How to Store Your Guns

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we've got another firearms fact episode for you and today we're gonna be talking about proper gun storage and not only safe gun storage but storing your guns for the long haul and making sure that you know your guns are going to do well in long-term storage we're going to talk a little bit about that and break some details apart kind of tell you what our experience is on it and hopefully we can help some of you who are maybe have some questions about it or are wondering you know the best way to store guns and everything and I'm just gonna quickly just mention if you guys want to support the channel and you love these videos if you find them informative make sure you go over to Iraq veteran 8888 comm pick yourself up t-shirt all right maybe a piece of merch whatever we got or if you want to purchase a man can we also accept patreon donations if you guys love the channel want to support us that's how you can support us the most direct way and I thank every single one of our viewers who support us financially in that way you guys are great you allow us to put this content out you guys basically fund us and help us move forward so thank you very much without further adieu we'll talk a little bit about gun storage okay so you've got a couple of different areas that you can consider one is just overall security like securing your firearms which obviously is super super important and then to organization of said firearms I think that's an important thing to consider how you organize them how you secure them and then three how you preserve them how you keep them from rusting how you keep the stocks from drying out so how do we do all these things I mean so first I just tossed mine in the closet so first alright what should we look at first I would say more important than number two and three I think security is probably the most important thing to consider first and foremost you don't want your guns falling into the wrong hands you don't want them getting stolen you don't want your children being able to get ahold of them obviously storing your guns somewhere where they're safe and secure is very important so we'll talk about that a little bit so what are some ways we can do that well before we discuss that just so you guys know there are some municipalities and if I'm not mistaken there are some states that have secured storage laws so you you would technically be breaking law if you do store your guns properly but it's kind of the common-sense thing to do is to you know put your guns away lock them up so no one who doesn't have authorized access can get to them especially children I mean we want to teach our kids you know responsible firearms handling and it starts with being a responsible firearms owner okay a few different ways of storing your guns uh there's gun security cabinets you know kind of cheap lockers that you can buy it and most of the home-improvement stores and then you get like into some of the cheaper gun safes and stuff like that if you have an extra room in your house or if you have like a basement or something you could maybe allocate some of that space and build some pegboard racks and stuff like that to store your guns into a room you don't really get the fire protection that you would get with like a gun safe that has press or not press board but drywall and stuff inside that has like a fire rating of half an hour 45 minutes up to an hour or whatever the case is but mainly just securing your guns keeping them locked up where no one can get to them if you're away from the house you don't have to worry about oh my god some bikes in my house I've got guns laying all the place they're just kind of a free-for-all and walk out with them no you want to keep them in a centralized location and especially like NFA firearms suppressors things like that they have to be secured and if I'm not mistaken they've got to have two levels of secure storage if I'm not mistaken but don't quote me on that but right I mean that's kind of the basic gist yes you know some options so when you start getting into safes you start getting into the difference in cost right so one person looks at the the $499 safe versus a $5,000 safe what's the difference right I mean there's huge price differences I mean one could be certainly like the gage of steel they use you know how heavy-duty the door locks are you know how many layers of you know how if they lock only on the sides versus all the way up and down all the way around on all four sides that bars that go in all right and then to is a fireproof rating one thing that affects the value of a safe is also the the quality of the fireproof rating fireproof ratings get thrown around a good bit I mean let's face it the worst thing that's going to happen is it is when the firemen put your house out that's on fire your your safe is probably going to survive and your guns will probably survive but water damage is the biggest thing you got to worry about they're so absolutely you know the biggest thing I wouldn't get too hung up and Chad might disagree with me but I would not get too hung up on fire proof ratings I wouldn't get too hung up on how good the safe is in terms of light the door locks and all I think what I would go for is safe that you can bolt down it's really heavy something that holds a lot of guns so you can really get it loaded down where nobody not even the four most determined thieves could get that thing out of it and put it somewhere putting your faith into like a little Enclave somewhere where there's walls all around it oh gosh they're never gonna get it out and you aren't either probably the the not easily you know the big thing with like safes and security camps and stuff you know there's a lot of companies out there that'll little tout like their security cabinet so they're superior to gun safes because you don't have to worry about all this extra calls and everything else but the thing is there is no fire rating and we'll get into like ensuring your firearms collection and stuff later on the video and talk about some of those details but I chose to go with gun safes because I did want the extra fire protection stuff yes sure there is extra cost and when I first bought a safe you know I got a really good deal on one through local Ace Hardware probably 10 years ago and it was a Liberty I think at the time they were called the colonial series and it was one of the it was one of the best safes for the money that was a good size for the gun collection I had at the time and I grew out of it you know over time you buy more guns I mean you're obviously gonna need more space and you're stacking guns in all kinds of crazy ways especially you and your suppressors all the OFA items but I love I love cans I love Jefe stuff you know I can't blame me I got hooked on it and I mean once you once you tip your toe in the water it's like open but the thing is when I when I wanted to upgrade I got a bigger Liberty safe and I got one with a little bit more fire rating and stuff and I wanted you know door panel all this fancy stuff and the liberties that like the reason I like the Liberty safes and I stuck with that brand is because they do have locking bolts on all all four sides and the gauge of Steel is nice and thick it's not crazy like the other safe I have the Lincoln and they've got like the presidential series and I think that might be the top one but I mean you're talking like I don't know it's like eight gauge steel and they've got hour and a half fire protection stuff like that you really don't need that if you live like within a municipality where the fire department it's only 15 minutes away from you or they're ten minutes away or they're five minutes away if if you have a pimp on the fire perpetrating a little bit if you have if you have a safe that has a 30 minute fire rating yeah sure okay the fire department's five minutes away it might take them an hour to put the fire out we'll you know your guns are gonna get a little bit warm the whole thing with fire proofing and stuff or fire rating with safes is as the safe gets hot the drywall heats up and it releases moisture into the safe and it keeps the interior temperature around 300 degrees that's the biggest thing documents money things like that you have in there they need to be in like a separate you know fireproof maybe like nice watches yeah your electronics will probably be screwed you know harddrive stuff like that it needs a second layer of protection in there but your guns for the most part would probably be okay from the heat as long as you know you're safe was rated properly and the fire department got there put out the fire and everything but thing you've got worried of water damage like Eric said that's really a huge concern is is getting in there after the fact if something like that happening and getting your guns out and making sure that you're conserving and properly where's mr. Morten Novak when we need him that's right well you know it's funny that you mentioned that because even if you're not a big gun person having a safe is still important oh absolutely protect your belongings you might have you know petty cash laying around you might have jewelry important hard drives maybe important documents or really I don't know rare or odd photos weekly from coin collection there's so many things that you know you have to secure and and safes are a great way to do that even outside of the wheelhouse of being gun related absolute safes are important for everybody to have even if it's just a small Liberty or whatever I like Liberty safes I actually own a big cannon safe and the only reason I have it is because I got it for super cheap and I bought I bought a cannon from a friend of mine who was moving back to Florida for really cheap I mean it's like a 700 Oliver safe and I bought it for like three hundred bucks just because he was trying to get rid of some stuff and everything and I actually loaned it to a buddy of ours who needed a safe at the time I didn't really need that safe I needed something a little bit larger but I bought that just as kind of an investment just to have an extra safe laying around right he could use it until he grew out of it okay so I think we can all agree that safes are an important part of securing your firearm so there's a physical security aspect so segwaying away from the physical security let's get a little bit more let let's talk briefly about dry rod since we're still on safe so dry rods are basically all it really is it's just a just like the name suggests it's just a big rod and a lot of states will have an auxilary plug on the outside that you can plug into the wall and then you'll have power on the inside for things like lights and in this case dry rods well dry rods are important because what they do is they keep the heat inside the safe at a consistent temperature and it helps keep it dry it keeps moisture or condensation from forming let's say that you know anytime something gets hot cold hot cold you always run the risk of getting that sort of condensation moisture that will develop on something in rapid temperature changes that dry rods help prevent any moisture from accumulating on your guns and it helps keep the internal temperature of the safe at a consistent and actually when you open up your safe it'll feel a little warm in there there's like about what 80 or 90 degrees typically they're right around like 70 to 75 degrees if i'm not mistaken and i think they keep the humidity level around 40 to 50 percent if i'm not mistaken so that segues into the next thing so let's talk a little bit about humidity okay and that's important when it comes to storing your guns you know like alright right here we're in the studio okay right back here we've got the security racks okay and these basically are just panels all right and I'm gonna segue into the into the humidity these are just panels that screw directly to the studs okay and a lot of people have asked about this and then it's it's all modular so you just have these little guys here you can put wherever alright and then that allows you to you know that's why I was able to make this little montage of cool back here and then obviously these right here have little studs on them to be able to put your handguns on okay bye alright but something like a modular rack system is a great way if let's just say you have either a small studio or let's just say an office where you want to displace them your guns and workshop or workshop you can certainly run something like this now secure it also runs rifle racks that have light basically you'll be seeing a shot of them but they're they're basically these big metal metal surfaces with these butt stock holders on the bottom and then they have these little dongles here let me pull one off and show you basically this little little organizers yeah it's just a little organizer thing that supports the gun on top and holds it and obviously you could set it any height you want to hold the top of the gun and then they have these little elastic bands that you can like you know ban them in place you can get a little bungee or something like that just hold the gun in place so it doesn't fall so for people that want to do like let's just say let's let's throw the word vault out there say you want to do a small vault or you want to convert a small room in your house to hold a few guns or whatever or you want to displace some guns with the security like we have here I mean that's why we did this to make it look nice too professional for you guys you still have to worry about humidity and that's why I want to mention humidity so humidity basically which you run into you won't if your gun is not comfortable you're not cut you're not comfortable your guns not comfort in salute Lee so the rule is and it's the same thing with musical instruments you want about 65 to 71 degrees in terms of a temperature and you want between 40 and 45 percent humidity okay too low on the humidity and your stalks can dry out and everything like that too high on the humidity as Retel can start to develop corrosion and the and the stalks the stalks can swell so that is the major issue that you run into so that Goldilocks zone for temperature and humidity is between let's just call it 65 and 71 degrees in that ballpark and you want to keep the humidity 40 no more than 50% no less than 40 I want to say the N our age recommendation is like 45% is what they run in also their museums stuff like that I I can get all right so dehumidifiers or your friend yes you know and then for summertime springtime such as that depending on where you live whether or not you want a store gun to the basement or whatever case is you know and then humidifiers are also your friend you've got to have both to kind of create that balance throughout the year if you're running like a room or something like that but yeah I had my little shop building Bahama house where I've got my all my reloading gear I used to not run the humidifier out there and I can't I just kept having problems with rust and everything developing out there because it would just get so hot and humid inside especially after it rained I was like screw this crap I went on a Baldy mini fire I've been run that thing out there for like three or four years now literally all the time just dump it out every few days whatever the case is yep not a speck of rust on anything in that shop no dyes no tools and they're nothing and you will see the same thing with your firearms you will not see a speck of rust as long as those conditions are maintained properly I want to mention this okay so depending on where you live your storage conditions are going to really be dependent on your location okay so here in Georgia during the summer it's really really hot and the humidity is super high so that means there's a lot of inherent moisture in the air and dehumidifier helps get that moisture level in the air to about where it needs to be for your guns to have the stocks not swell or dry out and to prevent the formulation of rust on your guns that's very important you don't want your guns to corrode however where we are during the winter it's also really really dry so you have to have a humidifier which is the opposite of a dehumidifier humidifier actually puts moisture in the air a lot of times your humidity can be really really dry and that's why a lot of houses sometimes the furniture will crack or or dry out and that's because if the humidity in the house gets too low then your your furniture will actually crack and get splits in it same thing for your your guns if your stocks will actually you know they can split they can they can have issues that can dry out you don't want your stock to get too damp and you don't want to get too dry in terms of the humidity and the same exact thing goes for instruments I always treat my guitars it's like look and we have a guitar channel by the way check it out it's called its arsenal shameless plug if you want to check out our music channel we do have a guitar channel but when it comes to guitar storage it's exactly the same as guns you want to make sure that you keep your guitar in about 65 71 degrees and that 4045 percent humidity now amps too I mean you got to think you know wood cabinets I mean the speaker cones a lot of speaker cones are paper they're susceptible to moisture just like anything else electronics a lot of the amps are vintage electronics are fairly sensitive so all that comes into play I mean it's just good storage conditions for just about anything really yeah you know but if you're not comfortable then your guitar or your gun or your belongings aren't comfortable either so a little like maybe maybe some safe tips and tricks for organizing your guns so they're not stacked in there like bookcases okay okay so rifle rods are your friends yeah they are amazing little products you get all right so I think everybody who owns a gun safe and they store their guns in there and they just stack them in whichever way they're leaning on each other no no no no by some rifle rods there are these little plastic rods and they have different calibers but usually I just buy the 22 Callens and they work for everything but they have a little velcro tab on the top of them and what you do is you take a sheet of velcro that comes with the loop side and you glue it or staple it onto your shelf up top okay and then you use the rods stick them down your barrels and then you put your gun in place and go bleep and your gun stays straight up and down it's not leaning on anything and with the rifle rods you can get rid of the racks that go inside the safe that take up so much freaking space it's not even funny and get rid of that and just use the rifle rods and it's great for like scope rifles all that stuff and it just makes the organization of a gun safe so much easier agreed it's just not even funny and then also handgun storage in a safe I found this guy online it's it's so cool it his site is called man about racks okay and he makes these custom pistol racks that are sized specifically for various widths of safe interiors you know and everything and I've got one neat man I've got one of these things and they're handmade they're painted and everything they've got felt all over them I mean and magazine storage up under I had to wait a little bit the guy custom makes him have his garage but I would I would never go back to running like a little metal racks or anything like that ever again but I've got one of those in there and then you know how like okay bigger wide safe you know start sagging a little bit all right got a Home Depot go to Lowe's you know the the wire shelving section you know with have all the closet made stuff you know the little you brackets that you bolt to the wall or whatever bolts of your studs and then you use the shelves that kind of snap into place guess what those things fit right under or right over the little clips you know they're running in a safe to adjust the shelves so you can flip hacks boy safe hacks you take that you bracket you go upside down and it's like a little eye beam Conda you know and then you put your shelf in there no more sag thing but it's just there there's a little hacks like that I've found over the years and just looking around talking to people's like man I can't get this shelf not safe like thing and also make sure you take the time to bolt your safe down absolutely bolt that sucker down to a big ole lag bolts and also when you go under the house right and you want to make sure you run like what I would do is probably get like either a couple of 4x4 posts and you want to support the floor from the bottom because that's that weight starts to bear down it can get kind of heavy you don't want the floor to sag so I would support the safe from under the floor as well and then another thing you can do I would take like maybe a big old 2 by 6 to use as a washer up under the up under the the actual floor for those bolts to really bite into and I think that and also supporting it with some 4x4 posts or building like just a small box under it that really go a long way that's what I had to do with my first safe but you want to place them in areas where they're on the outside wall if you can if you can't do that I mean it interior place in the house is fine closets are awesome it's like Eric mentioned earlier if you can take a closet that's unused or whatever the case is and you can put a gun safe into it you are you are blocking the weak point of a gun safe especially if there's more drywall that probably help with fires too you know absolutely for drywall but though the videos that you see out there online about gun safes and how awful they are are the guys that pull safe out of the house whatever and they take it they tip it over and they just pry it open or whatever the case is or they take a grinding wheel and I just literally cut through it I mean you can just take a grinding wheel one one side of the safe often peel those sides are weak the thing is if somebody has physically removed your safe from the premises then they can just steal the safe so who cares you have to make sure you're safe can't be moved all right there's a quick story and then I think we can move on to like maybe insurance and stuff like that yeah all right so ray all right ray used to deliver safes oh boy all right I know that with a buddy of his like I know it though so this this guy and he was a you know a a wealthy individual and you know he wanted the biggest baddest most expensive safe and most beautiful safe okay that this particular establishment carried so he bought it okay ray and his friend delivered it and right you know our gunsmith up at malls oh he's gonna love this this is such a funny story it's bad but it's funny it's just like Oh God all right so they deliver the safe and the guy the guy wants it in a very strange location he wants it to be like the center point in this big open foyer area with big staircases coming down he wants to safe right there where those staircases come down and there's glass I mean there's like it's just glass windows old I guess she wants people to ride by and go you can see right in there and you can see the safe and they recommended against that locations like sir this is not a good place for the safe you don't want it to be seen you know especially just people driving by well he didn't want to go for that he wanted to right there so customer knows what's best and the customer's always right so safe gets bolted down and everything it wasn't very long after that safe got delivered that a flatbed truck came by like one of those record trucks you know with the big wind shot and everything boom breaks the glass wraps that thing around that safe and they drive off and they yank it right out of there and then they just drag it up on the on the bed and they go mm-hmm they took more in everything hunka the floor thing everything everything so they have the safe they could take it to an undisclosed location they can do whatever they can take there all the time they want at that point if they've got the safe so secure your safe if you know I can't if somebody can't see it then they don't know about it and then they can't steal it yeah so so if you're gonna go the safe route make sure you bolt the thing down that's the big takeaway here and make sure it's somewhere where nobody knows where it's at oh gosh you know and another thing that people do - he mentioned the little the rifle sticks or whatever it goes wrong right barrage that go in the in the safe there you know I've heard a lot of people even taken these security analyst and lining the inside they're safe with secured panels for you know getting belongings so that I did actually do that the out of my safe says I don't like that because then I'll lose capacity yeah one less amount of capacity it's nice and organized but you do lose extra space in there to be able to store guns like a lot of the guns that I don't use often I store them in the rear like a lot of the collectible mill SERPs and stuff like that I'll keep one out that I want to shoot but then I'll store the other ones all the way in the back and a lot of those have like LPS three on them some sort of extra preservatives something like that because that's gonna be a long-term storage though so let's talk a little bit real quickly so we've already talked about physical security we've talked about humidity control and making sure that you know you keep that under check temperature and humidity and we talked a little bit about you know organization let's talk a little bit about oils and things like so what kind of oil should you use to preserve your guns for long term synthetic boy well look you know we've experimented with a lot of different things and you know for long-term storage I really like the LPS three times now it's got a very like kind of waxy base to it but I'm gonna tell you something right now that stuff works it's great LPS 3 is the bomb it's good stuff excuse me also there's a there is a product called corrosion ex and it is excellent no pun intended it's excellent corrosion ex is good LPS 3 is good some people go just the old-school CLP route that works fine too it's just it it can evaporate off over time the LPS 3 though it stays put right and one thing that we do a lot is we take all right we'll take mil SERPs apart all right just for inspection ok every now and again well if you're gonna use the gun somewhat often put LPS 3 like on the bottom half of the action the barrel and everything that sits inside the stock and then you will never have to worry about that metal rusting inside that style especially if it's a firearm you take out in the field often salutely that'll really help with any moisture buildup under the stock line you don't want invisible pitting or rest to occur you definitely don't want that so LPS three I would say it's expensive but it's great for long-term storage lutely you know I would always keep a few microfiber cloths laying around near your safe and just get in the habit of every time you handle a firearm wipe it down wipe the fingerprints off because those fingerprints can leave oils from your skin behind and certain people have really acidic oils myself included I have very acidic gingers with I have ginger sweat everyone gonna say that but I have ginger sweat so anything I touch you know it gives that fingerprint will immediately turn to rest within a few days if I don't wipe it down so getting a habit of wiping your guns down doesn't matter what will you use I mean rim oils pretty good okay strike colds gray I don't know if any of you guys have experience with strike called strike colds pretty good for long-term storage I would probably recommend LP s3 and my experience or the corrosion X just something to consider yeah gun stocks work good - yep you can you can spray them down with some sort of lubricant like LPS - or rim oil what are the cases a lot of them come impregnated with silicone so you can literally just put your gun in there after you oil it up and it will help protect it and also will help keep scratches and stuff off of it inside the safe if you do have guns but cased in like a crazy person sure so so alright so those are a few things to consider right last but not least let's talk a little bit about insurance you know a lot of people tend to have firearms specific insurance policies actually not a lot of people do really don't be surprised the thing is is that your house policy will only cover so much and I don't know what those amounts are but if you have honestly you don't have to have that many guns to to to really quickly surpass the amount that your average homeowners policy whatever I have something really quickly to say about that because my policy that I had previously I had I don't know at the time maybe like twelve thousand dollars worth of coverage but if I lost everything they would only cover half of like $6,000 was the cap and I didn't know that they didn't disclose that to me when I purchase it so it was like okay well if one gun got damaged or whatever then I'd be okay but if all of them got damaged or they got stolen or something then I'd be out of luck sure for the other half of that collection that's where these firearm specific policies come in I would strongly recommend core veins that's who I use and core veins will basically tailor a policy to you exactly the way you want and the coverage that you need and they will cover they don't have to have serial numbers makes models or none of that unless the gun is over a certain value I think I had to turn in like the serial number on my barrett m107 because it was over a certain amount and I think I had to tell them about my cannon you know I got a little parrot rifle so anything that's of your ear or especially rare or really really expensive or valuable they do ask that you that you tell them what those are but generally though I want to say Mike or vanes policy it's like like 500 bucks in five hundred dollars a year and they cover everything they cover accessories optics magazines everything so let's just say all right a good example here's a great example oh yeah okay so say this thing burns up in a fire this is scar 17 it melts in the fire oh yeah it's gonna melt but hey this thing burns up in a fire well you know well the gun has a certain value to it but then the suppressor and it's got a really expensive bipod on it and this this is definitely not cheap optic so under core veins the optic would be covered the suppressor would be covered the wrap the sling every single accessory hanging off this gun would be covered in addition to the firearm itself so when you start factoring in accessories especially suppressors optics those things add up I mean a lot of people will pay just as much money for a scope as they will for a gun if if you've been buying gun if if you've been buying guns like 10 years regularly you know you were able to and you you've amassed a good collection and it it tallies up real quick and you definitely don't want to be in a situation where something happens the house burns down or whatever or you're in a tornado prone area what are the cases and your house gets lifted off and taken to or whatever the court is you know or theft just general theft you don't want to be in that situation where you were unable to replace your guns it took you ten years to amass that collection it's not gonna it's not gonna take you ten days to get it all back it's gonna take a long time to recoup all that if you ever even do that most people that I know they've had you know if somebody's had some things stolen one of the cases a lot of times I just don't replace it they just say you know what whatever I'm just out of it but one of the one of the big things with the fire specific policies though if you do have a fire and specific policy and you decide to go the route of like just gun storage and not necessarily like fire protection you know it will cover that so you can go kind of the cheaper route and just store your guns properly if you're not terribly concerned with it but me like some of the examples that we have are very rare very obscure guns and and they're some of them are sentimental like family heirlooms and things like that it's not exactly something you can just replace so that's why I go with the safe route I like that extra level of security and that extra level of peace of mind if you will all right so that will lead us into the last thing that we're going to discuss and storing your guns and that's layers of security that's very important security should always be in layers okay whether it is a locked door well a well built locked door that leads to a room that has a safe in it well that's an additional layer it's gonna slow them down a security camera an alarm system even signs outside they say beware the dog bites okay we're a gate down near the road if you have a long driveway and you have an electronic gate that can close and keep people out all of those layers of security are gonna help make sure that your belongings are kept saying equals time yes anything you can do to buy yourself time especially from the moment they enter your house that's why it's important to have an alarm system we have security cameras here we have motion detectors glass break sensors we have every port on the house physically like lockable with a metal double key dead-bolted you know outside metal door and we have bars over the windows and a lot of places so you have to secure your stuff you have to make layers of security if somebody goes oh this is easy pickins they kick the door in well guess what they've got about 11 minutes before some highly motivated individuals that will kill them will show up and it ain't us it's the police trust me they know my sheriff knows okay that if they get a call this place they better show up every time around your local lawn four s it makes sure your buddies with the local office and the thing is so in that 11 minutes how much can you slow them down well okay yeah you make them have to get through two doors you make them have to get you find it you make them have to physically get in there and try to sew layers of security is to take away that we're gonna leave in this last part of the video always make sure that you have layers of security that's very very very important very I mean that's the big takeaway is I guess you know we we talked about just kind of some of the options and this is very brief this is not very detailed all this is like a little ocean boys literally a crash course 101 but you know options for gun storage don't leave you guns laying around the kitchen don't leave them stacked in the corner you know behind the dadgum china cabinet or don't put them in a shipper robe now you'd be surprised you'd be surprised how many people get their houses broke in two and dumb thieves walk right by guns that are sometimes in plain sight because I don't know their guns they don't know their guns or I mean like another option is like the tactical walls I mean oh man you know we forgot Tim yeah so like Tim matter over tactical walls you know they make a lot of cool stuff we've done videos on their options before and that's a great way that you can hide a gun in plain sight now it's not secured technically but it's hidden it's concealed in a place where your average person will have no idea that it's there so that's an option to some people may not have a ton of room for a big ol safe or or they may not have a lot of guns maybe they just want to get a sliding mirror to keep a shotgun a rifle a 22 and a few handguns BAM there you go and it's hidden and your average person will have no idea it's ever there if they do break in your house they're probably not gonna know that they're there so option sitter I can't believe we forgot about tactical walls Tim's gonna kill us he's gonna SiC Rob boss on us that's okay all right so options and then kind of organization we talked about like rifle rods the pistol racks and stuff and that that's just what I use and those are just things that I did want to experiment feel free to experiment a lot of guys are a lot of safes manufacturers they'll actually sell or some of the safes will actually come with them but they'll sell like the door panels so you can store handguns in them magazines they've got pouches in there my particular safe has a couple of pouches in the bottom for document storage and their foil line they're like a fire kind of a fire resistant pouch and that's where I keep all my like nfa documentation and stuff like that I keep my coin collection down there so that's just you know some fancy stuff that you can add you know it's crazy that a couple of cougar and coins and before you know it you're sitting on five thousand dollars worth of coins it doesn't take a lot I know sometimes the points can be valuable jewelry can be valuable and webisodes jewelry sentimental I'm Alec I've got you know my grandmother's original wedding rings and stuff like that you don't want walking off it's important to secure it bank documentation CDs I mean all that kind of stuff stays in there you know it stays protected under multiple layer we'll just deeds important document guys I mean y'all get the idea but uh let's see so the organization and then insurance yeah you know stuff like we pretty much hit on the most important talking points for securing your guns so hopefully this gives you guys a bit of an idea this is just our perspective this is something that we kind of developed over a large period of time and experience so don't be afraid to kind of find your own path but we want to kind of put this thought in your head because it's important we're getting on the holidays right now you know so many people get desperate and they want to steal from people and it's just a sad fact of life that thieves are out there people want to hurt you're out there you got to protect yourself your family your belongings it gives thieves and things like that so that's very important guys thanks for watching today's video we really appreciate it we hope you learned something if you did learn something and you really enjoyed this video again consider picking up a t-shirt maybe support us for the few bucks over on patreon purchase a man can any merch you buy in the store those funds go right back into supporting content like this and getting word out about things that we feel we're important thank you for supporting that and even if you're just a viewer thank you for watching and hopefully you'll share this video with your buddies have yourselves a great day many more videos on the way we'll see you next time see you guys you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 584,964
Rating: 4.8973589 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, firearms facts, gun storage, how to store guns, how to store your guns, firearms storage, gun safe, securit, secureit gun storage, secureit wall panels, liberty safes, gun safes, how to store firearms, storing guns, storing firearms, firearms insurance, liberty safe, secureit panels, liberty gun safes, liberty lincoln, man about racks, pistol racks for gun safes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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