Top 7 Good Samaritans - Part 2 | Neighborhood Wars | A&E

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Simpsonville South Carolina a woman sits alone on her front steps sobbing on the phone with her father Mike just called me and said Mom and dead she's battling a panic attack just after receiving news of her mother's sudden passing across the street her neighbor who she had only met once before hears her cries and notices she's in distress cuz she supposed to come once [Music] again when The Neighbor arrives without hesitation she begins to hug and console her grieving friend as if she were a child of her own I swear to God it's a true Act of compassion what's more the Good Samaritan continues to check in via text during the following days to make sure her neighbor and family are doing okay that's what neighbors are for there was a big issue in my city going on where these bikes were getting stolen a concerned Good Samaritan who will call Sam wishes to remain anonymous for his safety but he's watched manyi bikes being stolen from from his neighborhood for years and no one doing anything about it I was kind of just sick of seeing it happen I was sick of seeing people get away with it um the police weren't really doing too much about it so Sam gets an idea and with a sidekick they set their wheels in motion me and my neighbor thought that we would try to stop this theft by going out and looking for these bikes that have been stolen and trying to recover them ourselves Sam and the neighbor brow stolen bike postings online then the duo prow the neighborhood sometimes for hours hoping to spot one in one evening while Sam is out patrolling alone he does so when I saw these guys ride by I had a huge Adrenaline Rush of course the neighbor Sam's Sidekick is at home if I confirm that's the bike you got to call the cops all right and I'm going to tell you where I am but Sam is able to patch into him through his helmet phone and let him know this is not a drill it's the bike it's the bike they were a ton of identifications on this bike telling me that it was the stolen bike and I'm a little nervous because I'm not sure who is on these bikes there's more than one of them maybe they have a weapon where' you get that bike cops are on the way man I know that bike's stolen just leave it there and go it's your best bet Sam advises the rider to surrender the bike to him but instead they pull over Sam gives his coordinates to the neighbor get the cops here right now I'm at the I'm at the taco truck by that Home Depot and tells him to have the police meet him there but as they wait the neighbor calls back with bad news call right now get them here all right we're talking right now I called they should they not coming what do you mean they're not coming I got the bike this Good Samaritan is now the lone Samaritan I didn't want to approach the situation alone I just wanted to let the police know where these people were so they could apprehend of themselves one of the Riders pulls out a phone and hands it to Sam the rider on the stolen bike ended up pulling out his phone and calling the person who had stolen the bike in the first place the original Thief Sam gets on with the thief who stole the bike I already talked to Levi and um I have to uh return the bike tomorrow well look man I got the bike right now and I I have the KE I can take it for Levi man Levi is the bike's owner and now that the thief knows he's been caught he wants to return the bike back to Levi personally and apologize or so he claims but I'm taking this bike with me the cops are on their way no you can't return that bike but Sam insists on bringing the bike back himself and is not backing down I don't care man this bike's stolen it's coming with me Sam believes if he lets them take the bike back neither he or the owner will ever see it again we know your name we know your address and everything bro I I I would take off if I were you I don't do no all right man did you buy this bike or did he give it to you cuz you should get your money back if you bought it the thief may not care but the two Riders do they talk to the thief on the phone and soon hand the keys over to Sam I don't want you guys to get if you didn't steal it I don't want you in trouble all right so you guys can go cuz we already had the name of the guy the two people on the bikes decide to go their own way and leave the bike with me all right you guys you guys be safe all right I'm sorry you got mixed up in this all right if you didn't steal the bike that's all right but I'm taking it we take care of the the guy okay I ended up getting a $500 reward for getting the bike back later on this footage was used in court and the thief was charged with many counts of vehicle theft but putting a neighborhood criminal Behind Bars comes with a price so I am a little worried of what may be done to me by the thief or his acquaintances if they find out my true identity this neighborhood Good Samaritan is happy to remain anonymous and as long as Milwaukee thieves continue stealing bikes the Good Samaritan and his sidekick neighbor will keep taking them back hell yeah [Music] man an apartment dweller in Seattle Washington has noticed a woman behaving erratically on the street below and starts filming her she's throwing pce oh my God no no no no no stop stop she collects a handful of rocks and goes running to terrorize the building across the street you can't see it because of the building's awning but she's throwing those rocks at an elderly woman un fortunately for this nasty neighbor a passing Good Samaritan just witnessed the attack and he plans to do something about it oh the man comes darting across the street tackles the attacker and sends her crashing into a fire Hy her down after giving her a scolding the man checks on the elderly woman to make sure she wasn't hurt by any thrown rocks yeah she pleas with the situation under control the unidentified woman offers a feeble apology okay well I'm sorry and is sent on her way sorry with neighbors like this guy maybe she'll think twice before harassing this neighborhood again a delivery driver named Nathan Wilkins Prides himself on knowing all the different routes in his neighborhood being a delivery driver I've gone through this neighborhood pretty often it's it's just a really tight neighborhood on a Brisk January morning Nathan's first delivery takes him on a familiar route through town you got a lot of houses you've got a lot of kids running around in the yards and stuff people feel safe in this neighborhood but on this morning Nathan notices something odd ahead of him I had a uh package to drop off not far from where I was and then I noticed all of the sudden I was doing 20 M hour behind somebody oh Lord the car in front is weaving back and forth over the center lines I just kind of followed along behind him and the first thing I thought oh he's on his phone he's you know distracted Nathan keeps behind the car as the driver becomes more erratic genuinely oh oh no no no no no no no no no the car nearly misses two oncoming vehicles and shows no signs of stopping me dude get off the road oh Lord we went around the turn and I see a utility truck coming towards us and he starts to drift into the next Lane oh no this guy is about to hit this oncoming utility truck doing like 50 mph Nathan slows down Embraces for what's about to happen I was absolutely terrified a truck that size if they hit him going 50 mph it would have been disastrous the truck swerves at the last second nearly avoiding a head-on collision I'm so glad that the guy driving the utility truck had the reaction time he had but the next driver might not be as quick so Nathan does whatever he can to help his fellow neighbors if I saw an imposing car coming I would flash my lights I turn my hazard lights on you know do my best to try to get them a heads up but finally the car begins to slow after following this guy for about I don't know 10 minutes or so he finally just drifts into a guard rail and there they go so I pulled off into a houses driveways there and by the time I made it back to his car one woman was already on the phone with 911 a nearby neighbor is already assisting the man but he's barely responsive how old is he uh he looks like he may be in his maybe 607s can you do you mind pushing your brake and putting it in part we were there with the man for a good 5 minutes or so working with him just trying to make sure he's okay I'm going to okay I've got deliveries to make but yeah no you're fine yeah there's somebody on the way yeah I'm thank you guys for thank it the paramedics soon arrive and the man is given a glucose pill for his low blood sugar Nathan is soon back in the neighborhood making his deliveries and although this medical emergency is harrowing it teaches Nathan how the Neighbors in this town look out for one another one day that could be me in that car I could have a heart attack or something while driving down the road and it's nice to know that there's people like the people in my neighborhood that are going to come out and be there and help me thanks to Nathan and his neighbors this driver avoids a road to disaster in the now on the road to recovery hello sir how you doing hi even in this age of cameras door too scams are common oh yeah I'm not interested but for Jean Ebert it all starts with a phone call one winter afternoon this retired 911 operator gets an unusual call at home asking for help and it's a guy on there crying saying that he's been in an accident accident and that he's my grandson and now he was in a jail in New Jersey someplace but instead of taking the bait this veteran essential worker lays a trap of her own to stop the scammer from targeting her neighbors and the last thing I said to him before I hung up was I'll handle this and I think that's kind of what hooked the guy into thinking that I was really falling for the scan a common Swindle this man is trying to convince Jean that her grandson is in trouble and needs her money to help him out of a jam next thing I know they're calling me back he asked me um if I could handle $8,000 worth of bail so then I called the police and they sent two officers over when the officers arrive they hatch a plan with Jean to catch the scammer guy is still calling and then he says to me I just so happen to have somebody 10 minutes away and then the cops told me what to do and within 5 minutes the guy's walking up to my door asking me for the envelope with the cash in nervous to meet the potential Thief Jean follows the officer's instructions to the letter as soon as the scammer knocks on her door hello hi I wanted the envelope to look legit so I folded up a bunch of paper towels put it inside the envelope right right okay have a good one okay he just took it he turned around went down two steps and then he was in custody head give me your hand yeah I'm here and guess what anybody want to talk to the guy on the phone I'm still here and he has the envelope up up I guess he realized what happened my neighbors across the street were like holy smokes what the heck's going on over there the the suspect is arrested and charged with attempted Grand Larsen and is currently out on bail awaiting trial word of Jean's heroics quickly spreads around the neighborhood and even beyond all of a sudden everybody in see especially people know what happened what happened so I heard from a lot of my neighbors I heard from my grandkids friends in fact her neighbors are hoping she comes out of retirement people are sending me messages can you go on patrol at night and look for the thieves I'm like I don't think so so it just goes to show anyone can be a neighborhood hero I stayed calm I played his game and apparently he thought I was falling for him but he fell for me ma'am he your tires are blown your Tire Reading California a car with a blown tire drives down a quiet residential street while a concerned neighbor tries to alert the vehicle's driver man you're D what are you doing what are you doing man what the there the neighbor along with two friends follow the woman and get her to pull over but it's soon clear she has bigger issues than a flat are you guys loving me you're taking care of me right that's right oh yeah that's exactly what we're doing she appears to be under the influence hey you're oh don't fall over no you know what down you you look like you're sick I'm good are you okay I love well you're you're like you don't feel well you had too much do you have any pot no I have some crazy keep it with you though even though it looks as if the woman has already drunk enough it seems like she still wants to continue the party yeah but her playful interaction with her neighbors is shortlived police soon arrive on the scene and the woman tries to drive away but the only thing fleeing is her cheery disposition you're helping them you're helping them get out of here get out get out of here you car oh get out the car get wait while the woman is charged with a DUI thanks to her concerned neighbors she does not injure herself or any other people out on the road remember never drive under the influence holiday Spirits are being jolted this year when Neighbors come across a homeowner who appears to be hanging from his roof for dear life but there's something about this struggling homeowner that looks familiar all right can you Reas it when this festive prank features on last season's neighborhood Wars it inspires another neighborhood Joker to take the ruse up a rung or two meet dangling man an elaborate creation from the mind of a local dentist dangling man is a mash up of a mannequin PVC tubes and a motion activated motor attached to the pelvis which causes the legs to swing wildly the dentist adds Christmas lights and a ladder to the house and as a final touch plants a hidden speaker with his pre-recorded cries of [Music] help it doesn't take long for the town to discover dangling man and after a few [Music] [Applause] days the ocean Port fire department pays the dentist a visit but after the initial shock the neighbors end up falling in love with dangling man helping to ensure that he will be hanging out in this neighborhood for many holiday seasons to come n
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,868,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, clips, neighborhood wars, watch neighborhood wars, neighborhood wars full episodes, neighborhood wars scenes, neighborhood wars episodes, neighborhood wars episode clips, a&e neighborhood wars, a and e neighborhood wars, neighbor wars, warring neighbors, neighborhood watch, neighborhood drama, road rage, neighbor gets angry, snow rage, angry driver, argument, fight, drama, Top 7 Good Samaritans
Id: cBuOUzEkGD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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