Firearms Facts: "The .22 Confusion..."

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric and Chad here yes we're at Mall spawn and gun hanging out finally had a chance to come back and do some more videos I know it's been awhile since we've been here at the shop but we always relish the opportunity to get up here and do some videos for you guys about a year ago roughly we did a video called the 762 confusion where we talked about you know all of the confusion that surrounds 308 when someone says a 308 760 - like discussing 760 - as a bullet diameter well we're going to kind of break apart the same exact concept except this video is going to be called the 22 confusion and and if there is some confusing things out there about 22 not only 22 rimfire ammunition but also centerfire so we're just going to have some fun and break down some of the you know basic concepts that we're talking about here and just try to have some fun with this concept 22s it's an interesting interesting topics at least yeah it is it is so what we'll start by saying is that rimfire ammunition in a 22 category comes in in a few different varieties actually several different varieties rimfire 22 ammunition is probably one of the most varied cartridges there is in terms of loads that are out there and everything like that there's even a guy that's making a reloading kit where you can actually reload your own 22 ammunition from once fired cases once fired cases so but here's one of the weird things about 22 long rifle ammunition that people don't really seem to realize is that is a conical heeled bullet okay which means that a heeled bullet if I take these uh these calipers right here with a heeled bullet if you notice the diameter of a 22 long rifle case is the same as the bullet as it's crimped right there okay so it's one continuous measurement throughout the entire cartridge itself if I pull this projectile it's got a little heel and that heel is what that cartridge crimps into to really make that strong crimp that you're getting there and the diameter on this this happens to be a 22 short the diameter on this 22 short right at that point is 223 which is nominal war diameter for most 22 1 interesting things about the 22 cartridge itself you know given that the casein is the same diameter as a projectile itself is that they make swaging dyes where you can take once fire 22 long-rifle cases and make 5 5 6 jackets with them or two two three jackets some people have actually had some pretty good luck with that with the whole concept of swaging they might take a really good piece of match grade 22 brass they go went out and shot five hundred rounds pick up all their match grade 22 brass sort it and then swage it into five five six jackets and then you're living to shoot another day and you're keeping the cost of your shooting down a good bit so that was a 22 short we actually jumped ahead in line a little bit though because originally before the 22 short came into a you know really good predominance you had what we called flow birds now a flow BIRT diameter wise is a little bit skinnier than a 22 it's not a true 22 but we thought that the flow brit would be important to showcase in this video because you know back in the day they used to have literally like shooting galleries inside of bars and places so you could get together with your buddies on a sunday go to the bar get sloppy faced drunk and shoot flow birds inside the bar and they would have little shooting ranges and those guns became known as flow burt rifles so a lot of gunsmiths and belgium and germany and all over the Europe and everything used to make little flow verts and they're basically just kind of like a like a little breech falling breech style single-shot rifle and they were meant to be fired at very short intermediate ranges I'm the same thing with 22 short 120 short kind of came into the picture you know it was used a lot in like shooting galleries at carnivals and fairs and things like that I mean that was commonplace back in the day to have real guns at these events like that absolutely so part of the 22 confusion so you had Flo Burt's then you've got 22 short coming onto the scene 22 long 22 long rifle then there's um 22 Winchester rimfire which is actually not a 22 Magnum like people think that it is kind of intermediate its intermediate and then you have 22 Magnum so the family of rimfire cartridges that are 22 bore is confusing just right in its own regard before you even start talking about centerfire cartridges there's an odd 1/2 on that we don't have on the table actually just thought about is the Aguila sniper subsonic ammunition because it's a heavy 22 pill he'll-he'll projectile but it's loaded into a 22 short case so you get the same length as a 22 long rifle so it'll operate in those style of actions but it's a heavier projectile which you know i've done a little bit of playing around with it and it's quiet it's quiet and there's also some things that there's some confusion about the 60 grain Aguila sniper subsonic that's been put out there you know some people are like hey you got to use a fast twist barrel you got to have a mirror over a certain length and that certainly is the case so we've done some testing where I should say we like I have a frog in my pocket actually chad has done some testing I've shot it out of a couple of different platforms I mean pistols and rifles and it just will not stabilize out of like ten twenty two and won't stabilize out of my cz 455 but it seems to stabilize out of the Pistons just fine especially my little stumpy Ruger oddly enough I mean I don't get it I'm very random but that is an interesting case and that it's kind of a marriage of the long rifle and the short in the one package yeah so well the you know to add to the confusion okay there's a lot of cases where a larger parent case let's say that for instance I have a shotgun chambered in three and a half inch Magnum okay say that I take a three and a half inch Magnum chamber and I put a 3-inch shell in it I can shoot that three-inch she'll say that I put a two and three-quarter inch I can shoot a two and three-quarter inch through it I can shoot a nagila mini shell which is an awesome show tissue and it's no problem but with the 22 you don't get that backwards compatibility like it went from Magnum to all the others standard chamber pressures the chamber dimensions for 22 Magnum are physically different than 22 long-rifle if I put a 22 long rifle in a 22 Magnum chamber it's gonna blow it out it's just not going to work okay the case dimension of a 22 Magnum is larger because the projectile is actually not a heeled style so the case diameter on that is a little bit larger than on 22 it's like what 27 you got about you got about 6,000 either sonica so that's just enough for these little skinny guys to - - how about that - seven - eight absolutely so you're around two to eight on that now with 22 long-rifle you were actually in a position where you can shoot all of the above through it so if I have a firearm that's chambered in 22 long-rifle I can shoot shorts I can shoot Long's I can shoot CB caps Klee breeze which is another variety this was a twenty grand caliber yeah you can't shoot out of every platform like semi automatics you know they won't run them and everything but like old gallery guns like the old Winchester of 64 yet most Winchester are a Remington 512 oh god yeah those main feed anything you want and like I've got an old Mossberg m24 I believe it's an old like target style 22 and it's got an insert in the magazine that you actually unscrew and you can run long rifle you put the insert back in you can run shorts you know one of the most interesting guns out there in my opinion and one that I've always been a humongous fan of I love the marlin model 25 Oh God does that magazine no matter what you stuff in it it'll feed it I can take 22 shorts and I can put it in the same magazine and it'll feed just like it's made for it I can do it with Long's long rifles sniper subsonics Calibri 's shot you know the the rally I'm holding is a Calibri and this is a 20 grain it's basically nothing more than a heel pellet that's 20 grains and it uses just the primer and maybe a very small amount of powder I believe but one of them I think just uses the primer of those super Calibri one of the two uses a little bit of powder I think this super has a tiny amount of powder and then the standard ones just the prime yeah and I've seen these come in where people will try to shoot them out of a rifle and they've literally stacked them in their bore and they've got you know twenty or thirty Calibri projectiles just stuck in their poor well they don't really develop the kind of pressures that can harm anybody but I do be careful with them treating white real ammo they are not you do not want to shoot each other with a or like that they are great for backyard flink and especially I believe your barrel you know before you shoot a whole bunch of and make sure they're leaving your barrel all right so then last but not least then you have like 22 long rifle shot this is a shot show and that's something that's marketed for like pest control you could shoot little rabbits or snakes I think you probably just piss muffs night right out of a little revolver like Smith & Wesson 63 or so absolutely so all right moving past 22 long-rifle I think we can all safely say we understand at this point what we're talking about when someone thinks of 22 that's primarily what they think and even within that that small room there's a lot of confusion there but let's talk about like the first kind of super-powered 22 round which would pretty much my knowledge be to Winchester service rifle which eventually became what we know as five five six well I don't know delivers there's probably some earlier one earlier than that I mean you got like 220 Swift I mean that came out like there was funny we're actually referencing a cartridges of the world here thanks right thanks ray yeah and then cartridges of the world there's actually a savage model 1899 cartridge here that is a 22 bore and it's they're the Wildcat Cal category we like wild can we like wild cats so looking through the Wildcats we've got a savage 99 which you know was model 1899 that's chambered in a cartridge called 22 cheetah so there's a lot of oddballs and wild cats out there that used a 22 diameter boar and that experimented with a centerfire cartridge but I think that most people when they think of a centerfire 22 cartridge what do most people automatically go right to they think 2 2 3 3 and that's where this adventure is going to kind of lead this in this video and we're also going to talk about 5 4 5 by 39 which really we'll get to that in a moment but we do have a few varieties of 223 ammo right here this is actually a military tracer round so you can see that you've got a brass case with a neck bottleneck so it's a bottleneck cartridge I'm Scott reasonable case capacity it's a centerfire cartridge so it can be reloaded quite easily and you've got anywhere nominally from around a 55 to 62 grain projectiles kind of the norm for military five five six items to you know 77 grain for like you know specialized military operations such as that I'm sure you know hull Point boat tails I mean even like 80 and 90 grain projectiles from in competition use that you have to single load and like an AR platform one of the biggest confusions those between 2 2 2 2 3 and 5 5 6 absolutely so you know two to three basically is the commercialized version of the military cartridge and it uses a faster or a little bit slower twist oh yeah so 2112 and the throat depth is a little bit shallower than on a five five six because of the increased chamber pressures with this round plus you get faster twists you know anywhere between like one and seven one and eight one and nine to stabilize these bigger projectiles correct and and also there's there's another kind of thing about it too is that the way that 556 brass is physically drawn is thicker drawn than two to three Remington Remington two to three minutes and brass is always going to be a little bit on the thinner side so you're gonna get actually more case capacity out of a commercial case than you will out of a military case which it may not really matter to some people like you're just gonna go through your gun or whatever it's no big deal but say you're gonna reload alright so say you use a bunch of two to three brass you found and you develop this really cool load and it shoots good and everything like that and say that it's on a little bit higher on the chart spectrum in terms of powder and say that oh well I ran out of this brass or I lost it all now I'm gonna buy a bunch of a you know Radway green or ss109 brass or basically a bunch of NATO spec brass that's military brass and I want to take my pet load from my two to three and put it in that brass well you're actually going to get per powder charge higher chamber pressures out of a five five six brass than you will two to three because the thicker walls you get less case capacity to lower the internal volume of the case case to case the higher the pressure for a given powder charge is going to be yep I mean if we're reloading you want to keep that in mind like here so if you're on the top end and you switch brass to military spec brass you know I'd go back fifteen percent work your way back up if not more yeah I mean so there's definitely that confusion between two two three and five five six both very very similar cartridges both of them very very similar chamber dimensions like he mentioned a little bit longer throat on the five five six then there's some kind of intermediate chamberings that we won't really talk about like the wild chamberings and then some of the match grade all of these chamberings basically have varying degrees of how how little the chamber walls will actually allow the brass to expand and that's where you get run into reliability issues and that firearm is a five five six chamber was needed because they wanted reliable extraction ejection reliable feeding and sometimes under very very adverse conditions especially for like machine guns and such the chamber is a little bit more generous but when you got like five five six match chambers it's got the long throat but a tighter chamber wall and then Wilde is one of those chamber rains that can accommodate both two two three and five five six very readily and accurately you know accurately and that title chamber better accuracy exactly so there's a lot of little spin-offs from five five six that we have now that are much more modern cartridges I mean a lot of people don't realize that five seven by twenty eight uses these same projectile on granted lighter then you know you can't run like 62-grain five seven that I know of you might know but nominally your your cartridge is gonna be like 40 grain well I know a lot of guys that actually same diameter they take horny v-max projectiles into twenty four or horny of Emax projectiles and they load this ammo and you know it's pretty interesting I mean that and that's pretty neat cartridge as well because it was designed around you know submachine gun but also a handgun so yeah and we talked about that in a perfect pairs video absolutely I'm a big fan of five seven by twenty eight uh one of these days I might go the Elmer Keith route and I might blow up a five seven trying to experiment with the craziest long projectiles I possibly can that's probably another story for another day but again when it comes to the 22 confusion v5 seven by 28 is at its heart a twenty-two literally it's 22 as things go now there's a lot of videos out there that might compare five seven by 28 to 22 Magnum so see there's where you're drawing a few parallels between the 22 confusion as well yep as far as like power factor goes I mean they're very similar but you know reliability wise and firearms that are chambered in that particular caliber you know it's a little bit yeah just not a whole lot of them out there alright and then blanks blanks thanks for saying so this is you know basically just a 5 5 6 blank so earlier like we showed you the 22 long-rifle blanks you can also get 22 Magnum blanks and then you can get the 23:56 it's actually military m200 which is a 556 Blanc speaking of like military cartridge is what were those weren't they're still my 22 accelerator cartridges that were like basically 30 out 6 cases or 308 cases that were necked down yeah 22 well they weren't neck down there actually they both that's right no that's an excellent point you do have cartridges that are an accelerator variety so there was actually a line of ammo from orbit was it remington or i can't remember but you might have been federal I don't remember which company but at one point they used to make an accelerator round and you basically had a 3006 with a Sabo that was a 30 Cal but then inside of it was like a you know 55 grain hollow pulling or whatever we get that thing moving out there but nekkid spheres Ray said those projectiles are running like four thousand feet per second which some of the commercial cartridges we have down here get up to those kind of velocities like like 20 to 250 which will probably talk about in a bit but we don't have any time you 250 here to show you guys but I forgot all about those man that's just crazy so one of the interesting things about the 22 confusion is there's any number of other centerfire cartridges out there that use what we basically call a 22 caliber projectile if I go over there to the reloading wall and I grab a sampling of different projectiles there's a strong chance I can take a 40 grain v-max projectile I can load it into two three I can load it in 22 savage if I want I can load it in five five seven I can load it in 22-250 whatever you want I can't load it in 22 long rifle because 22 long rifle you buy it there it is now granted there are some provisions for reloading your own 22 ammunition all of those provisions in my opinion are extremely far-fetched and myself would not really care much I talked with the fellow recently who actually bought that kit and he said it's extremely time consuming and very frustrating to actually try to load it but in a situation where you may have to reload it then it probably worthwhile but just for everyday use about a nirakara troops that's also a 22 how about yeah how about this about the 22 TCM so there's a pistol on the market that's it's like a 1911 style is in an arm score is a rocker arm score okay so it's 9-millimeter but it comes with a conversion barrel for 22 TCM which is basically a nine-millimeter case necked down to 22 and it's supposed to have you know similar performance like 5/7 that sort of thing in a little bit less expensive handgun and caliber conversions so love's ammo and I think Rock Island makes the gun from that that might be the case yeah but I shot one of these recently I think at the NFA review Channel shoot and I have to say it's pretty dang cool very soft shooting and really accurate I mean this bullets are getting down oh yeah that's neat but 22cm there's one that I always like to point out to people many people don't know what the 220 PPC is okay 220 PPC you know what it is you just probably never thought about it it's five four five by 39 it's basically when you when you have five five six and two to three to twenty PPC before five for five rifles were really predominant in this country it was known as 220 PPC and it was basically kind of a high-velocity sort of benchrest cartridge right but we know it as five four five by thirty nine these days and there's really not a lot of provisions for loading year on five four five ammo now I've seen people or you know heard people talk about taking like 220 Swift brass whatever cutting it down I think but I mean I've never tried reloading before we've just bought it but this is interesting because this is the only projectile on the table is a true 22 it's a two to zero it's two to zero so it's a little tiny or it's a little slimmer than you're standing about now there's probably some arguments out there that could be made to the effect that I don't know you know how it is when it comes to comm block weaponry maybe they didn't want the enemy to be able to like use capture components or captured ammo there's no telling what it is but I will say something about rifle accuracy okay and we're going to talk briefly about things that make up rifle accuracy and 545 by 39 as a cartridge is a very accurate cartridge this is a seven in six it weighs 53 grains it has a long bearing surface it has a disabled izing pocket in the nose of the projectile when this projectile hits soft tissue it causes a tremendous amount of yaowang causes a bullet to tumble and just really in general just mess things up bad go in this is a bullet that used to be called the poison bullet in Afghanistan when the Russians were in Afghanistan all of the Mujahideen that were shot with five four five experienced some really nasty wounds and this got to be known as the poison bullet one of the cool things about that like every mentioned the long bearing surface you think about the comparison between like 308 like a 308 bore and 65 you know 65 is a smaller projectile but it's a longer projectile as well more bearing surface more inherent stable stabilisation higher ballistic coefficients same idea with this I mean we shot these guns a lot and they are just insanely accurate especially over like the seven six two counterpart they are so they are it's a vast improvement in the a.k platform is this is five four five cartridges great slimming down the cartridge and what are the interesting things that can be noted there we'll talk a little bit about rifle accuracy in general when it comes to 22 bore guns okay they went with a 53 grain bullet so it's a little bit lighter bullet but because of the slimmer bore diameter to get that 53 grains they had to make the bullet longer so that gives the bullet a nice long bearing surface it gives it a good ballistic coefficient so you get good downrange performance in terms of dropping everything so it's a very flat shooting cartridge it's very soft recoiling because it's only 53 grains and the charge is pretty reasonable also when it comes to accuracy you get in the gun world what we I guess what Wildcat guys would call a square charge you look at the charge and it's a very uniform charge when it sits in the case the shoulder angle is very very kind of gradual and tapered and it gives very good velocities for the size all of those things equate to very accurate rifle if you take an A K and you put a little 22 lure in it instead of a 308 well now the walls of that barrel are thicker and it's kind of have better barrel harmonics you're going to get less barrel flop you're going to get better accuracy overall and that is the name of accuracy when it comes to rifles you either have to do one of two things you either have to make all right so say you've got a big ol 8 millimeter or throw or a flirty cowboy and you want to make that bullet longer so it has a really ballistic coefficient and it flies straighter and truer for longer and has just a better ballistic coefficient the only way to do that is to go longer you can't go fatter you have to go longer so that means you also have to go heavier so then you start running into problems with you kind of taking one step forward and two steps backwards what a small bore like a six five six millimeter five five six twenty-two what that gives you then and that that case is you get that skinny bore so the only way to make the bullet heavier is to make it longer and by making it longer it still staying skinny so you get excellent ballistic coefficients out of a 22 bore a six millimeter bore a 6.5 you start getting into the 7s the eights and the 30 cows then used to kind of oh yeah you know then you got to have a whole bunch of powder to get that heavier bullet out there and get it really going in that's the best explanation I would have for that sounds good to me by the way I won't steal this boot from Ray that's fine fine getting on to like sporting cartridges sure so like 220 Swift you know this was a caliber that came around back in there it is back in like the 30s yep you know and you're getting but something flosses as thing anywhere between like thirty-seven hundred feet per second like four thousand feet per second back then you know it's not a new thing 22-250 you know that's not that's not a new thing those kind of ballistics aren't you know and them to think about isn't it i mean you know when you look at a small bore high-velocity cartridge a lot of people think oh it's just going to zip through something that's not going to do a ton of damage so when it comes to rifle cartridges you you have to start thinking long lines i've okay do i want something that's small and fast and a good ballistic coefficient and granted I can hit what I'm aiming at or do I want to go with slow and heavy and it's just gonna crush the crap out of whatever it hits but we might be liking the distance and accuracy so it's it's it's a fine dance there it is it's it's prevalent to have different firearms for different purposes I mean like a 22 caliber war I mean these are commonly you know used for like varmint hunting a small predators things like that I mean sure deer and medium-sized game can be hunting with very useless five six still yeah oh yeah of course but like a small fast bullet traveling thirty six hundred to four thousand feet per second I mean it's getting the point A to point B with with a ton of speed and it's flat as a laser I mean just about them you probably shoot three hundred yards I mean like this rave was talking about the 225 Winchester here this is a kind of old obsolete cartridge that was designed in like the mid 60's it's a rims case and you know you've you've heard of thirty thirty seven millimeter waters or seven thirty waters to come down to twenty five Winchester a kind of neat it's pretty random when you think about you know all of the stuff I mean small bore is definitely not new it's been around a long time but I'll tell you what from a military perspective the people that really in my opinion made the most out of small bore we're the Swedish military with the 6.5 by fifty five is in my opinion one of the best military cartridges if not the best cartridge for just general purpose use there is but our government the US government we were on the big the small bore route way sooner than that a lot of people don't remember the six millimeter Lea Navy and it was a gun that wasn't really successful they weren't produced in quite as large numbers and for some reason that didn't really catch on but ballistically the six millimeter Lea Navy was technically one of the first small war military cartridges not only for the US government but really at the time it was a very very kind of far-reaching and modern cartridge for a military rifle what six millimeter that's tiny that's not gonna hurt anybody but it was fast it was accurate the recoil impulse was gentle and had good ballistic coefficients it could reach out and really do great things but the six millimeter Lea Navy just didn't catch on and then the US military never saw another small bore cartridge as a military cartridge again until the five five six came along and then as they say you know the rest is kind of history there pretty much is I mean there's a lot of spin also the five five six as well using the same parent case I mean I might be a totally different video in itself you know but here you go this is kind of interesting so 224 Weatherby Magnum so belted two to four that's something you don't see every day I mean whether be the whole thing about a belted case and and I think that more or less it's also been deemed to be kind of unimportant now versus what it was when originally belted cases came out not only was it kind of partial to proper head spacing but also pressures because a lot of the pressures are actually against the bolt face when a when a bolt closes on a cartridge well the chambers of the the rifle that the chamber itself contains a lot of the pressure but a lot of that pressure is also exerted rearward into the bolt face and I guess their thinking was a belted cartridge having a little bit more meat back there would allow for those forces to not have as an adverse effect on I guess wear and tear on the gun not to mention the case blowing out from the additional pressure turned out one interesting note I remember ray talking a little while back about the 22 Newton you know this is a cartridge that was developed and we don't have one here obviously but it was a cartridge that was developed in 1912 and you're talking an original loading of 90 grain projectile driven at thirty one hundred feet per second I mean 1912 that was unheard of yeah and that's what the thing is they had the right idea all the way back in 1912 and mind you that that's pre-world War one oh yeah so I mean we could have had a you know what what if they would have chambered you know a number one mark three in field or a P 17 or a P 14 or something what if they would have chambered one of those and uh yeah 22 Newton you know running around with some lasers in all these hopes to say that a 22 caliber isn't really a good big game cartridge the 2-2 Newton or the 22 Newton was soon displaced by the 256 Newton which had superior potential as big game cartridge so basically just nicked it up a little bit and then I mean 25 for but still based off that same parent case back in those days I miss poison back then I think people also had a very very big emphasis on shot placement oh yeah something that a lot of hunters these days don't understand a lot of them do a lot of guys understand shot placement you can use a much smaller cartridge if your shot placement is impeccable and we actually to segue into this we actually learned that recently on on hog hunt when we got to use the twenty five forty five sharps so this is taking all the things we just talked about now we take the same two to three parent case and we neck it up to twenty five and we're getting remember what you talked about earlier with long bearing surface you know a little bit better ballistic coefficient so we're not having to make the bullet longer so it won't fit the action we're actually keeping the bullet the same length overall but we're seating it a little deeper and then we're getting more weight because the bullet is physically larger because it's twenty-five one of the interesting things like we had a long discussion with JLS or the only sharps rifle company about the 25 45 and we were watching videos and takedown Buffalo with this round you know five so what's interesting about it is the powder that they use they actually get a complete burn in a twenty inch barrel and down to the shorter barrels as well I mean the powder burns completely so suppressors stay nice and clean don't get a lot of over or under used powder you know burning off before you know that projectile can get up to full velocity so I mean some of these rounds are getting three thousand feet per second and that's like a 70 to an 87 grain pill oh yeah I mean that's but stomping and that's a lot of power in a small package in a two to three parent and autoloading Arna yep so you know hopefully this video was well received hopefully you you know learn something from this particular video this is certainly not all of them there's way more than what we covered here believe me this is just scratching the surface of what the 22 confusion can really kind of fully encompass we hope that you learn something maybe you'll consider picking you up a copy of like cartridges of the world or some of the other volumes very much like this there's a ton of stuff not only on the internet but YouTube and stuff that's been put out on the publication route that can definitely point you in the right direction if you want to learn about every little thing that's out there lady material for days exactly but this video was mainly intended to cover the most commonly confused cartridges in the 22 variety and I think we covered that fairly well I think if I had to say what calls the most confusion is just 22 ran fire yeah you know short long rifle long I mean extra-long and there's so many different variations lined people are always asking questions about chamberings and such I oh yeah and then like lead versus plated subsonic versus supersonic there's a lot of confusion out there but guys you know you'll find that just a quick Google search and a little bit of searching around you can find a lot of great information out there that'll yield you the results you want and that'll point you in the right direction so hopefully this video helped educate you a bit we greatly appreciate the support we've been getting a ton of emails from you guys with all different kinds of ideas and we try to get to every single one that we can we appreciate the support we have many more videos like this on the way thank you for watching take it easy oh you you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 3,481,234
Rating: 4.7968707 out of 5
Keywords: firearms facts, 22 caliber, 22 confusion, moss pawn, gun gripes, 556 vs 223, 5.56 vs.223, 5.56 vs 223, eric and chad, eric and barry, eric and berry, eric & chad, eric & barry, eric & berry, irawveteran8888, iv8888, firearms fact, reloading, handloading
Id: gjIVpMqHh40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2016
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