before your drunk ass got in the car and drove I saw you get in the car police firefighters and paramedics soon arrive on the scene and provide medical assistance to the injured victims both women are treated for minor injuries and brought to a local hospital for further evaluation while police put the slurring driver through a sobriety field test which he fails miserably decal police charge him with a DUI a DUI over 8 and a a failure to yield turning left the driver is fortunate he didn't kill anyone including himself a sobering reminder to everyone never drink and drive and stop your neighbor if they try to do so little egg New Jersey is a small laid-back Township on the Atlantic Ocean where Eliza and Brad roads relocate from the city with Brad's parents Brad and I and Brad's parents all moved down together it was a new start living on the water it's a small Shore town so people have lived here generation after generation we thought this was the perfect neighborhood until we met our next door neighbors our neighbors are an older couple who have lived here for over 40 years according to Eliza the first warning sign is when the neighbors make an unusual complaint they didn't like the smell of our Dyer sheets because our vent faces is the side of their house so we went out and bought dryer balls cuz we're trying to accommodate because we're the new family in town and then whatever it was they would pick out the next thing in the following months the neighbors become more antisocial so Eliza and Brad start to record them and it only adds to the weirdness when The Neighbor starts cackling at [Music] them she sounds like a witch even though the neighbor is taking pictures of Brad and Eliza she is annoyed that they are recording her so one day when Brad is in the front yard her husband launches a verbal attack the you you will do that all stalker stalker stalker that's you you you're crazy yeah you're crazy then what are you do with the phone get the phone out of here now you hit yeah hit you your Fe when it became physical it took it to a whole other level one once that line was crossed we were afraid we didn't know where the next step was going to go what happens next is worse than Eliza and Brad could ever imagine the neighbors go online and find out dark secrets about Eliza's past to use against her Fons Fons you're Fons you're F they did everything to mentally terrorize myself and my family I was a heroin addict and I did whatever I had to do to get the next one and then got over met Brad got over Fons Fons Eliza has now been drug and alcohol free for eight years you're Fons you're Fons and works to help others in recovery so she finds her neighbor taunts tough to take I feel very judged actually tearing up it was actually really hard to hear he every single day all of these horrific things I had done while in my addiction and the insults only get worse you make me sick to look at you when I see you I'm going to throw the off this is what the neighborhood has to put up with it would be daily they would yell constantly are you TR are you you hi shut up P look at that push face in Eliza and Brad report their neighbors to the police just give me your driver's license I will Li but the neighbors also call the cops with wild claims of their own that are untrue we got investigated for running a meth house elder abuse holding someone hostage in the house and literally the cops were on this street every single day but just as Eliza and Brad are in the process of taking the neighbors to court suddenly everything changes after three and a half difficult years you're a stupid they get the welcome news that their neighbors deserve you hit me are relocating to a different state they don't know why but they're just happy that they're gone since our neighbors have moved Brad and I will go out back and sit in the hammock at night and look at the stars and we couldn't do that before couldn't enjoy the yard couldn't enjoy the water today we can if you're stupid you belong in a nursing home cuz you got dementia if I could say anything to my neighbors I would say one you reap what you s two Karma the third thing I would say is we didn't give up as a family and we won a quiet Sunday evening in the suburbs is suddenly gripped by Panic a mom can't believe what she is seeing all these cars ho just waiting because there is a freaking Bingle tiger boom in this yard neighbors are feverishly messaging each other to ask where the tiger comes from or who it belongs to it seems to have appeared out of nowhere and this dude needs to be careful holy [Music] cow with their children locked behind doors the woman dials 911 then she recognizes one Fearless neighbor as an off-duty sheriff's deputy he is attempting to hold back the man eater at gunpoint oh my gosh he's going to shoot it he's going to shoot it but the tiger keeps on coming the heck why is there a tiger suddenly a man appears out of frame and he's attracting the Tiger's attention sir he's claiming to inside I don't know who claiming to be the Tiger's owner is able to lure it into his vehicle and drive away police catch up with him he reveals the animal is 9 months old named India and being kept illegally right under neighbors noses Just Two Doors Down from the mom who filmed this video oh my gosh India is given a new home at an animal sanctuary in merch in Texas called Black Beauty Ranch it is run by the Humane Society of the United States which is lobbying for legislation that would prohibit big cats from being kept as pets while gender reveals can be lots of fun for family and friends the neighbors likely couldn't care less if it's a boy or a girl girl it's a boy as long as it's not a [Music] mess and the more elaborate gender reveals become the more taxing they become on the neighborhood and even if the neighbors are invited they still end up getting the short end of the stick in Philadelphia this expectant couple is in the backyard surrounded by friends and neighbors they light their gender themed fireworks together and everyone celebrates as pink clouds explode overhead but in the excitement no one notices what's happening the fireworks are unwisely propped up on a dry rack and when the first rocket launches it jostles the whole box of fireworks loose a few more Rockets shoot up before the fireworks fall off the rack and no one notices until it's too [Music] late [Applause] [Music] Rockets shoot into the crowd as family and neighbors scramble to find [Applause] safety but aside from a few minor burns no one is seriously injured in the Mayhem so while some may love gender reveals the neighbors might not be as tickled pink Lando Lakes Florida resident Jennifer Michelle is out of the house visiting her mother nearby when she receives a doorbell cam notification on her phone when she checks the camera's app to her dismay she sees two Sheriff deputies and a handyman drilling the locks to her front door hello hello what are you doing uh we're here to finalize the eviction what VI it was posted a week ago it was posted last week on my house yes ma'am this is clearly news to Jennifer I was all C up on my bills my dogs are inside there what is your name my name is Jennifer and that is my house Jennifer what's your last name Jennifer my my last name the two sheriff's deputies check Jennifer's house number to confirm they're evicting the right tenant when oh damn I am caught up on my bills nobody has Serv me an addiction notice yeah I think what the hell is going on one of the deputies Begins the Walk of Shame back to Jennifer's door to inform her they've got the right neighborhood but the wrong house hey we actually we do apologize we have the wrong house it's the next door neighbors what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to they're going to have to repair their locks on my dogs are inside no no no we're not going in we're not going in hey um real quick what's what's your phone number let me call you worried she might find her dogs loose and all her belongings in the street Jennifer rushes back home to her neighborhood you know what I'm at my mom's house I will be there in 15 minutes 15 okay we'll be here yes sir the deputies not only apologize profusely to Jennifer for the mixup but they quickly change her locks and pick up lunch for her and her mom maybe Jennifer could pay it forward and take her future next door neighbor out to lunch we do apologize we have the wrong house Mom Carissa Nash is not surprised to see a 9-year-old kid from her daughter's class on their security camera until [Music] suddenly Carissa's daughter and the boy had a falling out at school earlier that day now shocked that he is thrashing her door with a whip this mom lays down the law little boy you better get your ass from off my porch beating on my door like this I will call the police you need to leave don't you ever beat on my door like that go okay after the boy leaves Theon claims he scratches the Family's car with a whip so later she and her husband go across the street to confront the child's parents your dad here I just seen him I need to talk to him your son beat on mine I need talk about these damages to my car your son let me show you the video if you come outside and talk like an adult then maybe we can figure it out you I need to show you the video of your son hitting our door with this wheel and hitting our car video have you seen son never touched your car a video that he touched your car the neighbor does across the street we have it on video get off my property seriously get off my property well I see you because you a cuz you ain't coming over here talking nicely you're accusing my son I'm showing you the video we're showing you the video the door you Ain show me the video of me scratching your car get off my plan now the boy's dad is taking issue that the other dad is standing on his grape vine and things are getting heated no that's my grape vine all right okay thank you you owe me a plant if I bet bring can you please stop sir all we want to do just talk y are so violent over here bab please came over here with and then the mom notices something that alarms her you have a gun your ass outside without the gun come out come on let's do it no baby get oh my God I'm oh my God as the neighbor picks up the gun he accidentally discharges it while his daughter stands close behind him in the doorway luckily the bullet doesn't hit anyone oh my God I'm oh my God the couple goes home but later when the County Sheriff's Office see the videos they charge the neighbor with deadly conduct for careless handling of a weapon and shortly afterwards he and his family move out of the area as for the son he's too young to face charges however let's hope he learns how to be a better neighbor in his new neighborhood [Music]
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,990,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, clips, neighborhood wars, watch neighborhood wars, neighborhood wars full episodes, neighborhood wars scenes, neighborhood wars episodes, neighborhood wars episode clips, a&e neighborhood wars, a and e neighborhood wars, neighbor wars, warring neighbors, neighborhood watch, neighborhood drama, stolen package, necklace, Most Viewed Moments of 2023, best of neighborhood wars
Id: pODo7XjcPqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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