D&D beginner plays BALDUR'S GATE 3 for the first time! | Ep.1 | Let's Play [PS5]

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hey yeah it's Whimsy and we're back today with a new game that I am so excited about Baldur's Gate 3. now I've been waiting for weeks to play this game I was waiting for the PS5 release and now today is the day we are going to play this game so my history with Baldur's Gate is none I've never played any Baldur's Gates and I love Dungeons and Dragons I just started though I am a beginner I'm a complete noob in DND we started my first campaign that I've ever been on we started four years ago and we're still on the same one so I've only been doing one campaign but I love DND I fell into that world completely fell in love with it and I had no idea actually that Baldur's Gate games where DND related I I absolutely have no idea and so when I learned that Baldur's Gate 3 was actually based on DND and with the lore and everything I was like wait what so now I'm super excited to play it again I just want to say I'm a complete Noob what I mean by that is I don't know much of the lore I don't know much of any history I don't know all the races I don't know all the classes because there's so many stuff like just basic game is fine everything else I'm just lost I love critical role I watch critical role as well but like it's it's just little things like that that I've learned along the way but I I don't know everything at all especially not the lore so if you're looking for a playthrough that really dives into the lore with knowledge that is not for you I'm going to discover the lore with this game if that makes sense all that I know basically is how to play [Music] we play the game I know how to play DND but apart from that it's going to be a big Discovery for me so I'm super super excited to play so if you're new welcome in my name is Whimsy I play a variety of games I usually like challenging games like from software but also story driven and RPGs are my big big bread and butter basically a couple of my favorite games I really love bloodborne Dark Souls 3 sikiro I love Hollow Knight Red Dead Redemption 2 God of War The Last of Us Tomb Raider yeah a lot of other games but you get the vibe right I will be recreating my DND character the reason why I'm doing this I actually was kind of unsure if I should do that or not I thought it would be fun to try something new but the reason why is that my character is a tiefling and I've always wanted to know because I know that tifflings are regarded as you know a lot of mistrust and and suspicions and especially because of their bloodline and history with demons people don't look up to them much so I really want to try to be a tiefling in this game and see how it impacts the game I want to see if I'm going to be treated you know like like scum you know like I'm really interested in in really feeling like a tiefling because when I play my campaign I play as you know as my character but I I don't really know you know how it is to be a tiefling in this world yet so I'm really excited to do that a bit more history on my character she's a tiefling like I mentioned she's from the um asmodeus bloodline she is a sorcerer wild magic so she has surges of wild Magic from time to time we have a bit of a home brew thing going on with my DM but every time we have a short or a long rest she might have nightmares and I need to roll to see if she does and if she does have a nightmare we need to roll in like 1 200 to see what happens with a wild magic search basically and it anything can happen it's so funny and sometimes it's actually really dangerous Hazard because I can basically kill or hurt the people around me as well it can happen or it can be something funny like I become bigger or whatever or I have like a third eye for like the rest of the time or whatever but um yeah so we have that thing going on apart from that she's an Outlander Bounty Hunter for the lore background that I made up she has a twin brother and when they were young her twin brother was actually really young that he found out that he has magic that he can do magic he was a sorcerer as well and she didn't know my character didn't know herself if she could do magic yet and when they were seven he got kidnapped by a group of Bandits and she never saw him again after that and then people were trying to you know take take her as well other other people from the Bandit group they were trying to take her and then we don't need to go into details but basically uh from that stress that she was under she had a magic Surge and killed the five people that were with her at that time and she just immediately killed them with the wild magic search so after that she knew that she was also a sorcerer which is a terrible way to find out but yeah anyway big big super edgy background with my tiefling so after that she decided to just she had no one right and she always wanted to find her brother again she really believes that he's still alive somewhere her twin brother so that's why she decided to become a bounty hunter because she is looking for him and she thinks that someday she will find the the banded group that took him right they must do like you do a crime once you'll do it again right so they must be doing crime still they must have a price on their head so she's hoping that she'll find them as a bounty hunter and maybe that'll lead her to her brother so basically that's her backstory it's not really necessary but since I'm going to recreate my character I thought that I could share with you guys a little bit I gotta put a picture of my character somewhere in the screen so that you guys can can see what she looks like yeah I think I think I pretty much said everything there was to say oh she likes to polish her horns and she also is very proficient with knots don't ask why and she does not trust others easily at all it takes a while she has a tendency to trust half horks a little bit easier but any other species she basically is like yep I don't care about you much unless you prove yourself that I can trust you and then once she wants she trusts she becomes super loyal and she can go to the end of the world with you and she'll be forever loyal so basically that's my character that I want to recreate in this game if it's possible because I know you can create tieflings in this game so I'm like okay can I actually make the skin blue you know can I have the same type of horn that I'm thinking for her like I really I'm I'm looking forward to see the customization for the character but yeah and her name is Lilith but this was before I swear this was way before Diablo 4 came out now everybody's gonna think that I called her Lilith because of Diablo 4. I thought I was so clever back then oh my God half demon whatever you know like demon blood oh and Lilith I thought it was so clever so stupid but uh yeah maybe we can change your name this time but yeah her name in my campaign is is Lilith so she looks nothing like the Diablo version though so we're going to go with a first look today in the game I'm going to probably customize the character I'm going to try to play a little bit I can't play for too long though so it's gonna be a challenge because character creation always takes me forever although since I'm recreating my DND character it might not take that long I don't know and if you guys like this video and if you want to see a series out of it then we could do that I could do a let's play of the game if it does not do that well on my channel that's fine I can always stream it over on Twitch or here on YouTube it will depend of you guys if you like this video or not let me know in the comments anyway if you want to see a series of it or not but uh yeah I think I've talked enough I'm just so excited so let's jump into it let's go [Music] all right I haven't even clicked yet this is like all new for me oh the little Zoom is uh creepy larion Studios let's go big ggs because I heard this game is like Contender for Game of the Year probably um we'll see we'll see but um I'm excited to see how much of DnD it actually is you know but I think it's fully optimized and similar or same as the DND Campaign which is what I understood anyway from what I saw so I'm so excited yes selling my soul please show nudity oh damn I would say yes major and sensitive subject matter you can moderate some of this content by toggling the option below this option among others can be changed anytime in the option menu I would say yes but I know YouTube is very picky with that and pressing no would actually save me a lot of editing and probably save me some advertisement as well so ah that sucks I am all for nudity usually okay I like this this looks beautiful Baldur's Gate three oh is it the um the underdark am I mistaken like I said guys I'm at the music I'm a total beginner so if I make mistakes in the lore and everything [Music] that's why so that's a party coming in is I think there's a Dragonborn and no maybe or dwarf or halfling I'm not sure but I think the lift is the Dragonborn awesome awesome awesome awesome I am so excited okay yes metric please carmick avoid failures streaks while keeping the results mostly random I'm [Music] also said a character after combat set which character with sector makes this okay uh oh yeah please adaptive triggers uh we'll see I don't always like that number of auto save Dynamic comeback camera fellow flying creatures online visibility all right so that's gameplay controller we'll see performance yes please that's fine and video doesn't have um there isn't like motion blur or anything like that yes please please subtitles that's fine all right [Music] all right [Music] show genitals I see private moments this means I multiply other Spirit cannot witness your private moments if you leave this option disabled you can totally okay enable to show sexual content during cinematics sexual content visibility does not affect your adventure or access to romance at options okay I think I'll hide it showing the genitals maybe not but cinematic nudity I I don't want to miss any scene and you know what I mean I like him like the sun is a bit low but we'll see I guess in game alright select your difficulty explore narrative experience placing story before combat balanced Adventure full of challenging choices and a tough campaign emphasizing strategic combat ants or tactician ah I'm a Noob so I'll go with balanced but oh I could have wanted to oh oh it's hard for me to not take the hardest mode oh is that a um mind flayer yeah it is definitely do you see all the nailed nailed people in front slades ew ew uh this species is get Yankee I think I'm really hoping I'm not mistaken on anything that I've said so far and I think they have history with the Mind flayer they give Yankee right if I remember to leave the lore I'll stop talking now I'm sorry I'm so excited that's why [Music] oh why ah Lord are you kidding dude [Music] please no ah why why enable tutorials yeah okay so we are in under the control of a mind player is what I'm understanding it starts like that who are you we're about to see you're about to find out uh yeah I want tutorials yeah yeah that's so cool okay okay okay okay you always felt like you had a greater calling but it has never born fruit everything changes when you awaken in prison on an alien ship perhaps your time has finally come origin review character what the hell asterian after 200 years serving a cruel Master the vampire spawned a Stern is finally free free to walk in the sun free to chase power free to take revenge play introduction I'm just so curious Hello darling don't be shy I promise not to bite until we've been formally introduced my name's astarian a story and I've spent a century stalking the night hunting for pretty morsels just like you called Cazador made me what I am kept me like a pet forced me to do his bidding no more I see a tapel's influence broke his dominance over me and now I can finally pursue the one thing I've hungered for these long the thing that we got in our eye right Revenge I'm going back to Baldur's Gate to track kazador down in his lair fair enough I'll be the last thing the bastard ever sees his voice is um I think it's the same voice actor that does in um oh my God what's his name in uh in Detroit become human uh the Creator I forget his name right now but it is the same voice actor right or it's not it's not even voice actor I actor because I think this is Mo capped if I'm not mistaken hi elf review character okay so hairs of mythical Fey wild the High Elves value magic in all its forms and even those who do not study spellcraft can manipulate the weave Rogue with stealth scaling on Candy reflexes rogue's versatility lets them get the upper hand in almost any situation I would love to play a rogue in a future campaign to be honest strain decks yeah sneak attack oh he's a rogue uh there we go we have all the proficiencies we have all the skills I am loving this already kick custom Lazelle was raised ready for a life amongst the Stars mercilessly Conquering the cosmos as a Yankee Soldier yeah we saw her in the introduction I think it was her she looks amazing grounded she must deal with the world she doesn't understand and find a way to serve her people in a plane that despises her militant kin yep [Music] with a ruthlessness born from mind Fleer enslavement gitiakira diastral C atop Red Dragons bringing their silver swords and psionic might to Bear against any choice of the elated Menace yes and she's a fighter Master the arch of combat wielding weapons and unmatched skill wearing armor like a second skin play introduction I was born in the in the quality space I have known but one purpose to wield a silver sword and ride a red dragon in service of my Regent the gift Yankee Queen blocketh heart is to slay a mind flayer and bring its head to my Queen there is no I know you're stuck with one cough and no barrier I will not shatter to see it done I am the one who summed us I am the undying Queen's most unshakable Warrior I am Lazelle of khalir lazil [Music] awesome next Gail Gail's Wizarding prowess once earned him the love of mystra the goddess of magic until his ambition led him to the brink of catastrophe he is a wizard human most common phase in feron humans are known for their tenacity creativity and endless capacity for girl okay so this is in fate it's Ferron I'm not sure um but it's set in here I guess oh that's awesome okay uh Wizards Master the Arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic combining ancient spells with modern research yes okay let's see about you my boy well Matt stranger find yourself in the presence of the renowned Wizarding Prodigy Gale of watery please no need to be intimidated my virtuosic talents once caught the eye of the goddess of magic herself mystra who named me her chosen and her lover s to a slight miscalculation on my part that relationship eventually soured did the greatest of my Powers ah okay now I'm merely a humble wizard on The Road to Redemption less I can find the path to something greater that's suspicious a little bit I would say very cool shadow hard I heard about this I think she's a fan favorite right I heard about this um her and asterian I think I've seen around oh my God there's many okay oh she's cute shadow heart willingly undertook a ritual to remove her memories in order to protect the secrets of her fellow shark worshipers loss and pain are secret to her but her fate is now being tested like never before High half health a touch of the Fey wild remains in half helps with the bloodline [Music] on trading magic possess a hint of wild Power cleric oh that's nice representative of The Godly worship building potent potent Divine magic for good or ill as the greater deity of Darkness Char is feared for her power over the night secrets and loss she is locked in Eternal conflict with her twin sister's Saloon goddess of the moon blessing of the trickster she can probably heal us as well I guess [Music] of course she has a skill in religion introduce yourself darling my name is Shadow heart loyal servant of Shah goddess of darkness and loss there is a little more I can tell you than that my lady Shah tasked me with a mission of such secrecy that I surrendered great swathes of my memory in order to safeguard the knowledge of it is that I must bring the artifact I hold to pull this gate oh and that nothing can stand in my way my goddess is watching we don't actually know if it's a good intent or not she doesn't even know because she doesn't remember oh I like that will known as the blade of Frontiers will uses his magic to fail the monsters and Devils menacing the sword Coast in a moment of desperation he accepted an offer of greater power forcing him into an infernal game he is struggling to play oh his eyes oh oh okay human the most common phase in yeah yeah human yeah that's fine we know what that is he's a warlock okay an all-powerful Patron warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities in unique Magic [Music] animal handling [Music] let's hear about you seven years ago I was exiled from Boulder's Gate the city I call okay he's from there all right my name is will but the people of the sword Coast call me the blade of Frontiers champion of the meek defender of the ascent the truth isn't quite so simple but they're right about one thing I hunt monsters and I always catch my prey my latest Target is a devil and I'm right on her tail once I'm through with her she's not gonna like give me the fires of the first ever as a tiefling is not gonna like me oh no okay oh we got another deepling hello Carla has to skipped 10 years of service in the hills with nothing but the ax on her back in the infernal engine blazing fiercely where her heart Used To Be A Serial tiefling you're sleeping empowered with Marshall strained and can Channel seeming flame to punish their enemies Barbarian ah with the tail and everything let's [ __ ] go dude Athletics of course tamaturgy of course oh hell yeah hell yeah I'm so excited okay let's hear about you darling oh oh you look so cool [Music] 10 years ago I was sold to the Archdale Rosario she put a Hellfire engine in my chest and made me her prize Soldier why I Escape now thank you mind players and I've got a few scores to settle if this engine doesn't burn me to Ash first I'll need people I can trust an infernal mechanic amount of luck but you know what I'm not worried after 10 years in the hells I can take on anything I've got my chance at freedom and believe me I'm going home thank you all right the dark urge you remember nothing but a pet paved with blood unimaginable cruelty Whispers to you from within Can You Escape it would you even want to your appearance in class can be fully customized so that's us or what maybe nothing but a Peppa Pig with blood on miserable cruelty was pursued from within kidneys keep it would you whoa [Music] I guess it is us Whispers to me kill kill and kill again my ruined body yearns to reap death in this world and when this vowel urged calls it with my whole being injured Beyond repair I know nothing besides this I must resist the dark urge lest it consume my mind I must discover who I was and what happened to me before my twitching knife hand writes a tragedy and plot damn the acting is so good okay so I can customize this character right because it's us I I guess yeah buddy type one oh my goodness gracious you look non-binary other male female randomize but you type three four way where [Music] it's like taller I guess [Music] oh look amazing um okay race draw human geek Yankee dwarf halfling no wow half orc you can be a fork T fling there we go elf T fling okay [Music] yeah nine meters dark vision hellish resistance same same same everything is the same that's so cool half Work is cool too though okay let me uh let me get back to my um [Music] and now I can decide I mean she's more on the smaller side in my mind [Music] but that looks pretty good too oh I'm not ready I okay sub race as well do you I can't be a smartiest are you kidding bantiness is the deepest layer of the hills these deep links invade the ability to will fire on Darkness from the ark are you devil asthma this yeah and you have oh you have a Mephisto oh that's pretty cool and cereal yes what is there we go produce flame yep yep shed light trying to play really after you conjure it does not cost an action yep yep yep yep yep okay very cool class let's see what we got Barbarian Bard cleric Druid fighter monk which is very cool Paladin Ranger which is really cool oh hell yeah Rogue sorcerer there we go that's me Warlock and wizard amazing let me see the what they do as a monk oh hell yeah so cool sorcerer so we get bone chill right off the bat prevent the target from yielding until your next turn yep we get acid Splash okay true strike nice light chromatic orb early sphere that deals Thunder damage and magic Missile don't we have a fireball we get a lot of canned trips that's pretty cool and two spells inspect [Music] awesome you really have all the information saving throw Target rolls against the Atticus difficulty class if the role is equal to or higher than the difficulty class the target resists the effects of the attack yep [Music] I'm so excited Constitution saving through proficiency a proficiency bonus is added to Ability checks and saving throws against skill you are proficient in making them more likely to succeed it is also added to attack roles when attacking with weapon you are proficient with increasing your chance to hit yep and charisma dagger Quarter Staff okay and light crossbow all right hell yeah so far so good oh you can select your cantrips for real [Music] Firebolt of course let me put it at the end here maybe can I no I can't okay [Music] um okay let me see we have blade Ward as a splash Mage hand uh poison spray true strike friends creature pretty cool minor illusion I have in my campaign as well create illusion at Camp Hill nearby creatures to investigate you can remain hidden shock and grasp Ray of frost light Firebolt uh and Bone chill I made a point to not use necrotic spells in my campaign but [Music] kind of interesting though um I'll take two strike friends and minor illusion I think I mean major hand is pretty cool too [Music] maybe instead of true strike [Music] I'm sorry uh [Music] take only half the damage for blood Sonic piercing and slashing attacks I didn't know about that that's pretty interesting though foreign [Music] I think that could be good let's use that and for the Spells I have burning hands in my campaign um charm person chromatic orb colors prey disguise self expeditious retreat Mage Armor I have to [Music] this for now and hence sleep 12 creatures jumping distance ice knife fog Cloud feather fall false life magic Missile array of sickness Shield sleep Thunder Wave and which bolt don't have a lot of things to attack I have two pretty cool they're all good that's the thing I liked under wave a lot this is hard yeah I'll take Thunder Wave ah subclass wild magic tides of chaos let's go I can really do my character are you kidding while magic stands from the forces of chaos it turns within yep waiting to Bears free activate to gain advantage on your next attack roll ability check or saving throw increased chainsaw ball magic surge afterwards yep every time I every time I do tides of chaos and every time I sleep short or long rest uh in my in our campaign I have a chance of having a search and you have Dragonic and storm okay okay but yeah no wild while magic please background acolytes child and criminal Entertainer full hero God Artisan Noble Outlet that's awesome urchin oh Lord okay grew up in the Wilds learning to survive far from Comfort of civilization surviving unusual hazards of the Wild Wheel and hence your prowess and understanding Athletics survival plus two survival yep abilities oh you can choose okay okay um [Music] should I should I pick up my uh what's the recommended [Music] uh I take it Charisma and Dex from me um kind of want to go pick up the uh my character sheet and see let me let me do that just a sec all right I actually have it here all right let me see so I technically have ten of strains so should I take I'll take everything off that I can um Dex 12. [Music] with a plus one um Constitution 13 intelligence 14 uh wisdom 11. uh and charisma 16. that's my character that I rolled obviously I didn't make those choices I literally just rolled and it gave that I don't know if it's going to be more difficult or not uh based on based on um like what they recommended versus what I just did I guess we'll see but that's my character so I kind of want to try and see what is difficult actually right and I feel like I'm gonna play better in my campaign knowing that my bonuses plus two uh Charisma is fine and I have a plus twin intelligence plus one in Constitution and plus one in decks as well but I don't know hell that's possible it's clearly not possible here maybe I could do Constitution I have a plus twin intelligence too so maybe I should do intelligence I don't know I'll be so squishy though I'll be so squishy that's the thing I mean technically I think that's ah tab no no no no no no I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that Lilith I don't know if I'm actually gonna color that I guess I guess we'll see um [Music] hey stamina and physical endurance affects your hit point maximum [Music] how much damage party members can take before being down [Music] improve spell casting for wizards yeah affects your homework [Music] my dicks my decks dude [Music] I'm supposed to be 12. so I'm gonna I'm gonna yeah maybe less wisdom maybe more like this my AC being to all this I mean that's how it is though that's yeah that's me good Lord okay after that skills ah then maybe what do I have I have plus one in acrobatics yeah that's fine or canopy wait what if you're proficient in a skill you add a bonus those skill checks makes you more likely to succeed yeah I have zero in animal handling actually wow I yeah it's the same okay let me see acrobatics plus one that's fine I have plus two in our Canada that's fine uh okay inside I have a plus two and intimidation plus five [Music] um and persuasion I would I would have more technically but huh [Music] I'm gonna take persuasion usually I would have plus seven actually on that and also survival uh survival plus two is fine okay too bad that I can't have intimidation be a bully threaten and induce fear uh persuasion I'll choose persuasion that's fine detect lies yeah it's so stupid it's you know it's not optimized but it's because I didn't choose that for my campaign right it's things that you roll so you don't really know some of them some of them comes with I think the class and everything but some of them you know you don't you don't choose so like having Insight does not really make sense I guess but it would be better to have deception or like um Arcana Arcana Arcana I don't even know how to pronounce but but persuasion is good though okay friends can randomize oh they were shaved down the horns [Music] oh okay wow the hair body type okay that's the one we saw before hmm be wary it's opened I wonder what's back there there's magic keeping this chest sealed let's hope the locals health something just woke up down here I like that I like it that voice I think it's opened I wonder what's back there yeah skin color [Music] um she is blue normally oh goodness [Music] my character is the blue [Music] um yeah Vitiligo that's so cool thank goodness oh eye color here we go oh I like that that looks amazing what do you mean demonic Blue Dude tattoo style now I have a lot of tattoos um a lot of them because that's where I take my magic oh there's so many oh hell yeah that's that's exactly like perfect lip tint I think she has black yeah of course of course she does why am I surprised so maybe like this I would say scarring yes she does so many cool ones hairstyle okay wait can I go to hair color first because like just just saying it black neutral it does not look black to me but okay um highlights ah is that why [Music] okay graying no hey no way [Music] wow you can really uh okay I'll see you can really go deep into that customization that's crazy porn style oh are you kidding me I can literally make my wow I think these are actually more accurate maybe I'm not sure um [Music] that's too cool are you kidding shaved off I'm in awe right now yeah these These are yep corn color um I don't know I need to change the hair as well wait a minute hairstyle oh it's a really good hairstyle though I'm not gonna lie I really like it [Music] but it doesn't fit with my horns [Music] what the hell oh looking so good that ain't bad okay kind of edgy they're all good don't get me wrong but um I'm trying to find really the vibe for my tiefling you know what I mean one eternity later all right guys I think we are pretty much done um I tried to recreate as much as possible obviously it's not exactly the same as my character but I think she looks pretty cool um we're more in the blue theme we got some tattoos we got a scar or two you know the horns and a complicated knot because she is a little bit sophisticated you know she has some Charisma and persuasion going on um so yeah I think I think we're gonna go with that so she is just just so we can uh recap she is a tiefling asmodeus bloodline uh sorcerer um we are wild magic Outlander it doesn't say but she's a bounty hunter um we have intentions and Charisma bonus points and yeah I guess I guess that's it guys I guess we're good to go review character uh that's all good next choose Guardian okay oh my goodness and I need to I I can I can customize as well oh boy oh a half orc would be uh pretty cool actually oh hell yeah a half Fork is a gordian I'm I'm all for it all right I think we're ready to venture forth I spent less time on this one but I think she looks pretty cool too I didn't know we had to do two characters we won't have much time to play guys I swear oh my goodness let's go ah I'm so excited so we got a tadpole right the little white worm [Music] [Music] uh-huh okay taking over oh humans Oh Lord You're not ready yep oh boy ah another Williams cream wow so easy just like that I need to touch them like that what is that portal oh did Yankees on dragons of course let's go either maybe they're coming to save uh laser like I'm not good with names [Music] so cool to Oh waking up [Music] [Music] that worked ah they look so good what the hell they look amazing Ah that's us right for sure she gonna help her she's not gonna cure foreign initiated I wonder if that's how it's gonna work I'm sure it is like everything is DND all through like oh okay L2 is me I guess ah isami I look amazing like straight up oh my head oh foreign oh hell yeah oh my Lord oh I'm sorry all right oh hell yeah this is amazing views might still be stuck inside if we haven't been attacked where the hell are we oh [Music] what if I um goodness not getting back in that thing my favorite part oh wow all right okay this is the pool that thing came from the parasite narrator narrator oh investigation reach toward invest investigate add bonus of intelligence sure uh oh no no no no no no you know what I'm sorry I I actually didn't want to do that well whatever okay let's do it foreign the slightest touch could cause it to crumble okay so can I disadvantage Target is too close oh makes sense nice oh loot amethyst shirt good I'm shocked right now guys I'm shocked I this is amazing what is that restoration I feel better okay that's nice dear you it's called like that okay you can move to like that part of lies before me [Music] interesting I can hear oh okay I I had no idea this was an elevator oh sir we are trapped those are brains oh hell no yes yes come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers in expectation please return who am I talking to a man or a brain I think you're past the point of saying to me what to do you sound afraid of why should I role play I love to do voice acting like just for fun but it's cringe Fest I'm telling you guys okay you sound afraid why do you have to be I'm so many enemies okay who am I talking to a man or a brain a newborn bunny from this husk you realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer a minion of the Mind flayers who abducted you uh um destroy ew oh loot there's nothing to take can I destroy those yes oh um curious [Music] yep we're gonna destroy those as well let me just um am I oh acid damage yeah okay I'm so sorry I had not realized okay I have healing nice we're kidding everything and I can use my can trips um I think any time I want for a burning hands though I can only use a couple of them until I think until it until I long rest if I remember correctly or are they coming back [Music] yep breaking everything there we go let me just do [Music] and can I okay okay I'm so sorry I'm trying things out you know I see I see I didn't see where my health was but um I saw that I was getting acid damage and I wanted to know like how how much can I withstand not that much where is my held though I need to look properly oh oh we're restarting oops I'm so sorry guys you know I'm just trying things out it is how it is so was it was it the seven better I see seven here I I'm trying to understand right now I can only imagine for someone that has never played DND like oh I didn't loot the um the Mind flayer I'm sorry [Music] I could see dead good wait what [Music] [Music] [Music] interesting we can really look around [Music] onyx [Music] okay hmm [Music] Rune slate a feeling penetrates your mind well like ourselves unconnected from the whole caution I can sit yeah I'm tired a schematic of a multilo it flashes into your mind sinews living being a ship breaking everything on my path ignition all right I'm breaking everything doesn't do anything can't do that right now okay I do not want those to ever get out of here so yeah I'm breaking everything oh lord they're they're everywhere all right one last oh come on there we go okay let's go back down oh I see it's to call back the elevator probably mind flayer Horticulture uh-huh electric tablet he is of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes okay so yeah I think my AC is the seven that I see there like seven hits basically is what I understand so far but I might be wrong all right here we are I don't think I can print but we'll see oh that's it she's so cool abomination this is excuse me and your skin Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes oh [Music] what is this foreign who are you we need to figure out where we are what do you suggest who are you who am I your only chance of survival what made you think I was a troll we carry mindfully of parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be gay mind flayers we are turning into mind flayers there must be something we can do we can do nothing until we escape that must be our priority first we exterminate the imps then we find the helm and take control of the ship once we reach the material plane all right role initiative [Music] oh they look cool initiative five it's my turn it's our turn okay that's amazing by the way I'm thinking of context menu what is that okay actions yeah so ranged attack astral knowledge Second Wind okay that's that's not me right wait it is oh disengages there nice hi Dash improvised melee weapons shove throw so it's okay it is lizel's turn first and I choose for her what she's gonna do which is insane um I would say [Music] um she is closer to this one you can do a main hand attack I think hummus strike yeah I mean nothing okay yeah we're fine Miss are you serious right now [Music] um um [Music] let's try this Pummel strike Newt sure there's nothing and it's still her turn no okay I need to switch aha a Fireballs on you that is not a lot um that is really not a lot [Music] and I can move I could path flies before me [Music] um I can't do another action yeah we're pretty much uh what lies within oh Lord okay I see intern for adult moment let's see what they do nice okay okay they missed that's cool uh lacerate let's try that [Music] it's dead awesome um [Music] main hand no we can't maybe I can shove yeah athletic successful and then we can move away so when when it's their turn still breathing when it's his turn it's gonna be harder for it to reach us and take more of their um gouge yellow gouge in the bottom I'm guessing I'm guessing [Music] minor illusion not enough space you can do that so now it's it's concentrating on the cat it's gonna be like that until I attack it I think have them ready so if I move here and the turn uh I thought he would stay longer on the on the cat investigation failed they're a little bit stupid uh let me see I could do a main hand attack because it's not looking right Ah that's so cool to the hell they do not explain anything kitty cat you're so cute follow us can I actually like controlled again [Music] level one Beast [Music] I can only imagine for someone that has never played I keep saying that but like oh my goodness I I play DND and I'm I'm like okay you know learning it's not that easy oh we're gonna get our health back okay cool we won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late let's go taking everything saving all right can make no sense of it uh-huh medium toughness oh yeah we have no time for stragglers I might open the lid there's no time to get out of here [Music] I'll go look around they must do some kind of way to get this thing open sorcery or or Canada there's magic at work here did my mankind let's do that oh that's it difficulty class seven okay that's not too bad we should be okay oh plus two there we go fragrance you feel them drawing energy from the console near to the Pod are you satisfied we need to go [Music] this thing's magically linked to that console let me see what I can do [Music] captive okay uh what about this dude [Music] it's just days flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings they're just busks they're waiting to to become pickup I'm not sure yet oh Lord have mercy what is that it's all appears dormant inscribe the device with the glyphs you send from the pulse boarding runes yes [Music] take a closer look at the powered up console 10 okay oh hell yeah thank you Game success sing glow and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine will open the nearby pod place your hand on the console sure [Music] sensation washes over you connection Authority it's working will the bud open oh it's just a dew easy too fast you can feel the biomechanical brain the console process your command and yield to it shiver runs across your mind sated oh okay and it works hello Shadow heart At Last I thought I was done for Shadow heart oh the graphics are so beautiful thank you your mind lurches the weariness because you have a gift with you you keep dangerous company uh-huh dangerous companies with you in the fire got a problem with Yankee did you feel that just now we're in each other's heads dangerous company is what you need in a fight fair point looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way all right then let's get going on Lilith did you feel that well Phil just now know you're on your own did you feel what I felt just before we were in each other's heads I did it must be because parasites they put in US yeah and things have to wait are we going to help each other or not of course all right then let's get going I'm Lilith one moment oh yeah the artifact that she needs to bring to Baldur's Gate what's that it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on um but first things first what are those sigil oh she she well [ __ ] okay so you're [Music] a high elf High half Health cleric can you charm disguise um protect your okay wait wait wait you know what you're gonna do that for me Shield of faith healing yeah she can heal that's amazing let's think of the trickster fire oh she has Fireball two guidance resistance oh she has amazing amazing amazing things um on you um [Music] the next attack rule against the circuit has advantage the next attack rule against the circuit has Advantage okay that is interrupted no mercy okay they're really easy to to kill can I do no I can't do anything else it's dry for you oh you break easy [Music] sonai I'm a little bit more protected unleash okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that [Music] [Music] can't read this script really hmm okay so we have on leash at least also we have this here pick that up images appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness [Music] key needs a key eh let's loot those I'm just taking everything to be honest so I think backpack I didn't see that before [Music] burnish necklace where oh here okay so is that like tools uh on like tips on or something I guess we'll go here because the objective seems to be that way the other way I mean aha just a second also can I wait a damn minutes where are you going oh that that took too long okay let's open this it's very nice I ooh map is for your surroundings you can view quest locations and place custom markers you can also teleport to waypoints very nice so this one I feel like yeah that's the objective so I'm I'm feeling like I should I shouldn't go there yet [Music] um and explore before how many hosts of these gay infected the woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you okay I hear something voices [Music] huh okay you a dead thrall let's not unlock those controls next to the pod what is that [Music] another break okay place your hand on the console as you place your hand on [Music] the pumpkin to the pond commanding the person inside to change it's gonna become an enemy for sure a crawl oh I'm sorry oh boy oh boy oh boy change to the pull of a lever how if we are not purified this may be Our Fate it's already finished you're can I talk to you for real oh dead okay can we please [Music] well well it's gonna attack us later okay it's gonna come back can I [Music] mean it's too fast wait but I'm curious I want to try to kill it though oh it looks amazing I swear you can do it [Music] that worked oh commands battle hell yeah [Music] that did not do anything all right well whatever we killed the uh another brain I'm sorry guys I'm I'm investigating literally everything and anything and everything you know [Music] okay well I don't really need it but whatever we are nearing the hell once inside do as I say who put you in charge right I'll Trust my end yeah who puts you in charge though that's true pain yank and we can talk still not now we must go to the helm not to ask questions why the hell control over the ship or do you wish to die here what about you something the matter besides the obvious that is Shadow heart unusual name pondering my name won't get us off this [ __ ] let's Stow the small talk until we're safe shall we any suggestions for how to proceed well jumping overboard is hardly an option so that leaves us with taking control of this ship provided we can figure out how to do that of course let's keep going right behind you it's cool that you can talk to them like and ask their opinions and stuff you know I love that oh there's an enemy right at the entrance whoa oh no no no no those are Wing tifflings now the ants are helping drool connect the nerves of the transponder we must escape now do it we will deal with the cake after we escape on Commander Zog little needs 18 to hit they rolled four choose how to react [Music] damn we must take the transponder and you're the devil uh uh 15 turns remaining we used to transponder before the nautiloid crashes we can definitely I think we can definitely uh [Music] kill this one Pummel strike this is your end [ __ ] main hand good all right um [Music] mind flayer okay Shadow Hearts I think it's your turn let's finish this uh is it not it's not her turn blood comes easy these days all right [Music] um for you friends is it hostile right now I guess it is Thunder Wave I could try that oh did I just throw Shadow heart like [Music] I am so sorry oh my God that was a bad idea oh no [Music] time to strike I didn't think she would uh and there was a magic surge [Music] oh goodness um heal uh yeah yourself [Music] charm this dude no it's not gonna work must be humanoid uh-huh interesting okay um [Music] I think it's dazed right now this one [Music] uh-huh God damn ow oh it didn't work hi defense [Music] can't reach come on can't stay idle [Music] time to press ahead okay we're fine your terrible um so let me see what I can do against you [Music] not Flames I don't think it works against them they must be immune foreign [Music] hell yeah let's move up [Music] [Music] there we go you wear days what do you mean let let them just kill each other we don't care right [Music] uh [Music] lazarene this is your end there we go very good [Music] nothing important is ever easy maybe not the best time all right we'll reach we'll reach eventually [Music] teen crimes hurry before they strike [Music] loot what is that I don't even I don't know [Music] all right [Music] come on bro well so much for peace not enough movement are you serious can't slow down [Music] okay you will get some beautify a creature that's good structure there we go amazing uh let's move up here [Music] why me huh oh my gosh [Music] pick that up I don't know what it is but pick it up no time to waste maybe I can uh armstring shot [Music] that worked amazing [Music] anything of use nothing at all for you let me try a [Music] is it resistant to Flame too no no great [Music] nothing to see what is that no I'm trying okay interesting to know stand move up to keep going move up [Music] to find a way for what oh [Music] they are hard to kill okay okay that was not too bad the hell not right in transponder you've made it in time we could have seen if we could have killed the Mind player Maybe [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness are you okay hold on Athletics can you switch point of views no [Music] remember [Music] hold R1 and combat to enter tactical view to leave this hole or two up so many things to learn and the game doesn't say anything like this I guess was like the tutorial and I have I have tutorial on I'm pretty sure but like thank God I know how to play DND because uh it's uh yeah it's very interesting I like I like the lack of hand holding but also I can only imagine for someone that that has never played DND how weird everything is like how complicated it seems when it's not really but um well it is but uh you know oh a different thing [Music] I need to stop playing guys I need to stop playing but this is so much fun as a first look into the game I am excited I hope Shadow heart is okay [Music] I don't have feather fall [Music] [Applause] Someone Save Me oh [Music] who saved me oh where are my where is my party as you wake the tadpoles squirms in your skull ugh check yourself for injuries other than the infection you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cue thank you DM find a cure I'm alone again open journal to learn more fast travel foreign here short rest go to Camp long rest combat log Journal spellable character sheet oh yeah my canopy Supply sack of course keychain potion of healing nice to know nice to know Scimitar quarter stuff only clothes right now I have these okay it's under oh you can equip that okay I see I see I see I see yeah a cloak wow underwear [Music] we could use the Scimitar maybe short sword not proficient with Marshall weapons or scimitars not version okay or short sword I'm not proficient in it so it's not really useful for me proficiency party View amazing statistics okay wow I'm sorry I Journal escape the hills of nutelloid find a cure inspiration oh she's an acolyte okay yeah spent your life in service to a templating sacred rights and providing sacrifices to the gods okay makes sense training a battlefield yeah Soldier dialogue okay you have all your nice uh tutorials okay there they are I guess open game menu 's reactions character gets better reaction once per round in turn based or combat mode to respond to another action for example if a character flees from melee combat you could spend a reaction to take an opportunity attack you can manage which reaction trigger automatically which paused the game to let you choose and which are ignored in the reactions menu awesome jump some spells and features allow strange and wonderful creatures to be summoned they will follow their summon around the world they can be commanded to act separately summons cannot pick up items to start dials or disappear and disappear when their Master dies or dismisses them the weaves if you go friend some magic has unexpected consequences while magic Sorcerers and barbarians can trigger in random magical effect when the gas pills or rage be careful that these effects could be deadly or ridiculous I feel like I heard I heard Shadow heart either by the the Thunder Wave I did or by my magic search because I had a magic surge when I did it the other way so I'm not sure switch focus camera control yeah that that I got okay it's not that big of a a tutorial but you know what I'm good with that okay wait uh Reactions where were they I guess it was here reactions opportunity attack automatically I think is good ask for confirmation will not trigger okay ask for a confirmation yeah all right I could do a I I mean I could do a short rest but I guess I don't need to [Applause] I still have all my stuff action one value section one movement nine skill slot we can still use two of them because I didn't use any revive a companion he also remove burning surely sampled at a Target and possibly pull in nearby in objects and creatures I can show if I can dip a weapon into a surface filter the surface or enhance the weapon if you are dual wielding you dip both weapons so could I dip like a sword in in lava for example or something like that like I guess I could I really I need to I need to go there's something oh that's Shadow heart oh the tentacles I didn't see before wake her reach for the artifacts I'm gonna wake her you're alive I'm alive how is this possible it's thanks to you doesn't matter we made it true seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses strain about I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing what happened to our get friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us we should look for her she might be endured or Worse you're more concerned for her than she is for you clearly we need to take care of ourselves she could be unconscious like you were we need supplies shelter and most of all healer you're a Healer you might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads true you're here but not that yeah [Music] do you have any idea where we are no I don't recognize this place but anything's an improvement on where we just came from you want to stay together I take it we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company all right let's get moving one thing just before we get Darkness I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I'll remember that lead the way I'm gonna end it here I don't know does it save no I save thank you save oh so what I'm planning to do this is way too much fun I am I have a lot to learn um yeah we have a lot to learn but it was amazing I really really really enjoyed this first look into the game we didn't get to play too long gameplay wise I'm sorry about that because I spent so much time in character creation but the game itself looks beautiful is DND pure and simple it's not even like oh it's a bit like the indie no it is DND like there is no other way to talk about this game it's a DND game um I'm guessing there are some things that are different but I love it so much I am so happy that I was able to make my campaign character that we're currently in my Lilith uh that's insane I did not expect to really be able to take even her background and like origin and everything like that's that's crazy and the story is very interesting I didn't expect to see mine flares right off the bat that's so cool I just really really like it it's it's gonna be my next Obsession I think this game probably I really want to play also I didn't I didn't say in the beginning of the game I want to play this with my characters morals because usually when I play RPGs I kind of mix with what I think the character would do from what I understand of them and what I would do for example I'm playing Mass Effect right now and that's how I play my shepherd I'm like it's a mix of what I think Commander Shepard would do and what I would do in this situation for this I'm really trying to play like what my character would do because I know her well you know I've created her and we've been spending time with her for four years in our campaign and you know like I know her I know what she would do and I hesitated for the artifact thing because she does not trust that easily but since we went through um all this with the Mind flares I don't remember much of my past from what I understand because of the tadpole Maybe um and shadowheart was the one reaching for the console and everything uh immediately helping healing me even though I I asked her in that healing um protecting me even though I was the one the player asking her to do that but you know she she protected me with a spell um and you know we we battled together so I am not exactly super loyal to her yet but just enough to say that I'm not gonna steal her artifact like without her wanting to and she's like she she clearly said like don't don't ask me about this yet right so I'm gonna respect that for now because as much as I'm mistrustful of others I understand if they are of me it makes sense so that's why I didn't but if it was someone I didn't know yeah I would have reached for the artifact for sure but I know her a little bit now so hmm I'm just gonna wake her and I want to find our um laser our friend um because she also helped and she didn't attack me when she could have and yeah she she battled with us so yeah that's how I'm gonna play I think I'm gonna play as like my Lilith you know like what she would do and it's going to be very different because I am not like her um so please please don't judge me if I ever make decisions that are uh a little bit harsh or you know it's it's it's my character so yeah I'm very excited to play I hope you guys liked it let me know in the comments if you want this to become a let's play series or if you would prefer if I streamed it maybe on YouTube or on Twitch but I'm definitely gonna play this game whether it is by myself or for you guys I mean with you guys uh whatever but I'm gonna play this this is amazing so yeah I hope you enjoyed I really liked it anyways and yeah see you in the next video perhaps bye [Music]
Channel: Whimsy Psyche
Views: 58,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blind playthrough, baldur's gate 3 blind playthrough, girl plays dungeons and dragons, baldur's gate 3 reaction, tiefling, baldur's gate tiefling, tiefling sorcerer, first time playing baldur's gate 3, first playthrough, baldur's gate 3 first playthrough, baldur's gate, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, dnd sorcerer, dnd tiefling, baldur's gate 3 tiefling sorcerer
Id: JmF01TP5Q5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 55sec (7195 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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