Neighborhood Shenanigans - Top 10 Moments | Neighborhood Wars | A&E

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there's trouble brewing in this quiet neighborhood in Austin Texas this woman got out of her car and into an altercation with one of the neighbors this man tried to intervene now she's on his lawn it won't leave and things are about to get slippery oh my God oh my God oh my go home girl and clearly she doesn't want to go anywhere oh my God you're going to lose that battle okay now I think maybe we should call somebody is it 911 do you want me to call yeah please get off my property will defend myself on my property get off oh my God maybe we should call the car when police arrived on the scene no charges were filed and the soaking wet woman finally left the neighborhood this man and his neighbor have been feuding for over a year leading to this angry exchange right on the street stuff that thing up your go yourself no you the most disrespectful son of a go yourself C you have no respect for yourself go yourself copy you I find that on and it's going to go right up you go yourself yeah well I already put in a complaint to the police yesterday about you go yourself say it again go yourself don't say it to my face you idiot come on out go yourself next time I see you face to face you're the one that's going to go yourself go fck yourself forun the rivals don't come to blows and both men eventually go yourself stand down go yourself That's all folks almost go yourself malver Arkansas is a small friendly town and when 37-year-old Serena sailor moves into the area to be closer to family she decides it will be a good place to put down Roots so she buys a two-bedroom home I'm living in this really peaceful neighborhood my house is incredibly special to me especially having grown up very low income to be able to get to the point where I was able to buy a home on my own that's my cat after five happy years a neighbor moves in all I'm really noticing is that he's home all the time if I was to describe him I'd say he's just like a really rough looking Average Joe he had like a buzz cut the only thing dividing property was a fence line that belonged to the neighbor I mean I would see him in his backyard and he would see me in mind but I'm a fairly private person up until everything started getting weird I don't even know if I said more than two words to this guy however one day Serena sees something strange in her backyard and from that day on she starts making videos and sharing them online for support so I'm a little concerned right now in fact like I'm like shaking I look out my window and I see this and I'm like I couldn't believe it put up this fence like he cut the wire and put this other one in that has access to my yard why I'm legitimately like scared why did he do this Serena is not exactly sure where her property line is as she doesn't have her own fence however she decides not to confront the new neighbor as she's worried how he may react but soon things get even more creepy okay I haven't been outside since I recorded that video hours ago um I did hear the neighbor outside earlier I did not look outside and Gates wide open a roll of toilet paper what I'm documenting this gate being open I closing it and I'm going to see if I have a lock with the gate being open with that toilet paper rooll there and I knew he must have come on to my property this was definitely very purposely opened cuz that did not just magically fall open I do happen to have a lock so here we go I'm trying not to overreact but at the same time I am concerned with the gate locked Serena feels more secure but later that night she becomes aware of something outside on her back porch and the only way onto her porch is through her backyard I don't keep my porch lights on there's like no other light lights on in the house I'm in my room and all of a sudden I hear my wind chimes it was not a windy night breey nothing they're very deliberately being like wrong which scares me like my heart starts pounding cuz I just don't know what is going on or what to expect Serena goes to the door terrified of what may be outside all those thoughts go through my head of like I could be opening this to someone with AE KN a gun I don't know what I'm opening this up to so she grabs her gun for safety and goes to the door gripped with fear what are you doing on my porch relax get off my porch really get off my porch here huh you opened the gate onto my property it's my gate you put a lock on my property goes to your fence line I'm not going to shoot you get off my property right now get off my property get off my property property right now you look like you already did stay off my property I did feel good about the fact that I could get him off my property and that he left but it was very short-lived because I knew this fight wasn't over in the next few weeks Serena's neighbor continues to trespass on her property will you please get off my property you're not supposed to be over here don't ever come on my property again Serena installs an 8ft high fence so her neighbor can't invade or even see into her backyard I has the fence but there's a gap in the fence between their properties that her neighbor is exploiting my crazy neighbor was coming through that Gap and that's how he was accessing my backyard so easily still why are you on my property please get off my property you've already had an official warning from the police so I put up a barrier to protect that he kicked over that barrier Serena is terrified as her neighbor is carrying a stick that's when I called the police and he got an actual trespass charge and the next night he kicked in my front door in the middle of the night this time the neighbor goes round the front of the house and kicks Serena's front door until it's damaged Serena is sleeping so she doesn't record the vandalism and only wakes up to see him running away however her mother who is staying with Serena to make her daughter feel safer films the aftermath there's no way to even lock it now no oh great that was probably the scariest thing 2:40 in the morning and all of a sudden you just hear this shattering sound after this incident the neighbor is arrested and charge with criminal mischief and assault he's currently awaiting trial Serena takes out a restraining order against her neighbor so she's more confident he will not trespass again my neighbor apparently thought that I would make an easy victim and an easy target but he definitely chose incorrectly and to make doubly sure she fixes the gaps in the fence I am a badass woman I'm not going to lose what I have worked for for so many years to someone like him it's Halloween and a homeowner in this Cincinnati neighborhood has fallen victim to a uniquely hair raising prank can you hear me okay yeah I can hear you up okay um I was just wondering about your Halloween blowup ghost why it has why it looks like that for all the kids to see normally this this would be a weird question to ask your neighbor but on Halloween you can never be too careful did you know it has a giant penis did you know your ghost has a giant penis on it I'm sorry I'm sorry your ghost it has a giant penis on it the third times the charm and the homeowner finally realizes he and his ghost have been punked it's got like a 3ot and plateable penis on it over the phone his neighbor offers to help out yeah is it okay if I unplug it for now so the kit s it whether you believe in ghost or not there's nothing like a little spooky fun to truly bring neighbors together okay all right cuz I I was like are you kidding me and I did post something I was like this is absolutely not okay but then I got to thinking is anybody's like my family we play pranks on each other not quite just distasteful it's literally holding your go up as a k stand and if they fall flat in the end it's nice to know your neighbor is always willing to give you a boost end uping with you because me just a seriously joke I have a question when y'all got out of the car the other day and my old man was right here why was y'all being rude because that right there made him cry all night rude about what laughing at him about what I don't know y were s your old lady was sitting right here staring at him and so were y'all's friends and y'all were cracking up when you came out you looked at him oh no we just got don't answer no stupid question that's not stupid I'm just asking I I promise you that every day I come out here from now on I'm going to make fun of you I care just like I'm going to do you I don't care if you sit over there and cry yourself to sleep every night you don't have to but if you don't break your over there I want you to put me out I want you to do it he can't put you in jail to hell you son get the hell out of this yard you put me out you going to you do something put your if it's not already painfully obvious these neighbors have a long history of dislike for each other get the out of the yard get the out of here come having failed to talk his neighbor off his property the homeowner tries a different approach don't babe stop stop please stop stop oh my God pleas stop babe please come here just stop oh really get out everybody go while it's not clear what started this particular fight or what happened after one thing is certain this altercation could have been avoided if they had a nice big fence between their yards we call Houston Texas a quiet Sunday evening in the suburbs is suddenly gripped by Panic a mom can't believe what she is seeing all these cars oh just waiting because there is a freaking Bingle tiger boom in this yard neighbors are feverishly messaging each other to ask where the tiger comes from or who it belongs to it seems to have appeared out of nowhere and this dude needs to be careful holy [Music] cow with their children locked behind doors the woman dials 911 then she recognizes one Fearless neighbor as an off-duty sheriff's deputy he is attempting to hold back the man eater at gunpoint oh my gosh he's going to shoot it he's going to shoot it but the Tiger keeps on coming the heck why is there a tiger suddenly a man appears out of frame and he's attracting the Tiger's attention he's claiming to be the Tiger's owner back inside I don't know who the this is get the back inside to the neighbors relief the man claiming to be the Tiger's owner is able to lure it into his vehicle and drive away police catch up with him he reveals the animal is 9 months old named India and being kept illegally right under neighbors noses just two doors down from the mom who filmed this video oh my gosh India is given a new home at an animal sanctuary in merch in Texas called Black Beauty Ranch it is run by the Humane Society of the United States which is is lobbying for legislation that would prohibit big cats from being kept as pets Henry grow is a computer support adviser who sees his neighbors more than most since he works from home the apartment complex I live in here is in downtown for onville I've lived here for about 5 years and I've know my neighbors pretty well Henry's apartment is next to the common Courtyard on the left so he Anda security cameras see more activity than other apartments set further back in October of 2019 we got two gentlemen that moved into the middle apartment right next door for the first few months Henry's relationship with his neighbors goes well until the night of December 17th I'm sitting at home one evening and I'm noticing some activity outside in the security camera there's no other way to describe it in any cleaner form but it looked like he was kind of playing with himself in a way it made me very uneasy I felt kind of like I didn't have any privacy all of a sudden he just totally took away my freedom at that point because I kept having to go check the windows for six nights after the incident things are quiet until December 23rd at 7:00 p.m. when things escalate I thought hm I wonder what's going on out there the neighbor is working in the courtyard Garden right outside Henry's window this time Henry confronts them I went outside and I'm like hey thank you very much but if you could just leave it alone it's kind of creeping me out when there's somebody out here at all hours of the night I came back inside I noticed he was still out there and I said wow this guy's not going to stop if it takes for you to leave my window Alone by pulling out every last plan I'll pull him out Henry decides the only way to keep his neighbors out of his garden is to have no Garden at all you know what out of [Music] here after that our relationship was started to deteriorate in a way that was quite shocking the more Henry tries to avoid both neighbors the more they continue to harass him including pounding his windows at random times throughout the day once they started getting aggressive where they were banging at that point I felt okay we got to call the police breaking and entering but it's the middle of the pandemic the police are not readily available and Henry's two neighbors are getting more and more aggressive it's scary as heck because we didn't have any help it got to the point that I was actually afraid to stay here at night now feeling trapped in his own home Henry fears the rising tension with his neighbors could lead to a serious altercation or something much worse why you keep doing that it got worse to the point that I was actually afraid to stay here at night having have these cameras running 24/7 going back to the footage of the cameras get away from this property get away from thisty by Spring it looks like Henry's luck is changing we noticed that uh they started to pack up their things and leave we were really excited I was s sitting here texting the neighbors hey guess who's moving out but Henry may have begun celebrating too soon it took them probably a couple of days to move out and then on their very last St you can see them cutting the cable from one of the corners of the cameras you see them throwing paint glass bottles at the door with the neighbors gone Henry could finally let his guard down after they finally moved out that I started to like feel a little bit more ad ease so I said all right well I'm going to go ahead and take down the camera system we left the one camera facing the courtyard after I got everything down and and felt everything was safe the older gentleman showed up again one night he started the bang on the windows again he actually broke it cut his hands so bad that he was like dripping blood he comes over to the door and he starts putting all his blood on the door from that point forward after that night pulled the cameras back out put them back up and I've kept them there pretty much to this day as you can see they're still [Music] running and Henry has a message for his old neighbors if they should ever return I want them to know that I'm watching the neighbors know what they look like the police has a trespass warning on you we're not going to allow anyone to come and terrorize us again I'm the one bing on your why you doing that why do you keep doing that we Rock Wisconsin where a resident security camera records a neighbor out walking her dog as any responsible dog owner will tell you there's a right way to deal with this situation and a wrong way this woman chooses to walk away without picking up to our frustrated neighbors plan a surprise and when the dog walker returns 2 Days Later they're waiting stop letting your dog on our lawn clean up your dog poop excuse me ma'am hey you clean up your dog poop stop letting your dog poop on my lawn I have you on video come pick up this nice pilot that your dog left in my yard I've been waiting for you for two days you disgusting disgusting s look at it I have children here that's your dog please pick it up this will be every day I will watch you every day I have you on video Pick Up After Your Dog please pick up after your dog please pick up after your dog thank you for picking up the feces from my yard I appreciate it greatly greatly appreciate please leave my yard you're trespassing get off my yard you and your dog thank you thank you very much thank you very much thank you for being a courteous [Music] neighbor it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood in Costa Mesa California perfect for cruising around in the sunshine but for these unlucky teens one grumpy neighbor has come along to darken the mood you're ding a box of rocks you're not wearing a hel I'll call a cop on you buddy one all right go for it what did he do wrong he's doing 50 mph according to this guy the speed limit applies to everyone no matter how impossible mph on sensing serious discipline is needed the man raises the stakes even higher with an ominous warning I happen to be one of the guys on board you want to be fine I can do that you getting why are you getting our faceb because this damn thing is throwing too fast two stroke unfortunately for him the kids don't seem to care about his high ranking position within the neighborhood so stop being dramatic I'm not you stop being dramatic not doing 50 you were doing 50 that doesn't even go 50 that goes 15 even the chairman of the board can't argue with physics instead he makes a dire prediction whoever lives here or whoever owns this will be fine okay cuz I'll make sure that it happens yeah I'm sure you will okay you seem like the type I am the type yeah I gu stop it and put a helmet on your head hel we don't have by hey Budd mind bye yeah so let that be a lesson when riding a bike around your neighborhood stay below 50 m an hour or [Music] else Belair California is known for being one of the fanciest parts of La in its many mansions and large plots of land serve as an ideal way to have some privacy from Neighbors enough privacy for Midday skinny dipping in a secluded backyard pool the only problem this naked man doesn't live at this house he's a total stranger now inside the house the naked Intruder moves from room to room at one point even PR Deering a pair of shoes luckily the homeowner is out but she's been alerted to the man's presence via the security app on her phone shocked and scared she immediately calls her husband and he's upstairs inside the house inside whose house outside of the camera on the driveway where where where's someone inside our house the homeowner checks outside for any signs of trouble but little does he know the trouble is about to find [Music] him hey what are you doing here at my house what are you doing here I'm going to call the police right now I'm going to call the police right now no get out of the house concerned that the Intruder May attack him the homeowner takes off by climbing over his bedroom balcony and onto his car he leaves the property and dials 911 the naked Intruder is still at the house when police arrive in a shocking twist they discovered that he killed two of the family's pet birds he is identified as a 34-year-old homeless man living on the streets nearby he is charged with four felony counts one count of first-degree residential burglary with a person present vandalism and two counts of Cruelty to an animal he is still awaiting [Music] [Applause] trial
Channel: A&E
Views: 470,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, Neighborhood Shenanigans - Top 10 Moments | Neighborhood Wars | A&E, Neighborhood Shenanigans, Neighborhood, Shenanigans, Top 10 Moments, Neighborhood Wars, neighborhood wars, shenanigans, top 10 moments, neighborhood, 10, top 10, compilation, compilations, top 10 compilations, moments, top 10 moment, moment, neighborhood wars on a&e, A&E neighborhood wars, neighbor shenanigans, shenanigan, neighborhoods
Id: 6hOBAhBJvYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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