Top 15 Best WooCommerce Plugins That Will Make You Money!💰💰

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you know make you a bet I bet this is the last video that you're gonna watch to find plug-ins for your e-commerce website because in this video today I'm gonna be showing you the top 15 best will commerce plugins of all time if you watch this video you will never need another plug-in for your e-commerce website at least at least I hope so not unless you're doing something really crazy but let's just dive into that let's just go ahead and go and see the first plugin now this list has a combination of both free and paid plugins because I know some people want to pay for plugins out there right so I'm gonna give you my list of the best 15 plugins for WooCommerce of all time so here we go number one is be katene have you guys ever been to those websites where you see this person has bought it this person bought it from there etc biggest thing creates a plug-in that enables this on your e-commerce websites and the great part is you can fully customize it to have real and also fake well fake reviews so people can actually say oh this person bought the bought this product maybe I should buy it so what it does is that it creates a sort of social environment to purchase products on your e-commerce website by saying other people have bought it within a certain period and there's a lot of options that you can do to kind of manipulate it by you know offering it for your new featured products etc so you can have it for some products your new products product categories etc and you can download it for free the link is below now the link to all these plugins are in the description below I'm not gonna Philly for a lot of these companies a lot of these companies are free so I don't make money if you buy him so don't think I'm just trying to make like commissions but definitely check out be getting this is like the new era of selling online next we have booster FUBU Commerce butchy frugal Commerce just comes with a ton of features now if you're looking for different currencies on your work on your e-commerce website this plug-in will take care of you it has is so much packed in it it is basically a booster like it says for your e-commerce website they have exchange rates currency for external products currency per product global discounts multi currency any of that you could possibly need for different currencies now they also have different options like Add to Cart button labels call for price which is pretty cool so usually when you go to a website you see a product that you want you can have the option for calling for a price etc and they just have a ton of other options I can't go through all of them in this video because it's so much you get a lot of stuff in there free version so if you want to kind of supercharge your e-commerce website be sure to check out booster food commerce it's free it doesn't cost you anything whatsoever next is Facebook for WooCommerce now what this is going to do is that it's going to sync your website with Facebook and I've actually had a video on this in the past so what it'll do is it will take all your products and import them onto your Facebook page and then with your Facebook page you can then boost the post and advertise your products right on your Facebook page so it is pretty incredible now it does have a lot of reviews and I've personally used it and it also uploads your pixel as well so before installing your Facebook pixel is very complicated because you have to know code and with this plugin it takes away all of that so when someone visits your store or your website they might get an advertisement later for your store if you advertise it so it's a very helpful plugin and it'll take away it'll take away the fact of not knowing how to upload pixels on to your website and it'll also in pull all of your products it does a lot so be sure to download it if you are advertising on Facebook which people on Facebook in everyone's on Facebook so you have to do it just just do it just just do it's free it's free alright next is a MailChimp for WooCommerce now this is a must get if you are selling products because what this is going to do is that it's going to take the email addresses from everyone that buys products and it's gonna store them onto your MailChimp account so you don't have to have people opt-in etc all that to do is click a little checkbox once they click that checkbox you are then taking their email and it is storing to your email marketing list and you can always email them again for promotions etc now I have a full tutorial on MailChimp it's free so if you don't use MailChimp what are you doing you know it's one of the best email form or opt-in services out there to send spam and stuff like that so be sure to check out MailChimp for WooCommerce next we have Amelia now Amelia is a wordpress booking plug-in now the thing I like about Amelia is that it it comes off very clean and when you actually see the interface they actually have a tons of demos right here I'll go ahead and just show you right here right here we'll just go ahead and say all right so they have different demos and what I'll just do here is I'll just do fitness and gym yoga now again amelia is by far the cleanest booking plug-in out there and it actually looks even better on mobile so for example right here I'm just clicking on one on random you can see here that we can book different personal trainers it tells you the amount of hours right here you can see the number of people in the class that it is booking etc and then you can kind of go through this and it even has categories now this is better than who commerce bookings so if you're debating about WooCommerce bookings I would not use WooCommerce bookings because it's very limited and it just doesn't look as good as this I mean let's just take one more look at one of their other demos now there's a lot of different styles you saw the next one damn it alright so anyways here we have them we'll go ahead and scroll down right here and here you can kind of see that it has conditional logic so you can use this on your form now WooCommerce bookings does not have conditional logic and this is just a super-clean interface and you can see just by looking at it I don't gotta sell you on it it's just an amazing plugin for booking so if you do want to integrate booking on your website this is the one to do it also integrates with Google commerce as well so don't start crying saying it doesn't it does integrate with Google commerce so be sure to check it out I have a video on it actually but I will be making an updated one because they've added some features and I really want to talk about them so be sure to check out the Melia dot or is it Amelia comm or no WP Amelia right yeah WP Amelia com next we have ultimate membership Pro now this is the ultimate membership plugin it has so much in this plugin now before I've recommended other plugins but over the years this plug-in has just added so much into it and they have so many integrations the great part is that you don't need any add-ons so it has all the stuff right here recurring payments restricting pages social login menu protection coupons free / paid trial so if you are running a membership websites I do recommend to get this plugin it is actually the number one most selling plug-in on ThemeForest and I do have a datura for it as well now I'm gonna come across or I'm just gonna go ahead and say it that you might have come across member pres member press is also a pretty good plugin as well but if you're gonna ask me between member press and this one I'm definitely gonna recommend this one because this has a lot more features and it is a lot cheaper than member press unfortunately and I do find the interface is just a lot more smoother and cleaner so if you're gonna ask me about a membership plug-in I would definitely recommend ultra membership Pro be sure to check it out next we have WooCommerce Product add-ons now I have a video on this plug-in and you can just see right here what it does so for example if you're selling a shirt and you want that shirt to have gift wrapping for another $5 if you want to have a logo you can upload your logo onto the product and you can get it and then you can do whatever you want with it it has just tons of different add-ons so what it again what it does that you can have add-ons for virtually anything that you want so gift wrapped you can see right here I have clothing type of a cotton leather and silk of course I I'm not even offering that but if you want to have add-ons for your product or if you want people to send messages on the product or upload a logo onto the shirt you can do that with this plug-in so it does have a lot of features in that plugin so be sure to check out who commerce product add-ons I have a full tutorial in the description below next direct check outs how annoying is it to keep going to website and you have to do cords click - chords - cork you know I fell asleep already it's super boring so with this plugin it'll just take you directly to checkout so add to carts go to checkouts that's it there's there's no you know added to the cards view the cards you know all that crap it's gone so with this plug-in you can clearly bypass everything and I guarantee you this will convert it'll give you some conversions that you wouldn't get with without it because you don't have to it's less clicks people on the internet have a TD you know they can't be on a website longer than 10 seconds you know so be sure to get out be sure to get direct checkout for WooCommerce it is a great plugin next we have WooCommerce dynamic pricing and you have been a victim of this have you ever been to the store and saying and they said to you if you buy two you'll get one more free move then I gotta buy two rights with this plugin you can do that you can have buy one get one 50% off you buy two you get one free you buy ten you get ten free whatever you want so what this plug-in does is that it enables deals and it enables you to have sort of discounts for purchasing more so right here you can see that if they bought three watches they would get 10% off their entire order so that's pretty cool so right here you can see that's it was $300 and now it's 270 now that's just one example there's a lot more you can do with that plug-in I have a full tutorial on it in the description below it's a little outdated but I actually checked it out and it still works so hundred percent the same from two years ago so they haven't updated much and they don't need to because it's just it's really easy to understand so you just just just watch the video next we have condensed I think that's pronounced condensed condensed right Kath cadence cadence or condensed I don't know maybe it's cadence maybe he named it after his girlfriend or something I don't know but here we have condensed WooCommerce email designer now this is an email designer for WooCommerce because by default when you get WooCommerce they have some very ugly email templates and they're really hideous and they're ugly and you need to work on them now the great part about this email designer is that it's free and it comes with a lot of templates and it has like four or five free templates and it's free and WooCommerce does have their own email customizer but I've used this and even with the free version of this one it's probably better than who Commerce's email customizer paid version so if you want to have really beautiful emails and you want to have it match your current company with like your logo and your color be sure to check out this plugin it's really helpful and it just looks amazing it's a really good one and it's free for all you broke people out there here we have the next one table rate shipping now shipping is the biggest pain in the butts when it comes to selling products because people if you're selling some products you everyone has a different need I mean I used to build e-commerce websites and had people who would sell fridges who would sell wood who sold really long products and WooCommerce by default isn't made for that but with this plugin you can price anything the way you want so you can ship products based off of or you can charge shipping based off weights off of size off of quantity off of even the cost so it is extremely extremely dynamic that's what I was looking for dynamic so if this has everything that you can possibly need with shipping so if you are shipping something and you find that you can't do with Commerce and you need more power the table rate shipping plug-in gives you that power this plug-in has everything that you can possibly need when it comes to shipping so if you are having shipping problems which I know some of you are you might be selling very large stuff you might be selling stuff that's very small and a large quantity this bug and will definitely help you out so be sure to check out Commerce table rates shipping I have a tutorial for all of you in the description below of this video you're welcome you're welcome next is a free plugin that is focused more on funnels sales funnels so it's designed to make the process of trying something as easy as possible for people so they don't have to ask you questions you can have upsells and you can have like 30 day money-back guarantee signs etc now this works for tons of page builders so it works for Divi Elementor Brizzy no not Prezi yet beaver builder and thrive architect and again it's focused for Leake conversions because by default when you use WooCommerce you get those really boring ugly pages this right here will turn your website into a funnel builder so if you are looking at click funnels I would probably check out this plug-in first because it's way cheaper than click funnels and click funnels is very click photos is very limited you really can't build a beautiful website of clickfunnels it's it's very boring no but they have some really energetic guy promoting it so people like goto boy but in reality this is much better than click funnel so if you want to turn your website into a funnel builder where you can kind of focus more on li conversions and selling like certain products then definite checkout cart flows it's a great plugin it's free they do also have a pro version so you want to go and check that out there the description the link is in the description below next we have Alli dropship now if you want to turn your website into a drop shipping website where you are importing products from other websites and then selling them and you get a Cutts then you can do it with this plugin so with this plugin it'll take products from Aliexpress and automatically import them onto your WordPress website now I do have a full tutorial on this plug-in because it's amazing it saves so much time and hassle so it only costs around like I think it's like 50 bucks for the year and again you can turn your entire ecommerce website into a drop shipping website with this plug-in so if you are interested in that be sure to check it out I do have a coupon code as well I'll leave that into the description below of this video so you can go ahead and check it out later but I haven't full tutorial on it and it's an amazing plugin next we have wil commerce for stripe I know I know this is very basic and generic but for those of you who are brand new to commerce don't don't just use PayPal okay that's very inconvenient because people have to go to PayPal make an account and all that stuff what this allows you to do is that it allows you to accept payments right away on your website without your customers having to leave or being redirected to other websites now that money goes into stripe and stripe will automatically send it to your bank accounts so it doesn't get much easier than that and it is the number one best solution for selling online with WordPress and it's I think it's available for people in the United States and Europe now if you guys are from the Middle East or from India I believe you guys can use to check out alright the to check out plug-in so if you guys are watching this from Middle East this is out available in the Middle East so used to check out it is really good let me see here I don't think it's available in the Middle East no it's available in United States and Europe so yeah the United States and Europe so yeah so if you are from the Middle East used to check out but this plug-in right here it simplifies the process of people buying stuff so you don't need to have any sort of like you know merchants you don't have to get approved for your credits it's very simple so all you would do is take this plug-in installed on your website and it works right away now you do need an SSL for this plug-in to work and if you are using psych ground you should be using tight ground but if use excited ground hosting you get a free SSL if using Hostgator just god help you god help your poor soul if you are using Hostgator because that is the worst hosting company I've ever used but anyways this is a great plugin it connects stripe and WooCommerce and just simplifies the process of getting payments so just just get it it's super super easy and lastly now this plug-in seems very I guess you want to say obvious but a lot of people don't have it so what this plugin allows you to do is add a tracking number on to your customers order so they don't have to contact you because that's one of the biggest themes people want to know where is my stuff with WooCommerce tracking you can actually add a tracking number onto the email so your customers will be notified about their tracking number and they can track it themselves so this is one of the biggest I think that's a this is one of the biggest plugins that people are missing on their website because when you go to websites and shop don't you always look for the tracking number or you look for when it's being delivered to your house this plug-in right here will reduce the amount of time you talk to the customer because I know you don't want to talk to your customers they're super annoying they're crazy you just want to make them happy here's the tracking do you deal with it so with this plugin right here you can go ahead and add a tracking number to your products or to your order so your customers don't have to contact you so be sure to check out commerce tracking it is it'll really help you out with reducing the time you have to spend talking to your customers about their order so what did you think about my list you know I've you some amazing plugins right here so it doesn't matter what you're trying to build these plugins can do everything so if you're trying to build a membership website if you're trying to build a multi vendor website well actually now a multi vendor you need dokkan but uh yeah but that's for very few websites but what did you guys think of my list you know honestly just gave me an honest an honest comments in the comments below did you think it was good do you think that this was helpful because I've built websites for various people and I've just run across these plugins and no matter what kind of site I was building I found that this list of plugins it was enough to get the job done so um I really hope hopefully this helped you out make sure to like this video and share it tell your mom to our sisters share with your friends alright but again I really hope this list of plugins helped you off your ecommerce website because I know scouring for plugins can take a lot of time and it gets really annoying really fast so again my name is Daryl Wilson and I will see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 134,880
Rating: 4.9341178 out of 5
Keywords: best woocommerce plugins 2020, woocommerce, woocommerce tutorial, best woocommerce plugins, darrel wilson, wordpress, wordpress ecommerce, best wordpress plugins, must have wordpress plugins, woocommerce plugin, woocommerce bookings, woocommerce dropshipping, plugins
Id: yGuW0-LbGAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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