Top 5 Guns For the New Gun Owner

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welcome back everybody this is eric and chad here and we've got another five guns video for you today this is a uh in my mind a pretty important five guns video because we're gonna talk about five guns that are ideal choices for the first you know uh time gun owner okay we're talking somebody who is not experienced with firearms who doesn't know what's good and what's not uh and believe me we we check into our analytics quite a bit on the youtube channel we see that a lot of the videos that are being watched on our channel have to do uh with concepts that many of us would consider uh being related to more of the new shooters that are out there okay i mean like the uh the five guns videos like for uh top five guns for the ladies i mean we get a lot of comments a lot of views on that i mean yeah guns for children you know like your child's first firearms that sort of thing it's a lot of first firearm kind of thing we see that there are a lot of people out there seeking out information uh in regards to these types of subjects so we're kind of trying to you know make this video to to hope hopefully allow people to learn a little bit about you know what different series of firearms what kind of separates them what makes them different and in our opinion what makes them truly good you know let's say that you're new into the gun world and you've never really owned guns a lot or you're not sure what to get first let's just say you've been reading all this rhetoric on the uh you know news and everything and you're worried that they're going to ban some automatics and you want to find some type of a semi-automatic rifle to get into and you don't want to spend a lot of money but you know you want to do it a ruger 1022 guys you know it's pretty hard to beat this is a little uh laminated stock carbine that i've had for a long time it's got a stainless barrel it's an 18 inch barrel on that gun this is a great rifle guys this 22 long rifle it's a rimfire cartridge for those of you that don't know and uh you know guys understand that in this video we're going to try to kind of keep this information very straightforward and very simple and and we're going to try to present this in a way that a lot of people uh will hopefully be able to understand it if they're a first-time gun owner and they're watching this video one of the biggest things with the 1022 is that this is kind of america's room fire rifle you know the marlin model 60 is another excellent choice i mean it's been around for a very long time and and there are other semi-automatic rifles out there but the ruger 1022 just kind of takes the cake as far as versatility goes sure i've got a custom 1022 that's that i've got like two grand in i mean you can just take it to the limit if you want to i mean the sky is really the limit with these rifles but they are immensely handy they're very inexpensive they have 10 shot rotary magazines which are pretty much unbeatable i mean they are just dead nuts reliable and they also have bx 15s and bx 25 magazines so 15 and 25 shot magazines for those long trips of the range where you just want to get out there and plank 22 is an excellent platform for anyone to get started on i mean the recoil is non-existent i mean the the guns have no recoil whatsoever ammunition is generally pretty cheap when you can find it you can find them you can get the federal uh auto match you know 325 rounds for about 25 dollars and you know you can spend an entire day at the range with that one box of ammo and you can learn trigger control you can learn how to use your iron sights which this rifle does have it's drilled and tapped for a scope base so you can drop a red dot on there or a small magnified optic of some sort and they also have models that are take down so they're very compact and concealable they come with their own little package or their own little backpack to store it in they also have models with threaded barrels which are very excellent suppressor hosts i mean this is kind of a first time gun buyers video but you know you got to think about suppressors down the line because most gun bomb must most gun owners eventually will want to get into some of the other aspects of firearms ownership such as suppressors well the nice thing about a basic 1022 is it's a very unassuming looking rifle it is you know it looks like just your standard little rifle and that's fine it is it is a very basic rifle at its heart you know these things are extremely customizable you can do whatever you want to kind of mirror what chad said but also the thing i like about it is let's say this is the only gun yawn yep say this is the only firearm you own is a 1022 stick a 25 shot bx 25 in it or a 50 round drum that runs decent and you got a pack of angry hornets you can unleash now granted it's not like a 30 cow or or a powerful 556 you know spanking out of there at close range at a would-be assailant however getting chopped to 22 is not going to be pleasant and also you know 22 caliber does offer some other types of ammunition such as like rat shot so you can run rat shot which is basically a small shot shell out of your 1022 rifle or or a handgun and a lot of guys use the 22 revolvers with rat shot to dispatch snakes or other critters like that if they're kind of out and about on a boat or just milling around in the woods they'll carry a small 22 with them with rat shot in it just in case they come across like a rattle or something like that or a copperhead that they want to dispatch and get out of their property now i'm getting to our wild card a little early okay this is not something that made it into the actual five guns lineup but we thought that it was important to show off this little smith and smith and weston m p compact it's a 22 caliber pistol it has an ambidextrous safety rail system it is has a threaded barrel uh threaded half by 28 from the factory from the factory so you can run a suppressor on it something like this a good quality 22 handgun is a great training tool if you're a new shooter and and you you're not ready to step up to one of the guns we're about to show you and say you just want to get a lot of trigger time before you go step up to a center fire pistol caliber or something this is a great way to get in some training and when you're a new shooter when you're new to firearms the more trigger time that you can possibly get in the better and what a 22 rifle or pistol will allow you to do is get in the the most amount of trigger time you possibly can for the money a lot of folks that are getting into guns might be college students who don't have a lot of money to shoot or you might be a young single mom who just wants to protect their family and wants to get involved in guns because you're a head of household now and you're you're looked to as the responsible person you're looked to as the protector of the family and believe me we can relate to that there's a lot of people out there who are put into situations where they are looked to to be the guardians of the household and that role is being handed to a wider variety of people now than it has been in years past and it's very important for people to understand the responsibility of being an armed gun owner and and and having the training disposition also that allows you to properly utilize those guns should the situation arise almost certainly and one of the other like huge benefits of a pistol like this one of the main reasons this is my personal firearm here and one of the main reasons i bought this was as a suppressor host eric and i are both at the point where we've been getting into nfa a little bit uh and buying suppressors and such which are completely legal we have other videos about that topic out there but i bought this gun mainly as a suppressor host but it has a lot of features that are very reminiscent of the larger m p 9s 40s 45s the the larger center fire series firearms sure that are from smith and wesson this gun has an accessory rail on the front and has the exact same feel now this is a compact model it is a smaller firearm but this like eric mentioned is the perfect platform to go out to the range get trigger time learn trigger control learn proper sight picture without burning up a lot of center fire ammo even though nine millimeter is fairly inexpensive i mean 22 is still the cheaper alternative when you can find it in large quantities but this right here is an indispensable item at the range and anybody say you learn how to use this gun and you start getting into in the firearms a little bit more and get some of the firearms that are on the table you want to take a newcomer to the range well this is the way to do it sure you know all right so let's say that you've gone the 22 route or maybe you're not interested in the 22 route and you want to step up a little bit in power now we're going to give these the list of these guns in the order that i think is the the order of importance for the average person to assign a priority to the types of guns that we're that we're discussing so i would say some type of a full-size center fire pistol is a must now guys there's a lot of companies out there making handguns there's never been more competition in the market which is great for the consumer if you're a consumer looking to buy a handgun you are in one of the most product-rich environments you will ever be in necessarily not necessarily a handgun any gun i mean there's so many farmers manufacturers but uh the point i'm making is that there are a lot of handguns out there guys and and i'm certainly not trying to say that this is the only one that that i would buy but i am a glock 19 kind of person okay i like glocks but here is the thing to consider now if now also we're discussing this from a standpoint people are new gun owners a lot of people tend to not like a gun that that does not have a manual safety now guys look it is a training disposition that you have to get around many modern firearms namely pistols that we're discussing here do not have a physical manual safety and structure mainly striker fire but that's one issue that i run into at moss when i'm there and people are shopping for guns one of the especially a new time gun buyer one of the first things they ask doesn't have a safety and if it doesn't have a safety they don't want anything to do with it but one thing i want to stress in this video is remember that safety is in between your ears you do not put your finger anywhere near the trigger until you're ready to shoot carry the gun in a proper holster and you'll never have a problem yep okay but a lot of people it's fear of the unknown and if you're watching this video and say that you're you're looking at this video to glean some information as a potential gun buyer or someone who's a new gun buyer you need to understand that there are a lot of varying amounts of training disposition out there to different people and for us who are experienced gun handlers the glock is a great choice because it is a very utilitarian handgun it's known for its extreme reliability you know it's it's very durable they're very hard to break hard to mess up aftermarket parts are completely available of course oem parts are available so guys if you're not a gum person you're watching this and you're going well why should i buy a glock guys the glock is a honda civic of guns okay that's the bottom line it's dependable it'll get you where you need to go it'll take care of you it'll get you there safely and they'll last forever if you take care of them that's where glocks tend to kind of fall into the world of guns now um looking at the m p like we talked about the 22. say you want to step up to an m p 9 full size handgun or a compact handgun and you want to get one with the manual safety well smith wesson offers the m p uh in a manual safety now and in a lot of ways the m p is a in my opinion a a physically superior gun to the glock it's certainly more ergonomic a lot of folks like when we're at moss and they're they're comparing the glock to the smith and wesson nine times out of ten they will pick the smith and wesson over the glock purely on ergonomics alone just that grip profile of the m p is very very hard to beat i mean you know the glocks they have the gen fours that are out with the adjustable grip panels and such but personally i will only buy a gen 3 glop right you know just because they are kind of tried and true and they are out there in huge numbers but i you know the the whole safety thing is is kind of a non non-issue for me right and it may be a non-issue for you too if you're watching this these guns actually do feature multiple safeties but they are built into the mechanism of the firearm right the main one being a trigger block so you have a a small um lever here in the middle of the trigger or the trigger itself and it will not allow the trigger to be actuated unless you actually have your finger in the trigger guard actuating the trigger itself now there are a drop safeties and a few other odds and ends in here i won't get into detail on but this gun can be dropped off the empire state building and it will not fire right this is the biggest thing when you draw the gun you can have a hot round in the chamber keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire that is one of the the the most important things to learn as a new gun owner it's just simple keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire and you won't have any issues there won't be any negligent discharges so that we're clear on this one thing i want to mention about this particular glock 19 it does have a nibixed slide which is not a factory available feature this is an aftermarket type thing and it also has trijicon uh dpu hd sites uh with the yellow front that to me is an essential upgrade for a glock because you're not going to really have problems with corrosion however you definitely want to consider that i like all my stuff nibics because i've got that real acidic sweat and i'll rest things i will say that i own a glock 43 which is a single stack nine and i purchase that mainly for like a summer carry piece when i'm just wearing a t-shirt or whatever i want a real low profile firearm but i will say that the finish on that gun has been starting to rust right i have never had a single issue out of my glock uh my gen 3 glocks like my 19s i own several 19s and the finish on those is a it's a fin uh not a finish like what do they call it uh melonite no not no melonites what's on the smith and wesson we're talking about tinnifer tinifer yeah glock has a tenor for coating which is very very durable and i've never had a single problem out of that but you know i will say the gen 4's yeah they're kind of so-so all right so let's say you've you've gone with the 22 you decided all right i've got my 22 now i've got my full-size glock um here here's my my reasoning all right i'm going to explain the reason i'm going in this in this order because if you can master a handgun you can master anything if you can shoot a handgun well you can definitely shoot a rifle now there are things that go kind of hand in hand with marksmanship that are going to be slightly different with shooting a rifle obviously because it is a different platform in terms of the way the gun is set up but if you understand the the points the finer points of sight picture and maintaining your sight picture following through with trigger squeeze guys if you can shoot a handgun well you can shoot anything all right and that's my my goal there so let's say you've gotten behind your handgun you're really good with a handgun you feel confident you want to defend your home a little bit better or you want to have something that can reach out a little bit further guys a shotgun is a must uh that that is you know one of the most common um sort of goals that people have when they're getting into firearms for the first time and what i see on a regular basis you know people will go yeah you know i've got a little hunting rifle my grandpa left me i've got a 22 i've got a few handguns they always say i want a shotgun well they always go to a shot a shotgun is somewhat ubiquitous with home defense just overall i mean most of the folks that would ever come in the malls if they were looking for a home defense gun they would want a shotgun me a 12-gauge shotgun is very very hard to beat as far as utilitarian purposes go very versatile very very versatile i mean you can run bird shop buckshot slugs less than lethal sabo rounds for hunting i mean the the the amount of ammunition you can run through a shotgun is endless but this is a marine magnum from remington and this is basically an 870 and there are several models of 870s you have the express models starting at just over 300 dollars which are very affordable and very high quality for what they are you've got mossberg's out there like the mossberg 500 series which are also a very good shotgun really any 12 gauge pump is going to be something that every first-time gun owner should have in their personal collection right and it's just a utilitarian gun and there's just sure there's a lot to say about it and it's just it's simple you know like here in the south you know we're in georgia and down here the humidity is just crazy all the time especially during the summer so a all-weather finish like the nickel finish that's on this marine magnum is a must in my opinion and one thing i'll say about shotguns i'm probably going to catch some flack here from some of the more experienced people however i can say that you know being from the position where i've been a consumer before believe me i understand that money is hard to come by sometimes and we want the absolute best that we can get for our money but when it comes to a pump shotgun in my humble opinion um i will say that i would avoid some of the the more entry level stuff and i would save your money and get something really good for the money because here's the thing okay so you're going to go buy a maverick 88 or something which is a very entry level shotgun and they certainly are functional guns if you're just going to load it and put it in the closet never use it fine but if it's something that you consider yourself to be hey i've coined myself a new gun owner and i'm gonna own some awesome guns and i'm gonna build a collection go on and buy a good pump shotgun i mean invest in a 590 a1 from mossberg that has the marine finish or get a marine magnum or get yourself a you know a nice 590 a1 with ghost ring sights and metal trigger because the thing is you know the the price points between the guns are not quite as varied as you would think i mean you know i can spend 379 on a mossberg 500 or i can spend 4.99 and get pretty much like close to the top of the line that they make i mean not only that but like a military spec model yeah yeah you get the thicker barrel i mean we're not going to get into all those details we have other videos that that compare the the the remington 870 to the mossberg but the reason that i'm bringing that up is that pump shotguns are kind of one of those things where when you're looking at different shotguns that are out there there's really only about two or three companies from a major league standpoint that actually it would be kind of like going to the car lot and wanting to look at trucks and they're only being like two or three companies that make trucks it kind of narrows it down but try to look at it like that i mean yes there's a lot of knockoffs out there there's a lot of you know the chinese stuff that's being brought in you got the stephens and the turkish stuff and all that i mean that's all good and fine and everything i'm certainly not saying that those aren't acceptable like if you bought a stevens model 320 that's an excellent little pump shotgun but i would strongly encourage someone to invest the extra money in a quality pump shotgun so let's say you've gone to 22 route you've gone the nine millimeter pistol or whatever caliber you decide on handgun route you go on the shotgun route most people naturally from that point are going to want to go with some type of autoloading rifle such as an ar or an ak or something like that well i mean an ar is one of those things that is extremely hard to beat especially in today's market i mean the market is flooded with ar-15s right now i mean you can barely give them away and there's so much competition out there on the entry-level end you can go out and buy a quality ar for six hundred dollars i mean used to you could build one yourself for about that much but now it's it's coming to the point where i don't know if i really want to build one because i can buy a basic rifle which is all that anybody really needs to start with you can start with a smith and wesson m p 15 and it's going to have all the features that a regular m4 would except a semi-automatic but the platform is there and it can be upgraded over time just like we talked about with the 1022 there are so many companies making aftermarket product for the 1022 it's ridiculous it's almost just mind numbing it's sort of um it's also kind of solidified that gun as a major player for an autoloading 22 because there's so many mom and pop places i mean there's there's cottage industries that have sprung just from the existence of this rifle and that one the same thing with the ar-15 the ar-15 is america's rifle this is the rifle that is ubiquitous with american gun ownership i mean it really is now this one here is slightly modified we have this is kind of a built rifle i mean it's built on anderson receiver geisley rail geisley trigger comp m4 from aimpoint facts and barrel aac break magpul appointments i went with the lure mount the room out i mean this this is a rifle that that i built for eric from scratch using components that we chose but i mean a regular ar-15 just as a baseline gun start with it 600 bucks magazines are plentiful ammunition is plentiful and inexpensive i mean you can buy a case of of steel cased 556 and just go out to the range and plank it's not going to hurt your gun save your good ammo for home defense self defense life liberty whatever the case is learn how to use this platform and you can move on from a 556 on up to maybe an auto loading 308 or something like that down the road or you might want to get multiple ars set up in different calibers that's true i think there's so many options and that's one of those things that someone is going to try to probably come into like as time goes on they may eventually go hey i've got one ar set up the way i like it or the way i think i like it i'm going to go with something else guys the ar is impossible to be oh god i mean they are a great gun and if you're looking at it from that standpoint let's say you're you know you're watching this video you're probably new to guns or you're you know solidifying information you've heard somewhere else we find that with these youtube videos a lot of people will do that some of the people watch these videos they've already decided on what they want to do that's why and they want to reinforce something that they've already learned or made their mind up on and they want to they want to be given almost seemingly a a reason to think otherwise and that's fine if you're watching it for that reason great uh this experience that we've gleaned off of these guns has really came from just years of experience not only in the retail environment but as a consumer um you know we all started somewhere i mean i i'm a collector now i have quite a few guns and i i enjoy military surplus now one thing that you know i want to put forth in this video is my fifth pick all right we've got a mosin here now some of you guys are going to get to the point you're going to get to the point where you've got you know a nice 22 you got your handgun or two maybe a shotgun an ar maybe you've stepped up and bought you one of those evil aks or something you know those those horrible baby killing rifles but you know let's just say you've gotten yourself a nice collection of life and liberty guns and you want to get into kind of the let's just say the finer things in in the gun collecting world let's just say you know are you going to go out and uh and get in a fight with somebody or do something with it with a mosin well probably not uh this fifth slot can be taken a lot of different ways the thing that that's nice about the mosin this is a this is a world war ii surplus russian infantry rifle uh it's a 9130 all right 1891 modified in 1930 is where it gets his model designation fires a 762 by 54 rim cartridge it has a lot of history to it these were used in a lot of influential battles in world war ii uh many of these are veterans a lot of these surplus guns you can find were used in the war uh although refinished and and refurbished but they they were used in the war so they have that historical significance to them some people want a gun that is collectible fun to shoot and it's interesting kind of talking point with people so that's where this rifle will kind of fall into place plus ammunition is still relatively inexpensive it's not as cheap as it used to be yeah but you can find crates of 440 rounds still for about 120 130 bucks which is pretty good for like a 30 caliber style file yep ammo is still reasonable these guns even at the time this video is being made can still be had for around 200 or so the prices have gone up over the years but you're still not going to find a center fire full power rifle for less money than you will of moses there's no way you can arm a number of people with a large caliber bolt action rifle for less money well you can also hunt with this if you want sure you can put a 200 grain bullet in it you can hunt deer so this kind of fills the hey i want to collect maybe some military guns or hey i want to go have a rifle to go kill some deer with or something guys you can put a slug in your shotgun and go kill a deer with it if you want that that reminds me though there is a lot of uh commercially available ammunition out there on the market from uh not only um companies overseas that import into the states here but also um domestic brands too that make 54r soft points honey ammo that sort of thing i mean and you can also if you want let's say you don't care about military guns you can substitute this rifle for a good high quality gun like maybe a savage model 10 or a model 11 scout or you can go with like maybe one of the ruger americans yeah this is the new savage i just got actually still got the tags it still has the tags on it but i mean these don't like that yeah this is just a it's kind of like a seventh wild card but yeah it's okay you know these are less than 700 bucks that's the retail side of things i mean obviously it doesn't come with an optical rings or anything but you can get a high quality 308 bolt action rifle if you don't want to go the surplus route sure for very little money and let's move this yeah i mean remington has a lot of good good options as well but so does savage yeah oh yeah i mean they're they're they're 10 models are great and they're inexpensive and they're a good starting platform you can always upgrade the stocks i mean just like we're talking about aftermarket components with the 1022 and ar bolt action rifles oh god for the savages and remington 700s there are so many aftermarket parts and accessories stocks everything for those guns well i think that in light of this video maybe you guys will glean some information if you're new to guns if you're new to gun buying this this kind of is a culmination of different experience that we've taken uh you know over over the years and we hope that you'll find this information you know uh useful to you maybe you'll invest in the right gun the first time and not have to learn the mistakes the hard way like we did we're not saying these are the these knees are the best thing since sliced bread they are the most common and many of these guns are rugged and popular for a reason i mean like glocks are rugged remington 870 is a rugged gun and also these firearms on the table are representative of a larger category i mean the ar that we show here is representative of the category for ar-15s the 1022 the glock this this remington 870 here they're representative of a particular category of firearms which we're trying to to get out there bottom line guys you buy the guns that are on this table and you will be set really well for a wide variety of different situations you'll buy a great gun right out the gate the first time and i promise you'll be happy with anything that you see on this table no doubt about it so uh guys we really want to take a moment to thank you for watching today's video uh you know we put a lot of thought into these five guns videos um this one was was a little harder it was actually a pretty easy concept but it was a little harder than you might think it is so uh thanks for watching hopefully you learned something take a moment to subscribe to our channel for more of this type of stuff take a minute to like our video make sure you go and like us on facebook follow us on facebook thanks for watching we have many more videos like this that we do this is a five guns video many of the other videos we do are one called gun gripes it's kind of a little series that we do where we you know complain about things that are happening in the gun industry about everything and then uh we have a a series called firearms facts and we break down certain facts about guns it's really fun for beginners and experienced shooters alike we have a series called meltdown where we go through and we melt down guns we shoot them full auto until they fail just to see how much abuse they can take guns accessory reviews yeah all kinds of stuff guys so uh if you're a gun person and you want to be more route well-rounded as a gun owner you're in the right place make sure you subscribe thank you so much for watching today's video we'll be back with more see you next time take care you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 2,460,899
Rating: 4.8970265 out of 5
Keywords: five guns, 5 guns, top 5, top 5 guns, new gun owner, first time gun owner, first time buyer, first gun, best first gun, best first guns, best first firearm, ruger 10/22, ar-15, ar, mosin nagant, mosin, 22lr, .22LR, shotgun, home defense, best home defense, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, eric and chad, eric and barry, eric and berry, eric & chad, eric & barry, eric & berry
Id: Z2HdsCF1Q4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2015
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