Top 5 Guns To Buy After The Election

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[Music] [Music] so welcome back everyone as i'm recording this video it is november 1st and the election is just a couple days away as such my facebook page has been getting blown up asking what gun should i get before the election what gun should i get as my first gun all those sorts of things that has been very common since march of this year there's been record numbers of new gun owners throughout america and right now people are scared of what's to come basically because of all the rioting that we've seen over the past few months and then the unknown of what's come what's uh upcoming rather with the election so i picked out five different guns they're a little bit different and preference driven they're not going to be in order but they're going to be guns that are recommended because they've been in stock basically throughout the entire pandemic and they're not super expensive they haven't gone up a ton in price those sorts of things a new gun owner can afford most of these and uh yeah that's what we're going to do but before we do that we're going to get into today's sponsor since this video will be immediately demonetized i want to thank the folks over at safe life defense for sponsoring the video so they make a number of different items this is probably their most common one commonly known item this is the frass so it's a flexible rifle rated armor system and it's not super lightweight it gives you full protection all the way around from m193 m855 7.62 by 39 all the pistol rounds all those sorts of things and it's flexible so you can move in it which certainly is nice they also make these little battle belts here which are very popular they make soft armor armor inserts all of those sorts of things are actually running a deal right now on that you guys can see on your screen here it's a four payment installation and most of their stuff is actually in stock right now as well which is relatively rare for armor companies additionally code mr guns and gear will get you 10 off site wide now let's get on with the video earlier in the video i mentioned that these guns have been in stock basically since march at all times give or take a couple days and the reason for that is that all of these guns are basically built in house with only really small parts being contracted out so these companies are able to continue production without having to wait on other companies in the supply chain and those sorts of things so that's an advantage that some of these companies have or all of these companies have in this case so i would expect that even after the election if you're watching this on november 5th or 6th when there's a very likely a run on guns there will still be stock of these items because they continue to be produced so again these are not in order the first one i want to talk about is going to be the palmetto state armory gf3 ak um you know check out rob over at akaou his 5 000 round tested this right now this rifle's got definitely over 2 000 probably close to 3 000 rounds through it the only thing it's had any malfunctions with is some hollow point loads some of the cases don't like haul points for folks that don't know that um but this one come in comes in with the magpul furniture right around 750 dollars we have our 4150 nitrided barrel hammer for hammer forge bolt carrier and trunnion obviously it's an ak so your sights are included you don't need to buy sights of course you can add optics they have a side rail you can also add optics up here in your gas tube but with the magpul furniture it gives you the ability to mount lights accessories all those sorts of things obviously shoots 7.62 by 39 which right now is the cheapest centerfire cartridge out there on the market generally speaking if you guys follow me on facebook you can find it for 35 cents a round or less pretty commonly so again right now when ammo prices are going crazy this is one you can afford to practice with and train with if you're a new shooter so obviously the ak system is very reliable and at this point i would say the gf3 rifles have proven themselves to be very reliable as well i don't think i pointed it out already but all the guns that we're going to talk about here today i have full reviews of on my channel i'm going to try to put the cards up here in the corner that correspond with the gun i'm talking about as i talk about it but we'll see if i can actually do that in post-production regardless the next gun up is going to be this gun right here it's the arex delta it's a striker fired gun it comes with a 15 round and 17 round mech guard magazine mecca mags for those that don't know are fantastic the gun is roughly glock 19 size i apologize if the wind is getting a little bit bad but we just had a storm here but it's approximately glock 19 size it's a little bit smaller in every dimension however literally every glock 19 mag excuse me holster that i have fits this gun just fine so if you're looking for holster compatibility it's there it has a fantastic trigger obviously like i said striker fired but a little bit of a prep really really clean break just under five pounds very tactile audible reset these things have cold hammer forged barrels very good sights very usable it has a blacked out rear white front sight and right now these things are coming in at 350 with the code that you guys see here on the screen links for all the stuff will either be in the video description or pinned in the video just comments so you guys can pick it up but again 350 for this gun look around the internet you're not going to see a bad review of it i mean the gun just works a-rex for folks that don't know is a military contractor over in slovenia they make tons of guns and have been making them for decades they have a state-of-the-art factory like i said coldhammer forged barrel great qc across the board and for the price point in the performance of this gun really hard to beat and again they produce them they're bringing them in every month all the time so they are in stock again for 350 with the code on your screen kind of hard to beat it looks like the wind's not going to die down so i threw on a sweatshirt to have another layer to hopefully block it so the audio is not too terrible all right moving on with the list the next one up is going to be the ruger pc carbine so this one right here is a rifle although it's chambered in nine millimeter it comes with a ruger magazine a 17 round mag from the factory and then it also has an adapter to fit glock magazine so that way you can run any glock nine millimeter magazine including the 33 rounders like you have here and this gun's been uber reliable i actually have two of them i've never had a single malfunction out of them it comes from the factory not with this mid-rest handguard it comes with one that has a little 1913 rail on the bottom so that way you can add a light or laser or whatever the case may be on there if you want to use it for a defensive gun and nine millimeters coming out of a 16 inch barrel certainly is no joke it's a very simple blowback design like i said super reliable safety's intuitive if any of you guys have ever used a ruger 10 22. this wind is crazy if any of you guys have ever used a ruger 10 22 it's basically the same operating system just beefed up on steroids it does have a thread protector that comes with it if you want to run a flash hider or silence or anything like that and this gun is going to be legal where uh in a lot of band states where some of the other guns that i've talked about won't be so you also have the ability on this one to lock the bolt to the rear and take it down by just doing this if i could actually do it here on camera ah there you go so that way you can store it up in a little package a backpack or anything like that if you want to travel with it and then of course you put it right back together the exact same way through the magic of video editing we have it all back together and these ones price point wise are not super inexpensive but again they're relatively affordable for most folks right now even with panic prices going on you can find these for under 800 and again ruger very high quality company they're making most of this in stock in-house rather so that way they continue to just pump them out and sell a ton of them you can add optics as you see here if you so choose to but it has very usable sites if you don't want or can't add an optic don't have the money for it this peep site right here and a blade front sight really super accurate check out my review of it it's a very very solid gun and it's simple it just works and again unlike some of the other carbines that we're going to talk about here it's going to be legal in a lot of states that those wouldn't be in the beginning of this video i mentioned that cost is a factor in these choices again none of these guns are going to be above 800 at all obviously if you have more money to spend and you like other options out there on the market like for instance if you didn't want to spend 350 on the arrex delta and you wanted to spend 700 sure i definitely recommend glocks i recommend m ps i recommend cz p10s i recommend fns etc etc there's a lot of good guns on the market again i'm just trying to give folks an idea of stuff that is affordable and is actually in stock right now before the election okay with that this gun right here taurus 856 this is a six shot j frame size revolver so it's relatively small six shots of 38 special it is rated for plus p this particular one has a steel frame on it so it's got a little bit of weight to it the recoil is really not that bad at all they do make an aluminum version which i have as well it's got a little bit more recoil on there as i say with any kind of small revolvers they're reasonably hard to shoot for new shooters that said most situations that you find yourself in you're going to be pretty up close and personal this one of course can be carried very easily if you want to have sort of a dual roll gun something that you can use for home defense and then also use for a carry gun and one thing i know a lot of people like about revolvers is that they're simple again like i said i have two of these i have reviews up on the channel i've never had a single issue with them they just continue to work just fine the triggers on these are actually not bad in my opinion they're better than modern smith and wesson j frames but i do think the jframe is a better gun just to be clear i'm just saying the trigger on these is a little bit smoother on it sights are fixed so nothing really to go wrong nothing to fall off we have our serrated front sight and then the rear is built in this one does have a hammer they make an option without a hammer if you guys don't want to risk it getting snagged that's it if you're going to pocket carry a gun with a hammer just kind of a quick tip if you always draw with your thumb on it like that nothing will get snagged just throwing that out there but anyway these guns are very affordable again even right now when prices are through the roof everywhere you can find these for like 325 or less shipped out so affordable gun 38 special there's a lot of people that have defended themselves with 38 special it's certainly not the most powerful round but for most situations six shots a bit will definitely get the job done the last gun on our list is going to be a radical firearms ar-15 or rf15 as they refer to them so anybody who's watched my reviews on the radical guns that i've done over the past couple years knows what i'm about to say but i'm going to reiterate it because this video is going to be reaching a lot of new shooters and new gun owners or potential new gun owners if you look around for reviews on radicals you're going to find that basically prior to 2008 they were trash um they hired a guy to come in and he revamped their entire lineup in terms of quality control uh inspection along the way parts control part selection all those sorts of things and radical in 2020 is a different company than it was before that and like i said i used to trash them frequently online and they've changed that and that is a good thing but right now again radical makes almost all of their stuff in-house so they're putting out rifles left and right and you can find different variations of these ar-15s for for under six hundred dollars shipped so basically they're all gonna have some version of a nitrided mid-length 16-inch barrel so it's gonna be very soft shooting in that regard it's gonna have a free-floated handguard um so you know you're gonna have your mwok attachment points this one has some 1913 as well as well rather they make some slimmer ones they make larger ones like this they make some shorter ones there's different variants out there most of them have an ambidextrous safety which certainly is nice and most of them are going to come with either mission first tactical grip and stock like you have here or it's going to come with a b5 systems grip in stock and like i said right now as when you're watching this video these things are coming in stock and are in stock and shipping out for under 600 shipped and uh if you guys watch again we'll reference rob ski he has a 5 000 round review of a rifle that was made right after this guy came in and changed everything around and basically i think his cam pin sheared off at like 4 800 rounds and other than that had no malfunctions on my integrally suppressed video radical which is my most recent one if you guys watched that that gun's got thousands of rounds through at this point and i don't think it ever had a single malfunction at all so right now as of 2020 if you're on a budget the radical guns are very good now if you're not on a budget another company that's making a ton of stuff in-house and is putting out rifles every single day is geistly their super duty rifles are in stock every day their pistols are in stock every day and uh but they're not cheap those are coming in around seventeen hundred and fifty dollars but um daniel defense also a company that makes a lot of their stuff in-house they're putting out rifles on their site every day as well again they're not cheap though they're all pretty much going to be sixteen hundred dollars and up but i think a lot of new shooters are gonna be looking at something a little bit more budget-friendly like an ar-15 where magazines are plentiful optics are plentiful the one thing right now in 2020 that kind of sucks is the ammo it's expensive right now um versus like the ak for example it's going to be roughly double that said if you plan on owning it for a long time those uh price points will likely come down at some point in years to come but right now it doesn't look like that's going to happen any time soon so if you're buying an ar-15 the ammo is going to be a little bit expensive if you just kind of want to get some training on it but uh if you hold out in the future i'm hopeful that those prices will come down in a few years but we shall see on that front so that's it ladies and gentlemen i'm sure there's going to be a ton of criticism of my picks down below in the comments section because it's the internet but again the criteria was two-fold number one not super expensive number two has been in stock since march pretty much all the time is easy to operate for a new shooter and will likely be in stock for the next coming weeks as we may see periods of unrest in america um if you're not a gun owner on the fence of purchasing one or not whether or not you get one of these i don't really care however i do recommend that you get one if you're responsible enough to own one and treat it as the tool that it is and respect it but it really is your last line of defense as many folks have seen over the last few months during these riots and whatever you want to call them the police are not responding to crimes the police are not responding to break-ins those sorts of things so you really are your own first responder and trying to fight off people with guns if you don't have a gun that's an uphill battle having a gun equalizes that power force there so that's pretty much it guys if you have questions definitely let me know down below in the comments section like i said there will be links to all these down below in the comment section or in the video description depending on where you're watching this and if you're new here and you like this type of video definitely go ahead and hit subscribe apologize about the wind but it is what it is we're driving on uh if you haven't hit that subscribe button again please do so again my analytics tell me that only 30 of my viewers actually are subscribers so go ahead and do that regardless i look forward to seeing everybody in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Mrgunsngear Channel
Views: 214,753
Rating: 4.9314303 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 5 guns, top 5 guns before the election, best guns, best gun for new shooter, top 5 first guns, first gun, guns to buy before election, 2020 election, presidential election, 2nd amendment audit, top 5 guns to buy before the election, best new guns, best ar15, new gun owners, shtf guns, gun shortage, gun ban 2021, gun ban 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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