When Rich Kids Were Never Told No As A Child

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having Rich parents often leads to a privileged and entitled life but what happens when Rich Kids have to face the harsh reality of Life dad help me please help me here are three rich kids who were never told Noah was a child and their spoiled Behavior backfired on them starting with Alexandria who on September 18th 2022 refused to leave her father's car the father tried everything but she simply refused to get out of her father's car to get out and I want to get my car back please why isn't she getting out I don't know she's got a lot of problems in life and can't seem to solve them so I offered to give her a ride and now this is my dad and I think he's I don't know exactly what's going on but he has the KE of the car so I'm just waiting on him to get out of the building you're waiting on him to what to get out of the building to come drive the car um he just parked us here so I don't know yeah but you you know he doesn't doesn't have to drive you anywhere if it's his car he doesn't have to take you anywhere if he doesn't want to I understand well he already took me here so I'm in the car I'd like to you know go back to my house whenever he's ready basically so I'm just sitting in the car okay but do you realize that if he doesn't want to take you you you have to get out cuz it's his car it's his property I don't think so I think on purpose I'm letting you know but that's how that works okay well I'm going to be sitting here so whenever he's ready he doesn't want to drive you don't want to drive her home no I do not I think he might be having some sort of like like early dementia or something but he's not acting like himself um we were just going to go to Starbucks and then he said that he had to go and I can't remember he said he needed to take a package somewhere had bring her down here I I got her a couple of gift cards because she doesn't have a job he did he well he just got me a gift card supposed to be in a rehab facility but somehow managed to get kicked out of it and showed up back at the apartment so I felt sorry for her my mistake gave her more money gave her more things to do took her here so she could get food not only did she not get food she refused to get out of the car and now she refuses to get out of it at all out of the the day with go out and run errands we're just trying to run errands when the father reiterates that he has no intention of driving her she waves off his refusal as unusual behavior and quickly diagnoses it as a sign of early dementia Alexandria who was unemployed and had gotten gift cards from her father refused to use the cards and instead chose to remain in the car understanding I think something's going on with my dad because he's not acting like himself no he's acting pretty normal to me no I think he's acting like register maybe like he has early onset like dementia it turns out that Alexandria has an issue with drugs and was supposed to be in rehab but somehow ended up back at the apartment the father full of compassion for his daughter wanted to create an opportunity for precious father daughter time and that's how we got to this standoff or should we say sit off as the situation escalates she started arguing with the police demanding they should call a judge or simply give a ticket instead by this time the police are reaching their limits and an officer attempts to pull her out of the car however Alexandria resists when the officer left her and tried to talk sense to her again Alexandria began claiming she was assaulted and threatened to press charges for assault and being held against her will I would like to press charges for assault and assault charge I just was assaulted battery I want to press charges for the battery you don't get that press charges it's a lawful I would like to press charges you don't get to I'm being held against my will great get out of the car no I'm being held against my w please leave no so these are the options you can get out of the car you can leave on your own accord you can walk away or you're going to end up going with us get a judge or something like I don't I don't know what else to tell you get a judge and a jury and take me to trial like I don't really understand so mail me some papers I mean I don't know like what you want to Mar uh whatever the charges are like let me know are you going to give me a ticket why don't you just give me a ticket well we could give you but you have to get out of the car that's the problem so the main or a verbal warning be like hey please don't sit in people's cars again if they don't want you in them so that we've tried that we're trying to get you out no you didn't but anyway um my dad is obviously like DED and he's got like an issue that I can't diagnose right um I'm I don't know what to do nevertheless the officer soon ran out of patience pulled her out of the car and escorted her to the police car at this point it Dawns on Alexandria that she is actually being arrested and in a moment of panic she calls out to her father for help this is ironic considering that she is now asking for the help of the person whose expert diagnosis earlier determined that he is at the onset of dementia because what's going to end up happening is you're going to get T forcefully taken out the car and I don't want to do that whatever cuz I don't want to I don't want us to get it hurt I don't want you to get hurt so I really would like you to get out of the car so that we don't have to force you to get out of the car or that Force doesn't have to be used Defiance that's your choice Defiance so you understand the risk that you're taking with this right okay that's um no um you're ining me what are you doing Turn no I'm not going why put your hands behind your back you're under arrest no going be arrest I'm under Cardiac Arrest anything no place under arrest for trespassing and resisting you can't do that can no you're not going to you're not going to stop stop I wish we didn't have to stop I wish we didn't have to we tried to work it out with you stop for whatever reason you decided stop policing me bye Al I'm sorry that this is the way that you have to go this is not the law this isn't lawful I'm not resisting no stop seuring mear stoping me I have to search you're molesting me you're sexually assaulting me you are sexually assaulting me no yes she is Dad help me I am not helping you please help me please help me get off me stop get off me stop stop resisting now you're getting a felony get off me stop touching me but Alexandria isn't done when the officers try to search her she screams at the officers not to touch her and when that doesn't work she accuses the officers of sexually assaulting her but even the false accusations didn't help as the police tried to put her inside their vehicle she was willing to try everything from fighting to raising accusations so that she could be released if only she thought about that earlier eventually the officers uncuffed her and managed to put her into their vehicle vle but not before she fought them and attempted to kick the officers do you guys have like some sort of uh like commercial health insurance do not fight us okay what are you so scared of I don't want to give back my I wor them why don't I No don't touch me you're touching me again stop it open the door for me stop touching I don't want no what are you doing now no same thing you were doing before you're just going you're under arrest Miranda Miranda right no if you resist you are resisting I'm resisting yes you are so stop you've already got battery on Leo stop on a Leo yes on an August birthday on a Leo no no no get get off me I don't want to be hand I don't want to be tied down stop it nobody gen does want that constricting me I can't breathe you're constricting me you're not doing anything you're hurting me you are physically hurting me right now my chest hurts my head hurts my hands hurt my wrist hurts I know it hurts and my shoulder blades and my shoulders and my back which is where all my organs are by the way so thank you well you would just cooperate you're not cooperating you are not Cooperative we are not a co-op we are not a co-op we are not a corporation we are not a co-op you're not a cop you're a robber you're stealing me you're kidnapping me you're abducting me no you're hurting me no no stop doing it without a fight without fighting my you just sit down none of this happen help me you're creepy as you're creeper all right she tried to bite you by the way I know per get me out of here get me out of here get me out let me out it's not happening so open the door open the door open it can I go yeah window bring me to the hospital right now I can't breathe I'm too hot I can't breathe professionalism and compassion I'm going to have a seizure I just turned the AC up for you okay you got to give it a second I just turn off the AC you'll be able to get some air in a couple seconds okay on I need I don't know what that means the hospital take me to the ER to the Ed take me for medical clearance you'll get medical clearance at the jail no they don't medically clear you they do no they don't absolutely no they do not they do an intake form that's not the same I need a physical exam who's the elected person in this jurisdiction to them I don't even know I don't know who you are you're kidnapping me give me a ride give me a ride home turn the car ultimately Alexandria was taken to jail where she will face charges for trespassing and resisting arrest while Alexandria doesn't care for the word no our next rich kid doesn't even have the word no in her dictionary on February 21st 2022 in Florida police received a call regarding a suspected drunk driver an eyewitness reported a concerning incident involving a Tesla mentioning a near collision with a palm tree the driver proceeded to reverse causing tires to Screech and posing a threat to pedestrians nearby before hastily driving off subsequently a Beyond thee Lookout alert was issued for their identified vehicle shortly after a deputy spotted the Tesla park by the roadside as the deputy tried to approach the car the driver accelerated and fled the scene 51 I'm in Pursuit [Music] again [Music] 51 we're taking a left or right on Jamaican [Music] street taking a left on North Bahama [Music] Drive We're stopped again turn off the vehicle Sheriff's Office dude I don't know the police just stop me over oh my God done arring stop resting what the hell dude what are you doing don't [ __ ] resist what are you doing dude you didn't even know me dad they're arresting me stop resisting Dad Dad get on your dad they me on the floor Dad Dad I don't know what I did what am I doing why are you doing this one why are you doing this why are you doing this eventually the police caught up with her and arrested her despite DUI running a red light and resisting the police this rich kid feels she is in the right to make demands she repeatedly requested to speak with her father and refused to cooperate with the authorities the police attempted to conduct field sobriety exercises to determine if she was driving Under the Influence throughout their interaction her behavior appeared erratic and she continued to Demand contact with her father even though she was an adult stupid games when stupid prizes we have an RP that said she was intoxicated I find her parked right here my spot she sees me window Tak off I throw my lights and she's going like 60 swerving between running stop signs and then she gets out of the vehicle I have her taser point I'm telling her like just stay there she gets out and then she runs back in the vehicle rolls up the window and then takes off flying even faster like who are you uh he's the police I didn't know that I I only told you 10 times he didn't sign did you see this he didn't do that did you see this no oh no cuz I could hear his sirens on the radio do that if I saw that I would actually I know that's that's where it was oh you are not doing this you're lucky I didn't tase you I lean against the car who are you guys what are you doing to me why why why what do you want to do and what do you need me to do we got fleing alloting reckless driving I want to do a DIY investigation this rich kid continued asking to speak to her father refusing to take sobriety tests and arguing with the officers she thinks her father can make her charges disappear with a wave of a hand she even went as far as trying to fight the officers who's this guy that's my dad okay well he's got to go no he doesn't yes yes Dad [Applause] Dad I've been living on this island for 3 years why do you do this to me now I don't get it code five ma'am can you just talk to my dad don't talk to me I'm here I'm here code five ma'am the amount of lives that you just put at risk is ridiculous okay I have no sympathy for you right now you could have easily killed someone there are little kids that live in this neighborhood fact that you would run from me walk up on him like that again you are you do not know how lucky you are you didn't kill someone that's how you got your empathy right all right I don't know if we can do them but she's resisting yeah no dad Debbie yeah she's resisting I don't want to take her out of handcuffs Dad they have no reason dad all right yeah we're not going to do them is she P it down I up can I talk to him nope going in the car going I don't know get in get in Dad Dad we got resisting with violence you want to let him back you you have a hobble you didn't tell me why you're putting me in the car cuz you were going to jail why Jesus [ __ ] Christ get the why am I going to jail eventually her dad came but to her disappointment he didn't wave the charges away with wads of cash instead he asked her to obey the police only then did it da on her that she might be in trouble so she began to argue legalities with the officers the officers explained the seriousness of her actions emphasizing that her Reckless Behavior put lives at risk but for this rich kid as long as no life was actually harmed then and it's all good her argument seems to be that she shouldn't be arrested when she hasn't hurt anyone yet you could have killed yourself others and me but I didn't so what are you talking about thank God you didn't thank God right you're just being [ __ ] I'm going to ask you one more time why am I here you're going to jail for what reckless driving DUI fleeing and looting on what and reckless driving on what you reckless driving because the speeds you were going and running stop signs you could have easily killed someone you had no regard for other people's lives all right DUI you want to charge me of a DUI but you have nothing we're going to let youer right now you going to pass right right you're going to check that now but why you say that before cuz you're drunk no I'm not homie this is me eventually she was charged with DUI reckless driving resisting an officer with violence and fleeing from officer she'll have enough time to think about the consequences of her actions in jail just when you thought you have seen it all with the rich kids though this 18-year-old takes the cick what started as a regular water patrolling day in Escambia County for officers Ellie Burkin and Christopher lug from Florida Fish and Wildlife took a strange turn when the operator of a pontoon vessel traveling under a bridge flipped them off this gesture offended the officers prompting them to chase down the Pontoon vessel admittedly flipping off the cops is not a crime and could as well be covered by his freedom of speech but you better not be making offensive gestures while actively committing a crime put it in neutral what was that about what was that about flipping us off you're you're not in neutral put it in neutral put it in neutral here's a here's a v just put it in neutral I'll tell you what man if you bring attention to yourself we'll come figure out what's up that's all don't grab the boat just sit down whose boat is this uh it's Freedom Boat Club but I work for okay all right I don't want anybody grabbing life jackets or anything else I'm asking for I want him to do it all right yes sir life jackets where you want them all life jackets are in the back listen to me I need not listen to me I need nine live jackets your registration a throwable and a fire extinguisher all right throwable officers conducted a safety inspection on a boat checking for required safety gear they found alcohol and discovered that all passengers were below 21 and therefore underage the operator underwent sobriety tests and was arrested for boating under the influence the officer then used the situation to educate the teenagers about the seriousness of underage drinking and Reckless Behavior on water emphasizing the risks and legal consequences he stressed the need for responsibility on a boat especially considering potential distractions while steering and the danger it poses to all on board and nearby so I know that's do you have enough jackets for everybody on the where's the [Music] rest yeah well I know there's only three in there so we'll uh yeah we'll get to that second part sir no just let him get the lcks if there's some under the seat let him get them you can get up for that yeah BR so we do want to I'm not going to make take count we don't have plenty see St I'm not being picky it's just I can't see through St four five that's good that's good that's good you want to get him on or you want me to get on their here you all right would you be comfortable that'll work do it do it in the back here let go but I'm going to break away for just a sec CU I don't have to worry about bumping yall okay in the end the officer drove the passengers to the shore he talked to the teenagers about abiding by the law since underage drinking is just a mem meter he let them off the hook this is y'all's boat yes sir okay um this is where it's supposed to be correct the the switch is off or the key off key still in it I think you're good okay um he's he's getting arrested for boting under the inflence so okay all right um I don't know if he has anything else or duties he needs to do today but he's not going to be coming back today so all right you have any questions or anything you guys both just work here just you two realize I know you did what you did you may think that's why we turned around um definitely grabbed our attention but you stepped up from the steering wheel walked to the center boat while underway in the middle of a bridge when our boat which is a bigger boat has a bigger boat weight right and sat there and did whatever you did nobody's driving the boat you know if that weight kids if somebody's coming you're coming around a corner where there's blind Corners both directions where dummies never stop so all that stuff's going on while you're oh yeah no I I understand I'm voting I'm I'm good on um I I didn't stand away from the at all I just I had to control the boat at all times um you stood in the middle of the boat and held two fingers up how did you have control of the boat I only one of them um but no I had a hand on the times brother yes sir you had two hands high in the air cuz I promise you I was like I wav back thinking you were waving at us and then I was like I guess there's something more to that so for the flipper who was boating under the influence the officer stressed how such Behavior endangers everyone on the boat especially in the middle of a bridge with potential hazards hopefully he learns his lesson after a few nights in jail if you like the video hit the like button and subscribe for more engaging content share your thoughts on the privileged individuals in the comments we would love to hear from you thank you for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Naked Criminal
Views: 9,497,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, crime psychology, police interrogations, jcs, confession tapes, crime, psychology, footage, jcs like, true crime documentary, crime documentary, documentary, criminal psychology, interrogation, interrogation analysis, the interrogation of, psychopath interrogation, interrogation confession, rich kids, spoiled kids, spoiled rich kids, spoiled brats, police body cam, dr insanity, drinsanity, naked criminal, nakedcriminal, detective williams, mrbroken, mr broken
Id: 0h1x7tAr0UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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