Baldur's Gate 3: 100% Hit Rate Builds YOU NEED

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so are you tired of this in baldos get three you just miss and miss and miss every turn yeah maybe because yeah he chances five percent so today me spot the king came to rescue you and you will no longer Miss because today I will show you cool builds that will give you 100 hit chance and just like that you can do easily Critical Hits our Target is 18 AC and we got 100 chance to hit him at first I thought to make just one single build but we approaching 10K subs and I think potato needed to over deliver for that thank you all guys and let's go and coolest part about all builds today's they will feel completely different roles so you can make wall party with 100 hit chance and for first build we are making Warlock and basically we're starting with a warlock with great old one subclass and while yeah you kinda can't pick any you like I would recommend to stick with races that give you Proficiency in medium armor so it could be like shielded dwarf for medium armor it could be get Yankee and today I'm making gitianki yeah and no you're not like gitianki most of you but this works for this build and it's not set in stone therefore first Ken chips of course will begin Eldridge blast minor illusion to start the game nicely and they're getting armor for Gatos and he acts basically just to start the game background will be Soldier and this will be front Lane warlock so we will be in the front Lane that's why we need this little bit of strange and for our abilities we having this stand strange so we don't have this penalty when we're being shoved we get dexterity to 16 with plus two bonus Constitution 14 and we don't need intelligence some wisdom and Charisma 2 16 just like that let's go actually I designed this build because I see a lot of rent in the comments that there's only misses in baldos get free so maybe your friend decided to he don't want to play this game because he always misses and can't play then you can just basically share this video with him and show him this build so he can go explore this story maybe with you and have fun so as always main idea of my builds is to have a lot of fun and just after we started as warlock we're switching our class to wizard instantly with going into wizard class and because of that low intelligence minus one intelligence actually we can prepare only one spell at this level and we basically don't care about our spells too much all we need for this build is long Strider and shield just for now so as of spells pick whatever you like we don't care same goes for cantrips we already got eldish blast you can pick shocking grasp for millikenship just to play around like this but we need to go to level 3 so level three wizard and we need to pick our subclass actually game know where we're going and we want to pick this up duration wizard that's wizard who make it but action spells and just on Level 3 our build is kinda ready because we get this Arcane wart that's crazy I will show you in a second so just look at this unlovable stuff and yeah you can adjust your stats and you can get like eight of wisdom and 10 intelligence but just because we don't need any spells basically we can play like this that's totally fine we don't need a lot of prepared spells for this build so if you start your day with basically casting long Strider on yourself and on your eyes it doesn't use any as possible because it's real and you're going into the battle but just before the battle you need to use this armor of a Gators on yourself and cool part cool part so we get this Arcane wart when this Arcane Ward blocks damage equal to its charges and then loses one charge and our main idea is casting objuration spells will add charges equal to the level of the spell so that's our main idea armor forget us is obseration spells so that's like the coolest part of this build which basically casting the spell on ourselves entry getting this Arcane Ward and additional HP so what's cool you basically don't need to attack your enemies and to just wait while they attack you just like that says they won't attack you you look look most of the enemies will act like super crazy and stupid because they don't want to to lose their lives basically they understand and if they will attack you they will basically tie one way to go around it your enemies will use the opportunity attack and you basically need to run around near them and provoke these opportunity attacks and you will reflect this 5 damage every time they attack you and there is kinda 100 chance to reflect this damage so if they hit you they will just get this damage and coolest part you're not losing your HPS opening problem with Elmer if I get us it's not giving you a lot of HP but with this Arcane Ward you're not losing this HP most of the time so basically you can do whatever you like you can attack with normal attacks but most of the time you just stand still and look how your enemies die by themselves all they stand still like this so this is like our early game strategy but let's develop our build to the final form so I won't go too much into the detail but we can pick this Shield spell if we need to against stronger enemies and we need to miss the step on second level but when We Begin guitar key we don't need this Misty step most of this time because gitake will have this missed step when they level up so other spells almost not matter too much so pick whatever you like maybe you will like this hot person stuff and we're basically going into wizard 4 just to get this medium armor master and increase our Armor class so level 4 these two ways first one is you go into four levels into Wizards to get additional feet or you switch back to the Warlock and we will do this warlock Road right now so our spells we don't care we're not using our spells we're using only armor over Gatos and for our Eldridge invocations we want to pick agonizing blast to add Charisma modifier to damage of hour and get an eldish blast you basically can use it in melee in a Range if you need some range weapons and devil side so any magical Darkness won't make us blind level 5 and warlock level 3 gives an additional spells and we want to pick Mr step and yeah we got Mr step from our gitiankere so if you're not playing yutiyanki you definitely want to miss the step but if you're playing guitar you can pick whatever you like and basically will not care about our spells so I won't talk about them more so let's go and pick our Puck and today we begin Puck of the blade and making kinda hex blade Miller Range warlock so level 4 we're getting our feet and now we need to pick our feet finally we're picking Sentinel fit and that's for a reason you saw how many enemies will react to us they won't even attack so they will attack our allies and we need to protect this allies with our Sentinel feet so Sentinel feet will give us advantage on opportunity attacks we will use opportunity attacks when enemies try to attack out teammates and that basically increases our heat potential by a lot spell of choice could be held person we don't care too much and we get into the Warlock level 5 and we're getting this deep and Puck with extra attack will definitely taking this extra attack any spell and eldership invocation will be a repealing blast and now when enemy finally attacks us if attacks misses we get advantage against them for one turn so that's like crazy stuff again we get in more Advantage more chances to hit them and when you're picking spells try to pick obseration spells like protection from evil in good this will work level 7 warlock nothing special level 8 warlock with picking our feet and for our feet of choice if you pick to race get this armor proficiencies and definitely pick this medium armor master so you will add your dexterity to this stuff or you can go other Road and just go with a built Improvement into Charisma but I recommend picking one medium armor Master actually so now we won't get any useful stuff from our Warlock and to Infinity our wizard to get last feat and again there's different ways you can go about this stuff you can even forget about your dexterity to 16 you can add plus 2 into intelligence if you want if you dislike this medium armor master and you can get more Constitution get tough trade to get additional hit points and that will be like nice Peak too so most importantly is how you play this build so first of all get out all useless stuff from the panel you won't use this anyway we're starting with costing long Strider on ourselves we're starting with protection from evil and good why not because we can't level one spell slot and armor of a ghettos with warlock's per slot of level 4 just like that with cousin this and we're getting this 20 additional hit points and just like that we got 7 Arcane Wards we're making our packed weapon and let's go into the battle so while this build technically not giving you this advantage on your normal attacks your attack with Advantage when you use your feeds first of all and you 100 inflicting a lot of damage to your attackers so you kinda don't need even to attack them and just look at them he's threatening me and Himes I don't want to attack you just do something like that just move away and you can use your entropic wart so they will miss until get advantage on next to an audio don't react and Justin select damage to him we don't need to react he just died himself so idea of this warlocking party is to be annoying front Lane tank that stand nearby his allies in the front Lane too and if someone attacks them you just basically can react to the Sentinel so enemy tries to attack our friend we use our Sentinel and get this advantage on our attack and that's crazy stuff and yeah you're doing pretty nice damage too because you added your charisma to your attack rolls with your weapon so you're getting pretty nice chance to hit anyway but this guy can't are not attacking and you came here for 100 hit chance so this is it that's another guy in our party and as you can see we're building Paladin so my researchers will be elf especially with elf for higher movement speed and elf to get this proficiency with long bow yay you hurt me right so we begin with elf Paladin also of devotion background Soldier and we're getting this ability distribution we go in dexterity based Paladin We Stand into stench 16 dexterity 14 Constitution and now intelligence and wisdom 16 Charisma let's go this build starts really simple basically picking our Paladin holes of devotion and starting our play we picking our fighting style and we want to pick one of the two if we want higher defense you pick defense if you want a little bit more damage go with dueling it doesn't matter too much for our build right now for our special choice we go in with Shield of face cure wounds and whatever you like seeing Smite where everything will work and our level strip this action from oath of devotion it's sacred weapon and this will increase our eating chance and that's great additionally on level 4 of Paladin we get an additional fit and outfit of choice will be of course just ability Improvement and we add into our dexterity plasma toxicity increases our heat chance again and while we could skip to this level we actually want to hit Bowden level 5 and from Level 5 all we need is actually this magic web weapon just like that what what and how this build works on level 5. so basically you need your weapon that you are proficient with that will scale with your dexterity so for example just skimeter and the skimmeter will take this proficiency so you want to wear a shield in one hand skimmisher another hand you use your Shield of face at the start of the day and just like that your starting Armor class at this level will be 21. it's already hard to hit you but we're here to hit enemies second thing you want to do before the battle is to cast magic weapon If instead of armor 21 armor you need this higher hit chance and the reason why we picked Oaths of devotion for this build to get this sacred weapon ability this ability will turn your weapon into sacred weapon and it has higher chance of hitting enemy and this chance can be seen over here go into your character Tab and attack bonus you will see range attack ones and melee attack but so most importantly you can use the socket weapon on your bow just like that and even your ball will get this bonus and here magic weapon should be casted on this weapon too of course on our ball or if you prefer your skimmeter of course cast it on your skimmeter and just like that we get already plus 11 to our attack rolls this already means we basically can't miss enemies that got around 10 or lower AC so we get 100 hit chance and we got two arrows of course so we can attack two times same goes with the skimmature of course but that's still too low let's finish our build we don't need anything from our Paladin right now so we're switching to fighter instead and we begin fighting style and right now we begin fighting style archery this will add instantly plus 2 to our attack rolls from our bow and that's already crazy I guess you see where it's going so on our first turn we can use action search to add two actions and we will do four attacks instead of two and that's created again and fighter level 3 so level 8 Paladin what will become we become like crazy machines that can never miss we can use some nice Maneuvers from Battle Master like trip attack to make enemies prone even with our ball we can use disarming strike to make them lose their weapons but we will use this stuff Precision attack we spent in superiority dice to add it to our attack roll and that's like crazy stuff the end would definitely want this fighter level 4 just to get our feet and we begin ability Improvement dexterity to add to the maximum and that's our maximum heat chance just like that so fighter level 5 won't give us any additional features because this extra attack notes sucking with our extra attacks that we already have and we kinda got only three levels left what we can do with this so if you enjoy this bowl style you can go with water main cleric and this will give you ability to shoot with your bow as bonus action so basically you start your fight and then you use your Bono section to attack one more time and this may means you can do a lot of attacks in a single turn with this big strong ball that you never miss but there's another option where you could go you can go into Barbarian get this rage for extra damage on your attacks and on second level of Barbarian you will get this Reckless attack that will give you advantage on attack rolls in this turn so that's a nice future and on third level you will get this extra rage Futures so that's totally depend on your play Style and what you want to do with this dude and because I'm potato who over delivers always I will show you both so first one magic weapon and then we go in your socket weapon and let's wake up these dudes just like that we're getting plus 15 on just basic bow so since this is just basic bow and if you got ball plus two you already got plus 17 and if you got plus 17 this means you basically can't miss Target who got 18 AC because when you rolling one and the slowest you can roll you add plus 17 and this will become 18 and you basically hit them but even then even then if you're fighting for example right now even with basic both enemy who got 25 AC and it will build like almost super high cast you can get you can press on this Precision attack and add your Superior to die to your hits and just like that you can hit one time you can hit second time and then you can use action search to hit two more times and you need to use this position attack before every attack so yeah you will use all your spiritual dices on the first turn but look at these rolls so we rolled 17 we get plus one from Magic Weapon plus four proficiency plus two archery plus two Precision attack plus 3 second weapon plus five tick system modifier and basically if our enemy got less than 34 Armor class we will hit him just like you said and just like that look at our fight with uh speed potion turned on so basically we attack with that hundred percent chance to turn this door to attack 100 chance on this Dot and of course on this dude and one more attack over here and still we can use l action Surge and we got this 90 attack chance on this dude and yeah this dude is 18 AC I reminded it's like almost important to hit this target but if you want to increase it even more we got this Superior to die stuff our Target is 18 AC and we get 100 chance to hit him and we can use this disarming attack so he will lose his weapon and we can go and pick up his sword just whatever you like that's crazy and if you pick the Barbarian you first of all need to pick fighting style of dueling to increase your damage of Mill attacks then you can go on the third level into press Circle to get this frenzied strike because you got so high hit chance you can use this frenzied strike as bonus section and this will cause your hit chance to lower but you got it so high so you can definitely use this as your additional attack or you can pick wild magic and have fun in the late game so magic weapon sacred weapon and potion of speed let's do it and basically start your fight with the Rage of course OMG what's happening so we get this without magic and that's one takeaway when you play in Barbarian you will get minus one because you can't keep concentration on your magic weapon magic weapons gives you plus one damage and plus one to your other crawls but this requires concentration but still Barbarian is fun and this minus one in the late game it's like pretty okay you already got this nice bonuses and it works basically like this you go and attack and of course you're rolling first your Reckless attack to gain advantage and then you're hitting with advantage of 94 and just like that you can do easily critical hits for attacks in a row use action surge two more attacks in a row and that's basically I guess it is dying he is dying yeah of course we're using our divine Smite on this rails and that's crazy but still previous build in my opinion better with the bow and with the first version so if you like dual weapons you have to basically melee weapons of course then this build is for you it will be Gladiator built so why we're starting with a row okay our starting race doesn't matter at all pick whatever you like nice pick could be like any race I just pick human for coolness background does matter again as melee class Soldier is nice for athletics checks and for our abilities you can do something like this a slight of hand tells a little bit acrobatics perception at maximum deception just a little bit just like this so ability points will go 10 into strange 16 into decks 16 Constitution 14 wisdom and 10 in Charisma just like that we're ready to fight but why with this big guy and why I call him Gladiator because that's not yet typical Rogue we will go with dual build skimmers or any other weapons that you are proficient with and that will add your dexterity modifier to your damage basically so this should be versatile weapons and at first as human we're not proficient with schematers so we can go with shark sword and basically we're starting as rock we get in this action so we're trying to attack from the sneaky positions to get advantage on targets and have more chances to hit them and then unless we picked subclass we go in with assassin and assassin gives us Advantage another cross against targets who not taking a turn yet as high tech security guy we will have this nice ability to attack first most of the time and any successful attack against surprised creatures is critical hit that's nice and we're getting back our actions and Bono sections at the start of the combat and we're going to level 4 just to get our feet and in peace out X32 18 just like that and after that we're totally forgetting our role and we're switching into champion fight better fighting style of course will be a two weapon fighting so we can add our dexterity to our second attack next up we're getting more levels in Fighter for Action surge then we're getting more levels in fighter well we can pick Battle Master same as previous one to add a 10 to our the girls we picking Champions this time just to get this additional Critical Hits strikes improved Critical Hits until another cool race for this type of build could be orc have orkis increased critical strikes and you will do a lot of critical strikes with this build so on level 8 we can pick additional feet and we begin one more dexterity Improvement just right now and now we're picking Fighter for extra attack of course getting this extra attack is very important and that's why we're finishing with fighter level 6 fighter is only class that gets additional hit on level 6 so we can go and get our last fit it will be dual wielder and we will get additional plus one Armor class to our Armor class when we're getting to weapons in each hand so that's like cool cool stuff I mean one weapon in each hand and right now we can finish up our build so we can go with uncanny Dodge just basic stuff we can go with six Rogue basically if you want to that's nice finish of this build and uh like like five six Rogue will be nice but I got additional future because we're making Gladiator we picking Barbarian of course to get this rage action first of all and then we're picking Barbarian Level 2 to get this Reckless attack to gain advantage on our attack rolls until end of the turn and just like that our class build is ready so let me show you how to play this dude so because we picked fighter right now we are proficient with the skimmatures and I recommend turning this stuff off because when there's two weapons here you will always attack with two weapons just one two and second weapon will be your offhand attack so you will you will anyway lose this bonus section so always turn it off so as assassin you will ACT first most of the time and everyone who you're facing if they not meet a turn yet you will have advantage against them so basically what you want to do is to just turn your rage on just like that and get to the Target OMG yeah you will get additional attack of course but that's not most cool part of this build first of all of course try to get medium armor and you can get around 20 armor with plus 2 medium armor coolest parts that if you play like sneaky Rogue when you sneak up behind you will do double weapon attack and that's when you want to this be thought shot on and I will show you just in a second and then you will again your bonus action so you can start your fight with basically pressing rage and fighting like a reckless Gladiator so this rage will give you a lot of additional damage to your attacks but most importantly now you can use your Reckless attack as first action in a turn and all your attacks will have Advantage then so now we can basically attack with advantage and we can do these two attacks in one turn that's looking cool we can do one more attack and one more attack of course and then we can use our action surge to attack few more times with advantage and that's our Gladiator build just take weapons that you like that's cool to pick race with Proficiency in weapons that you like sometimes they like to pick like dwarves to attack with morning stars and other stuff like this that's really funny to see and that's how play style that's our build yeah by the way if you want to do jump higher shock higher throw more instead of 14 wisdom get 14 strange of course this victim is good for protection stuff like protection from wisdom savings shows and perception saving throw and perception skill checks from Rogue bahad strange is totally viable so how of this Reckless stealthy Gladiator looks like in a battle just like that look you start up with sneaky attack on him sneaky attack just like that and he did and as assassin's role could be getting back all our actions at the start of the fight so basically we get it back our Bono section and we can rage as I told you and if you got all our actions if you're asking why I got two actions because I drink speed potion and right now we can go go and do a reckless attack but we don't need to do reckless attack actually because we got advantage on this turn from our assassin feet and as you can see 14 AC enemy it's not too high but it's pretty reasonable we got 96 chance to hit so basically it's almost important impossible not to hit this dude just like that but all previous classes is a martial arts classes so basically you're attacking yourself weapons and other stuff what to do if you would like to play Wizards so I present you him he had my foreign sorcerer okay this dude will have 100 hit chance and do a lot of damage so when we're making this build we want some races Proficiency in medium armor again we want like as much armor as possible with this build so Dwarven race is nice basically Shield dwarf will work our class is sorceron Kian trips for early game just not to lose her yearly big shocking grasp Fireball range can trip Milliken trip some utility stuff for our spells we pick a magic Missile and shield our subclass will be draconic bloodline and we get this dark on Nicholas Islands nice early game start and I'll hit point maximum increases by 1 for each social level so it's nice we get an additional hit point our Dragon ancestor is a really important pick we picking Dragon ancestor white and our background to a we don't care just pick whatever you like same for skills pick whatever you like abilities we go zero to change 16 into dexterity 16 into Constitution 10 intelligence and wisdom and 14 in Charisma Charisma is our main primary ability to increase our spell casting capability but when we're getting this 100 chance to hit we don't need discoveries by actually that's why we're not picking a lot of Charisma which is built we instead focusing on our armor and hit points so let's go and I'll show you the build so for this build we basically can do two weights but just for we starting with 8 levels in sorcerer our spells not matter at all I will tell you only important ones mathemagic we can use twin spell we can use distant spell for now but later we won't use them level stream get Misty steps that's nice spell to have and quick and spell just in case you need to cast some spells with your Bono section so it is as sorcerer at these levels most of the time you will have this like six spell slots fourth spell source of first level to spell swords of second level and that means you can cost 6 magic muscles in one fight and that's pretty enough because that's like single spell that don't require you to use any type of attack roll or other seven throws for enemies this means like magic Missile hits 100 of the Giants no matter what you're doing but I will show you how to optimize this build to inflict a lot of damage with this simple but yet effective spell and we picked this white dragon to get this armor of a catches for cross so basically you can cast it before the fight at the start of the day and everyone who attacks you will be inflicted with scroll damage same as our first build so magic Missile if you are casted and upcast at every level will give additional missiles first level we'll do three missiles every missile doing one D4 plus one and you can separate them or shoot at one target at a time so do whatever you like basically if you're not satisfied with the result you can use your quick and spell and cast it as bonus action one time in the battle and just like that you cast it as a first turn to time spells it is second spell slot level and you can cast four more spells just like that it's pretty enough for playing this Wizard and level 3. you won't need more so let's go and level up and our first feat that we begin will be medium armor Master to get this plus one armor we playing Mage but but we don't want to die so that's why we need pretty high AC so just like that on Level 3 excuse me on level 4 if you find and basically you can buy it from the Trader's medium armor plus two you will get 17 AC from this and then you get plus 3 from dexterity and just like that you will be wizard with 20 AC at level 4. it will be impossible to kill your impossible to even inflict damage to you and that's crazy so we continue our social Journey against person don't matter you can pick some like protection stuff but one important spell on level 5. it's Haster customer it's like ocean of speed give you additional Action level 6 doesn't matter maybe you sometimes need protection from energy instead of Caster you can pick this level 7 we got level 4 spell speak whatever you like we don't care level 8 gets us additional fit again we don't care about spell speak whatever you like why we don't care about this I will tell you just in a second fit we can basically pick top feet and this will increase our hit points even more so right now we will have 82 hit points on level 8 and that's crazy it's like a lot of hit points so we can continue as the Sorcerer And basically finish at level 12 easily or we can go into observation Wizard and up generation wizard will be kinda the same as our saucer because also won't get too much fees from bonus levels so why better objection wizard I mean why to pick him and you need four levels in this wizard to get this protective part and when you cast your spells you will get this upcasted wart and it will be very strong so that's nice subclass or you can go into saucer to get more sorcery points I will show you just for fun this wizard finishing build so for spells as wizard just pick long Strider second level get this up duration subclass pick whatever spells you like third level pick whatever you like we don't care and last 12 level of our character with first level of wizard we picking our last feat and we can add plus 2 into Constitution to finish at 130 hit points another good fits can be a war Caster to keep our concentration better so we don't lose this hasta effect so pick whatever you like from these two options it gets our spells some kinships we don't care and let me show you how this dude looks in the late game what I don't like when I actually play in Wizard is like complexity of this part so when you're playing a wizard with high intelligence or even sorcerer you got just crazy amount of stuff over here that's just crazy how much stuff over here and with this build you basically don't need anything just throw away everything into trash and that's basically all we need so here is day start spells we're starting with armor of our gators and we upcast it from Level 6 just like that this will give us additional Arcane Ward charges that's crazy this will give us additional 30 hit points and we will reflect damage if someone will try to attack us and Netflix damage it it will be hard with our Armor class long Strider it's retail so always cast it on yourself onto your voice then we're starting to create our associate points from Level 4 spell slots just like that we're using all level 4 specials we don't need them and we're creating Source 3 points as much as possibly can and then let's analyze our magic Missile it's doing 6 to 15 damage from Level 1. nice but not enough actually 8 to 20 from Level 2. pretty reasonable and 10 to 25 from Level 3 while it can sound like it's not too much doing two or even three spells in one turn can result in 75 damage and that's really insane even in the late game just to look at us we are like most fat characters that possibly can be it's 160 hit points and we can be dead just in two turns with this type of wizard so that's why our main focus will be on Level 3 spell slots but that's not it that's not it first of all let's create this stuff so we got 20 sorcery points and when we create in our spell Slots of loyalty to require you five sourcing points and basically we can add four more spell Slots of this level and you can do it like this and this will give you a lot of spells with a lot of damage but in previous levels I actually recommend to make a lot of specials from Level 2 because creating space loss of second level require only three sorcery points and basically you can even sacrifice some level 3 spot slots get up to 30 sorcery points and make up to 15 Slots of second level so you can cost it 15 times this spell magic Missile and that's crazy that's more than enough in every battle more than you possibly will ever need because second level's password will do 20 damage if you cost it 15 times you possibly can do around 300 400 damage that's crazy so what we don't need with this build we don't need level 1 spell slots we can basically get rid of them easily we can get rid of one spell slot from Level 2 because we can use this Arcane recovery from Wizard to create one more space lot of level 2 and can get rid one more time from this spell slot and we can get rid from all Specialists from Level 1 or just get up to like six or three point six or three points will give us ability to cast we can spell two times so basically two turns in a row having at least two spell slots is of level 2 is nice just to get ability to cast hold person and miss the step for example at all two times missed this step and just like that our preparation is ready and let me show you how this will look in the Battle of course but most importantly cool future so I never actually mentioned gear in my videos because I think it's like very nice and very cool if you go and find gear by yourself I won't tell you exactly where and how you need to do to find this gear but when you're going from act 1 to act 2 you can go in the three different directions and items that you need for this build is actually only in one of this actions it's called under dark so make sure to go into under dark and find every Trader that you possibly can and you will find this item so this item called psychic spark and it's basically AMOLED this item shoots additional Dart whenever you cast magic Missile so this means when you casting it on level 1 it will inflict kind of same damage as level 2 spell on level 2 kind the same as level 3 so if you counted on Level 3 is Belk spells upcasted you can do totally like 15 Slots of level 2 and in total damage possible it's like best option so best option actually to just destroy all your spell slot so you possibly can and make only level 1 spell slots it will give you maximum total damage possible but you need to cast it like 30 times it's not like good idea that's why creating a lot of specials from second level or third level is nice idea and basically you just go around give enemies ability to hit you if possibly can they won't be happy to do it because they don't like to to attack someone and get bags is such a damage of cold damage and yeah while you're running around in this heavy armor you can go wherever you like you don't need to think about positioning with your match you just run around and while you play normal Mage you need to think like oh if I'm coming too nearby of my enemy possibly my Fireball will have disadvantage because I'm nearby I need to think where to stand not this time a magic Missile always hit 100 of the time if you have cut it to level 3 your magic Missile will fire 6 projectors just like that and it will inflict up to 30 damage and that's like crazy stuff and if upcasted with level 5 spell slot it will do up to 40 damage even two times it's all pretty much enough for many creatures if you are talking with 100 chance half the spell gives you a movement speed so you can go in the best position where you like then just go and custom magic Missile because now you get these two actions instead of one always up casted and to do some damage so we can basically go and split damage among these dudes just like that and Destroy them all if someone of them is not destroyed you can do it one more time just upcast it and attack it with one missile and all other misses go to this dude and if that's not enough and you want more missiles on this turn you can basically go and use a Smith magic we can spell for magic Missile one more time set of course to the best possible spell slot level and just shoot like this like mini minigun dwarf or magic minigun dwarf however you like so again while damage not looking inside crate actually look his HP right now is 95 we will accost it to level 5 cost all our projectiles and just like that his HP right now is 69. you probably could miss a lot of attacks on him and with this match you never lose these attacks on him and you can continue casting and up casting as much as you possibly need and yeah it was just one attack that was second so just into attacks he lost 50 HP and again you can use the quick and spell one more time do it one more time and that's great it's especially how much damage this match actually doing while this is not looking too great it's doing really nice damage I hope this builds will help you or your friends to never miss in bubbles Gate 3 and never miss cool videos that is on the skin right now subscribe and see you in the next videos guys
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 47,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YqkH6chH7ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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