Neighborhood Wars: BAD BLOOD MOMENTS - MEGA-Compilation | A&E

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I have a question when y'all got out of the car the other day and my old man was right here why was y'all being rude because that right there made him cry all not rude about what laughing at him about what I don't know y'all were s your old lady was sitting right here staring at him and so were y'all's friends and y'all were cracking up when you came out you oh no we just got don't answer no stupid question that's not stupid I'm just asking I I promise you that every day I come out here from now on I'm going to make fun of you well care just like I'm going to do you I don't care if you sit over there and cry yourself to sleep every night well you don't have to but if you don't break your over there I want you to put me out I want you to do it he can't put you in jail hell you son get the hell out of this yard you put me out you going to you do something put if it's not already painfully obvious these neighbors have a long history of dislike for each other get the out of the yard get the out of here put your hands on me come come on come on having failed to talk his neighbor off his property the homeowner tries a different approach babe stop stop please stop stop oh my God please stop babe please come here just stop oh really everybody go while it's not clear what started this particular fight or what happened after one thing is certain this altercation could have been avoided if they had a nice big fence between their [Music] yards depford is a quiet suburb in New Jersey and where George nagas the man driving the car in this video believes would be a perfect place to settle down and raise a family even the fake blue palm trees in his next door neighbor's yard don't put him off spending his entire savings on his first house however after he moves in a dispute with the same neighbor over the property boundary threatens to derail his new life don't come over my side anymore where that post is is my property line no your St your property line is back there you don't know where the property line is you do it again I had a surveyor on here you can try to take me all you want I really don't care where is your surveyor don't worry about it show me the markers I have to show you I have to show you the neighbors is claiming the fence line is inacurate and the caution tape is the actual property line it's my PO you don't know who you're with okay coward well come on over and meet me in the street if I'm a coward Punk eat me in the street let's go you see your let's go you let's go you see your fence you call me a coward let's go you see your fence don't come on don't call come over there right now now you're trespassing come right on my now you're trespassing property right here my property line right here come on call the cops if I'm trespassing and in fact in the past two years George has called the police at least six times okay you're who jumped over who SP this my property [Music] dude little keep acting like that who can argue with the neighbor who invents his own property line dance definitely not George he can barely contain his laughter you ain't going to move me at all I'll stay right here all day you stay there I got all day too okay good in no mood to back down the neighbor starts hammering in post where he thinks the boundary should be B now you're threatening me that's your head right there take on in ground now now you're threatening meop that will be showed to the prosecutor oh shut up while most disput are settled on the local Township level this one goes to court that post will be ripped out okay show your ass turns out that George owns more than he thinks and the neighbor is forced to move his fence 3 feet back the judge issues a no contact order to prevent any further harassment threatening see you later girlfriend this truce holds for a while but recently the is seen recklessly firing a BB gun in his yard and George reports him to the cops they don't press charges but this local War rages on I'm a little you behind this door a grandmother is being yelled at by her neighbors who are tired of her dog running around on their shared staircase your dog's out here parking at my sister things are calm when suddenly get out get get out the grandmother gets shoved backwards and nearly falls off her feet call the police how dare you attack my grandmother you know you yeah don't you guys think it's time youw up the neighbors are now blaming each other for every issue in their apartment complex including a deceased pet no we didn't I have a full job I the neighbors are trying to change the subject because they realiz Iz that they are being recorded and in Arizona shoving could be considered assault you just detect her I can't the two sets of neighbors continue arguing until the police later show up to cool the heated situation yourself and even though it hasn't boiled over to pushing and shoving again these Tor tempered neighbors have yet to resolve their RedHot rivalry you don't know anything you don't know anything if parking and trash issues can separately cause friction between between neighbors together things can get very messy indeed like in Toledo Ohio where this woman is moving her neighbor trash cans out of the way they are blocking the parking spot in front of her house we can never park in front of her neighbor doesn't think she's done anything wrong you don't have the right to park in front of your house it's a public Street I can have seven cars parked on the street I don't matter and supported by her husband the public she starts to move them right back not to be outdone the Woman's friend just Wheels them away again really over the woman is now trying to park it's not I'm not but with both sides now locked in the standoff tempers like the trash cans are about to spill [Music] over the street winds up littered with garbage but this trash tit fortat is not over yet the woman in purple is determined to have the last word police later arrive and this woman is fed for dumping trash illegally on the street the neighbors no longer live next door to each other I don't give a you don't touch my property nothing is Neighbors round up like a boundary dispute don't touch my board why are you reaching under my fence my side of fence you mind catching a neighbor encroaching upon our property is enough to send even the most level-headed of us into a tail spin you're not moving this cuz it's not your property I'm not no you're not I just like the man driving this truck in Lake kushman Washington he's convinced that part of his neighbor's shed is sitting on his land and after 25 years of stewing over it he's finally had [Music] enough the truck driver has some Choice words for his neighbor too by the way I will be charging you for this free if you don't like it get a survey done the argument over this stretches back Generations it began with the neighbor's grandfather first putting here 25 years ago the guy in the truck has always claimed claimed that the shed extends 2 ft into his land and now after repeated warnings he's decided to do something about it this Reckless Act of Destruction might have won the battle but it hasn't won the war the owner of the shed is now building a legal case against his truck driving neighbor so their 25-year-old Feud is set to continue even longer School sports are more than just about who wins and loses they also allow for students to show off their school [Music] spirit and passionately cheer on their fellow classmates but when two neighborhood rival schools face off against each other sometimes that school spirit doesn't go as planned it's halftime at a Kentucky high school basketball game between two neighboring Rivals what starts off as a playful fight between the two school's mascots a ram and a bulldog quickly turns into a real brawl Rabbid fans in the student section cheer wildly as a ram and Bulldog trade blows near midcourt the mascot melee spills down to the end of the court and it appears the bulldog has the upper hand the halftime entertainment though is over as quickly as it started when who else a teacher comes over to break up the tussle between these two neighboring mascots so we're going to say it's a draw between the RAM and the bulldog from [Music] Kentucky it's 8:00 a.m. in Reading Pennsylvania and Deborah Marie is getting ready to go to work Reading Pennsylvania is a very very great place to live I recently purchased a home so while I was getting renovated I was saying with a relative of mine I normally park right in front of where we live but because I got home at like 1:00 in the morning there was absolutely no parking so Deborah parked on the yellow line across the street but the next morning a neighbor claims Deborah has parked too close to her car What Makes You Different what makes you different than me what makes me different than you the fact that I've lived here for okay and I live over there and I pay rent as well if I knew that it was a problem I would have never parked in front of her home to avoid you know any confrontations but at that point I realized that she was also parked illegally on a yellow line as well in front of her own home I guess she just thought that she was exempt from the laws her work and you don't need to park on the yellow line either I took out my phone because she just felt way too entitled so it just escalated she doesn't need to park here I don't know where look she's on the Y she's on the yellow line I'm on the yellow line slim go over there what do you see both of us parked on the yellow line but because she lives here exactly you're not supposed to park here either but because she lives there don't park here don't park up against my please stay 6 feet away Corona virus you are Karen back away she charged towards me back away and my reflexes they're just too fast and my arm extended and she [Music] B away call the cops call the cops I got it on camera I got it on camera head is I got it on camera I got it on camera so go ahead I could call the the cops or you could call the cops and we can show them the footage when I push the woman and she fell at that moment I was I was very scared um I'm not even going to lie because when she got up there was blood so I'm like call the cops call the cops at that point because I knew that I had it on camera and the proof is in the pudding you can see her charging towards me why are you near me and I put my hand out why are you near you're still coming near me you're near me you're on the yellow line too she has to be to work and she starting Ruckus I have to be at work and I'm starting Ruckus you're right now I have a lum on my head with blood so we both going to get a ticket I did not think that was the end of it she grabbed her daughter what is your problem what is your mom's problem or your aunt's problem or your grandma's problem she she's yelling at in from her bu she's on the yellow line as well she's scolding she's scolding me for being on the yellow line and she's on the yellow line she just said said a couple of words and then went back inside after that that's when the cops were called and the cops came the police arrive but no arrests are made the cop was like let me see the video I didn't get a ticket he did give me a warning and he said next time you know don't go around doing stuff like that because she could have got severely hurt whenever I go over to my relative's house clearly see that she's still parking on the yellow line you are a Karen my perspective on neighbors avoid any confrontation respect Thy Neighbor like just respect this man and his neighbor have been feuding for over a year leading to this angry exchange right on the street that thing up yourself no you are the most disrespectful son of a go yourself Cy you have no respect for yourself go yourself cuy you I find that on and it's going to go right up your go yourself yeah well I already put in a complaint to the police yesterday about you go yourself say it again go yourself don't say it to my face you idiot come on out go yourself next time I see you face to face you're the one that's going to go yourself go f yourself fortunately the rivals don't come to blows and both men eventually gock yourself stand down go yourself That's all folks almost go yourself this is my doc here the neighbors started feeding the birds dumping a bunch of bird seed in front of my dock Justin shot's boat dog and his access to it is the basis of an ongoing boundary dispute the only way Justin can get to his Doc is by walking through his neighbor's property I guess he thinks he's uh being clever trying to get all the geese to poop on my dock Che off my yard sorry buddy got the legal right to be here no you don't yeah I do get off my my yard you got the legal right to down got the legal right to be here buddy boundary disputes make up nearly 20% of all fights between neighbors but this issue is escalating Way Beyond that off my yard well you want to play This Way call the police call them I have the legal right to be here I'm going to call the police oh okay call the cops call the cops I want the cops I don't like the birds being fed in front of my dock there to try and piss me off and make me mad now11 I have the legal right to be here no you don't no you don't yeah I do no you don't no you don't Justin believes he has an easement which is the right to access someone else's property in order to get to his dock Justin has to cross through his neighbor's yard which this neighbor clearly isn't allowing Justin to do get my phone right now go get my phone you're going to jail you never come across my property again I'll kill you threatening someone's life can be punishable with prison time doesn't have to be like this this dispute is about to ES escalate Beyond simply verbal threats get off it she right under the roof please stop touching my golf cart please stop pushing the golf cart you're on my property J I have the legal right to be here no you don't have the legal right he just hit me with a golf cart please let me leave please let me leave please let me leave that physical act gives Justin cause to call the police and report an assault let me leave my yard stay off don't ever bring that thing out my yard again out my yard again later the police come and fill out a report as of this taping charges have yet to be filed how you like that in the dispute between these Neighbors rages on it's assault and I'm pressing charges you're on video you're going to jail it's 1:30 a.m. do you know where your neighbor is unfortunately this Utah family does after they wake up to the sound of their neighbor revving his car in an open garage according to the woman recording this video her neighbor's racket is nothing new however this time she wants proof for the police and tonight she captures more than just a noise complaint no I'm just sitting here videoing him you you just got caught on video I'm calling the police you pieces of what are you doing the man then tries to rationalize his behavior saying his kids are hungry I can't start my car to go to the gas station well since you just vandalized my house you piece of I can't starve my car to go to the gas station you know what you are we have asked you 900 times my car to go to the gas station get the kids a snack Without You Mess ticked off the woman and her husband go outside to plead with their neighbor seen here on the building security [Music] camera you kidding me what are you doing it's 1 a.m. [Music] it is 132 in the morning what is wrong with you K there but their appeals fall on Dust ears and the racket continues you I swear to God you're the worst people this entire world [Music] yeah unfortunately for the couple as well as those with an earshot the neighborhood Feud continues to rage on with no end in sight someone's messing with your signs annoyed that neighbors keep stealing his chosen candidates campaign sign this homeowner is ready to defend his Turf paintball style got the bait pile all filled up with bait ready to go got the old gun ready to go come try and steal my again lying in wait for hours the homeowner watches over his lawn paintballs primed and ready for action when the sneaky sign Bandits make their move they get the message loud and clear to keep their hands to themselves eles apparently not everyone in the neighborhood has heard about this homeowner's tenacity towards protecting his property for another neighbor attempts to steal the signs the very next night what the and he also receives a barrage of paintballs so remember when it comes to lawn signs to paraphrase our 44th President don't steal vote I see him running out of here Huffman is a rural community about an hour Northeast of Houston and it's where Sam parks and his family have called home for more than 30 years my family was one of the first few families out on this road our neighbors are about as an equal mix of Americans as anybody could ever hope to get but it turns out trouble has been brewing next door for decades this Feud has been going on with my neighbor now for 22 years even though his original Feud was with an older generation Sam finds himself still clashing with their kids he's going to lay my ass out you hear that was started in the early 990s as an argument in the woods has now become near daily fights that are triggered by almost anything you was in your travel tra what are you going to do and I come outside way over here every time you come out to talk about me and Trigger me that's the Dunning effect that's when somebody's so stupid they don't know how dumb they are some of their most frequent fights are started because of the neighbor dogs when they got their puppies I expressed to my neighbor's husband there's a leash law in Texas you have to contain your animal you better if you kept them dogs put up like the leash law requires you to he got mad and bucked up and said well look if you've got a problem with it you just call the dog pound and so we did and the dog pound came and gave them a warning the next day they took that warning tore it up and threw it in our yard after the animal control incident the neighbors decide to step up their technology in this neighborhood War my daughter came and told me that my neighbor was installing cameras and she knew from the location that it would be a problem and as you can tell pointed directly into our yard up is that so why are you pointing cameras directly in my yard her place in that camera was just disgusting you you have to invade my yard no I'm not invading my yard yeah what's your camera showing um right they shows you acting like right into my daughter's window with the neighbors pointing multiple cameras directly into his yard Sam comes to the conclusion the cameras are only there to rile him up and so this is how you go with people you know the camera vantage point that she put up there was to instigate my anger it was to draw my ey I'm seeing war crimes neighborhood war crimes with verbal threats and camera surveillance escalating events come to a head at the fence line with his neighbor's Uncle he was calling me out come on parasite talk to when I walked over there I knew where that incident could end up that had already been calculated the neighbors yell back and forth at one another when suddenly the uncle has heard enough you won't come out in the yard I'm right here no you want to come out of your yard for what I can hear you you're so stretched out I can hear you what do you need to say oh real cool bud like like kids dude come on brick yeah that's what you can do since the wire shelf Showdown Sam has continued to record his neighbor's Antics for his own safety but he sees no end in sight to this longstanding Feud do I see a way for peace peace would be a for sale sign peace would be an open house next door I have an allergy to those people there's no amount of benad dril that will cure my allergy only solution is they move here got y on video wor no I ain't worried you need to be can you shut up and let's in there the city of Maricopa Arizona lies in the middle of the sorin desert if for recent Resident Dustin pet is the perfect Oasis for making a fresh start with his family I have lived here for 5 years now and I would definitely consider this All-American neighborhood everyone waves at each other as they drive by while Dustin and his family may enjoy the small town living not everyone is greeting them with a wave what are you recording not have permission to record us Dustin has previously called the police on his neighbor for making aggressive comments towards him all of this stems back to when they first met I noticed a guy throwing some garbage way I didn't recognize him and I asked him if he could not use those dumpsters and he uh gave me a pretty dirty look and told me he lived here and I said oh I'm sorry I apologize this simple misunderstanding has grown into a few lasting years and has gotten so bad Dustin now calls his neighbor the bully I was driving around the loop to come back to my house just as I was coming around the corner the bully was backing out of his driveway I saw him look right at me he start to pull forward but he was driving very slow in almost walking speed it seemed like and he was doing it on purpose I'm sure just to aggravate me but I thought no big deal I got my son in the back seat in his car seat and uh I just want to get home finally we get to my house and I'm about to turn into the driveway and he stops say something and now I have to cut the steering wheel a little sharper to clear the corner of his car to pull into the driveway but I was feeling uneasy what was he going to do he did end up getting out of his vehicle and he started walking towards my truck you trying to hit me you hear me so with my son being in the car I did fear for the life of my son go back to S San Bernardino go back to San berardino was kind of a racial foot down but it scared me when he said that because I thought wow he knows I came from San Bernardino he knows that much about me so he did his research on me Dustin once again reports the man to local authorities but the harassment doesn't stop there I was pulling away from my house to go check my mail I had to go past the bully's house so I was driving towards his Direction and his car was facing towards me with the high beams on just as I was about to pass his car he stepped out into the street right in front of my truck try to hit me cop yes he pulls out his cell phone and he calls 911 yeah he has a gun yeah yeah he's sitting here right in front of me then he told the dispatcher that I had pulled a gun out on him which I obviously did not I think unbeknown to the bully I had a dash cam and everything was caught right there on video so I figured you go ahead you give them your story the truth will all come out it's caught on video sure enough I was exonerated from any of those claims that the bully had made and he ended up getting in trouble police charged the neighbor with filing a false claim and blocking traffic on the road after that incident unfortunately it wasn't the end of it um there were a few minor incidents that had taken place after that one can you stop blocking traffic yeah was blocking our path I'm going to go ahead and call the police we're out here playing baseball and uh he decided to sit outside facing us and Heckle us uh insults about us me and my 7-year-old son despite the neighbors Petty bullying Dustin and his family still Embrace their Community we love our neighbors we have great neighbors here it's just a a tightnit little neighborhood I love the fact that my family lives in small town USA we can call on our neighbors to help out if if there's ever another [Music] incident there are neighborhood beefs what have you been throwing these in my yard no and then there are neighborhood Wars 22-year-old old student and Pittsburgh native Maya nickens knows all too well about the ladder after her seemingly friendly and longtime neighbor does the unexpected the neighborhood I live in is a CAC that is extremely secluded for the most part it is as quiet as a church I actually grew up here so I know everyone I know their kids we all went to school together we all played together but while attending an online college class after a day full full of work her peaceful neighborhood turns [Music] ugly so I got home about 5 minutes before my class started hurry up parked my car run in the house about an hour and a half later and my neighbor drives up her van is in front of my car both looking at each other and she starts laying on her horn for about 5 minutes Maya's car is parked legally but the neighbor oddly has issues with her parking job get your car off my property you're in my husband paring [Applause] St I to look out the window why is she laying on her horn like this and then she she stopped walked down her driveway disappeared for like maybe like 2 minutes and I just felt in my soul something was wrong and she starts to walk up with that flat shovel I immediately started to panic because I had no idea what this lady was going to do it takes the first swing at my windshield and screams get your car and continues the land about 789 blows to the windshield hits the front bumper hits the sunroof get your car it felt like I was in a nightmare the only thing I could think to do was call the police because I I've never been in any type of situation like this before I've never even gotten a speeding ticket so I didn't know what to do and then my mother came downstairs out of her bedroom and opened up the front door and I'm like Mom I need you to shut the door now the unprovoked and violent attack causes over $10,000 of damage to Maya's treasured vehicle I was filled with rage I something I wanted my whole life worked from the ground up 18 years old this was something I held as my prize possession being destroyed with every swing by this lady I could not not stop crying because all I thought about was how am I going to get to work to support myself if I don't have a vehicle this vehicle has opened so many doors for me in my life and it was just taken away thankfully Maya's insurance company covers the $10,000 in Damages her neighbor is charged with two misdemeanor counts in order to attend anger management classes what's more the ATT attack still leaves Maya uneasy I don't go outside anymore unless I'm leaving they glare at us when we're outside family's been here for 23 years and we're here to stay this is our home this is our neighborhood and we are not going to let some people make us feel like we're unwelcomed in our own home and if they come on our side of the property we will call the police and have them for trespassing Little Egg New Jersey is a small laid-back Township on the Atlantic Ocean where Eliza and Brad rhods relocate from the city with Brad's parents Brad and I and Brad's parents all moved down together it was a new start living on the water it's a small Shore town so people have lived here generation after generation we thought this was the perfect neighborhood until we met our next our neighbors our neighbors are an older couple who have lived here for over for 40 years according to Eliza the first warning sign is when the neighbors make an unusual complaint they didn't like the smell of our dryer sheets because our vent faces the side of their house so we went out and bought dryer balls cuz we're trying to accommodate because we're the new family in town and then whatever it was they would pick out the next thing in the following months the neighbors become more antisocial so Eliza and Brad start to record them and it only adds to the weirdness when The Neighbor starts cackling at [Music] them she sounds like a witch even though the neighbor is taking pictures of Brad and Eliza she is annoyed that they are recording her so one day when Brad is in the front yard her husband launches a verbal attack in the you piece of you will this that all stalker stalker's stalker that's you you you're crazy yeah you're crazy then what are you doing with the phone get the phone out of here so now you hit yeah I hit you your when it became physical it took it to a whole other level once that line was crossed we were afraid we didn't know where the next step was going to go what happens next is worse than Eliza and Brad could ever imagine Eliza rhods is shocked that her neighbors have gone online discovered she has a criminal record from years ago for buying and possessing drugs and are using this information to harass her I was a heroin addict and I did whatever I had to do to get the next one and then got sober met Brad got sober f f Eliza has now been drugged and alcohol free for eight years you're failing you're failing and works to help others in recovery so she finds her neighbors taunts tough to take you're failing I feel very judged actually tearing up it was was actually really hard to hear every single day all of these horrific things I had done while in my addiction and the insults only get worse ha you make me sick to look at you when I see you I'm going to throw the this is what the neighborhood has to put up with it would be daily they would yell constantly are you trying shut up face look at that face incestuous Eliza and Brad report their neighbors to the police just give me your driver's license I will but the neighbors also call the cops with wild claims of their own that are untrue we got investigated for running a meth house elder abuse holding someone hostage in the house and literally the cops were on this street every single day but just as Eliza and Brad are in the process of taking the neighbors to court suddenly everything changes after 3 and a half difficult years you're a stupid they get the welcome news that their neighbors deserve to you hit me are relocating to a different state they don't know why but they're just happy that they're gone since our neighbors have moved Brad and I will go out back and sit in the hammock at night and look at the stars and we couldn't do that before couldn't enjoy the yard couldn't enjoy the water today we can if you're stupid you belong in a nursing home cuz you got dementia if I could say anything to my neighbors I would say one you reap what you sell two Karma the third thing I would say is we didn't give up as a family and we [Music] won yes
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,142,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, clips, neighborhood wars, watch neighborhood wars, neighborhood wars full episodes, neighborhood wars scenes, neighborhood wars episodes, neighborhood wars episode clips, a&e neighborhood wars, a and e neighborhood wars, neighbor wars, warring neighbors, neighborhood watch, neighborhood drama, BAD BLOOD - MEGA-Compilation, bad blood neighborhood wars, neighbors fighting, best of neighborhood wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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