Ammo For Beginners: FMJ VS Hollowpoint

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we've got another video for you and this one's going to be tailored towards our beginners out there we've got a lot of new folks in the gun world and folks are really confused about things that they're purchasing going out and spending their money on and and also the items that they're using to protect themselves and one of the questions that we get a lot is what is the difference between FMJ or ball round and a hollow-point round for personal protection okay what are these things mean what does this terminology mean so I hope this video we can sort of get to the point here and show you guys what we're talking about you know because a lot of people are going in gun stores and you see a box of like $12 ammo and you get 50 rounds for like 12 bucks you know say you bought a 9-millimeter you're like wow 50 rounds whatever and then a guide a gun store shows you a box of hollow points right and and you see that it's like 25 or 30 bucks for 25 rounds so it's like of course the consumer level that we're at you know we're consumers we think oh well I got more for less and you don't necessarily know the difference between the two so I'll quickly sort of explain it and then as we get off of those basics we'll segue into a little bit more for those of you that might be interested that want to dive a little deeper down the rabbit hole so and that Dan J essentially means Full Metal Jacket all right you have a lead core that is encapsulated in a copper jacket okay FMJ ammo is really intended for punch and paper for practice and everything like that is not really intended for defensive purposes now that's not to say that a Full Metal Jacket round is not deadly it will still hurt you obviously and you need to treat a Flamel with every degree of safety as you would any other round it is still deadly don't think that it won't hurt someone if they're shot with an F and J but MJ's typically don't expand okay so they will have straight-line penetration through the target they're just going to penetrate and that's generally about what they'll do if they're shot into any form of medium other than trying to punch paper okay so FMJ will tend to penetrate and carry its energy right on through the penetration and some circles may not necessarily be something that people view as a desirable trait but depending on the round that you're using an FMJ like in this case we've got some 30 carbine ammo now there are handguns chambered in 30 carbine but this is typically of the cartridge at the m1 carbine fires and the military 30 carbine round is an fnj round um the military is issued ball ammo no problem right many militaries around the world use ball ammo so it's not necessarily something that you know isn't functional right but it's typically a practice type of round of the 30 carbine Angele still provides some pretty decent cavitation of the bullet as it enters the medium it's still not something you want to be standing in front of especially close range I have an m1 carbine however there are many other bullet technologies that can really increase the overall power and withou not really power but the lethality of the bullet bullet for bullet so that's when you get into what we would call hollow-point ammunition so your defensive stuff can fall into some varying categories which are going to sort of go over a few but the most common type of projectile that you're gonna find is going to be just like a good old bonded hollow-point projectile okay so it still has a copper jacket but you have an exposed lead core okay and what happens is this this projectile goes into a flashing medium it forces the projectile to expand and open in a very controlled and engineered manner okay it's not just chaos right and that's why when you look at a expanded projectile you see that almost looks like a little flower okay that's because this LED core and many many projectile designs especially your good-quality projectile designs is usually going to be what they call bonded so if the core is bonded to the per the actual jacket material to projectile it makes sure that that whole arrangement stays as homogeneous and retains as much weight as possible but what you get with the hollow point is that it actually expands and it increases the diameter of the projectile and causes a larger wound cavity but it's not just the fact that the projectile is larger physically it is what is causing disruption as the projectile is entering the fleshy medium the physical and visceral expansion of the projectile the act of the projectile expanding is also causing cavitation within the intended target and you have a couple of different forms of cavitation you have a a temporal cavity and a permanent cavity the permanent cavity when you look at gel is the physical track left over from the projectile this is the the wound you see okay the temporal cavity is when you look at the projectile entering a fleshie medium under slow motion you can see this temporary cavity called the temporal cavity and that temporal cavity is larger when you go with a hollow point and a good expanding projectile over a ball round the temporal cavity on a ball round is going to be smaller it's still deadly it's still not something you want to be a part of but you'll get more disruption in terms of a temporal cavity out of a hollow point than you will a ball project their ball projectile now why does that matter okay why is it important with proper shot placement if a shot enters the body of a of an organism if it's an animal human whatever an animal it has a tendency to disrupt or organs right so the larger that temporal cavity is on that projectile the more chances those organs are going to be disrupted in a way that causes them to shut down or die or causes you to physically die quicker okay if that temporal cavity opens up and all and that the the shock of that expansion it can be deadly as well so the larger that that expansion is and the more of that kind of temporal balloon that you get within the medium that is what does the killing just as much as the physical wound track of the projectile we've done a lot of mo testing over the years and this is the most basic way I can really just explain what happens when bullets hit things right that's not meant to be a scientific explanation it's just the explanation I can provide through lots of observations with high-speed cameras we've done lots of testing that's kind of the basic ball mo just punches through good for practice shooting paper you still don't want to be standing in front of it hollow-point ammo expands has much more cavitation as it enters the body and has a much higher chance of delivering a lethal wound be it a foe or be it a deer or whatever okay animal you're trying to kill okay so that's the real real basics okay now a hollow-point or defensive ammunition can also fall in to a couple of different types of ammo that we can discuss here while we have the camera runnin as well okay so now you understand just the super basics I mean there are a lot of different brands of hollow-point ammo and they all act a little bit differently depending on the jacket thickness you know the softness of the core you know how soft the lead is whether or not it's a bonded projectile all of these things can determine how these projectiles act how much powder is in the case all these things whether or not the round is a plus P whether or not it's a standard pressure around these are all terminology things that you understand as you get more into this and then how much the bullet weighs right a lighter bullets gonna be moving faster okay if I take a 147-grain hollow-point and I compare it to a 115 grain hollow-point the 147 is probably going to expand a little slower it may penetrate a little deeper because it has more mass the lighter bullet probably open up a little bit sooner may not penetrate as deeply so these are all things to consider right bullet weights have a lot to do with how they act the velocity of the bullet has a lot to do with how it's going to act how soon and the construction of the bullet matter so what if we look at a leadcore projectile like what they call a soft point okay so we've got a full metal jacket we've got a hollow point which come in a lot of different flavors well and I'll discuss a few those in a second but what about a lead nosed bullet alright so a lead nosed bullet acts a little bit differently what it does is in this case we've got a 44 magnum revolver round now this one does have a hollow point but a lot of rifle rounds and even like the little m1 carbine will just have a soft point with no cavity on there and what it relies on is the soft lead instead of having a completely encapsulated core with copper all around it like an FMJ would do we have a partially encapsulated projectile and an exposed lead nose okay so our gilding surfaces that actually ride in the bore are still copper but then we have an exposed lead core that is usually a relatively soft lead okay so what happens is with this we don't get super super extreme you know opening up of the projectile and expansion of the projectile like we do with a hollow point a hollow point is designed to dump lots of energy quickly and and quickly cause cavitation within the target the moment that it begins to enter the target okay a soft point round is more of it's more about the destination and getting there more so than the immediate journey okay so the way these act is there more for penetrating deeper and having a slower and gradual expansion throughout the entire length of the wound channel so soft point ammo is typically used for deer hunting or for hunting game where you might need a controlled and slower expansion you get a little bit more of the penetration of an SMG a round butt but not just the the penetration of FMJ round but not quite the expansion of a traditional Oh point so a soft point would be used when you need to go through a large animal and you want to make sure that you punch a hole all the way through the animal and get maximum bleeding out of either side of the animal but that you also want that bullet to expand some as it goes through and retain its weight so you punch all the way through and deliver a humane kill to an animal so soft points are typically used for hunting purposes and of course there's a bunch of different soft point designs now soft points can be used for defensive purposes you're generally not going to see like a soft point 9 millimeter or 40 Cal I mean most of your defensive ammo for like a handgun or something like that is typically going to be a hollow point of some various technology the industry standards for hollow points in my opinion and this is through years of experience you can't go wrong with a spear gold dot they are excellent ok you can't go wrong with the hornady critical defense uses a FTX projectile they are excellent and very barrier blind which we'll discuss that here in a moment briefly I don't want this to be like an entire thing but it's important that people know but the 40d critical defense is good the spear Gold Dot is good and I don't have one here to show you but the federal HST 124 grain plus P is an excellent carry load and it is one of the industry standards for 9-millimeter defensive ammunition so those are things to consider alright so then we we marry a couple of these concepts ok by looking at a few other things ok with the FTX projectile on the critical defense ok it acts a little bit differently because it actually it has a hollow point that is actually filled with like a little rubberized ball inside of there ok so what happens here is you've already sort of predisposed this this hollow point to have some form of pressure being pushed against that hollow cavity to open it up it's not a hollow cavity it's prefilled with something so what this does is make the projectile a little bit more barrier blind and what that means is if this projectile needs to pass through something before it goes into the assailant what it does is it ignores that a little bit more whereby some projectile designs could get clogged with material be it clothing a coat or something or maybe drywall and we've done a lot of testing where we fired defensive rounds through barriers and this is getting a little bit more advanced but for those of you that want to know if you're interested at this point you can follow me along with this but with the barrier blindness that is one consideration for carry ammo 99% of people are never going to have to worry about let's just say a physical barrier such as a wall but if that's something you want to factor into the equation of your defensive round you can do that all right and then you you go slightly down a little bit different of a rabbit hole and we get into the Powerball now this is kind of cool because the Powerball actually has a hardened like plastic ball that is in the hollow point so it is a hollow point projectile that has a hard plastic ball I mean a sucker it's like a piece of polymer or plastic ball that's in there and the way that this bullet works it relies on speed it needs lots and lots of velocity and it usually is a lighter bullet for Calver so this projectiles going to be lighter but it's going to be moving at higher pressures and way higher speeds and it relies on that speed to upset that ball and push it back into the cavity and provide really really rapid expansion okay and this projectile in a lot of cases will not penetrate very deeply but the cavity that it does create in the wound path that it does create and what it shoots is tremendous okay so this is not all of the projectiles are out there I mainly just wanted to give hopefully what is a basic view of FMJ versus hollow-point but I feel like it's important that if people are going to get involved in fire they need to understand exactly what they're dealing with okay not all ammo is made the same not all projectiles are the same and I know that there's probably a lot of people out there that are saying I don't give a crap just give me some ball ammo and I'm gonna load the gun put it on the nightstand and go on with my day and then put the check in the box that I did when I needed to do and now I'm armed that's a start okay I'm not going to fall to anybody for wanting to earn themselves and do what they need to do but I feel that it's important that if you are going to take the defense of your family and your community and people around you seriously you need to make sure that you know the right tools for the job and what certain things are designed to do how they work and the advantages and disadvantages that all of the different projectile designs offer okay because they all have their weak and strong points and all of those different capabilities are going to be suited for whatever task you think you might need we have a ton of videos on projectile testing and testing different carry rounds if you want to go check them out I mean we've got Underwood videos lehigh we've tested some of the Norma offerings I know we tested spear and federal and we've done everything from rifle rounds revolver rounds pistol rounds subsonic supersonic you name it okay so we've got a lot of ammo testing on our channel and also another guy that I would suggest you check out he's a friend of ours Tommy over at TN outdoors 9 has some of the best ammo tests on the internet if you want to learn about specific loads Tommy does have a lot of individual ammo tests on specific brands and bullet weights of ammo and he focuses a lot on nine-millimeter I know that 9 is a popular caliber so if those of you if you don't see something on my channel that's helpful chances are Tommy probably has something on T an outdoors 9 that can point you in a really cool direction as well so there's lots of great content on YouTube that will help you and can point you in the right direction to make sure you can protect yourselves and your family so thank you so much for watching our video we hope you enjoy maybe you learn something and I'd like to take a moment to thank all of our folks that purchase Mankins t-shirts like the one I'm wearing over on ballistic ink as well as you know our patreon supporters if you see value in what we do and you wish to support us those are the most direct ways you can do so we hope that you learned something today and maybe we provoked a bit of thought and maybe alleviated some of those questions that some of you may have about defensive ammo versus range ammo and thank you guys very much many more videos on the way thank you for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 296,913
Rating: 4.9432626 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, ammo, beginner, ammo for beginners, fmj, hp, hollowpoint, fmj vs hollowpoint, hst, critical duty, federal, hornady, carry ammo, range ammo, ammo testing, ammo test
Id: R_o3vZGYxs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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