Top 11 Good Samaritans - Part 3 | Neighborhood Wars | A&E

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the spirit of the holidays brings out the best in people hold case in point this kindly Good Samaritan seen here rushing to the aid of his neighbor who was hanging for dear life off the edge of his roof after trying to hang some Christmas lights all right keep we can you re it when the dangling neighbor doesn't respond our holiday hero first raises the alarm help before running to call 911 help the only problem is there's no one to save the neighbor hanging from the roof is actually just a dummy the homeowner added to his light display for a little levity now humor is subjective but the responding officer doesn't find it all that funny what's your purpose a game I think it he put it up for decoration we got people calling us oh really nice hanging on yeah okay I'll let it know considering the current state of the world as well as some of the stories we've seen on this show can you re it it's nice to know there are still decent neighbors out there like this gentlemen help if every neighbor were as helpful as this one the world would be a better place Mount Dora is a quiet suburb just north of Orlando and for Jean bosy it was the perfect place to move with his family people in my neighborhood actually trying to look out for each other so they make sure people was picking up dog poop they make sure that there's not people speeding through the neighborhood everybody got a good uplifted spirit good attitude and they just want to see a good environment for the children and make sure there's no like bad things going through but unfortunately for Jean and his neighbors something potentially bad has found its way onto a neighbor's front lawn an alligator from a nearby Pond bab watch out watch out this particular day when our kids was just out of school my daughter got on her bike soon as she got on she came back allig out water but I'm looking like hold on somebody got to do s with neighbors gathered around and uncertain about what to do next next Jean is forced to improvise armed with a recycling bin Eugene inches his way towards the Ferocious reptile careful to keep the bin between them I just thought that was the best thing to do is to you know uh eliminate the threat I did the the safest things for all parties basically use the trash can scoop him up like the old game h on that when I got to that point where he was actually in the trash can when his tail was thrashing back and forth for the last moment is when I thought about it think this is like partk he kind of scared me for 5 seconds but I had my hand on the lid he was doing his thing in there Jean finally bags the gator but is now faced with the problem of what to do with an angry 300lb reptile trapped in a garbage bin this is crazy so I thought it myself I put him back in more he more than likely going to keep himself here cuz he don't want to go through what he went through again so that's why I thought myself and I return it I thought it was the right thing they do always return the animals back to his natural habitat with the gator safely returned to the next door swamp Jean is hailed by his neighbors like Superman or more specifically a super Florida man I'm not trying to be a super I like I'm a protector a dad my kids depend on me they rely on me first you know they know actually that they dad is their real superhero and I got to be that you know so I get old and take care so that's how and most important of all the gator incident has brought Jean's Community together like he's never seen before more than anything I love the fact that they they definitely gave me a lot of positive energy when the incident happened that showed me that don't care if you're black white green whatever the case may be we going to look out for each other we going to be here as a family not just you know Community but neighborhood oldfashioned one it's an afternoon like any other in the Sleepy Coastal Community of Little Egg Harbor New Jersey homeowner Michael necastro has known many days just like it I've lived here about 7 years and you know it's pretty quiet neighborhood I'm very close with my neighbors that are right around me and we all stick together and look after each other but this seemingly idic slice of Suburbia is not without his problems the neighbor down the street has these three large dogs that get loose all the time they have bitten multiple people at least three that I know of they actually bit a kid and the mother that tried to get him off of her child and they also bit a fireman in the leg cops have been there but they really hadn't taken the dogs away or did anything about it as far as we know the dogs continue to be a nuisance around the neighborhood over the next year then one day things take a turn for the worst we got back from the store we heard some screaming on the other block um that's when we went around to see what was going on and seen the dogs biting a lady that's when the dogs came up near our house the pit bull's irresponsible owner is nowhere in sight and his dog seemed totally untrained surrounded and outnumbered Michael swings a piece of pipe to hold them off you know the adrenaline was kicking in my heart was racing and I was uh just doing my best to uh keep them away from me I own many of dogs um I love dogs but um these dogs were the most aggressive dogs I ever encountered in my life I didn't want her to get B so I just tried to hold him off the best I could until uh she can get in the house I think it was only uh 25 seconds and at a time the police had pulled up and as they pulled up the dogs turned and uh ran that way law enforcement are finally able to gain control of the dogs and get everyone in the neighborhood inside to safety the animal rescue showed up they got him into a van and took him away I don't know where the dogs are now um but the owner had just received a sentence of 30 days in jail and $1,000 fine in total five people in the neighborhood were bitten that day but thanks to Michael's actions there wasn't a sixth my immediate neighbors we all get along we're like family um we always together all weekend long A lot of people are saying I was basically a hero but I don't look at it like that we always watch out for each other Los Angeles California it's the middle of the covid-19 pandemic and like many Americans Derek Downey is stuck at home luckily he has a back porch where he can relax and connect with nature I live close to the woods it's a lot of wildli surrounding my neighborhood so he decides to connect with a different kind of neighbor I have two neighbors their names are Richard and Matt scene and they just happen to be squirrels Richard there you go wash it down with some water but like any neighborhood relationship this nutty friendship doesn't develop overnight I got to go get you some food how are you with Richard I saw this squirrel looking at me I was like what's up buddy I had some nuts he grabbed my hand and took the nuts out of my hand and from there that's how the trust was built with a few nuts and a conversation you doing good today I know it's a little cloudy what Max seene isn't so quick to trust her human neighbor I know we not that familiar but listen you can trust me on this come and get the N I had to sit down and have that conversation like hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you you got trust issues who hurt you I W hurt you it took a few weeks but she eventually came around there we go I told you I ain't here to hurt you before long Derek and his squirrly neighbor neighbors are spending every day together and in a show of neighborly Goodwill dererk decides to surprise his new neighbors with their very own house you up in there like oh what is this I got a fridge a stove a sink Oh Derek went all out for me Richard and Maxine's daily hings have amassed millions of views and more than 800,000 followers on social media to anyone who thinks this neighborly relationship is on the squirly side Derek thinks differently Richard and Matt scine are just like human neighbors they come together and sometimes they have arguments stop stop stop stop I promise you there's neighborhood Wars and animal neighborhoods as well and just like many neighborhoods this one is getting bigger all the signs are pointing to ma scine being pregnant am I excited to have a new neighbor absolutely I can't wait to welcome the new neighbors into the neighborhood look right there no not at me I ain't got nothing look at the camera okay let me get you something hold on Cynthia Thompson who lives with her mom and her daughter has requested help from her neighbors on social media 8-year-old Abby Cynthia's daughter has undergone three rounds of chemo for a rare type of ovarian cancer it's a hard time because she was in the throws she was getting chemo you you can't take that pain away from your kid you want to but you can't but to make things worse the Corona virus pandemic hits and her ninth birthday party with family and friends has to be cancelled it's hard telling a kid who's been through so much with all the cancer hey your birthday's canceled sorry Cynthia's family has lived on this street since she was a baby with it being a tight-knit community the caring Neighbors come together to figure out how they might help this Brave kid on the Block was going through so much Abby come on what the heck much to Cynthia's surprise her neighbors go beyond her simple request to wish Abby a happy birthday from their porches and organize one of the pandemic's first car parades including kids from Abby school and members of our local church what did you do Mom it was just really awesome everybody coming out she felt the love pretty hard aby's grandmother is also there to witness the extraordinary Act of neighborly love it just made you feel so good that something fun was happening for Abby like after all that hard effort pushing through chemo and stuff was very amazing this day was the start of Abby being happy again a true [Music] smile I would like to extend a wonderful thank you to our neighborhood and our community for stepping up and being there for us through aby's cancer hold on okay um they went beyond all the time and Abby has more good news she finishes her cancer [Music] treatment and now at the age of 11 she's been in full remission for over a year now that I'm cancer free I can hang out with my friends again and it she is a lot better to be out in the real world and stuck in a hospital she is a cancer survivor and a rock star in my eyes Cynthia and Abby will always remember how their old neighbors made Abby feel special when she needed it [Music] most they say lightning doesn't strike twice but it seems bad neighbors do and Hector Martine has already Tau hustled with a bad neighbor or two trying to rob me come on oh hell no this video catches a previous attempt at someone trying to burglarize Hector's house if I ever see you again dude oh man you better run but now they're targeting his neighborhood you just hold on it's days before Christmas Hector sees a young man taking a package off his neighbor's porch it's your cousins huh oh yeah you're just dropping it off or what are you doing with it uh there's book in it yeah let's take it over here to the owner come on I know everybody in the neighborhood I've lived there a very long time I love my neighbors put the pack up there now put it back on the house the package belongs to one of his oldest neighbors a recent Widow that lady had just lost her husband and it was nearing Christmas and the son had sent that package is a book Hector calls the police I got a guy stealing packs off people's front foror I need a unit here on 5921 please us the suspect begs Hector to let him go but he must be new to the neighborhood get the cops here right now I definitely wasn't going to let this go he was not going to victimize my neighborhood or my block and you stand right there until I get here Hector worries the suspect might try and run before police arrive and Hector is not dressed for a Chase I'm standing here Barefoot in the snow with no shirt to Hector's relief another neighbor Bob arrives and offers Hector some help hey Bob get on your phone too would you but the suspect is getting antsy stay right there man sit down I'm going to get my dogs on you man sit down or I'm going to let the dogs out and once he steps off the porch Hector resorts to plan B here Bob hold this he hands the phone to his neighbor and prepares to keep him there by whatever means necessary you ain't big enough now sit your ass down on that Port I'm going lay you out on this not yeah so Hector decides to convince him I got the cops on the way buddy them or me man I told him you either wait for the cops you're going to have to deal with me cuz I'm not going to be as nice as the cops you ain't big enough believe me hear me come to the wrong neighborhood Hector scolds the suspected porch pirate until police arrive what you thinking anyway I mean what you grch come up in here ruin people's Christmas man piss me off dude the cops let the man go with just a warning and the neighborhood's holidays are saved Hector's heroics don't go unnoticed all of a sudden now I'm getting cookies from the neighbor thanking me I didn't really think I did anything you know and to all the wbe crooks roaming around Hector has a warning of his own you in the wrong neighborhood buddy sit the down when it comes to wandering pets good leashes make good neighbors sometimes it's not our neighbors we have problems with at all but they're pets whether stealing packages from doorsteps or leaving packages on doorsteps some pets just can't be trusted Meet Phoenix an orange tabby that looks Innocent but is actually one of this Biz neighborhood's most notorious cat burglars my cat has stolen 14 pairs of gloves and someone's reading glasses judging by the amount of stuff it's only a matter of time before this klepto cat got caught now what's happened is we've had a neighbor contact is because they're missing their gloves and with mounting evidence Phoenix punishment is Swift the neighbor saw you we're going to have to go apologize you've been busted better hope they don't press charges Phoenix acts indifferent but when she gets to the neighbor's house she is in no mood to apologize I know I know but you're going to have to the neighbors accept Phoenix's apology and end up claiming three of the 14 pairs of stolen gloves in all those she has a long road of redemption ahead Phoenix should be fine after all cats always land on their feet Santi is a small suburban community just outside of San Diego and for Resident Michael Keeley the perfect place to raise his family just enough yard for the kids to play in but close enough to you can meet your neighbors and spend time with them but one October afternoon this picture perfect neighborhood is thrown into complete chaos it was an average day I was working at home sitting at my desk on the phone all of a sudden I could hear the explosion my wife said what was that and all of a sudden the house just started shaking their house shaking on its foundation Michael rushes outside to see the air filling with smoke I saw a big puff of smoke and so I immedately started running towards the scene and I was followed by a couple of my neighbors Michael and his neighbors appear to be first on the scene I round the corner and I just see this this house was on fire and the whole street in front of it was on fire and saw there was a truck that was on fire one of the neighbors noticed a plane had crashed the neighbor discovers the source of the fire a twin engine Cessna has crashed onto the street while making its approach to the near nearby airport it appears the plane hit the delivery truck first before crashing into the two houses my first thought was God I hope he was delivered a package with flames beginning to consume the property Michael and his neighbors raced to the window to check on the homeowners is anybody home is anybody inside we saw a woman that was still inside they recognized their elderly neighbor Maria Morris trapped inside her burning home there was like six or seven Good Samaritan neighbors who all went with us to the window trying to see if we could get her out come on you could just hear the Roar of the fire just getting closer and closer to the window I reached in I grabbed her arm and got her out Maria Morris is badly burned and her hair noticeably singed she was in shock and she kept asking to go back for her dog my dog where's your dog I said okay let's get you to safety first and then we'll have somebody to go back and get the dog as we got across the street the truck exploded oh my God be careful I could see how destroyed the truck was that started having fears of was he in there or not is the driver okay I don't know where's he at that's a question just then another neighbor makes a horrifying Discovery I would there's somebody back there Maria's husband Phil is trapped in the backyard behind a locked fence and is seriously injured can you get through the fence fearing another explosion his neighbors desperately rip apart the fence with their bare hands and a race to beat the Flames to the backyard he's ushered across the street to safety let him sit down let him sit down he was also badly burn both Maria and Phil are rushed to the hospital suffering serious Burns requiring skin grafts and surgery on their hands arms neck and legs while their injuries are severe both are expected to make a full recovery she's burn I know she is honey while recovering in the hospital Maria sends a message of thanks to all her neighbors Hello friends and my family thank you for everything you have done to us help us support us and it's really tremendous it's it's beautiful tragically the aircraft's pilot Dr sugat Doss and truck driver Steve Krueger are killed in the crash Maria's dog Roxy also dies the accident is still under investigation and while Michael the neighbor that first rais to the scene is still processing the events from that day since the crash he and his neighbors have become close friends I think that's what's really helped me through a lot of this is what good neighbors we have here in our neighborhood that we all step up and and help each other our lives are are intertwined now we're family now and we're going to rebuild and we still get to be neighbors planton is about an hour south of Birmingham in rural Alabama and it's where Jason Abraham has lived his entire life rural life is really unique you may have to yell very loudly or in some cases you might actually have to drive for your neighbor to hear you but all the neighbors here love to help each other out out one day as Jason is driving his work truck he comes upon an unusual sighting I was driving about 4 to 4 and 1/2 miles from a house as Jason is driving through the neighborhood he sees a small puppy run into the middle of the road and there's no adult in sight I'm a animal lover that's probably a big reason why I turned around to save the dog but as I pull up I see this child that approximately 13 14 months old and she was just hysterically crying it was odd to see an unattended child that close to the roadside as I walked towards her the dog was going crazy and she held her arms up and the dog pushed me towards her and I put her in my arms and it was at that moment that I realized I don't know what to do I decided the proper thing to do would be to call the police but I did not have my cell phone on me and that meant a trip back to this company van This creepy van with out of state plates and I just knew someone was going to see me carrying this crying baby back to my van and probably attack me or try to shoot me I did make it back to the van safely and made the phone call during the time of waiting for the police I saw a neighbor two houses down I asked if she knew who lived at this house the woman immediately recognizes the child and leads them to the correct house someone came out they were hysterical little girl stretched her arms out and I let her take the child from me she had two children that she was looking after that day she had just put them down for a nap and she had fallen asleep her oldest child opened the door to go next door to see a relative and that allowed the youngest child to crawl out and it also allowed their family pet to follow her out it was just a freak accident with the child safe at home Jason posts a dash cam video online and after more than 50 million views he still refuses to take credit for the rescue I absolutely don't think of myself as a hero to me the real hero is that little dog had that dog not behaved the way that that dog did I would have never been been there to help and even though nobody's hurt during this incident Jason still sees a lesson that can be learned from his experience with a very neighborly dog that day is going to help remind parents and grandparents and babysitters to be a little extra diligent and lock that top lock on the door because children can be Escape artists a biker is working on his motorcycle in his North Carolina neighborhood when out of no where the fuel line pops off sending gasoline spring everywhere and it's barely a second before the fuel catches fire the motorcyclist who is also a blaze runs into his garage looking to escape the Flames he comes back out with a fire extinguisher and tries to quell the growing Inferno but his extinguisher is too small for a fire this hot if the flame reach his house the gas is burning hot enough that the entire home can easily go up in a matter of minutes and when one home is on fire the entire neighborhood is at risk the cyclist backs off and with his fire extinguisher spent all he can do is watch the fire dance dangerously close to his home all seems lost when suddenly a hero appears from next door we back we're back I got it I got it a neighbor has run outside with an extinguisher of their own and they run in a circular pattern around the bikee to contain the Flames another neighbor joins them as they do everything in their power to keep the fire away from the house less than 10 minutes after the fire starts firefighters are on the scene and with a couple of well-placed shots of the hose the fire is extinguished the motorcyclist is taking to the hospital with second and third degree burns but fortunately escapes more serious injury and even though the motorcycle is completely destroyed there's no extensive damage to the home all thanks to some helpful neighbors who are able to buy some precious seconds until the fire department shows up [Music] [Applause] a
Channel: A&E
Views: 34,417
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, Top 11 Good Samaritans - Part 3 | Neighborhood Wars | A&E, neighborhood wars roblox, neighborhood wars a&e, neighborhood wars fights, neighborhood wars good samaritan, neighborhood wars remake, neighborhood wars most viewed moments of 2023, neighborhood wars 2023, neighborhood wars season 2, neighborhood wars season 4 episode 5, neighborhood wars a&e full episodes, neighborhood wars arrests
Id: wVQAPhplBCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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